fileno errors when calling kevent function - python

I was using kqueue in Python 2.7 to build a file monitor.
Initially, it kept outputting 0x4000 in flags and 0x1 in data, which turns out to be an error occurred. Then I found one example given by LaclefYoshi, and it works!
My code, giving errors.
import select
from time import sleep
fd = open('test').fileno()
kq = select.kqueue()
flags = select.KQ_EV_ADD | select.KQ_EV_ENABLE | select.KQ_EV_CLEAR
fflags = select.KQ_NOTE_DELETE | select.KQ_NOTE_WRITE | select.KQ_NOTE_EXTEND \
| select.KQ_NOTE_RENAME | select.KQ_NOTE_REVOKE | select.KQ_NOTE_ATTRIB\
| select.KQ_NOTE_LINK
ev = select.kevent(fd, filter=select.KQ_FILTER_VNODE,
flags=flags, fflags=fflags)
evl = kq.control([ev], 1)
print evl
while 1:
revents = kq.control([], 1, None)
print revents
His version, give the file object directly to the kevent function.
fd = open('test')
ev = select.kevent(fd, filter=select.KQ_FILTER_VNODE,
flags=flags, fflags=fflags)
Another version, call a fileno method in kevent.
fd = open('test')
ev = select.kevent(fd.fileno(), filter=select.KQ_FILTER_VNODE,
flags=flags, fflags=fflags)
But now I'm really confused of why the first version doesn't work while the third one works well. These two should be the same thing, right?
The other question I have is, what exactly is a file object here in Python? I've seen the ident is actually an integer here, which should be the file descriptor instead of file objects. How does it work here!?


ERRNO2 for WriteToText files in a Dataflow pipeline

I have a branching pipeline with multiple ParDo transforms that are merged and written to text file records in a GCS bucket.
I am receiving the following messages after my pipeline crashes:
The worker lost contact with the service.
RuntimeError: FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] Not found: gs://MYBUCKET/JOBNAME.00000-of-00001.avro [while running 'WriteToText/WriteToText/Write/WriteImpl/WriteBundles/WriteBundles']
Which looks like it can't find the log file it's been writing to. It seems to be fine until a certain point when the error occurs. I'd like to wrap a try: / except: around it or a breakpoint, but I'm not even sure how to discover what the root cause is.
Is there a way to just write a single file? Or only open a file to write once? It's spamming thousands of output files into this bucket, which is something I'd like to eliminate and may be a factor.
with beam.Pipeline(argv=pipeline_args) as p:
csvlines = (
p | 'Read From CSV' >>, skip_header_lines=1)
| 'Parse CSV to Dictionary' >> beam.ParDo(Split())
| 'Read Files into Memory' >> beam.ParDo(DownloadFilesDoFn())
| 'Windowing' >> beam.WindowInto(window.FixedWindows(20 * 60))
b1 = ( csvlines | 'Branch1' >> beam.ParDo(Branch1DoFn()) )
b2 = ( csvlines | 'Branch2' >> beam.ParDo(Branch2DoFn()) )
b3 = ( csvlines | 'Branch3' >> beam.ParDo(Branch3DoFn()) )
b4 = ( csvlines | 'Branch4' >> beam.ParDo(Branch4DoFn()) )
b5 = ( csvlines | 'Branch5' >> beam.ParDo(Branch5DoFn()) )
b6 = ( csvlines | 'Branch6' >> beam.ParDo(Branch6DoFn()) )
output = (
(b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6) | 'Merge PCollections' >> beam.Flatten()
| 'WriteToText' >>
This question is linked to this previous question which contains more detail about the implementation. The solution there suggested to create an instance of in the start_bundle() of every call to a ParDo(DoFn). This is connected to the same gcs bucket - given via the args in WriteToText(known_args.output)
class DownloadFilesDoFn(beam.DoFn):
def __init__(self):
import re
self.gcs_path_regex = re.compile(r'gs:\/\/([^\/]+)\/(.*)')
def start_bundle(self):
self.gcs =
def process(self, element):
self.file_match = self.gcs_path_regex.match(element['Url'])
self.bucket = self.gcs.get_bucket(
self.blob = self.bucket.get_blob(
self.f = self.blob.download_as_bytes()
It's likely the cause of this error is related to to having too many connections to the client. I'm not clear on good practice for this - since it's been suggested elsewhere that you can set up network connections in this way for each bundle.
Adding this to the end to remove the client object from memory at the end of the bundle should help close some unnecessary lingering connections.
def finish_bundle(self):
del self.gcs, self.gcs_path_regex

Memory scanner for any program in Python

I am trying to create a memory scanner. similar to Cheat Engine. but only for extract information.
I know how to get the pid (in this case is "notepad.exe"). But I don't have any Idea about how to know wicht especific adress belong to the program that I am scanning.
Trying to looking for examples. I could see someone it was trying to scan every adress since one point to other. But it's to slow. Then I try to create a batch size (scan a part of memory and not one by one each adress). The problem is if the size is to short. still will take a long time. and if it is to long, is possible to lose many adress who are belong to the program. Because result from ReadMemoryScan is False in the first Adress, but It can be the next one is true. Here is my example.
import ctypes as c
from ctypes import wintypes as w
import psutil
from sys import stdout
write = stdout.write
import numpy as np
def get_client_pid(process_name):
pid = None
for proc in psutil.process_iter():
if == process_name:
pid = int(
print(f"Found '{process_name}' PID = ", pid,f" hex_value = {hex(pid)}")
if pid == None:
print('Program Not found')
return pid
pid = get_client_pid("notepad.exe")
if pid == None:
k32 = c.WinDLL('kernel32', use_last_error=True)
OpenProcess = k32.OpenProcess
OpenProcess.argtypes = [w.DWORD,w.BOOL,w.DWORD]
OpenProcess.restype = w.HANDLE
ReadProcessMemory = k32.ReadProcessMemory
ReadProcessMemory.argtypes = [w.HANDLE,w.LPCVOID,w.LPVOID,c.c_size_t,c.POINTER(c.c_size_t)]
ReadProcessMemory.restype = w.BOOL
GetLastError = k32.GetLastError
GetLastError.argtypes = None
GetLastError.restype = w.DWORD
CloseHandle = k32.CloseHandle
CloseHandle.argtypes = [w.HANDLE]
CloseHandle.restype = w.BOOL
processHandle = OpenProcess(0x10, False, int(pid))
# addr = 0x0FFFFFFFFFFF
data = c.c_ulonglong()
bytesRead = c.c_ulonglong()
start = 0x000000000000
end = 0x7fffffffffff
batch_size = 2**13
MemoryData = np.zeros(batch_size, 'l')
Size = MemoryData.itemsize*MemoryData.size
index = 0
Data_address = []
for c_adress in range(start,end,batch_size):
result = ReadProcessMemory(processHandle,c.c_void_p(c_adress),,
Size, c.byref(bytesRead))
if result: # Save adress
e = GetLastError()
I decided from 0x000000000000 to 0x7fffffffffff Because cheat engine scan this size. I am still a begginer with this kind of this about memory scan. maybe there are things that I can do to improve the efficiency.
I suggest you take advantage of existing python libraries that can analyse Windows 10 memory.
I'm no specialist but I've found Volatility. Seems to be pretty useful for your problem.
For running that tool you need Python 2 (Python 3 won't work).
For running python 2 and 3 in the same Windows 10 machine, follow this tutorial (The screenshots are in Spanish but it can easily be followed).
Then see this cheat sheet with main commands. You can dump the memory and then operate on the file.
Perhaps this leads you to the solution :) At least the most basic command pslist dumps all the running processes addresses.
psutil has proc.memory_maps()
pass the result as map to this function
TargetProcess eaxample 'Calculator.exe'
def get_memSize(self,TargetProcess,map):
for m in map:
if TargetProcess in m.path:
memSize= m.rss
return memSize
if you use this function, it returns the memory size of your Target Process
my_pid is the pid for 'Calculator.exe'
def getBaseAddressWmi(self,my_pid):
processHandle = win32api.OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, False, my_pid)
modules = win32process.EnumProcessModules(processHandle)
base_addr = modules[0] # for me it worked to select the first item in list...
return base_addr
to get the base address of your prog
so you search range is from base_addr to base_addr + memSize

Python File Handling

I need to write a program that will write and read to/from a file. I have code that works depending on the order I call functions.
def FileSetup():
TextWrite = open('Leaderboard.txt','w')
TextWrite.write('''| Driver | Car | Team | Grid | Fastest Lap | Race Time | Points |
TextRead = open('Leaderboard.txt','r')
return TextRead
def SortLeaderboard(LeaderBoard):
TextFile = open('Leaderboard.txt', 'w')
for items in LeaderBoard:
TextFile.write('\n| '+items['Driver']+' | '+str(items['Car'])+' | '+items['Team']+' | '+str(items['Grid'])+' | '+items['Fastest Lap']+' | '+items['Race Time']+' | '+str(items['Points'])+' |')
Leaderboard = Setup()
TextRead = FileSetup()
TextFile = open('Leaderboard.txt','w')
#TextRead = FileSetup()
str =
print str
Depending on which TextRead = FileSetup() I comment out either SortLeaderboard or FileSetup will work. If I comment out the TextRead after I call SortLeaderboard then SortLeaderboard will write to the file and FileSetup won't. If I call it after then FileSetup will write to the file and Sortleaderboard won't.
The problem is only one function writes to the file. I am not able to get both to write to it.
I'm sorry this is really confusing this was the best way I could think of explaining it. If you need me to explain something in a different way just ask and I will try,
Avoid calling .open and .close directly and use context managers instead. They will handle closing the file object after you are done.
from contextlib import contextmanager
def setup_file():
with open('Leaderboard.txt','w') as writefile:
myfile.write('''| Driver | Car | Team | Grid | Fastest Lap | Race Time | Points |
with open('Leaderboard.txt','r') as myread:
yield myread
def SortLeaderboard(LeaderBoard):
with open('Leaderboard.txt', 'w') as myfile:
for items in LeaderBoard:
TextFile.write('\n| '+items['Driver']+' | '+str(items['Car'])+' | '+items['Team']+' | '+str(items['Grid'])+' | '+items['Fastest Lap']+' | '+items['Race Time']+' | '+str(items['Points'])+' |')
Leaderboard = Setup()
with setup_file() as TextRead:
str =
print str
Here you instantiate your own context manager setup_file that encapsulates preparing the file for use, and cleaning up afterwards.
A context manager is a python generator with a yield statement. The control of flow is passed from the generator to the body of the generator after the yield statement.
After the body of the generator has been executed, flow of control is passed back into the generator and cleanup work can be done.
open can function as a context manager by default, and takes care of closing the file object.

Watchdog compatibility: A workaround for "CancelIoEx"

Using the python watchdog file system events watching library I noticed that when being used under Windows Server 2003 it entered into "Polling Mode" thus stoping using asynchronous OS notification and, therefore, heavily reducing system performance under big amount of file changes.
I traced the problem to watchdog/observers/ file where CancelIoEx system call is used in order to stop ReadDirectoryChangesW call lock when the user wants to stop monitoring the watched directory or file:
CancelIoEx = ctypes.windll.kernel32.CancelIoEx
CancelIoEx.restype = ctypes.wintypes.BOOL
CancelIoEx.errcheck = _errcheck_bool
CancelIoEx.argtypes = (
ctypes.wintypes.HANDLE, # hObject
ctypes.POINTER(OVERLAPPED) # lpOverlapped
def close_directory_handle(handle):
CancelIoEx(handle, None) # force ReadDirectoryChangesW to return
except WindowsError:
The problem with CancelIoEx call is that it is not available until Windows Server 2008:
One possible alternative is to change close_directory_handle in order to make it create a mock file within the monitored directory, thus unlocking the thread waiting for ReadDirectoryChangesW to return.
However, I noticed that CancelIo system call is in fact available in Windows Server 2003:
Cancels all pending input and output (I/O) operations that are issued
by the calling thread for the specified file. The function does not
cancel I/O operations that other threads issue for a file handle. To
cancel I/O operations from another thread, use the CancelIoEx
But calling CancelIo won't affect the waiting thread.
Do you have any idea on how to solve this problem?
May be threading.enumerate() could be used issue a signal to be handled by each thread being CancelIo called from these handlers?
The natural approach is to implement a completion routine and call to ReadDirectoryChangesW using its overlapped mode. The following example shows the way to do that:
RDCW_CALLBACK_F = ctypes.WINFUNCTYPE(None, ctypes.wintypes.DWORD, ctypes.wintypes.DWORD, ctypes.POINTER(OVERLAPPED))
First, create a WINFUNCTYPE factory which will be used to generate (callable from Windows API) C like functions from python methods. In this case, no return value and 3 parameters corresponding to
VOID CALLBACK FileIOCompletionRoutine(
_In_ DWORD dwErrorCode,
_In_ DWORD dwNumberOfBytesTransfered,
_Inout_ LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped
FileIOCompletionRoutine header.
The callback reference as well as the overlapped structure need to be added to ReadDirectoryChangesW arguments list:
ReadDirectoryChangesW = ctypes.windll.kernel32.ReadDirectoryChangesW
ReadDirectoryChangesW.restype = ctypes.wintypes.BOOL
ReadDirectoryChangesW.errcheck = _errcheck_bool
ReadDirectoryChangesW.argtypes = (
ctypes.wintypes.HANDLE, # hDirectory
LPVOID, # lpBuffer
ctypes.wintypes.DWORD, # nBufferLength
ctypes.wintypes.BOOL, # bWatchSubtree
ctypes.wintypes.DWORD, # dwNotifyFilter
ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.wintypes.DWORD), # lpBytesReturned
ctypes.POINTER(OVERLAPPED), # lpOverlapped
RDCW_CALLBACK_F # FileIOCompletionRoutine # lpCompletionRoutine
From here, we are ready to perform the overlapped system call.
This is a simple call bacl just usefult to test that everything works fine:
def dir_change_callback(dwErrorCode,dwNumberOfBytesTransfered,p):
print("dir_change_callback! PID:" + str(os.getpid()))
print("CALLBACK THREAD: " + str(threading.currentThread()))
Prepare and perform the call:
event_buffer = ctypes.create_string_buffer(BUFFER_SIZE)
nbytes = ctypes.wintypes.DWORD()
overlapped_read_dir = OVERLAPPED()
call2pass = RDCW_CALLBACK_F(dir_change_callback)
hand = get_directory_handle(os.path.abspath("/test/"))
def docall():
ReadDirectoryChangesW(hand, ctypes.byref(event_buffer),
len(event_buffer), False,
ctypes.byref(overlapped_read_dir), call2pass)
If you load and execute all this code into a DreamPie interactive shell you can check the system call is done and that the callback executes thus printing the thread and pid numbers after the first change done under c:\test directory. Besides, you will notice those are the same than the main thread and process: Despite the event is raised by a separated thread, the callback runs in the same process and thread as our main program thus providing an undesired behaviour:
lck = threading.Lock()
def dir_change_callback(dwErrorCode,dwNumberOfBytesTransfered,p):
print("dir_change_callback! PID:" + str(os.getpid()))
print("CALLBACK THREAD: " + str(threading.currentThread()))
This program will lock the main thread and the callback will never execute.
I tried many synchronization tools, even Windows API semaphores always getting the same behaviour so, finally, I decided to implement the ansynchronous call using the synchronous configuration for ReadDirectoryChangesW within a separate process managed and synchronized using multiprocessing python library:
Calls to get_directory_handle won't return the handle number given by windows API but one managed by winapi library, for that I implemented a handle generator:
class FakeHandleFactory():
_hl = threading.Lock()
_next = 0
def next():
ret = FakeHandleFactory._next
FakeHandleFactory._next += 1
return ret
Each generated handle has to be globally associated with a file system path:
handle2file = {}
Each call to read_directory_changes will now generate ReadDirectoryRequest (derived from multiprocessing.Process) object:
class ReadDirectoryRequest(multiprocessing.Process):
def _perform_and_wait4request(self, path, recursive, event_buffer, nbytes):
#print("path: " + path)
aux_buffer = ctypes.create_string_buffer(BUFFER_SIZE)
aux_n = ctypes.wintypes.DWORD()
#print("_perform_and_wait4request! PID:" + str(os.getpid()))
#print("CALLBACK THREAD: " + str(threading.currentThread()) + "\n----------")
ReadDirectoryChangesW(hdl, ctypes.byref(aux_buffer),
len(event_buffer), recursive,
ctypes.byref(aux_n), None, None)
except WindowsError as e:
print("!" + str(e))
nbytes = 0
event_buffer = []
nbytes = 0
event_buffer = []
# Python 2/3 compat
nbytes.value = aux_n.value
for i in xrange(self.int_class(aux_n.value)):
event_buffer[i] = aux_buffer[i]
def __init__(self, handle, recursive):
buffer = ctypes.create_string_buffer(BUFFER_SIZE)
self.event_buffer = multiprocessing.Array(ctypes.c_char, buffer)
self.nbytes = multiprocessing.Value(ctypes.wintypes.DWORD, 0)
targetPath = handle2file.get(handle, None)
super(ReadDirectoryRequest, self).__init__(target=self._perform_and_wait4request, args=(targetPath, recursive, self.event_buffer, self.nbytes))
self.daemon = True
self.lck = multiprocessing.Lock()
self.result = None
self.int_class = long
except NameError:
self.int_class = int
if targetPath is None:
self.result = ([], -1)
def CancelIo(self):
self.result = ([], 0)
def read_changes(self):
#print("read_changes! PID:" + str(os.getpid()))
#print("CALLBACK THREAD: " + str(threading.currentThread()) + "\n----------")
if self.result is not None:
raise Exception("ReadDirectoryRequest object can be used only once!")
self.result = (self.event_buffer, self.int_class(self.nbytes.value))
return self.result
This class specifies Process providing a process which perform the system call and waits until (or):
A change event has been raised.
The main thread cancels the request by calling to the ReadDirectoryRequest object CancelIo method.
Note that:
Roles are now to manage requests. For that, thread locks and auxiliary data structures are needed:
rqIndexLck = threading.Lock() # Protects the access to `rqIndex`
rqIndex = {} # Maps handles to request objects sets.
def get_directory_handle(path):
ret =
handle2file[ret] = path
return ret
def close_directory_handle(handle):
rqset4handle = rqIndex.get(handle, None)
if rqset4handle is not None:
for rq in rqset4handle:
del rqIndex[handle]
if handle in handle2file:
del handle2file[handle]
And last but not least: read_directory_changes
def read_directory_changes(handle, recursive):
rq = ReadDirectoryRequest(handle, recursive)
set4handle = None
if handle in rqIndex:
set4handle = rqIndex[handle]
set4handle = set()
rqIndex[handle] = set4handle
ret = rq.read_changes()
if rq in set4handle:
return ret

Cannot grok python multiprocessing

I need to run a function for the each of the elements of my database.
When I try the following:
from multiprocessing import Pool
from pymongo import Connection
def foo():
connection1 = Connection('', 27017)
db1 =
my_pool = Pool(6), db1.index.find())
I'm getting the following error:
Job 1, 'python ' terminated by signal SIGKILL (Forced quit)
Which is, I think, caused by db1.index.find() eating all the available ram while trying to return millions of database elements...
How should I modify my code for it to work?
Some logs are here:
dmesg | tail -500 | grep memory
[177886.768927] Out of memory: Kill process 3063 (python) score 683 or sacrifice child
[177891.001379] [<ffffffff8110e51a>] out_of_memory+0xfa/0x250
[177891.021362] Out of memory: Kill process 3063 (python) score 684 or sacrifice child
[177891.025399] [<ffffffff8110e51a>] out_of_memory+0xfa/0x250
The actual function below:
def create_barrel(item):
connection = Connection('', 27017)
db =
print db.index.count()
barrel = []
fls = []
if 'name' in item.keys():
name = item['name']
elif 'name.utf-8' in item.keys():
name = item['name.utf-8']
print item.keys()
if 'files' in item.keys():
for file in item['files']:
if 'path' in file.keys():
barrel.append(WhitespaceTokenizer().tokenize(" ".join(file['path'])))
elif 'path.utf-8' in file.keys():
barrel.append(WhitespaceTokenizer().tokenize(" ".join(file['path.utf-8'])))
print file
if len(fls) < 1:
barrel = sum(barrel,[])
for s in barrel:
vs = re.findall("\d[\d|\.]*\d", s) #versions i.e. numbes such as 4.2.7500
b0 = []
for s in barrel:
b0.append(re.split("[" + string.punctuation + "]", s))
b1 = filter(lambda x: x not in string.punctuation, sum(b0,[]))
flag = True
while flag:
bb = []
flag = False
for bt in b1:
if bt[0] in string.punctuation:
flag = True
elif bt[-1] in string.punctuation:
flag = True
b1 = bb
b2 = b1 + barrel + vs
b3 = list(set(b2))
b4 = map(lambda x: x.lower(), b3)
b_final = {}
b_final['_id'] = item['_id']
b_final['tags'] = b4
b_final['name'] = name
b_final['files'] = fls
print db.barrels.insert(b_final)
I've noticed interesting thing. Then I press ctrl+c to stop process I'm getting the following:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 83, in <module>, db1.index.find, 6)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/multiprocessing/", line 227, in map
return self.map_async(func, iterable, chunksize).get()
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/multiprocessing/", line 280, in map_async
iterable = list(iterable)
TypeError: 'instancemethod' object is not iterable
I mean, why multiprocessing is trying to convert somethin to the list? Isn't it the source of the problem?
from the stack trace:
brk(0x231ccf000) = 0x231ccf000
futex(0x1abb150, FUTEX_WAKE_PRIVATE, 1) = 1
sendto(3, "+\0\0\0\260\263\355\356\0\0\0\0\325\7\0\0\0\0\0\0data.index\0\0"..., 43, 0, NULL, 0) = 43
recvfrom(3, "Some text from my database."..., 491663, 0, NULL, NULL) = 491663
... [manymany times]
brk(0x2320d5000) = 0x2320d5000
.... manymany times
The above sample goes and goes in strace output and for some reason strace -o logfile python
does not halt. It just eats all the available ram and writes in log file.
UPDATE. Using imap instead of map solved my problem.
Since the find() operation is returning the cursor the the map function and since you say that this runs without a problem when you do
for item in db1.index.find(): create_barrel(item)
it looks like the create_barrel function is OK.
Can you try to limit the number of results returned in the cursor and see if this helps? I think the syntax would be:
If you could try this and see if it helps it might help to get the cause of the problem.
EDIT1: I think you are going about this the wrong way by using the map function - I think you should be using map_reduce in the mongo python driver - that way the map function will be executed by the mongod process.
map() function gives the items in chunks to the given function. By default this chunksize is calculated like this (link to source):
chunksize, extra = divmod(len(iterable), len(self._pool) * 4)
This probably results in too big chunk size in your case and lets the process run out of memory. Try setting the chunk size manually like this:, db1.index.find(), 100)
EDIT: You should also consider reusing the db connection and closing them after usage. Now you create new db connection for each item, and you don't call close() to them.
EDIT2: Also check if the while loop gets into an infinite loop (would explain the symptoms).
EDIT3: Based on the traceback you added the map function tries to convert the cursor to a list, causing all the items to be fetched at once. This happens because it want's to find how many items there are in the set. This is part of map() code from
if not hasattr(iterable, '__len__'):
iterable = list(iterable)
You could try this to avoid conversion to list:
cursor = db1.index.find()
cursor.__len__ = cursor.count(), cursor)
