I have a fermentor (NBS BioFlo 3000) connected to a PC (Windows XP) via a RS232 cable. I have downloaded a free software (http://www.foxylogic.com) to monitor the fermentor.
It works, so I know for a fact, that the hardware, cable, etc, are good.
The free software is not open source, and is very old. I'd like to use pySerial to monitor the fermentor. I know the port is COM1, 8 bit data, even parity, baudrate=9600. A paper I saw (http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0092108, supplement S1, page 2) says that I should be using the "AFS communication protocol" and that the string requesting information looks like:
where (MD#) is the number of the reactor (0 in my case) and (CR) is carriage return.
So based on that, I did, in iPython terminal:
import serial
ser = serial.Serial(0)
ser.parity = serial.PARITY_EVEN
ser.timeout = 1
print ser
I get: Serial<id=0x1976cb0, open=True>(port='COM1', baudrate=9600, bytesize=8, parity='E', stopbits=1, timeout=1, xonxoff=False, rtscts=False, dsrdtr=False)
print ser.read(9999)
..., and I get nothing at all - just an empty string. I tried to change the timeout (up to 15 s, and I know it cannot take longer that that), I also tried readline() and read(1), but I did not change any of the other parameters. I also tried to alter the string:
and many others, I don't remember them all. Nothing works, I always get an empty string. No errors.The serial device is just completely silent.
The only time I get something else than an empty string is, when I ser.read(1) in a loop, no writing, and I physically turn the fermentor either off or on. I get one space.
I googled this extensively, but it appears I am dealing with quite a unique problem, so I don't expect to find a simple answer here. I can't test all the combinations of the strings and all the settings, so my question rather is:
Where do I start troubleshooting?
(my python is 2.7)
You start troubleshooting by checking if anything is actually being communicated. In Windows, utilities capable of this include PortMon from the Sysinternals suite and SerialMon.
I am very new, learning Python specifically geared toward hardware (serial port and TCP/IP device) testing.
I have been trying to get PySerial based code to work and keep hitting roadblocks. Running Python 3.10.8 on Windows 10.
I worked through the 'import serial' problem (uninstalled and reinstalled Python); the serial.Serial problem (needed to add 'from serial import *). Now, it seems like all of the read syntax does not work. All I want to do at this point is open the port, read and print data - from here I will start working on which data I want).
Here is the code I am working with (this was found in a couple of places on the internet):
import serial
from serial import *
s = serial.Serial(port='COM9', baudrate=9600)
serial_string = ""
# Wait until there is data waiting in the serial buffer
if(serialPort.in_waiting > 0):
# Read data out of the buffer until a carraige return / new line is found
serial_string = serial.readline()
# Print the contents of the serial data
# Tell the device connected over the serial port that we recevied the data!
# The b at the beginning is used to indicate bytes!
#serialPort.write(b"Thank you for sending data \r\n")
Running this results in an error on serialPort.in_waiting (says serialPort not defined) if I change that to serial.in_waiting (says serial has no attribute 'in_waiting' (PySerial API site says this is correct(?). I've also tried simple commands like serial.read(), serial.readline(), ser.read(), etc. All fail for attributes.
Is the PySerial documentation online current? Does anyone know where to find basic serial port examples?
Thank you!
I'm fiddling a bit with python for serial communication, I have a switch that interacts with a screen and this screen in turn has 2 PCs connected to its HDMI ports, what I want to do is make this switch change from HDMI1 to HDMI2 port what I've been trying looks like this:
import pyserial
connection = serial.Serial(
I really believe that the connection is well established, when I do the following connection.is_open the answer is True.
However, I think that my problem is in what is the correct way to compose the chain that sends the commands to the switch through the function connection.write()
r source! ( Reading the input source at that time )
s source 1! ( Switch HDMI1 input(1:HDMI1,2:HDMI2,
3:HDMI3,4:DisplayPort,5:VGA/YPBPR/C-VIDEO) )
s hdmi1 auido 0! ( Choice of audio source as audio input
HDMI1 (0: Emb,1: Ext1,2: Ext2,3:Ext3,4:Ext4,5:Ext5) )
I really believe that my real problem is not knowing how to compose the command string that is sent with the function write() other aspect to consider is that I am using python 2.7 and windows.
the truth is that I am a newbie, if you can help me I will be very grateful.
just set a timeout and read until that happens
import pyserial
connection = serial.Serial(
timeout=1 # could probably be less
# maybe .... are there some docs for whatever switch you are using?
connection.write("r source!\n")
# you might need connection.write(b"r source!")
print(connection.read(1000)) # try and read 1000 bytes or until timeout ocurres(1 sec)
# if you knew what the terminal character the device sends is you could just readuntil that character
I'm having trouble getting my Windows 7 laptop to talk to a Newport CONEX-PP motion controller. I've tried python (Spyder/Anaconda) and a serial port streaming program called Termite and in either case the results are the same: no response from the device. The end goal is to communicate with the controller using python.
The controller connects to my computer via a USB cable they sold me that is explicitly for use with this device. The connector has a pair of lights that blink when the device receives data (red) or sends data (green). There is also a packaged GUI program that comes with the device that seems to work fine. I haven't tried every button, the ones I have tried have the expected result.
The documentation for accessing this device is next to non-existant. The CD in the box has one way to connect to it and the webpage linked above has a different way. The first way (CD from the box) creates a hierarchy of modules that ends in a module it does not recognize (this is a code snippet provided by Newport):
import sys
import clr
from CommandInterfaceConexPP import *
import System
print 'Instrument Key=>', instrument
myPP = ConexPP()
ret = myPP.OpenInstrument(instrument)
print 'OpenInstrument => ', ret
result, response, errString = myPP.SR_Get(1)
That last line returns:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "< ipython-input-2-5d824f156d8f >", line 2, in
result, response, errString = myPP.SR_Get(1)
TypeError: No method matches given arguments
I'm guessing this is because the various module references are screwy in some way. But I don't know, I'm relatively new to python and the only time I have used it for serial communication the example files provided by the vendor simply worked.
The second way to communicate with the controller is via the visa module (the CONEX_SMC_common module imports the visa module):
import sys
class CONEX(CONEXSMC): def __init__(self):
super(CONEX,self).__init__() device_key = 'com5'
self.connect=self.rm.open_resource(device_key, baud_rate=57600, timeout=2000, data_bits=8, write_termination='\r\n',read_termination='\r\n')
That last mine.connect.read() command returns:
VisaIOError: VI_ERROR_TMO (-1073807339): Timeout expired before operation completed.
If, instead, I write to the port mine.connect.write('VE') the light on the connector flashes red as if it received some data and returns:
(4L, < StatusCode.success: 0 >)
If I ask for the dictionary of the "mine" object mine.__dict__, I get:
{'connect': <'SerialInstrument'(u'ASRL5::INSTR')>,
'device_key': u'ASRL5::INSTR',
'list_of_devices': (u'ASRL5::INSTR',),
'rm': )>}
The ASRL5::INSTR resource for VISA is at least related to the controller, because when I unplug the device from the laptop it disappears and the GUI program will stop working.
Maybe there is something simple I'm missing here. I have NI VISA installed and I'm not just running with the DLL that comes from the website. Oh, I found a Github question / answer with this exact problem but the end result makes no sense, the thread is closed after hgrecco tells him to use "open_resource" which is precisely what I am using.
Results with Termite are the same, I can apparently connect to the controller and get the light to flash red, but it never responds, either through Termite or by performing the requested action.
I've tried pySerial too:
import serial
ser = serial.Serial('com5')
Python just waits there forever, I assume because I haven't set a timeout limit.
So, if anyone has any experience with this particular motion controller, Newport devices or with serial port communication in general and can shed some light on this problem I'd much appreciate it. After about 7 hours on this I'm out of ideas.
After coming back at this with fresh eyes and finding this GitHub discussion I decided to give pySerial another shot because neither of the other methods in my question are yet working. The following code works:
import serial
ser = serial.Serial('com5',baudrate=115200,timeout=1.0,parity=serial.PARITY_NONE, stopbits=serial.STOPBITS_ONE, bytesize=serial.EIGHTBITS)
and returns
The string is 9 characters long, so my arbitrarily chosen 10 character read ended up picking up one of the termination characters.
The problem is that python files that come with the device, or available on the website are at best incomplete and shouldn't be trusted for anything. The GUI manual has the baud rate required. I used Termite to figure out the stop bit settings - or at least one that works.
3.5 years later...
Here is a gist with a class that supports Conex-CC
It took me hours to solve this!
My device is Conex-CC, not PP, but it's seem to be the same idea.
For me, the serial solution didn't work because there was absolutely no response from the serial port, either through the code nor by direct TeraTerm access.
So I was trying to adapt your code to my device (because for Conex-CC, even the code you were trying was not given!).
It is important to say that import clr is based on pip install pythonnet and not pip install clr which will bring something related to colors.
After getting your error, I was looking for this Pythonnet error and have found this answer, which led me to the final solution:
import clr
# We assume Newport.CONEXCC.CommandInterface.dll is copied to our folder
from CommandInterfaceConexCC import *
print('Instrument Key=>', instrument)
myCC = ConexCC()
ret = myCC.OpenInstrument(instrument)
print('OpenInstrument => ', ret)
response = 0
errString = ''
result, response, errString = myCC.SR_Get(1, response, errString)
print('Positive SW Limit: result=%d,response=%.2f,errString=\'%s\''%(result,response,errString))
And here is the result I've got:
Instrument Key=> COM4
OpenInstrument => 0
Positive SW Limit: result=0,response=25.00,errString=''�
For Conex-CC serial connections are possible using both pyvisa
import pyvisa
rm = pyvisa.ResourceManager()
inst = rm.open_resource('ASRL6::INSTR',baud_rate=921600, write_termination='\r\n',read_termination='\r\n')
pos = inst.query('01PA?').strip()
and serial
import serial
serial = serial.Serial(port='com6',baudrate=921600,bytesize=8,parity='N',stopbits=1,xonxoff=True)
All the commands are according to the manual
I noticed with my board from DIY drones a strange behavior when I use my custom firmware.
Here is an example function which is called in my firmware running on an Arduino board:
void send_attitude(float roll, float pitch, float yaw) {
roll, pitch, yaw);
As you can see, the code just writing a message in the serial port set in setup (hal.uartA).
I call this function every 0.5s:
inline void medium_loop() {
static int timer = 0;
int time = hal.scheduler->millis() - timer;
// send every 0.5 s
if(time > 500) {
send_attitude(OUT_PIT, OUT_ROL, OUT_YAW);
timer = hal.scheduler->millis();
Now to the strange thing. If I use the serial monitor or read the board with another program or script everything is fine. Every 0.5s the proper LED is blinking and message is shown. But if I don't read it out, after appr. 10s the LED is flushing up continuously and no connection/communication is possible anymore. I have to unplug the board then. The same behavior is observed the other way round. If I send to my board over serial port (in my case USB) and don't flush the input buffer, the LED is flushing up continuously and I get a timeout. The following code works:
def send_data(line):
# calc checksum
chk = chksum(line)
# concatenate msg and chksum
output = "%s*%x\r\n" % (line, chk)
bytes = ser.write(output)
except serial.SerialTimeoutException as e:
logging.error("Write timeout on serial port '{}': {}".format(com_port, e))
# Flush input buffer, if there is still some unprocessed data left
# Otherwise the APM 2.5 control boards stucks after some command
ser.flush() # Try to send old message
ser.flushInput() # Delete what is still inside the buffer
If I comment out this line:
ser.flushInput() # Delete what is still inside the buffer
I don't use more settings then this.
I get (depending on the message interval) a timeout sooner or later. In my case I send every 20ms a signal which results in a timeout after ~10s. Also dependent on the length of message. Bigger messages cause it faster than smaller ones.
My settings are shown in the following snippets. Client side python code:
com_port = '/dev/ttyACM0'
baud_rate = '115200'
ser = serial.Serial(com_port, baud_rate, timeout=0.1, writeTimeout=0.1, rtscts=1)
The if these timeouts happen, then I also get one if I set the timeout to something like 2s. In my case I need a very low latency, which is indeed possible if I keep reading and flushing. Firmware code from my Arduino:
void setup() {
// Set baud rate when connected to RPi
hal.console->printf("Setup device ..\n");
// Followed by motor, compass, barometer initialization
My questions are:
What exactly happens with my board?
Why it is not reacting anymore if I just write in my serial port without reading or flushing the buffer?
Is it really a buffer or driver problem associated with this strange behavior and is this problem related to all Arduino boards or maybe just mine APM 2.5 from DIY drones?
Last but not least: I was finding no functions in the library which are targeting such problems. Are there maybe any I don't know?
The complete source code is #google code: https://code.google.com/p/rpicopter/source/browse/
What board are you using and what processor does it have? My guess would be that your board is based on the ATmega32U4, or some other microcontroller that has a built-in USB module. If so, I have seen similar behavior before here is what I think is happening:
There is a buffer on your microcontroller to hold serial data going to the computer. There is a buffer in the computer's USB serial driver to hold serial received from the chip. Since you are not reading bytes from the COM port, the buffer on the computer will fill up. Once the buffer on the computer fills up, it stops requesting data from the microcontroller. Therefore, the buffer on the microcontroller will eventually fill up.
Once the microcontroller's buffer is full, how do you expect printf command to behave? For simplicity, the printf you are using is probably designed to just wait in a blocking loop until buffer space is available and then send the next character, until the message is done. Since buffer space will never be available, your program gets stuck in an infinite loop.
A better strategy would be to check to see if enough buffer space is available before calling printf. The code might look something like this:
if(console_buffer_space() > 80)
I don't know if this is possible in the DIY drones firmware, and I don't know if the max buffer space can actually ever reach 80, so you will have to research this a bit.
I don't understand the use of:
ser.flush() # Try to send old message
ser.flushInput() # Delete what is still inside the buffer
Lets say your device is connected to PC and the python code is writing the (line, chk):
ser.flush() - why are you using it?
ser.flushInput() - will "delete" the Serial input buffer at the PC
It looks like other people have the same problem. And thanks to the Mod-Braniac who deleted my minimal example. My bet is, that's a problem with Arduino USB controller chip or the firmware on it.
I am currently trying to interface with a somewhat old old model of a HP-printer which gives me two possible methods of flow-control: No flow control at all or software-based flow control (XON/XOFF).
I am initializing pySerial with the following command and just justing a plain big string to write my data to the port:
serial = serial.Serial(port = '/dev/ttyUSB3', baudrate = 9600, parity = serial.PARITY_ODD, stopbits = serial.STOPBITS_ONE, bytesize = serial.EIGHTBITS)
This works fine - but there is a catch: it seems like the flow-control is completly ignored and data is sent and sent - which results in the device having a IO-buffer-overflow and stop working.
My first thought was, that if I use serial.write('unbelivable long string'), pySerial might not be able to cease transmission, so I split up the string into chunks and sent it:
data = ['command', 'another command', 'more commands', 'you get the drift...']
for i in data:
Well... This doesn't work either.
So basically I could just change the baud-rate to something lower so the device is faster than the transmission or just add something like a sleep every few chunks... But I guess, this is not how one should do it.
So... Anyone in to explain me, what am I doing wrong? ;-)
You forgot the xonxoff parameter. xonxoff=True