pygame object wont move - python

I have a very simple program. What I want is items in the thing class to move on their own.
import pygame
import time
import random
import threading
#initilasies it
#variables for height and width
global display_width
display_width= 800
global display_height
display_height= 600
#declares colours uses RGB as reference
white= (255,255,255)
black = (0,0,0)
#sets the dispaly (must be inside a tuple ())
gameDisplay = pygame.display.set_mode((display_width,display_height))
#changes the name of the window
pygame.display.set_caption("Robot Quest")
#times stuff (is gonna be used for FPS)
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
#loads up an image (not shown) must be in same directory
tankImg = pygame.image.load("tank.png")
blockImg = pygame.image.load("block.png")
class things:
def __init__(self,width,height,speed):
self.width = width
self.height = height
#if display.width doesn't work just pass the screen dimensions
self.X = display_width - self.width
self.Y= display_height - self.height
self.speed = speed
def move(self):
self.X -= self.speed
pos = self.X
return pos
def drawImage(self,imageName,x,y):
def game_loop():
#game exit value is set
game_exit = False
#when true you exit the loop, logic goes here
while not game_exit:
for event in pygame.event.get():
#method below on what to do if they press x in the corner
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
#exit the loop
#fills the background
block = things(100,100,4)
In the program block.move() executes once but that's all, so the object stays in the same place, having shifted only once place. I've tried to put the block.move() function in a for and while loop, but the program doesn't run if I do so. Can anyone advise me how fix my code so the object moves continuously, so it moves from end to the screen to another?

You seem to initialize your block in each loop. Try moving block = things(100,100,4) to before the while loop.

The problem is that you're re-initializing your block inside of your while loop, so in each iteration you're resetting it to its original position then moving it. Try moving the initialization outside of the while loop:
def game_loop():
#game exit value is set
game_exit = False
block = things(100,100,4)
#when true you exit the loop, logic goes here
while not game_exit:
for event in pygame.event.get():
#method below on what to do if they press x in the corner
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
#exit the loop
#fills the background


Sprites not displaying properly [duplicate]

I'm building a pong game trying to get better at programming but Im having trouble moving the ball. When the move_right method is called the ellipse stretches to the right instead of moving to the right. I've tried putting the ball variable in the init method but that just makes it not move at all even though the variables should be changing on account of the move_right method. I have also tried setting the x and y positions as parameters in the Ball class,but that just stretches it also.
I don't understand why when I run the following code the ball I'm trying to move stretches to the right instead of moves to the right. Can someone explain why this is happening? I have tried everything I can think of but i can't get it to do what I want.
import pygame,sys
import random
class Ball:
def __init__(self):
self.size = 30
self.color = light_grey
self.x_pos = width/2 -15
self.y_pos = height/2 -15
self.speed = 1
#self.ball = pygame.Rect(self.x_pos, self.y_pos,self.size,self.size)
def draw_ball(self):
ball = pygame.Rect(self.x_pos, self.y_pos,self.size,self.size)
def move_right(self):
self.x_pos += self.speed
class Player:
def __init__(self,x_pos,y_pos,width,height):
self.x_pos = x_pos
self.y_pos = y_pos
self.width = width
self.height = height
self.color = light_grey
def draw_player(self):
player = pygame.Rect(self.x_pos,self.y_pos,self.width,self.height)
class Main:
def __init__(self):
self.player=Player(width-20,height/2 -70,10,140)
self.opponent= Player(10,height/2-70,10,140)
def draw_elements(self):
def move_ball(self):
size = 30
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
width = 1000
height = 600
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((width,height))
bg_color = pygame.Color('grey12')
light_grey = (200,200,200)
main = Main()
#ball = pygame.Rect(main.ball.x_pos, main.ball.y_pos,main.ball.size,main.ball.size)
#player = pygame.Rect(width-20,height/2 -70,10,140)
#opponent = pygame.Rect(10,height/2-70,10,140)
while True:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
#ball = pygame.Rect(main.ball.x_pos, main.ball.y_pos,main.ball.size,main.ball.size)
main.ball.x_pos += main.ball.speed
You have to clear the display in every frame with pygame.Surface.fill:
while True:
# [...]
screen.fill(0) # <---
main.ball.x_pos += main.ball.speed
# [...]
Everything that is drawn is drawn on the target surface. The entire scene is redraw in each frame. Therefore the display needs to be cleared at the begin of every frame in the application loop. The typical PyGame application loop has to:
handle the events by either pygame.event.pump() or pygame.event.get().
update the game states and positions of objects dependent on the input events and time (respectively frames)
clear the entire display or draw the background
draw the entire scene (blit all the objects)
update the display by either pygame.display.update() or pygame.display.flip()

Python Crash Course 2nd Edition - Creating an Alien [duplicate]

I'm building a pong game trying to get better at programming but Im having trouble moving the ball. When the move_right method is called the ellipse stretches to the right instead of moving to the right. I've tried putting the ball variable in the init method but that just makes it not move at all even though the variables should be changing on account of the move_right method. I have also tried setting the x and y positions as parameters in the Ball class,but that just stretches it also.
I don't understand why when I run the following code the ball I'm trying to move stretches to the right instead of moves to the right. Can someone explain why this is happening? I have tried everything I can think of but i can't get it to do what I want.
import pygame,sys
import random
class Ball:
def __init__(self):
self.size = 30
self.color = light_grey
self.x_pos = width/2 -15
self.y_pos = height/2 -15
self.speed = 1
#self.ball = pygame.Rect(self.x_pos, self.y_pos,self.size,self.size)
def draw_ball(self):
ball = pygame.Rect(self.x_pos, self.y_pos,self.size,self.size)
def move_right(self):
self.x_pos += self.speed
class Player:
def __init__(self,x_pos,y_pos,width,height):
self.x_pos = x_pos
self.y_pos = y_pos
self.width = width
self.height = height
self.color = light_grey
def draw_player(self):
player = pygame.Rect(self.x_pos,self.y_pos,self.width,self.height)
class Main:
def __init__(self):
self.player=Player(width-20,height/2 -70,10,140)
self.opponent= Player(10,height/2-70,10,140)
def draw_elements(self):
def move_ball(self):
size = 30
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
width = 1000
height = 600
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((width,height))
bg_color = pygame.Color('grey12')
light_grey = (200,200,200)
main = Main()
#ball = pygame.Rect(main.ball.x_pos, main.ball.y_pos,main.ball.size,main.ball.size)
#player = pygame.Rect(width-20,height/2 -70,10,140)
#opponent = pygame.Rect(10,height/2-70,10,140)
while True:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
#ball = pygame.Rect(main.ball.x_pos, main.ball.y_pos,main.ball.size,main.ball.size)
main.ball.x_pos += main.ball.speed
You have to clear the display in every frame with pygame.Surface.fill:
while True:
# [...]
screen.fill(0) # <---
main.ball.x_pos += main.ball.speed
# [...]
Everything that is drawn is drawn on the target surface. The entire scene is redraw in each frame. Therefore the display needs to be cleared at the begin of every frame in the application loop. The typical PyGame application loop has to:
handle the events by either pygame.event.pump() or pygame.event.get().
update the game states and positions of objects dependent on the input events and time (respectively frames)
clear the entire display or draw the background
draw the entire scene (blit all the objects)
update the display by either pygame.display.update() or pygame.display.flip()

Pygame sprite constantly redrawn to screen and not moving

I can't see what's wrong with the below code. All I want to do is make the frog move across the screen, but it is simply redrawing many, many frogs all one pixel apart. How do I move the frog rather than just draw it again?
import pygame
from pygame.constants import *
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT))
class Frog(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
def __init__(self):
self.image = pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load('frog.png'), (64, 64))
self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
self.dx = 1
def update(self, *args):
self.rect.x += self.dx
running = True
frog = Frog()
entities = pygame.sprite.Group()
while running:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == QUIT:
running = False
That is how you do it in Pygame, you just redraw objects every iteration to give the illusion that they're moving but you must cover up the previous drawn objects by filling your window with a solid color e.g.
screen.fill((255, 255, 255))
This should be at the start of your game loop so you have a fresh canvas for drawing your objects each iteration.
while running:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == QUIT:
running = False
You may have to use the pygame.display.update() function to update the whole screen rather than just your entities.

Python 3.5.2 Pygame : Box reveal animation

I wanted to write a program that, when the user clicks anywhere on the surface of the box, it reveals another smaller box hidden behind it . The code is quite far from being finished at the moment .
Currently i wanted to do an animation that strats when the user clicks anywhere on the screen and stops when the box that covers the small box is gone.
Here is my code :
import random, pygame, sys
from pygame.locals import *
done = False
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
white = (255,255,255) # COLLORS
black = (0,0,0)
red = (255,0,0)
green = (0,100,0)
display_width = 800 # SCREEN DIMMENSION
display_height = 600
game_display = pygame.display.set_mode((display_width,display_height)) # SCREEN
def draw_icon(x,y):
icon = pygame.Rect(x+10,y+10,20,20)
def draw_cover(x,y,coverage):
if coverage > 0:
pygame.draw.rect(game_display, green, (x, y, coverage, 40))
def revealBoxesAnimation(x,y): # Do the "box reveal" animation.
for coverage in range(40, (-REVEALSPEED) - 1, -REVEALSPEED):
draw_cover(x, y, coverage)
def game_loop():
done = False
mouseClicked = False
while done != True:
x = (display_width - 40) / 2
y = (display_height - 40) / 2
for event in pygame.event.get(): # PRESSED KEYS EFFECTS
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
done = True
elif event.type == MOUSEBUTTONUP:
mouseClicked = True
mousex, mousey = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
if mousex != None and mousey != None :
if mouseClicked == True :
revealBoxesAnimation(x, y)
In the draw_cover function I said that the program should only draw the big box if the value of 'coverage' is greater than zero.
In the revealBoxesAnimation function, I use the range function to lower the value of coverage from 40 all the way to 0 by 8 at a time (40, 32, 24, 16, 8, 0, -8). Still, when the value of coverage hits zero, the animation does not stop. It goes on in an infinite loop.
How so ?
While there was already a fix suggested in another answer, I recommend to rewrite your code entirely.
Note how all the logic is encapsulated in the Box class (especially the update method), instead of 3 different functions; and now we only have a single, non-blocking main loop.
We have a single class for both, the non-shrinking and the shrinking box, but we could also just create another class for the thing that should not shrink and skip the shrinking argument.
So basically, if the box shrinks, we shrink the rect, create a new Surface with the smaller size, and use that for drawing.
When a mouse click occurs, we just need to create two Box instances, one not shrinking, and a bigger one shrinking.
Here's a full, running example:
import random, pygame, sys
from pygame.locals import *
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
display_width = 800 # SCREEN DIMMENSION
display_height = 600
game_display = pygame.display.set_mode((display_width,display_height)) # SCREEN
colors = pygame.color.THECOLORS
class Box(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
def __init__(self, group, center, size, color, shrinking=False):
pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self, group)
self.image = pygame.surface.Surface((size, size))
self.shrinking = shrinking
self.rect = self.image.get_rect(center=center)
def update(self):
if self.shrinking:
self.rect.inflate_ip(-1, 0)
new = pygame.surface.Surface((self.rect.w, self.rect.h))
new.blit(self.image, (0, 0))
self.image = new
if self.rect.width <= 0:
sprites = pygame.sprite.OrderedUpdates()
def game_loop():
while True:
for event in pygame.event.get(): # PRESSED KEYS EFFECTS
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
elif event.type == MOUSEBUTTONUP:
Box(sprites, event.pos, 20, colors['red'])
Box(sprites, event.pos, 40, colors['green'], True)
The problem is simply that after setting mouseClicked to True, you never have a way to make it false again. The simplest fix in my opinion would be to replace
elif event.type == MOUSEBUTTONUP:
mouseClicked = True
mouseClicked = pygame.mouse.get_pressed()[0]
(Outside of the event for loop, as you only need to do so once per a frame.)

How to move an image with the mouse in pygame?

I've written a little pygame program for moving an image by clicking and moving the mouse.
I struggle with making the moving function movableImg to work with my own x, y parameters and not with the predefined x, y parameters as it is now.
Here is my code:
import pygame
import time
display_width = 800
display_height = 600
white = (255, 255, 255)
gameDisplay = pygame.display.set_mode((display_width, display_height))
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
drag = 0 #switch with which I am seting if I can move the image
x = 100 #x, y coordinates of the image
y = 100
img = pygame.image.load('button.png') #my image and then his width and height
imgWidth = 100
imgHeight = 100
def image(imgX,imgY): #function to blit image easier
gameDisplay.blit(img, (imgX, imgY))
def movableImg(): #function in which i am moving image
global drag, x, y
mouse = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
click = pygame.mouse.get_pressed()
image(x, y)
if click[0] == 1 and x + imgWidth > mouse[0] > x and y + imgHeight > mouse[1] > y: #asking if i am within the boundaries of the image
drag = 1 #and if the left button is pressed
if click[0] == 0: #asking if the left button is pressed
drag = 0
if drag == 1: #moving the image
x = mouse[0] - (imgWidth / 2) #imgWidth / 2 because i want my mouse centered on the image
y = mouse[1] - (imgHeight / 2)
def main_loop():
while True:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
So here's the code that I found on the internet and which is working as I want to. SOURCE
import os,sys
import pygame as pg #lazy but responsible (avoid namespace flooding)
class Character:
def __init__(self,rect):
self.rect = pg.Rect(rect) = False
self.image = pg.Surface(self.rect.size).convert()
def update(self,surface):
if = pg.mouse.get_pos()
def main(Surface,Player):
def game_event_loop(Player):
for event in pg.event.get():
if event.type == pg.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
if Player.rect.collidepoint(event.pos): = True
elif event.type == pg.MOUSEBUTTONUP: = False
elif event.type == pg.QUIT:
pg.quit(); sys.exit()
if __name__ == "__main__":
os.environ['SDL_VIDEO_CENTERED'] = '1'
Screen = pg.display.set_mode((1000,600))
MyClock = pg.time.Clock()
MyPlayer = Character((0,0,150,150)) = Screen.get_rect().center
while 1:
You don't need the function. All you need is some events in your for loop. Instead of a messy, complicated function, you can simply figure out when the mouse is clicked:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: #Remember to use: from pygame.locals import *
coordinates = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
#set x and y to respective values of coordinates
#Enter necessary code here after
Now coordinates is a pre-defined variable I made up here, in this case, it is used to store the coordinates of your mouse. When event.type is MOUSEBUTTONDOWN, it means that the mouse has been clicked and the program should begin to do the code under that if statement. The events will only activate once, whihc means you cannot drag. I recommend that you create a function that allows the event to continue if the user is holding down on the mouse like this:
def holding():
global held, coordinates
if held:
coordinates = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
#Enter code here
held will be a Boolean variable: it will be equal to True if the mouse if being clicked or to False if not. In this case to prevent the program to think you are clicking the mouse infinitely, add another if statement to check whether the mouse has been released and if so, change held to False:
if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONUP:
held = False
also, to make sure that the function will actually register the fact that the mouse is still being held down, put this line in the if statement for the MOUSEBUTTONDOWN event:
held = True
And finally, to run the function, add an if statement in front of your for loop to run the function when needed:
if held:
TO move multiple images, change their positions to be equal to coordinates or somehow related to coordinates. The if statements do not have to move only one image at a time.
