Divide entire DataFrame based on dates in specific columns into quarterly dataframes - python

New to pandas.
Have a DataFrame of the order:
A B C Date1 Date2 D with multiple rows with values. I want to divide the entire DataFrame into multiple dataframes based on quarters, i.e (Jan-Mar, Apr-Jun, Jul-Sep, Oct-Dec). I am trying to use only the Date1 column values for the same. I tried the following so far:
data_q = data.groupby(pandas.TimeGrouper(freq = '3M'))
The dates are in the form 2009-11-03.

There a few ways to do this.
I would ensure that Date1 column is a datetime type using the .dtype method.
e.g. df['Date1'].dtype
If it's not, cast to datetime object using:
df.Date1 = pd.to_datetime(df.Date1)
Add a quarters column for eventual data frame slicing:
df['quarters'] = df.Date1.dt.quarter
Create your data frames:
q1 = df[df.quarters == 1]
q2 = df[df.quarters == 2]
q3 = df[df.quarters == 3]
q4 = df[df.quarters == 4]

So the approach that appears easiest to me is to convert Date1 to your index, then groupby on the quarter.
df2 = df.set_index('Date1')
quardfs = list(df2.groupby(df2.index.quarter))
This will leave you with quardfs, which a list of DataFrames.
If you don't want to set Date1 to an index, you can also copy it out of the DataFrame and use it:
quars = pd.DatetimeIndex(df['Date1']).quarter
quardfs = list(df2.groupby(quars))


Pandas Dataframe filter based on time

From the datetime object in the dataframe I created two new columns based on month and day.
data["time"] = pd.to_datetime(data["datetime"])
data['month']= data['time'].apply(lambda x: x.month)
data['day']= data['time'].apply(lambda x: x.day)
The resultant data had the correct month and day added to the specific columns.
Then I tried to filter it based on specific day
data = data[data['month']=='9']
data = data[data['day']=='2']
This values were visible in the dataframe before filtering.
This returns an empty dataframe. What did I do wrong?
Compare by 9,2 like integers, without '':
data = data[(data['month']==9) & (data['day']==2)]
data = data[(data['time'].dt.month == 9) & (data['time'].dt.day == 2)]

pandas add column to dataframe aggregate on time series

I've done a dataframe aggregation and I want to add a new column in which if there is a value > 0 in year 2020 in row, it will put an 1, otherwise 0.
this is my code
and head of dataframe
df['year'] = pd.DatetimeIndex(df['TxnDate']).year # add column year
df['client'] = df['Customer'].str.split(' ').str[:3].str.join(' ') # add colum with 3 first word
Datedebut = df['year'].min()
Datefin = df['year'].max()
df1 = df.groupby(['client','year']).agg({'Amount': ['sum']}).unstack()
df1['nb2020']= np.where( df1['year']==2020, 1, 0)
Data frame df1 print before last line is like that:
Last line error is : KeyError: 'year'
When you performed that the aggregation and unstacked (df.groupby(['client','year']).agg({'Amount': ['sum']}).unstack()), the values of the column year have been expanded into columns, and these columns are a MultiIndex. You can look at that by calling:
print (df1.columns)
And then you can select them.
Using the MultiIndex column
So to select the column which matches to 2020 you can use:
You can probably get the correct column then check if 2020 has a non zero value using:
df1['nb2020'] = df1.loc[:,df1.columns.get_level_values('year').isin({2020})] > 0
If you would like to have the 1 and 0 (instead of the bool types), you can convert to int (using astype).
Renaming the columns
If you think this is a bit complicated, you might also prefer change the column to single indexes. Using something like
df1.columns = df1.columns.get_level_values('year')
df1.columns = df1.columns.get_level_values(2)
And then
df1['nb2020'] = (df1[2020] > 0).astype(int)

Difference between dates between corresponding rows in pandas dataframe

Below is the example of a sample pandas dataframe. I am trying to find the difference between the dates in the two rows (with the first row as the base):
PH_number date Type
H09879721 2018-05-01 AccountHolder
H09879731 2018-06-22 AccountHolder
If the difference between two dates is within 90 days, then those two rows should be added to a new pandas dataframe. The date column is of type object.
How can I do this?
Use .diff():
0 False
1 True
Name: date, dtype: bool
Convert date column to datetime64[ns] data type using pd.to_datetime and then subtract as given:
df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['date'])
#if comparing with only 1st row
mask = (df['date']-df.loc[0,'date']).dt.days<=90
# alternative mask = (df['date']-df.loc[0,'date']).dt.days.le(90)
#if comparing with immediate rows.
mask = df['date'].diff().dt.days<=90
# alternative mask = df['date'].diff().dt.days.le(90)
df1 = df.loc[mask,:] #gives you required rows with all columns

Adding values from a dataframe-A A.column1 by matching values in A.column2 to the B.column1 name of another dataframe B

I have two dataframes (df) A and B. df A has a column called 'Symbol' with non-unique stock-ticker-symbols as values in random order and the corresponding amount of buy or sell quantities in another column called 'Shares'; it is indexed by non-negative integers. df B, indexed by dates in the same date-order as df A and same number of rows as df A, has the same ticker symbols as df A as unique column names. I need to populate all df B rows with the amount of stock purchase or sell amounts from corresponding A.Shares.values. I get an error when trying the below code. Alternatively, would it be possible to loop through the df A rows using join command constraint to match df A's column values to column names of df B similar to SQL queries?
import pandas as pd
bCN = B.dtypes.index # list of column names in df B to be used for populating its stock quantity based on matching values from df A
A = pd.DataFrame({'Date': ['2011-01-14', '2011-01-19', '2011-01-19'],
'Symbol': ['AAPL', 'AAPL', 'IBM'], 'Order':['BUY','SELL','BUY'],'Shares':[1500, 1500, 4000]}) #example of A
B = pd.DataFrame({'AAPL':[0,0,0],'IBM': [0,0,0], index = pd.date_range(start, end)}) #example of B
Expected Result
B = pd.DataFrame({'AAPL':[1500,0,-1500],'IBM': [0,0,400], index = pd.date_range(start, end)}) #example of resultant B
B = A.pivot('Date','Symbol','Shares')
B = B.fillna(value = 0)
B['Cash'] = pd.Series([0]*len(B.index),index=B.index)
for index, row in A.iterrows():
if row['Order'] == 'SELL':
B.loc[row, A['Symbol']] *= -1
first of all, I highly suggest you to read how-to-make-good-reproducible-pandas-examples
I think you could use pivot such has:
B = A.pivot('Date','Symbol','Shares')
Since image of dataframe are hard to copy paste I can't show you the exact result you could get using this method

How to modify index behavior when pivoting dataframe in Python Pandas?

I'm working with futures timeseries where the trading day starts at 17:00:00 CT and ends at 15:15:00 CT of the next day. To account for this, I make a change in the index, however, when pivoting the dataframe it ignores this change....
Let's look at it with an example:
# Dummy Data
rng = pd.date_range('1/1/2011', periods=5000, freq='min')
ts = pd.Series(np.random.randn(len(rng)), index=rng)
df = pd.DataFrame(ts, columns=['ts'])
df_1 = df.resample('5min').last()
# Change index to account for futures hours
df_1.index = pd.to_datetime(df_1.index.values + np.where((df_1.index.time >= datetime.time(17)), pd.offsets.Day(1).nanos, 0))
# Pivoting df_1 and making some formatting changes
df_2 = pd.pivot_table(df_1, index=df_1.index.date, columns=df_1.index.time, values='ts')
df_2.columns = df_2.columns.map(lambda t: t.strftime('%H%M'))
df_2_cols = df_2.columns.tolist()
for i in range(len(df_2_cols)):
if df_2_cols[i][0] == '0':
df_2_cols[i] = df_2_cols[i][1:4]
After doing all this, the dataframe is in the shape and format I want but the first column, corresponding to the first timestamp of the day is 00:00:00 instead of 17:00:00, as I intended with the index modification.
How can I fix this??
After pivoting the columns get sorted chronologically. But you can reorder them. Say, the columns are already formatted, so we look for '1700':
pos = np.nonzero(df_2.columns == '1700')[0][0]
(np.nonzero returns a tuple of arrays, hence those double [0]). Then
new_cols = df_2.columns[pos:].append(df_2.columns[:pos])
df_2 = df_2.reindex(columns = new_cols)
