I am making a web2py application and I have my two mysql tables defined in my models db.py file:
I want my application to return a union of these tables:
data=db.executesql('SELECT * FROM table1 union select * from table2;')
in a SQLFORM.grid but apparently
form=SQLFORM.grid(data, create=False, deletable=False, editable=False, maxtextlength=100, paginate=10)
is not the way to go.
Can somebody help me please? It must be really simple but I'm having trouble finding the solution.
Thank you
The grid is designed to take a table or query, so you cannot pass a Rows object or arbitrary SQL. The best approach would be to create a view in the database and create a new DAL model definition associated with that view (be sure to set migrate=False, as you don't want the DAL to attempt to create a table with the name of the view). Then you can pass the view model to the grid:
grid = SQLFORM.grid(db.t1_t2_union_view, ...)
The above works because web2py will treat the model of the database view like any other database table, issuing a query to select all of its records. There is no need for executesql in this case because the union of the tables is handled in the database by the view.
Actually, you can simplify the table definition to:
db.define_table('t1_t2_union_view', db.table1, migrate=False)
When you pass an existing table to .define_table(), you get a new table with the same field defintions as the original, which is what we want here.
If creating separate views for each possible union is not feasible, a possible alternative would be to retrieve the data via executesql and then iterate through the records, inserting each one into an in-memory SQLite database table, which could then be passed to the grid:
union_tables = ('table1', 'table2')
temp_db = DAL('sqlite:memory')
union_table = temp_db.define_table('union_table', db[union_tables[0]])
records = db.executesql(sql, as_dict=True)
for record in records:
grid = SQLFORM.grid(union_table, create=False, editable=False, deletable=False)
Setting as_dict=True results in a list of dictionaries being returned, which makes it easier to do the inserts, as the keys of the dictionaries are the field names needed for the inserts.
Note, this method is somewhat inefficient, so you would have to test it to see how it performs with your workload.
When I create an instance of an object (in my example below, a Company) I want to automagically create default, related objects. One way is to use a per-row, after-insert trigger, but I'm trying to avoid that route and use CTEs which are easier to read and maintain. I have this SQL working (underlying db is PostgreSQL and the only thing you need to know about table company is its primary key is: id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY and it has one other required column, name VARCHAR NOT NULL):
with new_company as (
-- insert my company row, returning the whole row
insert into company (name)
values ('Acme, Inc.')
returning *
other_related as (
-- herein I join to `new_company` and create default related rows
-- in other tables. Here we use, effectively, a no-op - what it
-- actually does is not germane to the issue.
select id from new_company
-- Having created the related rows, we return the row we inserted into
-- table `company`.
select * from new_company;
The above works like a charm and with the recently added Select.add_cte() (in sqlalchemy 1.4.21) I can write the above with the following python:
import sqlalchemy as sa
from myapp.models import Company
new_company = (
.values(name='Acme, Inc.')
other_related = (
fetch_company = (
sa.select(sa.text('* from new_company'))
And the output is:
WITH new_company AS
(INSERT INTO company (name) VALUES (:param_1) RETURNING company.id, company.name),
other_related AS
(SELECT new_company.id FROM new_company)
SELECT * from new_company
Perfect! But when I execute the above query I get back a Row:
>>> result = session.execute(fetch_company).fetchone()
>>> print(result)
(26, 'Acme, Inc.')
I can create an instance with:
>>> result = session.execute(fetch_company).fetchone()
>>> company = Company(**result)
But this instance, if added to the session, is in the wrong state, pending, and if I flush and/or commit, I get a duplicate key error because the company is already in the database.
If I try using Company in the select list, I get a bad query because sqlalchemy automagically sets the from-clause and I cannot figure out how to clear or explicitly set the from-clause to use my CTE.
I'm looking for one of several possible solutions:
annotate an arbitrary query in some way to say, "build an instance of MyModel, but use this table/alias", e.g., query = sa.select(Company).select_from(new_company.alias('company'), reset=True).
tell a session that an instance is persistent regardless of what the session thinks about the instance, e.g., company = Company(**result); session.add(company, force_state='persistent')
Obviously I could do another round-trip to the db with a call to session.merge() (as discussed in early comments of this question) so the instance ends up in the correct state, but that seems terribly inefficient especially if/when used to return lists of instances.
I am working on a open source persistance layer for a MQTT-Broker https://github.com/volkerjaenisch/amqtt_db
Incoming MQTT messages are irregular blobs of data so usually the DB-Backend is some kind of object storage.
I do it the hard way and deserialize the blobs into typed data colums and store them into a fast relational database. My finally target will be timescaleDB but first I go via SQLAlchemy to access a wide bunch of DBs with one API.
MQTT messages are volatile (think not always complete) so the DB scheme has to adjust dynamically e.g. adding new columns for new information.
First Message:
Time: 1234
Temperature : 23.4
Second Message:
Time: 1245
Temperature : 23.6
Rel Hum : 87 %
I have used SQLalchemy ORM for more than a decade but always for quite static databases. So I am new to work dynmically.
Utilizing the ORM to build DB tables dynamically from the structure of incoming MQTT-Messages was quite doable and worked out perfect.
But currently I am stuck with the case of additional information in the MQTT-Packages that extends the tables with new columns.
What I did so far:
Utilizing sqlalchemy-migration it was quite easy to dynamically add new columns to the existing table in the DB. In the code "topic_cls" is the declarative class and "column_def" a col_name - type mapping.
from migrate.versioning.schema import Table as MiTable, Column as MiColumn
def add_new_colums(self, topic_cls, column_def):
table_name = str(topic_cls.__table__.name)
table = MiTable(table_name, self.metadata)
for col_name, col_type in column_def.items():
col = MiColumn(col_name, col_type)
Works like a charm. But how to get this changes to the DB reflected back into declarative classes? I tried to get a new inspection of the table:
new_table = Table(topic_cls.__table__.name, self.metadata, autoload_with=self.engine)
This also works but it gives me a new table but not a declarative base.
So my stupid questions are:
Is this the right way to achive my goal?
How can I get a declarative class by inspecting an already existing table in a DB?
"Drop the ORM and use SQL" is not the answer I am looking for.
Found a solution but it is a bit of a hack.
new_table = Table("test/topic_growth", Base.metadata, autoload_with=self.engine)
new_dcl = type(str(table_name), (Base,), {'__table__': new_table})
Base.metadata._add_table(table_name, None, new_table)
After you obtained the new table via inspection, remove the old table entry from the metadata.
Then generate a new declarative base with the new table and same table name.
At last add the new table to the metadata.
I have a tabled called products
which has following columns
id, product_id, data, activity_id
What I am essentially trying to do is copy bulk of existing products and update it's activity_id and create new entry in the products table.
I already have 70 existing entries in products with activity_id 2
Now I want to create another 70 entries with same data except for updated activity_id
I could have thousands of existing entries that I'd like to make a copy of and update the copied entries activity_id to be a new id.
products = self.session.query(model.Products).filter(filter1, filter2).all()
This returns all the existing products for a filter.
Then I iterate through products, then simply clone existing products and just update activity_id field.
for product in products:
product.activity_id = new_id
What is the best/ fastest way to do these bulk entries so it kills time, as of now it's OK performance, is there a better solution?
You don't need to load these objects locally, all you really want to do is have the database create these rows.
You essentially want to run a query that creates the rows from the existing rows:
INSERT INTO product (product_id, data, activity_id)
SELECT product_id, data, 2 -- the new activity_id value
FROM product
WHERE activity_id = old_id
The above query would run entirely on the database server; this is far preferable over loading your query into Python objects, then sending all the Python data back to the server to populate INSERT statements for each new row.
Queries like that are something you could do with SQLAlchemy core, the half of the API that deals with generating SQL statements. However, you can use a query built from a declarative ORM model as a starting point. You'd need to
Access the Table instance for the model, as that then lets you create an INSERT statement via the Table.insert() method.
You could also get the same object from models.Product query, more on that later.
Access the statement that would normally fetch the data for your Python instances for your filtered models.Product query; you can do so via the Query.statement property.
Update the statement to replace the included activity_id column with your new value, and remove the primary key (I'm assuming that you have an auto-incrementing primary key column).
Apply that updated statement to the Insert object for the table via Insert.from_select().
Execute the generated INSERT INTO ... FROM ... query.
Step 1 can be achieved by using the SQLAlchemy introspection API; the inspect() function, applied to a model class, gives you a Mapper instance, which in turn has a Mapper.local_table attribute.
Steps 2 and 3 require a little juggling with the Select.with_only_columns() method to produce a new SELECT statement where we swapped out the column. You can't easily remove a column from a select statement but we can, however, use a loop over the existing columns in the query to 'copy' them across to the new SELECT, and at the same time make our replacement.
Step 4 is then straightforward, Insert.from_select() needs to have the columns that are inserted and the SELECT query. We have both as the SELECT object we have gives us its columns too.
Here is the code for generating your INSERT; the **replace keyword arguments are the columns you want to replace when inserting:
from sqlalchemy import inspect, literal
from sqlalchemy.sql import ClauseElement
def insert_from_query(model, query, **replace):
# The SQLAlchemy core definition of the table
table = inspect(model).local_table
# and the underlying core select statement to source new rows from
select = query.statement
# validate asssumptions: make sure the query produces rows from the above table
assert table in select.froms, f"{query!r} must produce rows from {model!r}"
assert all(c.name in select.columns for c in table.columns), f"{query!r} must include all {model!r} columns"
# updated select, replacing the indicated columns
as_clause = lambda v: literal(v) if not isinstance(v, ClauseElement) else v
replacements = {name: as_clause(value).label(name) for name, value in replace.items()}
from_select = select.with_only_columns([
replacements.get(c.name, c)
for c in table.columns
if not c.primary_key
return table.insert().from_select(from_select.columns, from_select)
I included a few assertions about the model and query relationship, and the code accepts arbitrary column clauses as replacements, not just literal values. You could use func.max(models.Product.activity_id) + 1 as a replacement value (wrapped as a subselect), for example.
The above function executes steps 1-4, producing the desired INSERT SQL statement when printed (I created a products model and query that I thought might be representative):
>>> print(insert_from_query(models.Product, products, activity_id=2))
INSERT INTO products (product_id, data, activity_id) SELECT products.product_id, products.data, :param_1 AS activity_id
FROM products
WHERE products.activity_id != :activity_id_1
All you have to do is execute it:
insert_stmt = insert_from_query(models.Product, products, activity_id=2)
I was following a tutorial to make my first Flask API (https://medium.com/#dushan14/create-a-web-application-with-python-flask-postgresql-and-deploy-on-heroku-243d548335cc) I did it but now I want to do queries more custom with SQLAlchemy and PostgreSQL. My question is how I could do something like this:
query = text("""SELECT enc.*, persona."Persona_Nombre", persona."Persona_Apellido", metodo."MetEnt_Nombre", metodo_e."MetPag_Descripcion"
FROM "Ventas"."Enc_Ventas" AS enc
INNER JOIN "General"."Persona" AS persona ON enc."PersonaId" = persona."PersonaId"
INNER JOIN "Ventas"."Metodo_Entrega" AS metodo ON enc."MetodoEntregaId" = metodo."MetodoEntregaId"
INNER JOIN "General"."Metodo_Pago" AS metodo_e ON enc."MetodoPagoId" = metodo_e."MetodoPagoId"
INNER JOIN "General"."Estatus" AS estado ON enc. """)
but with SQLAlchemy in order to use the models that I created previously. Thanks in advance for any answer!!
The columns that I wish to see at the final result are: enc.*, persona."Persona_Nombre", persona."Persona_Apellido", metodo."MetEnt_Nombre", metodo_e."MetPag_Descripcion"
I really wish I could share more info but sadly I can't at the moment.
Doing this from the ORM layer, you would reference model names (I match the names of your query above, but I'm sure some of the model/table names are off - now adjusted slightly).
Now revised to include the specific columns you only want to see (note that I ignore your SQL aliases, ORM layer handles the actual query construction):
selection = session.query(Enc_Ventas, Persona.Persona_Nombre, Persona.Persona_Apellido, Metodo_Entrega.MetEnt_Nombre, Metodo_Pago.MetPag_Descripcion).\
join(Persona, Enc_Ventas.PersonaId == Persona.PersonaId).
join(Metodo_Entrega, Enc_Ventas.MetodoEntregaId == Metodo_Entrega.MetodoEntregaId).\
join(Metodo_Pago, Enc_Ventas.MetodoPagoId == Metodo_Pago.MetodoPagoId).\
Referencing the selection collection would be by iteration through the rows of tuples. A more robust and stable solution would be to transform each output row into a dict.
Otherwise, by including whole models, the collection of rows returned can be individually accessed by referencing as dot notation the model names in the query().
If you need further access to the columns in the related tables, use the ORM technique of .options(joinedload(myTable)), which in a single database query will bring in those additional columns, using the relationship name, also as dot notation.
You also need to define sqlalchemy relationships within your models for this to work, as well as defining the underlying SQL foreign keys.
Much more detail and/or a more specific question is needed to help further, imo.
I need to perform a raw sql on multiple tables. I then render the result set. For one table I would do:
sql = "select * from my_table"
results = my_table.objects.raw(sql)
For multiple tables I am doing:
sql = "select * from my_table, my_other_table where ...."
results = big_model.objects.raw(sql)
But, do I really need to create a table/model/class big_model, which contains all fields that I may need? I will never actually store any data in this "table".
I have a table my_users. I have a table my_listings. These are defined in Models.py. The table my_listings has a foreign key to my_users, indicating who created the listing.
The SQL is
"select user_name, listing_text from my_listings, my_users where my_users.id = my_listings.my_user_id".
I want this SQL to generate a result set that I can use to render my page in django.
The question is: Do I have to create a model that contains the fields user_name and listing_text? Or is there some better way that still uses raw SQL (select, from, where)? Of course, my actual queries are more complicated than this example. (The models that I define in models.py become actual tables in the database hence the use of the model/table term. Not sure how else to refer to them, sorry.) I use raw sql because I found that python table references only work with simple data models.
This works. Don't know why it didn't before :( From Dennis Baker's comment:
You do NOT need to have a model with all the fields in it, you just need the first model and fields from that. You do need to have the fields with unique names and as far as I know you should use "tablename.field as fieldname" to make sure you have all unique fields. I've done some fairly complex queries with 5+ tables this way and always tie them back to a single model. –
2 . Another solution is to use a cursor. However, a cursor has to be changed from a list of tuples to a list of dictionaries. I'm sure there are cleaner ways using iterators, but this function works. It takes a string, which is the raw sql query, and returns a list which can be rendered and used in a template.
from django.db import connection, transaction
def sql_select(sql):
cursor = connection.cursor()
results = cursor.fetchall()
list = []
i = 0
for row in results:
dict = {}
field = 0
while True:
dict[cursor.description[field][0]] = str(results[i][field])
field = field +1
except IndexError as e:
i = i + 1
return list
you do not need a model that includes the fields that you want to return from your raw sql. If you happen to have a model that actually has the fields that you want to return from your raw sql then you can map your raw sql output to this model, otherwise you can use cursors to go around models altogether.