How to Generate a Homogeneous Poisson Point Process in a circle? - python

I would like to generate N points in a circle C of center (0,0) and of radius R=200. The points follow Poisson distribution. In other words, I would like to generate N homogeneous Poisson point process (HPPP) inside C.
I found this paper Generating Homogeneous Poisson Processes . In Section 2 there is exactly what I want. Specifically, in page 4, Algorithm 3 generates the points HPPP inside C.
I implemented this code in Python as follow:
""" Main Codes """
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
lamb = 0.0005 # the rate
pi = np.pi # pi = 3.14...
r = 200 # the radius of the circle C
mean = lamb * pi * r ** 2 # the mean of the Poisson random variable n
n = np.random.poisson(mean) # the Poisson random variable (i.e., the number of points inside C)
u_1 = np.random.uniform(0.0, 1.0, n) # generate n uniformly distributed points
radii = np.zeros(n) # the radial coordinate of the points
for i in range(n):
radii[i] = r * (np.sqrt(u_1[i]))
u_2 = np.random.uniform(0.0, 1.0, n) # generate another n uniformly distributed points
angle = np.zeros(n) # the angular coordinate of the points
for i in range(n):
angle[i] = 2 * pi * u_2[i]
""" Plots """
fig = plt.gcf()
ax = fig.gca()
plt.xlim(-300, 300)
plt.ylim(-300, 300)
circ = plt.Circle((0, 0), radius=200, color='r', linewidth=2, fill=False)
plt.polar(angle, radii, 'bo')
First, I cannot see the points inside the circle. Second, I don't know why the points do not generate inside the circle properly. Is there a problem in my code?
The output is given below: The circle C is in red.

I found the answer. I just convert the polar coordinates to the Cartesian coordinates and then I plot with plt.plot() not with plt.polar().
# Cartesian Coordinates
x = np.zeros(n)
y = np.zeros(n)
for i in range(n):
x[i] = radii[i] * np.cos(angle[i])
y[i] = radii[i] * np.sin(angle[i])
So I get the desired output.

A few years late, but I wrote about this problem a few months ago; see this post.
For future readers, here's my code:
import numpy as np
import scipy.stats
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#Simulation window parameters
xx0=0; yy0=0; #centre of disk
areaTotal=np.pi*r**2; #area of disk
#Point process parameters
lambda0=100; #intensity (ie mean density) of the Poisson process
#Simulate Poisson point process
numbPoints = scipy.stats.poisson( lambda0*areaTotal ).rvs()#Poisson number of points
theta = 2*np.pi*scipy.stats.uniform.rvs(0,1,((numbPoints,1)))#angular coordinates of Poisson points
rho = r*np.sqrt(scipy.stats.uniform.rvs(0,1,((numbPoints,1))))#radial coordinates of Poisson points
#Convert from polar to Cartesian coordinates
xx = rho * np.cos(theta)
yy = rho * np.sin(theta)
#Shift centre of disk to (xx0,yy0)
xx=xx+xx0; yy=yy+yy0;
plt.scatter(xx,yy, edgecolor='b', facecolor='none', alpha=0.5 )
plt.xlabel("x"); plt.ylabel("y")
A sample:
A realization of a Poisson point process on a disk


How to draw tangential circles to the inside of a curve in Python using numpy and matplotlib in Python?

I would like to plot circles which are tangents to the interior of a curve in Python as shown below:
I tried the following approach.
I created an inverted exponential curve to get the curve as shown below.
x = np.arange(0, 2, 0.1)
y = [1/np.exp(i) for i in x]
plt.plot(x, y, marker = "o")
To add a circle as tangent to the curve, I am adding a circle manually as follows:
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
#Plot exponential curve
ax.plot(x, y)
#Add tangential circle manually
pi = np.pi
c1 = plt.Circle((x[1]+ np.sin(pi/4) * 0.1, y[1] + np.sin(pi/4) * 0.1),
radius = 0.1, facecolor = "black", ec = "white")
Here my assumption is that the angle denoted by the shaded part in the figure below (between the normal radius and horizontal x-axis is 45 degrees).
However, I think this is an incorrect assumption and incorrect way to do it.
When I add more circles, they are not exactly tangential to the curve as shown below.
What would be the correct approach to draw the circles as tangents to the curve? Is it possible to do it in Python?
Using trigonometry (there is likely a way to simplify but I'm rusty+tired :p).
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
X = np.arange(0, 5, 0.1)
Y = np.sin(X)
#Plot exponential curve
ax.plot(X, Y)
#Add tangential circles
for i in np.arange(1,len(X),5):
ax.plot(X[i], Y[i], marker='o', color='r')
pi = np.pi
radius = 0.3
# slope of tangent
dydx = np.gradient(Y)[i]/np.gradient(X)[i]
# slope of perpendicular
slope = 1/abs(dydx)
# angle to horizontal
angle = np.arctan(slope)
c1 = plt.Circle((X[i] - np.sign(dydx)*np.cos(angle) * radius,
Y[i] + np.sin(angle) * radius),
radius = radius, facecolor = "black", ec = "white")
Your function is exp(-x)
It's derivative is -exp(-x), so tangent vector at point x, exp(-x) is (1, -exp(-x)) and normal vector is (exp(-x), 1) (note sign change).
Normalize it
n_len = np.hypot((y)[i], 1)
nx = y[i] / n_len
ny = 1 / n_len
center for radius R is
c1 = plt.Circle((x[i] + R * nx, y[i] + R * ny, ...
For the circle to be tangent, its center must be located along the normal to the curve (this is a straight-line with slope -δx/δy).
You did not specify how the radius varies, so there are two options:
the radius is a function of x or y or s (curvilinear abscissa) that you supply; then place the center at the desired distance from the contact point, on the normal;
the radius is such that it matches the local curvature; then what you want is the osculating circle; there is a formula to compute the radius of curvature.

How to tell is a plotted point is within a circle matplotlib

I have a circle plotted on a graph using matplotlib
angle = np.linspace(0, 4 * np.pi, 150)
radius = 0.2
x = radius * np.cos(angle) + 0.5
y = radius * np.sin(angle) + 0.5
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(x, y)
I also have some code that randomly plots scatter points on the graph:
q = [random.uniform(0.3, 0.7) for n in range(900)]
b = [random.uniform(0.3, 0.7) for n in range(900)]
ax.scatter(q, b, color='black', marker='.', s=1)
I want to count how many of the randomly plotted points fall within the circle. Is there a way I can do this?
To do this you have to find the points that have a distance between them and the center of the circle inferior to the radius. The center of the circle is (0.5, 0.5).
To do this you can do the following:
import numpy as np
q, b = np.array(q), np.array(b)
# The mask is a boolean array that tells if a point is inside
# of the circle or outside of the circle.
mask = np.sqrt((q-0.5)**2 + (b-0.5)**2) <= radius
#np.count_nonzero counts the number of True elements in an array.
number_inside = np.count_nonzero(mask)
number_inside is the number of points inside the circle.

Using a linear equation to create a radially interpolated circle

Given a linear equation, I want to use the slope to create a circle of values around a given point, defined by the slope of the linear equation if possible
Im currently a bit far away - can only make the radial plot but do not know how to connect this with an input equation. My first thought would be to change the opacity using import matplotlib.animation as animation and looping matplotlib's alpha argument to become gradually more and more opaque. However the alpha doesnt seem to change opacity.
# lenth of radius
distance = 200
# create radius
radialVals = np.linspace(0,distance)
# 2 pi radians = full circle
azm = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi)
r, th = np.meshgrid(radialVals, azm)
z = (r ** 2.0) / 4.0
# creates circle
# add color gradient
plt.pcolormesh(th, r, z)
plt.plot(azm, r,alpha=1, ls='', drawstyle = 'steps')
# plt.grid()
Here is one way to solve it, the idea is to create a mesh, calculate the colors with a function then use imshow to visualize the mesh.
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
def create_mesh(slope,center,radius,t_x,t_y,ax,xlim,ylim):
slope: the slope of the linear function
center: the center of the circle
raadius: the radius of the circle
t_x: the number of grids in x direction
t_y: the number of grids in y direction
ax: the canvas
xlim,ylim: the lims of the ax
def cart2pol(x,y):
rho = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
phi = np.arctan2(y,x)
return rho,phi
def linear_func(slope):
# initialize a patch and grids
patch = np.empty((t_x,t_y))
patch[:,:] = np.nan
x = np.linspace(xlim[0],xlim[1],t_x)
y = np.linspace(ylim[0],ylim[1],t_y)
x_grid,y_grid = np.meshgrid(x, y)
# centered grid
xc = np.linspace(xlim[0]-center[0],xlim[1]-center[0],t_x)
yc = np.linspace(ylim[0]-center[1],ylim[1]-center[1],t_y)
xc_grid,yc_grid = np.meshgrid(xc, yc)
rho,phi = cart2pol(xc_grid,yc_grid)
linear_values = slope * rho
# threshold controls the size of the gaussian
circle_mask = (x_grid-center[0])**2 + (y_grid-center[1])**2 < radius
patch[circle_mask] = linear_values[circle_mask]
return patch
# modify the patch
patch = linear_func(slope)
extent = xlim[0],xlim[1],ylim[0],ylim[1]
fig,ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1,ncols=2,figsize=(12,6))
slopes = [40,30]
centroids = [[2,2],[4,3]]
radii = [1,4]
for item in ax:item.set_xlim(0,8);item.set_ylim(0,8)
v_max,v_min = max(slopes),0
The output of this code is
As you can see, the color gradient of the figure on the left is not as sharp as the figure on the right because of the different slopes ([40,30]).
Also note that, these two lines of code
v_max,v_min = max(slopes),0
are added in order to let the two subplots share the same colormap.

Make a Rotating Sphere in Python

I have made this code that applies the spherical harmonics in a spherical manner as I am trying to model stellar pulsation modes. Ideally, I'd like to be able to have an image that rotates that can be saved as a gif image. I have found a few examples of code for doing this but none of it seems to apply to my code or uses python packages that aren't available to me. I'm not sure if this is too far out of my range of skills in python as I'm very much a beginner.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import cm, colors
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from scipy.special import sph_harm #import package to calculate spherical harmonics
theta = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 100) #setting range for theta
phi = np.linspace(0, np.pi, 100) #setting range for phi
phi, theta = np.meshgrid(phi, theta) #setting the grid for phi and theta
#Setting the cartesian coordinates of the unit sphere
#Converting phi, theta, z to cartesian coordinates
x = np.sin(phi)*np.cos(theta)
y = np.sin(phi)*np.sin(theta)
z = np.cos(phi)
m, l = 4, 4 #m and l control the mode of pulsation and overall appearance of the figure
#Calculating the spherical harmonic Y(l,m) and normalizing it
figcolors = sph_harm(m, l, theta, phi).real
figmax, figmin = figcolors.max(), figcolors.min()
figcolors = (figcolors-figmin)/(figmax-figmin)
#Setting the aspect ratio to 1 which makes the sphere look spherical and not elongated
fig = plt.figure(figsize=plt.figaspect(1.)) #aspect ratio
axes = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') #sets figure to 3d
#Sets the plot surface and colors of the figure where seismic is the color scheme
axes.plot_surface(x, y, z, rstride=1, cstride=1, facecolors=cm.autumn(figcolors))
#yellow zones are cooler and compressed, red zones are warmer and expanded
#Turn off the axis planes so only the sphere is visible
fig.suptitle('m=4 l=4', fontsize=18, x=0.52, y=.85)
plt.savefig('m4_l4.png') #saves a .png file of my figure #Plots the figure
#figure saved for m=1, 2, 3, 4 and l=2, 3, 5, 6 respectively then all 6 were put together to form a single figure
I've also got an image showing what my code outputs currently. It's just a still sphere, of course. Thank you in advance! sphere4_4
Change the last part of your code to generate a set of figures (see below). In this case I create num = 10 frames, you can change this number if you want. Then open a terminal and type
convert m4_l4*.png m4_l4.gif
And this is the result
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import cm, colors
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from scipy.special import sph_harm #import package to calculate spherical harmonics
theta = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 100) #setting range for theta
phi = np.linspace(0, np.pi, 100) #setting range for phi
phi, theta = np.meshgrid(phi, theta) #setting the grid for phi and theta
#Setting the cartesian coordinates of the unit sphere
#Converting phi, theta, z to cartesian coordinates
x = np.sin(phi)*np.cos(theta)
y = np.sin(phi)*np.sin(theta)
z = np.cos(phi)
m, l = 4, 4 #m and l control the mode of pulsation and overall appearance of the figure
#Calculating the spherical harmonic Y(l,m) and normalizing it
figcolors = sph_harm(m, l, theta, phi).real
figmax, figmin = figcolors.max(), figcolors.min()
figcolors = (figcolors-figmin)/(figmax-figmin)
#Setting the aspect ratio to 1 which makes the sphere look spherical and not elongated
fig = plt.figure(figsize=plt.figaspect(1.)) #aspect ratio
axes = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') #sets figure to 3d
#Sets the plot surface and colors of the figure where seismic is the color scheme
axes.plot_surface(x, y, z, rstride=1, cstride=1, facecolors=cm.autumn(figcolors))
#yellow zones are cooler and compressed, red zones are warmer and expanded
fig.suptitle('m=4 l=4', fontsize=18, x=0.52, y=.85)
for idx, angle in enumerate(np.linspace(0, 360, 10)):
axes.view_init(30, angle)
#Turn off the axis planes so only the sphere is visible
plt.savefig('m4_l4-%04d.png' % idx) #saves a .png file of my figure

Rotation of a vector (Python)

I am rotating a vector in 3D via two 2D rotations using the following code:
NOTE: L is
np.array([11.231303753070549, 9.27144871768164, 18.085790226916288])
a predefined vector shown in blue in the plot below.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
def angle_between(p1, p2):
ang1 = np.arctan2(*p1[::-1])
ang2 = np.arctan2(*p2[::-1])
return ((ang1 - ang2) % (2 * np.pi))
L = np.vstack([L,np.zeros(3)])
line_xy = [0.,1.]
line_L = [L[0,0],L[0,1]]
a = angle_between(line_xy, line_L)
def rotation(vector,theta):
v1_new = (vector[0]*np.cos(theta)) - (vector[1]*np.sin(theta))
v2_new = (vector[1]*np.cos(theta)) + (vector[0]*np.sin(theta))
z_trans = [v1_new,v2_new,vector[2]]
line_yz= [0.,1.]
theta2 = angle_between(line_yz, [z_trans[1],z_trans[2]])
v1_new = (z_trans[0]*np.cos(theta2)) - (z_trans[1]*np.sin(theta2))
v2_new = (z_trans[1]*np.cos(theta2)) + (z_trans[0]*np.sin(theta2))
y_trans = np.array([z_trans[0],v1_new,v2_new])
return z_trans,y_trans
L2,L3 = rotation(L[0,:],a)
L2 = np.vstack([L2,np.zeros(3)])
L3 = np.vstack([L3,np.zeros(3)])
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
#ax.scatter(x1*1000,y1*1000,z1*1000,c ='r',zorder=2)
line = np.array([[0,0,0],[0,0,15]])
ax.plot(line[:,0],line[:,1],line[:,2],color = 'g')
ax.set_xlabel('X Kpc')
ax.set_ylabel('Y Kpc')
ax.set_zlabel('Z Kpc')
What I'm doing here is calculating the angle between x=0, y=1 (that's the line_xy part) and then rotating it around the z-axis using the first part of the rotation function:
v1_new = (vector[0]*np.cos(theta)) - (vector[1]*np.sin(theta))
v2_new = (vector[1]*np.cos(theta)) + (vector[0]*np.sin(theta))
z_trans = [v1_new,v2_new,vector[2]]
then repeat the process but this time rotating around the x axis using the second part of the rotation function:
line_yz= [0.,1.]
theta2 = angle_between(line_yz, [z_trans[1],z_trans[2]])
v1_new = (z_trans[0]*np.cos(theta2)) - (z_trans[1]*np.sin(theta2))
v2_new = (z_trans[1]*np.cos(theta2)) + (z_trans[0]*np.sin(theta2))
y_trans = np.array([z_trans[0],v1_new,v2_new])
Rotations are done via the standard 2D rotation equations:
x' = x cos(theta) - y sin(theta)
y' = y cos(theta) + x sin(theta)
But for some reason, after the second rotation, the line (in yellow) doesn't line up with the green line (the original target of rotating this vector).
I've tried checking the angles in both radians and degrees but it appears to only work with radians.
When checking the angle theta2, it comes out around 35 degrees which looks plausible.
I am not quite clear on your question, but hopefully this should help.
If you want to rotate a 3D vector around a particular axis, take advantage of matrix transformations instead of element wise (like you have written above).
Below is code to rotate a 3-D vector around any axis:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
def unit_vector(vector):
""" Returns the unit vector of the vector."""
return vector / np.linalg.norm(vector)
def angle_between(v1, v2):
"""Finds angle between two vectors"""
v1_u = unit_vector(v1)
v2_u = unit_vector(v2)
return np.arccos(np.clip(, v2_u), -1.0, 1.0))
def x_rotation(vector,theta):
"""Rotates 3-D vector around x-axis"""
R = np.array([[1,0,0],[0,np.cos(theta),-np.sin(theta)],[0, np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta)]])
def y_rotation(vector,theta):
"""Rotates 3-D vector around y-axis"""
R = np.array([[np.cos(theta),0,np.sin(theta)],[0,1,0],[-np.sin(theta), 0, np.cos(theta)]])
def z_rotation(vector,theta):
"""Rotates 3-D vector around z-axis"""
R = np.array([[np.cos(theta), -np.sin(theta),0],[np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta),0],[0,0,1]])
Rotate Original Blue Vector 45 degrees (pi/2)
L_predef = np.array([11.231303753070549, 9.27144871768164, 18.085790226916288]) #blue vector
new_vect = z_rotation(L_predef, np.pi/2.0)
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
There is a general solution to this problem. Given a vector, a rotation axis and an anticlockwise angle, I wrote a simple code, which works of course also for the cases already mentioned. What it does is:
projecting the vector onto the plane defined by the axis of rotation;
rotating the component of the vector in the plane;
finally reassembling all together to give the final result.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import matplotlib
def rotve(v,erot,angle):
If you want, you can check with an example which plots the "umbrella" made by the rotations:
axrot=np.array([1,0,1]); v=np.array([1.,1.,1.])
fig3 = plt.figure(3)
ax3d = fig3.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
ax3d.quiver(0,0,0,axrot[0],axrot[1],axrot[2],length=.5, normalize=True, color='black')
for i in range(len(angles)):
ax3d.quiver(0,0,0,vrot[0],vrot[1],vrot[2],length=.1, normalize=True, color='red')
ax3d.quiver(0,0,0,v[0],v[1],v[2],length=.1, normalize=True, color='blue')
