i want to do data augmentation for sentiment analysis task by replacing words with it's synonyms from wordnet but replacing is random i want to loop over the synonyms and replace word with all synonyms one at the time to increase data-size
for index , r in pos_df.iterrows():
output = ""
# Identify the parts of speech
tagged = nltk.pos_tag(words)
for i in range(0,len(words)):
replacements = []
# Only replace nouns with nouns, vowels with vowels etc.
for syn in wordnet.synsets(words[i]):
# Do not attempt to replace proper nouns or determiners
if tagged[i][1] == 'NNP' or tagged[i][1] == 'DT':
# The tokenizer returns strings like NNP, VBP etc
# but the wordnet synonyms has tags like .n.
# So we extract the first character from NNP ie n
# then we check if the dictionary word has a .n. or not
word_type = tagged[i][1][0]
if syn.name().find("."+word_type+"."):
# extract the word only
r = syn.name()[0:syn.name().find(".")]
if len(replacements) > 0:
# Choose a random replacement
replacement = replacements[randint(0,len(replacements)-1)]
output = output + " " + replacement
# If no replacement could be found, then just use the
# original word
output = output + " " + words[i]
Even I'm working with a similar kind of project, generating new sentences from a given input but without changing the context from the input text.
While coming across this, I found a data augmentation technique. Which seems to work well on the augmentation part. EDA(Easy Data Augmentation) is a paper[https://github.com/jasonwei20/eda_nlp].
Hope this helps you.
Python - Identify certain keywords in a user's input, to then lead to an answer. For example, user inputs "There is no display on my phone"
The keywords 'display' and 'phone' would link to a set of solutions.
I just need help finding a general idea on how to identify and then lead to a set of solutions. I would appreciate any help.
Use NLTK library, import stopwords.
write a code that if the word in your text is in stopword then you have to remove that word. You will get the filtered output.
Make a negative list file - containing all the words apart from stopwords that you want to remove, extent the stopwords with these words before the above code.and you will get a 100% correct output.
A simple way if you don't want to use any external libraries would be the following.
def bool_to_int(list):
num = 0
for k, v in enumerate(list):
if v==1:
return num
def take_action(code):
if code==1:
# do this
elif code==2:
# do this
keywords = ['display', 'phone', .....,]
list_of_words = data.split(" ")
code = [0]*len(keywords)
for i in list_of_words:
if i in keywords:
idx = keywords.index(i)
code = bool_to_int(code)
I'm trying to print a text while highlighting certain words and word bigrams. This would be fairly straight forward if I didn't have to print the other tokens like punctuation and such as well.
I have a list of words to highlight and another list of word bigrams to highlight.
Highlighting individual words is fairly easy, like for example:
import re
import string
regex_pattern = re.compile("([%s \n])" % string.punctuation)
def highlighter(content, terms_to_hightlight):
tokens = regex_pattern.split(content)
for token in tokens:
if token.lower() in terms_to_hightlight:
print('\x1b[6;30;42m' + token + '\x1b[0m', end="")
print(token, end="")
Only highlighting words that appear in sequence is more complex. I have been playing around with iterators but haven't been able to come up with anything that isn't overtly complicated.
If I understand the question correctly, one solution is to look ahead to the next word token and check if the bigram is in the list.
import re
import string
regex_pattern = re.compile("([%s \n])" % string.punctuation)
def find_next_word(tokens, idx):
nonword = string.punctuation + " \n"
for i in range(idx+1, len(tokens)):
if tokens[i] not in nonword:
return (tokens[i], i)
return (None, -1)
def highlighter(content, terms, bigrams):
tokens = regex_pattern.split(content)
idx = 0
while idx < len(tokens):
token = tokens[idx]
(next_word, nw_idx) = find_next_word(tokens, idx)
if token.lower() in terms:
print('*' + token + '*', end="")
idx += 1
elif next_word and (token.lower(), next_word.lower()) in bigrams:
concat = "".join(tokens[idx:nw_idx+1])
print('-' + concat + '-', end="")
idx = nw_idx + 1
print(token, end="")
idx += 1
terms = ['man', 'the']
bigrams = [('once', 'upon'), ('i','was')]
text = 'Once upon a time, as I was walking to the city, I met a man. As I was tired, I did not look once... upon this man.'
highlighter(text, terms, bigrams)
When called, this gives :
-Once upon- a time, as -I was- walking to *the* city, I met a *man*. As -I was- tired, I did not look -once... upon- this *man*.
Please note that:
this is a greedy algorithm, it will match the first bigram it finds. So for instance you check for yellow banana and banana boat, yellow banana boat is always highlighted as -yellow banana- boat. If you want another behavior, you should update the test logic.
you probably also want to update the logic to manage the case where a word is both in terms and the first part of a bigram
I haven't tested all edge cases, some things may break / there may be fence-post errors
you can optimize performance if necessary by:
building a list of the first words of the bigram and checking if a word is in it before doing the look-ahead to the next word
and/or using the result of the look-ahead to treat in one step all the non-word tokens between two words (implementing this step should be enough to insure linear performance)
Hope this helps.
I've built a web crawler which fetches me data. The data is typically structured. But then and there are a few anomalies. Now to do analysis on top of the data I am searching for few words i.e searched_words=['word1','word2','word3'......] I want the sentences in which these words are present. So I coded as below :
fsa = re.compile('|'.join(re.escape(w.lower()) for w in searched_words))
str_df['context'] = str_df['text'].apply(lambda text: [sent for sent in sent_tokenize(text)
if any(True for w in word_tokenize(sent) if w.lower() in words)])
It is working but the problem I am facing is if there is/are missing white-spaces after a fullstop in the text I am getting all such sentences as such.
Example :
searched_words = ['snakes','venomous']
text = "I am afraid of snakes.I hate them."
output : ['I am afraid of snakes.I hate them.']
Desired output : ['I am afraid of snakes.']
If all tokenizers (including nltk) fail you you can take matters into your own hands and try
import re
s='I am afraid of snakes.I hate venomous them. Theyre venomous.'
def findall(s,p):
return [m.start() for m in re.finditer(p, s)]
def find(sent, word):
indexes = findall(sent,word)
for index in indexes:
i = index
while i>0:
if sent[i]!='.':
end = index+len(word)
nextFullStop = end + sent[end:].find('.')
return res
Play with it here. There's some dots left in there as I do not know what you want to do exactly with them.
What it does is it finds all occurences of said word, and gets you the Sentence all they way back to the previous dot. This is for an edge case only but you can tune it easily, specific to your needs.
I have extracted the list of sentences from a document. I am pre-processing this list of sentences to make it more sensible. I am faced with the following problem
I have sentences such as "more recen t ly the develop ment, wh ich is a po ten t "
I would like to correct such sentences using a look up dictionary? to remove the unwanted spaces.
The final output should be "more recently the development, which is a potent "
I would assume that this is a straight forward task in preprocessing text? I need help with some pointers to look for such approaches. Thanks.
Take a look at word or text segmentation. The problem is to find the most probable split of a string into a group of words. Example:
The most probable segmentation should be of course:
the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Here's an article including prototypical source code for the problem using Google Ngram corpus:
The key for this algorithm to work is access to knowledge about the world, in this case word frequencies in some language. I implemented a version of the algorithm described in the article here:
Example usage:
$ python segmentation.py t hequi ckbrownfoxjum ped
['the', 'quick', 'brown', 'fox', 'jumped']
Using data, even this can be reordered:
$ python segmentation.py lmaoro fll olwt f pwned
['lmao', 'rofl', 'lol', 'wtf', 'pwned']
Note that the algorithm is quite slow - it's prototypical.
Another approach using NLTK:
As for your problem, you could just concatenate all string parts you have to get a single string and the run a segmentation algorithm on it.
Your goal is to improve text, not necessarily to make it perfect; so the approach you outline makes sense in my opinion. I would keep it simple and use a "greedy" approach: Start with the first fragment and stick pieces to it as long as the result is in the dictionary; if the result is not, spit out what you have so far and start over with the next fragment. Yes, occasionally you'll make a mistake with cases like the me thod, so if you'll be using this a lot, you could look for something more sophisticated. However, it's probably good enough.
Mainly what you require is a large dictionary. If you'll be using it a lot, I would encode it as a "prefix tree" (a.k.a. trie), so that you can quickly find out if a fragment is the start of a real word. The nltk provides a Trie implementation.
Since this kind of spurious word breaks are inconsistent, I would also extend my dictionary with words already processed in the current document; you may have seen the complete word earlier, but now it's broken up.
--Solution 1:
Lets think of these chunks in your sentence as beads on an abacus, with each bead consisting of a partial string, the beads can be moved left or right to generate the permutations. The position of each fragment is fixed between two adjacent fragments.
In current case, the beads would be :
This solves 2 subproblems:
a) Bead is a single unit,so We do not care about permutations within the bead i.e. permutations of "more" are not possible.
b) The order of the beads is constant, only the spacing between them changes. i.e. "more" will always be before "recen" and so on.
Now, generate all the permutations of these beads , which will give output like :
morerecentlythedevelopment,which is a potent
morerecentlythedevelopment,which is a poten t
morerecentlythedevelop ment, wh ich is a po tent
morerecentlythedevelop ment, wh ich is a po ten t
morerecentlythe development,whichisapotent
Then score these permutations based on how many words from your relevant dictionary they contain, most correct results can be easily filtered out.
more recently the development, which is a potent will score higher than morerecentlythedevelop ment, wh ich is a po ten t
Code which does the permutation part of the beads:
import re
def gen_abacus_perms(frags):
if len(frags) == 0:
return []
if len(frags) == 1:
return [frags[0]]
prefix_1 = "{0}{1}".format(frags[0],frags[1])
prefix_2 = "{0} {1}".format(frags[0],frags[1])
if len(frags) == 2:
nres = [prefix_1,prefix_2]
return nres
rem_perms = gen_abacus_perms(frags[2:])
res = ["{0}{1}".format(prefix_1, x ) for x in rem_perms] + ["{0} {1}".format(prefix_1, x ) for x in rem_perms] + \
["{0}{1}".format(prefix_2, x ) for x in rem_perms] + ["{0} {1}".format(prefix_2 , x ) for x in rem_perms]
return res
broken = "more recen t ly the develop ment, wh ich is a po ten t"
frags = re.split("\s+",broken)
perms = gen_abacus_perms(frags)
I would suggest an alternate approach which makes use of text analysis intelligence already developed by folks working on similar problems and having worked on big corpus of data which depends on dictionary and grammar .e.g. search engines.
I am not well aware of such public/paid apis, so my example is based on google results.
Lets try to use google :
You can keep putting your invalid terms to Google, for multiple passes, and keep evaluating the results for some score based on your lookup dictionary.
here are two relevant outputs by using 2 passes of your text :
This outout is used for a second pass :
Which gives you the conversion as ""more recently the development, which is a potent".
To verify the conversion, you will have to use some similarity algorithm and scoring to filter out invalid / not so good results.
One raw technique could be using a comparison of normalized strings using difflib.
>>> import difflib
>>> import re
>>> input = "more recen t ly the develop ment, wh ich is a po ten t "
>>> output = "more recently the development, which is a potent "
>>> input_norm = re.sub(r'\W+', '', input).lower()
>>> output_norm = re.sub(r'\W+', '', output).lower()
>>> input_norm
>>> output_norm
>>> difflib.SequenceMatcher(None,input_norm,output_norm).ratio()
I would recommend stripping away the spaces and looking for dictionary words to break it down into. There are a few things you can do to make it more accurate. To make it get the first word in text with no spaces, try taking the entire string, and going through dictionary words from a file (you can download several such files from http://wordlist.sourceforge.net/), the longest ones first, than taking off letters from the end of the string you want to segment. If you want it to work on a big string, you can make it automatically take off letters from the back so that the string you are looking for the first word in is only as long as the longest dictionary word. This should result in you finding the longest words, and making it less likely to do something like classify "asynchronous" as "a synchronous". Here is an example that uses raw input to take in the text to correct and a dictionary file called dictionary.txt:
dict = open("dictionary.txt",'r') #loads a file with a list of words to break string up into
words = raw_input("enter text to correct spaces on: ")
words = words.strip() #strips away spaces
spaced = [] #this is the list of newly broken up words
parsing = True #this represents when the while loop can end
while parsing:
if len(words) == 0: #checks if all of the text has been broken into words, if it has been it will end the while loop
parsing = False
iterating = True
for iteration in range(45): #goes through each of the possible word lengths, starting from the biggest
if iterating == False:
word = words[:45-iteration] #each iteration, the word has one letter removed from the back, starting with the longest possible number of letters, 45
for line in dict:
line = line[:-1] #this deletes the last character of the dictionary word, which will be a newline. delete this line of code if it is not a newline, or change it to [1:] if the newline character is at the beginning
if line == word: #this finds if this is the word we are looking for
words = words[-(len(word)):] #takes away the word from the text list
iterating = False
print ' '.join(spaced) #prints the output
If you want it to be even more accurate, you could try using a natural language parsing program, there are several available for python free online.
Here's something really basic:
chunks = []
for chunk in my_str.split():
joined = ''.join(chunks)
if is_word(joined):
print joined,
del chunks[:]
# deal with left overs
if chunks:
print ''.join(chunks)
I assume you have a set of valid words somewhere that can be used to implement is_word. You also have to make sure it deals with punctuation. Here's one way to do that:
def is_word(wd):
if not wd:
return False
# Strip of trailing punctuation. There might be stuff in front
# that you want to strip too, such as open parentheses; this is
# just to give the idea, not a complete solution.
if wd[-1] in ',.!?;:':
wd = wd[:-1]
return wd in valid_words
You can iterate through a dictionary of words to find the best fit. Adding the words together when a match is not found.
def iterate(word,dictionary):
for word in dictionary:
if words in possibleWord:
added = True
added = False
return [added,finished_sentence]
sentence = "more recen t ly the develop ment, wh ich is a po ten t "
finished_sentence = ""
sentence = sentence.split()
for word in sentence:
added,new_word = interate(word,dictionary)
while True:
if added == False:
word += possible[sentence.find(possibleWord)]
This should work. For the variable dictionary, download a txt file of every single english word, then open it in your program.
my index.py file be like
from wordsegment import load, segment
my index.php file be like
<title>py script</title>
<h1>Hey There!Python Working Successfully In A PHP Page.</h1>
$python = `python index.py`;
echo $python;
Hope this will work