Starting with Python [closed] - python

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Just wondering what the best way to get started learning Python to do backend engineering is and what the best framework to learn for it is (Pyramid, DJango etc...). I have done algorithms in school, build iOS apps and know Java, Scala, OCaml (lol), Racket (lol) and Objective C. I currently have to use Parse for my apps but want to build backend engineering skills. I'm thinking I might as well do the code academy course but the ones I've done from them don't seem in depth enough. Maybe an Udemy course? I want to get good enough to get an internship in backend engineering next summer. Need to find the best resources to do that before then. Thanks!!

While that question is quite open-ended, I personally think using Pyramid right out of the gates was super helpful. One of the pillars of this project is documentation, and their ideology is that you pay for what you use, giving developers the ability to customize their web applications to a good extent. Check out the docs here!
They also have excellent tutorials that guide you through the traditional "Hello, world!" application, and also more advanced stuff, like how to work with sqlalchemy to utilize databases in your web applications. This is how I learned essentially all of what I know about the framework! I would definitely recommend this, especially if you are just looking to start out and get your feet wet. But, as I said, this is my own opinion, and am sure that there are others with differing opinions on the matter. Best of luck!


Student Seeking Programming Advice [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I am a high school student, and I have just finished 4 free youtube courses on python, along with a "beginners guide to python" book, and I am a little lost. I understood the language quite well and enjoyed learning it. My question is: what do I have to learn in order for me to start designing and building things with python. Just to be clear, I am not talking about complicated things such as websites or machine learning applications. I am talking about simple games and apps so that I can form a better understanding of software development through practical experience. I honestly thought this is where the course and book would get me by now. I feel like my understanding of python is great (for a beginner). I understand all of the fundamental terms and definitions of the language, and I can answer questions other students may have about directories, methods, strings and so on without trouble. I just have no idea where to begin designing and building real things that can test my knowledge as a programmer.
I understand that I have a lot to learn. I just have no discernible vision as to how I can become better without practicing what I learn.
I am grateful for any advice you can provide on how I can resolve this issue, as well as any book recommendations or helpful links for learning resources.
Thank you for your time.
There are lots of fun ways! Try some of Swagart's books (Automate the Boring Stuff with Python, etc). By all means try making a basic web application with Flask. Try making a game with Pygame (Al Swagart's pygame book is good for that). Try interfacing a database directly with sqlite3. The possibilities are endless. Don't stick to just raw python, the best way to get experience is to use external modules and apply your knowledge to them. If you need to write Python for a job they will want you to be using something or other to do something or other and the only way to be able to say "Oh yes I can learn this module you're using for webdev/game/anything" is to have experience learning new modules and use cases.

Where to start learning Kivy [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I want to make an app, however I cannot use Java or Swift.
Fortunately, I found that I can make apps with Python and Kivy
I read a recommended tutorial book : OReilly Creating Apps in Kivy (2014).
However, the Kivy version in the book is 1.8, the Kivy version is 1.11 nowadyas,
something will be wrong when I test the codes such as ListView ...
Additionally, I discovered that this book integrates python and kv file to make an app.
Many people say that it is better to make an app in pure python.
Hence, I have no idea where I can start to learn Kivy
Can anyone give me some adive ?
Should I continue to learn Kivy with that book ?
I read your question carefully and found solution too.
Personally, I am from India. In our country, people who want to learn Technology or programming, they generally prefer YouTube. You can use YouTube too for learning or finding small 2-3 hour courses on Kivy 1.11.
Also, go to this official link to start with a small crash course
Using book for learning new programming language is typically a boring task. Instead, listen to podcasts and watch videos on YouTube to learn some basics (some starter)
Also, if you are serious enough about learning Kivy, why not to use Udemy or Coursera? Almost every course is available on these both platform.
It finally depends on you to choose a best source for learning. Also make sure that you have enough basic knowledge about Python to get started with Kivy.
Have a nice day!

How do I learn Python as someone who knows MATLAB and C? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I am a graduate student starting to do research in Mathematical Optimization. I have a code for my algorithm in MATLAB (using object-oriented programming) that I want to translate into Python because I feel it'll be a much better language to work with for large-scale data. I am fairly comfortable with MATLAB and C.
My questions are:
1) what would be a good resource to start learning? I want to be able to translate my current code into Python, and the only 'specialized' function I'm using is norm().
2) Is there a recommended editor? I am on Linux Mint.
Thank you.
I would not use Eclipse if you are coming from a scientific background using Matlab, consider using Anaconda, you will need to decide between 2.7 & 3.5 versions.
Both are very, very good. And as far as a great source for learning about programming in Python. Try the Coursera courses online through University of Michigan taught by Charles Severence.
It walks you through a myriad of techniques to manipulate data and build thoughtful python code. the best part is the audit (which is free) allows you to fully participate in the course, including coding samples.
Honestly, I learned simply taking the Code Academy Python Course and by printing out a few cheat sheets then just doing it.

Where to learn Pyramid by following practical examples? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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From the official website there's only things like "hello world" and a todo-list. Apparently Pyramid doesn't seem to be mainstream enough to spawn sufficient example tutorials, and I'm the kind of person that finds it more efficient to learn by following various sample projects. I think my Google-fu is not strong enough...
I'm actually pretty much brand new to back-end in general, so it would be even more helpful if someone can show me a variety of small and practical tutorials of how a Python backend works with Pyramid, all the way from setting up the configuration accordingly, passing data back and forth from the client side, and how data from the backend is hooked to the frontend template.
There are official tutorials supported by the Pylons Project.
There are community contributed tutorials as well, where the list of them is officially curated by the Pylons Project, but the tutorials themselves may not be official.
Pyramid projects:
Pyramid Bloggr tutorial:
Heavy weight
Warehouse (the next generation Python package index in development):
Kotti CMS:
Substance D CMS:

Is there any online python exercise? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am teaching a colleague Python and I think he should do some exercises.
Is there any online available other than python challenge? I feel that python challenge is puzzles, not exercises.
There is now also Google's Python Class, which includes lots of exercise.
Project Euler is a good start.
Probably not what you are looking for, but I recommend the O'Reilly School of Technology Beginning Python course. This appears to be the first of four such courses, and though it is commercial, it's been good for me -- I've been using Python in anger for about two years, but have very little formal background programming. This has been an excellent program that forces me to explore and become familiar with lots of parts of Python I was unaware of, and improving my coding ability and knowledge as well.
there is
it has some good exercise for beginners
I use this:
I just finished working through Hacking Secret Ciphers with Python, available as a free PDF. The author supplies some foundation libraries, and then, through a series of chapters exploring some basic ciphers, introduces features of Python. He says he is using Python 3, but most of the features are common in 2.X as well.
If you want exercises, consider breaking out the expository material and assigning the cipher implementations as exercises.
The computer science 101 course at is a complete curriculum with lectures, problems, and quizzes, but you can jump right into the problem sets without needing to watch the lectures.
Try this and this.
Those are courses taught at my University that use Python. I've used those assignments to demo/teach python to colleagues before
How about Dive Into Python?
(And for 3.x: Dive into Python 3)
