outputting .zip file in django - python

I want to upload zip file with .csv files and output zip file with .vm files.
I use this code:
def csv_archive_to_vm(request):
response = HttpResponse(content_type='application/force-download')
work_string = ''
if request.method == "POST":
##reading input zip file
input_file = request.FILES.get('file')
zf = zipfile.ZipFile(input_file)
for info in zf.infolist():
##reading files in archive
path = re.search('(.*\.csv)', info.filename)
path_name = re.search('(.*/)(.*\.csv)', info.filename)
for string in zf.open(info.filename):
quotes_search = re.search('"(.*)",\s*"(.*)",\s*"(.*)"', string)
if quotes_search:
descr = quotes_search.group(1)
macro_name = quotes_search.group(2)
say = quotes_search.group(3)
new_lines_search = re.search('/n', say)
if new_lines_search:
say = re.sub('/n', '\n\t\t', say)
##making content for new files for new archive
work_string = work_string + '##' + descr + '\n#macro(' + macro_name + ')\n\t#random()\n\t\t' + say + '\n\t#end\n#end\n\n'
##outputting new archive
zipdata = StringIO()
zf_create = zipfile.ZipFile(zipdata, mode='a')
if path_name:
zf_create.writestr(str(path_name.group(1)) + str(path_name.group(2))[0:-4] + '.vm', work_string)
work_string = ''
response = HttpResponse(zipdata.read())
response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=assistant-linguistics_vm.zip'
response['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-zip'
return response
but i get empty zip archive, with 0kb weight. What am i doing wrong? Thanks.


Split PDF #python function is only exporting the first page ONLY

After exporting a PDF file from an xslx file. The split function only works for the first page only.
In a matter of fact, I export 2 PDF files from 2 xslx files. The first one is working just fine but the other one gets exported into a PDF file and split into the needed file but it only executes the first page only then the process gets terminated.
Here is the function:
def split_pdf(file_name, info_json, save_file_name = None, folder_name = "Reports"):
if save_file_name == None:
save_file_name = file_name
output_folder_path = '{}/'.format(folder_name)
Path(output_folder_path).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
print("The '{}/' folder has been created".format(folder_name))
pdf = PdfFileReader(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), file_name + ".pdf"))
location = None
for page_num in range(pdf.numPages):
pdfWriter = PdfFileWriter()
page_content = pdf.getPage(page_num).extractText()
list_of_names = page_content.encode('utf-8').decode('utf-8').split("\n")
if location == None:
for index, name in enumerate(list_of_names):
if 'name' in name.lower():
location = index + 1
Name = list_of_names[location].strip()
if 'name' not in list_of_names[location - 1].lower().strip():
if Name == '#N/A':
file_location = "{}{}/{}/{}/".format(output_folder_path, info_js[Name]['Campus'], info_js[Name]['School'], Name)
print("\t\tCouldn't find {}".format(Name))
print("\t" + file_location + '{}.pdf'.format(save_file_name))
Path(file_location).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
with open(file_location + '{}.pdf'.format(save_file_name), 'wb') as f:

Issue in Appending to the Blobs in Python

I am trying to the Append to the Blobs if the Blob already exist, but from the below code I can only create a file, but can't append to the existing blob.
filename = x + '.csv'
file_system_client = service_client.get_file_system_client(file_system=date_time+"9")
file_client = file_system_client.create_file(filename)
local_file = open(filename, 'r') # Change the Path over here !!!
file_contents = local_file.read()
file_client.append_data(data=file_contents, offset=0, length=len(file_contents))
I have tried to append using below code, but I think I am using wrong syntax from azure
file_system_client = service_client.get_file_system_client(file_system="test-data")
# Get the Blob Names from the Container
container_client = blob_service_client.get_container_client("test-data")
blobs_list = container_client.list_blobs()
# Check the Blob name is present or not
for blob in blobs_list:
if blob.name == sourceid + ".csv":
flag = True
if flag:
file_client = file_system_client.get_file_client(sourceid + ".csv")
file_client = file_system_client.create_file(sourceid + ".csv")
local_file = gzip.open(filename, 'r') # Change the Path over here !!!
file_contents = local_file.read()
file_client.append_data(data=file_contents, offset=0, length=len(file_contents))
Issue Solved by Following code Snippet... Finally got the syntax to append the blobs which are in csv by python...
flag = False
blob_service_client = BlobServiceClient.from_connection_string(
service_client = DataLakeServiceClient(
account_url="{}://{}.dfs.core.windows.net".format("https", "********"),
file_system_client = service_client.get_file_system_client(file_system="test-data")
# Get the Blob Names from the Container
container_client = blob_service_client.get_container_client("test-data")
blobs_list = container_client.list_blobs()
# Check the Blob name is present or not
for blob in blobs_list:
if blob.name == sourceid + ".csv":
flag = True
if flag:
file_client = file_system_client.get_file_client(sourceid + ".csv")
filesize_previous = file_client.get_file_properties().size
local_file = gzip.open(filename, 'r') # Change the Path over here !!!
file_contents = local_file.read()
file_client.append_data(data=file_contents, offset=filesize_previous, length=len(file_contents))
file_client.flush_data(filesize_previous + len(file_contents))
file_client = file_system_client.create_file(sourceid + ".csv")
local_file = gzip.open(filename, 'r') # Change the Path over here !!!
file_contents = local_file.read()
file_client.append_data(data=file_contents, offset=0, length=len(file_contents))
We have an option to set the blob type as AppendBlob while uploading a blob, with help of this we can append the blobs data.
I did a repro on this scenario where the csv blob in my Azure container will have 50 contacts and my local csv file will have 100 contacts.
With the help of below code, we’ll be able to Append the data and at the end after uploading our source file will get deleted.
import logging
import azure.functions as func
from azure.storage.blob import AppendBlobService, BlobServiceClient
import os
account_name = "ACCOUNT_NAME" #add your account name
account_key = "ACCOUNT_KEY" #add your account key
append_blob_service = AppendBlobService(account_name=account_name, account_key=account_key)
def generate_progress_callback():
def progress_callback(current, total):
print('({}, {})'.format(current, total))
return progress_callback
append_blob_service.append_blob_from_path(container_name="container0805", blob_name="50-contacts.csv",
path = r"C:\Users\saikarri\Python\100-contacts.csv"
if os.path.exists(path):
print("delete file")
print("no such file")

How to download a archive using django response?

I want to download the archive after i created. The code is bellow:
def downloadArchive(room, catalog):
test = RoomTest.objects.get(idRoom=room)
zip_name = room.name + "_" + token_urlsafe(5) + '.zip'
zip_path = 'media/zipFiles/' + zip_name
if test.OLD_Archive != '' and os.path.exists(test.OLD_Archive): # remove old file.
with ZipFile(zip_path, 'w') as zipObj:
for student in catalog:
zipObj.write('media/' + str(student.file),
student.studentFullName() + os.path.splitext('media/' + str(student.file))[1])
test.OLD_Archive = zip_path
response = HttpResponse(zipObj)
response['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-zip-compressed'
response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=' + zip_name
return response
Every time i try to download, got error "The archive is either in unknown format or damaged". I think the route is broken. Any ideas how can i check the response route?
Btw: if i download the archive manually (after archive), it's working fine.
Solved, i used:
response = redirect('/' + zip_path)
return response

Download multiple files from S3 django

Here is the link i have used (Download files from Amazon S3 with Django). Using this i'm able to download single file.
s3_template_path = queryset.values('file')
filename = 'test.pdf'
conn = boto.connect_s3('<aws access key>', '<aws secret key>')
bucket = conn.get_bucket('your_bucket')
s3_file_path = bucket.get_key(s3_template_path)
response_headers = {
'response-content-type': 'application/force-download',
'response-content-disposition':'attachment;filename="%s"'% filename
url = s3_file_path.generate_url(60, 'GET',
return HttpResponseRedirect(url)
I need to download multiple files from S3, as a zip would be better. Can the mentioned method be modified and used. If not please suggest other method.
Okay here is a possible solution, it basically downloads each file and zips them into a folder, then returns this to the user.
Not sure if s3_template_path is the same for each file, but change this if neccessary
# python 3
import requests
import os
import zipfile
file_names = ['test.pdf', 'test2.pdf', 'test3.pdf']
# set up zip folder
zip_subdir = "download_folder"
zip_filename = zip_subdir + ".zip"
byte_stream = io.BytesIO()
zf = zipfile.ZipFile(byte_stream, "w")
for filename in file_names:
s3_template_path = queryset.values('file')
conn = boto.connect_s3('<aws access key>', '<aws secret key>')
bucket = conn.get_bucket('your_bucket')
s3_file_path = bucket.get_key(s3_template_path)
response_headers = {
'response-content-type': 'application/force-download',
'response-content-disposition':'attachment;filename="%s"'% filename
url = s3_file_path.generate_url(60, 'GET',
# download the file
file_response = requests.get(url)
if file_response.status_code == 200:
# create a copy of the file
f1 = open(filename , 'wb')
# write the file to the zip folder
fdir, fname = os.path.split(filename)
zip_path = os.path.join(zip_subdir, fname)
zf.write(filename, zip_path)
# close the zip folder and return
response = HttpResponse(byte_stream.getvalue(), content_type="application/x-zip-compressed")
response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=%s' % zip_filename
return response

How to save all files, not replacing the file?

I have 100 text files and I want to save it into 100 text files too. Right now, my coding can read all the files but it save only one file, which is the latest result. Here I attached the code.
def nama():
path = "C:/Amar/code/"
infilename = os.listdir(path)
print len(infilename)
for filename in infilename:
print("jumpa dah" + path + "\\"+ filename)
f = open(path + "\\" + filename, "r")
data = f.read()
lines = data.split('\n')
outfilename = path + "result.txt"
print outfilename
f = open(outfilename , "a")
Append a string that will act as a unique identifier for each output file. You can use the input filename for this:
outfilename = path + filename + "_result.txt"
# e.g reports_result.txt
