I am new to python.
I want to shift char by its position. for e.g.
pos= 3 then replace c by z , b by y , a by x, Same like C by Z , B by Y and A by X
What I have tried ?
I have tried with hardcoded values as,
for i in s:
if ord(i) == 99:
return z
if ord(i) == 98:
return x
Is there is any builtin function is available to do this ? or Any other simpler way to achieve this ?
if string would be "abcdef"
the output would be "xyzabc"
I user input "AbCdEf" then output would be "XyZaBc"
You can use ord combined with chr:
ord("e") + 3
-> 104
chr(ord("e") + 3)
-> 'h'
From your requirements, I understand that you need to demonstrate a Substitution Cipher. It is very simple to implement. I will give you function outline pseudocode:
char substitutionCipher(int leftRotateBy, char alphabet) {
int pos = (int) alphabet - (int) 'a';
pos -= leftRotateBy;
if(pos < 0) {
pos += 26;
return (char) (pos + (int) 'a');
Please note that this outline will work only for lowercase letters. You can modify it to work for uppercase letters also. Thanks!
If you're using Python 2 and you are wanting to convert entire sentences, consider making a character translation table. https://docs.python.org/2/library/string.html#string.maketrans
import string
def caesar_shift(secret, shift):
lcase = string.ascii_lowercase
ucase = string.ascii_uppercase
shift = shift % len(lcase) # force shift to be between 0 and 25, inclusive
trans = string.maketrans(
''.join([lcase[shift:], lcase[shift:],
ucase[shift:], ucase[:shift]]))
return string.translate(secret, trans)
Keep in mind that string.maketrans and string.translate were removed in deprecated in Python 3 as part of improving Python's Unicode string handling.
Use negative or positive values to shift left/right.
import string
def convert(c, pos):
charset = string.lowercase
index = charset.find(c)
if index >= 0:
return charset[(index - pos) % len(charset)]
charset = string.uppercase
index = charset.find(c)
if index >= 0:
return charset[(index - pos) % len(charset)]
return c
assert convert("c", 3) == "z"
assert convert("b", 3) == "y"
assert convert("a", 3) == "x"
assert convert("C", 3) == "Z"
assert convert("B", 3) == "Y"
assert convert("A", 3) == "X"
Update for those who are interested in better performance:
import string
def get_converter(pos):
def rot(s, pos):
offset = -pos % len(s)
return s[offset:] + s[:offset]
def getzip(charset, pos):
return zip(charset, rot(charset, pos))
def getdict(pos):
return dict(getzip(string.ascii_lowercase, pos) + getzip(string.ascii_uppercase, pos))
chardict = getdict(pos)
def converter(c):
return chardict.get(c, c)
return converter
convert = get_converter(3)
assert convert("c") == "z"
assert convert("b") == "y"
assert convert("a") == "x"
assert convert("C") == "Z"
assert convert("B") == "Y"
assert convert("A") == "X"
assert convert("!") == "!"
So far, I have created the one that returns missing string character. Can we also mix it with integers? For example:
Input: "3629aghrjlsbwofhe"
Output: "014578bcdikmnpqtuvxyz"
Current code for alphabet string:
def missingCharacters(Str):
x = [False for i in range(MAX_CHAR)]
for i in range(len(Str)):
if (Str[i] >= 'a' and Str[i] <= 'z'):
x[ord(Str[i]) - ord('a')] = True
result = ""
for i in range(MAX_CHAR):
if (x[i] == False):
result += chr(i + ord('a'))
return result
You can do the following, using some string utils and a conditional generator expression:
from string import digits, ascii_lowercase
def missingCharacters(s):
# if s is long, this will make the repeated membership test O(1)
# s = set(s)
return "".join(c for c in digits + ascii_lowercase if c not in s)
# '014578cdikmnpqtuvxyz'
I think this function is for some assignment for your college or company. This could be a naive solution for your problem to show our approach in a clear manner. Just a list update on your code for digits.
def missingCharacters(Str):
x = [False for i in range(MAX_CHAR)]
y = []
for i in range(len(Str)):
if (Str[i] >= 'a' and Str[i] <= 'z'):
x[ord(Str[i]) - ord('a')] = True
if (Str[i].isdigit()):
result = "".join(str(x) for x in range(10) if x not in y)
for i in range(MAX_CHAR):
if (x[i] == False):
result += chr(i + ord('a'))
return result
I'm trying to learn python.
I got to the point where we're learning loops "for"
and got a bit of a pickle.
1st assignment was to build a function that will count all spaces, my solution was:
def count_spaces(s):
cnt = 0
for char in s:
if char == " ":
cnt = cnt+1
return cnt
and now I'm trying to build a new function, that can accept string, char
and will return the count of the specific char
for example:
print(count_char("Hello world!", " ")
and the screen will show 1 (1 space is found)
this is where i got stuck:
def count_char(s, c):
num = 0
for x in s:
if x == x:
num = s.count(c)
return num
it's returning only 0 ....
please help
You're overwriting your s argument at the start of your function:
s = [...]
which makes the rest impossible to do. Don't do that! :)
If you're allowed to use the count method (like your code is doing) you don't need the for loop at all:
def count_char(s: str, c: str) -> int:
"""The number of character c in string s."""
return s.count(c)
If you wanted to do it without using count, you can write it exactly like your count_space function, but replace the " " with the c parameter:
def count_char(s: str, c: str) -> int:
"""The number of character c in string s."""
cnt = 0
for char in s:
if char == c:
cnt = cnt+1
return cnt
Or you could use a for comprehension along with the sum function:
def count_char(s: str, c: str) -> int:
"""The number of character c in string s."""
return sum(1 if char == c else 0 for char in s)
Or you could use a Counter:
from collections import Counter
def count_char(s: str, c: str) -> int:
"""The number of character c in string s."""
return Counter(s)[c]
I believe instead of
if x == x:
you need
if x == c:
Try this!
def count_spaces(s, c):
cnt = 0
for char in s:
if char == c:
cnt = cnt+1
return cnt
Remove the s=[...]. What ever the ... is, it shouldn't be there because s is an input argument and you do not want to change it.
About the code: It should only be:
count = string.count(substring)
because the str.count() implements what you want to achieve.
If you want to avoid using the built in methods and implement it yourself then you should replace
num = s.count(c) with num += 1 and the x == x (because x will always equal x and you'll be counting all the characters) with x == c like so:
def count_char(s, c):
num = 0
for x in s:
if x == c:
num += 1
return num
Good luck and happy learning!
Remove the s=[...]. What ever the ... is, it shouldn't be there because s is an input argument and you do not want to change it.
About the code: It should only be:
count = string.count(substring)
because the str.count() implements what you want to achieve.
If you want to avoid using the built in methods and implement it yourself then you should replace
num = s.count(c) with num += 1 and the x == x (because x will always equal x and you'll be counting all the characters) with x == c like so:
def count_char(s, c):
num = 0
for x in s:
if x == c:
num += 1
return num
My code for Reverse Integer on LeetCode is not accepted.
I've checked my program could return a correct answer.
class Solution:
def reverse(self, x: int) -> int:
check_num = str(x)
flag = 0
if(check_num[0] == '-'):
check_num = check_num[1:]
flag = 1
elif (check_num[len(check_num)-1] == '0'):
check_num = check_num[:len(check_num)-1]
time = len(check_num)
storage = [0] * time
for i in range(len(check_num)):
num = len(check_num)-i-1
storage[i] = check_num[num]
if(flag == 1):
storage.insert(0, '-')
#turn to string
for x in storage:
oneLinerString += x
ans = int(oneLinerString)
return oneLinerString
def main():
import sys
import io
def readlines():
for line in io.TextIOWrapper(sys.stdin.buffer, encoding='utf-8'):
yield line.strip('\n')
lines = readlines()
while True:
line = next(lines)
x = int(line);
ret = Solution().reverse(x)
out = str(ret);
except StopIteration:
if __name__ == '__main__':
For the one input case, my program returns the correct output.
Your input
But there are errors and my code is not accepted.
What are problems and how should I fix my current code?
Finished in N/A
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: ''
Line 30 in reverse (Solution.py)
Line 47 in main (Solution.py)
Line 55 in <module> (Solution.py)
For an input of 0, your code will convert the input to an empty string due to:
elif (check_num[len(check_num)-1] == '0'):
check_num = check_num[:len(check_num)-1]
You should remove this elif branch and let your final integer conversion deal with the leading zeros of the reversed number:
ans = int(oneLinerString) # removes leading zeros in the reversed string
You also need to pay attention to the condition regarding returning 0 when the reversed number is outside the range represented in a 32 bit signed integer. Therefore a final check can be added:
if not -2**31 <= ans <= 2**31 - 1:
return 0
Making minimal changes to your sample code, a working solution is:
class Solution:
def reverse(self, x: int) -> int:
check_num = str(x)
flag = 0
if(check_num[0] == '-'):
check_num = check_num[1:]
flag = 1
time = len(check_num)
storage = [0] * time
for i in range(len(check_num)):
num = len(check_num)-i-1
storage[i] = check_num[num]
if(flag == 1):
storage.insert(0, '-')
#turn to string
for x in storage:
oneLinerString += x
ans = int(oneLinerString) # removes leading zeros in the reversed string
if not -2**31 <= ans <= 2**31 - 1:
return 0
return ans
Try using python to its advantage:
def solve():
n = input()
l = list(map(int,str(n)))
l = l[::-1]
#removing leading zeros
i = 0
while l[i] == 0:
l = l[i:]
n = ('').join(str(x) for x in l)
return int(n)
if __name__ == "__main__":
print (solve())
I have converted the int to string and then the string to a list. I can reverse the list easily and then can follow the same procedure to convert the list into an int object again.
if num<0:
num=num*-1 # make positive for reverse
numrev=int("".join(str(x) for x in list1))*sign
if numrev.bit_length()>31:
The algorithm will take more time compared to the conventional modulus-division method.
I'm trying to find a Python way to diff strings. I know about difflib but I haven't been able to find an inline mode that does something similar to what this JS library does (insertions in green, deletions in red):
one_string = "beep boop"
other_string = "beep boob blah"
Is there a way to achieve this?
One possible way (see also #interjay's comment to the OP) is
import difflib
red = lambda text: f"\033[38;2;255;0;0m{text}\033[38;2;255;255;255m"
green = lambda text: f"\033[38;2;0;255;0m{text}\033[38;2;255;255;255m"
blue = lambda text: f"\033[38;2;0;0;255m{text}\033[38;2;255;255;255m"
white = lambda text: f"\033[38;2;255;255;255m{text}\033[38;2;255;255;255m"
def get_edits_string(old, new):
result = ""
codes = difflib.SequenceMatcher(a=old, b=new).get_opcodes()
for code in codes:
if code[0] == "equal":
result += white(old[code[1]:code[2]])
elif code[0] == "delete":
result += red(old[code[1]:code[2]])
elif code[0] == "insert":
result += green(new[code[3]:code[4]])
elif code[0] == "replace":
result += (red(old[code[1]:code[2]]) + green(new[code[3]:code[4]]))
return result
Which just depends just on difflib, and can be tested with
one_string = "beep boop"
other_string = "beep boob blah"
print(get_edits_string(one_string, other_string))
You can use ndiff.
import difflib
cases=[('afrykanerskojęzyczny', 'afrykanerskojęzycznym'),
('afrykanerskojęzyczni', 'nieafrykanerskojęzyczni'),
('afrykanerskojęzycznym', 'afrykanerskojęzyczny'),
('nieafrykanerskojęzyczni', 'afrykanerskojęzyczni'),
('nieafrynerskojęzyczni', 'afrykanerskojzyczni'),
for a,b in cases:
print('{} => {}'.format(a,b))
for i,s in enumerate(difflib.ndiff(a, b)):
if s[0]==' ': continue
elif s[0]=='-':
print(u'Delete "{}" from position {}'.format(s[-1],i))
elif s[0]=='+':
print(u'Add "{}" to position {}'.format(s[-1],i))
afrykanerskojęzyczny => afrykanerskojęzycznym
Add "m" to position 20
afrykanerskojęzyczni => nieafrykanerskojęzyczni
Add "n" to position 0
Add "i" to position 1
Add "e" to position 2
afrykanerskojęzycznym => afrykanerskojęzyczny
Delete "m" from position 20
nieafrykanerskojęzyczni => afrykanerskojęzyczni
Delete "n" from position 0
Delete "i" from position 1
Delete "e" from position 2
nieafrynerskojęzyczni => afrykanerskojzyczni
Delete "n" from position 0
Delete "i" from position 1
Delete "e" from position 2
Add "k" to position 7
Add "a" to position 8
Delete "ę" from position 16
abcdefg => xac
Add "x" to position 0
Delete "b" from position 2
Delete "d" from position 4
Delete "e" from position 5
Delete "f" from position 6
Delete "g" from position 7
See this post for more information..
Python - difference between two strings
Try this solution based in Minimum Edit Distance, in this case I use this algorithm to calculate the distance's matrix. After that, the iteration on matrix back to forward to identify what character is included or removed in a string, because this I need invert the result.
To color a terminal I use the colorama module.
import sys
from colorama import *
from numpy import zeros
inv_WHITE = Fore.WHITE[::-1]
inv_RED = Fore.RED[::-1]
inv_GREEN = Fore.GREEN[::-1]
def edDistDp(y, x):
res = inv_WHITE
D = zeros((len(x)+1, len(y)+1), dtype=int)
D[0, 1:] = range(1, len(y)+1)
D[1:, 0] = range(1, len(x)+1)
for i in xrange(1, len(x)+1):
for j in xrange(1, len(y)+1):
delt = 1 if x[i-1] != y[j-1] else 0
D[i, j] = min(D[i-1, j-1]+delt, D[i-1, j]+1, D[i, j-1]+1)
#print D
# iterate the matrix's values from back to forward
i = len(x)
j = len(y)
while i > 0 and j > 0:
diagonal = D[i-1, j-1]
upper = D[i, j-1]
left = D[i-1, j]
# check back direction
direction = "\\" if diagonal <= upper and diagonal <= left else "<-" if left < diagonal and left <= upper else "^"
#print "(",i,j,")",diagonal, upper, left, direction
i = i-1 if direction == "<-" or direction == "\\" else i
j = j-1 if direction == "^" or direction == "\\" else j
# Colorize caracters
if (direction == "\\"):
if D[i+1, j+1] == diagonal:
res += x[i] + inv_WHITE
elif D[i+1, j+1] > diagonal:
res += y[j] + inv_RED
res += x[i] + inv_GREEN
res += x[i] + inv_GREEN
res += y[j] + inv_RED
elif (direction == "<-"):
res += x[i] + inv_GREEN
elif (direction == "^"):
res += y[j] + inv_RED
return res[::-1]
one_string = "beep boop"
other_string = "beep boob blah"
print ("'%s'-'%s'='%s'" % (one_string, other_string, edDistDp(one_string, other_string)))
print ("'%s'-'%s'='%s'" % (other_string, one_string, edDistDp(other_string, one_string)))
other_string = "hola nacho"
one_string = "hola naco"
print ("'%s'-'%s'='%s'" % (one_string, other_string, edDistDp(one_string, other_string)))
print ("'%s'-'%s'='%s'" % (other_string, one_string, edDistDp(other_string, one_string)))
what I'm trying to implement is a function that increments a string by one character, for example:
'AAA' + 1 = 'AAB'
'AAZ' + 1 = 'ABA'
'ZZZ' + 1 = 'AAAA'
I've implemented function for the first two cases, however I can't think of any solution for the third case.
Here's my code :
def new_sku(s):
s = s[::-1]
already_added = False
new_sku = str()
for i in s:
if not already_added:
if (i < 'Z'):
already_added = True
new_sku += chr((ord(i)+1)%65%26 + 65)
new_sku += i
return new_sku[::-1]
Any suggestions ?
If you're dealing with bijective numeration, then you probably have (or should have) functions to convert to/from bijective representation anyway; it'll be a lot easier just to convert to an integer, increment it, then convert back:
def from_bijective(s, digits=string.ascii_uppercase):
return sum(len(digits) ** i * (digits.index(c) + 1)
for i, c in enumerate(reversed(s)))
def to_bijective(n, digits=string.ascii_uppercase):
result = []
while n > 0:
n, mod = divmod(n - 1, len(digits))
result += digits[mod]
return ''.join(reversed(result))
def new_sku(s):
return to_bijective(from_bijective(s) + 1)
How about ?
def new_sku(s):
s = s[::-1]
already_added = False
new_sku = str()
for i in s:
if not already_added:
if (i < 'Z'):
already_added = True
new_sku += chr((ord(i)+1)%65%26 + 65)
new_sku += i
if not already_added: # carry still left?
new_sku += 'A'
return new_sku[::-1]
Sample run :-
$ python sku.py Z
$ python sku.py ZZZ
$ python sku.py AAA
$ python sku.py AAZ
You have to think of 'AAA', 'ZZZ', ... as representation of the value you manipulate.
First, parse the value:
val = sum(pow(26, i) * (ord(v) - ord('A') + 1) for i, v in enumerate(value[::-1]))
Then, add value to it:
val = val + 1
The final value is given by:
res = ""
while val > 0:
val, n = divmod(val - 1, 26)
res = chr(n+ord('A')) + res
The lack of representation for zero requires the value passed to divmod to be decremented at each turn, which i have not found a way of doing with a list comprehension.
Rather than ord() and chr(), it is possible to use string.ascii_uppercase.index() and string.ascii_uppercase[]
You can make use of some recursion here:
def new_sku(s):
s = s[::-1]
new_s = ''
return expand(s.upper(), new_s)[::-1]
import string
chars = string.ascii_uppercase
def expand(s, new_s, carry_forward=True):
if not s:
new_s += 'A' if carry_forward else ''
return new_s
new_s += chars[(ord(s[0]) - ord('A') + carry_forward) % 26]
# Slice the first character, and expand rest of the string
if s[0] == 'Z':
return expand(s[1:], new_s, carry_forward)
return expand(s[1:], new_s, False)
print new_sku('AAB')
print new_sku('AAZ')
print new_sku('ZZZ')
print new_sku('aab')
print new_sku('aaz')
print new_sku('zzz')
I would implement this like a base-26 addition with carry.
So start from the right of the string, add 1. If it reaches Z, wrap to A and bump the next left most character up one. If the left most character reaches Z, add an A to the left of the string.
s = ["Z","Z","Z"]
done = 0
index = len(s) - 1
while done == 0:
if s[index] < "Z":
s[index] = chr(ord(s[index]) + 1)
done = 1
s[index] = "A"
if index == 0:
s = ["A"] + s
done = 1
index = index - 1
print s
Just check if the string is all Zs, and if it is, replace it by a string with length len(s) + 1, consisting of just As:
if s == "Z" * len(s):
return "A" * (len(s) + 1)
def rec(s):
if len(s)==0:return 'A'
if last_letter=='Z':return rec(s[:-1])+'A'
return s[:-1]+alp[(alp.find(last_letter)+1)]
>>> rec('AAA')
>>> rec('AAZ')
>>> rec('ZZZ')
>>> rec('AZA')
How about this? As a simple way to handle the string getting longer you can prepend a leading '#' and strip it if it wasn't incremented:
>>> def new_sku(s):
def increment(s):
if s.endswith('Z'):
return increment(s[:-1])+'A'
return s[:-1]+chr(ord(s[-1])+1)
t = increment('#'+s)
return t.lstrip('#')
>>> new_sku('AAA')
>>> new_sku('AAZ')
>>> new_sku('ZZZ')
If the recursion worries you then you can flatten it the way you already did but still use the '#' character added and stripped.
You can use a for-else loop:
from string import ascii_uppercase as au
def solve(strs):
lis = []
for i, c in enumerate(strs[::-1], 1):
ind = au.index(c) + 2
if ind <= 26:
# This will execute only if the for-loop didn't break.
return strs[:-1*i] + "".join(lis[::-1])
print solve('AAA')
print solve('AAZ')
print solve('ZZZ')
print solve('AZZZ')
print solve('ZYZZ')
print solve('ZYYZZ')
We can see there are 3 conditions totally, you can iterate the string and process one of the conditions.
You can use the string.ascii_uppercase instead of chr and ord
import string
def add(s):
s = list(s)[::-1]
for index, char in enumerate(s):
if char != "Z":
s[index] = string.ascii_uppercase[string.ascii_uppercase.index(char) + 1]
return s[::-1]
elif char == "Z" and (index != len(s) - 1):
s[index] = "A"
elif char == "Z" and (index == len(s) - 1):
s[index] = "A"
return ["A"] + s[::-1]