Python Linear Search Better Efficiency - python

I've got a question regarding Linear Searching in Python. Say I've got the base code of
for l in lines:
for f in search_data:
if my_search_function(l[1],[f[0],f[2]]):
print "Found it!"
in which we want to determine where in search_data exists the value stored in l[1]. Say my_search_function() looks like this:
def my_search_function(search_key, search_values):
for s in search_values:
if search_key in s:
return True
return False
Is there any way to increase the speed of processing? Binary Search would not work in this case, as lines and search_data are multidimensional lists and I need to preserve the indexes. I've tried an outside-in approach, i.e.
for line in lines:
negative_index = -1
positive_index = 0
middle_element = len(search_data) /2 if len(search_data) %2 == 0 else (len(search_data)-1) /2
found = False
while positive_index < middle_element:
# print str(positive_index)+","+str(negative_index)
if my_search_function(line[1], [search_data[positive_index][0],search_data[negative_index][0]]):
print "Found it!"
positive_index = positive_index +1
negative_index = negative_index -1
However, I'm not seeing any speed increases from this. Does anyone have a better approach? I'm looking to cut the processing speed in half as I'm working with large amounts of CSV and the processing time for one file is > 00:15 which is unacceptable as I'm processing batches of 30+ files. Basically the data I'm searching on is essentially SKUs. A value from lines[0] could be something like AS123JK and a valid match for that value could be AS123. So a HashMap would not work here, unless there exists a way to do partial matches in a HashMap lookup that wouldn't require me breaking down the values like ['AS123', 'AS123J', 'AS123JK'], which is not ideal in this scenario. Thanks!

Binary Search would not work in this case, as lines and search_data are multidimensional lists and I need to preserve the indexes.
Regardless, it may be worth your while to extract the strings (along with some reference to the original data structure) into a flat list, sort it, and perform fast binary searches on it with help of the bisect module.
Or, instead of a large number of searches, sort also a combined list of all the search keys and traverse both lists in parallel, looking for matches. (Proceeding in a similar manner to the merge step in merge sort, without actually outputting a merged list)
Code to illustrate the second approach:
lines = ['AS12', 'AS123', 'AS123J', 'AS123JK','AS124']
search_keys = ['AS123', 'AS125']
iter_keys = iter(sorted(search_keys))
key = next(iter_keys)
for line in sorted(lines):
if line.startswith(key):
print('Line {} matches {}'.format(line, key))
while key < line[:len(key)]:
key = next(iter_keys)
except StopIteration: # all keys processed

Depends on problem detail.
For instance if you search for complete words, you could create a hashtable on searchable elements, and the final search would be a simple lookup.
Filling the hashtable is pseudo-linear.

Ultimately, I was broke down and implemented Binary Search on my multidimensional lists by sorting using the sorted() function with a lambda as a key argument.Here is the first pass code that I whipped up. It's not 100% efficient, but it's a vast improvement from where we were
def binary_search(master_row, source_data,master_search_index, source_search_index):
lower_bound = 0
upper_bound = len(source_data) - 1
found = False
while lower_bound <= upper_bound and not found:
middle_pos = (lower_bound + upper_bound) // 2
if source_data[middle_pos][source_search_index] < master_row[master_search_index]:
if search([source_data[middle_pos][source_search_index]],[master_row[master_search_index]]):
return {"result": True, "index": middle_pos}
lower_bound = middle_pos + 1
elif source_data[middle_pos][source_search_index] > master_row[master_search_index] :
if search([master_row[master_search_index]],[source_data[middle_pos][source_search_index]]):
return {"result": True, "index": middle_pos}
upper_bound = middle_pos - 1
if len(source_data[middle_pos][source_search_index]) > 5:
return {"result": True, "index": middle_pos}
and then where we actually make the Binary Search call
#where master_copy is the first multidimensional list, data_copy is the second
#the search columns are the columns we want to search against
for line in master_copy:
for m in master_search_columns:
found = False
for d in data_search_columns:
data_copy = sorted(data_copy, key=lambda x: x[d], reverse=False)
results = binary_search(line, data_copy,m, d)
found = results["result"]
if found:
line = update_row(line, data_copy[results["index"]], column_mapping)
found_count = found_count +1
if found:
Here's the info for sorting a multidimensional list Python Sort Multidimensional Array Based on 2nd Element of Subarray


selecting a value using a conditional statement based on a list of tuples

I have a list of tuples converted from a dictionary. I am looking to compare a conditional value against the list of tuples(values) whether it is higher or lower starting from the beginning on the list. When this conditional value is lower than a tuple's(value) I want to use that specific tuple for further coding.
Please can somebody give me an insight into how this is achieved?
I am relatively new to coding, self-learning and I am not 100% sure the example would run but for the sake of demonstrating I have tried my best.
`tuple_list = [(12:00:00, £55.50), (13:00:00, £65.50), (14:00:00, £75.50), (15:00:00, £45.50), (16:00:00, £55.50)]
conditional_value = £50
if conditional_value != for x in tuple_list.values()
y = 0
if conditional_value < tuple_list(y)
///"return the relevant value from the tuple_list to use for further coding. I would be
looking to work with £45.50"///`
Thank you.
Just form a new list with a condition:
tuple_list = [("12:00:00", 55.50), ("13:00:00", 65.50), ("14:00:00", 75.50), ("15:00:00", 45.50), ("16:00:00", 55.50)]
threshold = 50
below = [tpl for tpl in tuple_list if tpl[1] < threshold]
Which yields
[('15:00:00', 45.5)]
Note that I added quotation marks and removed the currency sign to be able to compare the values. If you happen to have the £ in your actual values, you'll have to preprocess (stripping) them before.
If I'm understanding your question correctly, this should be what you're looking for:
for key, value in tuple_list:
if conditional_value < value:
continue # Skips to next in the list.
# Do further coding.
You can use
tuple_list = [("12:00:00", 55.50), ("13:00:00", 65.50), ("14:00:00", 75.50), ("15:00:00", 45.50), ("16:00:00", 55.50)]
conditional_value = 50
new_tuple_list = list(filter(lambda x: x[1] > conditional_value, tuple_list))
This code will return a new_tuple_list with all items that there value us greater then the conditional_value.

Spark: More Efficient Aggregation to join strings from different rows

I'm currently working with DNA sequence data and I have run into a bit of a performance roadblock.
I have two lookup dictionaries/hashes (as RDDs) with DNA "words" (short sequences) as keys and a list of index positions as the value. One is for a shorter query sequence and the other for a database sequence. Creating the tables is pretty fast even with very, very large sequences.
For the next step, I need to pair these up and find "hits" (pairs of index positions for each common word).
I first join the lookup dictionaries, which is reasonably fast. However, I now need the pairs, so I have to flatmap twice, once to expand the list of indices from the query and the second time to expand the list of indices from the database. This isn't ideal, but I don't see another way to do it. At least it performs ok.
The output at this point is: (query_index, (word_length, diagonal_offset)), where the diagonal offset is the database_sequence_index minus the query sequence index.
However, I now need to find pairs of indices on with the same diagonal offset (db_index - query_index) and reasonably close together and join them (so I increase the length of the word), but only as pairs (i.e. once I join one index with another, I don't want anything else to merge with it).
I do this with an aggregateByKey operation using a special object called Seed().
PARALELLISM = 16 # I have 4 cores with hyperthreading
def generateHsps(query_lookup_table_rdd, database_lookup_table_rdd):
global broadcastSequences
def mergeValueOp(seedlist, (query_index, seed_length)):
return seedlist.addSeed((query_index, seed_length))
def mergeSeedListsOp(seedlist1, seedlist2):
return seedlist1.mergeSeedListIntoSelf(seedlist2)
hits_rdd = (query_lookup_table_rdd.join(database_lookup_table_rdd)
.flatMap(lambda (word, (query_indices, db_indices)): [(query_index, db_indices) for query_index in query_indices], preservesPartitioning=True)
.flatMap(lambda (query_index, db_indices): [(db_index - query_index, (query_index, WORD_SIZE)) for db_index in db_indices], preservesPartitioning=True)
.aggregateByKey(SeedList(), mergeValueOp, mergeSeedListsOp, PARALLELISM)
.map(lambda (diagonal, seedlist): (diagonal, seedlist.mergedSeedList))
.flatMap(lambda (diagonal, seedlist): [(query_index, seed_length, diagonal) for query_index, seed_length in seedlist])
return hits_rdd
class SeedList():
def __init__(self):
self.unmergedSeedList = []
self.mergedSeedList = []
#Try to find a more efficient way to do this
def addSeed(self, (query_index1, seed_length1)):
for i in range(0, len(self.unmergedSeedList)):
(query_index2, seed_length2) = self.unmergedSeedList[i]
#print "Checking ({0}, {1})".format(query_index2, seed_length2)
if min(abs(query_index2 + seed_length2 - query_index1), abs(query_index1 + seed_length1 - query_index2)) <= WINDOW_SIZE:
self.mergedSeedList.append((min(query_index1, query_index2), max(query_index1+seed_length1, query_index2+seed_length2)-min(query_index1, query_index2)))
return self
self.unmergedSeedList.append((query_index1, seed_length1))
return self
def mergeSeedListIntoSelf(self, seedlist2):
print "merging seed"
for (query_index2, seed_length2) in seedlist2.unmergedSeedList:
wasmerged = False
for i in range(0, len(self.unmergedSeedList)):
(query_index1, seed_length1) = self.unmergedSeedList[i]
if min(abs(query_index2 + seed_length2 - query_index1), abs(query_index1 + seed_length1 - query_index2)) <= WINDOW_SIZE:
self.mergedSeedList.append((min(query_index1, query_index2), max(query_index1+seed_length1, query_index2+seed_length2)-min(query_index1, query_index2)))
wasmerged = True
if not wasmerged:
self.unmergedSeedList.append((query_index2, seed_length2))
return self
This is where the performance really breaks down for even sequences of moderate length.
Is there any better way to do this aggregation? My gut feeling says yes, but I can't come up with it.
I know this is a very long winded and technical question, and I would really appreciate any insight even if there is no easy solution.
Edit: Here is how I am making the lookup tables:
def createLookupTable(sequence_rdd, sequence_name, word_length):
global broadcastSequences
blank_list = []
def addItemToList(lst, val):
return lst
def mergeLists(lst1, lst2):
#print "Merging"
return lst1+lst2
return (sequence_rdd
.flatMap(lambda seq_len: range(0, seq_len - word_length + 1))
.map(lambda index: (str(broadcastSequences.value[sequence_name][index:index + word_length]), index), preservesPartitioning=True)
.aggregateByKey(blank_list, addItemToList, mergeLists, PARALLELISM)) (word, indices): (word, sorted(indices))))
And here is the function that runs the whole operation:
def run(query_seq, database_sequence, translate_query=False):
global broadcastSequences
scoring_matrix = 'nucleotide' if isinstance(query_seq.alphabet, DNAAlphabet) else 'blosum62'
sequences = {'query': query_seq,
'database': database_sequence}
broadcastSequences = sc.broadcast(sequences)
query_rdd = sc.parallelize([len(query_seq)])
database_rdd = sc.parallelize([len(database_sequence)])
query_lookup_table_rdd = createLookupTable(query_rdd, 'query', WORD_SIZE)
database_lookup_table_rdd = createLookupTable(database_rdd, 'database', WORD_SIZE)
seeds_rdd = generateHsps(query_lookup_table_rdd, database_lookup_table_rdd)
return seeds_rdd
Edit 2: I have tweaked things a bit and slightly improved performance by replacing:
.flatMap(lambda (word, (query_indices, db_indices)): [(query_index, db_indices) for query_index in query_indices], preservesPartitioning=True)
.flatMap(lambda (query_index, db_indices): [(db_index - query_index, (query_index, WORD_SIZE)) for db_index in db_indices], preservesPartitioning=True)
in hits_rdd with:
.flatMap(lambda (word, (query_indices, db_indices)): itertools.product(query_indices, db_indices))
.map(lambda (query_index, db_index): (db_index - query_index, (query_index, WORD_SIZE) ))
At least now I'm not burning up storage with intermediate data structures as much.
Let's forget about the technical details of what your doing and think "functionally" about the steps involved, forgetting about the details of the implementation. Functional thinking like this is an important part of parallel data analysis; ideally if we can break the problem up like this, we can reason more clearly about the steps involved, and end up with clearer and often more concise. Thinking in terms of a tabular data model, I would consider your problem to consist of the following steps:
Join your two datasets on the sequence column.
Create a new column delta containing the difference between the indices.
Sort by (either) index to make sure that the subsequences are in the correct order.
Group by delta and concatenate the strings in the sequence column, to obtain the full matches between your datasets.
For the first 3 steps, I think it makes sense to use DataFrames, since this data model makes sense in my head of the kind processing that we're doing. (Actually I might use DataFrames for step 4 as well, except pyspark doesn't currently support custom aggregate functions for DataFrames, although Scala does).
For the fourth step (which is if I understand correctly what you're really asking about in your question), it's a little tricky to think about how to do this functionally, however I think an elegant and efficient solution is to use a reduce (also known a right fold); this pattern can be applied to any problem that you can phrase in terms of iteratively applying an associative binary function, that is a function where the "grouping" of any 3 arguments doesn't matter (although the order certainly may matter), Symbolically, this is a function x,y -> f(x,y) where f(x, f(y, z)) = f(f(x, y), z). String (or more generally list) concatenation is just such a function.
Here's an example of how this might look in pyspark; hopefully you can adapt this to the details of your data:
#setup some sample data
query = [['abcd', 30] ,['adab', 34] ,['dbab',38]]
reference = [['dbab', 20], ['ccdd', 24], ['abcd', 50], ['adab',54], ['dbab',58], ['dbab', 62]]
#create data frames
query_df = sqlContext.createDataFrame(query, schema = ['sequence1', 'index1'])
reference_df = sqlContext.createDataFrame(reference, schema = ['sequence2', 'index2'])
#step 1: join
matches = query_df.join(reference_df, query_df.sequence1 == reference_df.sequence2)
#step 2: calculate delta column
matches_delta = matches.withColumn('delta', matches.index2 - matches.index1)
#step 3: sort by index
matches_sorted = matches_delta.sort('delta').sort('index2')
#step 4: convert back to rdd and reduce
#note that + is just string concatenation for strings
r = matches_sorted['delta', 'sequence1'].rdd
r.reduceByKey(lambda x, y : x + y).collect()
#expected output:
#[(24, u'dbab'), (-18, u'dbab'), (20, u'abcdadabdbab')]

Optimizing searches in very large csv files

I have a csv file with a single column, but 6.2 million rows, all containing strings between 6 and 20ish letters. Some strings will be found in duplicate (or more) entries, and I want to write these to a new csv file - a guess is that there should be around 1 million non-unique strings. That's it, really. Continuously searching through a dictionary of 6 million entries does take its time, however, and I'd appreciate any tips on how to do it. Any script I've written so far takes at least a week (!) to run, according to some timings I did.
First try:
in_file_1 = open('UniProt Trypsinome (full).csv','r')
in_list_1 = list(csv.reader(in_file_1))
out_file_1 = open('UniProt Non-Unique Reference Trypsinome.csv','w+')
out_file_2 = open('UniProt Unique Trypsin Peptides.csv','w+')
writer_1 = csv.writer(out_file_1)
writer_2 = csv.writer(out_file_2)
# Create trypsinome dictionary construct
ref_dict = {}
for row in range(len(in_list_1)):
ref_dict[row] = in_list_1[row]
# Find unique/non-unique peptides from trypsinome
Peptide_list = []
Uniques = []
for n in range(len(in_list_1)):
Peptide = ref_dict.pop(n)
if Peptide in ref_dict.values(): # Non-unique peptides
Uniques.append(Peptide) # Unique peptides
for m in range(len(Peptide_list)):
Write_list = (str(Peptide_list[m]).replace("'","").replace("[",'').replace("]",''),'')
Second try:
in_file_1 = open('UniProt Trypsinome (full).csv','r')
in_list_1 = list(csv.reader(in_file_1))
out_file_1 = open('UniProt Non-Unique Reference Trypsinome.csv','w+')
writer_1 = csv.writer(out_file_1)
ref_dict = {}
for row in range(len(in_list_1)):
Peptide = in_list_1[row]
if Peptide in ref_dict.values():
write = (in_list_1[row],'')
ref_dict[row] = in_list_1[row]
EDIT: here's a few lines from the csv file:
Do it with Numpy. Roughly:
import numpy as np
column = 42
mat = np.loadtxt("thefile", dtype=[TODO])
uniq = set(np.unique(mat[:,column]))
for row in mat:
if row[column] not in uniq:
print row
You could even vectorize the output stage using numpy.savetxt and the char-array operators, but it probably won't make very much difference.
First hint : Python has support for lazy evaluation, better to use it when dealing with huge datasets. So :
iterate over your csv.reader instead of building a huge in-memory list,
don't build huge in-memory lists with ranges - use enumerate(seq) instead if you need both the item and index, and just iterate over your sequence's items if you don't need the index.
Second hint : the main point of using a dict (hashtable) is to lookup on keys, not values... So don't build a huge dict that's used as a list.
Third hint : if you just want a way to store "already seen" values, use a Set.
I'm not so good in Python, so I don't know how the 'in' works, but your algorithm seems to run in n².
Try to sort your list after reading it, with an algo in n log(n), like quicksort, it should work better.
Once the list is ordered, you just have to check if two consecutive elements of the list are the same.
So you get the reading in n, the sorting in n log(n) (at best), and the comparison in n.
Although I think that the numpy solution is the best, I'm curious whether we can speed up the given example. My suggestions are:
skip csv.reader costs and just read the line
rb to skip the extra scan needed to fix newlines
use bigger file buffer sizes (read 1Meg, write 64K is probably good)
use the dict keys as an index - key lookup is much faster than value lookup
I'm not a numpy guy, so I'd do something like
in_file_1 = open('UniProt Trypsinome (full).csv','rb', 1048576)
out_file_1 = open('UniProt Non-Unique Reference Trypsinome.csv','w+', 65536)
ref_dict = {}
for line in in_file_1:
peptide = line.rstrip()
if peptide in ref_dict:
out_file_1.write(peptide + '\n')
ref_dict[peptide] = None

TypeError: 'filter' object is not subscriptable

I am receiving the error
TypeError: 'filter' object is not subscriptable
When trying to run the following block of code
bonds_unique = {}
for bond in bonds_new:
if bond[0] < 0:
ghost_atom = -(bond[0]) - 1
bond_index = 0
elif bond[1] < 0:
ghost_atom = -(bond[1]) - 1
bond_index = 1
bonds_unique[repr(bond)] = bond
if sheet[ghost_atom][1] > r_length or sheet[ghost_atom][1] < 0:
ghost_x = sheet[ghost_atom][0]
ghost_y = sheet[ghost_atom][1] % r_length
image = filter(lambda i: abs(i[0] - ghost_x) < 1e-2 and
abs(i[1] - ghost_y) < 1e-2, sheet)
bond[bond_index] = old_to_new[sheet.index(image[0]) + 1 ]
#print >> stderr, ghost_atom +1, bond[bond_index], image
bonds_unique[repr(bond)] = bond
# Removing duplicate bonds
bonds_unique = sorted(bonds_unique.values())
sheet_new = []
bonds_new = []
old_to_new = {}
The error occurs at the line
bond[bond_index] = old_to_new[sheet.index(image[0]) + 1 ]
I apologise that this type of question has been posted on SO many times, but I am fairly new to Python and do not fully understand dictionaries. Am I trying to use a dictionary in a way in which it should not be used, or should I be using a dictionary where I am not using it?
I know that the fix is probably very simple (albeit not to me), and I will be very grateful if someone could point me in the right direction.
Once again, I apologise if this question has been answered already
I am using Python IDLE 3.3.1 on Windows 7 64-bit.
filter() in python 3 does not return a list, but an iterable filter object. Use the next() function on it to get the first filtered item:
bond[bond_index] = old_to_new[sheet.index(next(image)) + 1 ]
There is no need to convert it to a list, as you only use the first value.
Iterable objects like filter() produce results on demand rather than all in one go. If your sheet list is very large, it might take a long time and a lot of memory to put all the filtered results into a list, but filter() only needs to evaluate your lambda condition until one of the values from sheet produces a True result to produce one output. You tell the filter() object to scan through sheet for that first value by passing it to the next() function. You could do so multiple times to get multiple values, or use other tools that take iterables to do more complex things; the itertools library is full of such tools. The Python for loop is another such a tool, it too takes values from an iterable one by one.
If you must have access to all filtered results together, because you have to, say, index into the results at will (e.g. because this time your algorithm needed to access index 223, index 17 then index 42) only then convert the iterable object to a list, by using list():
image = list(filter(lambda i: ..., sheet))
The ability to access any of the values of an ordered sequence of values is called random access; a list is such a sequence, and so is a tuple or a numpy array. Iterables do not provide random access.
Use list before filter condtion then it works fine. For me it resolved the issue.
For example
list(filter(lambda x: x%2!=0, mylist))
instead of
filter(lambda x: x%2!=0, mylist)
image = list(filter(lambda i: abs(i[0] - ghost_x) < 1e-2 and abs(i[1] - ghost_y) < 1e-2, sheet))

What is the lightest way of doing this task?

I have a file whose contents are of the form:
.2323 1
.2327 1
.3432 1
.4543 1
and so on some 10,000 lines in each file.
I have a variable whose value is say a=.3344
From the file I want to get the row number of the row whose first column is closest to this variable...for example it should give row_num='3' as .3432 is closest to it.
I have tried in a method of loading the first columns element in a list and then comparing the variable to each element and getting the index number
If I do in this method it is very much time consuming and slow my model...I want a very quick method as this need to to called some 1000 times minimum...
I want a method with least overhead and very quick can anyone please tell me how can it be done very fast.
As the file size is maximum of 100kb can this be done directly without loading into any list of anything...if yes how can it be done.
Any method quicker than the method mentioned above are welcome but I am desperate to improve the speed -- please help.
def get_list(file, cmp, fout):
ind, _ = min(enumerate(file), key=lambda x: abs(x[1] - cmp))
return fout[ind].rstrip('\n').split(' ')
#root = r'c:\begpython\wavnk'
header = 6
for lst in lists:
save = database_index[lst]
#print save
index, base,abs2, _ , abs1 = save
using_data[index] = save
base = 'C:/begpython/wavnk/'+ base.replace('phone', 'text')
fin, fout = base + '.pm', base + '.mcep'
file = open(fin)
fout = open(fout).readlines()
[next(file) for _ in range(header)]
file = [float(line.partition(' ')[0]) for line in file]
join_cost_index_end[index] = get_list(file, float(abs1), fout)
join_cost_index_strt[index] = get_list(file, float(abs2), fout)
this is the code i was using..copying file into a list.and all please give better alternarives to this
Building on John Kugelman's answer, here's a way you might be able to do a binary search on a file with fixed-length lines:
class SubscriptableFile(object):
def __init__(self, file):
self._file = file,0)
self._line_length = len(file.readline()),2)
self._len = file.tell() / self._line_length
def __len__(self):
return self._len
def __getitem__(self, key): * self._line_length)
s = self._file.readline()
if s:
return float(s.split()[0])
raise KeyError('Line number too large')
This class wraps a file in a list-like structure, so that now you can use the functions of the bisect module on it:
def find_row(file, target):
fw = SubscriptableFile(file)
i = bisect.bisect_left(fw, target)
if fw[i + 1] - target < target - fw[i]:
return i + 1
return i
Here file is an open file object and target is the number you want to find. The function returns the number of the line with the closest value.
I will note, however, that the bisect module will try to use a C implementation of its binary search when it is available, and I'm not sure if the C implementation supports this kind of behavior. It might require a true list, rather than a "fake list" (like my SubscriptableFile).
Is the data in the file sorted in numerical order? Are all the lines of the same length? If not, the simplest approach is best. Namely, reading through the file line by line. There's no need to store more than one line in memory at a time.
def closest(num):
closest_row = None
closest_value = None
for row_num, row in enumerate(file('numbers.txt')):
value = float(row.split()[0])
if closest_value is None or abs(value - num) < abs(closest_value - num):
closest_row = row
closest_row_num = row_num
closest_value = value
return (closest_row_num, closest_row)
print closest(.3344)
Output for sample data:
(2, '.3432 1\n')
If the lines are all the same length and the data is sorted then there are some optimizations that will make this a very fast process. All the lines being the same length would let you seek directly to particular lines (you can't do this in a normal text file with lines of different length). Which would then enable you to do a binary search.
A binary search would be massively faster than a linear search. A linear search will on average have to read 5,000 lines of a 10,000 line file each time, whereas a binary search would on average only read log2 10,000 ≈ 13 lines.
Load it into a list then use bisect.
