Passing a dictionary to a new function in python? - python

If I create a dictionary that I need to access in multiple functions what would be the best way to pass it?
What I currently am doing keeps reseting the dictionary to empty. If I print in the addDictionary() I get the result I want. However, when I go to look up a element using the key in lookUpEntry(), I can't find it. When I print I get an empty dictionary. I also have to eventually pickle and unpickle so if anyone has any feedback on that, that would also help.
import pickle
def dictionary():
addressBook = {}
return addressBook
def addPerson():
personLastName = input("Enter the last name of "
"the person you want to add: ").lower()
personFirstName = input("Please enter the first name of "
"the person you want to add: ")
localPart = input("Please enter the local part of the email address")
while not localPart.isalnum():
localPart = input("Please enter a valid input, a-z and numbers 0-9: ")
domain = input("Please enter the domain of the email addres: ")
while not domain.isalnum():
domain = input("Please enter a valid input, a-z and numbers 0-9: ")
topLevelDomain = input("Please enter the top level domain, examples: com, net, org: ")
while not topLevelDomain.isalnum() or len(topLevelDomain) > 3:
topLevelDomain = input("Please enter only letters, a-z and not more then 3 characters: ")
personEmail = localPart + "#" + domain + "." + topLevelDomain
personStreetAddress = input("Please enter house number and street of the person you want to add: ")
personCityState = input("Please enter the city, state abbreviation and zipcode of the person you want to add: ")
personPhone = input("Please enter the phone number of the person you want to add: ")
personPhoneStr = personPhone.strip("-")
while not personPhoneStr.isdigit() and not len(personPhoneStr) == 10:
personPhone = input("Error. That is not a valid phone number. Try again: ")
personPhoneStr = personPhone.strip("-")
return personLastName, personFirstName, personEmail, personStreetAddress, personCityState, personPhone
def addDictionary():
addressBook = dictionary()
personLastName, personFirstName, personEmail, personStreetAddress, personCityState, personPhone = addPerson()
addressBook[personLastName] = personFirstName, personEmail, personStreetAddress, personCityState, personPhone
print(personFirstName,personLastName, "has been added to the address book!")
return addressBook
def lookUpEntry():
addressBook = dictionary()
keyName = input("Enter the last name of the person you are trying to find.")
while not keyName in addressBook:
keyName = input("That name is not in the address book. Please try again.").lower()
x = input("Enter '1' if you want to look up a email. Enter '2' if you want to look "
"up a persons address. Enter '3' to look up a persons phone number: ")
if x == "1":
print("The email of", addressBook[keyName[0]], keyName, "is:", addressBook[keyName[1]])
elif x == "2":
print("The address of", addressBook[keyName[0]], keyName, "is:", addressBook[keyName[2]], addressBook[keyName[3]])
elif x == "3":
print("The phone number of", addressBook[keyName[0]], keyName, "is:", addressBook[keyName[4]])
print("Sorry that item is not stored in this address book.")
def main():

Currently you define dictionary as
def dictionary():
addressBook = {}
return addressBook
Here you create a new dictionary every time it is called. Try replacing this with
# a global dictionary
_addressBook = {}
def dictionary():
return _addressBook


How to edit and delete keys and values in python dict

i have a little problem that needs solving,
i have to write a program that saves contacts in a dict and be able to
1- add new contacts
2- delete contacts
3- edit contacts
4- list contacts
5- show contacts
i wrote a simple program that saves contacts into a dictionary but i have a problem with the rest and i could really user some help!!
here is my code:
contacts = {"Mohamed": {"name": "Mohamed Sayed", "number": "017624857447", "birthday": "24.11.1996", "address": "Ginnheim 60487"},
"Ahmed": {"name": "Ahmed Sayed", "number": "0123456789", "birthday": "06.06.1995", "address": "India"}}
def add_contact():
for _ in range(0, 1):
contact = {}
name = input("Enter the name: ")
number = input("Enter the number: ")
birthday = input("Enter the birthday")
address = input("Enter the address")
contact["name"] = name
contact["number"] = number
contact["birthday"] = birthday
contact["address"] = address
def del_contact():
user_input = input("Please enter the name of the contact you want to delete: ")
for k in contacts:
if user_input == contacts["name"]:
del contacts[k]
def edit_contact():
user_input = input("please enter the contact you want to edit: ")
for k, v in contacts:
if user_input == contacts["name"]:
def list_contact():
def show_contact():
user_input = input("please enter the contact you want to show: ")
for k, v in contacts.items():
if user_input == contacts["name"]:
print(key, value)
For your def's you dont need to use a for ... in range(...) loop, rather you can just call upon that value by the value of user_value. I've decided to not include def edit_contact(): in this as it currently doesn't edit anything, all it does is add a new element within contacts with that in mind
contacts = {"Mohamed": {"name": "Mohamed Sayed", "number": "017624857447", "birthday": "24.11.1996", "address": "Ginnheim 60487"},
"Ahmed": {"name": "Ahmed Sayed", "number": "0123456789", "birthday": "06.06.1995", "address": "India"}}
def add_contact():
for _ in range(0, 1):
contact = {}
name = input("Enter the name: ")
number = input("Enter the number: ")
birthday = input("Enter the birthday")
address = input("Enter the address")
contact["name"] = name
contact["number"] = number
contact["birthday"] = birthday
contact["address"] = address
contacts[name] = contact
def del_contact(contacts):
user_input = input("Please enter the name of the contact you want to delete: ")
contacts = contacts.pop(user_input)
def edit_contact():
user_input = input("please enter the contact you want to edit: ")
for k, v in contacts:
if user_input == contacts["name"]:
def list_contact():
def show_contact():
user_input = input("please enter the contact you want to show: ")
#you can use 'contacts[user_input]['name', 'number', 'birthday' or 'address']' to call upon specific elements within the list
Hope this helps.

Trouble with saving and loading dictionary with class instances using pickle

New to programming and trying to learn how to store data using pickle. Essentially, what I'm trying to do is create an address book using classes stored in a dictionary. I define the class (Contact). It all worked, but when I tried to introduce pickling to store data from a previous session, I've created 2 errors that I've found so far.
1: If I select to load a previous address book, I cant update or view the class variables. It's almost like there are two different dictionaries.
2: I select not to load a previous address book and add a contact. When I add the contact and try to view the contacts, I'll get an "Unbound Error: local variable 'address book' referenced before assignment"
What am I doing wrong with pickling?
address_book= {}
class Contact:
def __init__(self,first_name,last_name, phone,company):
self.first_name = first_name
self.last_name = last_name = phone = company
def __call__(self):
print("Contact: %s \nPhone #: %s \nCompany: %s" %(,,
def erase(entry):
del address_book[entry] # delete address book entry
del entry #delete class instance
def save():
new_file = open("addressBook.pkl", "wb")
saved_address = pickle.dump(address_book, new_file)
def load():
open_file = open("addressBook.pkl", "rb")
address_book = pickle.load(open_file)
return address_book
def add_contact():
first_name = input("Please type the first name of the contact. ")
last_name = input("Please type in the last name of the contact. ")
if " " in first_name or " " in last_name:
print("Please do not add spaces to your first or last name.")
phone = input("Please type the user phone number without hyphens. ")
if not phone.isnumeric():
print("That isn't a valid phone number.")
company = input("Please type the company they work for. ")
contact = Contact(first_name,last_name,phone,company)
address_book[first_name + " " +last_name] = contact #assign key[first and last name] to value[the class instance] in dictionary
def view_contact(entry):
if entry in address_book:
print("First Name: %s" %(address_book[entry].first_name)) #get class variables
print("Last Name: %s" %(address_book[entry].last_name))
print("Phone Number: %s" %(address_book[entry].phone))
print("Company: %s" %(address_book[entry].company))
print("That person isn't in your address book")
def update(entry):
if entry in address_book:
update_choice = input("Would you like to update the first name (f), last name (l), phone (p), or company (c)? ").lower()
if update_choice == "f":
address_book[entry].first_name = input("Please type the updated first name of this contact. ")
updated_key = address_book[entry].first_name + " " + address_book[entry].last_name
address_book[updated_key] = address_book[entry]
del address_book[entry] #delete old key
elif update_choice == "l": #update last name
address_book[entry].last_name = input("Please type the updated last name of this contact. ")
updated_key = address_book[entry].first_name + " " + address_book[entry].last_name
address_book[updated_key] = address_book[entry]
del address_book[entry]
elif update_choice == "p":
address_book[entry].phone = input("Please type the updated phone number of this contact. ")
elif update_choice == "c":
address_book[entry].company = input("Please type the updated company of this contact. ")
print("That was not valid. Please try again.")
def main():
print("Welcome to your address book!!")
returning_user = input("Would you like to load a previous address book? Y or N ").lower()
if returning_user == "y":
address_book = load()
while True:
choice = input("Please type A:Add, B:View All Contacts, V:View a Contact, D:Delete, U:Update, or X:Exit ").lower()
if choice == "x":
elif choice == "a":
elif choice == "b":
if len(address_book) == 0: #error check if no contacts
print("You don't have any friends. PLease go make some and try again later. :(")
for i in address_book:
elif choice == "v":
if len(address_book) == 0:
print("You don't have any friends. PLease go make some and try again later. :(")
view = input("Who do you want to view? Please type in their first and last name. ")
elif choice == "d":
if len(address_book) == 0:
print("You don't have any friends. PLease go make some and try again later. :(")
contact = input("Please type the first and last name of the person you want to delete ")
if contact in address_book:
elif choice == "u":
if len(address_book) == 0:
print ("C'mon, you don't know anyone yet. How about you make some friends first?")
choice = input("What is the first and last name of the person you'd like to update? ")
print("That was not valid. Please try again.")
save_book = input("Would you like to save your book? Y or N ").lower()
if save_book == "y":
print("Thanks for using the address book!")

append object instance to a list with a if statement and print it in another branch

I create a few class about pet, the following code was part of my main() function, First, ask the user to select one thing they want to do. that is if use input '1' they will add some pet instance. At the same time, I want to append part of the pet instance's information to a list. Then if the user chooses to read this information. I want to print it in another if statement branch. that is when the user input '2'. the problem occurs when I input 2 after already generating some pet instance. the list called l_weight always be void. How could I fix it? I already try to use the global list but is not work
def main():
print("1. to add a pet")
print("2. print current weight for all pet")
print("3. print all pets and owners")
print("4. to exist system")
a=int(input("you selection(just input the number before each function)"))
if a==1:
a=int(input("please select what type of pet would be added: 1-- mammals 2--fish 3--amphibians"))
name = input('please enter the name of pet:')
dob = input('please enter the dob of pet:(year,month,day)')
bw = input('please enter the birth weight:')
name = input('please enter the owner name:')
address = input('please enter the onwer address:')
if a==1:
ls = input('please enter the litter size:')
hs = input('pet has claws(yes or no):')
elif a==2:
sc = input('please enter the scale condition:')
sl = input('please enter the scale length:')
op =fish(name,dob,bw,name,address,sc,sl)
elif a==3:
iv = input('is venomous(yes or no):')
op =amphibians(name,dob,bw,name,address,iv)
print(' input wrong vaule,please choose a number from 1,2 or 3')
return main()
elif a==2:
for i in l_weight:
return main()
The reason l_weight() isn't appending is because in your code, you named the list l_weight and then in the rest of your code it's written as l_weigh
It should be:
def main():
print("1. to add a pet")
print("2. print current weight for all pet")
print("3. print all pets and owners")
print("4. to exist system")
a=int(input("you selection(just input the number before each function)"))
if a==1:
a=int(input("please select what type of pet would be added: 1-- mammals 2--fish 3--amphibians"))
name = input('please enter the name of pet:')
dob = input('please enter the dob of pet:(year,month,day)')
bw = input('please enter the birth weight:')
name = input('please enter the owner name:')
address = input('please enter the onwer address:')
if a==1:
ls = input('please enter the litter size:')
hs = input('pet has claws(yes or no):')
elif a==2:
sc = input('please enter the scale condition:')
sl = input('please enter the scale length:')
op =fish(name,dob,bw,name,address,sc,sl)
elif a==3:
iv = input('is venomous(yes or no):')
op =amphibians(name,dob,bw,name,address,iv)
print(' input wrong vaule,please choose a number from 1,2 or 3')
elif a==2:
for i in l_weight:

Simple phonebook lookup else function running even when if statement is true

I'm trying to make a simple phone book where if you put type in
1: you add a contact to a dictionary, if
2 you lookup the dictionary based on the inputted name (key) if
3 you lookup the dictionary based on the inputted number (value)
When I run a key lookup based on value (input 3) it returns the else function 'this is invalid' regardless of whether or not it is true.
Can someone decipher this?
#Input contact name
if button == 1:
name = input('Please enter the contact name:')
if name in contacts:
print("The name you entered already exists in the address book --> %s:%s"\
flag = input("Whether to modify user information (YES/NO):")
if flag== 'YES':
tel = input('Please enter the users contact phone number:')
contacts.update({name:tel}) #Update dictionary
print("Contacts have been updated!")
contacts[name] = input('Please enter the contact phone number:')
print("Contact has been saved!")
#Search by contact name
if button == 2:
name = input('Please enter the contact name:')
if name in contacts:
print("%s : %s "%(name,contacts[name]))
print('The name you entered is no longer in the address book! ')
#Search by contact number
if button == 3:
numba = input('Please enter the contact number:')
lookup = []
for key,value in contacts.items():
if(value == numba):
print('Name(s) matching number is',lookup)
print('This is invalid')
Try this:
if button == 3:
numba = input('Please enter the contact number:')
lookup = []
for key,value in contacts.items():
if(value == numba):
if lookup: # True if len(lookup) != 0
print('Name(s) matching number is', lookup)
print('This is invalid')
Probably a bit of a stretch, but I made it work like this:
numba = input('Please enter the contact number: ')
lookup = []
for key,value in contacts.items():
if(numba == key):
print('Name(s) matching number is', lookup)
if(int(numba) > len(contacts.items())):
print('This is invalid')

How to create a dictionary that I can access throughout the program?

I'm creating a address book program, and need to have a dictionary that I can add too, edit, and delete, as well as pickle. What would be the best way to create it so it is accessible by all the functions? I currently have the dictionary in the addon function but wouldn't it reset if I were to call the dictionary to another function?
My code so far (not including the menuModule)
def addPerson():
personLastName = input("Enter the last name of "
"the person you want to add: ").lower()
personFirstName = input("Please enter the first name of "
"the person you want to add: ")
localPart = input("Please enter the local part of the email address")
while not localPart.isalnum():
localPart = input("Please enter a valid input, a-z and numbers 0-9: ")
domain = input("Please enter the domain of the email addres: ")
while not domain.isalnum():
domain = input("Please enter a valid input, a-z and numbers 0-9: ")
topLevelDomain = input("Please enter the top level domain, examples: com, net, org: ")
while not topLevelDomain.isalnum() or len(topLevelDomain) > 3:
topLevelDomain = input("Please enter only letters, a-z and not more then 3 characters: ")
personEmail = localPart + "#" + domain + "." + topLevelDomain
personStreetAddress = input("Please enter house number and street of the person you want to add: ")
personCityState = input("Please enter the city, state abbreviation and zipcode of the person you want to add: ")
personPhone = input("Please enter the phone number of the person you want to add: ")
personPhoneStr = personPhone.strip("-")
while not personPhoneStr.isdigit() and not len(personPhoneStr) == 10:
personPhone = input("Error. That is not a valid phone number. Try again: ")
personPhoneStr = personPhone.strip("-")
return personLastName, personFirstName, personEmail, personStreetAddress, personCityState, personPhone
def appendDictionary():
personLastName, personFirstName, personEmail, personStreetAddress, personCityState, personPhone = addPerson()
listX = [personFirstName, personEmail, personStreetAddress, personCityState, personPhone]
addressBook = {personLastName: listX}
print(personFirstName,personLastName, "has been added to the address book!")
return addressBook
Try using lists. One list for each of the variables because if you try to store them as a tuple and then add them into a master list you will not be able to or it will be hard to charge them and edit them. Here is an example of storing the data:
john_index = len(nameList)
Give each person an index to help you file their information so if our list looked like [,,] johns data is going to be the last in the list because we just entered it in position 3 on the list and the length function returns 3 so you know where johns data is stored and if you were to add more data it would stack up accourdingly.
here is an example of getting it back out of the list and editing it:
print nameList[john_index]
print emailList[john_index]
emailList[john_index] = new_value
I hope you understand :)
