Objects of type xrange - python

When I'm reading xrange reference, it says like this..
Objects of type xrange are similar to buffers in that there is no specific syntax to create them, but they are created using the xrange() function. They don’t support slicing, concatenation or repetition, and using in, not in, min() or max() on them is inefficient.
However, as long as I have ever seen, all the xrange() that I have used is with in. Like for x in xrange(10): do somethings..
So why it says this way is inefficient? So what is supposed to be the right way to use xrange?

Quoting Perfomance Tips:
xrange is a generator object, basically equivalent to the following
Python 2.3 code:
def xrange(start, stop=None, step=1):
if stop is None:
stop = start
start = 0
stop = int(stop)
start = int(start)
step = int(step)
while start < stop:
yield start
start += step
Except that it is implemented in pure C.
They say that in is inefficient on xrange objects because in tries to iterate over object if the __contains__ approach failed. From Membership test details:
For classes which do not define __contains__() but do define
__iter__(), x in y is true if some value z with x == z is
produced while iterating over y.
xrange does not implement __contains__ and in order to "find" element N in xrange(N + 1) in operator has to perform N iterations so
N in xrange(N + 1)
is logically equivalent to
for n in xrange(N + 1):
if n == N:
and it's not efficient.
not in is inefficient because in is inefficient.
Note that performance of in operator for containment tests doesn't affect the performance of the for loop. These are 2 different things.
In fact, the "in" in the grammar rule for the for loop (shown below)
for_stmt ::= "for" target_list "in" expression_list ":" suite
["else" ":" suite]
is fixed and is not an operator.

No, what they've actually meant is
>>> 5 in xrange(0, 10)
which is a test for "contains". It is inefficient since it has to travel through all elements in the worst case.
It is not about for loop which is correct and efficient. I suppose that the doc is a bit misleading.


Creating a generator expression for hailstone sequence

Created the below generator function:
def hailstone(n):
yield n
while n > 1:
n = n // 2 if n % 2 == 0 else n * 3 + 1
yield n
Which works for me as a generator function for hailstone sequence, now I'm trying to generate the same output but from a generator expression (one-liner).
I'm trying to produce it in this direction:
hailstone = (num // 2 if num % 2 == 0 else num * 3 + 1 for i in range("something here"))
Where num is passed as the first number.
I notice that using range may not be the right path but I need a stop condition.
Main things I'm trying to figure out:
How can I pass the next() output back to the genrator to produce the sequence?
How to provide the stop condition?
Any help performing this task?
generator expression for hailstone sequence using recursion
def hailstone_sequence(input_num):
return [input_num] if input_num == 1 else ([input_num] + hailstone_sequence(input_num // 2) if input_num % 2 == 0 else [input_num] + hailstone_sequence(3 * input_num + 1))
for i in hailstone_sequence(11):
As has been noted in the comments, generator expressions are not the correct tool for the job here. Generator expressions and list comprehensions are meant to produce an iterable from an existing iterable. They aren't a good fit here because you don't have an existing iterable to iterate over.
With the understanding that any use of a generator expression would be forced, I'd do it by iterating over an infinite iterable, then taking while a condition is met:
from itertools import count, takewhile
def next_hailstone(n):
return n // 2 if n % 2 == 0 else n * 3 + 1
last = 1000 # Starting number
infinite_seq = (last := next_hailstone(last) for _ in count(0))
finite_seq = takewhile(lambda n: n > 1, infinite_seq)
This requires Python 3.8+ to make use of assignment expressions (:=). Without assignment expressions, it's quite difficult to maintain state from one iteration to the next, which is required for this problem (another sign that this is the wrong tool for the job).
count(0) is just there to provide an infinite iterable. You could replace it with anything else that can be iterated forever (like a generator function of just an infinite while loop containing a yield None).
What I've written here is essentially a reduction. The built-in tools to accomplish tasks like this, if you/you teacher insists on being fancy, is reduce. I'm a Functional Programmer, and I love reduce. In reality though, a simple loop will be more appropriate most of the time.
Please, don't do this in real code. Again, constructs like generator expressions and list comprehensions are meant to create new iterables from existing iterables. Anything else is arguably an abuse of them.

Most efficient if statement?

I would like to write a function that takes integer numbers x, y, L and R as parameters and returns True if x**y lies in the interval (L, R] and False otherwise.
I am considering several ways to write a conditional statement inside this function:
if L < x ** y <= R:
if x ** y > L and x ** y <= R:
if x ** y in range(L + 1, R + 1):
Why is option 1 the most efficient in terms of execution time ?
Both #1 and #3 avoid recalculating x ** y, where #2 must calculate it twice.
On Python 2, #3 will be terrible, because it must compute the whole contents of the range. On Python 3.2+, it doesn't have to (range is smart, and can properly determine mathematically whether an int appears in the range without actually iterating, in constant time), but it's at best equivalent to #1, since creating the range object at all has some overhead.
As tobias_k mentions in the comments, if x ** y produces a float, #3 will be slower (breaks the Python 3.2+ O(1) membership testing optimization, requiring an implicit loop over all values), and will get different results than #1 and #2 if the value is not equal to any int value in the range. That is, testing 3.5 in range(1, 5) returns False, and has to check 3.5 against 1, 2, 3, and 4 individually before it can even tell you that much.
Basically, stick to #1, it's going to be the only one that avoids redundant computations and avoids creating a ton of values for comparison on both Py 2 and Py3. #3 is not going to be much (if at all) slower on Python 3.2+, but it does involve creating a range object that isn't needed here, and won't be quite logically equivalent.
The first one has to evaluate x**y only once, so it should be faster than the second (also, more readable). The third one would have to loop over the iterator (in python 2, so it should be slower than both) or make two comparisons (in python 3, so it is no better than the first one). Keep the first one.

applying for loop such that counters are multiplied rather than being added in python

hello I am relatively new to python! Is there a way to do this using for loops in python?
This is a java implementation of something i want to do in python
for (i=1;i<20; i*= 2)
Solution in while loop in python`
while i<20:
print i
I cannot figure out a way to do this using for loops. Implemented it using while loop obviously, but still curious to know whether there is a method to do so or not
There are lots of ways to do this, e.g.
for i in range(5):
i = 2 ** i
print i
or using generators
from itertools import count, takewhile
def powers_of_two():
for i in count():
yield 2 ** i
for i in takewhile(lambda x: x < 20, powers_of_two()):
print i
But in the end, it depends on your use case what version gives the clearest and most readbale code. In most cases, you would probably just use a while-loop, since it's simple and does the job.
You think of for loops like they would be in other languages, like C, C++, Java, JavaScript etc.
Python for loops are different; they work on iterables, and you always have to read them like:
for element in iterable
instead of the C'ish
for(start_condition; continue_condition; step_statement)
Hence, you would need iterable to generate your products.
I like readability, so here's how I'd do it:
for a in (2**i for i in range(20)):
print a
But that mainly works because we mathematically know that the i'th element of your sequence is going to be 2**i.
There is not a real way to do this in Python. If you wanted to mimic the logic of that for loop exactly, then a manual while loop would definitely be the way to go.
Otherwise, in Python, you would try to find a generator or generator expression that produces the values of i. Depending on the complexity of your post loop expression, this may require an actual function.
In your case, it’s a bit simpler because the numbers you are looking for are the following:
1 = 2 ** 0
2 = 2 ** 1
4 = 2 ** 2
8 = 2 ** 3
So you can generate the numbers using a generator expression (2 ** k for k in range(x)). The problem here is that you would need to specify a value x which happens to be math.floor(math.log2(20)) + 1 (because you are looking for the largest number k for which 2 ** k < 20 is true).
So the full expression would be this:
for i in (2 ** k for k in range(math.floor(math.log2(20)) + 1)):
… which is a bit messy, so if you don’t necessarily need the i to be those values, you could move it inside the loop body:
for k in range(math.floor(math.log2(20)) + 1):
i = 2 ** k
But this still only fits your purpose. If you wanted a “real” C-for loop expression, you could write a generator function:
def classicForLoop (init, stop, step):
i = init
while i < stop:
yield i
i = step(i)
Used like this:
for i in classicForLoop(1, 20, lambda x: x * 2):
Of course, you could also modify the generator function to take lambdas as the first and second parameter, but it’s a bit simpler like this.
Use range() function to define iteration length.You can directly use print() than system.out.println
Alexander mentioned it and re-iterating
for i in range(1,20):print(i*2)
You can also consider while loop here-
while (i<20):
Remember indentation in python

Python: Is this the most efficient way to reverse order without using shortcuts?

x = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
#Random list elements
for i in range(int(len(x)/2)):
value = x[i]
x[i] = x[len(x)-i-1]
x[len(x)-i-1] = value
#Confusion on efficiency
This is a uni course for first year. So no python shortcuts are allowed
Not sure what counts as "a shortcut" (reversed and the "Martian Smiley" [::-1] being obvious candidates -- but does either count as "a shortcut"?!), but at least a couple small improvements are easy:
L = len(x)
for i in range(L//2):
mirror = L - i - 1
x[i], x[mirror] = x[mirror], x[i]
This gets len(x) only once -- it's a fast operation but there's no reason to keep repeating it over and over -- also computes mirror but once, does the swap more directly, and halves L (for the range argument) directly with the truncating-division operator rather than using the non-truncating division and then truncating with int. Nanoseconds for each case, but it may be considered slightly clearer as well as microscopically faster.
x = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
x = x.__getitem__(slice(None,None,-1))
slice is a python builtin object (like range and len that you used in your example)
__getitem__ is a method belonging to iterable types ( of which x is)
there are absolutely no shortcuts here :) and its effectively one line.

How many combinations are possible?

The recursive formula for computing the number of ways of choosing k items out of a set of n items, denoted C(n,k), is:
1 if K = 0
C(n,k) = { 0 if n<k
c(n-1,k-1)+c(n-1,k) otherwise
I’m trying to write a recursive function C that computes C(n,k) using this recursive formula. The code I have written should work according to myself but it doesn’t give me the correct answers.
This is my code:
def combinations(n,k):
# base case
if k ==0:
return 1
elif n<k:
return 0
# recursive case
return combinations(n-1,k-1)+ combinations(n-1,k)
The answers should look like this:
>>> c(2, 1)
>>> c(1, 2)
>>> c(2, 5)
but I get other numbers... don’t see where the problem is in my code.
I would try reversing the arguments, because as written n < k.
I think you mean this:
>>> c(2, 1)
>>> c(5, 2)
Your calls, e.g. c(2, 5) means that n=2 and k=5 (as per your definition of c at the top of your question). So n < k and as such the result should be 0. And that’s exactly what happens with your implementation. And all other examples do yield the actually correct results as well.
Are you sure that the arguments of your example test cases have the correct order? Because they are all c(k, n)-calls. So either those calls are wrong, or the order in your definition of c is off.
This is one of those times where you really shouldn't be using a recursive function. Computing combinations is very simple to do directly. For some things, like a factorial function, using recursion there is no big deal, because it can be optimized with tail-recursion anyway.
Here's the reason why:
Why do we never use this definition for the Fibonacci sequence when we are writing a program?
def fibbonacci(idx):
if(idx < 2):
return idx
return fibbonacci(idx-1) + fibbonacci(idx-2)
The reason is because that, because of recursion, it is prohibitively slow. Multiple separate recursive calls should be avoided if possible, for the same reason.
If you do insist on using recursion, I would recommend reading this page first. A better recursive implementation will require only one recursive call each time. Rosetta code seems to have some pretty good recursive implementations as well.
