I am working with some data that for a specific column can only formatted in 1 of three ways:
3884932039484 (this is randomly generated from my program)
0 (this is static and will never change)
-1 (this is static and will never change)
I want the program to randomly pick between option 1,2 or 3 and insert one of three options. This is what I currently have:
file = open(r'I:\PythonDataFiles\StandardFeedInput\standardfeed_test.tsv', 'r')
all_lines = file.readlines()
#date_time_answer = input('Please input a date and time(2015-09-15 00:00:00): ')
#if date_time_answer == '':
date_time_answer = '{:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}'.format(datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(days = 1))
date_time = 1
is_imp = 16
person_id = 19
aid = 44
line_id = 49
cid = 50
is_click = 60
app_id = 0
prev_app_id = ''
new_file = open(r'I:\PythonDataFiles\Standard Feed Output\test2.txt', 'w')
for line in all_lines:
row = line.split('\t')
row[date_time] = date_time_answer
row[person_id] = str((random.randint(1000000000, 9999999999)), 0, -1)
if row[app_id] == str(prev_app_id):
row[is_imp] = str(0)
row[is_click] = str(1)
row[is_imp] = str(1)
prev_app_id = app_id
Use random.choice() to pick one of the three options:
random.choice([random.randint(1000000000, 9999999999), 0, -1])
I am a beginner. I have a log file like the below for ~ 1000 cycle loops,
My objective is to read the Temp & fan values corresponding to cycle count. Basically I want to put everything in a table. And I tried with the simple programming
string1 = 'CycleSTART#'
string2 = 'Temp'
string3 = 'Fan'
import pandas as pd
filepath = "XXX<location of txt file>"
with open(filepath) as fp:
cnt = 1
while line:
cnt += 1
flag = 0
index = 0
for line in fp:
if string1 in line:
flag = 1
if flag == 1:
extracted_string1 = line[11:11+lword]
for line in fp:
if string2 in line:
flag = 2
if flag == 2:
extracted_string2 = line[6:6+lword]
for line in fp:
if string3 in line:
flag = 3
if flag == 3:
extracted_string3 = line[5:5+lword]
data = {'cycle': [extracted_string1],
'temp' : [extracted_string2],
'Fan' : [extracted_string3],
df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns = ['cycle', 'temp', 'Fan']
print (df)
Tried with this but every time, I get the first cycle value and its not looping to the next cycles.
I would rewrite a little bit and use splits to stay away from regex.
import pandas as pd
def add_to_dict(item, key, dic):
if dic.get(item, False):
dic[item] = [item]
filepath = "XXX<location of txt file>"
data_container = {}
with open(filepath, "r") as f:
for indx, line in enumerate(f):
if indx % 3 == 0:
value = int(line.split("#")[-1]) # Split on # and then convert to number
key = "cycle"
elif indx % 3 == 1:
temp = float(temp.split("=")[-1][:-1]) # Split on = and then remove the C to hold the temperature value
key = "temp"
elif indx % 3 == 2:
fan = int(fan.split("=")[-1]) # Almost same as above, split on = to get the numerical value at the end and convert it to int
key = "Fan"
add_to_dict(value, key, data_container)
dataframe = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(data_container)
f = open('studMarks.txt', 'r')
marks = 0
# Sort out names, split the words then sort which order
for line in f:
words = line.split()
fname = words[0]
lname = words[1]
f = open('studMarks.txt', 'r')
sum = 0
count = 0
for line in f:
count += 1
sum += float(line.split()[2])
n = []
average = sum/count
When using the for loop it seems to display a value of 64.3, which I believe is for the total of the whole student list and average for all marks.
I need to produce the an output which displays the student names and average on the same line. I can do for the names but I cannot do it for the average as I keep getting errors. I don't know what to input in.
Below is the full solution. The with open line is a context manager and ensures that the file will get closed as soon as you exit the block. You should get used to using this style as it's the safe way to do I/O. The rest is just bog standard Python.
with open('studMarks.txt', 'r') as f:
for line in f:
words = line.split()
fname = words[0]
lname = words[1]
score = int(words[2])
key = f'{fname} {lname}'
count_key = f'{fname} {lname}_count'
latest_score = score + (marks.get(key)[0] if marks.get(key) else 0)
latest_count = 1 + (marks.get(key)[1] if marks.get(key) else 0)
marks[key] = (latest_score, latest_count )
for name, value in marks.items():
print(f'{name} : {value[0]/value[1]}')
This is an interesting problem.
From what I understand you have a text file that looks like this:
Johnny Ly 90 100 Adam Best 80 30 Tim Smith 10 20 in a file called studentMarks2.txt
and want output like this:
Johnny_Ly 95.0 Adam_Best 55.0 Tim_Smith 15.0
if that is true then it can be done using code like this without pandas or csv
though those would make this a lot easier.
fileContents = []
with open('studMarks2.txt','r') as f:
fileContents = f.read().split()
students = dict()
names = []
for content in fileContents:
if content.isnumeric():
studentKey = '_'.join(names)
currentScore = students.get(studentKey,[])
newScore = currentScore + [float(content)]
if len(names) == 2:
for student,scores in students.items():
avg = sum(scores)/len(scores)
print(student,avg,end=' ')
Broken down
This part reads the contents and splits on white space
fileContents = []
with open('studMarks2.txt','r') as f:
fileContents = f.read().split()
this part then iterates through the contents
storing the names as keys in a dictionary and putting the scores in a list
students = dict()
names = []
for content in fileContents:
if content.isnumeric():
studentKey = '_'.join(names)
currentScore = students.get(studentKey,[])
newScore = currentScore + [float(content)]
if len(names) == 2:
Lastly it iterates over the dictionary and output the avg on one line
for student,scores in students.items():
avg = sum(scores)/len(scores)
print(student,avg,end=' ')
For changing the values from 10 to 18, 19 or 20, I am splitting the string, access the substrings and then trying to change it. Its working but just not changing the values. Here is the solution I am trying to implement:
oldFileName = 'tryout.hmo'
newFileName = 'tryout_NEW.hmo'
topoFileName = 'Density.topo'
readme = open( oldFileName, "r" )
oldLines = readme.readlines()
readme = open(topoFileName, "r")
Lines = readme.readlines()
newFile = open(newFileName,"w")
for row in oldLines:
for line in Lines:
tmp = line.split()
list = row.rstrip()
tmp1 = list.split()
if row.find("BEG_ELEM_DATA") > -1:
if tmp[0] == tmp1[0]:
if tmp[2] == 1 and tmp[3] == 0:
# it is magnet, value 18
newFile.write(tmp1.replace(tmp1[1], "18"))
elif tmp[2] == 1 and tmp[3] == 1:
# it is iron, value 19
newFile.write(tmp1.replace(tmp1[1], "19"))
# it is air, value 20
newFile.write(tmp1.replace(tmp1[1], "20"))
I would really appreciate it if you could able to solve this problem in above script, then I guess it should work.
I'm also still a beginner in Python, but I tried to solve your problem and here is my solution:
I guess there are way better ways to do it because here you have to import all data to a dataframe before comparing it.
Also I don't know if you can read your data with pd.read_csv to a dataframe because I don't know *.hmo and *.topo
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv('tryout.csv', delimiter=';')
df2 = pd.read_csv('density.csv', delimiter=';')
for idx, row in df.iterrows():
for idx2, row2 in df2.iterrows():
if row[0] == row2[0]:
if row2[2] == 1 and row2[3] == 0 :
# it is magnet, value 18
row[1] = 18
elif row2[2] == 1 and row2[3] == 1 :
# it is iron, value 19
row[1] = 19
# it is air, value 20
row[1] = 20
What my code is doing here, it loads both files to dataframes. Then iterate over every line to compare where the ID in both files is the same (e.g 3749).
If true there are the 3 if statements whether it is magnet/iron/air and change the value in df to the right number.
At the end save the new df to a new file 'new_tryout.csv'
I created 2 testfiles for it and it worked the way it should.
Finally, here is the solution you were searching for.
import pandas as pd
df2 = pd.read_csv('Density.topo', header = 0, names = list('ABCD'), delimiter=r'\s+', skiprows=1)
df2[['C', 'D']]= df2[['C', 'D']].round()
with open('tryout.hmo', 'r') as f:
for line in f:
if line[11:13] == '10':
if line[3].isspace():
ID_to_search_for = line[4:8] # number with 4 digits
ID_to_search_for = line[3:8] # number with 5 digits
search_idx = df2[df2['A'] == ID_to_search_for].index[0]
if df2['C'][search_idx] == 1 and df2['D'][search_idx] == 0:
change = '18' #magnet
new_line = line[:11] + change + line[13:]
elif df2['C'][search_idx] == 1 and df2['D'][search_idx] == 1:
change = '19' #iron
new_line = line[:11] + change + line[13:]
change = '20' #air
new_line = line[:11] + change + line[13:]
new_file_content += new_line
new_file_content += line
with open('tryout_changed.hmo', 'w') as f:
if you don't want to use dataframes, you can do it like this:
with open('density.topo') as f:
lists_of_list = [line.rstrip().split() for line in f]
with open('tryout_test.hmo', 'r') as f:
for line in f:
if line[11:13] == '10':
if line[3].isspace():
ID_to_search_for = line[4:8] # number with 4 digits
ID_to_search_for = line[3:8] # number with 5 digits
for idx, sublist in enumerate(lists_of_list):
if sublist[0] == ID_to_search_for:
if lists_of_list[idx][2] == 1 and lists_of_list[idx][3] == 0:
change = '18' #magnet
new_line = line[:11] + change + line[13:]
elif lists_of_list[idx][2] == 1 and lists_of_list[idx][3] == 1:
change = '19' #iron
new_line = line[:11] + change + line[13:]
change = '20' #air
new_line = line[:11] + change + line[13:]
new_file_content += new_line
new_file_content += line
with open('tryout_changed.hmo', 'w') as f:
ok, here is my final answer. It does (again) all things you were searching for. Please debug your code in your IDE if there is a problem. You should start using context manager instead of open and closing files step by step.
I wrote the new code around your code in the question and added some comments to it.
oldFileName = 'tryout.hmo'
newFileName = 'tryout_NEW.hmo'
topoFileName = 'Density.topo'
readme = open( oldFileName, "r" )
oldLines = readme.readlines()
m = int(oldLines[3])
new_m = m+3
m1 = str(m)
new_m1 = str(new_m)
Phrase = "END_COMP_DATA"
#n = "Phrase not found" #not used --> not needed
with open(oldFileName,"r") as oldFile:
for number, lin in enumerate(oldFile):
if Phrase in lin:
n = number
#insert 3 lines to tryout_new at the right position (--> row n)
magnet = f" {m+1} "'" topo_magnet"'"\n"
iron = f" {m+2} "'" topo_iron"'"\n"
air = f" {m+3} "'" topo_air"'"\n"
oldLines[n:n] = [magnet, iron, air]
newFile = open(newFileName,"w")
flag = 0
with open('density.topo') as f:
data_density = [line.rstrip().split() for line in f]
for idx, row in enumerate(oldLines):
lst = row.rstrip() #I think you shouldn't name a variable like a class in python (list). use 'lst' or something like that
tmp_tryout = lst.split()
if row.find("BEG_ELEM_DATA") > -1:
flag = 1
if flag == 1 and len(tmp_tryout)>1:
# if the column has more than 2 columns (after split), check for the "10"
if tmp_tryout[1] == '10':
# density_idx_line searchs in density.topo for a match with tmp_tryout[0] (e.g. 3749) and stores the whole line
density_idx_line = list(filter(lambda x: x[0] == tmp_tryout[0], data_density))
if len(density_idx_line) >0:
if density_idx_line[0][2] == '1.0' and density_idx_line[0][3] == '1e-05':
# the ' 10 ' is the 10 with a whitespace before and after it. Only like this only the 10 gets replaced (and not e.g. 3104 to 3184)
newFile.write(row.replace(' 10 ', ' 18 '))
elif density_idx_line[0][2] == '1.0' and density_idx_line[0][3] == '1.0':
newFile.write(row.replace(' 10 ', ' 19 '))
newFile.write(row.replace(' 10 ', ' 20 '))
if idx == 3:
newFile.write(row.replace(m1, new_m1))
print ("script terminated successfully!")
ok, here is another solution. For anybody else who reads this: this is still only a temporary solution but #Sagar and me both don't know to do it better.
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv('tryout.hmo', header = 0, names = list('ABCDEFGHIJKLM'), delimiter=r'\s+', skiprows=[i for i in range(52362)])
df2 = pd.read_csv('Density.topo', header = 0, names = list('ANOP'), delimiter=r'\s+', skiprows=1)
df2 = df2.iloc[:-3, :]
df3 = df.merge(df2, how='outer', on='A')
df3[['O','P']] = df3[['O','P']].fillna(-1).astype(int).replace(-1, np.nan)
df3['B']= df3.apply(lambda x: 18 if x['B']==10 and x['O']==1 and x['P']==0 else (
19 if x['B']==10 and x['O']==1 and x['P']==1 else (
20 if x['B']==10 and x['O']==0 and x['P']==0 else x['B'])), axis=1)
It finished the code in less than a second, so it is far better than iterrows or itertuples.
The new csv file includes both the tryout file and the density file. They are merged together by the first column of tryout file (ID i guess)
I didn't check all of this very big file but from the few random points I checked, it seems as this way works.
In Python, I'm trying to iterate over 6000 URLs and download them,
when I try with a small number of iteration(4 URLs) everything works as expected.
with open("SECmasterURLs.txt",'r') as f:
byte_data = f.read()
count = 0
masterurls = byte_data.splitlines()
createFolder(r"/Users/egecikrikci/Desktop/SEC Scrape/ParsedDatas")
createFolder(r"/Users/egecikrikci/Desktop/SEC Scrape/MasterDatas")
ParsedFolder = (r"/Users/egecikrikci/Desktop/SEC Scrape/ParsedDatas/")
MasterFolder = (r"/Users/egecikrikci/Desktop/SEC Scrape/MasterDatas/")
for line in masterurls:
DataDownloader(line, ParsedFolder, MasterFolder)
process = psutil.Process(os.getpid())
__memoryusage__ = (process.memory_info().rss) # in bytes
print (__memoryusage__ / 1000000)
and as output it creates 2 files as expected and downloads my 4 files from URLs listed in SECmasterURLs.txt.
But when I try with 6000 URL's it returns an error:
UnboundLocalError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-32-cc04452d2aa1> in <module>
11 for line in xx:
---> 13 DataDownloader(line, ParsedFolder, MasterFolder)
14 process = psutil.Process(os.getpid())
15 __memoryusage__ = (process.memory_info().rss) # in bytes
<ipython-input-27-1ffb4717a449> in DataDownloader(file_url, folderforparsed, folderformaster)
26 # define a new dataset with out the header info.
---> 27 data_format = data[start_ind + 1:]
29 master_data = []
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'start_ind' referenced before assignment
and here is the code inside DataDownloader:
def DataDownloader(file_url, folderforparsed, folderformaster):
urlsplit = file_url.split('/')
urlsplit2 = urlsplit[8].split('.')
filenamebuilder = '{}{}'.format(urlsplit2[0],urlsplit2[1] + '.txt')
MasterFiles = open(folderforparsed + 'parsed' + filenamebuilder, 'w')
content = requests.get(file_url).content
count = 0
with open(folderformaster + filenamebuilder, 'wb') as f:
# let's open it and we will now have a byte stream to play with.
with open(folderformaster + filenamebuilder,'rb') as f:
byte_data = f.read()
# Now that we loaded the data, we have a byte stream that needs to be decoded and then split by -------.
data = byte_data.decode("utf-8").split('----')
# We need to remove the headers, so look for the end of the header and grab it's index
for index, item in enumerate(data):
if "ftp://ftp.sec.gov/edgar/" in item:
start_ind = index
# define a new dataset with out the header info.
data_format = data[start_ind + 1:]
master_data = []
# now we need to break the data into sections, this way we can move to the final step of getting each row value.
for index, item in enumerate(data_format):
# if it's the first index, it won't be even so treat it differently
if index == 0:
clean_item_data = item.replace('\n','|').split('|')
clean_item_data = clean_item_data[8:]
clean_item_data = item.replace('\n','|').split('|')
for index, row in enumerate(clean_item_data):
# when you find the text file.
if '.txt' in row:
# grab the values that belong to that row. It's 4 values before and one after.
mini_list = clean_item_data[(index - 4): index + 1]
if len(mini_list) != 0:
mini_list[4] = "https://www.sec.gov/Archives/" + mini_list[4]
#loop through each document in the master list.
for index, document in enumerate(master_data):
# create a dictionary for each document in the master list
document_dict = {}
document_dict['cik_number'] = document[0]
document_dict['company_name'] = document[1]
document_dict['form_id'] = document[2]
document_dict['date'] = document[3]
document_dict['file_url'] = document[4]
master_data[index] = document_dict
for document_dict in master_data:
# if it's a 10-K document pull the url and the name.
if document_dict['form_id'] == '10-K':
# get the components
comp_name = document_dict['company_name']
docu_url = document_dict['file_url']
form_type = document_dict['form_id']
print('Form Type is: {}'.format(form_type))
count = count + 1
What is happening is that when your code hits this line
data_format = data[start_ind + 1:]
it blows up because start_ind has not be initialized.
That variable is initialized via these lines:
for index, item in enumerate(data):
if "ftp://ftp.sec.gov/edgar/" in item:
start_ind = index
So if the data does not include that string, start_ind will never be initialized. For some subset of the 6000 urls you're processing, that string must not be there.
I'm writing a python script that works with two csv files. Lets call them csv1.csv (original file to read) and csv2.csv (exact copy of csv1). The goal is to find the row and column in the csv file that corresponds to the the modified user-defined input.
csv format:(continues for about 2-3 thousand lines)
LNLIM, 'FPL', 'SOUT', '137TH_LEVEE_B', 'B', '137TH_AV', 'LEVEE', 'A', 1000, 1100, 1200
LNLIM, 'FPL', 'SOUT', '137TH_DAVIS_B', 'A', '137TH_AV', 'NEWTON', 'A', 1000, 1100, 1200
Let's say that the user is looking for 137TH_AV and NEWTON. I want to be able to go row by row and compare the two columns/row indices ST_LN and ZST_LN. If both columns match what the user inputted then I want to capture which row in the csv file that happened on, and use that information to edit the remaining columns LIMIT1_LNLIM LIMIT2_LNLIM LIMIT3_LNLIM on that row with new analog values.
I want to get the 3 new values provided by the user and edit a specific row, and a specific row element. Once I've found the place to replace the number values I want to overwrite csv2.csv with this edit.
Determining where the line segment is located in the array
import sys
import csv
import os
import shutil
LineSectionNames = []
ScadaNames = []
with open('Vulcan_Imp_Summary.csv', 'r') as file:
reader = csv.reader(file)
for row in reader:
LineSectionName = row[1]
ScadaName = row[29]
#Reformatting arrays for accurate references
LineSectionNames = [character.replace('\xa0', ' ') for character in LineSectionNames]
LineSectionNames = [character.replace('?', '-') for character in LineSectionNames]
ScadaNames = [character.replace('\xa0', ' ') for character in ScadaNames]
#Setting Line Section name as key and Scada name as value
ScadaDict = {}
for i in range(len(LineSectionNames)):
ScadaDict[LineSectionNames[i]] = ScadaNames[i]
#Prompt user for grammatical name of Line Section
print ('Enter the Line Section Name: (Example = Goulds-Princeton) \n')
user_input = input()
#Reference user input to dictionary value to convert input into SCADA format
def reformat():
print ('Searching for Line Section...' + user_input)
if user_input in ScadaDict:
value = ScadaDict[user_input]
print ('\n\t Match!\n')
print ('The Line Section name you have entered was incorrect. Try again. \n Example = Goulds-Princeton')
# Copying the exported file from Genesys
path = 'I://PSCO//DBGROUP//PatrickL//'
shutil.copyfile(path + 'lnlim_import.csv', path + 'lnlim_import_c.csv')
#Using the SCADA format to search through csv file
print ('Searching csv file for...' + user_input)
# Reading the copied file
record_lnlims = []
id_cos = []
id_dvs = []
id_lines = []
id_lns = []
st_lns = []
zst_lns = []
id_lnlims = []
limit1_lnlims = []
limit2_lnlims = []
limit3_lnlims = []
with open('lnlim_import_c.csv', 'r') as copy:
reader = csv.reader(copy)
for row in reader:
record_lnlim = row[0]
id_co = row[1]
id_dv = row[2]
id_line = row[3]
id_ln = row[4]
st_ln = row[5]
zst_ln = row[6]
id_lnlim = row[7]
limit1_lnlim = row[8]
limit2_lnlim = row[9]
limit3_lnlim = row[10]
#Reformatting the user input from GOULDS-PRINCETON to 'GOULDS' and 'PRINCETON'
input_split = user_input.split('-', 1)
st_ln1 = input_split[0]
zst_ln1 = input_split[1]
st_ln2 = st_ln1.upper()
zst_ln2 = zst_ln1.upper()
st_ln3 = "'" + str(st_ln2) + "'"
zst_ln3 = "'" + str(zst_ln2) + "'"
#Receiving analog values from user
print ('\n\t Found! \n')
print ('Enter the Specified Emergency Rating (A) for 110% for 7 minutes: ')
limit1_input = input()
print ('Enter the Specified Emergency Rating (A) for 120% for 7 minutes: ')
limit2_input = input()
print ('Enter the Specified Emergency Rating (A) for 130% for 5 minutes: ')
limit3_input = input()
Whenever I print the row_index it prints the initialized value of 0.
i = 0
row_index = 0
for i in range(len(st_lns)):
if st_ln3 == st_lns[i] and zst_ln3 == zst_lns[i]:
row_index = i
limit1_input = limit1_lnlims[row_index]
limit2_input = limit2_lnlims[row_index]
limit3_input = limit3_lnlims[row_index]
csv_list = []
#Editing the csv file copy to implement new analog values
with open('lnlim_import_c.csv', 'w') as edit:
for x in zip(csv_list):