Converting a string to array of words - Python - python

I want to create a function in Python, where input will be the String and input it into an array to be returned.
For example:
Input: "The dog is red"
Output: "The", "dog", "is", "red"
I believe the algorithm should work, but nothing is returned. From what I can assume, the if statement is not detecting the space ( ").
The code is below:
string = input("Input here:")
def token(string):
start = 0
i = 0
token_list = []
for x in range(0, len(string)):
if " " == string[i:i+1]:
token_list = token_list + string[start:i+1]
print string[start:i+1]
start = i + 1
i += 1
return token_list

You can simply split the string.
result=input.split(" ")
string = raw_input("Input here:")
def token(string):
start = 0
i = 0
token_list = []
for x in range(0, len(string)):
if " " == string[i:i+1][0]:
#print string[start:i+1]
start = i + 1
i += 1
return token_list
print token(string)

You can modify your function to look like this:
string = input("Input here:")
def token(string):
start, i = 0, 0
token_list = []
for x in range(0, len(string)):
if " " == string[i:i+1]:
start = i + 1
i += 1
return token_list
print token(string)
You need to append only up until i if you don't want to include the trailing space. The second append is necessary because your condition is checking for a space to include the word, but the last word won't have a trailing space, and instead would have an end of line character or null.


Is there any way to split string into array by spaces in another string in Python?

I have two input strings. In the first one - words with spaces. In the second - the word with same count of symbols without spaces. The task is to split the second string into array by spaces in the first one.
I tried to make it with cycles but there is problem of index out of range and i can't find another solution.
a = str(input())
b = str(input())
b_word = str()
b_array = list()
for i in range(len(a)):
if a[i] != " ":
b_word += b[i]
b_array += b_word
b_word = str()
>>head eat
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 29, in <module>
b_word += b[i]
IndexError: string index out of range
Expected output:
>> ["aaab", "bbb"]
Thanks in advance!
Consider a solution based on iterator and itertools.islice method:
import itertools
def split_by_space(s1, s2):
chunks = s1.split()
it = iter(s2) # second string as iterator
return [''.join(itertools.islice(it, len(c))) for c in chunks]
print(split_by_space('head eat or', 'aaaabbbcc')) # ['aaaa', 'bbb', 'cc']
a = input() # you don't need to wrap these in str() since in python3 input always returns a string
b = input()
output = list()
for i in a.split(' '): # split input a by spaces
output.append(b[:len(i)]) # split input b
b = b[len(i):] # update b
['aaab', 'bbb']
You can do something like this:
a = input()
b = input()
splitted_b = []
idx = 0
for word in a.split():
w_len = len(word)
idx += w_len
The idea is taking consecutive sub-strings from b of the length of each word on a.
Instead of using indices, you can iterate over each character of a. If the character is not a space, add the next character of b to your b_word. If it is a space, add b_word to the b_array
b_iter = iter(b) # Create an iterator from b so we can get the next character when needed
b_word = []
b_array = []
for char in a:
# If char is a space, and b_word isn't empty, append it to the result
if char == " " and b_word:
b_word = []
b_word.append(next(b_iter)) # Append the next character from b to b_word
if b_word: # If anything left over in b_word, append it to the result
Which gives b_array = ['aaab', 'bbb']
Note that I changed b_word to a list that I .append to every time I add a character. This prevents the entire string from being recreated every time you append a character.
Then join all the characters using "".join(b_word) before appending it to b_array.
So to accomodate for any number of spaces in the input it gets a bit more complex as the indexes of the letters will change with each space that is added. So to gather all of the spaces in the string I created this loop which will account of the multiple spaces and alter the index with each new space in the initial word.
indexs = []
new = ''
for i in range(len(a)):
if len(indexs) > 0:
if a[i] == ' ':
if a[i] == ' ':
Then we simple concatenate them together to create a new string that includes spaces at the predetermined indexes.
for i in range(len(b)):
if i in indexs:
new += " "
new += b[i]
new += b[i]
Hope this helps.
sone = input()
stwo = 'zzzzzxxxyyyyy'
nwz = []
wrd = ''
cnt = 0
idx = 0
spc = sone.split(' ') #split by whitespace
a = [len(i) for i in spc] #list word lengths w/out ws
for i in stwo:
if cnt == a[idx]: #if current iter eq. word length w/out ws
nwz.append(wrd) #append the word
wrd = '' #clear old word
wrd = wrd + i #start new word
idx = idx + 1
cnt = 0
wrd = wrd + i #building word
cnt = cnt + 1
nwz.append(wrd) #append remaining word
>'split and match'
['zzzzz', 'xxx', 'yyyyy']

Python list index not in order

I'm trying to make it so that my text alternates between upper and lower case like the question ask. It seems to skip 3 in the indexing and I can't figure out why.
sentence = input("Write a sentence")
newList = []
for i in range(len(sentence)):
if sentence[i] != " ":
listJoint = "".join(newList)
newList2 = []
for i in range(len(listJoint)):
if (listJoint.index(listJoint[i]) % 2) == 0:
elif (listJoint.index(listJoint[i]) % 2) != 0:
#newListJoint = "".join(newList2)
Thanks in advance
List index doesn't go 0 1 2 3 4
The function .index() finds the first occurrence of that letter. 'L' occurs at index 2 and 3 so it would return 2 for both L's.
Iterate through each character of the string and alternate upper/lower methods.
sentence = "Hello"
alternated_sentence = ''
for i, char in enumerate(sentence):
if i % 2:
alternated_sentence += char.upper()
alternated_sentence += char.lower()
sentence = input("Write a sentence:")
# Remove spaces (as per your question)
sentence = sentence.replace(' ', '')
# Reverse the string order (as per your question)
sentence = sentence[::-1]
result = []
for i in range(len(sentence)):
Here's the solution. The above code would give output as follows:
Write a sentence: Hello world
I never realised index method referenced the first instance of the character. This works:
sentence = input("Write a sentence")
newList = []
for i in range(len(sentence)):
if sentence[i] != " ":
listJoint = "".join(newList)
newList2 = []
for i, value in enumerate(newList):
if i % 2 == 0:
elif i % 2 !=0:
newListJoint = "".join(newList2)

how to extract a sentence from string in python using simple for loop?

str1 = "srbGIE JLWokvQeR DPhyItWhYolnz"
Like I want to extract I Love Python from this string. But I am not getting how to.
I tried to loop in str1 but not successful.
i = str1 .index("I")
for letter in range(i, len(mystery11)):
if letter != " ":
letter = letter+2
letter = letter+3
print(mystery11[letter], end = "")
In your for loop letter is an integer. In the the first line of the loop you need to compare mystery[11] with " ":
if mystery11[letter] != " ":
You can use a dict here, and have char->freq mapping of the sentence in it and create a hash table.
After that you can simply iterate over the string and check if the character is present in the hash or not, and if it is present then check if its count is greater than 1 or not.
Don't know if this will solve all your problems, but you're running your loop over the indices of the string, This means that your variable letter is an integer not a char. Then, letter != " " is always true. To select the current letter you need to do string[letter]. For example,
if mystery11[letter] != " ":
Here's how I'd go about:
Understand the pattern of the input: words are separated by blank spaces and we should get every other letter after the first uppercase one.
Convert string into a list;
Find the first uppercase letter of each element and add one so we are indexing the next one;
Get every other char from each word;
Join the list back into a string;
Print :D
Here's the code:
def first_uppercase(str):
for i in range(0, len(str)):
if word[i].istitle():
return i
return -1
def decode_every_other(str, i):
return word[i::2]
str1 = "srbGIE JLWokvQeR DPhyItWhYolnz"
# 1
sentence = str1.split()
clean_sentence = []
for word in sentence:
# 2
start = first_uppercase(word) + 1
# 3
clean_sentence.append(decode_every_other(word, start))
# 4
clean_sentence = ' '.join(clean_sentence)
print("Input: " + str1)
print("Output: " + clean_sentence)
This is what I ended up with:
Input: srbGIE JLWokvQeR DPhyItWhYolnz
Output: I Love Python
I've added some links to the steps so you can read more if you want to.
def split(word):
return [char for char in word]
a = input("Enter the original string to match:- ")
b = input("Enter the string to lookup for:- ")
c = split(a)
d = split(b)
e = []
for i in c:
if i in d:
if e == c:
final_string = "".join(e)
print("Congrats!! It's there and here it is:- ", final_string)
print("Sorry, the string is not present there!!")

I'm trying to perform some manual encoding of strings using python

Probelm Description:
sms_encoding() which accepts a sentence and converts it into an abbreviated sentence to be sent as SMS and returns the abbreviated sentence.
Rules are as follows:
a. Spaces are to be retained as is
b. Each word should be encoded separately
If a word has only vowels then retain the word as is
If a word has a consonant (at least 1) then retain only those consonants
My Code:
def sms_encoding(data):
#start writing your code here
for i in range(0,len(word)):
if ch in vowels:
for letter in word[i]:
if letter not in vowels:
c_list.append(" ")
return ' '.join(final_list)
data="Have a Nice Day"
My Output:
aHv **<2spaces>** Nc **<1space>** Dy
Expected Output:
Hv a Nc Dy (contains only 1 space)
You could iterate over words in the sentence taking only consonants only if the word contains atleast one consonant:
data = "Have a Nice Day"
splitted = data.split()
for i, x in enumerate(splitted):
if not all(y in 'aeiou' for y in x.lower()):
splitted[i] = ''.join([y for y in x if y.lower() not in 'aeiou'])
print(' '.join(splitted))
# Hv a Nc Dy
This will work for all cases... retains all except vowels when even 1 character in a string is not vowel.
def sms_encoding(data):
vowels = set("aeiouAEIOU")
words = data.split()
encoded_words = []
for i in range(0,len(words)):
vow_count = 0
cons_word = []
for x in words[i]:
if x in vowels:
vow_count =vow_count+1
elif x not in vowels:
if vow_count == len(words[i]):
elif vow_count != len(words[i]):
encoded_msg = " ".join(encoded_words)
return encoded_msg
data=input("Kindly enter your message for sms encoding : ")
Try and let me know!
def sms_encoding(data):
vowel = "aeiouAEIOU"
list1 = data.split()
list2 = []
for i in list1:
if length == 1:
list2.append(" ")#to add spaces between the words
for a in i:
if a in vowel:
if count==length: #to check if all the letters are vowels
list2.append(" ")
for a in i:
if a not in vowel:
list2.append(" ")
list2.pop() #to remove the extra space at the end of the whole sentence
return q
data = "I love Python aeio"
try this code it will work the question is from infytq
def sms_encoding(data):
for i in range(0,len(a)):
for j in z:
if j not in ('a','e','i','o','u'):
elif j in ('a','e','i','o','u'):
v1=v1+v+" "
v1=v1+z+" "
return word
data="I love Python"
def sms_encoding(new_s):
encrypt_string = []
consonant_list = []
vowel_set = set("aeiouAEIOU")
for word in range(0, len(new_s)):
v_letter = new_s[word]
if v_letter in vowel_set:
for letter in v_letter:
if letter not in vowel_set:
consonant = " ".join(letter)
encrypt_string.append(" ")
encrypt_string = "".join(encrypt_string)
s = input("Enter a string ")
new_s = s.split()

Python for loop: index out of range error

I'm trying to create a loop that will take what the user entered and print it back alternating between upper and lowercase. Ex: the user enters 'helloworld', it prints back 'HeLlOwOrLd'. Here's what I have so far (trust me, I know it's not optimal, it's just what I could get to work):
s = input("enter characters: ")
word = ''
count = 0
for i in s:
up = s[::2]
up2 = up.upper()
up3 = up2[0 + count]
low = s[1::2]
low2 = low.lower()
low3 = low2[0 + count]
word += up3 + low3
count += 1
When I trace it in the debugger, word comes to the right value, and then it runs the loop again, thus getting the index out of range error. Ideas?
Your looping through too many times. Your splitting s in half in the loop, but looping once for each character in s.
s = input("enter characters: ")
word = ''
for count in range(len(s[::2])):
up = s[::2]
up2 = up.upper()
up3 = up2[0 + count]
low = s[1::2]
low2 = low.lower()
low3 = low2[0 + count]
word += up3 + low3
count += 1
count will end up equal to the length of s. However, you are using count as an index for strings that are shorter than s, such as up3.
Try the following:
>>> result = ''
>>> word = 'hello'
>>> for i in range(len(word)):
... result += (word[i].lower() if i%2 else word[i].upper())
>>> result
>>> word = 'HellOWorLD'
>>> ''.join(word[i].lower() if i%2 else word[i].upper() for i in range(len(word)))
You could use the case conversion functions from string and itertools.cycle to vary which one is applied to each character. Wrap that all up in a join statement and you get:
''.join(case(c) for case,c in
zip(itertools.cycle((string.upper,string.lower)), 'helloworld'))
