Creating key:attribute pairs in networkx for Python - python

I am working on creating a graph method for analyzing images using pixels as nodes in Python. Using networkx as graph support(documentation here: ) Take this as an example:
for x in new:
print h
As expected, 256 nodes will be created.
Now, I would like to create node:attribute pairs based on another array, namely:
for x in new:
nx.set_node_attributes(g, 'value' newarray[x])
With the addition of this line, I was hoping that the first node of newarray would be assigned to the first node of g. However, rather, all values of g will be assigned the last value of newarray. Namely, 256. How can I add attribute pairs for each node, element by element?

You need to pass in a dictionary as the third parameter for set_node_attribute, one that's aligned with the graph. See if this code does what you need:
import numpy as np
import networkx as nx
array1 = np.arange(256)
array2 = np.arange(256) * 10
g = nx.Graph()
valdict = {}
for x in array1:
valdict[x] = array2[x]
nx.set_node_attributes(g, 'value', valdict)
for i in array1:
print g.nodes()[i], g.node[i]['value']


Remove weights from networkx graph

I have a weighted Networkx graph G. I first want to make some operation on G with weights (which is why I just don't read the input and set weights=None) and then remove them from G afterwards. What is the most straightforward way to make it unweighted?
I could just do:
G = nx.from_scipy_sparse_array(nx.to_scipy_sparse_array(G,weight=None))
Or loop through the G.adj dictionary and set weights=0, but both of these options feels too complicated. Something like:
G = G.drop_weights()
It is possible to access the data structure of the networkx graphs directly and remove any unwanted attributes.
At the end, what you can do is define a function that loops over the dictionaries and remove the "weight" attribute.
def drop_weights(G):
'''Drop the weights from a networkx weighted graph.'''
for node, edges in nx.to_dict_of_dicts(G).items():
for edge, attrs in edges.items():
attrs.pop('weight', None)
and an example of usage:
import networkx as nx
def drop_weights(G):
'''Drop the weights from a networkx weighted graph.'''
for node, edges in nx.to_dict_of_dicts(G).items():
for edge, attrs in edges.items():
attrs.pop('weight', None)
G = nx.Graph()
G.add_weighted_edges_from([(1,2,0.125), (1,3,0.75), (2,4,1.2), (3,4,0.375)])
print(nx.is_weighted(G)) # True
F = nx.Graph(G)
print(nx.is_weighted(F)) # True
# OP's suggestion
F = nx.from_scipy_sparse_array(nx.to_scipy_sparse_array(G,weight=None))
print(nx.is_weighted(F)) # True
# Correct solution
print(nx.is_weighted(F)) # False
Note that even reconstructing the graph without the weights through nx.to_scipy_sparse_array is not enough because the graph is constructed with weights, only these are set to 1.

Given a node set, enumerate graphs on it

I have a node set
I can define 2^(nC2) graphs on this node set. I want to enumerate each of them in nondecreasing order with respect to the number of edges. Is there an efficient way to do it in python networkx? Assume undirected graphs, and by enumerating graphs i basically mean enumerating the adjacency matrices.
This can be achieved using the below code. Basically, we use itertools to generate lists representing all possible graphs, sort them by how many edges they contain, generate a dictionary of lists representing that graph, and then return a list of networkx graphs corresponding to those dicts of lists.
from math import factorial as f
import networkx as nx
import itertools
def nCr(n,r):
return f(n) // f(r) // f(n-r)
def get_all_graphs(n):
rows = sorted(itertools.product(range(2), repeat=nCr(n,2)), key= lambda x: sum(x))
indices = [sum(range(n-1, n-i-1, -1)) for i in range(n)] + [sum(range(n))]
graphs = [{node: [j+node+1 for j, edge in enumerate(row[indices[node] : indices[node+1]]) if edge == 1] for node in range(n)} for row in rows]
return [nx.from_dict_of_lists(x) for x in graphs]
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=4)
graphs = get_all_graphs(3)
for i, row in enumerate(ax):
for j, col in enumerate(row):
nx.draw(graphs[i*4+j], with_labels=True, ax=col)
Or with the above example adapted for n=4:

Add edge-weights to plot output in networkx from adjacency matrix

I'm generating a random graph and drawing it from the adjacency matrix. I need to be able to add the edge weights.
I looked at Add edge-weights to plot output in networkx and that seems to work fine and is exactly what I'm looking for in the display, but it only works when adding edges individually.
I'm using:
nx.from_numpy_matrix(G, create_using = nx.DiGraph())
And according to the documentation, if the nonsymmetric adjacency matrix has only integer entries (which it does), the entries will be interpreted as weighted edges joining the vertices (without creating parallel edges). So when looking at Add edge-weights to plot output in networkx, they grab the node attributes, grab the label attributes, and draw the edge labels. But I'm unable to grab the attributes. Does anyone know how to display these edges while still using this adjacency matrix?
Thanks in advance!
from random import random
import numpy
import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#here's how I'm generating my random matrix
def CreateRandMatrix( numnodes = int):
def RandomHelper():
x = random()
if x < .70:
elif .7 <= x and x <.82:
elif .82 <= x and x <.94:
randomatrix = numpy.matrix([[RandomHelper() for x in range(numnodes)] for y in range(numnodes)])
for i in range(len(randomatrix)):
return randomatrix
#this generate the graph I want to display edge weights on
def Draw(n = int):
MatrixtoDraw = CreateRandMatrix(n)
G = nx.from_numpy_matrix(MatrixtoDraw, create_using = nx.DiGraph())
nx.draw_spring(G, title="RandMatrix",with_labels=True)
This my attempt at following Add edge-weights to plot output in networkx.
def Draw2(n = int):
MatrixtoDraw = CreateRandMatrix(n)
G = nx.from_numpy_matrix(MatrixtoDraw, create_using = nx.DiGraph())
nx.draw_spring(G, title="RandMatrix",with_labels=True)
labels = nx.get_edge_attributes(G,'weight')
If I run each line individually on idle I get
>>> nx.get_node_attributes(G,'pos')
>>> nx.get_node_attributes(G,'weight')
Why are they not being grabbed from the graph information generated by the adjacency matrix?

How to build directed graph from nested dictionary? (Python 3 | NetworkX)

I am trying to build a hierarchical directed network where some nodes can branch into others, while others do not. The values in the inner dictionary (i.e. the integers) are to keep track of leaves in the tree-like structure. I've created a naive way to turn this particular nested dictionary graph_data into a directed graph but it is only specific to 3 layers. Below shows the hierarchy:
How can I create a nested function that adds edges to the directed graph for any number of levels? For example, if there was a level-3 or a level-4 this would not work and I would have to expand it out each time. Do I need to use a while loop?
import numpy as np
from collections import *
import networkx as nx
%matplotlib inline
# Hierarchical data
graph_data = {"root": {"level-0.A":0,
"level-1.B.2": {"level-2.B.2.1":3, "level-2.B.2.2":1}}}}
# Empty directed graph
G = nx.DiGraph()
# Helper functions
is_dict = lambda x: type(x) in {dict, OrderedDict, defaultdict}
# Iterate through the layers
for root, level_0 in graph_data.items():
if len(level_0) > 0:
for level_0_node, level_1 in level_0.items():
G.add_edge(root, level_0_node)
if is_dict(level_1):
for level_1_node, level_2 in level_1.items():
G.add_edge(level_0_node, level_1_node)
if is_dict(level_2):
for level_2_node, level_3 in level_2.items():
G.add_edge(level_1_node, level_2_node)
nx.draw(G, with_labels=True)
Use a queue to hold the details, e.g.:
from collections import Mapping
graph_data = {"root": {"level-0.A":0,
"level-1.B.2": {"level-2.B.2.1":3, "level-2.B.2.2":1}}}}
# Empty directed graph
G = nx.DiGraph()
# Iterate through the layers
q = list(graph_data.items())
while q:
v, d = q.pop()
for nv, nd in d.items():
G.add_edge(v, nv)
if isinstance(nd, Mapping):
q.append((nv, nd))
nx.draw(G, with_labels=True)

Graph traversal with Networkx (Python)

I'm playing a bit with Networkx to manage a graph of dependencies.
Let's say I have this Graph which each letter represent a server
>>> G = nx.Graph()
>>> G.add_edge("A","B")
>>> G.add_edge("A","H")
>>> G.add_edge("H","C")
>>> G.add_edge("B","C")
>>> G.add_edge("B","D")
/ \
/ / \
So here we can see that before starting A we need to start H and B and to start H we need to start C and then to start B wee need to start C and D
By fiddling a bit with Networkx I found that I can get that by doing a dfs traversal
print nx.dfs_successors(G,"A")
{A:[H,B], H:[C], B:[D] }
But I have a problem with that method. As you can see when there is two same letter in the tree, Networkx only chose to put one of them in the final structure (which is correct) But I need to have the complete structure
How can I force Networkx to add in the structure B:[D,C] ??
I want to precise that by doing
>>> nx.dfs_successors(G,"B")
{'B': ['C', 'D']}
So everything is "Internally" correct, it's just the dfs_successors that displays it not in the way I wish.
Thank you
Taking your code, your graph doesn't come out as you'd expect. If you do:
import pylab as p
import networkx as nx
G = nx.Graph()
you will see your graph as:
This is due to the logic of G.add_edge("A", "B"):
If G has no node of id "A", add it.
If G has no node of id "B", add it.
Connect "A" to "B" with a new edge.
Thus, you only create five nodes, not six as in your picture.
Networkx can take any hashable as value for a node, and in the graph it uses str(node) to label each circle. So we can simply define our own Node class (which you maybe want to call Server?) and give it the desired behavior.
import pylab as p
import networkx as nx
class Node(object):
nodes = []
def __init__(self, label):
self._label = label
def __str__(self):
return self._label
nodes = [Node(l) for l in ["A","B","C","C","D","H"]]
edges = [(0,1),(0,5),(5,2),(1,3),(1,4)]
G = nx.Graph()
for i,j in edges:
G.add_edge(nodes[i], nodes[j])
gives us
and so what you wanted.
I think what you are looking for is a topological sort
This only works if you have a DAG (directed acyclic graph).
If so you can draw the tree you want too - like this:
import uuid
import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
G = nx.DiGraph()
order = nx.topological_sort(G)
print "topological sort"
print order
# build tree
start = order[0]
nodes = [order[0]] # start with first node in topological order
labels = {}
print "edges"
tree = nx.Graph()
while nodes:
source = nodes.pop()
labels[source] = source
for target in G.neighbors(source):
if target in tree:
t = uuid.uuid1() # new unique id
t = target
labels[t] = target
print source,target,source,t
The drawing uses a label mapping to map the ids of the node to the original labels.
