I have a web server written in python, which is interacting with cassandra database using Cassandra's python driver.
when i starting this python server using gunicorn http server my requests are handled without error.
but when i run the same server using uwsgi http server after firs request, which must write some data into Cassandra table, cassandra raises an error
cassandra.OperationTimedOut: errors={}, last_host=
the error raises in session.prepare() funcion call in python.
We got the same error message in our application.
And we fixed it by opening Cassandra session in constructor function, and shutdown it in destroy function in Model Class. Please see code below
class Model():
def __init__(self):
self.db = cassandra.createSession()
def __del__(self):
I found a better solution here: uWSGI Cassandra
from cqlengine import connection
from cqlengine.connection import (
cluster as cql_cluster, session as cql_session)
from uwsgidecorators import postfork
except ImportError:
# We're not in a uWSGI context, no need to hook Cassandra session
# initialization to the postfork event.
def cassandra_init():
""" Initialize a new Cassandra session in the context.
Ensures that a new session is returned for every new request.
if cql_cluster is not None:
if cql_session is not None:
I am getting an error
redis.exceptions.ConnectionError: Error 24 connecting to redis-service:6379. Too many open files.
OSError: [Errno 24] Too many open files
I know this can be fixed by increasing the ulimit but I don't think that's the issue here and also this is a service running on a container.
The application starts up correctly works for 48 hours correctly and then I get the above error.
Which implies that the connections are growing over time exponentially.
What my application is basically doing
background_task (ran using celery) -> collects data from postgres and sets it on redis
prometheus reaches the app at '/metrics' which is a django view -> collects data from redis and serves the data using django prometheus exporter
The code looks something like this
from prometheus_client.core import GaugeMetricFamily, REGISTRY
from my_awesome_app.taskbroker.celery import app
class SomeMetricCollector:
def get_sample_metrics(self):
with app.connection_or_acquire() as conn:
client = conn.channel().client
result = client.get('some_metric_key')
return {'some_metric_key': result}
def collect(self):
sample_metrics = self.get_sample_metrics()
for key, value in sample_metrics.items():
yield GaugeMetricFamily(key, 'This is a custom metric', value=value)
# This is my boilerplate taskbroker app
from my_awesome_app.taskbroker.celery import app
# How it's collecting data from postgres is trivial to this issue.
from my_awesome_app.utility_app.utility import some_value_calculated_from_query
def app_metrics_sync_periodic():
with app.connection_or_acquire() as conn:
client = conn.channel().client
client.set('some_metric_key', some_value_calculated_from_query(), ex=21600)
return True
I don't think the background data collection in tasks.py is causing the Redis connections to grow exponentially but it's the Django view '/metrics' in views.py which is causing.
Can you please tell me what I am doing wrong here?
If there is a better way to read from Redis from a Django view. The Prometheus instance scrapes the Django application every 5s.
This answer is according to my use case and research.
The issue here, according to me, is the fact that each request to /metrics initiates a new thread where the views.py creates new connections in the Celery broker's connection pool.
This can be easily handled by letting Django manage its own Redis connection pool through cache backend and Celery manage its own Redis connection pool and not use each other's connection pools from their respective threads.
Django Side
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# For more details on options for your cache backend please refer
# https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/3.1/ref/settings/#backend
"default": {
"BACKEND": "django_redis.cache.RedisCache",
"LOCATION": "redis://localhost:6379/0",
"CLIENT_CLASS": "django_redis.client.DefaultClient",
from prometheus_client.core import GaugeMetricFamily, REGISTRY
# *: Replacing celery app with Django cache backend
from django.core.cache import cache
class SomeMetricCollector:
def get_sample_metrics(self):
# *: This is how you will get the new client, which is still context managed.
with cache.client.get_client() as client:
result = client.get('some_metric_key')
return {'some_metric_key': result}
def collect(self):
sample_metrics = self.get_sample_metrics()
for key, value in sample_metrics.items():
yield GaugeMetricFamily(key, 'This is a custom metric', value=value)
This will ensure that Django will maintain it's Redis connection pool and not cause new connections to be spun up unnecessarily.
Celery Side
# This is my boilerplate taskbroker app
from my_awesome_app.taskbroker.celery import app
# How it's collecting data from postgres is trivial to this issue.
from my_awesome_app.utility_app.utility import some_value_calculated_from_query
def app_metrics_sync_periodic():
with app.connection_or_acquire() as conn:
# *: This will force celery to always look into the existing connection pool for connection.
client = conn.default_channel.client
client.set('some_metric_key', some_value_calculated_from_query(), ex=21600)
return True
How do I monitor connections?
There is a nice prometheus celery exporter which will help you monitor your celery task activity not sure how you can add connection pool and connection monitoring to it.
The easiest way to manually verify if the connections are growing every time /metrics is hit on the web app, is by:
$ redis-cli> CLIENT LIST
The client list command will help you see if the number of connections are growing or not.
I don't use queues sadly but I would recommend using queues. This is how my worker runs:
$ celery -A my_awesome_app.taskbroker worker --concurrency=20 -l ERROR -E
I built an API using Flask and I'm using a service (as below) to create my database connections.
class DatabaseService:
def __init__(self):
self.connection_string = "foo"
def create_connection(self):
engine = create_engine(self.connection_string)
Session = scoped_session(sessionmaker(bind=engine))
return Session
In my app.py I add and remove these sessions to Flask application context (g) as the docs suggests.
So I can reference to g.session always I need them.
def get_session():
if 'session' not int g:
session = database_service.create_session()
g.session = session
def shutdown_session(exception=None):
if 'session' in g:
return None
This way every request has your own session that will close after processing. Am I right?
I don't understand why the connections are still alive on my database after the request is already done.
Always I run the command show processlist I can see multiple connections sleeping from my API.
I see no problem opening and closing sessions per-request
my_session = Session(engine)
I am using the following version of neo4j libraries:
I have a flask app and in development I am using the internal flask application server. (In prod I will use a docker container with uwsgi, but this quesiton is about my dev setup.)
I have encapsuated neo4j into a class and my application maintains a single instance of this class:
class ChartStoreConnectionClass():
driver = None
def __init__(self, configDict):
self.driver = neo4j.GraphDatabase.driver(
auth=(configDict["basicAuthUsername"], configDict["basicAuthPassword"]),
# trust=neo4j.TRUST_CUSTOM_CA_SIGNED_CERTIFICATES, Custom CA support is not implemented
def readonlyQuery(self, queryFN):
res = None
with self.driver.session() as session:
tx = session.begin_transaction()
res = queryFN(tx)
return res
def execute(self, queryFN):
res = None
with self.driver.session() as session:
tx = session.begin_transaction()
res = queryFN(tx)
return res
This setup works for a while, but sometimes I get the following error:
neobolt.exceptions.ServiceUnavailable: Failed to read from defunct connection Address(host='',
when I simply retry the request it works the second time. I have read around the error message and found mutiple posts talking about neo4j in multi-threaded vs multi-process environments but I do not believe they are relevant to me here.
There errors are occurring on the commit of the execute function. The queryFN I pass to it is a very simple one liner which takes next to no time to execute.
Is it wrong to have a single driver instance for my application? (I thought this was the way to do it because the driver creates a connection pool and it makes sense that my application has a connection pool.)
What is the recommended way to use neo4j with Flask?
I have seen this example https://github.com/neo4j-examples/movies-python-bolt/blob/master/movies.py but they simply have a single driver object in the same way as I do. (Except that is global not inside a class, but functionally mine is the same.)
Where should I be looking to debug this issue?
I'm trying to stream large CSVs to clients from my Flask server, which uses Flask-SQLAlchemy.
When configuring the app (using the factory pattern), db.session.close() is called after each request:
def close_connection(r):
return r
This configuration has worked great up until now, as all the requests are short lived. But when streaming a response, the SQLAlchemy session is closed prematurely, throwing the following error when the generator is called:
sqlalchemy.orm.exc.DetachedInstanceError: Parent instance <Question> is not bound to a Session; lazy load operation of attribute 'offered_answers' cannot proceed
def export_data():
answers = Answer.query.all()
questions = Question.query.all()
def generate():
Iterate through answers questions and write out various relationships to csv
response = Response(stream_with_context(generate()), mimetype='text/csv')
return response
I've tried multiple configurations of using / not using stream_with_context and global flags in def close_connection to not automatically close the connection but the same error persists.
#app.after_request was closing the database session before the generator to stream the file was ever invoked.
The solution was to migrate db.session.close() to #app.teardown_request. stream_with_context must also be used when instantiating Response.
I have an API I have written in flask. It uses sqlalchemy to deal with a MySQL database. I don't use flask-sqlalchemy, because I don't like how the module forces you into a certain pattern for declaring the model.
I'm having a problem in which my database connections are not closing. The object representing the connection is going out of scope, so I assume it is being garbage collected. I also explicitly call close() on the session. Despite this, the connections stay open long after the API call has returned its response.
sqlsession.py: Here is the wrapper I am using for the session.
class SqlSession:
def __init__(self, conn=Constants.Sql):
self.db = SqlSession.createEngine(conn)
Session = sessionmaker(bind=self.db)
self.session = Session()
def createEngine(conn):
return create_engine(conn.URI.format(user=conn.USER, password=conn.PASS, host=conn.HOST, port=conn.PORT, database=conn.DATABASE, poolclass=NullPool))
def close(self):
flaskroutes.py: Here is an example of the flask app instantiating and using the wrapper object. Note that it instantiates it in the beginning within the scope of the api call, then closes the session at the end, and presumably is garbage collected after the response is returned.
def commands(self, deviceId):
sqlSession = SqlSession(self.sessionType) <---
commandsQueued = getCommands()
jsonCommands = []
for command in commandsQueued:
jsonCommand = command.returnJsonObject()
resp = jsonify({'commands': jsonCommands})
sqlSession.close() <---
resp.status_code = 200
return resp
I would expect the connections to be cleared as soon as the HTTP response is made, but instead, the connections end up with the "SLEEP" state (when viewed in the MySQL command line interface 'show processlist').
I ended up using the advice from this SO post:
How to close sqlalchemy connection in MySQL
I strongly recommend reading that post to anyone having this problem. Basically, I added a dispose() call to the close method. Doing so causes the entire connection to be destroyed, while closing simply returns connections to an available pool (but leave them open).
def close(self):
This whole this was a bit confusing to me, but at least now I understand more about the connection pool.