Creating own .obj exporter for maya - python

I am creating my own .obj exporter for maya.
When i'm exporting just one mesh my code works just fine but when exporting several meshes / objects it fails to create the complete meshes.
I'm pretty sure that the problem is when i'm getting the
face.getVertices(), face.getUVIndex() and face.normalIndex() and printing them to the file. As i said the first mesh works fine but when it gets to the second mesh the codinates gets all wrong, they connect to the wrong triangles.
If anyone has any ideas on how to possibly loop them differently or change the values to the correct ones i would be forever greatful. Help would be very very appreciated!
Here is an example on how a multi object mesh ends out.
import pymel.core as pm
import pymel.core.nodetypes as nt
planes =
def meshFile():
def myRound(n):
return round(n, 6)
file = open("C:/Users/Blondiegirls/Desktop/test2.obj", "wb")
file.write("mtllib test2.mtl\r\n")
for p in planes[:]:
file.write("\r\ng default")
# Printa world kordinater
for index, point in enumerate(p.vtx):
temp = index,map(myRound, point.getPosition(space='world'))
file.write("\r\nv ")
file.write(str(' '.join(map(str, temp[1]))))
# Printa texture kordinater
mesh =[0]
U,V = mesh.getUVs()
UVs = zip(U,V)
for uv in UVs:
file.write("\r\nvt ")
file.write(str(uv[0])+" "+str(uv[1]))
#printa normals
for n in p.getNormals():
file.write("\r\nvn ")
file.write(str(n[0])+" "+str(n[1])+" "+str(n[2]))
file.write("\r\ns 1")
file.write("\r\ng ")
file.write("\r\nusemtl test")
for faceIndex, face in enumerate(p.faces):
faceVertices = face.getVertices()
faceUV0 = face.getUVIndex(0)+1
faceUV1 = face.getUVIndex(1)+1
faceUV2 = face.getUVIndex(2)+1
faceNor0 = face.normalIndex(0)+1
faceNor1 = face.normalIndex(1)+1
faceNor2 = face.normalIndex(2)+1
file.write("\r\nf ")
faceVertices0 = int(faceVertices[0])+1
faceVertices1 = int(faceVertices[1])+1
faceVertices2 = int(faceVertices[2])+1
temp3 = (str(faceVertices0)) + "/" + (str(faceUV0)) +"/" + (str(faceNor0)) + " " + (str(faceVertices1)) + "/" + (str(faceUV1)) +"/" + (str(faceNor1)) + " " + (str(faceVertices2)) + "/" + (str(faceUV2)) +"/" + (str(faceNor2))
def MTLFile():
file2 = open("C:/Users/Blondiegirls/Desktop/test2.mtl", "wb")
object =[0].split(':')[0]
#print('object: '+object)
shipTX = pm.PyNode(object)
shadingGroups = shipTX.shadingGroups()
sg1 = shadingGroups[0]
material = sg1.listConnections(source=True, destination=False, type=nt.Lambert)[0]
file = material.color.listConnections(type=nt.File)[0]
filename = file.fileTextureName.get()
materialColor = material.getColor() #for Kd
materialAmbient = material.getAmbientColor() #for Ka
materialSpecular = material.getSpecularColor() #for Ks
refractiveIndex = material.getRefractiveIndex() #for Ni
file2.write("newmtl "+"test"+"\r\n")
file2.write("Ka "+str(materialAmbient[0])+" "+str(materialAmbient[1])+" "+str(materialAmbient[2])+"\r\n")
file2.write("Kd "+str(materialColor[0])+" "+str(materialColor[1])+" "+str(materialColor[2])+"\r\n")
file2.write("Ks "+str(materialSpecular[0])+" "+str(materialSpecular[1])+" "+str(materialSpecular[2])+"\r\n")
file2.write("d 1.0\r\n")
file2.write("Illum 2\r\n")
file2.write("map_Kd "+filename+"\r\n") #for map_Kd

The problem is this line:
mesh =[0]
U,V = mesh.getUVs()
This is querying all of the geometry in the scene and returning the first object, but you should be operating on the current mesh in the iteration. I think what you want is:
U,V = p.getUVs()
Also, you should probably consider adding an argument to meshFile() rather than relying on a variable in the global scope.


reducing scale of uv map for voxel faces python api

I would have a voxel object on which I map a texture. The problem is it looks really weird because the faces of the voxel cubes have more than one colour to them. I would like to reduce the color down to a singular colour for each voxel face. I found a way to do that within blender but since I want to run this headlessly I need to do the same thing at a lower level and run it via api call.
Attaching the code below. Any and all help would be appreciated.
import bpy
import os
removeThese = bpy.context.copy()
removeThese['selected_objects'] = list(bpy.context.scene.objects)
sourceDirectory = "model_folder"
model_name = "model.obj"
path = os.path.join(sourceDirectory, model_name)
bpy.ops.import_scene.obj(filepath=path, axis_forward='-Z', axis_up='Y', filter_glob="*.obj;*.mtl")
model_obj = bpy.context.scene.objects[model_name.split(".")[0]]
bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT') = model_obj
sourceName =
source =[sourceName]
#duplicating source model
bpy.ops.object.duplicate_move(OBJECT_OT_duplicate={"linked":False, "mode":'TRANSLATION'})
duplicate_obj = bpy.context.scene.objects[model_name.split(".")[0]+".001"]
bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT') = duplicate_obj
duplicate_obj.select_set(True) = sourceName + "_Voxelized"
bpy.ops.object.transform_apply(location=False, rotation=True, scale=False)
#source.hide_render = True
#source.hide_viewport = True
targetName =
target =[targetName]
#converting to blocks
bpy.context.object.modifiers["Remesh"].mode = 'BLOCKS'
bpy.context.object.modifiers["Remesh"].octree_depth = 7
bpy.context.object.modifiers["Remesh"].scale = 0.5
bpy.context.object.modifiers["Remesh"].use_remove_disconnected = True
#transferring UVs from source to target
bpy.context.object.modifiers["DataTransfer"].use_loop_data = True
bpy.context.object.modifiers["DataTransfer"].data_types_loops = {'UV'}
bpy.context.object.modifiers["DataTransfer"].loop_mapping = 'POLYINTERP_NEAREST'
bpy.context.object.modifiers["DataTransfer"].object = source
#this is the chunk that reduces each voxel face to one colour
bpy.context.area.ui_type = 'UV'
bpy.context.scene.tool_settings.use_uv_select_sync = False
bpy.context.space_data.uv_editor.sticky_select_mode = 'DISABLED'
bpy.context.scene.tool_settings.uv_select_mode = 'FACE'
bpy.context.space_data.pivot_point = 'INDIVIDUAL_ORIGINS'
#singularizing colours on each voxel face
count = 0
while count < 100:
bpy.ops.mesh.select_random(ratio=(count/100) + 0.01, seed=count)
bpy.ops.transform.resize(value=(0.01, 0.01, 0.01))
#returning to previous context
bpy.context.area.ui_type = 'VIEW_3D'
bpy.context.area.ui_type = 'TEXT_EDITOR'
#deleting source and keeping target
#selecting target
#exporting voxelized model
output_directory = sourceDirectory
vox_model_name = targetName + '.obj'
output_file = os.path.join(output_directory, vox_model_name)

Is there a simple way to convert Tkinter to matplotlib?

I need to modify the following code to print bar graph of the cluster populations. Briefly it stores all values in numpy arrays and than print the bar histogram (indicating number of conformations in each clusters on Y, and some inherent value of the cluster (energy) on X) using Tkinter module, which seems to be not very practical solution..
r = Tkinter.Tk()
dataList = []
reverseList = []
rLctr = 0
confL =
e = d.clusterer.energy_used
#for l in mol.cluSEQ:
for l in d.clusterer.clustering_dict[cut_off]:
dataList.append([l[0].energy, len(l)])
reverseList.append(range(rLctr, rLctr+len(l)))
mol.elist = numpy.array(elist)
mol.r = [numpy.minimum.reduce(mol.elist),
mol.nbins = Tkinter.IntVar()
mol.min = Tkinter.StringVar()
mol.max = Tkinter.StringVar()
r = (float(mol.min.get()), float(mol.max.get()))
mol.ehist = HistogramRI(mol.elist,mol.nbins.get(),range=r)
nodeList = mol.ehist.array
tstr = + ' histogram'
top = Tkinter.Toplevel()
#top = Tkinter.Toplevel()
xlabel = 'ENERGY'+ 'clusterized with ' + str(cut_off) + 'A'
mol.clustNB = InteractiveHistogramGraph(,
master=top, nodeList = dataList, reverseIndex=reverseList,
mol.clustNB.draw.postscript({'file':outputfilename, 'colormode':'color'})
Could you suggest me a simple way to convert it to the matplot lib in order that I could control all printing options?

How to request energy field output in ABAQUS Python

I m trying to extract energy at each integration point in Abaqus. I can do it for stresses or strains but i cant do for the energetical quantities. The obtained error is : “KeyError: 'ELEN'”, but in Abaqus it is the good keyword… Below it is my code to extract it :
from odbAccess import *
import numpy as np
odb = openOdb(path='C:/Desktop/Fish1.odb')
# lastFrame = odb.steps['Step-2'].frames[-1]
lastFrame = odb.steps['Step-1'].frames[-1]
topCenter = \
stressField = lastFrame.fieldOutputs['ELEN']
field = stressField.getSubset(region=topCenter,
position=INTEGRATION_POINT, elementType = 'CPS3')
fieldValues = field.values
sortie = open('C:/Users/tests.txt', 'w')
sortie.write('Eleme \t Integ \t\t PE11 \t\t\t PE22 \t\t\t PE12 \n')
for v in fieldValues:
sortie.write('%-10.2f'% ( v.elementLabel))
if v.integrationPoint:
sortie.write('%-10.2f'% (v.integrationPoint))
sortie.write('%-10.3f\t\t %-10.3f\t\t %-10.3f\t\t %-10.3f\t\t \n'% ([0],[1],[2],[3]))
I guess you have already checked in Abaqus Viewer whether the FieldOutput ELEN is available there.
ELEN is a whole element variable, so you can't extract it at integration points, because it is not available there.
from odbAccess import *
import numpy as np
odb = openOdb(path='C:/Desktop/Fish1.odb')
lastFrame = odb.steps['Step-1'].frames[-1]
topCenter = odb.rootAssembly.instances['PART-1-1']
stressField = lastFrame.fieldOutputs['ELEN']
field = stressField.getSubset(region=topCenter, elementType = 'CPS3')
fieldValues = field.values
Even though it is not really the solution you asked for, i hope this will help.

How to make PyCollada output multiple meshes to the same scene?

So I am using pyCollada to try to export multiple meshes to the same scene. Alas, whenever I try to do so, I can only see one of the meshes I have loaded in. Am I doing something wrong when I create the file? Each individual mesh renders perfectly if I separate them into their own file, but they fail when I attempt to output them to the same file. I have looked through the API, but the documentation is very limited. Any help would be appreciated.
My code is listed shown below.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Fri Jun 12 14:43:05 2015
#author: skylion
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Thu Jun 11 11:01:48 2015
#author: danaukes
import sys
import popupcad_deprecated
import popupcad_manufacturing_plugins
import popupcad
from import Design
import PySide.QtGui as qg
#Draws Collada stuff
from collada import *
import numpy
geom_index = 0;
def exportBodyToMesh(output):
# csg = output.csg
generic = output.generic_laminate()
# layers = generic.layers()
layerdef = d.return_layer_definition()
# layers = layerdef.layers
mesh = Collada()
nodes = []
for layer in layerdef.layers:
shapes = generic.geoms[layer]#TODO Add it in for other shapes
zvalue = layerdef.zvalue[layer]
height = zvalue * 1/ popupcad.internal_argument_scaling
print zvalue
if (len(shapes) == 0) : #In case there are no shapes.
print "No shapes skipping"
print shapes
for s in shapes:
geom = createMeshFromShape(s, height, mesh)
effect = material.Effect("effect" + str(geom_index), [], "phone", diffuse=(1,0,0), specular=(0,1,0))
mat = material.Material("material" + str(geom_index), "mymaterial", effect)
matnode = scene.MaterialNode("materialref" + str(geom_index), mat, inputs=[])
geomnode = scene.GeometryNode(geom, [matnode])
node = scene.Node("node" + str(geom_index), children=[geomnode])
print nodes
myscene = scene.Scene("myscene", nodes)
mesh.scene = myscene
# layer_num = layer_num + 1 #Add the layer thicknes instead of simply + 1
filename = str(output) + '.dae'
#TODO Add handling in case rigid body has already been selected.
print filename + " has been saved"
def createMeshFromShape(s,layer_num, mesh):
a = s.triangles3()
vertices = []
global geom_index
for coord in a:
for dec in coord:
vertices.append(dec[0]) #x-axis
vertices.append(dec[1]) #y-axis
vertices.append(layer_num ) #z-axi
#This scales the verticies properly.
vert_floats = [x/popupcad.internal_argument_scaling for x in vertices]
vert_src = source.FloatSource("cubeverts-array" + str(geom_index), numpy.array(vert_floats), ('X', 'Y', 'Z'))
geom = geometry.Geometry(mesh, "geometry" + str(geom_index), "mycube", [vert_src])
input_list = source.InputList()
input_list.addInput(0, 'VERTEX', "#cubeverts-array" + str(geom_index))
indices = numpy.array(range(0,(len(vertices) / 3)));
triset = geom.createTriangleSet(indices, input_list, "materialref")
geom_index += 1
return geom
#Start of actual script
print sys.argv
app = qg.QApplication('')
d =
print "Loading..."
operation = d.operations[3] #Identify bodies
for output in operation.output:
print "All objects printed"
Your code to add the geometry to the scene is outside your inner loop. You're only adding the last geometry to the scene, rather than all of them. You should be creating multiple GeometryNode and adding all of them to the Scene.

Python script to build least-cost paths between several polygons: How to speed up it?

I created a python program which uses the function "CostPath" of ArcGIS to automatically build least-cost paths (LCPs) between several polygons contained in the shapefile "selected_patches.shp". My python program seems to work but it is much too slow. I must build 275493 LCPs. Unfortunately, I don't know how to speed up my program (I am a beginner in Python programming language and ArcGIS). Or is there another solution to calculate rapidly least-cost paths between several polygons with ArcGIS (I use ArcGIS 10.1) ? Here is my code:
# Import system modules
import arcpy
from arcpy import env
from import *
# Overwrite outputs
arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
# Set the workspace
arcpy.env.workspace = "C:\Users\LCP"
# Set the extent environment
arcpy.env.extent = "costs.tif"
rowsInPatches_start = arcpy.SearchCursor("selected_patches.shp")
for rowStart in rowsInPatches_start:
ID_patch_start = rowStart.getValue("GRIDCODE")
expressionForSelectInPatches_start = "GRIDCODE=%s" % (ID_patch_start) ## Define SQL expression for the fonction Select Layer By Attribute
# Process: Select Layer By Attribute in Patches_start
arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management("selected_patches.shp", "Selected_patch_start", expressionForSelectInPatches_start)
# Process: Cost Distance
outCostDist=CostDistance("Selected_patch_start", "costs.tif", "", "outCostLink.tif")
# Save the output"outCostDist.tif")
rowsInSelectedPatches_end = arcpy.SearchCursor("selected_patches.shp")
for rowEnd in rowsInSelectedPatches_end:
ID_patch_end = rowEnd.getValue("GRIDCODE")
expressionForSelectInPatches_end = "GRIDCODE=%s" % (ID_patch_end) ## Define SQL expression for the fonction Select Layer By Attribute
# Process: Select Layer By Attribute in Patches_end
arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management("selected_patches.shp", "Selected_patch_end", expressionForSelectInPatches_end)
# Process: Cost Path
outCostPath = CostPath("Selected_patch_end", "outCostDist.tif", "outCostLink.tif", "EACH_ZONE","FID")
# Save the output'P_' + str(int(ID_patch_start)) + '_' + str(int(ID_patch_end)) + ".tif")
# Writing in file .txt
outfile=open('P_' + str(int(ID_patch_start)) + '_' + str(int(ID_patch_end)) + ".txt", "w")
rowsTxt = arcpy.SearchCursor('P_' + str(int(ID_patch_start)) + '_' + str(int(ID_patch_end)) + ".tif")
for rowTxt in rowsTxt:
value = rowTxt.getValue("Value")
count = rowTxt.getValue("Count")
pathcost = rowTxt.getValue("PATHCOST")
startrow = rowTxt.getValue("STARTROW")
startcol = rowTxt.getValue("STARTCOL")
print value, count, pathcost, startrow, startcol
outfile.write(str(value) + " " + str(count) + " " + str(pathcost) + " " + str(startrow) + " " + str(startcol) + "\n")
Thanks very much for your help.
The speed it takes to write to disc vs calculating your cost can be a bottleneck, consider adding a thread to handle all of your writes.
for rowTxt in rowsTxt:
value = rowTxt.getValue("Value")
count = rowTxt.getValue("Count")
pathcost = rowTxt.getValue("PATHCOST")
startrow = rowTxt.getValue("STARTROW")
startcol = rowTxt.getValue("STARTCOL")
print value, count, pathcost, startrow, startcol
outfile.write(str(value) + " " + str(count) + " " + str(pathcost) + " " + str(startrow) + " " + str(startcol) + "\n")
Can be converted into a thread function by making rowsTxt a global variable, and having your thread write to disk from rowsTxt.
After you complete all of your processing you can have an additional global boolean so that your thread function can end when you are done writing everything and you can close your thread.
Example thread function I currently use:
import threading
class ThreadExample:
def __init__(self):
self.receiveThread = None
def startRXThread(self):
self.receiveThread = threading.Thread(target = self.receive)
def stopRXThread(self):
if self.receiveThread is not None:
self.receiveThread = None
def receive(self):
while true:
#do stuff for the life of the thread
#in my case, I listen on a socket for data
#and write it out
So for your case, you could add a class variable to the thread class
and then update your receive to check self.rowsTxt, and if it is not empty, handle it as u do in the code snippet i took from you above. After you handle it, set self.rowsTxt back to None. You could update your threads self.rowsTxt with your main function as it gets rowsTxt. Consider using a buffer like list for self.rowsTxt so you don't miss writing anything.
The most immediate change you can make to significant improve speed would be to switch to data access cursors (e.g. arcpy.da.SearchCursor()). To illustrate, I ran a benchmark test a while back to see the data access cursors perform compared to the old cursors.
The attached figure shows the results of a benchmark test on the new da method UpdateCursor versus the old UpdateCursor method. Essentially, the benchmark test performs the following workflow:
Create random points (10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000)
Randomly sample from a normal distribution and add value to a new
column in the random points attribute table with a cursor
Run 5 iterations of each random point scenario for both the new and
old UpdateCursor methods and write the mean value to lists
Plot the results
import arcpy, os, numpy, time
arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
outws = r'C:\temp'
fc = os.path.join(outws, 'randomPoints.shp')
iterations = [10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000]
old = []
new = []
meanOld = []
meanNew = []
for x in iterations:
arcpy.CreateRandomPoints_management(outws, 'randomPoints', '', '', x)
arcpy.AddField_management(fc, 'randFloat', 'FLOAT')
for y in range(5):
# Old method ArcGIS 10.0 and earlier
start = time.clock()
rows = arcpy.UpdateCursor(fc)
for row in rows:
# generate random float from normal distribution
s = float(numpy.random.normal(100, 10, 1))
row.randFloat = s
del row, rows
end = time.clock()
total = end - start
del start, end, total
# New method 10.1 and later
start = time.clock()
with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(fc, ['randFloat']) as cursor:
for row in cursor:
# generate random float from normal distribution
s = float(numpy.random.normal(100, 10, 1))
row[0] = s
end = time.clock()
total = end - start
del start, end, total
# plot the results
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.plot(iterations, meanNew, label = 'New (da)')
plt.plot(iterations, meanOld, label = 'Old')
plt.title('arcpy.da.UpdateCursor -vs- arcpy.UpdateCursor')
plt.xlabel('Random Points')
plt.ylabel('Time (minutes)')
plt.legend(loc = 2)
