Plotting a graph on a white box in Processing - python

I am fairly new to Processing but I have managed to make a good amount of a GUI in the Python Mode. I wanted to graph some data on a white box. I don't want to use background(0) because that'll make the entire window white. Using a rectangular in the draw() function also did not help as the rectangular kept on refreshing the graph. I am trying to simulate the hold on function as in MATLAB
Here's my pseudo code:
class plotEverything:
def __init__
def plotAxis
def plotGraph
def clearGraph
def setup():
size (800,600)
p1 = plotEverything()
def draw():
rect (100,100,200,200)
Is there any way I can make that rectangle fixed in the background?
EDIT Added graph class | Ignore indents(Assume they are all properly indented) --
class graphData:
def __init__(self, originX, originY, xUpper, yUpper):
self.originX = originX
self.originY = originY
self.xUpper = xUpper
self.yUpper = yUpper
self.pointX1 = originX
self.pointX2 = xUpper
self.pointY1 = originY
self.pointY2 = yUpper
self.scaleFactorX = 10.0/(xUpper - originX) #Assuming data is between is 0 and 10
self.scaleFactorY = 10.0/(originY - yUpper) #Assuming data is between is 0 and 1
def drawAxis(self):
line(self.originX, self.originY, self.originX, self.yUpper) #y axis
line(self.originX, self.originY, self.xUpper, self.originY) #x axis
def plotStaticData(self,data2Plot): #X-axis static
ab = zip(data2Plot,data2Plot[1:],data2Plot[2:],data2Plot[3:])[::2]
if ab:
(X1,Y1,X2,Y2) = ab[-1]
print (X1,Y1,X2,Y2)
self.pointX1 = self.originX + ceil((float(X1) - 0.0)/self.scaleFactorX)
self.pointX2 = self.originX + ceil((float(X2) - 0.0)/self.scaleFactorX)
self.pointY1 = self.originY - ceil((float(Y1) - 0.0)/self.scaleFactorY)
self.pointY2 = self.originY - ceil((float(Y2) - 0.0)/self.scaleFactorY)
def clearPlot(self):


Set up correctly variables in Python

So i'm trying to launch a Python script (originally available from here : Full code at the bottom of this post.
This basically creates a mosaic (from a source image), with the final image (mosaic) is composed of several other images (tiles).
My question is how I am supposed to fill the variables (the ones at line 212) in order to run the script (through Eclispe in my case).
Should I put directly something like this? (in my case the folder Desktop/tiles contains all the jpg files) :
tile_paths = glob.glob("C:/Users/Sylvia/Desktop/tiles/*.jpg") # I've added this line myself
def create_mosaic(source_path="C:\\Users\\Sylvia\\Desktop\\source\\1.jpg", target="C:\\Users\\Sylvia\\Desktop\\source\\result.jpg", tile_ratio=1920/800, tile_width=75, enlargement=8, reuse=True, color_mode='RGB', tile_paths=None, shuffle_first=30):
Last time i tried i got this error :
def create_mosaic(source, target, tile_ratio=1920/800, tile_width=75,
enlargement=8, reuse=True, color_mode='RGB', tile_paths,
^ SyntaxError: non-default argument follows default argument
I'm very lost, hopefully someone can help me.
Here's the code :
import time
import itertools
import random
import sys
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
from skimage import img_as_float
from skimage.measure import compare_mse
def shuffle_first_items(lst, i):
if not i:
return lst
first_few = lst[:i]
remaining = lst[i:]
return first_few + remaining
def bound(low, high, value):
return max(low, min(high, value))
class ProgressCounter:
def __init__(self, total): = total
self.counter = 0
def update(self):
self.counter += 1
sys.stdout.write("Progress: %s%% %s" % (100 * self.counter /, "\r"))
def img_mse(im1, im2):
"""Calculates the root mean square error (RSME) between two images"""
return compare_mse(img_as_float(im1), img_as_float(im2))
except ValueError:
print(f'RMS issue, Img1: {im1.size[0]} {im1.size[1]}, Img2: {im2.size[0]} {im2.size[1]}')
raise KeyboardInterrupt
def resize_box_aspect_crop_to_extent(img, target_aspect, centerpoint=None):
width = img.size[0]
height = img.size[1]
if not centerpoint:
centerpoint = (int(width / 2), int(height / 2))
requested_target_x = centerpoint[0]
requested_target_y = centerpoint[1]
aspect = width / float(height)
if aspect > target_aspect:
# Then crop the left and right edges:
new_width = int(target_aspect * height)
new_width_half = int(new_width/2)
target_x = bound(new_width_half, width-new_width_half, requested_target_x)
left = target_x - new_width_half
right = target_x + new_width_half
resize = (left, 0, right, height)
# ... crop the top and bottom:
new_height = int(width / target_aspect)
new_height_half = int(new_height/2)
target_y = bound(new_height_half, height-new_height_half, requested_target_y)
top = target_y - new_height_half
bottom = target_y + new_height_half
resize = (0, top, width, bottom)
return resize
def aspect_crop_to_extent(img, target_aspect, centerpoint=None):
Crop an image to the desired perspective at the maximum size available.
Centerpoint can be provided to focus the crop to one side or another -
eg just cut the left side off if interested in the right side.
target_aspect = width / float(height)
centerpoint = (width, height)
resize = resize_box_aspect_crop_to_extent(img, target_aspect, centerpoint)
return img.crop(resize)
class Config:
def __init__(self, tile_ratio=1920/800, tile_width=50, enlargement=8, color_mode='RGB'):
self.tile_ratio = tile_ratio # 2.4
self.tile_width = tile_width # height/width of mosaic tiles in pixels
self.enlargement = enlargement # mosaic image will be this many times wider and taller than original
self.color_mode = color_mode # mosaic image will be this many times wider and taller than original
def tile_height(self):
return int(self.tile_width / self.tile_ratio)
def tile_size(self):
return self.tile_width, self.tile_height # PIL expects (width, height)
class TileBox:
Container to import, process, hold, and compare all of the tiles
we have to make the mosaic with.
def __init__(self, tile_paths, config):
self.config = config
self.tiles = list()
def __process_tile(self, tile_path):
with as i:
img = i.copy()
img = aspect_crop_to_extent(img, self.config.tile_ratio)
large_tile_img = img.resize(self.config.tile_size, Image.ANTIALIAS).convert(self.config.color_mode)
return True
def prepare_tiles_from_paths(self, tile_paths):
print('Reading tiles from provided list...')
progress = ProgressCounter(len(tile_paths))
for tile_path in tile_paths:
print('Processed tiles.')
return True
def best_tile_block_match(self, tile_block_original):
match_results = [img_mse(t, tile_block_original) for t in self.tiles]
best_fit_tile_index = np.argmin(match_results)
return best_fit_tile_index
def best_tile_from_block(self, tile_block_original, reuse=False):
if not self.tiles:
print('Ran out of images.')
raise KeyboardInterrupt
#start_time = time.time()
i = self.best_tile_block_match(tile_block_original)
#print("BLOCK MATCH took --- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))
match = self.tiles[i].copy()
if not reuse:
del self.tiles[i]
return match
class SourceImage:
"""Processing original image - scaling and cropping as needed."""
def __init__(self, image_path, config):
print('Processing main image...')
self.image_path = image_path
self.config = config
with as i:
img = i.copy()
w = img.size[0] * self.config.enlargement
h = img.size[1] * self.config.enlargement
large_img = img.resize((w, h), Image.ANTIALIAS)
w_diff = (w % self.config.tile_width)/2
h_diff = (h % self.config.tile_height)/2
# if necesary, crop the image slightly so we use a
# whole number of tiles horizontally and vertically
if w_diff or h_diff:
large_img = large_img.crop((w_diff, h_diff, w - w_diff, h - h_diff))
self.image = large_img.convert(self.config.color_mode)
print('Main image processed.')
class MosaicImage:
"""Holder for the mosaic"""
def __init__(self, original_img, target, config):
self.config = config = target
# Lets just start with original image, scaled up, instead of a blank one
self.image = original_img
# self.image =, original_img.size)
self.x_tile_count = int(original_img.size[0] / self.config.tile_width)
self.y_tile_count = int(original_img.size[1] / self.config.tile_height)
self.total_tiles = self.x_tile_count * self.y_tile_count
print(f'Mosaic will be {self.x_tile_count:,} tiles wide and {self.y_tile_count:,} tiles high ({self.total_tiles:,} total).')
def add_tile(self, tile, coords):
"""Adds the provided image onto the mosiac at the provided coords."""
self.image.paste(tile, coords)
except TypeError as e:
print('Maybe the tiles are not the right size. ' + str(e))
def save(self):
def coords_from_middle(x_count, y_count, y_bias=1, shuffle_first=0, ):
Lets start in the middle where we have more images.
And we dont get "lines" where the same-best images
get used at the start.
y_bias - if we are using non-square coords, we can
influence the order to be closer to the real middle.
If width is 2x height, y_bias should be 2.
shuffle_first - We can suffle the first X coords
so that we dont use all the same-best images
in the same spot - in the middle
from movies.mosaic_mem import coords_from_middle
x = 10
y = 10
coords_from_middle(x, y, y_bias=2, shuffle_first=0)
x_mid = int(x_count/2)
y_mid = int(y_count/2)
coords = list(itertools.product(range(x_count), range(y_count)))
coords.sort(key=lambda c: abs(c[0]-x_mid)*y_bias + abs(c[1]-y_mid))
coords = shuffle_first_items(coords, shuffle_first)
return coords
def create_mosaic(source_path, target, tile_ratio=1920/800, tile_width=75, enlargement=8, reuse=True, color_mode='RGB', tile_paths=None, shuffle_first=30):
"""Forms an mosiac from an original image using the best
tiles provided. This reads, processes, and keeps in memory
a copy of the source image, and all the tiles while processing.
source_path -- filepath to the source image for the mosiac
target -- filepath to save the mosiac
tile_ratio -- height/width of mosaic tiles in pixels
tile_width -- width of mosaic tiles in pixels
enlargement -- mosaic image will be this many times wider and taller than the original
reuse -- Should we reuse tiles in the mosaic, or just use each tile once?
color_mode -- L for greyscale or RGB for color
tile_paths -- List of filepaths to your tiles
shuffle_first -- Mosiac will be filled out starting in the center for best effect. Also,
we will shuffle the order of assessment so that all of our best images aren't
necessarily in one spot.
config = Config(
tile_ratio = tile_ratio, # height/width of mosaic tiles in pixels
tile_width = tile_width, # height/width of mosaic tiles in pixels
enlargement = enlargement, # the mosaic image will be this many times wider and taller than the original
color_mode = color_mode, # L for greyscale or RGB for color
# Pull in and Process Original Image
print('Setting Up Target image')
source_image = SourceImage(source_path, config)
# Setup Mosaic
mosaic = MosaicImage(source_image.image, target, config)
# Assest Tiles, and save if needed, returns directories where the small and large pictures are stored
print('Assessing Tiles')
tile_box = TileBox(tile_paths, config)
progress = ProgressCounter(mosaic.total_tiles)
for x, y in coords_from_middle(mosaic.x_tile_count, mosaic.y_tile_count, y_bias=config.tile_ratio, shuffle_first=shuffle_first):
# Make a box for this sector
box_crop = (x * config.tile_width, y * config.tile_height, (x + 1) * config.tile_width, (y + 1) * config.tile_height)
# Get Original Image Data for this Sector
comparison_block = source_image.image.crop(box_crop)
# Get Best Image name that matches the Orig Sector image
tile_match = tile_box.best_tile_from_block(comparison_block, reuse=reuse)
# Add Best Match to Mosaic
mosaic.add_tile(tile_match, box_crop)
# Saving Every Sector
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print('\nStopping, saving partial image...')
It's ok, this is the new file i have to create in order for it to work :
tile_paths=["/path/to/tile_1" , ... "/path/to/tile_n"],
tile_ratio=1920/800, # Crop tiles to be height/width ratio
tile_width=300, # Tile will be scaled
enlargement=20, # Mosiac will be this times larger than original
reuse=False, # Should tiles be used multiple times?
color_mode='L', # RGB (color) L (greyscale)
Problem resovled.

weight on Box using Pymunk

I have written the below program which is aimed at simulating a weight balancing experiment using knife edge. however, the weight of the box is not affecting the segment as shown when simulated. I am currently new on learning how to code with pymunk. kindly help me out on this
import pyglet
import pymunk
import chipmunk
from pymunk import Vec2d
from pymunk.pyglet_util import DrawOptions
window = pyglet.window.Window(800,600,"Knife Edge Mass Balancing Simulation",resizable=False)# W,H
space.gravity= 0,-100
mass = 1
ground_moment = pymunk.moment_for_segment(800,(0,0),(800,0),2)
ground_body = pymunk.Body(body_type=pymunk.Body.STATIC)
ground_shape = pymunk.Segment(ground_body,(0,0),(800,0),20)
poly_moment = pymunk.moment_for_poly(500,poly_shape.get_vertices())
poly_body.position = 350,100
segment_moment = pymunk.moment_for_segment(mass,(0,0),(300,0),2)
segment_body = pymunk.Body(mass,segment_moment)
segment_shape = pymunk.Segment(segment_body,(0,0),(400,0),5)
segment_body.position= 210,250
segment_shape.elasticity = 0.1
segment_shape.friction = 0.1
size = 20
box_mass = 0.0
moment = pymunk.moment_for_box(box_mass, (size, size))
box_body = pymunk.Body(box_mass, moment)
box_body.position = Vec2d(300, 265.5)
box_shape = pymunk.Poly.create_box(box_body, (size, size))
box_shape.friction = 0.8
box_shape.elasticity = 0.1
space.add(ground_body, ground_shape,poly_body,poly_shape,segment_body, segment_shape, box_body, box_shape)
def on_draw():
def update(dt):
if __name__=="__main__":
The problem is that the the segment shape has its weight in one end, and not in the center. This happens because weight in Pymunk is collected at the position of the Body of the shape(s).
Try to change the segment code to something like this:
segment_moment = pymunk.moment_for_segment(mass,(-150,0),(150,0),2)
segment_body = pymunk.Body(mass,segment_moment)
segment_shape = pymunk.Segment(segment_body,(-200,0),(200,0),5)
segment_body.position= 400,250
segment_shape.elasticity = 0.1
segment_shape.friction = 0.1

How can I make a PlotDataItem with unique IDs per distinct line segment?

I also posted in the pyqtgraph forum here.
My overall goal is to have several clickable regions overlaid on an image, and if the plot boundary of any region is clicked I get a signal with the ID of that region. Something like this:
If I use only one PlotDataItem with nan-separated curves then each boundary sends the same signal. However, using a separate PlotDataItem for each boundary makes the application extremely sluggish.
I ended up subclassing ScatterPlotItem and rewriting the pointsAt function, which does what I want. The problem now is I can't figure out the appropriate way to change the ScatterPlotItem's boundingRect. Am I on the right approach? Is there a better way of doing this?
import numpy as np
import pyqtgraph as pg
from pyqtgraph.Qt import QtCore, QtGui
class CustScatter(pg.ScatterPlotItem):
def pointsAt(self, pos: QtCore.QPointF):
The default implementation only checks a square around each spot. However, this is not
precise enough for my needs. It also triggers when clicking *inside* the spot boundary,
which I don't want.
pts = []
for spot in self.points(): # type: pg.SpotItem
symb = QtGui.QPainterPath(spot.symbol())
stroker = QtGui.QPainterPathStroker()
mousePath = stroker.createStroke(symb)
# Only trigger when clicking a boundary, not the inside of the shape
if mousePath.contains(pos):
return pts[::-1]
"""Make some sample data"""
tri = np.array([[0,2.3,0,1,4,5,0], [0,4,4,8,8,3,0]]).T
tris = []
xyLocs = []
datas = []
for ii in np.arange(0, 16, 5):
curTri = tri + ii
def ptsClicked(item, pts):
print(f'ID {pts[0].data()} Clicked!')
"""Logic for making spot shapes from a list of (x,y) vertices"""
def makeSymbol(verts: np.ndarray):
outSymbol = QtGui.QPainterPath()
symPath = pg.arrayToQPath(*verts.T)
# From pyqtgraph.examples for plotting text
br = outSymbol.boundingRect()
tr = QtGui.QTransform()
tr.translate(-br.x(), -br.y())
outSymbol =
return outSymbol
app = pg.mkQApp()
pg.setConfigOption('background', 'w')
symbs = []
for xyLoc, tri in zip(xyLocs, tris):
"""Create the scatterplot"""
xyLocs = np.vstack(xyLocs)
tri2 = pg.PlotDataItem()
scat = CustScatter(*xyLocs.T, symbol=symbs, data=datas, connect='finite',
pxMode=False, brush=None, pen=pg.mkPen(width=5), size=1)
# Now each 'point' is one of the triangles, hopefully
"""Construct GUI window"""
w = pg.PlotWindow()
plt: pg.PlotItem = w.plotItem
plt.showGrid(True, True, 1)
Solved! It turns out unless you specify otherwise, the boundingRect of each symbol in the dataset is assumed to be 1 and that the spot size is the limiting factor. After overriding measureSpotSizes as well my solution works:
import numpy as np
import pyqtgraph as pg
from pyqtgraph.Qt import QtCore, QtGui
class CustScatter(pg.ScatterPlotItem):
def pointsAt(self, pos: QtCore.QPointF):
The default implementation only checks a square around each spot. However, this is not
precise enough for my needs. It also triggers when clicking *inside* the spot boundary,
which I don't want.
pts = []
for spot in self.points(): # type: pg.SpotItem
symb = QtGui.QPainterPath(spot.symbol())
stroker = QtGui.QPainterPathStroker()
mousePath = stroker.createStroke(symb)
# Only trigger when clicking a boundary, not the inside of the shape
if mousePath.contains(pos):
return pts[::-1]
def measureSpotSizes(self, dataSet):
Override the method so that it takes symbol size into account
for rec in dataSet:
## keep track of the maximum spot size and pixel size
symbol, size, pen, brush = self.getSpotOpts(rec)
br = symbol.boundingRect()
size = max(br.width(), br.height())*2
width = 0
pxWidth = 0
if self.opts['pxMode']:
pxWidth = size + pen.widthF()
width = size
if pen.isCosmetic():
pxWidth += pen.widthF()
width += pen.widthF()
self._maxSpotWidth = max(self._maxSpotWidth, width)
self._maxSpotPxWidth = max(self._maxSpotPxWidth, pxWidth)
self.bounds = [None, None]
"""Make some sample data"""
tri = np.array([[0,2.3,0,1,4,5,0], [0,4,4,8,8,3,0]]).T
tris = []
xyLocs = []
datas = []
for ii in np.arange(0, 16, 5):
curTri = tri + ii
def ptsClicked(item, pts):
print(f'ID {pts[0].data()} Clicked!')
"""Logic for making spot shapes from a list of (x,y) vertices"""
def makeSymbol(verts: np.ndarray):
plotVerts = verts - verts.min(0, keepdims=True)
symPath = pg.arrayToQPath(*plotVerts.T)
return symPath
app = pg.mkQApp()
pg.setConfigOption('background', 'd')
symbs = []
for xyLoc, tri in zip(xyLocs, tris):
"""Create the scatterplot"""
xyLocs = np.vstack(xyLocs)
tri2 = pg.PlotDataItem()
scat = CustScatter(*xyLocs.T, symbol=symbs, data=datas, connect='finite',
pxMode=False, brush=None, pen=pg.mkPen(width=5), size=1)
# Now each 'point' is one of the triangles, hopefully
"""Construct GUI window"""
w = pg.PlotWindow()
plt: pg.PlotItem = w.plotItem
plt.showGrid(True, True, 1)

Implement multithreading in Python Zelle graphics

I am creating a program which opens a world map in a window using Zelle's It has one function which draws dots on the map, and another function which undraws those dots after they are on the screen for 1 second (which are stored in a list after being drawn). I want these functions to work concurrently, but when the addDots() function is called in a thread it won't draw the dot in the window, it just stalls. Here is the module which I run:
import thread
import threading
import time
import random
import sys
from Display import map
import tester
import datetime
dots = list(())
def deleteDots():
while 1==1:
tF =
a = 0
for i in range(len(dots)):
tD = tF - dots[i-a][2]
tD = int(str(tD)[5:7])
if tD >= 1:
a = a+1
def addDots():
oldResponseCount = tester.getResponseCount()
oldResponseCount = int(str(oldResponseCount))
while 1==1:
newResponseCount = tester.getResponseCount()
newResponseCount = int(str(newResponseCount))
if(newResponseCount != oldResponseCount):
difference = newResponseCount - oldResponseCount
for i in range(difference):
lat = random.randint(-90,90)
long = random.randint(-180,180)
tI =
oldResponseCount = newResponseCount
if __name__ == '__main__':
And here is the map module which draws the map on a graphics window and contains the functions to plot and delete a point:
from graphics import *
import math
import images
size = 0.6
Circles = list(())
win = GraphWin("My Window", 1920*size, 1080*size)
myImage = Image(Point(960*size,540*size), "../Display/temp.gif")
import time
def drawPoint(lat,long):
x = int(long*5.3+960)*size
y = int(lat*(-5.92)+540)*size
pt = Point(x,y)
cir = Circle(pt,5)
def deletePoint(lat,long):
x = int(long*5.3+960)*size
y = int(lat*(-5.92)+540)*size
for c in Circles:
if c[1]==x and c[2]==y:
How should I go about doing this?
There are a couple of issues that have to be addressed. First, any commands that invoke tkinter (i.e. commands that cause something to be drawn/undrawn) must be issued by the primary (main) thread. So we need the secondary threads to communicate drawing requests to the primary thread.
Second, you have both your secondary threads modifying the Circles and dots lists -- you need to syncronize (lock) access to these lists so that only one thread at a time can modify or iterate them.
Below is my rework of your code as an example. I've eliminated map and tester routines as I'm just putting dots up on a window with one thread and deleting them after they are a second old from another thread:
from threading import Thread, Lock
from queue import Queue # use for thread-safe communications
from random import randint
import time
from graphics import *
def drawPoint(lat, long):
x = int(long * 5.3 + 960)
y = int(lat * -5.92 + 540)
point = Point(x, y)
circle = Circle(point, 5)
circle.setFill(color_rgb(255, 0, 0))
actions.put((circle.draw, win))
def deletePoint(lat, long):
global circles
x = int(long * 5.3 + 960)
y = int(lat * -5.92 + 540)
keep_circles = []
for circle in circles:
center = circle.getCenter()
if center.getX() == x and center.getY() == y:
circles = keep_circles
def deleteDots():
global dots
while True:
keep_dots = []
now = time.time()
for dot in dots:
lat, long, then = dot
if now - then >= 1.0:
deletePoint(lat, long)
dots = keep_dots
def addDots():
while True:
lat = randint(-90, 90)
long = randint(-180, 180)
drawPoint(lat, long)
dots.append((lat, long, time.time()))
win = GraphWin("My Window", 1920, 1080)
circles = []
circles_lock = Lock()
dots = []
dots_lock = Lock()
actions = Queue()
Thread(target=addDots, daemon=True).start()
Thread(target=deleteDots, daemon=True).start()
while True:
if not actions.empty():
action, *arguments = actions.get()

Perspective projection and rotation in python

I've tried searching but none of the other questions seem to be like mine. I'm more or less experimenting with perspective projection and rotation in python, and have run into a snag. I'm sure my projection equations are accurate, as well as my rotation equations; however, when I run it, the rotation starts normal, but begins to swirl inwards until the vector is in the same position as the Z axis (the axis I am rotating over).
''' Imports '''
from tkinter import Tk, Canvas, TclError
from threading import Thread
from math import cos, sin, radians, ceil
from time import sleep
''' Points class '''
class pPoint:
def __init__(self, fPoint, wWC, wHC):
self.X = 0
self.Y = 0
self.Z = 0
self.xP = 0
self.yP = 0
self.fPoint = fPoint
self.wWC = wWC
self.wHC = wHC
def pProject(self):
self.xP = (self.fPoint * (self.X + self.wWC)) / (self.fPoint + self.Z)
self.yP = (self.fPoint * (self.Y + self.wHC)) / (self.fPoint + self.Z)
''' Main class '''
class Main:
def __init__(self):
''' Declarations '''
self.wWidth = 640
self.wHeight = 480
self.fPoint = 256
''' Generated declarations '''
self.wWC = self.wWidth / 2
self.wHC = self.wHeight / 2
''' Misc declarations '''
self.gWin = Tk()
self.vPoint = pPoint(self.fPoint, self.wWC, self.wHC)
self.vPoint.X = 50
self.vPoint.Y = 60
self.vPoint.Z = -25
self.ang = 0
def initWindow(self):
self.gWin.minsize(self.wWidth, self.wHeight)
self.gWin.maxsize(self.wWidth, self.wHeight)
''' Create canvas '''
self.gCan = Canvas(self.gWin, width = self.wWidth, height = self.wHeight, background = "black")
def setAxis(self):
''' Create axis points '''
self.pXax = pPoint(self.fPoint, self.wWC, self.wHC)
self.pXbx = pPoint(self.fPoint, self.wWC, self.wHC)
self.pYax = pPoint(self.fPoint, self.wWC, self.wHC)
self.pYbx = pPoint(self.fPoint, self.wWC, self.wHC)
self.pZax = pPoint(self.fPoint, self.wWC, self.wHC)
self.pZbx = pPoint(self.fPoint, self.wWC, self.wHC)
''' Set axis points '''
self.pXax.X = -(self.wWC)
self.pXax.Y = 0
self.pXax.Z = 1
self.pXbx.X = self.wWC
self.pXbx.Y = 0
self.pXbx.Z = 1
self.pYax.X = 0
self.pYax.Y = -(self.wHC)
self.pYax.Z = 1
self.pYbx.X = 0
self.pYbx.Y = self.wHC
self.pYbx.Z = 1
self.pZax.X = 0
self.pZax.Y = 0
self.pZax.Z = -(self.fPoint) / 2
self.pZbx.X = 0
self.pZbx.Y = 0
self.pZbx.Z = (self.fPoint * self.wWC) - self.fPoint
def projAxis(self):
''' Project the axis '''
def drawAxis(self):
''' Draw the axis '''
self.gCan.create_line(self.pXax.xP, self.pXax.yP, self.pXbx.xP, self.pXbx.yP, fill = "white")
self.gCan.create_line(self.pYax.xP, self.pYax.yP, self.pYbx.xP, self.pYbx.yP, fill = "white")
self.gCan.create_line(self.pZax.xP, self.pZax.yP, self.pZbx.xP, self.pZbx.yP, fill = "white")
def prePaint(self):
self.vA = self.gCan.create_line(self.wWC, self.wHC, self.vPoint.xP, self.vPoint.yP, fill = "red")
def paintCanvas(self):
while True:
self.ang += 1
if self.ang >= 361:
self.ang = 0
self.vPoint.X = (self.vPoint.X * cos(radians(self.ang))) - (self.vPoint.Y * sin(radians(self.ang)))
self.vPoint.Y = (self.vPoint.X * sin(radians(self.ang))) + (self.vPoint.Y * cos(radians(self.ang)))
self.gCan.coords(self.vA, self.wWC, self.wHC, self.vPoint.xP, self.vPoint.yP)
except TclError:
mMain = Main()
Thank you for any input :)
EDIT: Sorry, I just realized I forgot to put my question. I just want to know why it is gravitating inward, and not just rotating "normally"?
This section is wrong:
self.ang += 1
if self.ang >= 361:
self.ang = 0
self.vPoint.X = (self.vPoint.X * cos(radians(self.ang))
- self.vPoint.Y * sin(radians(self.ang)))
self.vPoint.Y = (self.vPoint.X * sin(radians(self.ang))
+ self.vPoint.Y * cos(radians(self.ang)))
For two reasons:
self.ang will take integers in the open range [0 - 360], which means the angle 360 (== 0) is repeated.
In each iteration, you rotate the point from the previous iteration by the angle. As a result, your first frame is at 1 degree, your second at 1+2 = 3, the third at 1 + 2 + 3... You should either be:
rotating the point from the previous iteration by a constant angle each time (1°). This suffers from the problem mentioned in my comment
rotating the initial point by the current angle of rotation each time
Not actualy related to your problem, but I strongly suggest you to use Numpy to perform geometric transformations, specially if it involves 3D points.
Below, I post a sample snippet, I hope it helps:
import numpy
from math import radians, cos, sin
## suppose you have a Nx3 cloudpoint (it might even be a single row of x,y,z coordinates)
cloudpoint = give_me_a_cloudpoint()
## this will be a rotation around Y azis:
yrot = radians(some_angle_in_degrees)
## let's create a rotation matrix using a numpy array
yrotmatrix = numpy.array([[cos(yrot), 0, -sin(yrot)],
[0, 1, 0],
[sin(yrot), 0, cos(yrot)]], dtype=float)
## apply the rotation via dot multiplication
rotatedcloud =, pointcloud.T).T # .T means transposition
