timer function with interval parameter in python - python

I call static function of the class and expected it will run per 3 seconds and only 5 times.. But it's not stop at counter =5, goes on running
I searched and found sys.exit(0) can stop the timer. Whats wrong with it ?
def senLogtoBackup():
threading.Timer(3, senLogtoBackup).start()
if AccessLog.AccessLog.Counter == 5:
sys.exit(0) # expects I it will terminate the timer. but it still counts
Class definition:
class AccessLog:
Counter =0
def backupAccessLog(target, source):
print "counter",AccessLog.Counter

you searched wrong, take a look at os._exit
you should use "t.cancel" to stop timer.


How to change argument value in a running thread in python

How do I change a parameter of a function running in an infinite loop in a thread (python)?
I am new to threading and python but this is what I want to do (simplified),
class myThread (threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, i):
def run(i):
def blink(i):
if i!=0:
if i==1:
elif i==2:
elif i==3:
i=input("Enter 0 to Exit or 1/2/3 to continue\n")
if i!=0:
Now, obviously this code gives errors regarding the run() method. I want to run the function blink() in infinite loop but change the 'i' variable. I also cannot do it without a thread because I have other portions of code which are doing parallel tasks. What can I do?
Best thing to learn first, is to never change variables from different threads. Communicate over queues:
import threading
import queue
def drive(speed_queue):
speed = 1
while True:
speed = speed_queue.get(timeout=1)
if speed == 0:
except queue.Empty:
print("speed:", speed)
def main():
speed_queue = queue.Queue()
threading.Thread(target=drive, args=(speed_queue,)).start()
while True:
speed = int(input("Enter 0 to Exit or 1/2/3 to continue: "))
if speed == 0:
Besides a lot of syntax errors, you're approaching the whole process wrong - there is no point in delegating the work from run to another method, but even if there was, the last while would loop infinitely (if it was actually written as while True:) never checking the speed change.
Also, don't use run() method to interface with your thread - it's a special method that gets called when starting the thread, you should handle your own updates separately.
You should also devote some time to learn OOP in Python as that's not how one makes a class.
Here's an example that does what you want, hope it might help you:
import threading
import time
class MyThread (threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, speed=0.1):
self._speed_cache = 0
self.speed = i
self.lock = threading.RLock()
super(MyThread, self).__init__()
def set_speed(self, speed): # you can use a proper setter if you want
with self.lock:
self.speed = speed
def run(self):
while True:
with self.lock:
if self.speed == 0:
print("Speed dropped to 0, exiting...")
# just so we don't continually print the speed, print only on change
if self.speed != self._speed_cache:
print("Current speed: {}".format(self.speed))
self._speed_cache = self.speed
time.sleep(0.1) # let it breathe
input = raw_input # add for Python 2.6+ compatibility
except NameError:
current_speed = 3 # initial speed
blink_thread = MyThread(current_speed)
while current_speed != 0: # main loop until 0 speed is selected
time.sleep(0.1) # wait a little for an update
current_speed = int(input("Enter 0 to Exit or 1/2/3 to continue\n")) # add validation?
Also, do note that threading is not executing anything in parallel - it uses GIL to switch between contexts but there are never two threads executing at absolutely the same time. Mutex (lock) in this sense is there just to ensure atomicity of operations, not actual exclusiveness.
If you need something to actually execute in parallel (if you have more than one core, that is), you'll need to use multiprocessing instead.

Python Tkinter While Thread

Well i am a bit of newb at python, and i am getting hard to make a thread in Tkinter , as you all know using while in Tkinter makes it Not Responding and the script still running.
def scheduler():
def wait():
Hours = ScheduleTest()
if len(Hours) == 0:
print("You need to write Hours, Example: 13:30,20:07")
if len(Hours) > 0:
print("Scheduled: ", str(Hours))
if len(Hours) == 1:
print("Will jump 1 time")
elif len(Hours) == 2:
print("Will jump 2 times")
elif len(Hours) == 3:
print("Will jump 3 times")
while True:
t = threading.Thread(target=wait)
i have tried to do something like this but it still makes tkinter not responding
Thanks in advance.
When to use the after method; faking while without threading
As mentioned in a comment, In far most cases, you do not need threading to run a "fake" while loop. You can use the after() method to schedule your actions, using tkinter's mainloop as a "coat rack" to schedule things, pretty much exactly like you would in a while loop.
This works in all situations where you can simply throw out commands with e.g. subprocess.Popen(), update widgets, show messages etc.
It does not work when the scheduled process takes a lot of time, running inside the mainloop. Therefore time.sleep() is a bummer; it will simply hold the mainloop.
How it works
Within that limitation however, you can run complicated tasks, schedule actions even set break (-equivalent) conditions.
Simply create a function, initiate it with window.after(0, <function>). Inside the function, (re-) schedule the function with window.after(<time_in_milliseconds>, <function>).
To apply a break- like condition, simply rout the process (inside the function) not to be scheduled again.
An example
This is best illustrated with a simplified example:
from tkinter import *
import time
class TestWhile:
def __init__(self):
self.window = Tk()
shape = Canvas(width=200, height=0).grid(column=0, row=0)
self.showtext = Label(text="Wait and see...")
self.showtext.grid(column=0, row=1)
fakebutton = Button(
text="Useless button"
fakebutton.grid(column=0, row=2)
# initiate fake while
self.window.after(0, self.fakewhile)
self.cycles = 0
self.window.minsize(width=200, height=50)
self.window.title("Test 123(4)")
def fakewhile(self):
# You can schedule anything in here
if self.cycles == 5:
self.showtext.configure(text="Five seconds passed")
elif self.cycles == 10:
self.showtext.configure(text="Ten seconds passed...")
elif self.cycles == 15:
self.showtext.configure(text="I quit...")
If the fake while loop should only run a limited number of times,
add a counter
self.cycles = self.cycles+1
Since we do not use while, break will not work, but simply
"routing" the loop to not being scheduled is equivalent to "break":
if self.cycles <= 15:
self.window.after(1000, self.fakewhile)
# start over again
self.cycles = 0
self.window.after(1000, self.fakewhile)
# or: fakebreak, in that case, uncomment below and comment out the
# two lines above
# pass
In the example above, we run a scheduled process for fifteen seconds. While the loop runs, several simple tasks are performed, in time, by the function fakewhile().
After these fivteen seconds, we can start over again or "break". Just uncomment the indicated section to see...

How to limit calls for a function, but to surely process it afterwards

I have the following code in a class:
def __setattr__(self, key, value):
self.__dict__['d'][key] = value
The saveToIni function saves all the dict's items to an ini file at every object's setattr call. If 80 setattr calls are made in the last 120ms, then the file will be written from scratch every time. The function also orders and sometimes deletes data from the dictonary, so I don't want to change it.
I want to limit the calls to once in, let's say, 5 seconds:
When the first setattr is triggered, a timer starts asynchronicly, still not running saveToIni.
If any calls are made to setattr and the timer is still counting, it will nor fire a timer nor run saveToIni.
When the timer times out, the saveToIni should launch.
Now, I'm not sure how to achieve this behavoir. I've thought about messing with threads, but still didn't found the idea about how to do it.
The way I would go, is to create a Timer Thread which runs a timedSaveToIni function once every 5 sec.
I would also have a tag isSaveRequested telling this function if it should actually write data to the disk or not.
The _setattr_ function would simply set this tag to true.
Your code would look like this:
class Dict:
def __init__(self):
self.isSaveRequested = False
def timedSaveToIni(self):
threading.Timer(5.0, self.timedSaveToIni).start()
if self.isSaveRequested:
self.isSaveRequested = False
def __setattr__(self, key, value):
self.__dict__['d'][key] = value
self.isSaveRequested = True
def saveToInit()
Perhaps you'd just have the function remember when it was last called and until 5 seconds have passed since the last call just have it block (sleep). That won't really require any sort of threading. Here's an example - just an idea, not specific to your use case.
import time
def timed_func():
while (timed_func.last_use + 5) > time.time():
print "I am working..." # Do the job
timed_func.last_use = time.time()
def main():
timed_func.last_use = time.time() - 5
while True:
if __name__ == '__main__':

How to end program running after given time in Python

I'd like my Python program to run an algorithm for a given number of seconds and then to print the best result so far and to end.
What is the best way to do so?
I tried the following but it did not work(the program kept running after the printing):
def printBestResult(self):
def findBestResult(self,time):
self.t = threading.Timer(time, self.printBestResult)
# find best result
Untested code, but something like this?
import time
threshold = 60
start = time.time()
best_run = threshold
while time.time()-start < threshold:
run_start = time.time()
run_time = time.time() - start
if run_time < best_run:
best_run = run_time
On unix, you can use signals -- This code times out after 1 second and counts how many times it iterates through the while loop in that time:
import signal
import sys
def handle_alarm(args):
print args.best_val
class Foo(object):
self=Foo() #some mutable object to mess with in the loop
signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM,lambda *args: handle_alarm(self))
signal.alarm(1) #timeout after 1 second
while True:
self.best_val+=1 # do something to mutate "self" here.
Or, you could easily have your alarm_handler raise an exception which you then catch outside the while loop, printing your best result.
If you want to do this with threads, a good way is to use an Event. Note that signal.alarm won't work in Windows, so I think threading is your best bet unless in that case.
import threading
import time
import random
class StochasticSearch(object):
def __init__(self):
self.halt_event = threading.Event()
def find_best_result(self, duration):
halt_thread = threading.Timer(duration, self.halt_event.set)
best_result = 0
while not self.halt_event.is_set():
result = self.search()
best_result = result if result > best_result else best_result
return best_result
def search(self):
val = random.randrange(0, 10000)
print 'searching for something; found {}'.format(val)
return val
print StochasticSearch().find_best_result(3)
You need an exit condition, or the program will run forever (or until it runs out of memory). Add one yourself.

Equivalent of setInterval in python

I have recently posted a question about how to postpone execution of a function in Python (kind of equivalent to Javascript setTimeout) and it turns out to be a simple task using threading.Timer (well, simple as long as the function does not share state with other code, but that would create problems in any event-driven environment).
Now I am trying to do better and emulate setInterval. For those who are not familiar with Javascript, setInterval allows to repeat a call to a function every x seconds, without blocking the execution of other code. I have created this example decorator:
import time, threading
def setInterval(interval, times = -1):
# This will be the actual decorator,
# with fixed interval and times parameter
def outer_wrap(function):
# This will be the function to be
# called
def wrap(*args, **kwargs):
# This is another function to be executed
# in a different thread to simulate setInterval
def inner_wrap():
i = 0
while i != times:
function(*args, **kwargs)
i += 1
threading.Timer(0, inner_wrap).start()
return wrap
return outer_wrap
to be used as follows
#setInterval(1, 3)
def foo(a):
# Will print 'bar' 3 times with 1 second delays
and it seems to me it is working fine. My problem is that
it seems overly complicated, and I fear I may have missed a simpler/better mechanism
the decorator can be called without the second parameter, in which case it will go on forever. When I say foreover, I mean forever - even calling sys.exit() from the main thread will not stop it, nor will hitting Ctrl+c. The only way to stop it is to kill python process from the outside. I would like to be able to send a signal from the main thread that would stop the callback. But I am a beginner with threads - how can I communicate between them?
EDIT In case anyone wonders, this is the final version of the decorator, thanks to the help of jd
import threading
def setInterval(interval, times = -1):
# This will be the actual decorator,
# with fixed interval and times parameter
def outer_wrap(function):
# This will be the function to be
# called
def wrap(*args, **kwargs):
stop = threading.Event()
# This is another function to be executed
# in a different thread to simulate setInterval
def inner_wrap():
i = 0
while i != times and not stop.isSet():
function(*args, **kwargs)
i += 1
t = threading.Timer(0, inner_wrap)
t.daemon = True
return stop
return wrap
return outer_wrap
It can be used with a fixed amount of repetitions as above
#setInterval(1, 3)
def foo(a):
# Will print 'bar' 3 times with 1 second delays
or can be left to run until it receives a stop signal
import time
def foo(a):
stopper = foo('bar')
# It will stop here, after printing 'bar' 5 times.
Your solution looks fine to me.
There are several ways to communicate with threads. To order a thread to stop, you can use threading.Event(), which has a wait() method that you can use instead of time.sleep().
stop_event = threading.Event()
if stop_event.isSet():
For your thread to exit when the program is terminated, set its daemon attribute to True before calling start(). This applies to Timer() objects as well because they subclass threading.Thread. See http://docs.python.org/library/threading.html#threading.Thread.daemon
Maybe these are the easiest setInterval equivalent in python:
import threading
def set_interval(func, sec):
def func_wrapper():
set_interval(func, sec)
t = threading.Timer(sec, func_wrapper)
return t
Maybe a bit simpler is to use recursive calls to Timer:
from threading import Timer
import atexit
class Repeat(object):
count = 0
def repeat(rep, delay, func):
"repeat func rep times with a delay given in seconds"
if Repeat.count < rep:
# call func, you might want to add args here
Repeat.count += 1
# setup a timer which calls repeat recursively
# again, if you need args for func, you have to add them here
timer = Timer(delay, Repeat.repeat, (rep, delay, func))
# register timer.cancel to stop the timer when you exit the interpreter
def foo():
print "bar"
atexit allows to signal stopping with CTRL-C.
this class Interval
class ali:
def __init__(self):
self.sure = True;
def aliv(self,func,san):
print "ali naber";
self.setInterVal(func, san);
def setInterVal(self,func, san):
# istenilen saniye veya dakika aralığında program calışır.
def func_Calistir():
func(func,san); #calışıcak fonksiyon.
self.t = threading.Timer(san, func_Calistir)
return self.t
a = ali();
