I am trying to export my psd file to bmp.
If I del zhe line ###here, it generator test.png correctly,
but i want to get bmp file,
if I use ###here , I get "AttributeError: Property 'Photoshop.BMPSaveOptions.Format' can not be set."
import win32com.client
import os
psApp = win32com.client.Dispatch('Photoshop.Application')
options = win32com.client.Dispatch('Photoshop.ExportOptionsSaveForWeb')
options.Format = 13 # PNG
options.PNG8 = False # Sets it to PNG-24 bit
#options = win32com.client.Dispatch('Photoshop.BMPSaveOptions') ###here del
#options.Format = 2 # bmp
fk=os.path.join(fd, fn)
doc = psApp.Open(fk)
fn = os.path.splitext(fk)[0] + '_' + fn + '.png'
#fn = os.path.splitext(fk)[0] + '_' + fn + '.bmp' ###
doc.Export(ExportIn=fn, ExportAs=2, Options=options) #ExportAs=2,
If I am reading your question properly (apoligies if I am not) you want to save the file in BMP and not PNG format. My guess is you need to change the options.Format
options.Format = 13 # PNG
After some research it looks like BMP is 2 so I'd change your code to:
options.Format = 2 # BMP
As a note, I'd also recommend you change your filename when you save your file to avoid confusion. Maybe this?
fn = os.path.splitext(fk)[0] + '_' + fn + '.bmp'
I'm trying to use a Folder to deposit images while running a Python Script and storing the result on my Firebase Firestore and the images to the Cloud Storage.
At the moment I have my main Function which runs the storing and the getting of the Images.
An then 3 complement functions that help me with the downloading of the images, optimization (making them smaller and less quality), and the other helps me name the file.
Here the functions:
Download Images Function:
def dl_jpg(url, file_path, file_name):
full_path = file_path + file_name + '.jpg'
path = urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, full_path)
Optimize Image (make it smaller and less Quality):
def optimizeImage(name) -> str:
foo = Image.open(os.path.join('/tmp/', name + '.jpg'))
foo = foo.resize((525,394),Image.ANTIALIAS)
foo.save('/tmp/' + name + '.jpg',optimize=True,quality=50)
print('Optimized Image: ' + name)
return '/tmp/' + name + '.jpg'
Give Random Name:
def random_name() -> str:
# printing lowercase
letters = string.ascii_lowercase
return ''.join(random.choice(letters) for i in range(10))
Now on the main Function, I get the images like this:
#Images Section
imagesRaw = []
imagesSection = soup.find('div', {'class': 'src__GalleryContainer-sc-bdjcm0-7'})
imagesInfo = imagesSection.find_all('img', {'class': 'gallery-image__StyledImg-sc-jtk816-0'})
image1 = imagesInfo[0].get('src')
for image in imagesInfo:
img = image.get('data-flickity-lazyload-src')
imagesRaw.insert(0, image1)
images = imagesRaw[:12]
imageFile = []
#Here we will store the images in local file
for image in images:
#First we change the ending from webp to jpg
newURL = image[:-4] + 'jpg'
name = find_between(newURL, "_img", "/origin.jpg")
if name == "":
name = random_name()
#Here the function to download the image
dl_jpg(newURL, '/tmp/', name)
#Here we Optimize the image to size 500 x 394 pixels
# And get the location for the new image
path = optimizeImage(name)
# We append the path to the Array of paths
And Finally, in the main function, I upload the images to Firebase Storage and then the array of URLs from Storage inside the new Detail in Firestore
ref = db.collection('listings').document()
photos = []
for image in listing.photos:
fullpath = image #find_between(image, 'scrapping/', '.jpg') + '.jpg'
filename = fullpath[7:]
path = fullpath[0:6]
print('FileName: ' + filename)
print('path: '+ path)
imagePath = path + '/' + filename
bucket = store.get_bucket('testxxxxxx2365963.appspot.com')
blob = bucket.blob('ListingImages/' + ref.id + '/' + filename)
At the moment my problem is that at the moment it is giving an additional subfolder when uploading with this error:
"[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/tmp/h/cabujfoh.jpg'"
Any Ideas how to fix and allow the imges optimized be uploaded.
For any of you guys, tracking this:
I found the problem, it was that I was using in my local the folder:
and now change to tmp which is shorter and in this lines:
filename = fullpath[7:]
path = fullpath[0:6]
I got the route information, so I notice that the full path wasn't correct so I change into this:
fullpath = image #find_between(image, 'scrapping/', '.jpg') + '.jpg' fullpath2 = fullpath[1:] filename = fullpath2.split('/',1)[1] path = '/tmp' imagePath = path + '/' + filename
Now Working
I'm trynna get the train_img and ground truth img from directory './train_dataset/train_img_cropped' & './train_dataset/train_gt_cropped'. Next, I wanna save the both original image and flipped one with a '_0', '_1'tail on its name in directory './train_dataset/train_img_preprocessed' & './train_dataset/train_gt_preprocessed'. But there's an Error of changing names (file + "_0" or "_1") as an unknown file extension. Looks like somehow PIL recognizes _0, _1 as a extension. Is there anybody who can help me to save with changing the name?
import os
import os.path
import glob
from PIL import Image
def preprocess(img_path, save_path):
targetdir = img_path
files = os.listdir(targetdir)
format = [".png"]
for (path, dirs, files) in os.walk(targetdir):
for file, i in files:
if file.endswith(tuple(format)):
image = Image.open(path + "/" + file)
image.save(save_path + "/" + file)
flippedImage = image.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
flippedImage.save(save_path + "/" + file)
print(file + " successfully flipped!")
print("InValid", file)
if __name__ == "__main__":
train_img_cropped_path = './train_dataset/train_img_cropped'
train_img_preprocessed_path = './train_dataset/train_img_preprocessed'
train_gt_cropped_path = './train_dataset/train_gt_cropped'
train_gt_preprocessed_path = './train_dataset/train_gt_preprocessed'
preprocess(train_img_cropped_path, train_img_preprocessed_path)
preprocess(train_gt_cropped_path, train_gt_preprocessed_path)
Not sure if this answers your question, but why not save the image with a temporary name (something like a random alphanumeric string or uuid) and then use os.rename to change the name of the temp file with your desired name ending _0 or _1.
I'm in an introductory neural networking class so mind my ignorance. Also my first SO post.
I'm trying to resize some very highly resolved images within a dataset into 80x80p grayscale images in a new dataset. However, when I do this, I'd like to keep the filenames of each new image the same as the original image. The only way I know how to resave images into a new file is through a str(count) which isn't what I want. The filenames are important in creating a .csv file for my dataset later.
The only SO post I can find that is related is this:
Use original file name to save image
But the code suggested there didn't work - wasn't sure if I was going about it the wrong way.
import os
from PIL import Image
import imghdr
path1 = "/Users/..."
path2 = "/Users/..."
listing = os.listdir(path1)
for file in listing:
type = imghdr.what((path1 + file))
if type == "jpeg":
img = Image.open("/Users/..." +file).convert('LA')
img_resized = img.resize((80,80))
img_resized.save(path2 + str(count) + '.png')
count +=1
Reuse the original filename that you get from the for loop i.e. file
and, split it into filename and extension using os.path.splitext() like below:
import os
from PIL import Image
import imghdr
path1 = "/Users/..."
path2 = "/Users/..."
listing = os.listdir(path1)
for file in listing:
type = imghdr.what((path1 + file))
if type == "jpeg":
img = Image.open("/Users/..." +file).convert('LA')
img_resized = img.resize((80,80))
# splitting the original filename to remove extension
img_filename = os.path.splitext(file)[0]
img_resized.save(path2 + img_filename + '.png')
count +=1
Another option, we can use python str's built-in split method to split the original filename by . and discard the extension.
import os
from PIL import Image
import imghdr
path1 = "/Users/..."
path2 = "/Users/..."
listing = os.listdir(path1)
for file in listing:
type = imghdr.what((path1 + file))
if type == "jpeg":
img = Image.open("/Users/..." +file).convert('LA')
img_resized = img.resize((80,80))
# splitting the original filename to remove extension
img_filename = file.split(".")[0]
img_resized.save(path2 + img_filename + '.png')
count +=1
So, if an image has a name such as some_image.jpeg then, the img_filename will have a value some_image as we splitted by . and discarded .jpeg part of it.
NOTE: This option assumes the original_filename will not contain any . other than the extension.
I assume that image name is on path1. If so you can grap image name from there in this way:
We are splitting path1 on last slash and taking image name string via indexing.
after having concatenated 10 strips of the same image, I want to convert them into reflectance and therefore divide them by 10,000. Nevertheless I have two types of files in my folders, except I want to apply my code only to my.img file and not to the.hdr...
Do you know how I can proceed to make this selection with os.listdir?
my code is as follows :
import os
import spectral as sp
import spectral.io.envi as envi
src_directory = "/d/afavro/Bureau/3_stack/"
dossier = os.listdir (src_directory)
for fichier in dossier:
print (fichier)
ssrc_directory = "/d/afavro/Bureau/3_stack/" + fichier
rasters = os.listdir (ssrc_directory)
OUTPUT_FOLDER = "/d/afavro/Bureau/4_reflectance/" + 'reflectance_' + fichier
if not os.path.exists(OUTPUT_FOLDER):
for image in rasters:
print (image)
img = sp.open_image(image)
print("%s opened successfully" %os.path.basename(image))
im_HS = img[:,:,:]/10000
header = envi.read_envi_header('/d/afavro/Bureau/3_stack/'+ image)
#Save index image
sp.envi.save_image(OUTPUT_FOLDER + '/reflectance_' + image, im_HS, metadate = header, force = True, interleave = 'bsq')
I think that making a yew loop would be a good idea but I don't know how to do it...
Ideas ?
Find the extension of the file using os.path.splitext
for f in os.listdir('<path>'):
name, ext = os.path.splitext(f)
if ext == '.img':
#do stuff
Why don't you use glob?
from glob import glob
for f in glob('/your/path/*.img'):
pass # add your code here
Hello You can use use Pathlib as an object oriented Path management library
and do something like
from Pathlib2 import Path
pattern_1 = "type1"
pattern_2 = "type2"
list_pattern_1_files = list(Path(<YOUR_PATH>).glob(f'**/*.{pattern_1}'))
list_pattern_2_files = list(Path(<YOUR_PATH>).glob(f'**/*.{pattern_2}'))
I just started to use Spark for the first time for a OCR task, i have a folder of PDF files containing scanned text documents and I want to convert it to plain text. I first create a parallelized dataset of all the pdf's in the folder and perform a Map operation to create the images. I use Wand images for this task. Finally with a foreach i do the OCR using pytesseract, which is a wrapper for Tesseract.
The problem I have with this approach is that the memory use is increasing with each new document and finally i get an error "os cannot allocate memory". I have the feeling it stores the complete Img object in memory but all i need is a list of the locations of the temporary files. If I run this with a few PDF files it works but more then 5 files the system crashes...
def toImage(f):
documentName = f[:-4]
def imageList(imgObject):
#get list of generated images
imagePrefix = "{}tmp/{}/{}".format(path,documentName,documentName)
if len(img.sequence) > 1:
images = [ ("{}-{}.jpg".format(imagePrefix, x.index), documentName) for x in img.sequence]
images = [("{}.jpg".format(imagePrefix), documentName)]
return images
#store images for each file in tmp directory
with WandImage(filename=path + f, resolution=300) as img:
#create tmp directory
if not os.path.exists(path + "tmp/" + documentName):
os.makedirs(path + "tmp/" + documentName)
#save images in tmp directory
img.format = 'jpeg'
img.save(filename=path + "tmp/" + documentName + '/' + documentName + '.jpg')
imageL = imageList(img)
return imageL
def doOcr(imageList):
content = "\n\n***NEWPAGE***\n\n".join([pytesseract.image_to_string(Image.open(fullPath), lang='nld') for fullPath, documentName in imageList])
with open(path + "/txt/" + imageList[0][1] + ".txt", "w") as text_file:
sc = SparkContext(appName="OCR")
pdfFiles = sc.parallelize([f for f in os.listdir(sys.argv[1]) if f.endswith(".pdf")])
text = pdfFiles.map(toImage).foreach(doOCr)
Im using Ubuntu with 8gb memory Java 7 and Python3.5
I found a solution, the problem appears to be in the part where I create the imagelist, using:
def imageList(imgObject):
#get list of generated images
# imagePrefix = "{}tmp/{}/{}".format(path,documentName,documentName)
# if len(img.sequence) > 1:
# images = [ ("{}-{}.jpg".format(imagePrefix, x.index), documentName) for x in img.sequence]
# else:
# images = [("{}.jpg".format(imagePrefix), documentName)]
fullPath = "{}tmp/{}/".format(path, documentName)
images = [(fullPath + f, documentName) for f in os.listdir(fullPath) if f.endswith(".jpg")]
return natsorted(images, key=lambda y: y[0])
works perfectly, but i'm not sure why.. Everything gets closed but still it remains in memory