I'm using python 3.7 (environment created by anaconda) and trying to run python code that uses some google libraries but I don't really know how to install them.
From PyCharm IDE (Settings -> Project Interpreter -> Available Packages) I cannot find those packages to install.
And from terminal, running 'pip install --upgrade oauth2client' or 'pip3 install --upgrade oauth2client' doesn't seem to work either.
What I don't understand is: to install packages/libraries on python 3.x, should i only use pip3? But what if there is more than one python environment? On which one pip will install those libraries?
If you're using Anaconda, you should also have an Anaconda Prompt (py37) program that functions like the terminal. Typing pip install --upgrade oauth2client into Anaconda Prompt (py37) will install the upgrade into your current python environment. Alternatively, you can use conda install with more options (including specifying which environment you want).
I am new to Python and I have to use Python 3.3.1 version instead of latest one...
pip install numpy
it returns
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
I tried using the way i installed on python 3.6 but seems to be not working here..
I don't know how to install packages like numpy, pandas, scipy, sci-kit learn, matplotlib etc... in the Python 3.3.1, could you please help..?
Do i need to install pip separately... ?
Thanks in advance.
If you are in window try with:-
Open CMD and
python -m pip install numpy
If this is not working try with this
just type it as your python programe and run it
import pip
In my windows 10 machine, the pip.exe is in C:\Python36\Scripts folder. So I install required packages by either using command C:\Python36\Scripts\pip install package_name or first cd C:\Python36\Scripts and then pip install package_name. So far it worked me in different versions of pythons installed.
As suggested by ostue, please make sure that pip is installed with the python distribution.
My mac came with default python 2.7 and i installed python 3 now i am using pycharm and anaconda setup. Problem is when i try to install "keras" or any other package in python 2.7 so i change pycharm interpreter to --> python 2.7 but when i install keras from terminal by typing "pip install keras" and it install successfully but when i try to import keras from python 2.7 it says no module name keras and so i think it install in python 3. My question is how can i install packages in python 2.7 ?
As you have two different versions of python, you will also have two versions of pip.
where pip
should return the locations of the different versions of pip. Type the full path to the version of pip that you want instead of just "pip":
C:\users\jbloggs...\pip.exe install keras
You can specify python version when installing
pip2 install any-package
Install using
sudo python -m pip install keras
this way the package will be installed with the chosen python interpreter's pip
I want to install NumPy using the pip install numpy command, but I get the following error:
RuntimeError: Broken toolchain: cannot link a simple C program
I'm using Windows 7 32 bit, Python 2.7.9, pip 6.1.1 and some MSVC compiler. I think it uses the compiler from Visual C++ 2010 Express, but actually I'm not sure which one, because I have several Visual Studio installations.
I know that there are prebuilt packages for Windows, but is there some way to do it just by typing pip install numpy?
I think that there could be other packages which must be compiled before usage, so it's not only about NumPy. I want to solve the problem with my compiler, so I could easily install any other similar package without necessity to search for prebuilt packages (and hope that there are some at all).
Check the installation of Python 2.7, and then install/reinstall pip which is described here. Then a open command line windows and write:
pip install numpy
pip install scipy
If already installed, try this:
pip install -U numpy
Installing extension modules can be an issue with pip. This is why Conda exists. Conda is an open-source BSD-licensed cross-platform package manager. It can easily install NumPy.
Two options:
Install Anaconda here
Install Miniconda here and then go to a command line and type conda install numpy (make sure your PATH includes the location Conda was installed to).
Frustratingly, the NumPy package published to PyPI won't install on most Windows computers: Windows wheel package (.whl) on Pypi #5479
Download the NumPy wheel for your Python version from Archived: Unofficial Windows Binaries for Python Extension Packages, NumPy
Install it from the command line:
pip install numpy-1.10.2+mkl-cp35-none-win_amd64.whl
As of March 2016, pip install numpy works on Windows without a Fortran compiler. See here.
pip install scipy still tries to use a compiler.
July 2018: mojoken reports pip install scipy working on Windows without a Fortran compiler.
py -m pip install numpy
Worked for me!
Install miniconda (here)
After installed, open Anaconda Prompt (search this in Start Menu)
pip install numpy
After installed, test:
import numpy as np
First go through page Download Python to download Python 3.6.1 or 2.7.13 either of your choice. I preferred to use Python 2.7 or 3.4.4.
Now after installation, go to the folder name python27 or python34, and click on the script. Now here open the command prompt by left clicking and Run as administrator.
After the command prompt appears, write "pip install numpy" there. This will install the latest version of NumPy and installing it will show a success comment. That's all.
Similarly, Matplotlib can be installed by just typing "pip install matplotlip". And now if you want to download SciPy, then just write "pip install scipy" and if it doesn't work then you need to download Python SciPy from SciPy: Scientific Library for Python and install it.
I had the same problem.
I decided in a very unexpected way. I just opened the command line as an administrator. And then typed:
pip install numpy
I have a remote machine with python 2.6 as the default package on the machine. I installed numpy using yum install numpy.
I then installed python 2.7 using the instructions available python 2.7 install link in the directory /usr/src/. I then put this alias
alias python=/usr/src/Python-2.7.8/python
in ~/.bashrc.
So numpy is already installed on the machine but python 2.7 can't pick it up? Should I uninstall it? How do I install it for version 2.7.
The commands would be vary helpful.
Could I pip install to a specific version? I tried this command but it is incorrect.
pip-2.7 install numpy
you can do
pythonx.y -m pip install numpy
to install numpy on python version x.y