I'm a newbie in Python and embedding it too. And I have one problem:
There is function in my python module that recieves buffer created with ctypes.create_string_buffer(size) and fills it by content from some memory address:
def get_mem(self, address, size, data):
self.mem.read_ram_block(address, size, data)
How should I call this method with using of (char *) buffer? I want fill my C++ buffer with recieved from python.
If you only want to call the Python function ctypes.create_string_buffer(size), you could easily mirror the Python coding on the C++ side:
static PyObject* create_string_buffer(unsigned long size) {
PyObject *ctypes = PyImport_ImportModule("ctypes");
if (!ctypes) return 0;
PyObject *buf = PyObject_CallMethod(ctypes, "create_string_buffer", "k", size);
return buf;
If you'd like to use another type than unsigned long for the size, you'd need to change the format in PyObject_CallMethod as well. For example O is used for PyObject*. For a complete list of formats see the documentation for Building values.
I have a boost python application that exports a class to Python, performs a calculation and returns the output back to C++:
import engine # c++ library
import glm # pyglm
class Game(engine.Application):
def __init__(self):
engine.Application.__init__(self, title, fullscreen)
self.shader = engine.Shader();
self.shader.setup("shader.vs", "shader.fs")
self.shader.setMat4("model", glm.mat4(1.0)
def update(self):
Amongst other classes, the shader is being wrapped and exported from C++ like this:
struct ShaderWrap : Shader, boost::python::wrapper<Shader>
int setup(const char* vertexPath, const char* fragmentPath)
return Shader::setup(vertexPath, fragmentPath);
int setMat4(std::string name, glm::mat4 mat)
return Shader::setMat4(name, mat);
namespace python = boost::python;
python::class_<ShaderWrap, boost::noncopyable>("Shader")
.def("setup", &Shader::setup)
.def("setMat4", &Shader::setMat4)
The application works fine up until the self.shader.setMat4 call and I get the error:
Boost.Python.ArgumentError: Python argument types in
StaticShader.setMat4(StaticShader, str, glm::detail::tmat4x4)
did not match C++ signature:
setMat4(StaticShader {lvalue}, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, glm::mat<4, 4, float, (glm::qualifier)0>)
I've tried to pass the mat4 value as a float* back to C++ with no success.
I've also tried calling value_ptr(mat4) which returns a c_void_p, but the compiler complains saying c_void_p and void* are not the same type (also tried various attempts of casting it with the ctypes library).
this question and this question are the basically the same problem but I got lost in the implementation.
In the PyGLM documentation, the developer says the library is written in C++. So,
What would be a possible way to pass through a glm.mat4 value to C++ to be interpreted as a glm::mat4 value?
I want to pass a glm.mat4 such as the view matrix, being updated in the Python code update function back to C++ to be further used, and was hoping there would be a fairly simple interface between the pyGLM library/GLM library through boost::python. Thanks in advance.
Ended up contacting the developer about this issue and this was there response:
This is what matrix objects look like in C++ code:
template<int C, int R, typename T>
struct mat {
PyObject ob_base;
uint8_t info;
glm::mat<C, R, T> super_type;
That is most likely why it's not quite compatible to glm matrices.
If you're using the latest version of PyGLM, value_ptr(mat4) should return a LP_c_float object, i.e. a float*.
I'm sure there is a way to transfer such a pointer over to boost::python, though as I said, I don't know how.
Technically you could convert the pointer to an integer, transfer that and cast it back to a float*.
You can get the address of a pointer by using:
int.from_bytes(ptr, "little")
Alternatively you could simply send over a bytes object.
as_bytes = bytes(mat4)
Or as a tuple:
as_tuple = mat4.to_tuple()
Or as a numpy array (which seems to have it's own boost::python::numpy module):
np_arr = numpy.array(mat4)
I was able to get the right output by passing the memory address as an int* back to C++ which then did some slicing to get it back into a glm::mat4, but I found this solution too convoluted and ended up wrapping the glm::mat4 class manually (see https://stackoverflow.com/a/62672081/9238288 for a basic example of how to achieve this).
How can I pass a str value (containing 3000 {'0', '1'} bytes) obtained using python code as an argument to a python c extended function (extended using SWIG) which requires int * (fixed length int array) as an input argument? My code is such:
int *exposekey(int *bits) {
int a[1000];
for (int j=2000; j < 3000; j++) {
a[j - 2000] = bits[j];
return a;
What I've tried was to use ctypes (see below code):
import ctypes
ldpc = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary('./_ldpc.so')
arr = (ctypes.c_int * 3072)(<mentioned below>)
with 3072 {0, 1} entered in the position. Python returns syntax error : more than 255 arguments. This still doesn't help me to pass assigned str value instead of the initialized ctypes int array.
Other suggestion included using SWIG typemaps but how would that work for converting a str into int * ? Thanks in advance.
Regarding my comment, here are some more details about returning arrays from functions: [SO]: Returning an array using C. In short: ways handle this:
Make the returned variable static
Dynamically allocate it (using malloc (family) or new)
Turn it into an additional argument for the function
Getting that piece of C code to run within the Python interpreter is possible in 2 ways:
[Python 3.Docs]: Extending Python with C or C++ - which creates a C written Python module
A way of doing that is using swig which offers a simple interface for generating the module ([SWIG]: SWIG Basics) saving you the trouble of writing it yourself using [Python 3.Docs]: Python/C API Reference Manual
The other way around, leaving the code in a standard dll which can be accessed via [Python 3.Docs]: ctypes - A foreign function library for Python
Since they both are doing the same thing, mixing them together makes no sense. So, pick the one that best fits your needs.
1. ctypes
This is what you started with
It's one of the ways of doing things using ctypes
#include <stdio.h>
#if defined(_WIN32)
# define CTYPES_DEMO_EXPORT_API __declspec(dllexport)
CTYPES_DEMO_EXPORT_API int exposekey(char *bitsIn, char *bitsOut) {
int ret = 0;
printf("Message from C code...\n");
for (int j = 0; j < 1000; j++)
bitsOut[j] = bitsIn[j + 2000];
return ret;
Based on comments, I changed the types in the function from int* to char*, because it's 4 times more compact (although it's still ~700% inefficient since 7 bits of each char are ignored versus only one of them being used; that can be fixed, but requires bitwise processing)
I took a and turned into the 2nd argument (bitsOut). I think this is best because it's caller responsibility to allocate and deallocate the array (the 3rd option from the beginning)
I also modified the index range (without changing functionality), because it makes more sense to work with low index values and add something to them in one place, instead of a high index values and subtract (the same) something in another place
The return value is the number of bits set (obviously, 1000 in this case) but it's just an example
printf it's just dummy, to show that the C code gets executed
When dealing with such arrays, it's recommended to pass their dimensions as well, to avoid out of bounds errors. Also, error handling is an important aspect
from ctypes import CDLL, c_char, c_char_p, c_int, create_string_buffer
bits_string = "010011000110101110101110101010010111011101101010101"
def main():
dll = CDLL("./ctypes_demo.dll")
exposekey = dll.exposekey
exposekey.argtypes = [c_char_p, c_char_p]
exposekey.restype = c_int
bits_in = create_string_buffer(b"\0" * 2000 + bits_string.encode())
bits_out = create_string_buffer(1000)
print("Before: [{}]".format(bits_out.raw[:len(bits_string)].decode()))
ret = exposekey(bits_in, bits_out)
print("After: [{}]".format(bits_out.raw[:len(bits_string)].decode()))
print("Return code: {}".format(ret))
if __name__ == "__main__":
1st, I want to mention that running your code didn't raise the error you got
Specifying function's argtypes and restype is mandatory, and also makes things easier (documented in the ctypes tutorial)
I am printing the bits_out array (only the first - and relevant - part, as the rest are 0) in order to prove that the C code did its job
I initialize bits_in array with 2000 dummy 0 at the beginning, as those values are not relevant here. Also, the input string (bits_string) is not 3000 characters long (for obvious reasons). If your bits_string is 3000 characters long you can simply initialize bits_in like: bits_in = create_string_buffer(bits_string.encode())
Do not forget to initialize bits_out to an array with a size large enough (in our example 1000) for its purpose, otherwise segfault might arise when trying to set its content past the size
For this (simple) function, the ctypes variant was easier (at least for me, since I don't use swig frequently), but for more complex functions / projects it will become an overkill and switching to swig would be the right thing to do
Output (running with Python3.5 on Win):
c:\Work\Dev\StackOverflow\q47276327>"c:\Work\Dev\VEnvs\py35x64_test\Scripts\python.exe" test_ctypes.py
Before: [ ]
Message from C code...
After: [010011000110101110101110101010010111011101101010101]
Return code: 1000
2. swig
Almost everything from the ctypes section, applies here as well
#include <malloc.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "swig_demo.h"
char *exposekey(char *bitsIn) {
char *bitsOut = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * 1000);
printf("Message from C code...\n");
for (int j = 0; j < 1000; j++) {
bitsOut[j] = bitsIn[j + 2000];
return bitsOut;
%module swig_demo
#include "swig_demo.h"
%newobject exposekey;
%include "swig_demo.h"
char *exposekey(char *bitsIn);
Here I'm allocating the array and return it (the 2nd option from the beginning)
The .i file is a standard swig interface file
Defines the module, and its exports (via %include)
One thing that is worth mentioning is the %newobject directive that deallocates the pointer returned by exposekey to avoid memory leaks
The .h file just contains the function declaration, in order to be included by the .i file (it's not mandatory, but things are more elegant this way)
The rest is pretty much the same
from swig_demo import exposekey
bits_in = "010011000110101110101110101010010111011101101010101"
def main():
bits_out = exposekey("\0" * 2000 + bits_in)
print("C function returned: [{}]".format(bits_out))
if __name__ == "__main__":
Things make much more sense from Python programmer's PoV
Code is a lot shorter (that is because swig did some "magic" behind the scenes):
The wrapper .c wrapper file generated from the .i file has ~120K
The swig_demo.py generated module has ~3K
I used the same technique with 2000 0 at the beginning of the string
c:\Work\Dev\StackOverflow\q47276327>"c:\Work\Dev\VEnvs\py35x64_test\Scripts\python.exe" test_swig.py
Message from C code...
C function returned: [010011000110101110101110101010010111011101101010101]
3. Plain Python C API
I added this part as a personal exercise
This is what swig does, but "manually"
#include "Python.h"
#include "swig_demo.h"
#define MOD_NAME "capi_demo"
static PyObject *PyExposekey(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) {
PyObject *bitsInArg = NULL, *bitsOutArg = NULL;
char *bitsIn = NULL, *bitsOut = NULL;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O", &bitsInArg))
return NULL;
bitsIn = PyBytes_AS_STRING(PyUnicode_AsEncodedString(bitsInArg, "ascii", "strict"));
bitsOut = exposekey(bitsIn);
bitsOutArg = PyUnicode_FromString(bitsOut);
return bitsOutArg;
static PyMethodDef moduleMethods[] = {
{"exposekey", (PyCFunction)PyExposekey, METH_VARARGS, NULL},
static struct PyModuleDef moduleDef = {
PyModuleDef_HEAD_INIT, MOD_NAME, NULL, -1, moduleMethods
PyMODINIT_FUNC PyInit_capi_demo(void) {
return PyModule_Create(&moduleDef);
It requires swig_demo.h and swig_demo.c (not going to duplicate their contents here)
It only works with Python 3 (actually I got quite some headaches making it work, especially because I was used to PyString_AsString which is no longer present)
Error handling is poor
test_capi.py is similar to test_swig.py with one (obvious) difference: from swig_demo import exposekey should be replaced by from capi_demo import exposekey
The output is also the same to test_swig.py (again, not going to duplicate it here)
I have a C++ class method like this:
class BinaryData
void serialize(unsigned char* buf) const;
serialize function just get binary data as unsigned char*.
I use SWIG to wrap this class.
I want to read binary data as byte array or int array in python.
Python Code:
buf = [1] * 1000;
But it occurs exception that can't convert to unsigned char*.
How can I call this function in python?
Simplest thing to do is to convert it inside Python:
buf = [1] * 1000;
Will work out of the box, but is potentially inelegant depending on what Python users are expecting. You can workaround that using SWIG either inside Python code, e.g. with:
%feature("shadow") BinaryData::serialize(unsigned char *) %{
def serialize(*args):
#do something before
args = (args[0], ''.join(args[1]))
#do something after
Or inside the generated interface code, e.g. using buffers protocol:
%typemap(in) unsigned char *buf %{
// use PyObject_CheckBuffer and
// PyObject_GetBuffer to work with the underlying buffer
// use PyIter_Check and
// PyObject_GetIter
Where you prefer to do this is a personal choice based on your preferred programming language and other situation specific constraints.
I have implemented the new python buffer interface in C++ outlined here:
I have implemented my Py_buffer struct and filled it in:
template<typename T>
static int getbuffer(PyObject *obj, Py_buffer *view, int flags)
static const Py_ssize_t suboffsets[1] = { 0};
view->buf = (void*)(_Cast<T>(obj)->getbuffer());
view->obj = NULL;
view->len = _Cast<T>(obj)->getbuffersize();
view->itemsize = 1;
view->readonly = _Cast<T>(obj)->getreadonly();
view->ndim = 0;
view->format = NULL;
view->shape = NULL;
view->strides = NULL;
view->suboffsets = NULL;
view->internal = NULL;
return 0;
I am creating my Python buffer class in Python and handing it to C++. I am getting a pyObject along with my Py_Buffer. So now my question is, how am I supposed to write and resize this pyBuffer in C++? I can get access to the pointer directly and a size. But if its a newly created buffer how do I tell it how much space I need? There does not seem to be any sort of resize function for me to call.
I can use: int result = PyBuffer_FromContiguous(&m_view, const_cast<void*>(data), pySize, 'A');
to add data to my buffer. But my buffer must already have the correct size or it wont write. I do not think this is the correct way to be using it anyway.
Cython is not an option.
You shouldn't resize the Py_buffer directly, since it is just an interface to the data of a PyObject.
Instead, use PyByteArray_Resize() (or possibly _PyString_Resize()) on the underlying PyObject.
I'm working on a Computer Vision system with OpenCV in C++. I wrote a small GUI for it by using Boost::Python and PyQT4. Since I don't want to introduce QT to the C++ project, I need a way to expose Mat::data (an unsigned char * member) to Python in order to create a QImage there.
First I tried it like this:
class_<cv::Mat>("Mat", init<>())
.add_property("data_", make_getter(&Mat::data))
but then I got this in Python: "TypeError: No to_python (by-value) converter found for C++ type: unsigned char*"
I couldn't write a converter for it because a PyBuf of course needs to know its size.
So my next approach was trying to create a proxy object like this:
struct uchar_array {
uchar *data;
size_t size;
bool copied;
static const bool debug = true;
// copy from byte array
uchar_array(uchar *ptr, size_t size, bool copy) {
this->size = size;
this->copied = copy;
if(copied) {
data = new uchar[size];
memcpy(data, ptr, size);
} else {
data = ptr;
if(debug) LOG_ERR("init %d bytes in #%p, mem #%p", size, this, data);
PyObject *py_ptr() {
if(debug) LOG_ERR("py_ptr");
return boost::python::incref(PyBuffer_FromMemory(data, size));
~uchar_array() {
if(debug) LOG_ERR("~uchar_array #%p", this);
if(copied) {
if(debug) LOG_ERR("free #%p, mem #%p", this, data);
delete [] data;
And exposing this via a non-member method:
uchar_array *getMatData(Mat &mat) {
size_t size = mat.rows * mat.cols * mat.elemSize();
uchar_array *arr = new uchar_array(mat.data, size, true);
return arr;
class_<cv::Mat>("Mat", init<>())
.def("data", getMatData, with_custodian_and_ward_postcall<1, 0, return_value_policy<manage_new_object> >())
class_<uchar_array, shared_ptr<uchar_array> >("uchar_array", no_init)
.def("ptr", &uchar_array::py_ptr);
This works and gets me the buffer into Python, but there are two problems with this approach:
I now have to use mat.data().ptr(), it would be nicer to just do mat.data
When doing mat.data().ptr(), it seems the temporary uchar_array gets destructed immediately after calling ptr(), thus freeing the memory while I still want to use it
I did several experiments with custodian_and_ward and other stuff but got to a point where I stopped to understand this.
So, could anyone please tell me: What's the preferred way to export an unsigned char * to a PyBuf? In two variants, if possible: allocated for Python so should be freed by Python or as internal pointer where C++ frees it.
char* buffers are not really python friendly. On my project (which is not performance sensitive) I would use a std::vector or std::string, depending on what it was intended to contain. Both of these are nicely python friendly.
If you are not able to alter the underlying data structure, you can use add_property and a couple of getter and setter functions to convert data to a more convenient structure.