We are creating openstack Images nightly with Packer. We want to keep the last 5 that we've created and automatically delete the rest. (Ideally delete them only if they have no instance running that is based on them, but indiscriminately is fine if that is not possible).
I have been looking through the documentation of the various Openstack APIs and I can't seem to find a neat way to do this.
What I was thinking of was running nova image-list and parsing that with bash, but this seems a bit finicky and a potentially dangerous way to do things when we're talking about auto-deletion.
The bash script would look something like this :
cross reference this:
nova image-list | grep "CentOS-7-x86_64 " | cut -d'|' -f 2
with this:
nova list | grep "ACTIVE" | cut -d'|' -f 2 | while read -r line ; do nova show "$line" ; done
But already this is stupidly unwieldy and it doesn't even do anything yet....
My question is, is there a better way to do this that I've missed?
I would solve this using the Python API rather than trying to solve this using the CLI tools. Here is some code that will get you the necessary keystone, nova, and glance clients:
import os
import keystoneclient.auth.identity as keystone_identity
import keystoneclient.session as keystone_session
import keystoneclient.client as keystone_client
import novaclient.client as nova_client
import glanceclient.client as glance_client
auth = keystone_identity.v2.Password(auth_url=os.environ['OS_AUTH_URL'],
# establish a keystone session
sess = keystone_session.Session(auth=auth)
# get a keystone client
kc = keystone_client.Client('2',
# and authenticate it
# get a nova client
nc = nova_client.Client('2', session=sess)
# get a glance client
gc = glance_client.Client('2',
Assuming that you have that available, you would first get a list of available images matching your criteria:
images = [img for img in gc.images.list()
if 'CentOS-7-x86_64 'in img.name]
And then get the list of images you want to delete:
to_delete = images[5:]
Then get a list of images that are in use:
in_use = []
for server in nc.servers.list():
And then delete everything that's not in use:
for img in to_delete:
if img['id'] not in in_use:
So, as far as I understand from looking online, the .data section of the PE file contains the static and global variables of the program.
All I am trying to do is create a variable in Python, or write something in notepad.exe, and look it up in its memory using the Win32 API.
What I have done:
I looked into the PE file structure of notepad.exe and found the virtual address of its .data section.
I attached to the running process and found its base address, and then added the virtual address of the .data section to that (is this the right calculation? If not, I would appreciate any learning resources, as I couldn't find much).
I tried to read about 1000 bytes, and I found some data. But when looking for hello (in hex, of course), it didn't find anything.
For the sake of POC and simplicity, I am using the Pymem module to make the Win32 API calls.
Here is my code:
import pymem
import pefile
process = pymem.Pymem('Notepad.exe')
process_module = list(process.list_modules())[0]
pe = pefile.PE(process_module.filename)
data_section = [x for x in pe.sections if b'.data' in x.Name][0]
section_address = process_module.lpBaseOfDll + data_section.VirtualAddress
section_size_to_scan = data_section.section_max_addr - data_section.section_min_addr
mem_dump = process.read_bytes(section_address, section_size_to_scan)
hello_in_hex = b'\x68\x65\x6c\x6c\x6f'
print(hello_in_hex in mem_dump)
Obviously, the output is False.
Does anyone knows where I am making a mistake?
I would like to relink a Photoshop Smart Object to a new file using Python.
Here's a screenshot of the button that's used in Photoshop to perform this action - "Relink to File":
I've found some solutions in other programming languages but couldn't make them work in Python, here's one for example: Photoshop Scripting: Relink Smart Object
Editing Contents of a Smart Object would also be a good option, but I can't seem to figure that one out either.
Here's a screenshot of the button to Edit Contents of a Smart Object:
So far I have this:
import win32com.client
psApp = win32com.client.Dispatch('Photoshop.Application')
psDoc = psApp.Application.ActiveDocument
for layer in psDoc.layers:
if layer.kind == 17: # layer kind 17 is Smart Object
# here it should either "Relink to File" or "Edit Contents" of a Smart Object
I have figured out a workaround! I simply ran JavaScript in Python.
This is the code to Relink to File.... You could do a similar thing for Edit Contents but I haven't tried it yet, as relinking works better for me.
Keep in mind the new_img_path must be a raw string as far as I'm aware, for example:
new_img_path = r"C:\\Users\\miha\\someEpicPic.jpg"
import photoshop.api as ps
def js_relink(new_img_path):
jscode = r"""
var desc = new ActionDescriptor();
desc.putPath(stringIDToTypeID('null'), new File("{}"));
executeAction(stringIDToTypeID('placedLayerRelinkToFile'), desc, DialogModes.NO);
def JavaScript(js_code):
app = ps.Application()
I'm trying to convert an image to ZPl and then print the label to a 6.5*4cm label on a TLP 2844 zebra printer on Python.
My main problems are:
1.Converting the image
2.Printing from python to the zebra queue (I've honestly tried all the obvious printing packages like zebra0.5/ win32 print/ ZPL...)
Any help would be appreciated.
I had the same issue some weeks ago. I made a python script specifically for this printer, with some fields available. I commented (#) what does not involve your need, but left it in as you may find it helpful.
I also recommend that you set your printer to the EPL2 driver, and 5cm/s print speed. With this script you'll get the PNG previews with an EAN13 formatted barcode. (If you need other formats, you might need to hit the ZPL module docs.)
Please bear in mind that if you print with ZLP 2844, you will either need to use their paid software, or you will need to manually configure the whole printer.
import os
import zpl
#import pandas
#df= pandas.read_excel("Datos.xlsx")
for elem in a:
l = zpl.Label(15,25.5)
height = 0
l.write_text("CUIT: 30-11111111-7", char_height=2, char_width=2, line_width=40)
l.write_text("Art:", char_height=2, char_width=2, line_width=40)
l.write_text(elem, char_height=3, char_width=2.5, line_width=40)
l.origin(2, 7)
l.write_barcode(height=40, barcode_type='2', check_digit='N')
height += 8
l.origin(8.5, 13)
l.write_text('WILL S.A.', char_height=2, char_width=2, line_width=40)
To print the previews without having to watch and confirm each preview, I ended up modifying the ZPL preview method, to return an IO variable so I can save it to a file.
fake_file = io.BytesIO(l.preview())
img = Image.open(fake_file)
img = img.save('tags/'+'name'+'.png')
On the Label.py from ZPL module (preview method):
#Image.open(io.BytesIO(res)).show(). <---- comment out the show, but add the return of the BytesIO
return res
I had similar issues and created a .net core application which takes an image and converts it to ZPL, either to a file or to the console so it's pipeable in bash scripts. You could package it with your python app call it as a subprocess like so:
output = subprocess.Popen(["zplify", "path/to/file.png"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0]
Or feel free to use my code as a reference point and implement it in python.
Once you have a zpl file or stream you can send it directly to a printer using lpr if you're on linux. If on windows you can connect to a printer using it's IP address as shown in this stack overflow question
For what is worth and for anyone else reference, was facing a similar situation and came up with a solution. To whom it may help:
Converting the image?
After trying many libraries i came across ZPLGRF although it seems the demo is focused on PDF only, i found in the source that there is a from_image() class property that could convert from image to zpl combining it part of the demo/exaples. Full code description below
Printing from python to the zebra queue?
Many libraries again but i settled with ZEBRA seem to be the most straight forward one to send raw zpl to a zebra printer
from zplgrf import GRF
from zebra import Zebra
#Open the image file and generate ZPL from it
with open(path_to_your_image, 'rb') as img:
grf = GRF.from_image(img.read(), 'LABEL')
zpl_code = grf.to_zpl
#Setup and print to Zebra Printer
z = Zebra()
#This will return a list of all the printers on a given machine as a list
#['printer1', 'printer2', ...]
#If or once u know the printer queue name then u can set it up with
#And now is ready to send the raw ZPL text
z.output(zpl_code )
The above i have tested successfully with a Zebra GX430t printer connected via USB in a Windows 11 machine.
Hope it helps
I am trying to produce a quick reworking of some educational materials on music showing how it may be able to create the associated media assets (images, audio files) from "code" in a Jupyter notebook using the Python music21 package.
It seems the simplest steps are the hardest. For example, how do I create an empty staff:
or a staff populated by notes but without a clef at the start?
If I do something like:
from music21 import *
s = stream.Stream()
s.append(note.Note('G4', type='whole'))
s.append(note.Note('A4', type='whole'))
s.append(note.Note('B4', type='whole'))
s.append(note.Note('C5', type='whole'))
I get the following?
Try creating a stream.Measure object, so that barlines before the notes don't appear.
Music21 puts barlines and clefs, etc., in by default. You can manually put in a time signature of 4/1 and a treble clef and set them with ".style.hideObjectOnPrint" (or just ".hideObjectOnPrint" on older m21 versions). You will probably need to also set .rightBarline = bar.Barline('none') or something like that for the end.
It is possible, but I haven't ever fully tried all the parts of it.
I am trying to develop an application that is communicating with an external device using BLE. I have decided to use pygatt (Python) with BGAPI (using a BlueGiga dongle).
The device I am communicating with has a custom primary service with a set of characteristics. According to their specs they have 2 READ characteristics, 8 NOTIFY chars and 1 WRITE char. Initially, I want to read one of the two READ chars, but I am unable to do so. Their UUIDs are not recognized as characteristics. How can this be? I am 100% certain that they are entered correctly.
import pygatt
import bleconnect
import blelib
import logging
adapter = pygatt.BGAPIBackend(serial_port='/dev/tty.usbmodem1')
# Find the device
result = adapter.scan(timeout=5)
for item in result:
scan_name = item['name']
scan_rssi = item['rssi']
scan_address = item['address']
if scan_name == bleconnect.TARGET_NAME:
# Connect
device = adapter.connect(address=scan_address)
I can see in the debug messages that all the NOTIFY and WRITE characteristics are found, but not the two READ characteristics.
What am I missing?
This appears to be some kind of shortcoming in the pygatt API. I managed to find the actual value using bgapi only.