Active Shape Models: matching model points to target points - python

I have a question regarding Active Shape Models. I am using the paper of T. Coots (which can be found here.)
I have done all of the initial steps (Procrustes Analysis to calculate mean shape, PCA to reduce dimensions) but am stuck on fitting.
This is the situation I am in now: I have calculated the mean shape with points X and have also calculated a new set of points Y that X should move to, to better fit my image.
I am using the following algorithm, which can be found on page 23 of the paper previously linked:
To clarify: is the mean shape calculated with Procrustes Analysis, and the is the matrix containing the eigenvectors calculated with PCA.
Everything goes well up to step 4. I can calculate the pose parameters and invert the transformation onto the points Y.
However, in stap 5, something strange happens. Whatever the pose parameters are calculated in stap 3 and applied in stap 4, stap 5 always results in almost exactly the same vector y' with very low values (one of them being 1.17747114e-05 for example). (So whether i calculated a scale of 1/10 or 1000, y' barely changes).
This results in the algorithm always converging to the same value of b, and thus in the same output shape x, no matter what the input set of target points Y are that I want the model points X to match with.
This sure is not the goal of the algorithm... Could anyone explain this strange behaviour? Somehow, projecting my calculated vector y in step 5 into the "tangent plane" does not take into account any of the changes made in step 4.
Edit: I have some more reasoning, though no explanation or solution. If, in step 5, i manually set y' to consist only of zeros, then in step 6, b is equal to the matrix of eigenvectors multiplicated with the meanshape. And this results in the same b I always get (since y' is always a vector with very low values).
But these eigenvectors are calculated from the meanshape using PCA... So what's expected, is that no change should take place, right?

Something you could check is that your coordinates are scaled properly: the algorithm assumes that all coordinates are scaled so that the mean shape vector has Euclidean norm one. If this is not the case (especially if it is much larger than one, you will get extremely small components for y).


covariance matrix using np.matmul(data.T, data)

This is the code I've found online
d0 = pd.read_csv('./mnist_train.csv')
labels = d0.label.head(15000)
data = d0.drop('label').head(15000)
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
standardized_data = StandardScaler().fit_transform(data)
#find the co-variance matrix which is : (A^T * A)/n
sample_data = standardized_data
# matrix multiplication using numpy
covar_matrix = np.matmul(sample_data.T , sample_data) / len(sample_data)
How does multiplying the same data gives np.matmul(sample_data.T, sample_data) covariance matrix? What is the co-variance matrix according to this tutorial I found online? The last step is what I don't understand.
This might be a better question for the math or stats stack exchange, but I'll answer here for now.
This comes from the definition of covariance. The Wikipedia page (linked) gives a whole lot of detail, but covariance is defined as (in pseudo-code)
cov = E[dot((x - E[x]), (x - E[x]).T)]
for column vectors, but in your case you probably have row vectors, which is why the first element in your dot-product is transposed, not the second. The E[...] means expected value, which is the mean for Gaussian-distributed data. When you perform StandardScaler().fit_transform(data), you are basically subtracting out the mean of the data, so that's why you don't explicitly do so in your dot product.
Note that StandardScaler() is also dividing by the variance, so it's normalizing everything to unit variance. This is going to affect your covariance! So if you need the actual covariance of the data without normalization, just calculate it with something like np.cov() from the numpy module.
Let's build towards Covariance matrix step by step, first let's define variance.
The variance of some random variable X is a measure of how much values in the distribution vary on average with respect to the mean.
Now we have to define covariance.
Covariance is the measure of the joint probability for two random variables. It describes how the two variables change together. Read here.
So now armed with that you can understand that Co-variance matrix is a matrix which shows how each feature varies with changes in other features. Which can be calculated as
and there you can see the equation that you are confused about formed at the bottom. If you have any further queries, comment down.
Image Source: Wikipedia.

In sklearn.decomposition.PCA, why are components_ negative?

I'm trying to follow along with Abdi & Williams - Principal Component Analysis (2010) and build principal components through SVD, using numpy.linalg.svd.
When I display the components_ attribute from a fitted PCA with sklearn, they're of the exact same magnitude as the ones that I've manually computed, but some (not all) are of opposite sign. What's causing this?
Update: my (partial) answer below contains some additional info.
Take the following example data:
from import DataReader as dr
import numpy as np
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
from sklearn.preprocessing import scale
# sample data - shape (20, 3), each column standardized to N~(0,1)
rates = scale(dr(['DGS5', 'DGS10', 'DGS30'], 'fred',
start='2017-01-01', end='2017-02-01').pct_change().dropna())
# with sklearn PCA:
pca = PCA().fit(rates)
[[-0.58365629 -0.58614003 -0.56194768]
[-0.43328092 -0.36048659 0.82602486]
[-0.68674084 0.72559581 -0.04356302]]
# compare to the manual method via SVD:
u, s, Vh = np.linalg.svd(np.asmatrix(rates), full_matrices=False)
[[ 0.58365629 0.58614003 0.56194768]
[ 0.43328092 0.36048659 -0.82602486]
[-0.68674084 0.72559581 -0.04356302]]
# odd: some, but not all signs reversed
print(np.isclose(Vh, -1 * pca.components_))
[[ True True True]
[ True True True]
[False False False]]
As you figured out in your answer, the results of a singular value decomposition (SVD) are not unique in terms of singular vectors. Indeed, if the SVD of X is \sum_1^r \s_i u_i v_i^\top :
with the s_i ordered in decreasing fashion, then you can see that you can change the sign (i.e., "flip") of say u_1 and v_1, the minus signs will cancel so the formula will still hold.
This shows that the SVD is unique up to a change in sign in pairs of left and right singular vectors.
Since the PCA is just a SVD of X (or an eigenvalue decomposition of X^\top X), there is no guarantee that it does not return different results on the same X every time it is performed. Understandably, scikit learn implementation wants to avoid this: they guarantee that the left and right singular vectors returned (stored in U and V) are always the same, by imposing (which is arbitrary) that the largest coefficient of u_i in absolute value is positive.
As you can see reading the source: first they compute U and V with linalg.svd(). Then, for each vector u_i (i.e, row of U), if its largest element in absolute value is positive, they don't do anything. Otherwise, they change u_i to - u_i and the corresponding left singular vector, v_i, to - v_i. As told earlier, this does not change the SVD formula since the minus sign cancel out. However, now it is guaranteed that the U and V returned after this processing are always the same, since the indetermination on the sign has been removed.
After some digging, I've cleared up some, but not all, of my confusion on this. This issue has been covered on stats.stackexchange here. The mathematical answer is that "PCA is a simple mathematical transformation. If you change the signs of the component(s), you do not change the variance that is contained in the first component." However, in this case (with sklearn.PCA), the source of ambiguity is much more specific: in the source (line 391) for PCA you have:
U, S, V = linalg.svd(X, full_matrices=False)
# flip eigenvectors' sign to enforce deterministic output
U, V = svd_flip(U, V)
components_ = V
svd_flip, in turn, is defined here. But why the signs are being flipped to "ensure a deterministic output," I'm not sure. (U, S, V have already been found at this point...). So while sklearn's implementation is not incorrect, I don't think it's all that intuitive. Anyone in finance who is familiar with the concept of a beta (coefficient) will know that the first principal component is most likely something similar to a broad market index. Problem is, the sklearn implementation will get you strong negative loadings to that first principal component.
My solution is a dumbed-down version that does not implement svd_flip. It's pretty barebones in that it doesn't have sklearn parameters such as svd_solver, but does have a number of methods specifically geared towards this purpose.
With the PCA here in 3 dimensions, you basically find iteratively: 1) The 1D projection axis with the maximum variance preserved 2) The maximum variance preserving axis perpendicular to the one in 1). The third axis is automatically the one which is perpendicular to first two.
The components_ are listed according to the explained variance. So the first one explains the most variance, and so on. Note that by the definition of the PCA operation, while you are trying to find the vector for projection in the first step, which maximizes the variance preserved, the sign of the vector does not matter: Let M be your data matrix (in your case with the shape of (20,3)). Let v1 be the vector for preserving the maximum variance, when the data is projected on. When you select -v1 instead of v1, you obtain the same variance. (You can check this out). Then when selecting the second vector, let v2 be the one which is perpendicular to v1 and preserves the maximum variance. Again, selecting -v2 instead of v2 will preserve the same amount of variance. v3 then can be selected either as -v3 or v3. Here, the only thing which matters is that v1,v2,v3 constitute an orthonormal basis, for the data M. The signs mostly depend on how the algorithm solves the eigenvector problem underlying the PCA operation. Eigenvalue decomposition or SVD solutions may differ in signs.
This is a short notice for those who care about the purpose and not the math part at all.
Although the sign is opposite for some of the components, that shouldn't be considered as a problem. In fact what we do care about (at least to my understanding) is the axes' directions. The components, ultimately, are vectors that identify these axes after transforming the input data using pca. Therefore no matter what direction each component is pointing to, the new axes that our data lie on will be the same.

scipy curve_fit using linear weights instead of sigmas

I've been fiddling around with the scipy.optimize.curve_fit() function today and I can get some pretty good results, but I'm not too sure how to make some data points weigh more than others.
Let me briefly summarize the situation:
We need to fit a decay curve to some data gathered from our experiment. Some data points occur more often than others and these are determined by a weight. So that means that if we have one data point A with weight x and one data point B with weight 2x, this would be equal to fitting a curve to one data point A with weight x and two data point B's with weight x.
The problem is that the curve_fit function can only be weighed using uncertainties, i.e. sigmas. I thought I was smart to translate each weight into the proportion of the sum of all the weights and then translate this proportion to a Z-score (I thought that would be equivalent in terms of uncertainty) and while this gave a MUCH better fit than not weighing anything at all, I still found through some unit testing that it wasn't when comparing weights of 0.5 to having two actual data points.
How can I use curve_fit with linear weights?
PS: Through unit testing I've found that fitting data points:
(0,0) with weight 1
(1,0) with weight 1
(1,1) with weight 1
(1,1) with weight 1
yields an equal result as fitting:
(0,0) with weight 1
(1,0) with weight 1
(1,1) with weight 0.70710678118
And peculiarly, sin(0.5*pi) = 1 and sin(0.25*pi) = 0.70710678118!! So there seems to be a sine relation here? Unfortunately my math skills are limiting me in understanding the exact relation.
Also, sin(0.125*pi) unfortunately doesn't equal a weight of 3 or 4...

Estimation of fundamental matrix or essential matrix from feature matching

I am estimating the fundamental matrix and the essential matrix by using the inbuilt functions in opencv.I provide input points to the function by using ORB and brute force matcher.These are the problems that i am facing:
1.The essential matrix that i compute from in built function does not match with the one i find from mathematical computation using fundamental matrix as E=k.t()FK.
2.As i vary the number of points used to compute F and E,the values of F and E are constantly changing.The function uses Ransac method.How do i know which value is the correct one??
3.I am also using an inbuilt function to decompose E and find the correct R and T from the 4 possible solutions.The value of R and T also change with the changing E.More concerning is the fact that the direction vector T changes without a pattern.Say it was in X direction at a value of E,if i change the value of E ,it changes to Y or Z.Y is this happening????.Has anyone else had the same problem.???
How do i resolve this problem.My project involves taking measurements of objects from images.
Any suggestions or help would be welcome!!
Both F and E are defined up to a scale factor. It may help to normalize the matrices, e. g. by dividing by the last element.
RANSAC is a randomized algorithm, so you will get a different result every time. You can test how much it varies by triangulating the points, or by computing the reprojection errors. If the results vary too much, you may want to increase the number of RANSAC trials or decrease the distance threshold, to make sure that RANSAC converges to the correct solution.
Yes, Computing Fundamental Matrix gives a different matrix every time as it is defined up to a scale factor.
It is a Rank 2 matrix with 7DOF(3 rot, 3 trans, 1 scaling).
The fundamental matrix is a 3X3 matrix, F33(3rd col and 3rd row) is scale factor.
You make ask why do we append matrix with constant at F33, Because of (X-Left)F(x-Right)=0, This is a homogenous equation with infinite solutions, we are adding a constraint by making F33 constant.

Python - Kriging (Gaussian Process) in scikit_learn

I am considering using this method to interpolate some 3D points I have. As an input I have atmospheric concentrations of a gas at various elevations over an area. The data I have appears as values every few feet of vertical elevation for several tens of feet, but horizontally separated by many hundreds of feet (so 'columns' of tightly packed values).
The assumption is that values vary in the vertical direction significantly more than in the horizontal direction at any given point in time.
I want to perform 3D kriging with that assumption accounted for (as a parameter I can adjust or that is statistically defined - either/or).
I believe the scikit learn module can do this. If it can, my question is how do I create a discrete cell output? That is, output into a 3D grid of data with dimensions of, say, 50 x 50 x 1 feet. Ideally, I would like an output of [x_location, y_location, value] with separation of those (or similar) distances.
Unfortunately I don't have a lot of time to play around with it, so I'm just hoping to figure out if this is possible in Python before delving into it. Thanks!
Yes, you can definitely do that in scikit_learn.
In fact, it is a basic feature of kriging/Gaussian process regression that you can use anisotropic covariance kernels.
As it is precised in the manual (cited below) ou can either set the parameters of the covariance yourself or estimate them. And you can choose either having all parameters equal or all different.
theta0 : double array_like, optional
An array with shape (n_features, ) or (1, ). The parameters in the
autocorrelation model. If thetaL and thetaU are also specified, theta0
is considered as the starting point for the maximum likelihood
estimation of the best set of parameters. Default assumes isotropic
autocorrelation model with theta0 = 1e-1.
In the 2d case, something like this should work:
import numpy as np
from sklearn.gaussian_process import GaussianProcess
x = np.arange(1,51)
y = np.arange(1,51)
X, Y = np.meshgrid(lons, lats)
points = zip(obs_x, obs_y)
values = obs_data # Replace with your observed data
gp = GaussianProcess(theta0=0.1, thetaL=.001, thetaU=1., nugget=0.001), values)
XY_pairs = np.column_stack([X.flatten(), Y.flatten()])
predicted = gp.predict(XY_pairs).reshape(X.shape)
