Check if current current hour is available in python list - python

I have a variable with the operating time of a store:
t = '08:00-17:00'
Now, i need to check if the store is open now:
from time import gmtime, strftime
print strftime("%H:%M", gmtime())
What is the most adequate way to make this? As side note, i can have t in minutes, or something more convenient.

Instead of trying to convert the current time into string, you should rather str.split() the t into two different times, and then convert them into datetime.datetime.time objects using datetime.datetime.strptime() , and then compare that with the time component on . Example -
import datetime
t = '08:00-17:00'
times = t.split('-')
start_time = datetime.datetime.strptime(times[0],'%H:%M').time()
end_time = datetime.datetime.strptime(times[1],'%H:%M').time()
if start_time <= <= end_time:
#Do you logic
Demo -
Closed time -
>>> import datetime
>>> t = '08:00-17:00'
>>> times = t.split('-')
>>> start_time = datetime.datetime.strptime(times[0],'%H:%M').time()
>>> end_time = datetime.datetime.strptime(times[1],'%H:%M').time()
>>> if start_time <= < end_time:
... print("Shop open")
Open time -
>>> t = '08:00-18:00'
>>> times = t.split('-')
>>> start_time = datetime.datetime.strptime(times[0],'%H:%M').time()
>>> end_time = datetime.datetime.strptime(times[1],'%H:%M').time()
>>> if start_time <= < end_time:
... print("Shop open")
Shop open
With this method even minutes are supported, you can change the format used to convert the time to a time object and support upto microseconds if you so wish.

First, you need to convert the t to a comparable value, such as a integer, so:
storeOpen, storeCloses = '08h00-17h00'.split('-')
This will split the string '08h00-17h00' into:
storeOpen => '08h00'
storeCloses => '17h00'
After that, you should transform the storeOpen and storeCloses into integer:
storeOpenHour, storeOpenMinutes = storeOpen.split('h') #splits the storeOpen into two
#converts to integer
storeOpenHour = int(storeOpenHour)
storeOpenMinutes = int(storeOpenMinutes)
#you should repeat the same process to storeClose
And then you just compare them:
if (nowMinutes > storeOpenMinutes and nowHour > storeOpenHour) and (nowMinutes < storeCloseMinutes and nowHour < storeCloseHour):
println "is open!"


How to extract time and store in an Array/Structure

I want to measure the time difference between two time readings in a Python script.
time_stamp_1 =
# some task
time_stamp_2 =
time_stamp = time_stamp_2 - time_stamp_1
time_stamp_sec = ??
I got the result as 0:00:04.052000.
What exactly is this time format I am getting?
How to extract the time in seconds from time_stamp?
How to store time_stamp in an array like variable (as I want to use a loop and store the time_stamp for each loop)
How to store time_stamp_sec in an array like variable
1) It's a datetime.timedelta object which is being printed nicely:
>>> import datetime
>>> datetime.timedelta(days=3)
>>> print(datetime.timedelta(days=3))
3 days, 0:00:00
>>> print(datetime.timedelta(hours=3))
2) You can use total_seconds():
>>> t = datetime.timedelta(hours=3)
>>> t.total_seconds()
This gives you a float as the datetime.timedelta may represent an amount of time which isn't an exact number of seconds.
3) You can append it to a list at each step in the loop:
>>> d = []
>>> d.append(t)
>>> d
[datetime.timedelta(0, 10800)]
4) You can do the same with the result of total_seconds():
>>> e = []
>>> e.append(t.total_seconds())
>>> e

How would I format inputted minutes/seconds into format?

I have created a program which requires the user to input a given TimeType (Seconds/Minutes) and an objectivetime (integer) (e.g. if the user inputs Seconds and then 5, then the objective time is 5 Secs). In addition, the program also checks the time at the start and then checks the time after to work out the elapsed_time. I then wanted to check if the elapsed_time is more than or equal to the objective time. The code i have written is shown below (minus the other irrelevant code in between a and b)
import time, sys, os, random
a =
#random code...
b =
timetype = input("Enter time type: ")#Either Seconds or Minutes
objectivetime = input("Enter objective time: ")#This will be an integer
if timetype == 'Seconds':
#convert objectivetime to seconds and present in same format as a or b
#convert objectivetime into minutes and present in same format as a or b
elapsed_time = b-a
if objectivetime<=elapsed_time:
'Well done'
'You have exceeded the objective time'
Is there any way that the code could be edited to get the objective time to be formatted in the same way as a and b (start_time and end_time)??
How would I work out which time is bigger (elapsed_time or objtime)??
See updated code:
import time, sys, os, random
import datetime
a =
#random code...
b =
timetype = input("Enter time type: ")#Either Seconds or Minutes
objectivetime = input("Enter objective time: ")#This will be an integer
objectivetime = int(objectivetime) # I noticed you didn't do this in your code
delta = None
if timetype == 'Seconds':
delta = datetime.timedelta(seconds = objectivetime)
delta = datetime.timedelta(minutes = objectivetime)
objtime = a + delta
#How would I work out which time is greater?? (elapsed_time or objtime)
elapsed_time = b-a
objectivetime = int(objectivetime) # I noticed you didn't do this in your code
delta = None
if timetype == 'Seconds':
delta = datetime.timedelta(seconds = objectivetime)
delta = datetime.timedelta(minutes = objectivetime)
objtime = a + delta
This will give you a datetime object like
To compare the datetime object, you can simply use the comparison operators. For example,
b <= objtime # Finished before (or on) the objective time
b > objtime # Finished after the objective time
You don't even need to subtract a from b! If you still want to, then compare the time deltas instead
elapsed_time <= delta # Finished before (or on) the objective time
elapsed_time > delta # Finished after the objective time

Python Different the datetime in a Struct Array

import struct
from collections import namedtuple
StructDeviceInfo = namedtuple('DeviceInfo', ['DeviceID', 'Capturing','Receiving','Socket','DateTime'])
DeviceInfoList = []
def threaded_function():
while True:
if any(x.Capturing == True and x.Datetime in DeviceInfoList different second > 5 for x in DeviceInfoList) : #here,how to do on here?
if the DeviceInfoList array inside the Capturing Value is TRUE and at the same time the Datetime are different with are more than 5 second. then print true,how to do this?
p/s:the Capturing is TRUE and datetime is more than 5 seconds,must be same array index .
delta = - x.Datetime
if delta.total_seconds() > 5:
# difference is greater than 5 seconds
Applied to your example, assuming that x.Datetime actually is a datetime.datetime object:
if any((
x.Capturing == True and
( - x.Datetime).total_seconds() > 5
) for x in DeviceInfoList):

How to generate a sequence of future datetimes in Python and determine nearest datetime from set

I need to generate four datetime objects in Python:
"The next instance of 5:30AM EST"
"The next instance of 8:30AM EST"
"The next instance of 1:00PM EST"
"The next instance of 5:30PM EST"
Then I need to find which of those is closest to the current date/time.
I wish I could say I have some starting code, but I have no idea where to start on this one.
This should get you started. I have the current time being passed into the function as a datetime, so if the argument is in EST, this should just work.
def find_next(cur_dt):
import datetime as dt
t = [dt.time(5,30), dt.time(8,30), dt.time(13,0), dt.time(17,30)]
cur_t = cur_dt.time()
cur_d =
for i in range(len(t)):
if t[i] > cur_t:
rt = [t[(j+i)%len(t)] for j in range(len(t))]
rd = [cur_d] * (len(t)-i) + [cur_d + dt.timedelta(days=1)]*i
return [dt.datetime.combine(rd[j],rt[j]) for j in range(len(rt))]
# everything happens tomorrow
return [dt.datetime.combine(cur_d + dt.timedelta(days=1), i) for i in t]
The result will be the objects, in order, starting with the "soonest" one, and so on.
This seems like it might be a homework question. Is this enough sample code to get you started? It's probably not the MOST efficient, but it'll work.
from datetime import datetime, time, timedelta
now =
today =
tomorrow = today + timedelta(days=1)
time_a = time (4, 0)
today_a = datetime.combine(today, time_a)
tomorrow_a = datetime.combine(tomorrow, time_a)
if (today_a - now)>timedelta(0):
print "%s is in the future" % today_a
if (tomorrow_a - now)>timedelta(0):
print "%s is in the future" % tomorrow_a
For a list of times, "t", you can use:
t = [time(5,30), time(8,30), time(13,0), time(17,30)]
now =
today = [x for x in t if datetime.combine(today, x) > now]
not_today = set(t) - set(today)

Calculating Time Difference

at the start and end of my program, I have
from time import strftime
print int(strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
print "Difference is:"+str(Y2-Y1)+":"+str(m2-m1)+":"+str(d2-d1)\
+" "+str(H2-H1)+":"+str(M2-M1)+":"+str(S2-S1)
But when I tried to get the difference, I get syntax errors.... I am doing a few things wrong, but I'm not sure what is going on...
Basically, I just want to store a time in a variable at the start of my program, then store a 2nd time in a second variable near the end, then at the last bit of the program, compute the difference and display it. I am not trying to time a function speed. I am trying to log how long it took for a user to progress through some menus. What is the best way to do this?
The datetime module will do all the work for you:
>>> import datetime
>>> a =
>>> # ...wait a while...
>>> b =
>>> print(b-a)
If you don't want to display the microseconds, just use (as gnibbler suggested):
>>> a =
>>> b =
>>> print(b-a)
from time import time
start_time = time()
end_time = time()
seconds_elapsed = end_time - start_time
hours, rest = divmod(seconds_elapsed, 3600)
minutes, seconds = divmod(rest, 60)
You cannot calculate the differences separately ... what difference would that yield for 7:59 and 8:00 o'clock? Try
import time
which gives you the seconds since the start of the epoch.
You can then get the intermediate time with something like
timestamp1 = time.time()
# Your code here
timestamp2 = time.time()
print "This took %.2f seconds" % (timestamp2 - timestamp1)
Both time.monotonic() and time.monotonic_ns() are correct. Correct as in monotonic.
>>> import time
>>> time.monotonic()
>>> t0 = time.monotonic()
>>> time.sleep(1)
>>> t1 = time.monotonic()
>>> print(t1 - t0)
Regardless of language, monotonic time is the right answer, and real time is the wrong answer. The difference is that monotonic time is supposed to give a consistent answer when measuring durations, while real time isn't, as real time may be adjusted – indeed needs to be adjusted – to keep up with reality. Monotonic time is usually the computer's uptime.
As such, time.time() and are wrong ways to do this.
Python also has time.perf_counter() and time.perf_counter_ns(), which are specified to have the highest available resolution, but aren't guarranteed to be monotonic. On PC hardware, though, both typically have nanosecond resolution.
Here is a piece of code to do so:
#str1 = str1[1:-1]
h1 = 0
h2 = 0
m1 = 0
m2 = 0
def time_dif(h1,m1,h2,m2):
if(h1 == h2):
return m2-m1
return ((h2-h1-1)*60 + (60-m1) + m2)
count_min = 0
if str1[1] == ':':
if str1[-7] == '-':
if h1 == 12:
h1 = 0
if h2 == 12:
h2 = 0
if "am" in str1[:8]:
flag1 = 0
flag1= 1
if "am" in str1[7:]:
flag2 = 0
flag2 = 1
if flag1 == flag2:
if h2 > h1 or (h2 == h1 and m2 >= m1):
count_min += time_dif(h1,m1,h2,m2)
count_min += 1440 - time_dif(h2,m2,h1,m1)
count_min += (12-h1-1)*60
count_min += (60 - m1)
count_min += (h2*60)+m2
return count_min
