Hello I was given an h5 file with an xdmf file associated with it. The visualization looks like this. Here the color is just the feature ID. I wanted to add some data to the h5 file to be able to visualize it in paraview. The newly added data does not appear in the paraview although clearly being there when using hdfview. The data I'm trying to add are the ones titled engineering stress and true stress. The only difference I noticed is that the number of attributes for these is zero while it's 5 for the rest but I dont know what to do with that information.
Here's the code I currently have set up:
nf_product = h5py.File(filename,"a")
e_princ = np.empty((280,150,280,3))
t_princ = e_princ
for i in tqdm(range(grain_count)):
a = np.where(feature_ID == i+1)
e_princ[a,0] = eng_stress[i,0]
e_princ[a,1] = eng_stress[i,1]
e_princ[a,2] = eng_stress[i,2]
t_princ[a,0] = true_stress[i,0]
t_princ[a,1] = true_stress[i,1]
t_princ[a,2] = true_stress[i,2]
EngineeringStress = nf_product.create_dataset('DataContainers/nfHEDM/CellData/EngineeringStressPrinciple',data=np.float32(e_princ))
TrueStress = nf_product.create_dataset('DataContainers/nfHEDM/CellData/TrueStressPrinciple',data=np.float32(t_princ))
I am new to using h5 and xdmf files so I may be going about this entirely wrong but the way I understand it is an xdmf file acts as a pointer to the data in the h5 file so I can't understand why the new data doesnt appear in paraview.
First, did you close the file withnf_product.close()? If not, new datasets may not have been flushed from memory. You may also need to flush the buffers withnf_product.flush() Better, use the Python with / as: file context manager and it is done automatically.
Next, you can simply use data=e_princ (and t_princ), there is no need to cast a numpy array to a numpy array.
Finally, verify the values in e_princ and t_princ. I think will be the same because they reference the same numpy object. You need to create t_princ as an empty array, the same as e_princ. Also they have 4 indices, and you only have 2 when you populate them with [a,0]. Be sure that works as expected.
I am new to using HDF5 files and I am trying to read files with shapes of (20670, 224, 224, 3). Whenever I try to store the results from the hdf5 into a list or another data structure, it takes either takes so long that I abort the execution or it crashes my computer. I need to be able to read 3 sets of hdf5 files, use their data, manipulate it, use it to train a CNN model and make predictions.
Any help for reading and using these large HDF5 files would be greatly appreciated.
Currently this is how I am reading the hdf5 file:
db = h5py.File(os.getcwd() + "/Results/Training_Dataset.hdf5")
training_db = list(db['data'])
Crashes probably mean you are running out of memory. Like Vignesh Pillay suggested, I would try chunking the data and work on a small piece of it at a time. If you are using the pandas method read_hdf you can use the iterator and chunksize parameters to control the chunking:
import pandas as pd
data_iter = pd.read_hdf('/tmp/test.hdf', key='test_key', iterator=True, chunksize=100)
for chunk in data_iter:
#train cnn on chunk here
Note this requires the hdf to be in table format
My answer updated 2020-08-03 to reflect code you added to your question.
As #Tober noted, you are running out of memory. Reading a dataset of shape (20670, 224, 224, 3) will become a list of 3.1G entities. If you read 3 image sets, it will require even more RAM.
I assume this is image data (maybe 20670 images of shape (224, 224, 3) )?
If so, you can read the data in slices with both h5py and tables (Pytables).
This will return the data as a NumPy array, which you can use directly (no need to manipulate into a different data structure).
Basic process would look like this:
with h5py.File(os.getcwd() + "/Results/Training_Dataset.hdf5",'r') as db:
training_db = db['data']
# loop to get images 1 by 1
for icnt in range(20670) :
image_arr = training_db [icnt,:,:,:}
# then do something with the image
You could also read multiple images by setting the first index to a range (say icnt:icnt+100) then handle looping appropriately.
Your problem is arising as you are running out of memory. So, Virtual Datasets come in handy while dealing with large datasets like yours. Virtual datasets allow a number of real datasets to be mapped together into a single, sliceable dataset via an interface layer. You can read more about them here https://docs.h5py.org/en/stable/vds.html
I would recommend you to start from one file at a time. Firstly, create a Virtual Dataset file of your existing data like
with h5py.File(os.getcwd() + "/Results/Training_Dataset.hdf5", 'r') as db:
data_shape = db['data'].shape
layout = h5py.VirtualLayout(shape = (data_shape), dtype = np.uint8)
vsource = h5py.VirtualSource(db['data'])
with h5py.File(os.getcwd() + "/virtual_training_dataset.hdf5", 'w', libver = 'latest') as file:
file.create_virtual_dataset('data', layout = layout, fillvalue = 0)
This will create a virtual dataset of your existing training data. Now, if you want to manipulate your data, you should open your file in r+ mode like
with h5py.File(os.getcwd() + "/virtual_training_dataset.hdf5", 'r+', libver = 'latest') as file:
# Do whatever manipulation you want to do here
One more thing I would like to advise is make sure your indices while slicing are of int datatype, otherwise you will get an error.
So I have been trying to read a 3.2GB file in memory using pandas read_csv function but I kept on running into some sort of memory leak, my memory usage would spike 90%+.
So as alternatives
I tried defining dtype to avoid keeping the data in memory as strings, but saw similar behaviour.
Tried out numpy read csv, thinking I would get some different results but was definitely wrong about that.
Tried reading line by line ran into the same problem, but really slowly.
I recently moved to python 3, so thought there could be some bug there, but saw similar results on python2 + pandas.
The file in question is a train.csv file from a kaggle competition grupo bimbo
System info:
RAM: 16GB, Processor: i7 8cores
Let me know if you would like to know anything else.
Thanks :)
EDIT 1: its a memory spike! not a leak (sorry my bad.)
EDIT 2: Sample of the csv file
EDIT 3: number rows in the file 74180465
Other then a simple pd.read_csv('filename', low_memory=False)
I have tried
from numpy import genfromtxt
my_data = genfromtxt('data/train.csv', delimiter=',')
The below code just worked, but I still want to get to the bottom of this problem, there must be something wrong.
import pandas as pd
import gc
data = pd.DataFrame()
data_iterator = pd.read_csv('data/train.csv', chunksize=100000)
for sub_data in data_iterator:
EDIT: Piece of Code that worked.
Thanks for all the help guys, I had messed up my dtypes by adding python dtypes instead of numpy ones. Once I fixed that the below code worked like a charm.
dtypes = {'Semana': pd.np.int8,
data = pd.read_csv('data/train.csv', dtype=dtypes)
This brought down the memory consumption to just under 4Gb
A file stored in memory as text is not as compact as a compressed binary format, however it is relatively compact data-wise. If it's a simple ascii file, aside from any file header information, each character is only 1 byte. Python strings have a similar relation, where there's some overhead for internal python stuff, but each extra character adds only 1 byte (from testing with __sizeof__). Once you start converting to numeric types and collections (lists, arrays, data frames, etc.) the overhead will grow. A list for example must store a type and a value for each position, whereas a string only stores a value.
>>> s = '3,1110,7,3301,15766,1212,3,25.14,0,0.0,3\r\n'
>>> l = [3,1110,7,3301,15766,1212,3,25.14,0,0.0,3]
>>> s.__sizeof__()
>>> l.__sizeof__()
A little bit of testing (assuming __sizeof__ is accurate):
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
s = '1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10'
print ('string: '+str(s.__sizeof__())+'\n')
l = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
print ('list: '+str(l.__sizeof__())+'\n')
a = np.array([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10])
print ('array: '+str(a.__sizeof__())+'\n')
b = np.array([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10], dtype=np.dtype('u1'))
print ('byte array: '+str(b.__sizeof__())+'\n')
df = pd.DataFrame([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10])
print ('dataframe: '+str(df.__sizeof__())+'\n')
string: 53
list: 120
array: 136
byte array: 106
dataframe: 152
Based on your second chart, it looks as though there's a brief period in time where your machine allocates an additional 4.368 GB of memory, which is approximately the size of your 3.2 GB dataset (assuming 1GB overhead, which might be a stretch).
I tried to track down a place where this could happen and haven't been super successful. Perhaps you can find it, though, if you're motivated. Here's the path I took:
This line reads:
def read(self, nrows=None):
if nrows is not None:
if self.options.get('skip_footer'):
raise ValueError('skip_footer not supported for iteration')
ret = self._engine.read(nrows)
Here, _engine references PythonParser.
That, in turn, calls _get_lines().
That makes calls to a data source.
Which looks like it reads in in the form of strings from something relatively standard (see here), like TextIOWrapper.
So things are getting read in as standard text and converted, this explains the slow ramp.
What about the spike? I think that's explained by these lines:
ret = self._engine.read(nrows)
if self.options.get('as_recarray'):
return ret
# May alter columns / col_dict
index, columns, col_dict = self._create_index(ret)
df = DataFrame(col_dict, columns=columns, index=index)
ret becomes all the components of a data frame`.
self._create_index() breaks ret apart into these components:
def _create_index(self, ret):
index, columns, col_dict = ret
return index, columns, col_dict
So far, everything can be done by reference, and the call to DataFrame() continues that trend (see here).
So, if my theory is correct, DataFrame() is either copying the data somewhere, or _engine.read() is doing so somewhere along the path I've identified.
I have several huge arrays, and I am using np.save and np.load to save each array or dictionary in a single file and then I reload them, in order not to compute them another time as follows.
save(join(dir, "ListTitles.npy"), self.ListTitles)
self.ListTitles = load(join(dir,"ListTitles.npy"))
The problem is that when I try to use them afterwards, I have errors like (field name not found) or (len() of unsized object).
For example:
len(self.ListTitles) or when accessing a field of a dictionary return an error.
I don't know how to resolve this. Because when I simply use this code, it works perfectly:
M = array([[1,2,0], [3,4,0], [3,0,1]])
vector = zeros(3529)
save("M.npy", M)
save("vector.npy", vector)
vector = load("vector.npy")
B = load("M.npy")
print len(B)
print len(vector)
numpy's save and load functions are for numpy arrays, not for general Python data like dicts. Use the pickle module to save to file, and reload from file, most kinds of Python data structures (there are alternatives like dill which are however not in the standard library -- I'd recommend sticking with standard pickle unless it gives you specific problems).
I want to read in a tab separated value file and turn it into a numpy array. The file has 3 lines. It looks like this:
Ann1 Bill1 Chris1 Dick1
Ann2 Bill2 Chris2 "Dick2
Ann3 Bill3 Chris3 Dick3
So, I used this simple line of code:
new_list = []
with open('/home/me/my_tsv.tsv') as tsv:
for line in csv.reader(tsv, delimiter="\t"):
new = np.array(job_posts)
print new.shape
And because of that pesky " character, the shape of my fancy new numpy array is
That's not right! So, the solution is to include the argument, quoting, in the csv.reader call, as follows:
for line in csv.reader(tsv, delimiter="\t", quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE):
This is great! Now my dimension is
as I hoped.
Now comes the real problem -- in all actuality, I have a 700,000 X 10 .tsv file, with long fields. I can read the file into Python with no problems, just like in the above situation. But, when I get to the step where I create new = np.array(job_posts), my wimpy 16 GB laptop cries and says...
Obviously, I cannot simultaneously have these 2 object in memory -- the Python list of lists, and the numpy array.
My question is therefore this: how can I read this file directly into a numpy array, perhaps using genfromtxt or something similar...yet also achieve what I've achieved by using the quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE argument in the csv.reader?
So far, I've found no analogy to the quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE option available anywhere in the standard ways to read in a tsv file using numpy.
This is a tough little problem. I though about iteratively building the numpy array during the reading in process, but I can't figure it out.
I tried
nparray = np.genfromtxt("/home/me/my_tsv.tsv", delimiter="/t")
print obj.shap
and got
If anyone has any advice I'd be greatly appreciative. Also, I know the real answer is probably to use Pandas...but at this point I'm committed to using numpy for a lot of compelling reasons...
Thanks in advance.