Graphic representation of the elements in the XML file - python

I`ve got an interesting task and I need to know am I on the right path.
Task is:
Create Front end visualization using the attached XML file. Visualization should be a graphic representation of the elements in the XML file.
JSON backend service
Open source javascript library for the frontend
Suggested Tools
Python in combination with Tornado backend language
Twitter Bootstrap
I have made a setup of Tornado and created python file that opens index.html which will display graphic representation of the elements from the XML file.
My idea is to parse XML to JSON,and than show output graphically.
I`m uncertain about this things:
1. Am I on the right path, is there a better solution?
2. Does anyone have experience for graphic representation...Does graphic representation means something like this ? Or does it mean I can show output as a simple element tree???
All ideas and suggestions are welcome!
This is my XML file:

There could be various representation methods to visualize an XML file. You must first decide what you want. For example, showing XMl elements as nodes of a tree sounds good. But what about attributes? what about the node's value?
For example, you might want to show a notification box to show the attributes and their values. Another option is to show each attribute as a child node of the XML element. As an instance of latter, take a look at this XML Viewer.


Creating a PPTX template using python

I have a requirement involving making a large pptx file with loads of charts, images and tables dynamic. This pptx has default styles. Is there any library or method to make a template so that I can insert the dynamic parts. Like docxtpl library allows us to input a dict and generate a docx file.
You can try the following python modules:
With the first one, the example they show, it works fine, but im having trouble applying it in another custom ppt.. keep getting "Unepexpected end of template".
The third one didint work for me though, maybe you have more luck.. and now i will try the second one.
I'm not sure I understand your problem...
python-pptx (a tag you've used) is the fundamental programmable way to build a presentation - whether from a "template presentation or not.)
I hope nobody will mind me advertising my md2pptx open source project for taking Markdown and images and making a presentation.
However, I think md2pptx doesn't help you unless you have a way of turning graphs into eg PNG files - and I suspect that's not what you want.

create pdf from python

I'm looking to generate PDF's from a Python application.
They start relatively simple but some may become more complex (Essentially letter like documents but will include watermarks for example later)
I've worked in raw postscript before and providing I can generate the correct headers etc and file at the end of it I want to avoid use of complex libs that may not do entirely what I want. Some seem to have got bitrot and no longer supported (pypdf and pypdf2) Especially when I know PDF/Postscript can do exactly what I need. PDF content really isn't that complex.
I can generate EPS (Encapsulated postscript) fine by just writing the appropriate text headers to file and my postscript code. But Inspecting PDF's there is a lil binary header I'm not sure how to generate.
I could generate an EPS and convert it. I'm not overly happy with this as the production environment is a Windows 2008 server (Dev is Ubuntu 12.04) and making something and converting it seems very silly.
Has anyone done this before?
Am I being pedantic by not wanting to use a library?
borrowed from
A PDF file starts with "%PDF-1.1" if it is a version 1.1 type of PDF file. You can read PDF files ok when they don't have binary data objects stored in them, and you could even make one using Notepad if you didn't need to store a binary object like a Paint bitmap in it.
But after seeing the "%PDF-1.1" you ignore what's after that (Adobe Reader does, too) and go straight to the end of the file to where there is a line that says "%%EOF". That's always the last thing in the file; and if that's there you know that just a few characters before that place in the file there's the word "startxref" followed by a number. This number tells a reader program where to look in the file to find the start of the list of items describing the structure of the file. These items in the list can be page objects, dictionary objects, or stream objects (like the binary data of a bitmap), and each one has "obj" and "endobj" marking out where its description starts and ends.
For fairly simple PDF files, you might be able to type the text in just like you did with Notepad to make a working PDF file that Adobe Reader and other PDF viewer programs could read and display correctly.
Doing something like this is a challenge, even for a simple file, and you'd really have to know what you're doing to get any binary data into the file where it's supposed to go; but for character data, you'd just be able to type it in. And all of the commands used in the PDF are in the form of strings that you could type in. The hardest part is calculating those numbers that give the file offsets for items in the file (such as the number following "startxref").
If the way the file format is laid out intrigues you, go ahead and read the PDF manual, which tells the whole story.
but really you should probably just use a library
Thanks to #LukasGraf for providing this link that shows how to create a simple hello world pdf from scratch
As long as you're working in Python 2.7, Reportlab seems to be the best solution out there at the moment. It's quite full-featured, and can be a little complex to work with, depending on exactly what you're doing with it, but since you seem to be familiar with PDF internals in general hopefully the learning curve won't be too steep.
I recommend you to use a library. I spent a lot of time creating pdfme and learned a lot of things along the way, but it's not something you would do for a single project. If you want to use my library check the docs here.

Supporting different revisions of XML format with Python LXML

I am writing a server side process in Python that takes XML in a directory and puts it into a database. The XML that is put in the directory is generated from forms that are filled out on remote laptops and sent via HTTP to the server. When we add fields to the form it adds tags to the XML which allows for situations where one XML file will have more or fewer tags than another. How can I make my server side script robust enough to handle these scenarios.
I would do something like mentioned here:
There is different ways you can apply the logic in the for loop depending on any patterns in the xml, but the idea is the same. This should then let you handle the query much more smoothly depending on which values exist.
Make sure you look at: there a lots of great tips with using lxml.
A mini example may get you started:
from xml.dom.minidom import parseString
doc = parseString('<one><two>three</two></one>')
for twoElement in doc.getElementsByTagName('two'):
Maybe you should have a look at the minidom documentation or ask further questions here. But with that eggs.getElementsByTagName() you can find all elements below the tree eggs. Of course you can be more specific than searching in doc.

Creating a PDF from XML using XSL FO w/ Python

Could someone point me in the right direction of hopefully a library or code examples, any resources on how to take XML and create a PDF using XSL-FO in Python? If I should have to use an XML renderer, then which XML renderer is recommended?
If you want to run XSLT programmatically with Python, you want lxml.
However, if you just need to create a .fo file from a defined XSL/XML pair, you might as well just use xsltproc, which is available on any Unix-y system on the command line, including OS X.
Once you have the .fo file, use Fop to transform that to PDF.
You may want to try XHTML2PDF. It's very easy to use. Create your XHTML template. Use Jinja2 (or similar) to fill in the template. Convert to PDF.

Generating & Merging PDF Files in Python

I want to automatically generate booking confirmation PDF files in Python. Most of the content will be static (i.e. logos, booking terms, phone numbers), with a few dynamic bits (dates, costs, etc).
From the user side, the simplest way to do this would be to start with a PDF file with the static content, and then using python to just add the dynamic parts. Is this a simple process?
From doing a bit of search, it seems that I can use reportlab for creating content and pyPdf for merging PDF's together. Is this the best approach? Or is there a really funky way that I haven't come across yet?
From the user side, the simplest way to do this would be to start with a PDF file with the static content, and then using python to just add the dynamic parts. Is this a simple process?
Unfortunately no. There are several tools that are good at producing PDFs from scratch (most commonly for Python, ReportLab), but they don't generally load existing PDFs. You would have to include generating code for any boilerplate text, lines, blocks, shapes and images, rather than this being freely editable by the user.
On the other side there's pyPdf which can load PDFs, collate the pages, and extract some of the information, but can't really add new content. You can ‘merge’ pages into one, but you'd still have to create the extra information overlay as a page in ReportLab first.
Look into docutils and reSTructuredText. You could quickly write out your PDF document in reST and then compile the PDF using
I've used this, it creates very beautiful documents and the markup is extensible! Later you could take the same code and run it into rst2html to create a website out if it!
Take a look here:
Good luck
You could generate a document through, for example, TeX, or OpenOffice, or whatever gives you the most comfortable bindings and then print the document with a pdf printer.
This allows you not to have to figure out where to put fields precisely or figure out what to do if your content overflows the space allocated for it.
