I am using the third party API for Parse called ParsePy.
I am able to login, but I am trouble retrieving query for the current user.
For instance, I want to retrieve the username for the current user or a specific column, but seems to experiencing issues.
I really do not know where to start, and quite frankly I am skeptical of using the API due to stability issues.
Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated
from parse_rest.connection import register
from parse_rest.datatypes import Object
from parse_rest.user import User
from parse_rest.connection import SessionToken
application_id = ""
rest_api_key = ""
# the application_id for the app. Obtain
# Register takes three arguments, two required and one being optional
# Master is an optional argument. Since this is a desktop-based application, the master key should NOT be included
register(application_id, rest_api_key, master_key=None)
u = User.login('123', '123')
not sure what to do next
I'm setting up my AWS user management in the aws_cdk now, and I have a bit of trouble understanding the aws implementation of "initialPassword" for newly created users.
according to the documentation around "passwordresetrequired" here: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cdk/api/latest/docs/#aws-cdk_aws-iam.User.html#passwordresetrequired
I should
If this is set to 'true', you must also specify "initialPassword".
But there is no such explicit "initialPassword" that can be set as far as i can see?
So does it mean I should just set a regular password for the user? and how will this behave when I update this stack or the managed_secret later, will all the passwords for all users be changed again?
Example of how I could do this:
# https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cdk/api/latest/python/aws_cdk.aws_secretsmanager/Secret.html
myonetimepass = aws_secretsmanager.Secret(
description='Onetime password for new users',
# encryption_key=
# generate_secret_string=
# replica_regions=
# secret_name=
for user in team.users:
# https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cdk/api/latest/python/aws_cdk.aws_iam/User.html
# managed_policies=
# path=
# permissions_boundary=
But is this really the right way to set a "initialPassword"?
That's a way to do it but unless you have a step to email them the initial password it won't be of much use. Typically you will use a deterministic initial password based on the user information they have. For example, the initial might always be first 5 characters of last name + last 5 of social. Or you could do first 5 of last name + dob as yyyymmdd. Then you just let your users know what the initial password format is.
I raised a feature request on the CDK github account recently and was pointed in the direction of Core.Token as being pretty much the exact functionality I was looking for. I'm now having some issues implementing it and getting similar errors, heres the feature request I raised previously: https://github.com/aws/aws-cdk/issues/3800
So my current code looks something like this:
fargate_service = ecs_patterns.LoadBalancedFargateService(
self, "Fargate",
cluster = cluster,
memory_limit_mib = core.Token.as_number(ssm.StringParameter.value_from_lookup(self, parameter_name='template-service-memory_limit')),
container_port=core.Token.as_number(ssm.StringParameter.value_from_lookup(self, parameter_name='port')),
cpu = core.Token.as_number(ssm.StringParameter.value_from_lookup(self, parameter_name='template-service-container_cpu')),
When I try synthesise this code I get the following error:
Error: Resolution error: Supplied properties not correct for "CfnSecurityGroupEgressProps"
fromPort: "dummy-value-for-template-service-container_port" should be a number
toPort: "dummy-value-for-template-service-container_port" should be a number.
Object creation stack:
To me it seems to be getting past the validation requiring a number to be passed into the FargateService validation, but when it tried to create the resources after that ("CfnSecurityGroupEgressProps") it cant resolve the dummy string as a number. I'd appreciate any help on solving this or alternative suggestions to passing in values from AWS system params instead (I thought it might be possible to parse the values into here via a file pulled from S3 during the build pipeline or something along those lines, but that seems hacky).
With some help I think we've cracked this!
The problem was that I was passing "ssm.StringParameter.value_from_lookup" the solution is to provide the token with "ssm.StringParameter.value_for_string_parameter", when this is synthesised it stores the token and then upon deployment the value stored in system parameter store is substituted.
(We also came up with another approach for achieving similar which we're probably going to use over SSM approach, I've detailed below the code snippet if you're interested)
See the complete code below:
from aws_cdk import (
aws_ec2 as ec2,
aws_ssm as ssm,
aws_iam as iam,
aws_ecs as ecs,
aws_ecs_patterns as ecs_patterns,
class GenericFargateService(core.Stack):
def __init__(self, scope: core.Construct, id: str, **kwargs) -> None:
super().__init__(scope, id, **kwargs)
containerPort = core.Token.as_number(ssm.StringParameter.value_for_string_parameter(
self, 'template-service-container_port'))
vpc = ec2.Vpc(
self, "cdk-test-vpc",
cluster = ecs.Cluster(
self, 'cluster',
fargate_iam_role = iam.Role(self,"execution_role",
assumed_by = iam.ServicePrincipal("ecs-tasks"),
fargate_service = ecs_patterns.LoadBalancedFargateService(
self, "Fargate",
cluster = cluster,
memory_limit_mib = 1024,
cpu = 512,
fargate_service.target_group.configure_health_check(path=self.node.try_get_context("health_check_path"), port="9000")
app = core.App()
GenericFargateService(app, "generic-fargate-service", env={'account':'000000000000', 'region': 'eu-west-1'})
Solutions to problems are like buses, apparently you spend ages waiting for one and then two arrive together. And I think this new bus is the option we're probably going to run with.
The plan is to have developers provide an override for the cdk.json file withing their code repos, which can then put parsed into the CDK pipeline where the generic code will be synthesised. This file will contain some "context", the context will then be used within the CDK to set our variables for the LoadBalancedFargate service.
I've included some code snippets for setting cdk.json file and then using its values within code below.
Example CDK.json:
"app": "python3 app.py",
"context": {
"health_check_path": "/gb/template/v1/status",
"ecr_repo": "000000000000.dkr.ecr.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/template-service-ecr"
Python example for assigning context to variables:
memoryLimitMib = self.node.try_get_context("memory_limit")
I believe we could also use a Try/Catch block to assign some default values to this if not provided by the developer in their CDK.json file.
I hope this post has provided some useful information to those looking for ways to create a generic template for deploying CDK code! I don't know if we're doing the right thing here, but this tool is so new it feels like some common patterns dont exist yet.
I'm writing a script that uses the requests library to obtain API data from a website requiring authentication. From my understanding and testing, the site doesn't seem to use auth-saving cookies, so authentication is required with each request, such as this:
page = requests.get('http://a_url.com', auth=(uname, pword))
This is fine for what I need except, that I have specific tasks split up into separate functions that handle different data in different ways. The only commonality is that they all require the username and password (obtained at the command line), so I've ended up with just short of every function taking "uname" and "pword" as their first parameters, followed by any other necessary params:
def get_all_projects(uname, pword):
# function
def get_single_project(uname, pword, project_name):
# function
def get_select_projects(uname, pword, projects):
for project in projects:
get_single_project(uname, pword, project)
# Etc...
Aside from turning the script into a class, is there any other way to deliver the credentials to the functions that need them without having to parameterize them? Requests.Session() won't work, since as stated above I need to include the auth with each call to get. I feel like a decorator would fit the situation well, but I don't understand them well enough yet to be able to confirm that belief.
As #barny pointed out, I missed the fact that you can indeed pass authentication to a requests.Session() via the following (from the docs and barny's comment):
s = requests.Session()
s.auth = (uname, pword)
so my url request from the op can now just be:
page = s.get('http://a_url.com')
with the auth automatically included as long as the session is active.
Along with that, my functions can now be condensed to just using the session object as a param instead of the username and password each time:
def get_all_projects(s):
# function
def get_single_project(s, project_name):
# function
def get_select_projects(s, projects):
for project in projects:
get_single_project(s, project)
# Etc...
After a user has filled out a (ploneformgen) form , I would like to use a custom script adapter to call a python script to change the user’s local role so that they can’t see the form anymore. In other words, I want to prevent the user from filling out (or viewing) the form twice.
I figured that one way to do this is to call the script permission_changer.py which is located in the form folder. The code I have in that script is this:
Where ‘bob’ is just an example user, who has only the global role FormFiller (which I created under the Security tab of the ZMI) and the local role “Reader” for the form folder.
When I fill out the form (which has a "private" state) as a system admin, the script is called successfully and bob loses his “Reader” local role (which is all he had to begin with), and he can’t see the form anymore. However, when bob fills out the form, a “You do not have sufficient privileges to view this page.” error is displayed, and bob’s local role is not removed. I can’t work out why –– and I’ve tried many different things:
I’ve changed the proxy for the permission_changer.py by clicking on “Proxy” tab for the script in ZMI. I changed it to “Manager”, "System Administrator”, and “Owner”, but that didn’t solve the problem (nor did any combination of those).
I tried changing the proxy by creating a file permission_changer.py.metdadata in the form folder and including this:
proxy = Manager
but that didn’t work either.
Strangely, when I change bob’s global role to Manager, or System Administrator, or even Viewer, or Editor, the problem goes away and the script runs just fine (I can also change the script so that it adds and removes arbitrary other local roles). (These options are not solutions for me because bob will still be able to see the form because of his global role.)
Also, I tried giving the role FormFiller role every possible permission under the Security tab, but didn’t work.
So, I’m guessing that the problem has to do with the proxy settings, but I can’t work out what I’m doing wrong. I've searched around a lot, and I can't find anyone discussing a similar problem.
Any help would be much appreciated!
Ugly ugly way to handle this may be to access to the data saver field's download method and parse its output to find data to check.
For example, if username is the second pfg field added into form, a custom script adapter that prevents furthers fillings by a user may be
alreadyInDB = False
savedData = ploneformgen.savefield.getSavedFormInputForEdit()
username = request.AUTHENTICATED_USER.getId()
usersInDB = [x.split(',')[1] for x in savedData.split('\r\n') if len(x)>0]
if username in usersInDB:
alreadyInDB = True
if alreadyInDB:
return {'username': 'No way man!'}
I worked out what was going on, but I'm not sure how to describe it precisely. Basically, I found that by calling the script as a Custom Success Action (form > edit > overrides), I don't get the problem. So I think that by calling the script as custom script adapter I was trying to change the user's permission while they were still engaged with the form and that is impossible, even with the Manager proxy role.
I hope that helps. And if anyone has a more precise description of the problem, that would be appreciated.
For granting and revoking the permissions to submit a form, you could:
Create a group (e.g. with the ID "Submitters") and assign the chosen users to it
Make sure the form-folder has the state 'private' and grant View-permissions via the sharing-tab of the form-folder to the group
Add a content-item of type 'Page' in the form-folder's parent (e.g. with the ID 'submitted') and set its state to 'public'
Add a content-item of type 'Custom Script Adapter', select 'Manager' in the field 'Proxy role', and insert the lines below into the field 'Script body':
# Remove current user of group and redirect to [FORM_PARENT_URL]/landing_page_id'.
# If user is not in group, fail silently and continue.
# Fail if landing_page_id does not exist in form-folder, or one of its parents.
# Assumes a page with the ID as declared in `landing_page_id` lives in the
# form-folder's parent (or one of its grand-parents, first found wins),
# and holds the state 'public', so users can view it regardless of their
# group-memberships.
# Ment to be used after submission of a PloneFormGen-form with private-state and
# a locally assigned Reader-role for the group, so only group-members can view and
# submit the form.
from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName
group_id = 'Submitters' # change as needed
landing_page_id = 'submitted' # change as needed
portal_groups = getToolByName(ploneformgen, 'portal_groups')
user_id = ploneformgen.memberId()
parent_url = '/'.join(ploneformgen.absolute_url().split('/')[:-1])
redirect_to_url = parent_url + '/' + landing_page_id
# Revoke current user's group-membership:
portal_groups.removePrincipalFromGroup(user_id, group_id)
# Let user land in userland:
Tested with Plone-4.3.11 and Products.PloneFormGen-1.7.25
I am experimenting with facebook and trying to create an event, via the Graph API. I am using django and the python-facebook-sdk from github. I can successfully post to my wall pull friends etc.
I am using django-social-auth for facebook login stuff and have settings.py for permissions:
FACEBOOK_EXTENDED_PERMISSIONS = ['publish_stream','create_event','rsvp_event']
In the graph api explorer on facebook my request works so I know what parameters to use and, well, I am using them.
Here is my python code:
def new_event(self):
event = {}
event['name'] = name
event['privacy'] = 'OPEN'
event['start_time'] = '2011-11-04T14:42Z'
event['end_time'] = '2011-11-05T14:46Z'
self.graph.put_object("me", "events", args=None, post_args=event)
The code that is calling the facebook api is roughly: (also the access_token is added to the post_args which then is converted to post_data and urlencoded.
file = urllib.urlopen("https://graph.facebook.com/me/events?" +
urllib.urlencode(args), post_data)
The error I am getting is:
Exception Value: (#100) Invalid parameter
I am trying to figure out what is wrong, but am also curios of how to figure out overall what is wrong so I can debug this in the future. it seems to be too generic of an error because I don't know what is wrong.
Not really sure how post_args works but this call did the trick
graph.put_object("me","events",start_time="2013-11-04T14:42Z", privacy="OPEN", end_time="2013-11-05T14:46Z", name="Test Event")
The invalid parameter most likely is pointing to how you are feeding the parameters as post_args. I don't think the SDK was ever designed to feed it like this. I could be mistaken as I'm not really sure what post_args would be doing.
Another way based on how put_object is setup with **data it would be
graph.put_object("me","events", **event)