I am succeding fiiting a function with iminuit in python but I can't get rid of the message even with "print_level =-1" or "print_level =0".
Here is the minimalist code I use:
from iminuit import Minuit
m = Minuit(chi2, alpha=1., beta=0., print_level=-1)
it returns:
creatFitsFile.py:430: InitialParamWarning: errordef is not given. Default to 1.
m = Minuit(chi2, alpha=1., beta=0., print_level=-1)
creatFitsFile.py:430: InitialParamWarning: Parameter alpha is floating but does not have initial step size. Assume 1.
I just want it to be quiet because I fit inside a loop with ~170.000 set of data.
Thank you
Try setting pedantic=False in the parameter list.
Example -
from iminuit import Minuit
m = Minuit(chi2, pedantic=False, alpha=1., beta=0., print_level=-1)
From the documentation -
pedantic: warns about parameters that do not have initial value or initial error/stepsize set.
From the warnings in your console, seems like it is these warnings that are getting logged, most probably setting pedantic=False should fix it.
I have the following code, but it shows error:
IntegrationWarning: The maximum number of subdivisions (50) has been achieved.
If increasing the limit yields no improvement it is advised to analyze
the integrand in order to determine the difficulties. If the position of a
local difficulty can be determined (singularity, discontinuity) one will
probably gain from splitting up the interval and calling the integrator
on the subranges. Perhaps a special-purpose integrator should be used.
potC=sc.integrate.quad(lambda r: Psi(r,n2)*(-1/r)Psi(r,n1)(r**2),0,np.inf)
How to fix it?
import scipy as sc
import numpy as np
def Psi(r,n):
return 2*np.exp(-r/n)*np.sqrt(n)*sc.special.hyp1f1(1-n, 2, 2*r/n)/n**2
def p(n1,n2):
potC=sc.integrate.quad(lambda r: Psi(r,n2)*(-1/r)*Psi(r,n1)*(r**2),0,np.inf)
return pot
The error literally says what your problem is. Your function is not "well behaved" in some regions.
For example with n = 15 and r = 50 your special.hyp1f1(-14, 2, 2*50/15) result in NaN. I am not familiar with this function, so I do not know if this is the expected behaviour, but this is what happens.
You can try to isolate these points and exclude them from the integration (if you know lower and upper bounds of the function's value (if it is defined) you can also update the expected error of your integration) and just integrate in the well behaved regions.
If it is a bug in scipy, then please report it to them.
Ps.: Tested with scipy 1.8.0
Ps2.: With some reading I found, that you can get the values correctly, if you do your calculations with complex number, so the following code gives you a value:
import scipy as sc
from scipy import integrate
from scipy import special
import numpy as np
def Psi(r,n):
r = np.array(r,dtype=complex)
return 2*np.exp(-r/n)*np.sqrt(n)*special.hyp1f1(1-n, 2, 2*r/n)/n**2
def p(n1,n2):
potC=integrate.quad(lambda r: Psi(r,n2)*(-1/r)*Psi(r,n1)*(r**2),0,np.inf)
return pot
on pymc version '2.3.6' in Python 3.5
I am trying to suppress the progress update given when running the MCMC:
observation = pymc.Poisson('obs', lambda_, value= count_data, observed= True)
model = pymc.Model([observation, lambda_1, lambda_2, kappa])
mcmc = pymc.MCMC(model)
mcmc.sample(20000, 1000, 1)
Any idea how i could do this?
it seems that the value for verbose that does that is -1. I would use the following more explicit syntax:
mcmc.sample(iter=20000, lenght=1000, verbose=-1)
mcmc.sample(iter=20000, lenght=1000, progress_bar=0)
PS: you can look yourself in the source code of installation_directory/pymc/MCMC.py.
The installation directory can be found using:
According to the docs here, the sampler is called like that:
sample(iter, length, verbose, ...)
This would mean, that your are explicitly activating verbose with your 3rd argument:
mcmc.sample(20000, 1000, 1) # Make the third argument a zero
Sadly i can't test it at the moment, but this should be a good first step (if i read the docs correctly).
My question is the exact opposite of this one.
This is an excerpt from my test file
f1 = open('seed1234','r')
f2 = open('seed7883','r')
s1 = eval(f1.read())
s2 = eval(f2.read())
out1 = test_sampler1.run()
self.assertEqual(out1,self.out1_regress) # this is fine and passes
out2 = test_sampler2.run()
self.assertEqual(out2,self.out2_regress) # this FAILS
Some info -
test_sampler1 and test_sampler2 are 2 object from a class that performs some stochastic sampling. The class has an attribute random_inst which is an object of type random.Random(). The file seed1234 contains a TestSampler's random_inst's state as returned by random.getstate() when it was given a seed of 1234 and you can guess what seed7883 is. What I did was I created a TestSampler in the terminal, gave it a random seed of 1234, acquired the state with rand_inst.getstate() and save it to a file. I then recreate the regression test and I always get the same output.
The same procedure as above doesn't work for test_sampler2 - whatever I do not get the same random sequence of numbers. I am using python's random module and I am not importing it anywhere else, but I do use numpy in some places (but not numpy.random).
The only difference between test_sampler1 and test_sampler2 is that they are created from 2 different files. I know this is a big deal and it is totally dependent on the code I wrote but I also can't simply paste ~800 lines of code here, I am merely looking for some general idea of what I might be messing up...
What might be scrambling the state of test_sampler2's random number generator?
There were 2 separate issues with my code:
My script is a command line script and after I refactored it to use python's optparse library I found out that I was setting the seed for my sampler using something like seed = sys.argv[1] which meant that I was setting the seed to be a str, not an int - seed can take any hashable object and I found it the hard way. This explains why I would get 2 different sequences if I used the same seed - one if I run my script from the command line with sth like python sample 1234 #seed is 1234 and from my unit_tests.py file when I would create an object instance like test_sampler1 = TestSampler(seed=1234).
I have a function for discrete distribution sampling which I borrowed from here (look at the accepted answer). The code there was missing something fundamental: it was still non-deterministic in the sense that if you give it the same values and probabilities array, but transformed by a permutation (say values ['a','b'] and probs [0.1,0.9] and values ['b','a'] and probabilities [0.9,0.1]) and the seed is set and you will get the same random sample, say 0.3, by the PRNG, but since the intervals for your probabilities are different, in one case you'll get a b and in one an a. To fix it, I just zipped the values and probabilities together, sorted by probability and tadaa - I now always get the same probability intervals.
After fixing both issues the code worked as expected i.e. out2 started behaving deterministically.
The only thing (apart from an internal Python bug) that can change the state of a random.Random instance is calling methods on that instance. So the problem lies in something you haven't shown us. Here's a little test program:
from random import Random
r1 = Random()
r2 = Random()
for _ in range(100):
for _ in range(200):
r1state = r1.getstate()
r2state = r2.getstate()
with open("r1state", "w") as f:
print >> f, r1state
with open("r2state", "w") as f:
print >> f, r2state
for _ in range(100):
with open("r1state") as f:
with open("r2state") as f:
assert r1state == r1.getstate()
assert r2state == r2.getstate()
I haven't run that all day, but I bet I could and never see a failing assert ;-)
BTW, it's certainly more common to use pickle for this kind of thing, but it's not going to solve your real problem. The problem is not in getting or setting the state. The problem is that something you haven't yet found is calling methods on your random.Random instance(s).
While it's a major pain in the butt to do so, you could try adding print statements to random.py to find out what's doing it. There are cleverer ways to do that, but better to keep it dirt simple so that you don't end up actually debugging the debugging code.
I wanted to store the different integration steps taken by the solver itself when I call it :
So I did a while loop and enabled the step option setting its value to True:
while solver1.successful() and solver1.t < t0+dt:
Then I plot y, the result of integration and here comes my issue. I have instabilities which appear in a located area :
I thought it was because of the loop or something like that so I checked the result removing the step :
while solver1.successful() and solver1.t < t0+dt:
And surprise ... I have the correct result :
It's a quite weird situation ... I'd be grateful if someone of your guys could help me with this issue.
To set the solver I do :
solver1 = ode(y_dot,jac).set_integrator('vode',with_jacobian=True)
And I store the result using .append()
When you set step=True you are indirectly giving the vode._integrator.runner (a Fortran subroutine) an instruction to use itask=2, and the default is itask=1. You can get more details about this runner doing:
In SciPy 0.12.0 documentation you will not find an explanation about what is going on for the different itask=1 or itask=2, but you can find it here:
ITASK = An index specifying the task to be performed.
! Input only. ITASK has the following values and meanings.
! 1 means normal computation of output values of y(t) at
! t = TOUT(by overshooting and interpolating).
! 2 means take one step only and return.
! 3 means stop at the first internal mesh point at or
! beyond t = TOUT and return.
! 4 means normal computation of output values of y(t) at
! t = TOUT but without overshooting t = TCRIT.
! TCRIT must be input as RUSER(1). TCRIT may be equal to
! or beyond TOUT, but not behind it in the direction of
! integration. This option is useful if the problem
! has a singularity at or beyond t = TCRIT.
! 5 means take one step, without passing TCRIT, and return.
! TCRIT must be input as RUSER(1).
I got an issue which is, in my code,anyone can help will be great.
this is the example code.
from random import *
from numpy import *
def Ft(r):
for i in range(3):
do something here, call r
return something
however I found that in python shell, every time I run function Ft, it gives me different
result.....seems like within the function, in each iterate of the for loop,call r once, it gives random numbers once... but not fix the initial random number when I call the function....how can I fix it?
how about use b=copy(r) then call b in the Ft function?
Do you mean that you want the calls to randon.uniform() to return the same sequence of values each time you run the function?
If so, you need to call random.seed() to set the start of the sequence to a fixed value. If you don't, the current system time is used to initialise the random number generator, which is intended to cause it to generate a different sequence every time.
Something like this should work
random.seed(42) # Set the random number generator to a fixed sequence.
r = array([uniform(-R,R), uniform(-R,R), uniform(-R,R)])
I think you mean 'list' instead of 'array', you're trying to use functions when you really don't need to. If I understand you correctly, you want to edit a list of random floats:
import random
r=[random.uniform(-R,R) for x in range(3)]
def ft(r):
for i in range(len(r)):