I have the task to perform some basic operations on Binary Search Trees and I'm not sure what is the clever way to do it.
I know that the usual way would be to write a class for the nodes and one for the tree so that I can build up my tree from given values and perform certain tasks on it. The thing is, I'm already getting the tree as a list and since BSTs are not unique, there won't come any good from it if I take each value and build the tree myself.
So... I'm getting a list like this:
11 9 2 13 _, 4 18 2 14 _, 2 10 _ 11 4, 14 16 4 _ _, 13 0 11 _ _ | 10 | 7
which means:
key value parent left right, ... | value1 | value2
So as you see the BST is given explicitly. My tasks are to do a level-print of the tree, return the path from root to value1, do a rotate-right operation on the subtree that has value1, then delete value1 and then insert value2.
What would be an efficient way to tackle this problem?
Here is one possible way of implementing the tree. Hope it helps. Though this contains insertions and popular traversals, not rotations or deletions.
Reference: http://www.thelearningpoint.net/computer-science/learning-python-programming-and-data-structures/learning-python-programming-and-data-structures--tutorial-20--graphs-breadth-and-depth-first-search-bfsdfs-dijkstra-algorithm-topological-search
Binary Search Tree is a binary tree(that is every node has two branches),
in which the values contained in the left subtree is always less than the
root of that subtree, and the values contained in the right subtree is
always greater than the value of the root of the right subtree.
For more information about binary search trees, refer to :
#Only for use in Python 2.6.0a2 and later
from __future__ import print_function
class Node:
# Constructor to initialize data
# If data is not given by user,its taken as None
def __init__(self, data=None, left=None, right=None):
self.data = data
self.left = left
self.right = right
# __str__ returns string equivalent of Object
def __str__(self):
return "Node[Data = %s]" % (self.data,)
class BinarySearchTree:
def __init__(self):
self.root = None
While inserting values in a binary search tree, we first check
whether the value is greater than, lesser than or equal to the
root of the tree.
We initialize current node as the root.
If the value is greater than the current node value, then we know that
its right location will be in the right subtree. So we make the current
element as the right node.
If the value is lesser than the current node value, then we know that
its right location will be in the left subtree. So we make the current
element as the left node.
If the value is equal to the current node value, then we know that the
value is already contained in the tree and doesn't need to be reinserted.
So we break from the loop.
def insert(self, val):
if (self.root == None):
self.root = Node(val)
current = self.root
while 1:
if (current.data > val):
if (current.left == None):
current.left = Node(val)
current = current.left
elif (current.data < val):
if (current.right == None):
current.right = Node(val)
current = current.right
In preorder traversal, we first print the current element, then
move on to the left subtree and finally to the right subree.
def preorder(self, node):
if (node == None):
print(node.data, end=" ")
In inorder traversal, we first move to the left subtree, then print
the current element and finally move to the right subtree.
#Important : Inorder traversal returns the elements in sorted form.
def inorder(self, node):
if (node == None):
print(node.data, end=" ")
In postorder traversal, we first move to the left subtree, then to the
right subtree and finally print the current element.
def postorder(self, node):
if (node == None):
print(node.data, end=" ")
tree = BinarySearchTree()
print ("Preorder Printing")
print("\n\nInorder Printing")
print("\n\nPostOrder Printing")
Here is the implementation of Binary Search Tree with it's basic operations like insert node, find node
class Node:
def __init__(self,data):
self.left = None
self.right = None
self.data = data
class BST:
def __init__(self):
self.root = None
def set_root(self,data):
self.root = Node(data)
def insert_node(self,data):
if self.root is None:
n = Node(data)
troot = self.root
while troot:
if data < troot.data:
if troot.left:
troot = troot.left
troot.left = n
if troot.right:
troot = troot.right
troot.right = n
def search_node(self,data):
if self.root is None:
return "Not found"
troot = self.root
while troot:
if data < troot.data:
if troot.left:
troot = troot.left
if troot.data == data:
return "Found"
return "Not found"
elif data > troot.data:
if troot.right:
troot = troot.right
if troot.data == data:
return "Found"
return "Not found"
return "Found"
tree = BST()
Not found
Not found
In this specific case I had success using a dictionary as a datatype to store the graph. The key is the node_key and the value is a list with the attributes of the node. In this way it is rather fast to find the needed nodes and all its attributes.
I'm just not sure if there is a way to make it reasonably faster.
I am trying to write a logic to insert a node into a binary tree.
The node looks like this
class BinTree:
def __init__(self, Id):
self.Id = Id
self.NodeCounter = 1
self.left = None
self.right = None
I need to insert a new node only if it doesnt exist in the tree but increment the counter if it exists already.
As of now, what im doing is whenever i get a new element to insert, i first search it in the binary tree, if the node is found i increment the NodeCounter by 1, otherwise I again start traversing from root node and then go and insert the new node
The problem here is that for every new node, i am traversing the tree twice which i dont want… And when i am trying to search and insert at the same time,the counters get messed because of recursion.
Is there a way I can achieve this?
Any tips would be appreciated
i first search it in the binary tree
...this would only be an efficient process if your binary tree is a binary search tree (BST). I'll assume that is what we are talking about.
if the node is found i increment the NodeCounter by 1, otherwise I again start traversing from root node and then go and insert the new node
Why would you start from the root again? When you did the search and didn't find the node, there was a last node that you visited. Just attach the new node to it.
Here is a possible implementation:
class Node:
def __init__(self, id):
self.id = id
self.nodeCounter = 1
self.left = None
self.right = None
class BinTree:
def __init__(self):
self.root = None
def add(self, id):
self.root = self.addrecur(self.root, id)
def addrecur(self, node, id):
if not node:
node = Node(id)
elif id == node.id:
node.nodeCounter += 1
elif id < node.id:
node.left = self.addrecur(node.left, id)
node.right = self.addrecur(node.right, id)
return node
def __repr__(self):
return self.indented(self.root)
def indented(self, node, indent=""):
if not node:
return ""
return (self.indented(node.right, indent + " ")
+ f"{indent}{node.id} ({node.nodeCounter})\n"
+ self.indented(node.left, indent + " "))
tree = BinTree()
This outputs the tree in side-ways view (root at left) with the node count in parentheses:
6 (1)
5 (2)
4 (1)
3 (1)
2 (2)
I have a binary search tree. I have written basic insert, delete, traversal of the full tree and find its maximum and minimum node of the tree but I have trouble with finding maximum and minimum node after deleting the minimum or the maximum node.
This function deletes a specific node:
def deleteNode(self,val):
if self.data:
if self.data > val:
elif self.data < val:
if self.left is None:
self.data = self.right
return True
elif self.right is None:
self.data = self.left
return True
dltNode = self
dltNode.data = self.data
largest = self.left.findMax()
dltNode.data = largest
return True
This function finds the minimum node:
def findMin(self):
if self.data:
if self.left is None:
return self.data
return self.left.findMin()
And this is for the maximum node:
def findMax(self):
if self.data:
if self.right is None:
return self.data
return self.right.findMax()
findMin and findMax functions work fine without deleting any node.
If I ever call then after deleting the minimum and maximum node they will return None, whether they were supposed to return only integer node data. Here is the screenshot of my output:
It should print 34 instead of None.
Here is my full code
There are a few issues in deleteNode
if self.data should not be there: this would mean you cannot delete a node with value 0 from the tree. A similar problem exists in other methods (findMin, findMax, insert, ...).
self.left.deleteNode(val) is executed without checking first that self.left is not None. The same is true for self.right.deleteNode(val)
self.data = self.right assigns a Node reference to a data attribute (which is supposed to be a number).
The function sometimes returns nothing (None) or True. Because of the recursive nature, the original caller of the method will get None. This is not consistent.
The function cannot deal with deleting the root Node, as the caller will keep using the root node reference (t or t2 in your example code).
To solve these issues, you should either create a separate Tree class, or agree that deleteNode returns the root node of the tree, which could be a different root than the root on which the call was made (when the root node was deleted), or even None when that was the last node of the tree.
Here is how that would look:
def deleteNode(self,val):
if self.data > val:
if self.left:
self.left = self.left.deleteNode(val)
elif self.data < val:
if self.right:
self.right = self.right.deleteNode(val)
if self.left is None:
return self.right
elif self.right is None:
return self.left
largest = self.left.findMax()
self.data = largest
self.left = self.left.deleteNode(largest)
return self
To do it right, you would need to use the return value from this method, for example:
t1 = t1.deleteNode(34)
NB: In some methods you check whether self.data is None. I understand this is some special condition for indicating that the root node is not really a node, and should be considered an empty tree, but this is not a nice pattern. Instead, an empty tree should be just None, or you should define another Tree class which has a root attribute which can be None.
You will be adding to the classes Node and Tree that we developed in our lectures. There are several short methods that you will have to write.
Write a method is_similar() that takes as input two binary trees and returns true if the nodes have the same key values and are arranged in the same order and false otherwise.
def is_similar (self, pNode):
Write a method print_level() that takes as input the level and prints out all the nodes at that level. If that level does not exist for that binary search tree it prints nothing. Use the convention that the root is at level 1.
def print_level (self, level):
Write a method get_height() that returns the height of a binary tree. Recall that the height of a tree is the longest path length from the root to a leaf.
def get_height (self):
Write a method num_nodes() that returns the number of nodes in the left subtree from the root and the number of nodes in the right subtree from the root and the root itself. This function will be useful to determine if the tree is balanced.
def num_nodes (self):
Input: The input will read from a file. The file will be formatted as follows:
Line 1: Several integers separated by spaces to be inserted into Tree 1
Line 2: Several integers separated by spaces to be inserted into Tree 2
You will read both lines of data. Create two Trees and insert the integers in the order given. Then you will use these two trees to test the methods that you have written.
Output: The output will be formatted as follows:
The Trees are similar: (True or False)
Levels of Tree 1:
print each level on its own line
Levels of Tree 2:
print each level on its own line
Height of Tree 1:
Nodes in Tree 1:
Height of Tree 2:
Nodes in Tree 2:
For example, given the following input file:
14 17 1
14 17 1
This would be the output:
The Trees are similare: True
Levels of Tree 1:
1 17
Levels of Tree 2:
1 17
Height of Tree 1: 1
Nodes in Tree 1: 3
Height of Tree 2: 1
Nodes in Tree 2: 3
You will be writing helper methods for the Tree class that we developed. The following is the outline of the code that you will be submitting. You may include other functions that we developed for completeness. You may add helper functions as needed.
Below is the code that I need help finishing. Not entirely sure how to start the helper functions or main so any help would be appreciated.
import os
class Node (object):
def __init__ (self, data):
self.data = data
self.lchild = None
self.rchild = None
class Tree (object):
def __init__ (self):
self.root = None
# insert data into the tree
def insert (self, data):
new_node = Node (data)
if (self.root == None):
self.root = new_node
current = self.root
parent = self.root
while (current != None):
parent = current
if (data < current.data):
current = current.lchild
current = current.rchild
# found location now insert node
if (data < parent.data):
parent.lchild = new_node
parent.rchild = new_node
# Returns true if two binary trees are similar
def is_similar (self, pNode):
# Prints out all nodes at the given level
def print_level (self, level):
# Returns the height of the tree
def get_height (self):
# Returns the number of nodes in tree which is
# equivalent to 1 + number of nodes in the left
# subtree + number of nodes in the right subtree
def num_nodes (self):
def main():
# write code here
As a hint, think of how you would need to traverse the binary tree in the implementation of each helper method.
For num_nodes, I am not sure what "and the number of nodes in the right subtree from the root and the root itself." means. Should we return the number of nodes in the right subtree + 1?
def count_below(node):
if (node == None):
return 0 # if one of the root's childs was None
if (node.lchild == None and node.rchild == None): # leaf
return 1 # base case
if (node.lchild != None):
if (node.rchild != None):
return count
def num_nodes(self):
if (self.root == None):
return 0
return count_below(self.root.lchild), count_below(self.root.rchild) + 1
def depth_below(node):
if node is None:
return 0 # base case
# Compute the depth of each subtree
ldepth = depth_below(node.lchild) # recurse left
rdepth = depth_below(node.rchild) # recurse right
# once all the recursive calls performed on this node's childs resolve
# return the depth of the subtree of this node with the greater depth
if (ldepth > rdepth):
return ldepth+1
return rdepth+1
def get_height(self):
return depth_below(self.root) # depth from root
def explore_childs(node, current_level, target_level):
if (node.lchild==None and node.rchild==None):
return # base case
if (current_level == target_level):
if (node.lchild!=None):
if (node.rchild!=None):
return # base case
if (node.lchild!=None):
explore_childs(node.lchild, current_level+1, target_level) # recurse left
if (node.rchild!=None):
explore_childs(node.rchild, current_level+1, target_level) # recurse right
def print_level(self, level):
if (level > self.get_height()):
pass # throw error
explore_childs(root, 0, level)
I have written the program for Binary Search Tree but does not know how can i save it in the Django Database. How can i store it in the models:
from __future__ import print_function
class Node:
# Constructor to initialize data
# If data is not given by user,its taken as None
def __init__(self, data=None, left=None, right=None):
self.data = data
self.left = left
self.right = right
# __str__ returns string equivalent of Object
def __str__(self):
return "Node[Data = %s]" % (self.data,)
class BinarySearchTree:
def __init__(self):
self.root = None
While inserting values in a binary search tree, we first check whether the value is greater than, lesser than or equal to the root of the tree. We initialize current node as the root. If the value is greater than the current node value, then we know that its right location will be in the right subtree. So we make the current element as the right node.
If the value is lesser than the current node value, then we know that its right location will be in the left subtree. So we make the current element as the left node.
If the value is equal to the current node value, then we know that the value is already contained in the tree and doesn't need to be reinserted. So we break from the loop.
def insert(self, val):
if (self.root == None):
self.root = Node(val)
current = self.root
while 1:
if (current.data > val):
if (current.left == None):
current.left = Node(val)
current = current.left
elif (current.data < val):
if (current.right == None):
current.right = Node(val)
current = current.right
In preorder traversal, we first print the current element, then move on to the left subtree and finally to the right subree.
def preorder(self, node):
if (node == None):
print(node.data, end=" ")
In inorder traversal, we first move to the left subtree, then print the current element and finally move to the right subtree.
#Important : Inorder traversal returns the elements in sorted form.
def inorder(self, node):
if (node == None):
print(node.data, end=" ")
In postorder traversal, we first move to the left subtree, then to the right subtree and finally print the current element.
def postorder(self, node):
if (node == None):
print(node.data, end=" ")
tree = BinarySearchTree()
print ("Preorder Printing")
print("\n\nInorder Printing")
print("\n\nPostOrder Printing")
User can add and delete a tree and On adding a tree, user should be prompted to enter at least 3 nodes...
A binary search tree structure should be displayed when a tree is selected, with its
respective nodes in the order of insertion.....
How can all the changes that have been done by the user can be reflected back into the database..
My homework needs me to sum all numbers under the given value in a BST. However, I had no idea how to do it. Appreciate for any help.
class BinarySearchTree:
def __init__(self, data):
self.data = data
self.left = None
self.right = None
def search(self, find_data):
if self.data == find_data:
return self
elif find_data < self.data and self.left != None:
return self.left.search(find_data)
elif find_data > self.data and self.right != None:
return self.right.search(find_data)
return None
def get_left(self):
return self.left
def get_right(self):
return self.right
def set_left(self, tree):
self.left = tree
def set_right(self, tree):
self.right = tree
def set_data(self, data):
self.data = data
def get_data(self):
return self.data
def create_new_bst(lst):
#creates a new tree with root node 55, and then inserts all the
#remaining values in order into the BST
def sum_beneath(t, value):
# don't know how to do
t = create_new_bst([55, 24, 8, 51, 25, 72, 78])
result = sum_beneath(t, 72)
print('Sum beneath 72 =', result)# should show 'Sum beneath 72 = 78'
I'm very new to BST so I really have no idea on how to start and do this question.
def insert(self, new_data):#can I just call this function in 'create_new_bst'?
if self.data:
if new_data < self.data:
if self.left is None:
self.left = BinarySearchTree(new_data)
elif new_data > self.data:
if self.right is None:
self.right = BinarySearchTree(new_data)
self.data = data
Ok, as this is an exercise, I won't fill everything, but I will try to give you an idea of how it should be done:
You need to create your tree, in a simple way you can do this:
def create_new_bst(lst):
tree = BinarySearchTree(tree[0])
# And then, using the insert method, which is correct, add your nodes in the tree
return tree
First, you need to find Your subtree with the root 72
# Replace the pass with the appropriate code
def find_subtree(tree, value):
if value == tree.data: # This is found yeah !
if value > tree.data: # Ok, this is not our data, we should look recursively in one of the children (I will not tell you which one). Maybe we can use find_subtree reccursively?
if value < tree.data: # Same as above, but maybe we should look in the other child
raise ValueError("Not found value " + str(value)) # Nothing has been found.
Now, you found the tree with my_tree = find_subtree(t, 72), you should just sum the left tree (if it exists) and the right tree (if it exists)
def sum_beneath(t, value):
my_tree = find_subtree(t, value)
s = 0
if my_tree.left is not None:
s += my_tree.left.sum_tree()
if my_tree.right is not None:
s += my_tree.right.sum_tree()
return s
Let's define the sum_tree method (in the class)! :)
def sum_tree(self):
ans = self.data
# Add the left sum reccursively
# Add the right sum reccursively
return ans
I hope this will help you to understand the concept of BST. If you need help do not hesitate to comment
It's quite an interesting problem to find the sum of nodes under a specific value, we can think of this of something like searching and transversing problem, there can be various ways to do this, but I can think of this something like-
Doing a binary search for the node.
Doing an (In-order, Post-Order or Pre-order) transversal, and saving the results of the returned nodes' values i.e. summing them up.
the big O time complexity I can think of should be something like-
for an nth node in the BST, log(n) should be the search time, then for the transversal (In-order, Post-Order or Pre-order), it should be m-n, where (m is the total number of nodes)
therefore, the total will be, (log(n) + m - n) ~ O(M).