Creating a relationship between 2 newly created nodes - python

I need to create a relationship between two newly created nodes,but it's creating another two nodes without creating a relationship between them.
I need to know how to get data from py2neo cypher query
def enter_products():
if request.method == 'POST':
data = request.get_json(True)
params = {"data": {"name":data['name']}}
products=graph.cypher.execute(" create(a:Products {data}) RETURN (a)", params)
CR_brand= {"data": {"brand":data['brand']}}
brands=graph.cypher.execute("merge(b:Brand {brand:{data}.brand})
RETURN (b)",CR_brand)

You either can do it all in one statement:
create(a:Products {data})
merge(b:Brand {brand:{data}.brand}
or you have to look up by their key-property.
create(a:Products {name:{data}.name})-[c:product_of]->(b:Brand {data}.brand)


Python: How can I append without overriding past append for loop

I am currently trying to append to the output list in my code the id of the query result. I can get it to do one of the ids but it will override the first one how can I change my code to allow any amount of looping to the output.append(
Here is the code:
#app.route('/new-mealplan', methods=['POST'])
def create_mealplan():
data = request.get_json()
recipes = data['recipes']
output = []
for recipe in recipes:
query = Recipes.query.filter(func.lower(Recipes.recipe_name) == func.lower(recipe)).all()
# print(recipe)
if query:
query = Recipes.query.filter(func.lower(Recipes.recipe_name) == func.lower(recipe)).all()
for q in query:
return jsonify({"data" : output})
To fix this I removed the
Try and Finally blocks.
Then returned after the for-loop was completed.

How to get multiple queryset from textarea in django

I have a text area in which user inputs multiple values in different line and i want to get object for every single line in text area and send it to template. How i should do it.?
if request.method == 'GET':
search = request.GET.get('search')
slist = []
for i in range(4):
sdata = Stock.objects.all().filter(slug=slist)
return render(request, 'stocks/searchbar.html', {'sdata':sdata})
I'm trying to do it in this way.
You need to do something like this:
sdata = Stock.objects.filter(slug__in=search.splitlines())
Since search.splitlines() returns a list and slug is, I assume, a CharField, you need the in clause in your query.

Updating a specific row with Flask SQLAlchemy

I have this app with a profile and I want to update only a specific row based on its account id. Inserting the data works, but updating a specific row doesn't and I'm not sure which part is wrong with my code.
#app.route('/edit_parent/<int:acc_id>', methods=['GET','POST'])
def edit_parent(acc_id):
myParent = Parent.query.filter_by(acc_id=int(acc_id)).first()
if request.method == "POST":
myParent.fname_p = request.form['fname_p']
myParent.lname_p = request.form['lname_p']
myParent.bday_p = request.form['bday_p']
myParent.add_p = request.form['add_p']
print "hello success"
return redirect(url_for('parent', acc_id=int(acc_id)))
if request.method == "GET":
return render_template('edit_p.html', acc_id=int(acc_id))
It prints the "hello success" and redirects to the parent url but returns an error 302 and still no changes in the db.
I don't think you are updating a specific row at all, but instead you are just inserting new one each time with:
myParent = Parent(request.form['fname_p'], request.form['lname_p'],
request.form['bday_p'], request.form['add_p']).where(acc_id=acc_id)
So, what you are supposed to do instead is:
myParent = Parent.query.filter_by(acc_id=acc_id)
assuming your Parent db has the following attributes:
myParent.fname = request.form['fname_p']
myParent.lname = request.form['lname_p']
myParent.bday = request.form['bday_p']
myParent.add = request.form['add_p']
solved it by adding:
myParent = db.session.merge(myParent)
this way it merges the current session with the previous one. It still returns a 302 but the data on the db has been successfully updated.

Node added to neo4j DB but prints out as "None"

I have the following code:
import py2neo
from py2neo import Graph, Node, Relationship
def createRelationshipWithProperties():
print("Start - Creating Relationships")
# Authenticate the user using py2neo.authentication
# Ensure that you change the password 'sumit' as per your database configuration.
py2neo.authenticate("localhost:7474", "neo4j", "")
# Connect to Graph and get the instance of Graph
graph = Graph("http://localhost:7474/db/data/")
# Create Node with Properties
amy = Node("FEMALE", name="Amy")
# Create one more Node with Properties
kristine = Node("FEMALE",name="Kristine")
# Create one more Node with Properties
sheryl = Node("FEMALE",name="Sheryl")
kristine_amy = Relationship(kristine,"FRIEND",amy,since=2005)
print (kristine_amy)
amy_sheryl = Relationship(sheryl,("FRIEND"),amy,since=2001)
#Finally use graph Object and Create Nodes and Relationship
#When we create Relationship between, then Nodes are also created.
resultNodes = graph.create(kristine_amy)
resultNodes1 = graph.create(amy_sheryl)
#Print the results (relationships)
print("Relationship Created - ",resultNodes)
print("Relationship Created - ",resultNodes1)
if __name__ == '__main__':
The resultsNodes = graph.create line seems to commit the nodes and relationships to the server because I can see them when I match(n) Return n. However, when the code prints resultsNodes, I get None as if they don't exist. This is the output that I get:
Start - Creating Relationships
(kristine)-[:FRIEND {since:2005}]->(amy)
Relationship Created - None
Relationship Created - None
You're using the API incorrectly. The create method doesn't return nodes but instead updates the supplied argument. Therefore to get the relationship nodes, you need to interrogate the relationship object after performing the create.

How to update object with another object in get_or_create?

I have to tables wit similar fields and I want to copy objects from one table to another.
Problem that object could be absent in second table, so I have to use get_or_create() method:
#these are new products, they all are instances of NewProduct model, which is similar
#to Product model
new_products_list = [<NewProduct: EEEF0AP>, <NewProduct: XR3D-F>,<Product: XXID-F>]
#loop over them and check if they are already in database
for product in new_products_list:
product, created = Products.objects.get_or_create(article=product.article)
if created:
#here is no problem because new object saved
# here I need to code that will update existing Product instance
# with values from NewProduct instance fields
The case is that I don't want to list all fields for update manually, like this,, because I have about 30 of them:
update_old_product = Product(,article= new_product.article)
Please advise more elegant way than above
You can loop over the field names and update them in the the other Product instance:
for new_product in new_products_list:
# use different variable names, otherwise you won't be able to access
# the item from new_product_list here
product, created = Products.objects.get_or_create(article=new_product.article)
if not created:
for field in new_product._meta.get_all_field_names():
setattr(product, field, getattr(new_product, field))
You could try something like this.
def copy_fields(frm, to):
id =
for field in frm.__class__._meta.fields:
setattr(to, field.verbose_name, field._get_val_from_obj(frm)) = id
This is similar to Ashwini Chaudhary, although I think it will take care of that error that you mentioned in the comments.
new_products_list= (
# obj1, obj2, obj3 would be from [<NewProduct: EEEF0AP>, <NewProduct: XR3D-F>,<Product: XXID-F>] in your question
# NewProduct would just be the model that you import
# NewProduct._meta.fields would be all the fields
(obj1, NewProduct, NewProduct._meta.fields,),
(obj2, NewProduct, NewProduct._meta.fields,),
(obj3, NewProduct, NewProduct._meta.fields,),
for instance, model, fields in new_products_list:
new_fields = {}
obj, created = model.objects.get_or_create(pk=instance.article) # this is pretty much just here to ensure that it is created for filter later
for field in fields:
if field != # do not want to update the pk
new_fields[] = request.POST[]
model.objects.filter(pk=question_id).update(**new_fields) # you won't have to worry about updating multiple models in the db because there can only be one instance with this pk
I know this was over a month ago, but I figured I would share my solution even if you have already figured it out
