I am trying to implement sharing in my registration-required website. I would like the user to be able to share a page for a certain duration of time (1 day, 1 week, etc.) so that anyone with a special link can access that page. Is this possible in Django?
EDIT: My solution (based on Saurabh Goyal’s answer):
Add a new model to your models.py, something like this:
class ShareKey(models.Model):
location = models.TextField() # absolute path
token = models.CharField(max_length=40, primary_key=True)
creation_date = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
expiration_seconds = models.BigIntegerField()
data = PickledObjectField() # custom sharing data
(The data field is optional, and requires django-picklefield).
In your views.py, add a decorator function like this:
def allow_shares(view_func):
def sharify(request, *args, **kwargs):
shared = kwargs.get('__shared', None)
if shared is not None:
if '__shared' not in view_func.func_code.co_varnames[:view_func.func_code.co_argcount]:
del kwargs["__shared"]
return view_func(request, *args, **kwargs)
else: return login_required(view_func)(request, *args, **kwargs)
return sharify
This decorator allows a view to require a login, unless the page is shared.
Decorate any views you want to be shareable with #allow_shares.
Add a new Exception subclass, SharifyError, like this:
class SharifyError(Exception):pass
Also in views.py, add a view to resolve the shared URLs, like this:
def sharedPage(request, key):
shareKey = ShareKey.objects.get(pk=key)
except: raise SharifyError
if shareKey.expired: raise SharifyError
func, args, kwargs = resolve(shareKey.location)
kwargs["__shared"] = True
return func(request, *args, **kwargs)
except SharifyError:
raise Http404 # or add a more detailed error page. This either means that the key doesn’t exist or is expired.
Add a url to urls.py, like this:
urlpatterns = patterns('',
# ...
url(r'^access/(?P<key>\w+)$', views.sharedPage, name="sharedPage"),
# ...
Finally, add URLs to create a shared link, and implement the view like this:
# in imports
from django.utils.crypto import get_random_string
def createShare(request, model_id):
task = MyModel.objects.get(pk=model_id)
key = ShareKey.objects.create(pk=get_random_string(40),
expiration_seconds=60*60*24, # 1 day
location = task.get_absolute_url(),
return render(request, 'share.html', {"key":key});
(Your share.html template should look something like this):
{% extends 'base.html' %}
{% block content %}
<h1>Sharing link created.</h1>
<p>The link is {{ base_url }}{% url 'taskShared' key.pk %}. It will be valid until {{ key.expiration_date|date:"l, N dS" }} at {{ key.expiration_date|time:"g:i a" }}.</p>
{% endblock %}
This will require users to login to view the decorated pages unless they have entered a key.
Yes, you can do that simply by having one additional field in dB which will represent the last datetime till when page is accessible by all. Then whenever someone accesses it, just check if current datetime is before or equal to value of that field, if yes, let them access, if no, deny access.
When user makes request to make page accessible, create the special link and update the field accordingly.
Make sure to handle routing for special link you generate on every request.
To handle things using keys, you can take following steps-
1) generate a random key whenever user requests for special link,
2) store the key and corresponding latest datetime of access for page in db
3) assuming main url for your page was '/mypage/', and your urls.py is something like this-
from django.conf.urls import patterns, url
from apps.myapp import views as myapp_views
# See: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/http/urls/
urlpatterns = patterns(
url(r'^mypage/$', myapp_views.MyPageView.as_view(), name='mypage'),
you add another url, something like this-
from django.conf.urls import patterns, url
from apps.myapp import views as myapp_views
# See: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/http/urls/
urlpatterns = patterns(
url(r'^mypage/$', myapp_views.MyPageView.as_view(), name='mypage'),
url(r'^mypage/(?P<key>\w+)/$', myapp_views.MyPageView.as_view(), name='mypage_special'),
What above results in is that a url '/mypage/any_alphanumeric_key/' will also redirect to your page view.
4) In your views, access the key, fetch the latest datetime of access for that key from dB, and if valid, give access else deny access.
I am trying to simulate Google's behavior where the user types something on the address bar of the browser and the Django server checks for any exact matches in the database. If so, a detailview of the object is rendered. If not an exact match, then a list of matches on substrings are rendered with ListView.
This behavior works fine when the user types into a search form. For instance, when the user just types the letter 'j' in the search form and hits submit, the Django server matches on 3 objects in the data base 'Django, Java, node.js' and renders this list through ListView. If there is an exact match, say the user typed 'java', then the Django server renders details about the object 'java' in a Detail view.
However, I could not figure out how to derive the same behavior when applied to what the user types on the address bar of the browser. If the user happens to type just the exact spelling of an item in the db, the details of the item is rendered, otherwise we get a 404 error.
The relevant segments of the html form, urls.py, and views.py are displayed below
<form method="GET" action="{% url 'searchwiki' %}">
<input class="search" type="text" name="q" placeholder="Search Encyclopedia">
urls.py :
urlpatterns = [
path("", views.EntryListView.as_view(), name="index"),
path("<int:pk>", views.EntryDetailView.as_view(), name="path_entry-detail"),
# path("<slug:subject>",views.get_obj_orlist),
views.py :
from django.urls import path
from . import views
from .models import Entry
from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404, render, redirect
from django.views import generic
from django.views.generic.edit import CreateView, UpdateView, DeleteView
def searchwiki(request):
searchtoken = request.GET.get('q')
entry = Entry.objects.get(subject=searchtoken)
except Entry.DoesNotExist:
entries = Entry.objects.filter(subject__icontains=searchtoken)
print("Inside exception code. qset size is ",len(entries))
return render(request, 'wikiencyc/searchencyc.html','entries':entries,'searchtoken':searchtoken})
return redirect(entry)
def get_obj_orlist(request):
model = Entry
slug_field = 'subject'
slug_url_kwarg = 'subject'
# below is the solution if it works
slug = kwargs.get(slug_url_kwarg)
entry = Entry.objects.get(subject=slug)
except Entry.DoesNotExist:
entries = Entry.objects.filter(subject__icontains=slug)
return render(request, 'wikiencyc/searchencyc.html', {'entries':entries,'searchtoken':slug} )
return redirect(entry)
class EntryDetailView(generic.DetailView):
model = Entry
slug_field = 'subject'
slug_url_kwarg = 'subject'
The "searchwiki/" path in urls.py and the searchwiki(request) function in views.py work perfectly together for said functionality in response to search form.
As for parsing the slug from the address bar, the EntryDetailView(generic.DetailView) does a perfect job for an exact match of the parsed slug in the database, but responds with a 404 exception to the screen instead of a list of substring matches.
My attempt at replicating the searchwiki function for the addressbar is the function get_obj_orlist(request). It fails because I could not figure out how to get the slug from the address bar and urlconf to said function. It is probably something very simple but after 2 days of searching through the Django server code and docs I am saying AARRGG!!! when I see args and kwargs. Any help is deeply appreciated. I am still struggling with regular expressions, so I would appreciate it if these can be avoided in the solution presentation.
I found the solution. As I had expected, it was a very trivial overlook. Just including subject as a parameter into the function allowed its use in the Entry model for querying purposes. The working function is depicted below.
def get_obj_orlist(request, subject):
model = Entry
entry = Entry.objects.get(subject=subject)
except Entry.DoesNotExist:
entries = Entry.objects.filter(subject__icontains=subject)
return render(request, 'wikiencyc/searchencyc.html', {'entries':entries,'searchtoken':subject} )
return redirect(entry)
i have a table which include all users and two columns at the end (Edit,Delete) and i just enabled the delete column, the issue is when i click on the delete icon the record will be deleted but the url will stuck on the delete function even if i used return render(request,'getUsersInfo.html') which is get all records function
Model Name: Users
from django.urls import path
from django.conf.urls import url
from . import views
urlpatterns = [
url(r'^deleteUser/(?P<fullname>\D+)/$',views.deleteUser, name='deleteUser'),
# this is how to call a function without parameters url(r'^deleteUser/$',views.deleteUser, name='deleteUser'),
in the same view i have 3 functions (singup "add user", getAllUsers "get all the records to the table,deleteUser)
def getAllUsers(request):
thesearchValue = ''
if 'SearchValue' in request.GET:
thesearchValue = request.GET['SearchValue']
allUsers = User.objects.filter(fullname__icontains=thesearchValue)#all()
# return render(request,'getUsersInfo.html',{'allUsers':allUsers})
return render(request,'getUsersInfo.html',{'allUsers':allUsers})
allUsers = User.objects.all()
return render(request,'getUsersInfo.html',{'allUsers':allUsers})
def deleteUser(request,fullname):
print('delete the user')
todelete = User.objects.filter(fullname=fullname)
return render(request,'getUsersInfo.html')
Notice that i used return render(request,'getUsersInfo.html') which should call getAllUsers(request): but the url stuck on
Rendering the same template as another view does not mean that you will somehow call other views. A template is nothing more than a tool to specify how to convert context data to a string, that is passed as HTTP response. You can use the same template in multiple views, and a view can render multiple templates.
You can make use of redirect(..) [Django-doc] to return a HTTP redirect response (302):
from django.shortcuts import redirect
def deleteUser(request,fullname):
print('delete the user')
todelete = User.objects.filter(fullname=fullname)
return redirect(getAllUsers)
Note: A GET request is not supposed to have side-effects, hence removing
objects when a user makes a GET request, is not compliant with the HTTP
standard. Therefore it might be better to remove a User with a POST request.
I would like to be able to render some or all of the views in my project with a different base template. In other words, for url /some/view I would like to be able to have /inline/some/view and have it render the same content, but using a different base template.
Modifying each view to accept a different template is not an option, because I would like to apply this behaviour across all apps in the project, including things like django.contrib.auth.
So far, I have, in urls.py:
url("^inline/(?P<uri>.*)", format.inline, name='inline'),
And the view, format.py:
from django.core.urlresolvers import resolve
def inline(request, uri=''):
# get the view that would normally handle this request
view, args, kwargs = resolve('/' + uri)
# call the view
kwargs['request'] = request
template_response = view(*args, **kwargs)
# ...now what?
I'm not sure where to go from here. Can I modify the entire template chain before I call view(), so that template_response.render() does the right thing?
Perhaps I am entirely off-base with this approach and should be looking at a middleware solution, but I am attached to the idea of this behaviour keying off URLs, because it will be easy to explain to the content people later on.
I was able to achieve the effect I desired, but the implementation is severely lacking. Here's what I did:
copied the templates for the views I wished to inline into templates/inline/
replaced {% extends base.html %} with {% extends inline/base.html %}
modified the view thus:
from django.core.urlresolvers import resolve
def inline(request, uri=''):
# get the view that would normally handle this request
view, args, kwargs = resolve('/' + uri)
# call the view
kwargs['request'] = request
template_response = view(*args, **kwargs)
response.template_name = os.path.join('inline', response.template_name)
return response
I don't like this solution because it will require those inline templates to be managed, being replaced/updated whenever apps in the project change, and so on. I would still dearly love a cleaner solution.
Update 2: Solution
chris-wesseling was 100% correct; a custom template loader was exactly what I needed. For posterity, here is my implementation.
from django.conf import settings
from django.template.loader import BaseLoader
from django.template.base import TemplateDoesNotExist
import os
class BaseTemplateOverrideLoader(BaseLoader):
Load templates from a specified subdirectory in the current app's directory.
subdir = 'templates'
def load_template_source(self, template_name, template_dirs=None):
template_dir = os.path.join(
t = os.path.join(template_dir, template_name)
with open(t, 'rb') as fp:
return (fp.read().decode(settings.FILE_CHARSET), template_dir)
except IOError:
raise TemplateDoesNotExist(template_name)
class InlineTemplateLoader(BaseTemplateOverrideLoader):
Override the location of base.html for inline views.
is_usable = True
subdir = 'templates/inline'
# ... other custom override classes here ....
from django.conf import settings
from django.core.urlresolvers import resolve
from django.template import loader
def default(request, slug=None):
view, args, kwargs = resolve('/' + slug)
old_loaders = settings.TEMPLATE_LOADERS
# Temporarily insert the inline template loader into TEMPLATE_LOADERS;
# we must also force BaseLoader to reload all templates loaders since
# they are cached at compile time.
settings.TEMPLATE_LOADERS = ('app.loaders.InlineTemplateLoader', ) + \
loader.template_source_loaders = None
# now call the original view that handles this request
kwargs['request'] = request
response = view(*args, **kwargs)
response_string = response.render()
# restore the template loaders to their original condition
settings.TEMPLATE_LOADERS = old_loaders
loader.template_source_loaders = None
return response_string
{% comment %}
-- render just the main content without any styles etc,
for loading as inline content via ajax or whatever.
{% endcomment %}
{% block main %}{% endblock %}
You can implement your own TemplateLoader and set it in your settings.TEMPLATE_LOADERS. You can have a look at this similar question for an approach of what you're trying to do.
Basically what you're looking for is a way to load base.html from a different location.
I have two models : Advertisment and Banner
when I using "generic view" How can I Bring together at the same time
The code below bring only one Advertisment
urlpatterns = patterns('',
url(r'^(?P<pk>\d+)/$', DetailView.as_view(
model = Advertisment,
context_object_name = 'advertisment',
), name='cars-advertisment-detail'),
url(r'^$', SearchView.as_view(), name='cars-advertisment-search'),
Aidan's answer is good if you only want to do it for a single view, but if you want to show banners on each page automatically, you have two main options.
One is to create a template tag that renders the banner, and add this tag to your templates where you want banners to be shown.
Your tag could look like this:
def banner_display():
random_banner = Banner.objects.order_by('?')[0]
return {'the_banner': random_banner}
Then, you would create a template that shows the banner:
<img src="{{ the_banner.url|safe }}" />
In your templates, where you need the banner, you would just say {% banner_display %}
The other option you have is to create a custom template context processor. This will inject your banner as a normal variable in all requests. This is perhaps even simpler:
def banner_display(request):
random_banner = Banner.objects.order_by('?')[0]
return {'the_banner': random_banner}
You should save this in a file and then add it to your TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS setting. Now in every template you have a variable {{ the_banner }}.
You need to override the get_context_data() method of the class based view (as described in the docs).
from django.views.generic import DetailView
class YourDetailView(DetailView):
model = Advertisment
context_object_name = 'advertisment'
def get_context_data(self, *args, **kwargs):
context = super(YourDetailView, self).get_context_data(*args, **kwargs)
if 'banner_id' in self.kwargs:
context['banner'] = get_object_or_404(Banner, pk=self.kwargs['banner_id']
return context
I guess you'll need to update your url conf to include a primary key for the Banner model too.
from your_app.views import YourDetailView
url(r'^(?P<ad_pk>\d+)/(?P<banner_pk>\d+)/$', YourDetailView.as_view(), name='cars-advertisment-detail'),
I have a pretty simple question. I want to make some date-based generic views on a Django site, but I also want to paginate them. According to the documentation the object_list view has page and paginate_by arguments, but the archive_month view does not. What's the "right" way to do it?
I created a template tag to do template-based pagination on collections passed to the templates that aren't already paginated. Copy the following code to an app/templatetags/pagify.py file.
from django.template import Library, Node, Variable
from django.core.paginator import Paginator
import settings
register = Library()
class PagifyNode(Node):
def __init__(self, items, page_size, varname):
self.items = Variable(items)
self.page_size = int(page_size)
self.varname = varname
def render(self, context):
pages = Paginator(self.items.resolve(context), self.page_size)
request = context['request']
page_num = int(request.GET.get('page', 1))
context[self.varname] = pages.page(page_num)
return ''
def pagify(parser, token):
{% pagify items by page_size as varname %}
bits = token.contents.split()
if len(bits) != 6:
raise TemplateSyntaxError, 'pagify tag takes exactly 5 arguments'
if bits[2] != 'by':
raise TemplateSyntaxError, 'second argument to pagify tag must be "by"'
if bits[4] != 'as':
raise TemplateSyntaxError, 'fourth argument to pagify tag must be "as"'
return PagifyNode(bits[1], bits[3], bits[5])
To use it in the templates (assume we've passed in an un-paginated list called items):
{% load pagify %}
{% pagify items by 20 as page %}
{% for item in page %}
{{ item }}
{% endfor %}
The page_size argument (the 20) can be a variable as well. The tag automatically detects page=5 variables in the querystring. And if you ever need to get at the paginator that belong to the page (for a page count, for example), you can simply call:
{{ page.paginator.num_pages }}
Date based generic views don't have pagination. It seems you can't add pagination via wrapping them as well since they return rendered result.
I would simply write my own view in this case. You can check out generic views' code as well, but most of it will probably be unneeded in your case.
Since your question is a valid one, and looking at the code; I wonder why they didn't decouple queryset generation as separate functions. You could just use them and render as you wish then.
I was working on a problem similar to this yesterday, and I found the best solution for me personally was to use the object_list generic view for all date-based pages, but pass a filtered queryset, as follows:
import datetime, time
def post_archive_month(request, year, month, page=0, template_name='post_archive_month.html', **kwargs):
# Convert date to numeric format
date = datetime.date(*time.strptime('%s-%s' % (year, month), '%Y-%b')[:3])
return list_detail.object_list(
queryset = Post.objects.filter(publish__year=date.year, publish__date.month).order_by('-publish',),
paginate_by = 5,
page = page,
template_name = template_name,
Where the urls.py reads something like:
I found this the easiest way around the problem without resorting to hacking the other generic views or writing a custom view.
There is also excellent django-pagination add-on, which is completely independent of underlying view.
Django date-based generic views do not support pagination. There is an open ticket from 2006 on this. If you want, you can try out the code patches supplied to implement this feature. I am not sure why the patches have not been applied to the codebase yet.