Trying to create a dialog in another thread wxpython - python

I'm running a function in another thread that is supposed to fill out a dialog and then show it but it just seg faults as soon as I tried to alter the dialog in any way. I've read that this is a common issue with WxPython and that devs are not intended to directly alter dialogs in another thread.
How do I get around this? I can just call the function in my main thread but that will block my GUI and it is a lengthy operation to initialize the dialog - I would like to avoid this.
My code is similar to the below.
In the main thread
# Create the dialog and initialize it
thread.start_new_thread(self.init_dialog, (arg, arg, arg...))
The function I am calling
def init_dialog(self, arg, arg, arg....):
dialog = MyFrame(self, "Dialog")
# Setup the dialog
# ....
Even with a blank dialog and just a simple call to show inside the function I get a segmentation fault. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.

I have made an applet to demonstrate keeping GUI responsive during calculations and calling the message box after the calculations.
import wx
import threading
import time
class TestFrame(wx.Frame):
def __init__(self):
wx.Frame.__init__(self, None, -1, "I am a test frame")
self.clickbtn = wx.Button(self, label="click me!")
self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.onClick)
def onClick(self, event):
self.status = wx.TextCtrl(self)
print "GUI will be responsive during simulated calculations..."
thread = threading.Thread(target=self.runCalculation)
def runCalculation(self):
print "you can type in the GUI box during calculations"
for s in "1", "2", "3", "...":
wx.CallAfter(self.status.AppendText, s)
def allDone(self):
self.status.SetLabel("all done")
dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self,
"This message shown only after calculation!",
result = dlg.ShowModal()
if result == wx.ID_OK:
mySandbox = wx.App()
myFrame = TestFrame()
GUI stuff is kept in the main thread, while calculations continue unhindered. The results of the calculation are available at time of dialog creation, as you required.


wxPython in thread can not be shut down without error

I am new to wxPython, so I basically just copied something that will display a tray icon and made it a thread:
import wx
import wx.adv
from threading import Thread
TRAY_TOOLTIP = 'System Tray Demo'
TRAY_ICON = 'icon.png'
class Main(Thread):
def __init__(self):
def run(self): = App()
def create_menu_item(menu, label, func):
item = wx.MenuItem(menu, -1, label)
menu.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, func, id=item.GetId())
return item
class TaskBarIcon(wx.adv.TaskBarIcon):
def __init__(self, frame):
self.frame = frame
super(TaskBarIcon, self).__init__()
self.Bind(wx.adv.EVT_TASKBAR_LEFT_DOWN, self.on_left_down)
def CreatePopupMenu(self):
menu = wx.Menu()
create_menu_item(menu, 'Exit', self.on_exit)
return menu
def set_icon(self, path):
icon = wx.Icon(wx.Bitmap(path))
self.SetIcon(icon, TRAY_TOOLTIP)
def on_left_down(self, event):
print('Tray icon was left-clicked.')
def on_exit(self, event):
class App(wx.App):
def __init__(self):
wx.App.__init__(self, False)
def OnInit(self):
frame = wx.Frame(None)
return True
from my main thread, which is a very long running service, I am starting the GUI thread, activating the scheduler and checking if it should run like so:
gui = trayIcon.Main()
while gui.is_alive():
# if this is reached the gui thread has terminated and the program should shut down
It works as it should be: When the exit item in the tray icon menu is clicked, the GUI thread shuts down, is then no longer detected in the while loop of the main thread and sys.exit() is called.
Unfortunately, wxPython then shows an error dialog with the following text:
wxWidgets Debug Alert
....\src\common\socket.cpp(767): assert "wxIsMainThread()" failed in
wxSocketBase::IsInitialized(): unsafe to call from other threads [in
thread 1284] Do you want to stop the program? You can also choose
[Cancel] to suppress further warnings.
How can I shut down the GUI correctly or at least suppress this warning? After it the program quits as it should be, although I suspect suppressing the message would leave a memory leak of some kind.
Thanks in advance
Basically it looks like you have set it up backwards. The main thread should always be the wxPython one. MainLoop should not be called inside a thread. Instead you should let wxPython be in control and run your long running thread inside of it.
Then when your long running task is finished, you can use a thread-safe method, like wx.CallAfter to tell wxPython that it is time to exit. Since wxPython is the one in control, it can close itself correctly.
Here are some articles that might help you:

wxPython popup from calling imported function

I have a GUI made with wxPython that calls a function that I imported from a separate Python file when I press a button, and shows the output of that function in a text box. I want to improve it so that if the function asks for user input mid-execution (like a raw_input()), I want a new popup window to appear instead of the raw_input waiting in the text box. I've been looking through the wxPython documentation but can't seem to find anything that resembles what I want, so I was wondering if anyone here could give me any pointers.
GUI code:
import sys
import os
import re
import subprocess
import threading
import wx
import errno, os, stat, shutil
import extern_func
#this object redirects the external function output to the text box
class RedirectText(object):
def __init__(self,aWxTextCtrl):
def write(self,string):
#GUI code here
class progFrame(wx.Frame):
def __init__(self, parent):
wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, title="functionGUI", size=(800, 600), style=wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE ^ wx.RESIZE_BORDER)
panel = wx.Panel(self)
#more things....
self.runButton = wx.Button(panel, wx.ID_OK, "Run", pos=(200, 300))
self.out=wx.TextCtrl(panel, style=wx.TE_MULTILINE|wx.VSCROLL|wx.TE_READONLY, pos = (300, 50), size=(500, 200))
#Run button event
self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnRun, self.runButton)
#command prompt output to frame
def OnRun(self, event):
#external function call
def __run(self):
if __name__ == '__main__':
app = wx.App(False)
External function code:
import sys
def externFunc():
print "Starting execution..."
#a bunch of code...
cont = raw_input("Something has gone wrong. Do you still want to continue?")
if(cont.lower() == "n")
#more function code...
print "Success!"
I would call the external function via a button event. Instead of raw_input, I would just use a wx.MessageDialog with a yes or no button on it. You can check which button the user pressed and continue or not accordingly. Here are some links on that dialog and others:
If this piece of code you are running takes a long time (i.e. greater than a second), then it is probably going to block wx's mainloop and cause the application to become unresponsive. If that is the case, then you'll need to move this code into a thread. The following articles will help you with that course of action:

How do I bind wx.CLOSE_BOX to a function?

Fairly simple question, but I can't seem to find the answer. I have a GUI which has a cancel button that asks the user to abort all unsaved changes when they press it. The GUI also has a wx.CLOSE_BOX, but this simply closes it because its not bound to my OnCancel function. How do I bind it?
Things I tried:
self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, lambda event: self.OnCancel(event, newCRNum), wx.CLOSE_BOX)
#This gives an AssertionError, replacing wx.EVT_CLOSE with wx.EVT_BUTTON also
# gives the same error
self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, lambda event: self.OnCancel(event, newCRNum))
#This binds any time ```self.Close(True)``` occurs (which makes sense) but
# is not what I want. There are other buttons which close the GUI which should not
# use the OnCancel function
Thanks in advance for your help
EDIT: The code below should help clarify what I'm looking for
import wx
class MyFrame(wx.Frame):
def __init__(self):
wx.Frame.__init__(self, None)
newCRNum = 0
cancelBtn = wx.Button(self, -1, "Cancel")
self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, lambda event: self.OnCancel(event, newCRNum), cancelBtn)
def OnCancel(self, event, CRNum):
dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, "Are you sure you want to cancel? All work will be lost and CR number will not be reserved.", "Cancel CR", wx.YES_NO|wx.NO_DEFAULT|wx.ICON_EXCLAMATION)
if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_YES:
app = wx.PySimpleApp()
frame = MyFrame()
So what this does is create a whimsically large cancel button. When this button is pressed, a dialog box pops up and prompts the user if they really want to quit. If they say yes, the whole gui closes, if not, only the dialog box closes.
When the user presses the red (X) button in the top right of the GUI, I want the same thing to happen. Since is a button, I assume it can be bound to my OnCancel button, but how do I do this?
Reason for AssertionError: The third argument must be source widget like follow.
self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, lambda event: self.OnCancel(event, newCRNum), self)
Try following example:
import wx
class MyFrame(wx.Frame):
def __init__(self):
wx.Frame.__init__(self, None)
newCRNum = 0
self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, lambda event: self.OnCancel(event, newCRNum))
def OnCancel(self, event, num):
dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, 'Do you want close?', 'Sure?',
result = dlg.ShowModal()
if result == wx.ID_OK:
app = wx.PySimpleApp()
frame = MyFrame()

gtk MessageDialog not closing until enclosing method finishes

Here is a mocked up version of what I'm trying to do in my GUI. I have a MessageDialog which is created somewhere during the execution of a callback method. My problem is the MessageDialog won't close until the callback method finishes its execution.
I have a "dialog.destroy()" which I would expect to destroy the dialog. I click on "Yes/No" and the button depresses, but the dialog doesn't go away until "_go" finishes.
The "time.sleep(4)" is in there to simulate other stuff happening in my "_go" method after my MessageDialog interaction is over.
from gi.repository import Gtk, GObject
import time
class Gui(Gtk.Window):
def __init__(self):
self.connect("delete_event", Gtk.main_quit)
self.set_size_request(700, 600)
notebook = Gtk.Notebook()
notebook.append_page(MyTab(), Gtk.Label("A tab"))
class MyTab(Gtk.VBox):
def __init__(self):
super(MyTab, self).__init__()
self.go_button = Gtk.Button()
top_box = Gtk.HBox()
top_box.pack_start(self.go_button, False, True, 5)
self.pack_start(top_box, False, True, 5)
# setup callbacks
self.go_button.connect("clicked", self._go)
def _go(self, _):
dialog = Gtk.MessageDialog(Gtk.Window(),
dialog.format_secondary_text("are you having fun?")
response =
print "your response is: " + str(response)
print "left _go"
def main():
Main entry point.
if __name__ == "__main__":
This problem is not specific to dialogs. Any GUI change is invisible until you return to the main loop and give the system a chance to process the events accumulated by modifying the widgets.
If you really want to update the GUI immediately in the callback, you can manually spin the accumulated events with a loop like this after the call to dialog.destroy():
while Gtk.events_pending():
However, be aware that this will not only update the screen, but also run other accumulated events, including idle and timeout handlers and button click callbacks (if any are pending). That can have unexpected consequences.
This is the correct behaviour. The window only disappears when control is given back to Gtk's main loop which only happens at the end of your _go callback.
As per the comments on user4815162342's answer I came up with a solution that uses a nested main loop. This class takes in a dialog and provides a run method.
class NestedDialog(object):
def __init__(self, dialog):
self.dialog = dialog
self.response_var = None
def run(self):
return self.response_var
def _run(self):
self.dialog.connect("response", self._response)
def _response(self, dialog, response):
self.response_var = response
The dialog is then run as follows:
def _go(self, _):
dialog = Gtk.MessageDialog(Gtk.Window(),
dialog.format_secondary_text("are you having fun?")
nested_dialog = NestedDialog(dialog)
response =
print "your response is: " + str(response)
print "left _go"

wxPython wx.Close create runtime error

When I try to call self.Close(True) in the top level Frame's EVT_CLOSE event handler, it raises a RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded. Here's the code:
from PicEvolve import PicEvolve
import wx
class PicEvolveFrame(wx.Frame):
def __init__(self, parent, id=-1,title="",pos=wx.DefaultPosition,
size=wx.DefaultSize, style=wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE,
self.panel = wx.ScrolledWindow(self)
statusBar = self.CreateStatusBar()
menuBar = wx.MenuBar()
menu1 = wx.Menu()
m = menu1.Append(wx.NewId(), "&Initialize", "Initialize population with random images")
def OnInit(self, event):
dlg = wx.TextEntryDialog(None,"Enter Population Size:","Population Size")
popSize = 0
if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
popSize = int(dlg.GetValue())
self.pEvolver = PicEvolve(popSize,(200,200),True)
box = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
filenames = []
for i in range(popSize):
for fn in filenames:
img = wx.Image(fn,wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ANY)
box.Add(wx.StaticBitmap(self.panel,wx.ID_ANY,wx.BitmapFromImage(img)), 0,wx.BOTTOM)
def OnClose(self,event):
class PicEvolveApp(wx.App):
def OnInit(self):
self.frame = PicEvolveFrame(parent=None,title="PicEvolve")
return True
if __name__ == "__main__":
app = PicEvolveApp()
When you call window.Close it triggers EVT_CLOSE.
Quoted from
The handler function for EVT_CLOSE is
called when the user has tried to
close a a frame or dialog box using
the window manager controls or the
system menu. It can also be invoked by
the application itself
programmatically, for example by
calling the wx.Window.Close function.
so obviously you will go into a infinite recursive loop. Instead in handler of EVT_CLOSE either destroy the window
def OnClose(self,event):
or Skip the event
def OnClose(self,event):
or do not catch the EVT_CLOSE.
Btw why you want to catch the event, in other question you have put some comment, you should update the question accordingly, so that people can give better answers.
e.g when your program is still waiting on command prompt after close, it may mean you have some top level window still not closed.
To debug which one is still open, try this
for w in wx.GetTopLevelWindows():
print w
You don't need to catch EVT_CLOSE unless you want to do something special, like prompt the user to save. If you do that sort of thing, then call self.Destroy() instead. Right now you call OnClose when you hit the upper right "x", which then calls "Close", which fires the OnClose event....that's why you get the recursion error.
If you don't catch EVT_CLOSE and use self.Close() it should work. When it doesn't, then that usually means you have a timer, thread or hidden top-level window somewhere that also needs to be stopped or closed. I hope that made sense.
def OnClose(self,event):
