QPixmap Line Being Skipped - python

I have the following piece of code:
def run(self):
filename = QtGui.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, "Save file", "", ".inp")
if filename == "":
elif filename != "":
nfile = open(filename, 'w')
self.pixmap1 = QtGui.QPixmap('yellow.jpg')
self.cursor.movePosition(self.cursor.Start, self.cursor.MoveAnchor)
self.cursor.movePosition(self.cursor.End, self.cursor.KeepAnchor)
text = self.cursor.selection()
text1 = text.toPlainText()
fileInfo = QtCore.QFileInfo(filename)
name = fileInfo.baseName()
import os
os.system("rungms {}.inp 13-64 {} {} {}.out".format(name, self.cores_val, self.clusters_val, name))
from itertools import islice
import sys
with open("{}.out".format(name)) as searchfile:
for line in searchfile:
self.pixmap1 = QtGui.QPixmap('green.jpg')
elif 'job aborted' in line:
self.pixmap1 = QtGui.QPixmap('red.jpg')
My problem is that the two lines involving QPixmap('yellow.jpg') are not being read after saving my file. However, if I move these two lines in between the first and second lines of the code (i.e. before filename = QtGui...), then they do work.
Can someone explain to me why this is the case?


I am trying to create a program that edits text by letting you select from a few things and changes them to one of a few options

import os, re
config_file = "jsm_gyro_config.txt"
#fptr = open(config, "w")
#text = "demo text"
file = open(config_file, 'r')
file-read = file.read()
for line in file-read:
if re.search(userinput, file-read):
x = re.search(userinput, file-read)
# iteminputted is what the user wants to replace
iteminputted = "ref"
startpostion = x.span[1] + 3
endpostion = startposition + len(iteminputted)
# Find out how to write to a specific location in a file that will finish this off
print("Item not found")
This is what i've tried and here is my thought process as always any help is appreatated and please make it understandable for an idiot :(
To begin with, you should not use - in your variable declarations as it is actually an operator and will always be treated as such. It will attempt to subtract.
Here is the same code with that fixed and also with the input
import os, re
config_file = "jsm_gyro_config.txt"
#fptr = open(config, "w")
#text = "demo text"
file = open(config_file, 'r')
file_read = file.read()
file.close() # You should always close your files.
for line in file_read:
if re.search(userinput, file_read):
x = re.search(userinput, file_read)
# iteminputted is what the user wants to replace
iteminputted = input("Input what you would like to replace > ")
startpostion = x.span[1] + 3
endpostion = startposition + len(iteminputted)
# Find out how to write to a specific location in a file that will finish this off
print("Item not found")
However your question is very unclear, I did the best I could.

Unable to implement the function

Implement the function isWhiteLine(), which takes a string and returns TRUE if the
string contains only white space & tab characters. Program should read a file given as command-line argument, and print only non-blank lines onto the standard output.
import sys
def isWhiteLine(x):
return x.isspace()
file_name = sys.argv[1]
f = open(file_name, "r")
for i in f:
if (isWhiteLine(i) == False):
The code below should support what you are looking for.
import sys
def print_non_empty_lines(file_name):
with open(file_name, 'r') as f:
lines = f.readlines()
for line in lines:
line = line.strip()
if line:
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) > 1:

Search string and replace value

Here is my code,
import os, os.path
import collections
import sys
import re
DIR_DAT = "dat"
DIR_OUTPUT = "output"
filenames = []
data = []
#in case if output folder doesn't exist
if not os.path.exists(DIR_OUTPUT):
input_file = 'axcfgpasww-from-server.dat'
element = sys.argv[1]
output_value = sys.argv[2]
with open(input_file) as infile, open('axcfgpasww-modified.dat', "w") as outfile:
if element in open(input_file).read():
regex = re.findall("\s*([\S\s]+)", element)
print('No match found')
The input_file :
I execute my script this way : modify_file.py NUM_COMM:nNN0.7 Hello world !
So if NUM_COMM:nNN0.7 exists in the file, it writes "NUM_COMM:nNN0.7" in a new axcfgpasww-modified.dat file.
But what I want to do, is execute my command as written above. And the result is the input file, with only the new value.
So my output file would be :
NUM_COMM:nNN0.7=Hello world !
Can anyone help me on this ?
Thanks !
I have made some refactoring to your original code, and made it produce the output you seek,
import os, os.path
import collections
import sys
import re
DIR_DAT = "dat"
DIR_OUTPUT = "output"
filenames = []
data = []
found = False
#in case if output folder doesn't exist
if not os.path.exists(DIR_OUTPUT):
input_file = 'axcfgpasww-from-server.dat'
element = sys.argv[1]
output_value = sys.argv[2]
with open(input_file) as infile:
for line in infile.readlines():
if element in line:
old_value = line.split("=")[1]
data.append(line.replace(old_value, output_value))
found = True
if not found:
print('No match found')
with open(input_file, 'w') as outfile:
for line in data:
NUM_COMM:nNN0.7=Hello World!
Hope this helps

Read a line from a file in python

I have one file named mcelog.conf and I am reading this file in my code. Contents of the file are
no-syslog = yes # (or no to disable)
logfile = /tmp/logfile
Program will read the mcelog.conf file and will check for the no-syslog tag, if no-syslog = yes then program has to check for the tag logfile and will read the logfile tag. Can anyone let me know how I can get the value /tmp/logfile
with open('/etc/mcelog/mcelog.conf', 'r+') as fp:
for line in fp:
if re.search("no-syslog =", line) and re.search("= no", line):
memoryErrors = readLogFile("/var/log/messages")
mcelogPathFound = true
elif re.search("no-syslog =", line) and re.search("= yes", line):
elif re.search("logfile =", line):
memoryErrors = readLogFile(line) # Here I want to pass the value "/tmp/logfile" but currently "logfile = /tmp/logfile" is getting passed
mcelogPathFound = true
You can just split the line to get the value you want:
line.split(' = ')[1]
However, you might want to look at the documentation for configparser module.
Change the code to:
with open('/etc/mcelog/mcelog.conf', 'r+') as fp:
for line in fp:
if re.search("no-syslog =", line) and re.search("= no", line):
memoryErrors = readLogFile("/var/log/messages")
mcelogPathFound = true
elif re.search("no-syslog =", line) and re.search("= yes", line):
elif re.search("logfile =", line):
emoryErrors = readLogFile(line.split("=")[1].strip()) # Here I want to pass the value "/tmp/logfile" but currently "logfile = /tmp/logfile" is getting passed
mcelogPathFound = true
This is because you want to read only a part of the line rather the whole thing so I have just split it up by the "=" sign and then stripped it to remove any blanks
I liked the suggestion of the configparser module, so here is an example of that (Python 3)
For the given input, it will output reading /var/log/messages
import configparser, itertools
config = configparser.ConfigParser()
filename = "/tmp/mcelog.conf"
def readLogFile(filename):
if filename:
print("reading", filename)
raise ValueError("unable to read file")
section = 'global'
with open(filename) as fp:
config.read_file(itertools.chain(['[{}]'.format(section)], fp), source = filename)
no_syslog = config[section]['no-syslog']
if no_syslog == 'yes':
logfile = "/var/log/messages"
elif no_syslog == 'no':
logfile = config[section]['logfile']
if logfile:
mcelogPathFound = True
memoryErrors = readLogFile(logfile)

Running script on every text file in folder

I'm looking to run my script on all text files in a directory, but I'm having a lot of trouble.
Here is the code I have so far:
data = {}
date = ID = values = None
infile = "z140327b.txt"
outfile = "oz140327b.txt"
sample = 1
with open(infile) as datafile, open(outfile, 'w') as f2:
for line in datafile:
if line.lstrip().startswith('!'):
date = line[1:].strip()
elif line.lstrip().startswith('?'):
sample = 2
elif line.lstrip().startswith('#'):
ID = line[1:].strip()
data[ID] = {}
data[ID]['date'] = date
tedtime = ID[0:2] + ":" + ID[2:]
str_1 = str(data[ID])
f2.write(tedtime + ' ' + date + ',' + str(sample))
elif line.strip():
if not ID:
words = line.split()
value = float(words[-1]) # last word
unit = words[-2].lstrip('(').rstrip(')')
item = {'value': value, 'unit': unit}
key = ' '.join(words[:-2])
data[ID][key] = item
except (ValueError) as err:
print("Could not parse this line:")
else: # if 'empty' line
ca_str = str(data[ID]['Contact Angle']['value'])
f2.write(',' + ca_str + '\n')
ID = None
ca_str2 = str(data[ID]['Contact Angle']['value'])
f2.write(',' + ca_str2 + '\n')
At the minute, I'm manually adding the filename (infile) and the output filename (outfile). I would like the output file name to be the same as the input file, preceded by an 'o', as shown in the example code.
You can use glob to get all the files in the directory:
from glob import glob
for filename in files:
with open(filename,'r') as f, open('o'+filename,'w') as f1:
#read from f
#write to f1
Simply iterate over each filename, do what you want to it, and write it to a new file.
Make sure your script is run from the directory you are in, or you need to pass the path to glob.
import glob
import os.path
def text_files(target_dir):
"""Return (infile, outfile) tuple for all *.txt files in target_dir."""
text_files = os.path.join(target_dir, '*.txt')
for fname in glob.glob(text_files):
outfile = 'o' + os.path.basename(fname)
outfile = os.path.join(target_dir, outfile)
yield fname, outfile
# Search for text files in /tmp
for inf, outf in text_files("/tmp"):
print inf, outf
