Norm of moving window submatrix - python

I try to create a function for performing a convolution between a matrix and a filter. I managed to do the basic operations, but I stumbled on calculating the norm of the sliced matrix (the submatrix of the main matrix), corresponding to each position in the output.
The code is this:
def convol2d(matrix, kernel):
# matrix - input matrix indexed (v, w)
# kernel - filtre indexed (s, t),
# h -output indexed (x, y),
# The output size is calculated by adding smid, tmid to each side of the dimensions of the input image.
norm_filter = np.linalg.norm(kernel) # The norm of the filter
vmax = matrix.shape[0]
wmax = matrix.shape[1]
smax = kernel.shape[0]
tmax = kernel.shape[1]
smid = smax // 2
tmid = tmax // 2
xmax = vmax + 2 * smid
ymax = wmax + 2 * tmid
window_list = [] # Initialized an empty list for storing the submatrix
print vmax
print xmax
h = np.zeros([xmax, ymax], dtype=np.float)
for x in range(xmax):
for y in range(ymax):
s_from = max(smid - x, -smid)
s_to = min((xmax - x) - smid, smid + 1)
t_from = max(tmid - y, -tmid)
t_to = min((ymax - y) - tmid, tmid + 1)
value = 0
for s in range(s_from, s_to):
for t in range(t_from, t_to):
v = x - smid + s
w = y - tmid + t
print matrix[v, w]
value += kernel[smid - s, tmid - t] * matrix[v, w]
# This does not work
norm_window = np.linalg.norm(window_list)
h[x, y] = value / norm_filter * norm_window
return h
For example, my input matrix is A(v, w), I want that my output values in the output matrix h (x,y), be calculated as:
h(x,y) = value/ (norm_of_filer * norm_of_sumbatrix)
Thanks for any help!
Edit: Following the suggestions, I modified like this:
I modified like this, but I only get the first row appended, and used in calculation and not the entire submatrix.
`for s in range(s_from, s_to):
for t in range(t_from, t_to):
v = x - smid + s
w = y - tmid + t
value += kernel[smid - s, tmid - t] * matrix[v, w]
window_array = np.asarray(window_list, dtype=float)
window_list = []
norm_window = np.linalg.norm(window_array)
h[x, y] = value / norm_filter * norm_window`

The input of np.linalg.norm is supposed to be an "Input array." Try converting the list of matrices to an array. (python: list of matrices to numpy array?)
Also, maybe move the norm_window line out of the loop, since you only later use it as evaluated at the last step, with everything in it. In fact, wait 'til the loop is done, convert the finished list to an array (so it's only done once) and evaluate norm_window on that.


Optimizing gaussian heatmap generation

I have a set of 68 keypoints (size [68, 2]) that I am mapping to gaussian heatmaps. To do this, I have the following function:
def generate_gaussian(t, x, y, sigma=10):
Generates a 2D Gaussian point at location x,y in tensor t.
x should be in range (-1, 1).
sigma is the standard deviation of the generated 2D Gaussian.
h,w = t.shape
# Heatmap pixel per output pixel
mu_x = int(0.5 * (x + 1.) * w)
mu_y = int(0.5 * (y + 1.) * h)
tmp_size = sigma * 3
# Top-left
x1,y1 = int(mu_x - tmp_size), int(mu_y - tmp_size)
# Bottom right
x2, y2 = int(mu_x + tmp_size + 1), int(mu_y + tmp_size + 1)
if x1 >= w or y1 >= h or x2 < 0 or y2 < 0:
return t
size = 2 * tmp_size + 1
tx = np.arange(0, size, 1, np.float32)
ty = tx[:, np.newaxis]
x0 = y0 = size // 2
# The gaussian is not normalized, we want the center value to equal 1
g = torch.tensor(np.exp(- ((tx - x0) ** 2 + (ty - y0) ** 2) / (2 * sigma ** 2)))
# Determine the bounds of the source gaussian
g_x_min, g_x_max = max(0, -x1), min(x2, w) - x1
g_y_min, g_y_max = max(0, -y1), min(y2, h) - y1
# Image range
img_x_min, img_x_max = max(0, x1), min(x2, w)
img_y_min, img_y_max = max(0, y1), min(y2, h)
t[img_y_min:img_y_max, img_x_min:img_x_max] = \
g[g_y_min:g_y_max, g_x_min:g_x_max]
return t
def rescale(a, img_size):
# scale tensor to [-1, 1]
return 2 * a / img_size[0] - 1
My current code uses a for loop to compute the gaussian heatmap for each of the 68 keypoint coordinates, then stacks the resulting tensors to create a [68, H, W] tensor:
x_k1 = [generate_gaussian(torch.zeros(H, W), x, y) for x, y in rescale(kp1.numpy(), frame.shape)]
x_k1 = torch.stack(x_k1, dim=0)
However, this method is super slow. Is there some way that I can do this without a for loop?
I tried #Cris Luengo's proposal to compute a 1D Gaussian:
def generate_gaussian1D(t, x, y, sigma=10):
h,w = t.shape
# Heatmap pixel per output pixel
mu_x = int(0.5 * (x + 1.) * w)
mu_y = int(0.5 * (y + 1.) * h)
tmp_size = sigma * 3
# Top-left
x1, y1 = int(mu_x - tmp_size), int(mu_y - tmp_size)
# Bottom right
x2, y2 = int(mu_x + tmp_size + 1), int(mu_y + tmp_size + 1)
if x1 >= w or y1 >= h or x2 < 0 or y2 < 0:
return t
size = 2 * tmp_size + 1
tx = np.arange(0, size, 1, np.float32)
ty = tx[:, np.newaxis]
x0 = y0 = size // 2
g = torch.tensor(np.exp(-np.power(tx - mu_x, 2.) / (2 * np.power(sigma, 2.))))
g = g * g[:, None]
g_x_min, g_x_max = max(0, -x1), min(x2, w) - x1
g_y_min, g_y_max = max(0, -y1), min(y2, h) - y1
img_x_min, img_x_max = max(0, x1), min(x2, w)
img_y_min, img_y_max = max(0, y1), min(y2, h)
t[img_y_min:img_y_max, img_x_min:img_x_max] = \
g[g_y_min:g_y_max, g_x_min:g_x_max]
return t
but my output ends up being an incomplete gaussian.
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. Any help would be appreciated.
You generate an NxN array g with a Gaussian centered on its center pixel. N is computed such that it extends by 3*sigma from that center pixel. This is the fastest way to build such an array:
tmp_size = sigma * 3
tx = np.arange(1, tmp_size + 1, 1, np.float32)
g = np.exp(-(tx**2) / (2 * sigma**2))
g = np.concatenate((np.flip(g), [1], g))
g = g * g[:, None]
What we're doing here is compute half a 1D Gaussian. We don't even bother computing the value of the Gaussian for the middle pixel, which we know will be 1. We then build the full 1D Gaussian by flipping our half-Gaussian and concatenating. Finally, the 2D Gaussian is built by the outer product of the 1D Gaussian with itself.
We could shave a bit of extra time by building a quarter of the 2D Gaussian, then concatenating four rotated copies of it. But the difference in computational cost is not very large, and this is much simpler. Note that np.exp is the most expensive operation here by far, so just minimizing how often we call it we significantly reduce the computational cost.
However, the best way to speed up the complete code is to compute the array g only once, rather than anew for each key point. Note how your sigma doesn't change, so all the arrays g that are computed are identical. If you compute it only once, it no longer matters which method you use to compute it, since this will be a minimal portion of the total program anyway.
You could, for example, have a global variable _gaussian to hold your array, and have your function compute it only the first time it is called. Or you could separate your function into two functions, one that constructs this array, and one that copies it into an image, and call them as follows:
g = create_gaussian(sigma=3)
x_k1 = [
copy_gaussian(torch.zeros(H, W), x, y, g)
for x, y in rescale(kp1.numpy(), frame.shape)
On the other hand, you're likely best off using existing functionality. For example, DIPlib has a function dip.DrawBandlimitedPoint() [disclosure: I'm an author] that adds a Gaussian blob to an image. Likely you'll find similar functions in other libraries.

Error in implementation of Crank-Nicolson method applied to 1D TDSE?

This is more of a computational physics problem, and I've asked it on physics stack exchange, but no answers on there. This is, I suppose, a mix of the disciplines on here and there (and maybe even mathematics stack exchange), so finding the right place to post is a task in of itself apparently...
I'm attempting to use Crank-Nicolson scheme to solve the TDSE in 1D. The initial wave is a real Gaussian that has been normalised wrt its probability density. As the solution evolves, a depression grows in the central peak of the real part of the wave, and the imaginary part's central trough is perhaps a bit higher than I expect (image below).
Does this behaviour seem reasonable? I have searched around and not seen questions/figures that are similar. I've tested another person's code from Github and it exhibits the same behaviour, which makes me feel a bit better. But I still think the center peak should just decrease in height and increase in width. The likelihood of me getting a physics-based explanation is relatively low here I'd assume, but a computational-based explanation on errors I may have made is more likely.
I'm happy to give more information, for example my code, or the matrices used in the scheme, etc. Thanks in advance!
Here's a link to GIF of time evolution:
And the part of my code relevant to solving the 1D TDSE:
(pretty much the entire thing except the plotting)
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation
# Define function for norm.
def normf(dxc, uc, ic):
return sum(dxc * np.square(np.abs(uc[ic, :])))
# Define function for expectation value of position.
def xexpf(dxc, xc, uc, ic):
return sum(dxc * xc * np.square(np.abs(uc[ic, :])))
# Define function for expectation value of squared position.
def xexpsf(dxc, xc, uc, ic):
return sum(dxc * np.square(xc) * np.square(np.abs(uc[ic, :])))
# Define function for standard deviation.
def sdaf(xexpc, xexpsc, ic):
return np.sqrt(xexpsc[ic] - np.square(xexpc[ic]))
# Time t: t0 =< t =< tf. Have N steps at which to evaluate the CN scheme. The
# time interval is dt. decp: variable for plotting to certain number of decimal
# places.
t0 = 0
tf = 20
N = 200
dt = tf / N
t = np.linspace(t0, tf, num = N + 1, endpoint = True)
decp = str(dt)[::-1].find('.')
# Initialise array for filling with norm values at each time step.
norm = np.zeros(len(t))
# Initialise array for expectation value of position.
xexp = np.zeros(len(t))
# Initialise array for expectation value of squared position.
xexps = np.zeros(len(t))
# Initialise array for alternate standard deviation.
sda = np.zeros(len(t))
# Position x: -a =< x =< a. M is an even number. There are M + 1 total discrete
# positions, for the points to be symmetric and centred at x = 0.
a = 100
M = 1200
dx = (2 * a) / M
x = np.linspace(-a, a, num = M + 1, endpoint = True)
# The gaussian function u diffuses over time. sd sets the width of gaussian. u0
# is the initial gaussian at t0.
sd = 1
var = np.power(sd, 2)
mu = 0
u0 = np.sqrt(1 / np.sqrt(np.pi * var)) * np.exp(-np.power(x - mu, 2) / (2 * \
u = np.zeros([len(t), len(x)], dtype = 'complex_')
u[0, :] = u0
# Normalise u.
u[0, :] = u[0, :] / np.sqrt(normf(dx, u, 0))
# Set coefficients of CN scheme.
alpha = dt * -1j / (4 * np.power(dx, 2))
beta = dt * 1j / (4 * np.power(dx, 2))
# Tridiagonal matrices Al and AR. Al to be solved using Thomas algorithm.
Al = np.zeros([len(x), len(x)], dtype = 'complex_')
for i in range (0, M):
Al[i + 1, i] = alpha
Al[i, i] = 1 - (2 * alpha)
Al[i, i + 1] = alpha
# Corner elements for BC's.
Al[M, M], Al[0, 0] = 1 - alpha, 1 - alpha
Ar = np.zeros([len(x), len(x)], dtype = 'complex_')
for i in range (0, M):
Ar[i + 1, i] = beta
Ar[i, i] = 1 - (2 * beta)
Ar[i, i + 1] = beta
# Corner elements for BC's.
Ar[M, M], Ar[0, 0] = 1 - 2*beta, 1 - beta
# Thomas algorithm variables. Following similar naming as in Wiki article.
a = np.diag(Al, -1)
b = np.diag(Al)
c = np.diag(Al, 1)
NT = len(b)
cp = np.zeros(NT - 1, dtype = 'complex_')
for n in range(0, NT - 1):
if n == 0:
cp[n] = c[n] / b[n]
cp[n] = c[n] / (b[n] - (a[n - 1] * cp[n - 1]))
d = np.zeros(NT, dtype = 'complex_')
dp = np.zeros(NT, dtype = 'complex_')
# Iterate over each time step to solve CN method. Maintain boundary
# conditions. Keep track of standard deviation.
for i in range(0, N):
# BC's.
u[i, 0], u[i, M] = 0, 0
# Find RHS.
d =, u[i, :])
for n in range(0, NT):
if n == 0:
dp[n] = d[n] / b[n]
dp[n] = (d[n] - (a[n - 1] * dp[n - 1])) / (b[n] - (a[n - 1] * \
cp[n - 1]))
nc = NT - 1
while nc > -1:
if nc == NT - 1:
u[i + 1, nc] = dp[nc]
nc -= 1
u[i + 1, nc] = dp[nc] - (cp[nc] * u[i + 1, nc + 1])
nc -= 1
norm[i] = normf(dx, u, i)
xexp[i] = xexpf(dx, x, u, i)
xexps[i] = xexpsf(dx, x, u, i)
sda[i] = sdaf(xexp, xexps, i)
# Fill in final norm value.
norm[N] = normf(dx, u, N)
# Fill in final position expectation value.
xexp[N] = xexpf(dx, x, u, N)
# Fill in final squared position expectation value.
xexps[N] = xexpsf(dx, x, u, N)
# Fill in final standard deviation value.
sda[N] = sdaf(xexp, xexps, N)

rolling apply method with a numpy function

so I have a numpy function that returns a float.
I would like to see how the value changes over time to see its stabililty.
Hence I would like a rolling window with the function on a time series
Time series looks like
array([-9.51263882e-03, -2.81717483e-02, 9.43949087e-05, ...,
-9.07504803e-03, -4.77400512e-03, 1.51740085e-03])
I am using the following function for rolling window
# Reshape a numpy array 'a' of shape (n, x) to form shape((n - window_size), window_size, x))
def rolling_window(a, window, step_size):
shape = a.shape[:-1] + (a.shape[-1] - window + 1 - step_size + 1, window)
strides = a.strides + (a.strides[-1] * step_size,)
return np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(a, shape=shape, strides=strides)
The function i am trying to calculate rolling is below:
def dist_range(x, y):
return (np.max(np.abs(x - y), axis=1) - np.min(np.abs(x - y), axis=1)) / (np.max(np.abs(x - y), axis=1) + np.min(np.abs(x - y), axis=1))
##### RangeEn-B (mSampEn)
def RangeEn_B(x, emb_dim=2, tolerance=.1, dist=dist_range):
n = np.shape(x)
n = np.max(n)
tVecs = np.zeros((n - emb_dim, emb_dim + 1))
for i in range(tVecs.shape[0]):
tVecs[i, :] = x[i:i + tVecs.shape[1]]
counts = []
for m in [emb_dim, emb_dim + 1]:
# get the matrix that we need for the current m
tVecsM = tVecs[:n - m + 1, :m]
# successively calculate distances between each pair of template vectors
for i in range(len(tVecsM)):
dsts = dist(tVecsM, tVecsM[i])
# delete self-matching
dsts = np.delete(dsts, i, axis=0)
# delete undefined distances coming from zero segments
# dsts = [x for i, x in enumerate(dsts) if not np.isnan(x) and not np.isinf(x)]
# count how many 'defined' distances are smaller than the tolerance
# if (dsts):
counts[-1] += np.sum(dsts < tolerance)/(n - m - 1)
if counts[1] == 0:
# log would be infinite => cannot determine RangeEn_B
RangeEn_B = np.nan
# compute log of summed probabilities
RangeEn_B = -np.log(1.0 * counts[1] / counts[0])
return RangeEn_B
My attempt is below:
w=np.apply_along_axis(RangeEn_B, 1, rolling_window(rs_num,5 , 1))
although this returns an array of nan, if I put 30 it returns values.
Am i correct in my logic?
I also tried to do in pandas as well -
#Assume matrix is a series
t = pd.Series(rs_num)
t=t.rolling(window=5, min_periods=2).apply(RangeEn_B).dropna()

How can I code a matrix within a matrix using a loop?

So I have this 3x3 G matrix (not shown here, it's irrelevant to my problem) that I created using the two variables u (a vector, x - y) and the scalar k. x_j = (x_1 (j), x_2 (j), x_3 (j)) and y_j = (y_1 (j), y_2 (j), y_3 (j)). alpha_j is a 3x3 matrix. The A matrix is block diagonal matrix of size 3nx3n. I am having trouble with the W matrix. How do I code a matrix of size 3nx3n, where the (i,j)th block is the 3x3 matrix given by alpha_i*G_[ij]*alpha_j?? I am lost.
My alpha_j matrix also seems to be having some trouble. The loop keeps throwing me the error, "only length-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars." pls help :/
def W(x, y, k, alpha, A):
u = x - y
n = x.shape[0]
W = np.zeros((3*n, 3*n))
for i in range(0, n-1):
for j in range(0, n-1):
#u = -np.array([[x[i,0] - x[j,0]], [x[i,1] - x[j,1]], [0]]) ??
W[i][j] = (alpha_j(alpha, A) * G(u, k) * alpha_j(alpha, A))
W[i][i] = np.zeros((n, n))
return W
def alpha_j(a, A):
alph = np.array([[0,0,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0]],complex)
rho = np.random.rand(3,1)
for i in range(0, 2):
for j in range(0, 2):
alph[i][j] = (rho[i] * a * A[i][j])
return alph
x1 = np.array([[1], [2], [0]])
y1 = np.array([[4], [5], [0]])
# incoming Wave angle
theta = 0 # can range from [0, 2pi)
# susceptibility
chi = 10 + 1j
# wavelength
lam = 0.5 # microns (values between .4-.7)
# frequency
k = (2 * np.pi)/lam # 1/microns
# volume
V_0 = (0.05)**3 # microns^3
# incoming wave vector
K = k * np.array([[0], [np.sin(theta)], [np.cos(theta)]])
# polarization vector
vecinc = np.array([[1], [0], [0]]) # (can choose any vector perpendicular to K)
# for the fixed alpha case
alpha = (V_0 * 3 * chi)/(chi + 3)
# 3 x 3 matrix
A = np.matlib.identity(3) # could be any symmetric matrix,
test = G((x1-y1), k)
w = W(x1, y1, k, alpha, A)
Sometimes my W loops throws me the error, "can't set an array element with a sequence." But I need to set each array element in this arbitrary matrix W to the 3x3 matrix created by multiplying alpha by G...
To your question of how to create a new array with a block for each element, the following should do the trick:
G = np.random.random([3,3])
result = np.zeros([9,9])
num_blocks = 3
a = np.random.random([3,3])
b = np.random.random([3,3])
for i in range(G.shape[0]):
for j in range(G.shape[1]):
block_result = a*G[i,j]*b
for k in range(num_blocks):
for l in range(num_blocks):
result[3*i + k, 3*j + l] = block_result[i, j]
You should be able to generalize from there. I hope I've understood correctly.
EDIT: It looks like I haven't understood correctly. I'm leaving it in hopes it spurs you to an answer. The general idea is to generate ranges of indices to operate on, and then just operate on them directly. Slicing might be helpful, too.
Ah, you asked how to create a diagonal filled with blocks. In that case:
num_diagonal_blocks = 3 # for example
for block_dim in range(num_diagonal_blocks)
# do your block calculation...
for k in range(G.shape[0]):
for l in range(G.shape[1]):
result[3*block_dim + k, 3*block_dim + l] = # assign to element of block
I think that's nearly it.

Initialising a vector field in numpy

I'd like to initialize a numpy array to represent a two-dimensional vector field on a 100 x 100 grid of points defined by:
import numpy as np
dx = dy = 0.1
nx = ny = 100
x, y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(0,nx*dx,dx), np.arange(0,ny*dy,dy))
The field is a constant-speed circulation about the point cx,cy and I can initialize it OK with regular Python loops:
v = np.empty((nx, ny, 2))
cx, cy = 5, 5
s = 2
for i in range(nx):
for j in range(ny):
rx, ry = i*dx - cx, j*dy - cy
r = np.hypot(rx, ry)
if r == 0:
v[i,j] = 0,0
# (-ry/r, rx/r): the unit vector tangent to the circle centred at (cx,cy), radius r
v[i,j] = (s * -ry/r, s * rx/r)
But when I'm having trouble vectorizing with numpy. The closest I've got is
v = np.array([s * -(y-cy) / np.hypot(x-cx, y-cy), s * (x-cx) / np.hypot(x-cx, y-cy)])
v = np.rollaxis(v, 1, 0)
v = np.rollaxis(v, 2, 1)
v[np.isinf(v)] = 0
But this isn't equivalent and doesn't give the right answer. What is the correct way to initialize a vector field using numpy?
EDIT: OK - now I'm confused following the suggestion below, I try:
vx = s * -(y-cy) / np.hypot(x-cx, y-cy)
vy = s * (x-cx) / np.hypot(x-cx, y-cy)
v = np.dstack((vx, vy))
v[np.isnan(v)] = 0
but get a completely different array...
From your initial setup:
import numpy as np
dx = dy = 0.1
nx = ny = 100
x, y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(0, nx * dx, dx),
np.arange(0, ny * dy, dy))
cx = cy = 5
s = 2
You could compute v like this:
rx, ry = y - cx, x - cy
r = np.hypot(rx, ry)
v2 = s * np.dstack((-ry, rx)) / r[..., None]
v2[np.isnan(v2)] = 0
If you're feeling really fancy, you could create yx as a 3D array, and broadcast all of the operations over it:
# we make these [2,] arrays to broadcast over the last output dimension
c = np.array([5, 5])
s = np.array([-2, 2])
# this creates a [100, 100, 2] mesh, where the last dimension corresponds
# to (y, x)
yx = np.mgrid[0:nx * dx:dx, 0:ny * dy:dy].T
yxdiff = yx - c[None, None, :]
r = np.hypot(yxdiff[..., 0], yxdiff[..., 1])[..., None]
v3 = s[None, None, :] * yxdiff / r
v3[np.isnan(v3)] = 0
Check that these both give the same answer as your original code:
print np.all(v == v2), np.all(v == v3)
# True, True
Why rx, ry = y - cx, x - cy rather than rx, ry = x - cx, y - cy? I agree it's very counterintuitive - the only reason I decided to do it that way was to match the output of your original code.
The issue is that in your grids, consecutive x values are actually found in consecutive columns of x, and consecutive y values are found in consecutive rows of y, i.e. x[:, j] is the j th x-value and y[i, :] is the i th y-value. However, in your inner loop, you are multiplying dx by i, which is your row index, and dy by j, which is your column index. You're therefore flipping the x and y dimensions of your output.
