Telnet send command and then read response - python

This shouldn't be that complicated, but it seems that both the Ruby and Python Telnet libs have awkward APIs. Can anyone show me how to write a command to a Telnet host and then read the response into a string for some processing?
In my case "SEND" with a newline retrieves some temperature data on a device.
With Python I tried:
tn.write(b"SEND" + b"\r")
str = tn.read_eager()
which returns nothing.
In Ruby I tried:
which should return something as well, the only thing I've gotten to work is:
tn.cmd("SEND") { |c| print c }
which you can't do much with c.
Am I missing something here? I was expecting something like the Socket library in Ruby with some code like:
s = 'localhost', 2000
while line = s.gets # Read lines from socket
puts line # and print them

I found out that if you don't supply a block to the cmd method, it will give you back the response (assuming the telnet is not asking you for anything else). You can send the commands all at once (but get all of the responses bundled together) or do multiple calls, but you would have to do nested block callbacks (I was not able to do it otherwise).
require 'net/telnet'
class Client
# Fetch weather forecast for NYC.
# #return [String]
def response
# fetch_multiple_responses
# Do all the commands at once and return everything on one go.
# #return [String]
def fetch_all_in_one_response
# Do multiple calls to retrieve the final forecast.
# #return [String]
def fetch_multiple_responses
client.cmd("\r") do
client.cmd("NYC\r") do
client.cmd("X\r") do |forecast|
return forecast
# Connect to remote server.
# #return [Net::Telnet]
def client
#client ||=
'Host' => '',
'Timeout' => false,
'Output_log' =>'output.log', 'w')
# Close connection to the remote server.
def disconnect
forecast =
puts forecast


cannot keep a stable session open with bloomberg blpapi Python

I recently encountered an issue that I have not been able to solve, despite calling the Bloomberg helpdesk and researching thoroughly the internet for similar cases.
In short, I am using the official Python blpapi from Bloomberg ( and now am experiencing some connectivity issue: I cannot leave a session opened.
Here is the code I am running:
I simply added a "while True loop" and a "time.sleep" in it so that I can keep the session open and refresh my data every 30 seconds (this is my use case).
This use to run perfectly fine for days, however, since last Friday, I am now getting those log messages:
22FEB2021_08:54:18.870 29336:26880 WARN blpapi_subscriptionmanager.cpp:7437 blpapi.session.subscriptionmanager.{1} Could not find a service for serviceCode: 90.
22FEB2021_08:54:23.755 29336:26880 WARN blpapi_platformcontroller.cpp:377 blpapi.session.platformcontroller.{1} Connectivity lost, no connected endpoints.
22FEB2021_08:54:31.867 29336:26880 WARN blpapi_platformcontroller.cpp:344 blpapi.session.platformcontroller.{1} Connectivity restored.
22FEB2021_08:54:32.731 29336:26880 WARN blpapi_subscriptionmanager.cpp:7437 blpapi.session.subscriptionmanager.{1} Could not find a service for serviceCode: 90.
which goes on and on and on, along with those responses as well:
SessionConnectionDown = {
server = "localhost:8194"
ServiceDown = {
serviceName = "//blp/refdata"
servicePart = {
publishing = {
SessionConnectionUp = {
server = "localhost:8194"
encryptionStatus = "Clear"
compressionStatus = "Uncompressed"
ServiceUp = {
serviceName = "//blp/refdata"
servicePart = {
publishing = {
I still can pull the data from the bloomberg API: I see the historical data request results just fine. However:
Those service/session status messages messes up my code (I could still ignore them)
For some reason the connect/reconnect also messes my Excel BBG in the background and prevent me from using the BBG excel add-in at all! I now have those "#N/A Connection" outputs in all of my workbooks using bloomberg formulas.
screenshot from excel
Has anyone ever encountered such cases? If yes, please do not hesitate to share your experience, any help is more than appreciated!
Wishing you all a great day,
I cannot comment yet so I will try to "answer" it. I use blpapi everyday and pull data all day. I am a BBG Anywhere user and never have any session issues. If you log in from a different device it will kill your session for the Python app. Once you log back in where the python app is running it will connect again.
Why do you have another while loop and sleep to keep the session alive? You should create a separate session and always call it to run your request. You should not need any "keep alive" code inside the request. Just don't call session.stop(). This is what I ended up doing after much trial and error from not knowing what to do.
I run my model using Excel, trying to move away from any substantial code in Excel and use it as a GUI until I can migrate to a custom GUI. I also have BDP functions in my Excel and they work fine.
import blpapi
# removed optparse because it is deprecated.
from argparse import ArgumentParser
def parseCmdLine():
parser = ArgumentParser(description='Retrieve reference data.')
help='server name or IP (default: %(default)s)',
help='server port (default: %(default)s)',
args = parser.parse_args()
return args
def start_session():
"""Standard session for synchronous refdata requests. Upon creation
the obj is held in SERVICES['session'].
obj: A session object.
args = parseCmdLine()
# Fill SessionOptions
sessionOptions = blpapi.SessionOptions()
# Create a Session
session = blpapi.Session(sessionOptions)
# Start a Session
SERVICES['session'] = session
return SERVICES['session']
def get_refDataService():
"""Create a refDataService object for functions to use. Upon creation
it is held in SERVICES['refDataService'].
obj: refDataService object.
# return the session and request because requests need session.send()
if 'session' not in SERVICES:
session = SERVICES['session']
# Check for SERVICES['refdata'] not needed because start_session()
# is called by this function and start_session() is never called on its own.
refDataService = session.getService("//blp/refdata")
SERVICES['refDataService'] = refDataService
session = SERVICES['session']
refDataService = SERVICES['refDataService']
print('get_refDataService called. Curious when this is called.')
return session, refDataService
# sample override request
def ytw_oride_muni(cusip_dict):
"""Requests the Price To Worst for a dict of cusips and Yield To Worst values.
The dict must be {'cusip' : YTW}. Overrides apply to each request, so this
function is designed for different overrides for each cusip. Although they could
all be the same as that is not a restriction.
Returns: Single level nested dict
{'cusip Muni': {'ID_BB_SEC_NUM_DES': 'val', 'PX_ASK': 'val1', 'YLD_CNV_ASK': 'val2'}}
session, refDataService = get_refDataService()
fields1 = ["ID_BB_SEC_NUM_DES", "PX_ASK", "YLD_CNV_ASK"]
values_dict = {}
# For different overrides you must send separate requests.
# This loops and creates separate messages.
for cusip, value in cusip_dict.items():
request = refDataService.createRequest("ReferenceDataRequest")
# append security to request
request.getElement("securities").appendValue(f"{cusip} Muni")
# append fields to request
# add overrides
overrides = request.getElement("overrides")
override1 = overrides.appendElement()
override1.setElement("fieldId", "YLD_CNV_ASK")
override1.setElement("value", f"{value}")
# Process received events
# We provide timeout to give the chance to Ctrl+C handling:
ev = session.nextEvent(500)
# below msg.messageType == ReferenceDataResponse
for msg in ev:
if msg.messageType() == "ReferenceDataResponse":
if msg.hasElement("responseError"):
if msg.hasElement("securityData"):
data = msg.getElement("securityData")
num_cusips = data.numValues()
for i in range(num_cusips):
sec = data.getValue(i).getElement("security").getValue()
des = data.getValue(i).getElement("fieldData").getElement("ID_BB_SEC_NUM_DES").getValue()
des = None
ptw = data.getValue(i).getElement("fieldData").getElement("PX_ASK").getValue()
ptw = None
ytw = data.getValue(i).getElement("fieldData").getElement("YLD_CNV_ASK").getValue()
ytw = None
values = {'des': des, 'ptw': ptw, 'ytw': ytw}
# Response completly received, so we could exit
if ev.eventType() == blpapi.Event.RESPONSE:
values_dict.update({sec: values})
# Stop the session
# session.stop()
return values_dict

Why is the python client not receiving SSE events?

I am have a python client listening to SSE events from a server with node.js API
The flow is I sent an event to the node.js API through and run in loop using below)
However I don't see that python client is receiving this SSE event? any guidance on why is that?
import requests
input_json = {'BATS':'678910','root_version':'12A12'}
url = ''%input_json
response = requests.get(url)
print response.text
node.js API
app.get("/api/root_event_notification", (req, res, next) => {
var events = require('events');
var eventEmitter = new events.EventEmitter();
//Create an event handler:
var myEventHandler = function () {
message: "New root build released!",
posts: req.query.params
} (python client listening to SSE events)
import json
import pprint
import sseclient
def with_urllib3(url):
"""Get a streaming response for the given event feed using urllib3."""
import urllib3
http = urllib3.PoolManager()
return http.request('GET', url, preload_content=False)
def with_requests(url):
"""Get a streaming response for the given event feed using requests."""
import requests
return requests.get(url, stream=True)
url = ''
response = with_urllib3(url) # or with_requests(url)
client = sseclient.SSEClient(response)
for event in
print "inside"
while [ /usr/bin/true ]
echo "Running"
python 2>&1 | tee -a sseevents.log.txt
echo "sleeping for 30 sec"
sleep 30
Run on Terminal
node.js API OUTPUT
{'root_version': 'ABCD', 'BATS': '143'}
./ --> DON'T SEE ABOVE EVENT below
sleeping for 30 sec
sleeping for 30 sec
sleeping for 30 sec
Very short answer to you question:
The server code is not sending a SSE message back to the client.
Why? Because you need to follow the SSE format.
According to JASON BUTZ in Server-Sent Events With Node
You should send a Connection: keep-alive header to ensure the client keeps the connection open as well. A Cache-Control header should be sent with the value no-cache to discourage the data being cached. Finally, the Content-Type needs to be set to text/event-stream.
With all of that done a newline (\n) should be sent to the client and then the events can be sent. Events must be sent as strings, but what is in that string doesn’t matter. JSON strings are perfectly fine.
Event data must be sent in the format "data: <DATA TO SEND HERE>\n".
It’s important to note that at the end of each line should be a newline character. To signify the end of an event an extra newline character needs to be added as well.
Multiple data lines are perfectly fine.
Long answer to your question:
According to Eric Bidelman in
When communicating using SSEs, a server can push data to your app whenever it wants, without the need to make an initial request. In other words, updates can be streamed from server to client as they happen.
But, in order for this to happen, the client has to "start" by asking for it AND prepare to receive a stream of messages (when they happen).
The "start" is done by calling a SSE API endpoint (in your case, calling the Node.js API code).
The preparation is done by preparing to handle a stream of asynchronous messages.
SSEs open a single unidirectional channel between server and client.*
* The emphasis is mine
This means that the server has a "direct" channel to the client. It is not intended to be "started" (opened) by some other process/code that is not "the client" code.
Assuming from OP comments...
Expected behavior (verbose)
A client Alice calls the API endpoint with params {name: "Alice"}, nothing (visible) happens.
...then a client Bob calls the API endpoint with params {name: "Bob"}, client Alice receives a SSE with payload {name: "Bob", says: "Hi"}.
...then a client Carol calls the API endpoint with params {name: "Carol"}, clients Alice AND Bob each one receives a SSE with payload {name: "Carol", says: "Hi"}.
...and so on. Every time a new client calls the API endpoint with params, every other client who has a channel "open" will receive a SSE with the new "Hi" payload.
...and then client Bob "disconnects" from the server, client Alice, client Carol and all the clients that have a channel "open" will receive a SSE with payload {name: "Bob", says: "Bye"}.
...and so on. Every time an old client "disconnects" from the server, every other client who has a channel "open" will receive a SSE with the new "Bye" payload.
Abstracted behavior
Each new client that asks to "open" a channel sending some params or an old client "disconnects" from the server, they cause and event in the server.
Every time such an event happens in the server, the server sends a SSE message with the params and a message as payload to all the "open" channels.
Note on blocking Each client with an "open" channel will be "stuck" in an infinite waiting loop for events to happen. It is client design responsibility to use "threading" code techniques to avoid blocking.
Your Python client should "ask" to start the single unidirectional channel AND keep waiting UNTIL the channel is closed. Should not end and start all over again with a different channel. It should keep the same channel open.
From the network perspective, it will be like a "long" response that does not end (until the SSE messaging is over). The response just "keeps coming and coming".
Your Python client code does that. I noted it is the exact sample code used from sseclient-py library.
Client code for Python 3.4
To include the parameters you want to send to the server, use some code from the Requests library docs/#passing-parameters-in-urls.
So, mixing those samples we end up with the following code as your Python 3.4 client:
import json
import pprint
import requests
import sseclient # sseclient-py
# change the name for each client
input_json = {'name':'Alice'}
#input_json = {'name':'Bob'}
#input_json = {'name':'Carol'}
url = ''
stream_response = requests.get(url, params=input_json, stream=True)
client = sseclient.SSEClient(stream_response)
# Loop forever (while connection "open")
for event in
print ("got a new event from server")
Client code for Python 2.7
To include the parameters you want to send to the server, encode them in the URL as query parameters using urllib.urlencode() library.
Make the http request with urllib3.PoolManager().request() so you will end up with a stream response.
Note that the sseclient library returns event data as unicode string. To convert back the JSON object to python object (with python strings) use byteify, a recursive custom function ( thanks to Mark Amery ).
Use the following code as your Python 2.7 client:
import json
import pprint
import urllib
import urllib3
import sseclient # sseclient-py
# Function that returns byte strings instead of unicode strings
# Thanks to:
# [Mark Amery](
def byteify(input):
if isinstance(input, dict):
return {byteify(key): byteify(value)
for key, value in input.iteritems()}
elif isinstance(input, list):
return [byteify(element) for element in input]
elif isinstance(input, unicode):
return input.encode('utf-8')
return input
# change the name for each client
input_json = {'name':'Alice'}
#input_json = {'name':'Bob'}
#input_json = {'name':'Carol'}
base_url = 'http://localhost:3000/api/root_event_notification'
url = base_url + '?' + urllib.urlencode(input_json)
http = urllib3.PoolManager()
stream_response = http.request('GET', url, preload_content=False)
client = sseclient.SSEClient(stream_response)
# Loop forever (while connection "open")
for event in
print ("got a new event from server")
Now, the server code should:
emit an inside-server 'hello' event so other clients listen to the event
"open" the channel
Register to listen for all possible inside-server events to happen (this means, keeping the channel "open" and not sending anything between messages, just keeping the channel "open").
This includes to emit an inside-server 'goodbye' event so other clients listen to the event WHEN channel is closed by the client/network (and finally "wrap up").
Use the following Node.js API code:
var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter;
var myEmitter = new EventEmitter;
function registerEventHandlers(req, res) {
// Save received parameters
const myParams = req.query;
// Define function that adds "Hi" and send a SSE formated message
const sayHi = function(params) {
params['says'] = "Hi";
let payloadString = JSON.stringify(params);
res.write(`data: ${payloadString}\n\n`);
// Define function that adds "Bye" and send a SSE formated message
const sayBye = function(params) {
params['says'] = "Bye";
let payloadString = JSON.stringify(params);
res.write(`data: ${payloadString}\n\n`);
// Register what to do when inside-server 'hello' event happens
myEmitter.on('hello', sayHi);
// Register what to do when inside-server 'goodbye' event happens
myEmitter.on('goodbye', sayBye);
// Register what to do when this channel closes
req.on('close', () => {
// Emit a server 'goodbye' event with "saved" params
myEmitter.emit('goodbye', myParams);
// Unregister this particular client listener functions'hello', sayHi);'goodbye', sayBye);
console.log("<- close ", req.query);
app.get("/api/root_event_notification", (req, res, next) => {
console.log("open -> ", req.query);
// Emit a inside-server 'hello' event with the received params
myEmitter.emit('hello', req.query);
// SSE Setup
res.writeHead(200, {
'Content-Type': 'text/event-stream',
'Cache-Control': 'no-cache',
'Connection': 'keep-alive',
// Register what to do when possible inside-server events happen
registerEventHandlers(req, res);
// Code execution ends here but channel stays open
// Event handlers will use the open channel when inside-server events happen
...continue quoting Eric Bidelman in
Sending an event stream from the source is a matter of constructing a plaintext response, served with a text/event-stream Content-Type, that follows the SSE format. In its basic form, the response should contain a "data:" line, followed by your message, followed by two "\n" characters to end the stream
In the client code, the sseclient-py library takes care of interpreting the SSE format so every time the two "\n" characters arrive, the library "iterates" a new "iterable" object (a new event) that has the data property with the message sent from the server.
This is how I tested the code
Started server with Node.js API code
Run a client with only the "Alice" line uncommented (Nothing is seen on this client console yet).
Run a second client with only "Bob" line uncommented. The console of the first client "Alice" shows: Bob saying "Hi" (Nothing is seen on Bob's client console yet).
Run a third client with only "Carol" line uncommented. Alice's and Bob's consoles show: Carol saying "Hi" (Nothing is seen on Carol's client console yet).
Stop/kill Bob's client. Alice's and Carol's consoles show: Bob saying "Bye".
So, code works OK :)

Best way to communicate with telnet api from python?

I have a multi-room speaker system from Denon called Heos which I want to control by using python script. To communicate with the multi-room system I have to telnet to port 1255 on the device and send commands like this:
The response back is in json:
"heos": {
"command": " player/set_play_state ",
"result": "success",
"message": "pid='player_id'&state='play_state'"
I have successfully used python telnet lib to send simple commands like this:
command = "heos://player/set_play_state?pid=player_id&state=play_state"
telnet.write(command.encode('ASCII') + b'\r\n')
But what is the best way to get the response back in a usable format? Loop with telnet.read_until? I want to result and message lines back to a clean variable.
This method with using telnet to communicate with api feels a bit dirty. Is it possible to use something else, for example socket?
Thanks in advance
The API/CLI is documented here:
While it may be possible to use loop_until() here, it would depend on exactly how the response JSON is formatted, and it would probably be unwise to rely on it.
If the remote device closes the connection after sending the response, the easy way would be a simple
response = json.loads(telnet.read_all().decode())
If it remains open for more commands, then you'll instead need to keep receiving until you have a complete JSON object. Here's a possibility that just keeps trying to parse the JSON until it succeeds:
response = ''
while True:
response += telnet.read_some().decode()
response = json.loads(response)
except ValueError:
Either way, your result and message are response['heos']['result'] and response['heos']['message'].
FWIW, here is my GitHub repo (inspired by this repo) for controlling a HEOS speaker with Python. It uses a similar approach as the accepted result, but additionally waits if the HEOS player is busy.
def telnet_request(self, command, wait = True):
"""Execute a `command` and return the response(s)."""
command = self.heosurl + command
logging.debug("telnet request {}".format(command))
self.telnet.write(command.encode('ASCII') + b'\r\n')
response = b''
while True:
response += self.telnet.read_some()
response = json.loads(response)
if not wait:
logging.debug("I accept the first response: {}".format(response))
# sometimes, I get a response with the message "under
# process". I might want to wait here
message = response.get("heos", {}).get("message", "")
if "command under process" not in message:
logging.debug("I assume this is the final response: {}".format(response))
logging.debug("Wait for the final response")
response = b'' # forget this message
except ValueError:
# response is not a complete JSON object
except TypeError:
# response is not a complete JSON object
if response.get("result") == "fail":
return None
return response

Am I using ioctl correctly?

I'm writing an http server in python3.3, just to learn how to do this sort of thing. In my function that parses a request, I want to use fcntl.ioctl to get the number of bytes that I can read in the socket, and I only do this when I see a kevent in the result of checking a kqueue that says there is stuff to read on the socket. But whenever I try to call fcntl.ioctl, I get OSError: [Errno 14] Bad address. What am I doing wrong? Also, this seems to be happening on the first call. Here is the relevant code:
def client_thread(kq, client_socket, methods):
while True:
events = kq.control([], 2, POLLTIME) #we pass an empty list of changes, because we don't have any changes to make to the events we are interested in.
#we want a list that is at most two long. We listen for POLLTIME seconds.
for event in events:
if event != KILL_KEV: #there are only two events in our kqueue
handle_client(client_socket, methods)
else: #KILL_SOCK has a connection
def handle_client(client_socket, methods):
request = parse_request(client_socket) #parse the request data in the client socket
handlers = methods[request["request"]["method"]] #retrieve the appropriate list of handlers from the methods dict
for path_match_pred, handler_func in handlers:
if path_match_pred(path): #if the path matches whatever path predicate you've created...
response = handler_func(request) #... then call the appropriate handler function to handle the request
send_response(client_socket, response) #and finally, send the response.
def parse_request(client_socket):
"""Returns the request data, parsed into a dictionary like this:
"request": {
"method": method,
"path": path,
"version": HTTP version
"headers": header dictionary,
"body": body data as a string
This should only be called if the client socket is ready for reading!
client_fd = client_socket.fileno() #get the file descriptor for the socket
bytes_in_socket = 0
fcntl.ioctl(client_fd, termios.FIONREAD, bytes_in_socket) #count the bytes in it
print(bytes_in_socket, "bytes in socket")
msg = bytearray() #make empty byte array
while bytes_in_socket:
msg.extend(client_socket.recv(bytes_in_socket)) #read the bytes we counted earlier
fcntl.ioctl(client_fd, termios.FIONREAD, bytes_in_socket) #check for more bytes
print(bytes_in_socket, "bytes left to read")
Note that in fcntl.ioctl's documentation, they mention the acceptable types for arg (the argument to the ioctl operation). In some cases, (like this), you need to pass a buffer, or an object that supports its interface. In particular, when you want to receive a value back. You're just passing an integer.

Twisted IMAP4 Client QUOTA family of commands

Update It seems to be the way untagged responses are handled by twisted, the only example I have found seem to iterate through the data received and somehow collect the response to their command though I am not sure how...
I am trying to implement the IMAP4 quota commands as defined in RFC 2087 ( ).
Code - ImapClient
class SimpleIMAP4Client(imap4.IMAP4Client):
A client with callbacks for greeting messages from an IMAP server.
greetDeferred = None
def serverGreeting(self, caps):
self.serverCapabilities = caps
if self.greetDeferred is not None:
d, self.greetDeferred = self.greetDeferred, None
def lineReceived(self, line):
print "<" + str(line)
return imap4.IMAP4Client.lineReceived(self, line)
def sendLine(self, line):
print ">" + str(line)
return imap4.IMAP4Client.sendLine(self, line)
Code - QUOTAROOT Implementation
def cbExamineMbox(result, proto):
Callback invoked when examine command completes.
Retrieve the subject header of every message in the mailbox.
print "Fetching storage space"
args = _prepareMailboxName("INBOX")
resp = ("QUOTAROOT", "QUOTA")
d = proto.sendCommand(Command(cmd, args, wantResponse=resp))
d.addCallback(cbFetch, proto)
return d
def cbFetch(result, proto):
Finally, display headers.
print "Got Quota"
print result
Fetching storage space
<* QUOTA "" (STORAGE 171609 10584342)
<0005 OK Success
Got Quota
([], 'OK Success')
So I am getting the data but the result doesn't contain it, I am thinking it is because they are untagged responses?
Since the IMAP4 protocol mixes together lots of different kinds of information as "untagged responses", you probably also need to update some other parts of the parsing code in the IMAP4 client implementation.
Specifically, take a look at twisted.mail.imap4.Command and its finish method. Also look at twisted.mail.imap4.IMAP4Client._extraInfo, which is what is passed as the unusedCallback to Command.finish.
To start, you can check to see if the untagged responses to the QUOTA command are being sent to _extraInfo (and then dropped (well, logged)).
If so, I suspect you want to teach Command to recognize QUOTA and QUOTAROOT untagged responses to the QUOTA command, so that it collects them and sends them as part of the result it fires its Deferred with.
If not, you may need to dig a bit deeper into the logic of Command.finish to see where the data does end up.
You may also want to actually implement the Command.wantResponse feature, which appears to be only partially formed currently (ie, lots of client code tries to send interesting values into Command to initialize that attribute, but as far as I can tell nothing actually uses the value of that attribute).
