Inno Setup PyInstaller Auto-Update - python

I'm trying to implement an auto-update functionality, so I'm programmatically downloading the update_myprog.exe (created with Inno Setup), and then I want to close the program immediately and run update_myprog.exe. Currently I am using subprocess.Popen() to run it, but for some reason when the update_myprog.exe runs, I get an error: "Setup was unable to automatically close all applications. It is recommended that you close all applications using files that need to be updated by Setup before continuing.". When I run update_myprog.exe myself (not through the original program), it works just fine.
So, I'm wondering, is it a problem with my Python, with Inno Setup, or something else?
Below is a simplified version of my problem, extracting just the relevant code.
Here is my python code (
import wx
import subprocess
import win32process
import tempfile
class Main(wx.Frame):
def __init__(self,*args,**kwargs):
self.SetTitle('MyProg v1')
def update(self,event):
proc = subprocess.Popen('"update_myprog.exe" /SP- /silent /noicons /nocancel /password="pw"', creationflags=win32process.DETACHED_PROCESS,shell=True)
app = wx.App(False)
I then compiled it with:
pyinstaller "" --distpath="make\dist" --workpath="make\build"
And then I made the installer (update_myprog.exe) with the following Inno Setup Script:
AppName=My Program
AppPublisher=My Company, Inc.
DefaultDirName={pf}\My Program
DefaultGroupName=My Program
Name: "english"; MessagesFile: "compiler:Default.isl"
Name: "desktopicon"; Description: "{cm:CreateDesktopIcon}"; GroupDescription: "{cm:AdditionalIcons}"; Flags: unchecked
Source: "C:\Python27\My Projects\Test Update\make\dist\autoupdate\autoupdate2.exe"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "C:\Python27\My Projects\Test Update\make\dist\autoupdate\*"; DestDir: "{app}";
Name: "{group}\My Program"; Filename: "{app}\autoupdate.exe"
Name: "{commondesktop}\My Program"; Filename: "{app}\autoupdate.exe"; Tasks: desktopicon
Filename: "{app}\autoupdate.exe"; Description: "{cm:LaunchProgram,My Program}"; Flags: nowait postinstall
Then I run the installer (works fine), and copy the installer into the directory it installed to. Then I run my program, and click the button, and it gives me an error. Why?
It might help me if somebody else could run do the above steps on their computer, and let me know if they have the same problems. All help is appreciated.
Old Question:
So, I basically have the same question as Spawning a non-child process in python but for Windows.
I'm trying to implement an auto-update functionality, so I'm programmatically downloading the update_myprog.exe (created with Inno Setup), and then I want to close the program immediately and run update_myprog.exe. Currently I am using subprocess.Popen() to run it, but it seems like it is still a child of the original program, and thus cannot overwrite the exe file of the original to update it.
Would os.system be what I'm looking for, or is there some other solution?

If you want to completely detach the process you can use:
from win32process import DETACHED_PROCESS
from subprocess import Popen
Compiling it could lead to it's own little nightmare with the use of temporary directories, but that's another question, and god knows how wx is behaving here. Be sure that download is actually finishing and try execfile(filename) instead of Popen. If no luck there, try the following:
Popen(["python", ''],shell = True | CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP | CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE)
Failing that, repost the question and let someone else have a look. Sorry I couldn't be of more help. Let me know how you sussed it in the end.

I implemented auto-update using Inno Setup and PyInstaller over a year ago.
You need to call self.destroy() before the subprocess. This is so that after you call Inno, you can exit immediately. You can also use the /FORCECLOSEAPPLICATIONS flag so that Inno-Setup can close your program in case the sys.exit() was not fast enough.


How to check for a running shell in windows?

I try to write a programm in python that notifies me, when a shell like cmd gets opened.
Until now I did the following in python.
Check for new starting processes, get the name of the process and check if its name is cmd.exe.
This works if I start a cmd process manually myself.
But it Turns out if i open a shell with subprocess.getoutput(command) from the subprocess library in python there is no shell listed in the prosesses and I also cant see it in taskmanager.
So I assumed its a childprocess of the pythonscripts process running?
My next Idea was to list all the modules a process is using and check for cmd.exe in the modules.
It turns out the pythonscript with subprocess.getoutput(command) does not use cmd.exe in the modules. Strange.
So right now I am not sure how I could detect the shell or if I am even on the right way.
Maybe I need to find the childprocesses of a the pythonprocess? Or is it possible to get a shell without calling cmd.exe I honestly dont know enough about it.
Maybe its better to check for chertain dlls in the used methods by a process?
I also tried to look in the library but it is difficult for me to understand and it seems to atleast pass over cmd as a parameter for subprocess.getoutput() method.
Can somebody help?
Thank you.
I use this code to detect the process:
import wmi
c = wmi.WMI()
process_watcher = c.Win32_Process.watch_for("creation")
while True:
new_process = process_watcher()
print(new_process.Caption, new_process.ProcessId)
if new_process.Caption =="cmd.exe":
pid = new_process.ProcessID
But if I run this code
import subprocess
output = subprocess.getoutput("ipconfig")
The only process detected is pythonw.exe
But if I run
import subprocess
while True:
output = subprocess.getoutput("ipconfig")
At some point it find cmd.exe.
So I assume that wmi takes to long to detect the process. So cmd is already closed and does not get found.
Any Ideas how to do this a better way?
I didnt know practic version of solution.But you can use pyautogui for it if you want.You can write a program with pyautogui that notifies you when it find cmd logo at task bar.Example:
import pyautogui
cmdlogo = pyautogui.locateOnScreen('get screenshot of cmd logo and write file name here example:'cmd.png'')
While True:
if cmdlogo:
print('write here what yo want to say when it finds cmd')

Restart/Theme Switch Feature for PyQt5 Application

I implemented a theme switch feature, which restarts the application using subprocess and sends a sys variable indicating the desired theme, so that the main controller can know which styles to apply for the application components.
def switch_theme(app):
if (not dark_mode):
subprocess.Popen(['python', '', 'dark'])
subprocess.Popen(['python', '', 'light'])
Currently, this implementation works as desired, but my question is, if
I create an executable for the application, will this implementation work on both Windows and Linux, will it even work ? What are some better ways to do it ?
When converting the script to executable then it is not necessary to use "python" as a program but the executable itself, also the script is not necessary. So you have to differentiate if it is an executable or a script and in the case of pyinstaller you must use the sys.frozen attribute. Considering the above, the solution is:
def switch_theme(theme):
args = [sys.executable]
if not getattr(sys, "frozen", False):
def restart():
switch_theme("dark" if dark_mode else "light")

How to run this function in a seperate process on Windows?

I am trying to run this code in the background (from command line) on Windows using python 2.7:
import httpimport
mod = httpimport.load('module name','URL')
Everything works, but the process lingers when launched and only ctrl + c will end it. I am looking to start an independent process from this in the background.
I have read that multiprocess can come useful here but I would need some pointers if I may.
Any suggestions ?
EDIT: I may add this is a script which is calling another python script from URL. From the answers below I gathered that I might need to change my remote script first.
if you want to run your process in the background you can use spawnl
import os
os.spawnl(os.P_DETACH, 'python "module name" "url"')
but you need to be cautious, you can't kill the process if you don't knew it's pid or check where it is running via task manager
check for more:
for your code (for exemple
import httpimport
from sys import argv
name, module_name, URL = argv # here you get the module name and URL from the argument given from before
mod = httpimport.load(module_name , URL)

use external python script to open maya and run another script inside maya

Is it possible to call a script from the command prompt in windows (or bash in linux) to open Maya and then subsequently run a custom script (possibly changing each time its run) inside Maya? I am searching for something a bit more elegant than changing the userSetup file and then running Maya.
The goal here is to be able to open a .mb file, run a script to position the scene inside, setup a generic set of lights and then render the scene to a specific place and file type. I want to be able to set this up as a scheduled task to check for any new scene files in a directory and then open maya and go.
Thanks for the help!
For something like this you can use Maya standalone instead of the full blown UI mode. It is faster. It is ideal for batch scheduled jobs like these. Maya standalone is just Maya running without the GUI. Once you have initialized your Maya standalone, you can import and call any scripts you want, as part of the original calling script. To start you off here is an example: (Feel free to use this as a reference/modify it to meet your needs)
In your script you first initialize Maya standalone.
import maya.standalone
import maya.cmds as cmds
cmds.loadPlugin("Mayatomr") # Load all plugins you might need
That will get Maya running. Now we open and/or import all the files necessary (egs. lights, models etc.)
# full path to your Maya file to OPEN
maya_file_to_open = r"C:/Where/Ever/Your/Maya_Scene_Files/Are/your_main_maya_file.mb"
# Open your file
opened_file = cmds.file(maya_file_to_open, o=True)
# full path to your Maya file to IMPORT
maya_file_to_import = r"C:/Where/Ever/Your/Maya_Scene_Files/Are/your_maya_file.mb"
# Have a namespace if you want (recommended)
namespace = "SomeNamespaceThatIsNotAnnoying"
# Import the file. the variable "nodes" will hold the names of all nodes imported, just in case.
nodes = cmds.file(maya_file_to_import, i=True,
type="mayaBinary" # any file type you want. this is just an example.
#TODO: Do all your scene setup/ positioning etc. if needed here...
#Tip: you can use cmds.viewFit(cam_name, fitFactor=1) to fit your camera on to selected objects
Now we save this file out and call Maya Batch renderer to render it out
render_file = "C:/Where/Ever/Your/Maya_Scene_Files/Are/your_RENDER_file.mb"
cmds.file(force=True, save=True, options='v=1;p=17', type='mayaBinary')
import sys
from os import path
from subprocess import Popen
render_project = r"C:/Where/Ever/YourRenderProjectFolder"
renderer_folder = path.split(sys.executable)[0]
renderer_exec_name = "Render"
params = [renderer_exec_name]
params += ['-percentRes', '75']
params += ['-alpha', '0']
params += ['-proj', render_project]
params += ['-r', 'mr']
params += [render_file]
p = Popen(params, cwd=renderer_folder)
stdout, stderr = p.communicate()
That's it! Of Course, your script will have to be run using Maya's Python interpreter (Mayapy).
Do check out the docs for all the commands used for more options, esp.:
Subprocess and Popen
PLUS, because of the awesomeness of Python, you can use modules like sched (docs) to schedule the running of this method in your Python code.
Hope this was useful. Have fun with this. Cheers.
A lot depends on what you need to do.
If you want to run a script that has access to Maya functionality, you can run a Maya standalone instance as in Kartik's answer. The mayapy binary installed in the same folder as your maya is the Maya python interpreter, you can run it directly the same way you'd run python.exe Mayapy has the same command flags as a regular python interpreter.
Inside a mayapy session, once you call standalone.initialize() you will have a running Maya session - with a few exceptions, it is as if you were running inside a script tab in a regular maya session.
To force Maya to run a particular script on startup, you can call the -c flag, just the way you would in python. For example, you can start up a maya and print out the contents of an empty scene like this (note: I'm assuming mayapy.exe is on your path. You can just CD to the maya bin directory too).
mayapy -c 'import maya.standalone; maya.standalone.initialize(); import maya.cmds as cmds; print'
>>> [u'time1', u'sequenceManager1', u'renderPartition', u'renderGlobalsList1', u'defaultLightList1', u'defaultShaderList1', u'postProcessList1', u'defaultRenderUtilityList1', u'defaultRenderingList1', u'lightList1', u'defaultTextureList1', u'lambert1', u'particleCloud1', u'initialShadingGroup', u'initialParticleSE', u'initialMaterialInfo', u'shaderGlow1', u'dof1', u'defaultRenderGlobals', u'defaultRenderQuality', u'defaultResolution', u'defaultLightSet', u'defaultObjectSet', u'defaultViewColorManager', u'hardwareRenderGlobals', u'hardwareRenderingGlobals', u'characterPartition', u'defaultHardwareRenderGlobals', u'lightLinker1', u'persp', u'perspShape', u'top', u'topShape', u'front', u'frontShape', u'side', u'sideShape', u'hyperGraphInfo', u'hyperGraphLayout', u'globalCacheControl', u'brush1', u'strokeGlobals', u'ikSystem', u'layerManager', u'defaultLayer', u'renderLayerManager', u'defaultRenderLayer']
You can run mayapy interactively - effectively a command line version of maya - using the -i flag: This will start mayapy and give you a command prompt:
mayapy -i -c \"import maya.standalone; maya.standalone.initialize()\""
which again starts the standalone for you but keeps the session going instead of running a command and quitting.
To run a script file, just pass in the file as an argument. In that case you'd want to do as Kartik suggests and include the standalone.initalize() in the script. Then call it with
mayapy path/to/
To suppress the userSetup, you can create an environmnet variable called MAYA_SKIP_USERSETUP_PY and set it to a non-zero value, that will load maya without running usersetup. You can also change environment varialbes or path variables before running the mayap; for example I can run mayapys from two different environments with these two bash aliases (in windows you'd use SET instead of EXPORT to change the env vars):
alias mp_zip="export MAYA_DEV=;mayapy -i -c \"import maya.standalone; maya.standalone.initialize()\""
alias mp_std="export MAYA_DEV=C:/UL/tools/python/ulmaya;export ZOMBUILD='C:/ul/tools/python/dist/';mayapy -i -c \"import maya.standalone; maya.standalone.initialize()\""
This blog post includes a python module for spinning up Mayapy instances with different environments as needed.
If you want to interact with a running maya from another envrionment - say, if you're trying to remote control it from a handheld device or a C program - you can use the Maya commandPort to handle simple requests via TCP. For more complex situations you could set up a basic remoting service like this of your own, or use a pre-exiating python RPC module like RPyC or ZeroMQ

how to include NSUserNotificationCenter in py2app

I am making an app in python 2.7 on mac osx 10.8.5 I want to show notification number of times, therefore using NSUserNotificationCenter. Notifications are coming while running code on eclipse. But, the issue is when I made app using py2app, Notifications are not coming. Moreover, the default page of error of open console and Terminate is coming. Please suggest some way, how to include Notification in dist generated by py2app, so that It will work on any other machine.
My is
from setuptools import setup
DATA_FILES= [('',['config.cfg'])]
OPTIONS={'iconfile':'cc.icns','argv_emulation': True,'plist':{'CFBundleShortVersionString':'1.0'}}
options={'py2app': OPTIONS},
My notification code is:
def notify(title, subtitle, info_text, delay=0, sound=False, userInfo={}):
NSUserNotification = objc.lookUpClass('NSUserNotification')
NSUserNotificationCenter = objc.lookUpClass('NSUserNotificationCenter')
notification = NSUserNotification.alloc().init()
if sound:
def notificationBalloon(title,msg):
notify(title1, msg1,"", sound=False)
On eclipse, notifications are coming as expected, however, import error produced in lines:
NSUserNotification = objc.lookUpClass('NSUserNotification')
NSUserNotificationCenter = objc.lookUpClass('NSUserNotificationCenter')
but in terminal these lines are nicely run.
My guess is, .lookUpClass() should be resolved at runtime. Thus you don't actually want to include that class in your py2app. Unless you wrote this class yourself that it.
What you do want to include is objc and related libraries. Make sure it's in your virtualenv when you call py2app. If python -m pydoc objc works, so should python py2app.
If you are trying to create a pop-up window to notify the user of certain information, there are plenty of python modules for this purpose. Wx python is a good choice. Here is the documentation for pop-up windows:
EDIT: That won't get an apple notification in the way you want. Try this code. It uses a downloadable command line tool called terminal-notifier to make notifications, accessed through python via sub process:
import subprocess
def notification(title, subtitle, message):
notification(title = 'notification title', subtitle = 'subtitle', message = 'Hello World')
This should get the results you want, although to install it automatically you need to run a build in ruby. You could also get it to play sounds, change some ID parameters, and even tell it to run a shell command when you click on it. For more information go here, this is where you can get the source and the docs:
