Get the name or ID of the current Google Compute Instance - python

I'm running a number of Google Compute Engine instances that run Python code, and I want to find the name or the ID of each instance from inside the instances.
One solution I've found is to get the internal IP of the instance using:
import socket
internal_ip = socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname())
Then I list all the instances:
from oauth2client.client import GoogleCredentials
from googleapiclient.discovery import build
credentials = GoogleCredentials.get_application_default()
self.compute = build('compute', 'v1', credentials=credentials)
result = self.compute.instances().list(project=project, zone=zone).execute()
Then I iterate over all the instances to check if the internal IP matches the IP of an instance:
for instance in result["items"]:
if instance["networkInterfaces"][0]["networkIP"] == internal_ip:
internal_id = instance["id"]
This works but it's a bit complicated, is there a more direct way to achieve the same thing, e.g. using Google's Python Client Library or the gcloud command line tool?

Instance Name:
socket.gethostname() or platform.node() should return the name of the instance. You might have to do a bit of parsing depending on your OS.
This worked for me on Debian and Ubuntu systems:
import socket
gce_name = socket.gethostname()
However, on a CoreOS instance, the hostname command gave the name of the instance plus the zone information, so you would have to do some parsing.
Instance ID / Name / More (Recommended):
The better way to do this is to use the Metadata server. This is the easiest way to get instance information, and works with basically any programming language or straight CURL. Here is a Python example using Requests.
import requests
metadata_server = "http://metadata/computeMetadata/v1/instance/"
metadata_flavor = {'Metadata-Flavor' : 'Google'}
gce_id = requests.get(metadata_server + 'id', headers = metadata_flavor).text
gce_name = requests.get(metadata_server + 'hostname', headers = metadata_flavor).text
gce_machine_type = requests.get(metadata_server + 'machine-type', headers = metadata_flavor).text
Again, you might need to do some parsing here, but it is really straightforward!
How can I use Python to get the system hostname?

To get your instance name, execute the following from your VM:
curl -H Metadata-Flavor:Google
and to get your instance id:
curl -H Metadata-Flavor:Google
Check out the documentations for other available parameters:


Name xmlrpc is not defined

Im trying to extract data from odoo using xml-rpc api.
import xmlrpc.client
url = ""
db = "xxxxxxx"
username = " "
password = ""
common = xmlrpc.client.ServerProxy('{}/xmlrpc/2/common'.format(url))
However it said that name 'xmlrpc' is not defined, it is very weird since xmlrpclib is part of the standard library in Python, i dont need to install it. Can you suggest solution for this? Thanks.

PySphere/pyvmomi how to retrieve the DNS and Routing settings of an EXSi host?

Using PySphere library How could it possible to retrive the 'DNS and Routing' configuration of an EXSi host.
Here I need to retrieve the Name attribute under DNS and Routing -udm00esx04
On the VMware pyvmomi page, there is a link to the vSphere WS SDK API documentation.
While that documentation is not always intutitive, it is where I find answers to questions like this.
To answer your question, you need to obtain the host object, and then get the network properties (attributes) you want. Assuming "esxi" is an object of type vim.HostSystem, the following will get the information you want:
# dns name
# domain name
from pyVim import connect
from pyVmomi import vmodl
from pyVmomi import vim
address = ''
username = ''
password = ''
con = connect.SmartConnect(host=address, user=username, pwd=password)
content = con.RetrieveContent()
cv = content.viewManager.CreateContainerView(
container=content.rootFolder, type=[vim.HostSystem], recursive=True)
for child in cv.view:
print, ": ",

Blob.generate_signed_url() failing to AttributeError

So I'm trying to produce temporary globally readable URLs for my Google Cloud Storage objects using the google-cloud-storage Python library ( - more specifically the Blob.generate_signed_url() method. I doing this from within a Compute Engine instance in a command line Python script. And I keep getting the following error:
AttributeError: you need a private key to sign credentials.the credentials you are currently using <class 'oauth2cl
ient.service_account.ServiceAccountCredentials'> just contains a token. see https://google-cloud-python.readthedocs
.io/en/latest/core/auth.html?highlight=authentication#setting-up-a-service-account for more details.
I am aware that there are issues with doing this from within GCE ( but I have created a new Service Account credentials following the instructions here: and my key.json file most certainly includes a private key. Still I am seeing that error.
This is my code:
keyfile = "/path/to/my/key.json"
credentials = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name(keyfile)
expiration = timedelta(3) # valid for 3 days
url = blob.generate_signed_url(expiration, method="GET",
I've read through the issue tracker here and nothing related jumps out so I am assuming this should work. Cannot see what's going wrong here.
I was having the same issue. Ended up fixing it by starting the storage client directly from the service account json.
storage_client = storage.Client.from_service_account_json('path_to_service_account_key.json')
I know I'm late to the party but hopefully this helps!
Currently, it's not possible to use blob.generate_signed_url without explicitly referencing credentials. (Source: Google-Cloud-Python documentation) However, you can do a workaround, as seen here, which consists of:
signing_credentials = compute_engine.IDTokenCredentials(
signed_url = signed_blob_path.generate_signed_url(
A much complete snippet for those asking where other elements come from. cc #AlbertoVitoriano
from google.auth.transport import requests
from google.auth import default, compute_engine
credentials, _ = default()
# then within your abstraction
auth_request = requests.Request()
signing_credentials = compute_engine.IDTokenCredentials(
signed_url = signed_blob_path.generate_signed_url(

Azure python sdk - getting the machine state

Using the python api for azure, I want to get the state of one of my machines.
I can't find anywhere to access this information.
Does someone know?
After looking around, I found this:
get_with_instance_view(resource_group_name, vm_name)
if you are using the legacy api (this will work for classic virtual machines), use
from azure.servicemanagement import ServiceManagementService
sms = ServiceManagementService('your subscription id', 'your-azure-certificate.pem')
your_deployment = sms.get_deployment_by_name('service name', 'deployment name')
for role_instance in your_deployment.role_instance_list:
print role_instance.instance_name, role_instance.instance_status
if you are using the current api (will not work for classic vm's), use
from azure.common.credentials import UserPassCredentials
from azure.mgmt.compute import ComputeManagementClient
import retry
credentials = UserPassCredentials('username', 'password')
compute_client = ComputeManagementClient(credentials, 'your subscription id')
#retry.retry(RuntimeError, tries=3)
def get_vm(resource_group_name, vm_name):
you need to retry this just in case the credentials token expires,
that's where the decorator comes in
this will return all the data about the virtual machine
return compute_client.virtual_machines.get(
resource_group_name, vm_name, expand='instanceView')
#retry.retry((RuntimeError, IndexError,), tries=-1)
def get_vm_status(resource_group_name, vm_name):
this will just return the status of the virtual machine
sometime the status may be unknown as shown by the azure portal;
in that case statuses[1] doesn't exist, hence retrying on IndexError
also, it may take on the order of minutes for the status to become
available so the decorator will bang on it forever
return compute_client.virtual_machines.get(resource_group_name, vm_name, expand='instanceView').instance_view.statuses[1].display_status
If you are using Azure Cloud Services, you should use the Role Environment API, which provides state information regarding the current instance of your current service instance.
In the new API resource manager
There's a function:
get_with_instance_view(resource_group_name, vm_name)
It's the same function as get machine, but it also returns an instance view that contains the machine state.
Use this method get_deployment_by_name to get the instances status:
subscription_id = '****-***-***-**'
certificate_path = 'CURRENT_USER\\my\\***'
sms = ServiceManagementService(subscription_id, certificate_path)
result=sms.get_deployment_by_name("your service name","your deployment name")
You can get instance status via "instance_status" property.
Please see this post
As mentioned in other answers the Azure Resource Manager API has an instance view query to show the state of running VMs.
The documentation listing for this is here: VirtualMachineOperations.get_with_instance_view()
Typical code to get the status of a VM is something like this:
resource_group = "myResourceGroup"
vm_name = "myVMName"
creds = azure.mgmt.common.SubscriptionCloudCredentials(…)
compute_client = azure.mgmt.compute.ComputeManagementClient(creds)
vm = compute_client.virtual_machines.get_with_instance_view(resource_group, vm_name).virtual_machine
# Index 0 is the ProvisioningState, index 1 is the Instance PowerState, display_status will typically be "VM running, VM stopped, etc.
vm_status = vm.instance_view.statuses[1].display_status
There is no direct way to get the state of a virtual machine while listing them.
But, we can list out the vms by looping into them to get the instance_view of a machine and grab its power state.
In the code block below, I am doing the same and dumping the values into a .csv file to make a report.
import csv
from azure.common.credentials import ServicePrincipalCredentials
from azure.mgmt.compute import ComputeManagementClient
def get_credentials():
subscription_id = "*******************************"
credential = ServicePrincipalCredentials(
return credential, subscription_id
credentials, subscription_id = get_credentials()
# Initializing compute client with the credentials
compute_client = ComputeManagementClient(credentials, subscription_id)
resource_group_name = "**************"
json_list = []
json_object = {"Vm_name": "", "Vm_state": "", "Resource_group": resource_group_name}
# listing out the virtual machine names
vm_list = compute_client.virtual_machines.list(resource_group_name=resource_group_name)
# looping inside the list of virtual machines, to grab the state of each machine
for i in vm_list:
vm_state = compute_client.virtual_machines.instance_view(resource_group_name=resource_group_name,
json_object["Vm_name"] =
json_object["Vm_state"] = vm_state.statuses[1].code
csv_columns = ["Vm_name", "Vm_state", "Resource_group"]
f = open("vm_state.csv", 'w+')
csv_file = csv.DictWriter(f, fieldnames=csv_columns)
for i in json_list:
To grab the state of a single virtual machine, where you know its resource_group_name and vm_name, just use the block below.
vm_state = compute_client.virtual_machines.instance_view(resource_group_name="foo_rg_name", vm_name="foo_vm_name")
power_state = vm_state.statuses[1].code
As per the new API reference, this worked for me
vm_status = compute_client.virtual_machines.instance_view(GROUP_NAME, VM_NAME).statuses[1].code
it will return any one of these states, based on the current state
"PowerState/stopped", "PowerState/running","PowerState/stopping", "PowerState/starting"

pysimplesoap web service return connection refused

I've created some web services using pysimplesoap like on this documentation:
When I tested it, I called it like this:
from SOAPpy import SOAPProxy
from SOAPpy import Types
namespace = "http://localhost:8008"
url = "http://localhost:8008"
proxy = SOAPProxy(url, namespace)
response = proxy.dummy(times=5, name="test")
print response
And it worked for all of my web services, but when I try to call it by using an library which is needed to specify the WSDL, it returns "Could not connect to host".
To solve my problem, I used the object ".wsdl()" to generate the correct WSDL and saved it into a file, the WSDL generated by default wasn't correct, was missing variable types and the correct server address...
The server name localhost is only meaningful on your computer. Once outside, other computers won't be able to see it.
1) find out your external IP, with or another service. Note that IPs change over time.
2) plug the IP in to
If your local service is answering IP requests as well as from localhost, you're done!
