Hello I'm trying to listen for traps with this code from pysnmp doc:
from pysnmp.carrier.asynsock.dispatch import AsynsockDispatcher
from pysnmp.carrier.asynsock.dgram import udp, udp6
from pyasn1.codec.ber import decoder
from pysnmp.proto import api
def cbFun(transportDispatcher, transportDomain, transportAddress, wholeMsg):
print('cbFun is called')
while wholeMsg:
msgVer = int(api.decodeMessageVersion(wholeMsg))
if msgVer in api.protoModules:
pMod = api.protoModules[msgVer]
print('Unsupported SNMP version %s' % msgVer)
reqMsg, wholeMsg = decoder.decode(
wholeMsg, asn1Spec=pMod.Message(),
print('Notification message from %s:%s: ' % (
transportDomain, transportAddress
reqPDU = pMod.apiMessage.getPDU(reqMsg)
if reqPDU.isSameTypeWith(pMod.TrapPDU()):
if msgVer == api.protoVersion1:
print('Enterprise: %s' % (
print('Agent Address: %s' % (
print('Generic Trap: %s' % (
print('Specific Trap: %s' % (
print('Uptime: %s' % (
varBinds = pMod.apiTrapPDU.getVarBindList(reqPDU)
varBinds = pMod.apiPDU.getVarBindList(reqPDU)
for oid, val in varBinds:
print('%s = %s' % (oid.prettyPrint(), val.prettyPrint()))
return wholeMsg
transportDispatcher = AsynsockDispatcher()
# UDP/IPv4
udp.domainName, udp.UdpSocketTransport().openServerMode(('localhost', 162))
# UDP/IPv6
udp6.domainName, udp6.Udp6SocketTransport().openServerMode(('::1', 162))
# Dispatcher will never finish as job#1 never reaches zero
print('run dispatcher')
But when I test it with this command:
$ snmptrap -v1 -c public 1 1 123 s test
Nothing is displayed. Could someone help me ?
Everything I want is to display traps received by this receiver.
EDIT: I added some prints and this is what I get when I run the program:
C:\user\snmp\test>python fonction.py
When I send a trap, nothing displays. When I press Ctrl+C I get:
C:\user\snmp\test>python fonction.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "fonction.py", line 73, in <module>
File "C:\user\snmp\test\pysnmp\carrier\asyncore\dispatch.py", line 37, in runDispatcher
use_poll=True, map=self.__sockMap, count=1)
File "C:\Python27\lib\asyncore.py", line 220, in loop
poll_fun(timeout, map)
File "C:\Python27\lib\asyncore.py", line 145, in poll
r, w, e = select.select(r, w, e, timeout)
On Windows I found I had to change the listener address from 'localhost' to ''.
netstat -a then shows it bound as instead of and it works correctly:
C:\>netstat -a | find ":162"
UDP *:*
I am trying to perform some remote audio processing with a NAO v4 using the version of the python naoqi SDK, and I am having difficulties doing so. I have tried using the solution provided by Alexandre Mazel at NAO robot remote audio problems, but I am still having issues retrieving audio data from the buffer. The code referenced in the post is available below. I have also followed the instructions for remotely processing audio data found at https://www.generationrobots.com/media/NAO%20Next%20Gen/FeaturePaper(AudioSignalProcessing)%20(1).pdf
I would greatly appreciate any help or solutions, as I have been stuck on this problem for several days now.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Retrieve robot audio buffer
# Syntaxe:
# python scriptname --pip <ip> --pport <port>
# --pip <ip>: specify the ip of your robot (without specification it will use the NAO_IP defined some line below
# Author: Alexandre Mazel
NAO_IP = "" # Romeo on table
#~ NAO_IP = "" # Nao Alex Blue
from optparse import OptionParser
import naoqi
import numpy as np
import time
import sys
class SoundReceiverModule(naoqi.ALModule):
Use this object to get call back from the ALMemory of the naoqi world.
Your callback needs to be a method with two parameter (variable name, value).
def __init__( self, strModuleName, strNaoIp ):
naoqi.ALModule.__init__(self, strModuleName );
self.BIND_PYTHON( self.getName(),"callback" );
self.strNaoIp = strNaoIp;
self.outfile = None;
self.aOutfile = [None]*(4-1); # ASSUME max nbr channels = 4
except BaseException, err:
print( "ERR: abcdk.naoqitools.SoundReceiverModule: loading error: %s" % str(err) );
# __init__ - end
def __del__( self ):
print( "INF: abcdk.SoundReceiverModule.__del__: cleaning everything" );
def start( self ):
audio = naoqi.ALProxy( "ALAudioDevice", self.strNaoIp, 9559 );
nNbrChannelFlag = 0; # ALL_Channels: 0, AL::LEFTCHANNEL: 1, AL::RIGHTCHANNEL: 2; AL::FRONTCHANNEL: 3 or AL::REARCHANNEL: 4.
nDeinterleave = 0;
nSampleRate = 48000;
audio.setClientPreferences( self.getName(), nSampleRate, nNbrChannelFlag, nDeinterleave ); # setting same as default generate a bug !?!
audio.subscribe( self.getName() );
print( "INF: SoundReceiver: started!" );
# self.processRemote( 4, 128, [18,0], "A"*128*4*2 ); # for local test
# on romeo, here's the current order:
# 0: right; 1: rear; 2: left; 3: front,
def stop( self ):
print( "INF: SoundReceiver: stopping..." );
audio = naoqi.ALProxy( "ALAudioDevice", self.strNaoIp, 9559 );
audio.unsubscribe( self.getName() );
print( "INF: SoundReceiver: stopped!" );
if( self.outfile != None ):
def processRemote( self, nbOfChannels, nbrOfSamplesByChannel, aTimeStamp, buffer ):
This is THE method that receives all the sound buffers from the "ALAudioDevice" module
#~ print( "process!" );
#~ print( "processRemote: %s, %s, %s, lendata: %s, data0: %s (0x%x), data1: %s (0x%x)" % (nbOfChannels, nbrOfSamplesByChannel, aTimeStamp, len(buffer), buffer[0],ord(buffer[0]),buffer[1],ord(buffer[1])) );
#~ print( "raw data: " ),
#~ for i in range( 8 ):
#~ print( "%s (0x%x), " % (buffer[i],ord(buffer[i])) ),
#~ print( "" );
aSoundDataInterlaced = np.fromstring( str(buffer), dtype=np.int16 );
#~ print( "len data: %s " % len( aSoundDataInterlaced ) );
#~ print( "data interlaced: " ),
#~ for i in range( 8 ):
#~ print( "%d, " % (aSoundDataInterlaced[i]) ),
#~ print( "" );
aSoundData = np.reshape( aSoundDataInterlaced, (nbOfChannels, nbrOfSamplesByChannel), 'F' );
#~ print( "len data: %s " % len( aSoundData ) );
#~ print( "len data 0: %s " % len( aSoundData[0] ) );
if( False ):
# compute average
aAvgValue = np.mean( aSoundData, axis = 1 );
print( "avg: %s" % aAvgValue );
if( False ):
# compute fft
nBlockSize = nbrOfSamplesByChannel;
signal = aSoundData[0] * np.hanning( nBlockSize );
aFft = ( np.fft.rfft(signal) / nBlockSize );
print aFft;
if( False ):
# compute peak
aPeakValue = np.max( aSoundData );
if( aPeakValue > 16000 ):
print( "Peak: %s" % aPeakValue );
if( True ):
bSaveAll = True;
# save to file
if( self.outfile == None ):
strFilenameOut = "/out.raw";
print( "INF: Writing sound to '%s'" % strFilenameOut );
self.outfile = open( strFilenameOut, "wb" );
if( bSaveAll ):
for nNumChannel in range( 1, nbOfChannels ):
strFilenameOutChan = strFilenameOut.replace(".raw", "_%d.raw"%nNumChannel);
self.aOutfile[nNumChannel-1] = open( strFilenameOutChan, "wb" );
print( "INF: Writing other channel sound to '%s'" % strFilenameOutChan );
#~ aSoundDataInterlaced.tofile( self.outfile ); # wrote the 4 channels
aSoundData[0].tofile( self.outfile ); # wrote only one channel
#~ print( "aTimeStamp: %s" % aTimeStamp );
#~ print( "data wrotten: " ),
#~ for i in range( 8 ):
#~ print( "%d, " % (aSoundData[0][i]) ),
#~ print( "" );
#~ self.stop(); # make naoqi crashes
if( bSaveAll ):
for nNumChannel in range( 1, nbOfChannels ):
aSoundData[nNumChannel].tofile( self.aOutfile[nNumChannel-1] );
# processRemote - end
def version( self ):
return "0.6";
# SoundReceiver - end
def main():
""" Main entry point
parser = OptionParser()
help="Parent broker port. The IP address or your robot",
help="Parent broker port. The port NAOqi is listening to",
(opts, args_) = parser.parse_args()
pip = opts.pip
pport = opts.pport
# We need this broker to be able to construct
# NAOqi modules and subscribe to other modules
# The broker must stay alive until the program exists
myBroker = naoqi.ALBroker("myBroker",
"", # listen to anyone
0, # find a free port and use it
pip, # parent broker IP
pport) # parent broker port
# Warning: SoundReceiver must be a global variable
# The name given to the constructor must be the name of the
# variable
global SoundReceiver
SoundReceiver = SoundReceiverModule("SoundReceiver", pip)
while True:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print "Interrupted by user, shutting down"
if __name__ == "__main__":
Maybe this project can help you as orientation:
It offers a whistle_detector.py Python module that
also runs on the Nao under the 2.1 toolchain / Nao V4.
Also this project is worth a visit:
It uses an approach by calling the linux command arecord instead of using ALAudioDevice
Have you tried the example from the documentation?
Try to run this on the robot:
#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- encoding: UTF-8 -*-
"""Example: Get Signal from Front Microphone & Calculate its rms Power"""
import qi
import argparse
import sys
import time
import numpy as np
class SoundProcessingModule(object):
A simple get signal from the front microphone of Nao & calculate its rms power.
It requires numpy.
def __init__( self, app):
Initialise services and variables.
super(SoundProcessingModule, self).__init__()
session = app.session
# Get the service ALAudioDevice.
self.audio_service = session.service("ALAudioDevice")
self.isProcessingDone = False
self.nbOfFramesToProcess = 20
self.micFront = []
self.module_name = "SoundProcessingModule"
def startProcessing(self):
Start processing
# ask for the front microphone signal sampled at 16kHz
# if you want the 4 channels call setClientPreferences(self.module_name, 48000, 0, 0)
self.audio_service.setClientPreferences(self.module_name, 16000, 3, 0)
while self.isProcessingDone == False:
def processRemote(self, nbOfChannels, nbOfSamplesByChannel, timeStamp, inputBuffer):
Compute RMS from mic.
self.framesCount = self.framesCount + 1
if (self.framesCount <= self.nbOfFramesToProcess):
# convert inputBuffer to signed integer as it is interpreted as a string by python
#compute the rms level on front mic
rmsMicFront = self.calcRMSLevel(self.micFront)
print "rms level mic front = " + str(rmsMicFront)
else :
def calcRMSLevel(self,data) :
Calculate RMS level
rms = 20 * np.log10( np.sqrt( np.sum( np.power(data,2) / len(data) )))
return rms
def convertStr2SignedInt(self, data) :
This function takes a string containing 16 bits little endian sound
samples as input and returns a vector containing the 16 bits sound
samples values converted between -1 and 1.
for i in range (0,len(data)/2) :
for i in range (0,len(signedData)) :
if signedData[i]>=32768 :
for i in range (0,len(signedData)) :
return signedData
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--ip", type=str, default="",
help="Robot IP address. On robot or Local Naoqi: use ''.")
parser.add_argument("--port", type=int, default=9559,
help="Naoqi port number")
args = parser.parse_args()
# Initialize qi framework.
connection_url = "tcp://" + args.ip + ":" + str(args.port)
app = qi.Application(["SoundProcessingModule", "--qi-url=" + connection_url])
except RuntimeError:
print ("Can't connect to Naoqi at ip \"" + args.ip + "\" on port " + str(args.port) +".\n"
"Please check your script arguments. Run with -h option for help.")
MySoundProcessingModule = SoundProcessingModule(app)
app.session.registerService("SoundProcessingModule", MySoundProcessingModule)
Im having a problem with using telenetlib in python 3. Here is my code:
import time
import os
def cleanString(inText):
inText = inText.rstrip()
params, inText = inText.split("=",1)
inText = str(inText)
return inText
def notify(title, text, sound):
os.system("""osascript -e 'display notification "{}" with title "{}" sound name "{}"'
""".format(text, title, sound))
def shutdown():
os.system("""osascript -e 'tell application "System Events"
shut down
end tell'
dataFile = open("NUT.conf", "r")
login = cleanString(dataFile.readline())
password = cleanString(dataFile.readline())
host = cleanString(dataFile.readline())
port = cleanString(dataFile.readline())
upsName = cleanString(dataFile.readline())
shutdownTime = cleanString(dataFile.readline())
shutdownTime = shutdownTime*60,000
ups_handler=PyNUT.PyNUTClient(host=host, port=port, login=login, password=password)
upsInfo = ups_handler.GetUPSVars(upsName)
while True:
upsInfo = ups_handler.GetUPSVars(upsName)
if upsInfo['ups.status']=='OB DISCHRG' and state!=1:
originalTime = time.time()
elif upsInfo['ups.status']=='OB DISCHRG' :
if(int(originalTime)+int( shutdownTime))==time.time():
notify("UPS Alert", "Detected UPS power loss. Shutting down NAS in "+shutdownTime+" minute(s).", "Funk")
#TODO shutdown computer
if upsInfo['ups.status']=='OL':
Here is the pyNUT library:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2008 David Goncalves <david#lestat.st>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# 2008-01-14 David Goncalves
# PyNUT is an abstraction class to access NUT (Network UPS Tools) server.
# 2008-06-09 David Goncalves
# Added 'GetRWVars' and 'SetRWVar' commands.
# 2009-02-19 David Goncalves
# Changed class PyNUT to PyNUTClient
# 2010-07-23 David Goncalves - Version 1.2
# Changed GetRWVars function that fails is the UPS is not
# providing such vars.
# 2011-07-05 René Martín Rodríguez <rmrodri#ull.es> - Version 1.2.1
# Added support for FSD, HELP and VER commands
# 2012-02-07 René Martín Rodríguez <rmrodri#ull.es> - Version 1.2.2
# Added support for LIST CLIENTS command
# 2014-06-03 george2 - Version 1.3.0
# Added custom exception class, fixed minor bug, added Python 3 support.
import telnetlib
class PyNUTError(Exception):
""" Base class for custom exceptions """
class PyNUTClient:
""" Abstraction class to access NUT (Network UPS Tools) server """
__debug = None # Set class to debug mode (prints everything useful for debugging...)
__host = None
__port = None
__login = None
__password = None
__timeout = None
__srv_handler = None
__version = "1.3.0"
__release = "2014-06-03"
def __init__( self, host="", port=3493, login=None, password=None, debug=False, timeout=5 ) :
""" Class initialization method
host : Host to connect (default to localhost)
port : Port where NUT listens for connections (default to 3493)
login : Login used to connect to NUT server (default to None for no authentication)
password : Password used when using authentication (default to None)
debug : Boolean, put class in debug mode (prints everything on console, default to False)
timeout : Timeout used to wait for network response
self.__debug = debug
if self.__debug :
print( "[DEBUG] Class initialization..." )
print( "[DEBUG] -> Host = %s (port %s)" % ( host, port ) )
print( "[DEBUG] -> Login = '%s' / '%s'" % ( login, password ) )
self.__host = host
self.__port = port
self.__login = login
self.__password = password
self.__timeout = 5
# Try to disconnect cleanly when class is deleted ;)
def __del__( self ) :
""" Class destructor method """
try :
self.__srv_handler.write( "LOGOUT\n" )
except :
def __connect( self ) :
""" Connects to the defined server
If login/pass was specified, the class tries to authenticate. An error is raised
if something goes wrong.
if self.__debug :
print( "[DEBUG] Connecting to host" )
self.__srv_handler = telnetlib.Telnet( self.__host, self.__port )
if self.__login != None :
self.__srv_handler.write( "USERNAME %s\n" % self.__login )
result = self.__srv_handler.read_until( "\n", self.__timeout )
if result[:2] != "OK" :
raise PyNUTError( result.replace( "\n", "" ) )
if self.__password != None :
self.__srv_handler.write( "PASSWORD %s\n" % self.__password )
result = self.__srv_handler.read_until( "\n", self.__timeout )
if result[:2] != "OK" :
raise PyNUTError( result.replace( "\n", "" ) )
def GetUPSList( self ) :
""" Returns the list of available UPS from the NUT server
The result is a dictionary containing 'key->val' pairs of 'UPSName' and 'UPS Description'
if self.__debug :
print( "[DEBUG] GetUPSList from server" )
self.__srv_handler.write( "LIST UPS\n" )
result = self.__srv_handler.read_until( "\n" )
if result != "BEGIN LIST UPS\n" :
raise PyNUTError( result.replace( "\n", "" ) )
result = self.__srv_handler.read_until( "END LIST UPS\n" )
ups_list = {}
for line in result.split( "\n" ) :
if line[:3] == "UPS" :
ups, desc = line[4:-1].split( '"' )
ups_list[ ups.replace( " ", "" ) ] = desc
return( ups_list )
def GetUPSVars( self, ups="" ) :
""" Get all available vars from the specified UPS
The result is a dictionary containing 'key->val' pairs of all
available vars.
if self.__debug :
print( "[DEBUG] GetUPSVars called..." )
self.__srv_handler.write( "LIST VAR %s\n" % ups )
result = self.__srv_handler.read_until( "\n" )
if result != "BEGIN LIST VAR %s\n" % ups :
raise PyNUTError( result.replace( "\n", "" ) )
ups_vars = {}
result = self.__srv_handler.read_until( "END LIST VAR %s\n" % ups )
offset = len( "VAR %s " % ups )
end_offset = 0 - ( len( "END LIST VAR %s\n" % ups ) + 1 )
for current in result[:end_offset].split( "\n" ) :
var = current[ offset: ].split( '"' )[0].replace( " ", "" )
data = current[ offset: ].split( '"' )[1]
ups_vars[ var ] = data
return( ups_vars )
def GetUPSCommands( self, ups="" ) :
""" Get all available commands for the specified UPS
The result is a dict object with command name as key and a description
of the command as value
if self.__debug :
print( "[DEBUG] GetUPSCommands called..." )
self.__srv_handler.write( "LIST CMD %s\n" % ups )
result = self.__srv_handler.read_until( "\n" )
if result != "BEGIN LIST CMD %s\n" % ups :
raise PyNUTError( result.replace( "\n", "" ) )
ups_cmds = {}
result = self.__srv_handler.read_until( "END LIST CMD %s\n" % ups )
offset = len( "CMD %s " % ups )
end_offset = 0 - ( len( "END LIST CMD %s\n" % ups ) + 1 )
for current in result[:end_offset].split( "\n" ) :
var = current[ offset: ].split( '"' )[0].replace( " ", "" )
# For each var we try to get the available description
try :
self.__srv_handler.write( "GET CMDDESC %s %s\n" % ( ups, var ) )
temp = self.__srv_handler.read_until( "\n" )
if temp[:7] != "CMDDESC" :
raise PyNUTError
else :
off = len( "CMDDESC %s %s " % ( ups, var ) )
desc = temp[off:-1].split('"')[1]
except :
desc = var
ups_cmds[ var ] = desc
return( ups_cmds )
def GetRWVars( self, ups="" ) :
""" Get a list of all writable vars from the selected UPS
The result is presented as a dictionary containing 'key->val' pairs
if self.__debug :
print( "[DEBUG] GetUPSVars from '%s'..." % ups )
self.__srv_handler.write( "LIST RW %s\n" % ups )
result = self.__srv_handler.read_until( "\n" )
if ( result != "BEGIN LIST RW %s\n" % ups ) :
raise PyNUTError( result.replace( "\n", "" ) )
result = self.__srv_handler.read_until( "END LIST RW %s\n" % ups )
offset = len( "VAR %s" % ups )
end_offset = 0 - ( len( "END LIST RW %s\n" % ups ) + 1 )
rw_vars = {}
try :
for current in result[:end_offset].split( "\n" ) :
var = current[ offset: ].split( '"' )[0].replace( " ", "" )
data = current[ offset: ].split( '"' )[1]
rw_vars[ var ] = data
except :
return( rw_vars )
def SetRWVar( self, ups="", var="", value="" ):
""" Set a variable to the specified value on selected UPS
The variable must be a writable value (cf GetRWVars) and you must have the proper
rights to set it (maybe login/password).
self.__srv_handler.write( "SET VAR %s %s %s\n" % ( ups, var, value ) )
result = self.__srv_handler.read_until( "\n" )
if ( result == "OK\n" ) :
return( "OK" )
else :
raise PyNUTError( result )
def RunUPSCommand( self, ups="", command="" ) :
""" Send a command to the specified UPS
Returns OK on success or raises an error
if self.__debug :
print( "[DEBUG] RunUPSCommand called..." )
self.__srv_handler.write( "INSTCMD %s %s\n" % ( ups, command ) )
result = self.__srv_handler.read_until( "\n" )
if ( result == "OK\n" ) :
return( "OK" )
else :
raise PyNUTError( result.replace( "\n", "" ) )
def FSD( self, ups="") :
""" Send FSD command
Returns OK on success or raises an error
if self.__debug :
print( "[DEBUG] MASTER called..." )
self.__srv_handler.write( "MASTER %s\n" % ups )
result = self.__srv_handler.read_until( "\n" )
if ( result != "OK MASTER-GRANTED\n" ) :
raise PyNUTError( ( "Master level function are not available", "" ) )
if self.__debug :
print( "[DEBUG] FSD called..." )
self.__srv_handler.write( "FSD %s\n" % ups )
result = self.__srv_handler.read_until( "\n" )
if ( result == "OK FSD-SET\n" ) :
return( "OK" )
else :
raise PyNUTError( result.replace( "\n", "" ) )
def help(self) :
""" Send HELP command
if self.__debug :
print( "[DEBUG] HELP called..." )
self.__srv_handler.write( "HELP\n")
return self.__srv_handler.read_until( "\n" )
def ver(self) :
""" Send VER command
if self.__debug :
print( "[DEBUG] VER called..." )
self.__srv_handler.write( "VER\n")
return self.__srv_handler.read_until( "\n" )
def ListClients( self, ups = None ) :
""" Returns the list of connected clients from the NUT server
The result is a dictionary containing 'key->val' pairs of 'UPSName' and a list of clients
if self.__debug :
print( "[DEBUG] ListClients from server" )
if ups and (ups not in self.GetUPSList()):
raise PyNUTError( "%s is not a valid UPS" % ups )
if ups:
self.__srv_handler.write( "LIST CLIENTS %s\n" % ups)
self.__srv_handler.write( "LIST CLIENTS\n" )
result = self.__srv_handler.read_until( "\n" )
if result != "BEGIN LIST CLIENTS\n" :
raise PyNUTError( result.replace( "\n", "" ) )
result = self.__srv_handler.read_until( "END LIST CLIENTS\n" )
ups_list = {}
for line in result.split( "\n" ):
if line[:6] == "CLIENT" :
host, ups = line[7:].split(' ')
ups.replace(' ', '')
if not ups in ups_list:
ups_list[ups] = []
return( ups_list )
It is throwing me this error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/gabrielcsizmadia/Documents/GitHub/nut-shutdown-app/main.py", line 43, in <module>
ups_handler=PyNUT.PyNUTClient(host=host, port=port, login=login, password=password)
File "/Users/gabrielcsizmadia/Documents/GitHub/nut-shutdown-app/PyNUT.py", line 86, in __init__
File "/Users/gabrielcsizmadia/Documents/GitHub/nut-shutdown-app/PyNUT.py", line 108, in __connect
self.__srv_handler.write( "USERNAME %s\n" % self.__login )
File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/telnetlib.py", line 287, in write
if IAC in buffer:
TypeError: 'in <string>' requires string as left operand, not bytes
File "/Users/gabrielcsizmadia/Desktop/Homelab/NUT Shutdown/MacOS Shutdown/PyNUT.py", line 108, in __connect
self.__srv_handler.write( "USERNAME %s\n" % self.__login )
File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/telnetlib.py", line 287, in write
if IAC in buffer:
TypeError: 'in <string>' requires string as left operand, not bytes
Not sure where to go from here...
Any help would be much appreciated!
EDIT: I have updated the error, I posted the wrong error in the original code... I have also added more to the code.
I also noticed that it runs fine in Python 2.7 but not Python 3. This might help someone.
The problem is that pyNUT is written for Python 2. telnetlib expects most of its inputs to be bytes. In Python 2 the str type was a bytestring, but in Python 3 it's unicode.
The pyNUT code is using string literals to format strings internally, like this:
self.__srv_handler.write( "USERNAME %s\n" % self.__login )
so passing bytes isn't going to help:
>>> 'Hello %s' % 'world'.encode('ascii')
"Hello b'world'"
pyNUT needs to be modified to pass bytes to telnetlib. For example
self.__srv_handler.write( b"USERNAME %s\n" % self.__login.encode('ascii') )
It seems there is not very much support for what I am trying to do, but it is supposed to be possible since it is demonstrated in temperature sensor and sensor filter tutorial. However, there are no examples for the actual message creation from an edge module in python. That tutorial only shows forwarding messages. There are examples of sending from a device, but devices use a different class than edge modules. From the filter example and from a couple of device examples I have pieced together the following:
# Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for
# full license information.
import random
import time
import sys
import iothub_client
from iothub_client import IoTHubModuleClient, IoTHubClientError, IoTHubTransportProvider
from iothub_client import IoTHubMessage, IoTHubMessageDispositionResult, IoTHubError
# messageTimeout - the maximum time in milliseconds until a message times out.
# The timeout period starts at IoTHubModuleClient.send_event_async.
# By default, messages do not expire.
# global counters
# Choose HTTP, AMQP or MQTT as transport protocol. Currently only MQTT is supported.
PROTOCOL = IoTHubTransportProvider.MQTT
# Callback received when the message that we're forwarding is processed.
def send_confirmation_callback(message, result, user_context):
print ( "Confirmation[%d] received for message with result = %s" % (user_context, result) )
map_properties = message.properties()
key_value_pair = map_properties.get_internals()
print ( " Properties: %s" % key_value_pair )
print ( " Total calls confirmed: %d" % SEND_CALLBACKS )
# receive_message_callback is invoked when an incoming message arrives on the specified
# input queue (in the case of this sample, "input1"). Because this is a filter module,
# we will forward this message onto the "output1" queue.
def receive_message_callback(message, hubManager):
message_buffer = message.get_bytearray()
size = len(message_buffer)
print ( " Data: <<<%s>>> & Size=%d" % (message_buffer[:size].decode('utf-8'), size) )
map_properties = message.properties()
key_value_pair = map_properties.get_internals()
print ( " Properties: %s" % key_value_pair )
print ( " Total calls received: %d" % RECEIVE_CALLBACKS )
hubManager.forward_event_to_output("output1", message, 0)
return IoTHubMessageDispositionResult.ACCEPTED
def construct_message(message_body, topic):
msg_txt_formatted = message_body
message = IoTHubMessage(msg_txt_formatted)
# Add a custom application property to the message.
# An IoT hub can filter on these properties without access to the message body.
prop_map = message.properties()
prop_map.add("topic", topic)
# TODO Use logging
# Send the message.
print( "Sending message: %s" % message.get_string() )
except IoTHubError as iothub_error:
print ( "Unexpected error %s from IoTHub" % iothub_error )
return message
class HubManager(object):
def __init__(
self.client_protocol = protocol
self.client = IoTHubModuleClient()
# set the time until a message times out
self.client.set_option("messageTimeout", MESSAGE_TIMEOUT)
# sets the callback when a message arrives on "input1" queue. Messages sent to
# other inputs or to the default will be silently discarded.
self.client.set_message_callback("input1", receive_message_callback, self)
# Forwards the message received onto the next stage in the process.
def forward_event_to_output(self, outputQueueName, event, send_context):
outputQueueName, event, send_confirmation_callback, send_context)
def send_message(self, message):
# No callback
# TODO what is the third arg?
"output1", message, send_confirmation_callback, 0)
def mypublish(self, topic, msg):
message = construct_message(msg, topic)
print('publishing %s', msg)
def main(protocol):
print ( "\nPython %s\n" % sys.version )
print ( "IoT Hub Client for Python" )
hub_manager = HubManager(protocol)
print ( "Starting the IoT Hub Python sample using protocol %s..." % hub_manager.client_protocol )
print ( "The sample is now waiting for messages and will indefinitely. Press Ctrl-C to exit. ")
while True:
hub_manager.mypublish('testtopic', 'hello world this is a module')
except IoTHubError as iothub_error:
print ( "Unexpected error %s from IoTHub" % iothub_error )
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print ( "IoTHubModuleClient sample stopped" )
if __name__ == '__main__':
When I build and deploy this it executes on the edge device without errors and in the log, the callback reports that the messages are sent ok. However, no messages come through when I attempt to monitor D2C messages.
I used this to create and send a message from a JSON dict.
new_message = json.dumps(json_obj)
new_message = IoTHubMessage(new_message)
hubManager.forward_event_to_output("output1", new_message, 0)
You can send anything you need, even strings or whatever.
To narrow down the issue, you can install the azureiotedge-simulated-temperature-sensor module published by Microsoft to see whether the issue relative to the Edge environment issue or coding.
I also wrote a sample Python code module based on the Python Module templates which works well for me, you can refer the code below:
# Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for
# full license information.
import random
import time
import sys
import iothub_client
from iothub_client import IoTHubModuleClient, IoTHubClientError, IoTHubTransportProvider
from iothub_client import IoTHubMessage, IoTHubMessageDispositionResult, IoTHubError
# messageTimeout - the maximum time in milliseconds until a message times out.
# The timeout period starts at IoTHubModuleClient.send_event_async.
# By default, messages do not expire.
# global counters
# Choose HTTP, AMQP or MQTT as transport protocol. Currently only MQTT is supported.
PROTOCOL = IoTHubTransportProvider.MQTT
# Callback received when the message that we're forwarding is processed.
def send_confirmation_callback(message, result, user_context):
print ( "Confirmation[%d] received for message with result = %s" % (user_context, result) )
map_properties = message.properties()
key_value_pair = map_properties.get_internals()
print ( " Properties: %s" % key_value_pair )
print ( " Total calls confirmed: %d" % SEND_CALLBACKS )
# receive_message_callback is invoked when an incoming message arrives on the specified
# input queue (in the case of this sample, "input1"). Because this is a filter module,
# we will forward this message onto the "output1" queue.
def receive_message_callback(message, hubManager):
message_buffer = message.get_bytearray()
size = len(message_buffer)
print ( " Data: <<<%s>>> & Size=%d" % (message_buffer[:size].decode('utf-8'), size) )
map_properties = message.properties()
key_value_pair = map_properties.get_internals()
print ( " Properties: %s" % key_value_pair )
print ( " Total calls received: %d" % RECEIVE_CALLBACKS )
hubManager.forward_event_to_output("output1", message, 0)
return IoTHubMessageDispositionResult.ACCEPTED
class HubManager(object):
def __init__(
self.client_protocol = protocol
self.client = IoTHubModuleClient()
# set the time until a message times out
self.client.set_option("messageTimeout", MESSAGE_TIMEOUT)
# sets the callback when a message arrives on "input1" queue. Messages sent to
# other inputs or to the default will be silently discarded.
self.client.set_message_callback("input1", receive_message_callback, self)
# Forwards the message received onto the next stage in the process.
def forward_event_to_output(self, outputQueueName, event, send_context):
outputQueueName, event, send_confirmation_callback, send_context)
def SendSimulationData(self, msg):
print"sending message..."
"output1", message, send_confirmation_callback, 0)
print"finished sending message..."
def main(protocol):
print ( "\nPython %s\n" % sys.version )
print ( "IoT Hub Client for Python" )
hub_manager = HubManager(protocol)
print ( "Starting the IoT Hub Python sample using protocol %s..." % hub_manager.client_protocol )
print ( "The sample is now waiting for messages and will indefinitely. Press Ctrl-C to exit. ")
while True:
hub_manager.SendSimulationData("test msg")
except IoTHubError as iothub_error:
print ( "Unexpected error %s from IoTHub" % iothub_error )
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print ( "IoTHubModuleClient sample stopped" )
if __name__ == '__main__':
If it can help someone, I think you miss await send_message.
Seems the same problem I answered here
I have python version 4.3.2, py2exe, pysnmp, pyans1 0.1.9.
Im encountering all type of inconsistent errors in many different clients.
One of my clients, which has hundreds of SNMP devices, consonantly has pysnmp errors that are preventing him from discovering all snmp devices.
This is the function:
def cbFun_Device(transportDispatcher, transportDomain, transportAddress, wholeMsg):
while wholeMsg:
for ip in Device.scan.devices:
if ip == transportAddress[0]:
PDU = Device.scan.devices[ip].PDU
rspMsg, wholeMsg = decoder.decode(wholeMsg, asn1Spec = PDU['pMod'].Message())
rspPDU = PDU['pMod'].apiMessage.getPDU(rspMsg)
# Match response to request
if PDU['pMod'].apiPDU.getRequestID(PDU['reqPDU']) == PDU['pMod'].apiPDU.getRequestID(rspPDU):
errorStatus = PDU['pMod'].apiPDU.getErrorStatus(rspPDU)
if not (errorStatus and errorStatus != 2):
PDUarr = []
varBindTable = PDU['pMod'].apiPDU.getVarBindTable(PDU['reqPDU'], rspPDU)
for tableRow in varBindTable:
for oid, val in tableRow:
print('from: %s, %s = %s' % (transportAddress, oid.prettyPrint(), val.prettyPrint()))
if str(oid.prettyPrint()) not in Device.scan.params['MIBs']:
for mibOID in PDU['MIBs']:
if str(oid.prettyPrint()).find(mibOID) != -1 and mibOID not in Device.scan.devices[ip].MIBs:
for tree in PDU['OIDs']:
if str(oid.prettyPrint()).find(tree) != -1 and str(oid.prettyPrint()) not in Device.scan.devices[ip].OIDs:
Device.scan.devices[ip].OIDs[str(oid.prettyPrint())] = val.prettyPrint()[:-1][2:] if val.prettyPrint().startswith("b'") and val.prettyPrint().endswith("'") else val.prettyPrint()
PDUarr.append((str(oid.prettyPrint()), PDU['pMod'].null))
# Stop on EOM
for oid, val in varBindTable[-1]:
if not isinstance(val, PDU['pMod'].Null):
Progress.networks[ip]['Done'] = True
print("IP-------- " + ip)
# Generate request for next row
if PDUarr != []:
PDU['pMod'].apiPDU.setVarBinds(PDU['reqPDU'], PDUarr)
PDU['pMod'].apiPDU.setRequestID(PDU['reqPDU'], PDU['pMod'].getNextRequestID())
encoder.encode(PDU['reqMsg']), transportDomain, transportAddress
Progress.networks[ip]['Time'] = time.time()
Progress.networks[ip]['Done'] = True
print("IP-------- " + ip)
And this is the error i receive:
37998-octet short
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\device.py", line 137, in cbFun_Device
File "C:\Python34\lib\site-packages\pyasn1\codec\ber\decoder.py", line 706, in __call__
pyasn1.error.SubstrateUnderrunError: 37998-octet short
And sometimes this error too:
pyasn1.error.PyAsn1Error: Empty substrate
but all errors happen on this line:
rspMsg, wholeMsg = decoder.decode(wholeMsg, asn1Spec = PDU['pMod'].Message())
What is going on?
I am trying to find the tweets using this code but it is resulting a traceback
Please help me to resolve the problem.
import time
import pycurl
import urllib
import json
import oauth2 as oauth
API_ENDPOINT_URL = 'https://stream.twitter.com/1.1/statuses/filter.json'
USER_AGENT = 'TwitterStream 1.0' # This can be anything really
# You need to replace these with your own values
OAUTH_KEYS = {'consumer_key': 'ABC',
'consumer_secret': 'ABC',
'access_token_key': 'ABC',
'access_token_secret': 'ABC'}
# These values are posted when setting up the connection
POST_PARAMS = {'include_entities': 0,
'stall_warning': 'true',
'track': 'iphone,ipad,ipod'}
# twitter streaming is here
class TwitterStream:
def __init__(self, timeout=False):
self.oauth_token = oauth.Token(key=OAUTH_KEYS['access_token_key'], secret=OAUTH_KEYS['access_token_secret'])
self.oauth_consumer = oauth.Consumer(key=OAUTH_KEYS['consumer_key'], secret=OAUTH_KEYS['consumer_secret'])
self.conn = None
self.buffer = ''
self.timeout = timeout
def setup_connection(self):
""" Create persistant HTTP connection to Streaming API endpoint using cURL.
if self.conn:
self.buffer = ''
self.conn = pycurl.Curl()
# Restart connection if less than 1 byte/s is received during "timeout" seconds
if isinstance(self.timeout, int):
self.conn.setopt(pycurl.LOW_SPEED_LIMIT, 1)
self.conn.setopt(pycurl.LOW_SPEED_TIME, self.timeout)
self.conn.setopt(pycurl.URL, API_ENDPOINT_URL)
self.conn.setopt(pycurl.USERAGENT, USER_AGENT)
# Using gzip is optional but saves us bandwidth.
self.conn.setopt(pycurl.ENCODING, 'deflate, gzip')
self.conn.setopt(pycurl.POST, 1)
self.conn.setopt(pycurl.POSTFIELDS, urllib.urlencode(POST_PARAMS))
self.conn.setopt(pycurl.HTTPHEADER, ['Host: stream.twitter.com',
'Authorization: %s' % self.get_oauth_header()])
# self.handle_tweet is the method that are called when new tweets arrive
self.conn.setopt(pycurl.WRITEFUNCTION, self.handle_tweet)
def get_oauth_header(self):
""" Create and return OAuth header.
params = {'oauth_version': '1.0',
'oauth_nonce': oauth.generate_nonce(),
'oauth_timestamp': int(time.time())}
req = oauth.Request(method='POST', parameters=params, url='%s?%s' % (API_ENDPOINT_URL,
req.sign_request(oauth.SignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1(), self.oauth_consumer, self.oauth_token)
return req.to_header()['Authorization'].encode('utf-8')
def start(self):
""" Start listening to Streaming endpoint.
Handle exceptions according to Twitter's recommendations.
backoff_network_error = 0.25
backoff_http_error = 5
backoff_rate_limit = 60
while True:
# Network error, use linear back off up to 16 seconds
print 'Network error: %s' % self.conn.errstr()
print 'Waiting %s seconds before trying again' % backoff_network_error
backoff_network_error = min(backoff_network_error + 1, 16)
# HTTP Error
sc = self.conn.getinfo(pycurl.HTTP_CODE)
if sc == 420:
# Rate limit, use exponential back off starting with 1 minute and double each attempt
print 'Rate limit, waiting %s seconds' % backoff_rate_limit
backoff_rate_limit *= 2
# HTTP error, use exponential back off up to 320 seconds
print 'HTTP error %s, %s' % (sc, self.conn.errstr())
print 'Waiting %s seconds' % backoff_http_error
backoff_http_error = min(backoff_http_error * 2, 320)
def handle_tweet(self, data):
""" This method is called when data is received through Streaming endpoint.
self.buffer += data
if data.endswith('\r\n') and self.buffer.strip():
# complete message received
message = json.loads(self.buffer)
self.buffer = ''
msg = ''
if message.get('limit'):
print 'Rate limiting caused us to miss %s tweets' % (message['limit'].get('track'))
elif message.get('disconnect'):
raise Exception('Got disconnect: %s' % message['disconnect'].get('reason'))
elif message.get('warning'):
print 'Got warning: %s' % message['warning'].get('message')
print 'Got tweet with text: %s' % message.get('text')
if __name__ == '__main__':
ts = TwitterStream()
Traceback call:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Python27\nytimes\2062014\pycurltweets.py", line 115, in <module>
ts = TwitterStream()
File "C:\Python27\nytimes\2062014\pycurltweets.py", line 23, in __init__
self.oauth_token = oauth.token(key=OAUTH_KEYS['access_token_key'], secret=OAUTH_KEYS['access_token_secret'])
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'Token'
are you sure oauth2 is installed properly / is the correct version?
see http://data-scientist.ch/install-oauth2-for-python-on-windows/
open a python REPL shell and
import oauth2 as oauth
print oauth.OAUTH_VERSION
and post result