Changing values in decorator for nested functions - python

I have a case similar to this -
flag = True
print "Before All things happened, flag is", flag
def decorator(*a):
def real_decorator(function):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
global flag
flag = False
print "just in real decorator before function call i.e. before", function.__name__
print "flag is " , flag
function(*args, **kwargs)
print "In real decorator after function call i.e. after", function.__name__
flag = True
print "flag is ", flag
return wrapper
return real_decorator
def subtota():
print "in subtota"
print "flag is" , flag
def print_args(*args):
print "in print args"
for arg in args:
print arg
print "flag is ", flag
print "we do want flag to be false here, after subtota"
print "but, flag is ", flag
print_args("bilbo", "baggins")
print "after All things happended flag is ", flag
And the output is
Before All things happened, flag is True
just in real decorator before function call i.e. before print_args
flag is False
in print args
flag is False
just in real decorator before function call i.e. before subtota
flag is False
in subtota
flag is False
In real decorator after function call i.e. after subtota
flag is True
we do want flag to be false here, after subtota
but, flag is True
In real decorator after function call i.e. after print_args
flag is True
after All things happended flag is True
Here, I do not want to change the value of flag after subtota() or may be we can say that, we want to keep behaviors of each function independent to each other.
How can we achieve this?
PS - Cannot avoid using Module-level global variable flag.
EDIT- desired behavior -
Only after the uppermost function is executed, the flag should be false.

I find it a little unclear as to what your goal is here.
If you need to track per-function state, you can set a flag on the decorated function object itself:
def decorator(*a):
def real_decorator(function):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
function.flag = False
function(*args, **kwargs)
function.flag = True
return wrapper
return real_decorator
You could also set it on wrapper here to make the flag available on the decorated version:
wrapper.flag = False
If you need to toggle the flag only on entering and exiting the outermost decorated call, you could use a separate global to count how many levels in you are; you may as well set that on the decorator function:
def decorator(*a):
decorator._depth = 0
def real_decorator(function):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
global flag
if decorator._depth == 0: # entering outermost call
flag = False
decorator._depth += 1
function(*args, **kwargs)
decorator._depth -= 1
if decorator._depth == 0: # exiting outermost call
flag = True
return wrapper
return real_decorator

Save the old value of flag inside wrapper, and restore to it instead of True

Apart from using variable which is scoped to the decorator, I tried using the following method-
def decorator(*a):
def real_decorator(function):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
global flag
old_flag = flag
flag = False
function(*args, **kwargs)
flag = old_flag
return wrapper
return real_decorator
This seems a bit easy, and works perfectly fine.


If statement that operates on the condition if a function returns None

I have a decorator that just repeats a function a set number of times.
The decorator works completely fine, just one small issue.
When used on functions that don't return anything. It will print "None" after executing the function.
I know that when you print a function that doesnt return anything it just prints "None".
def repeat(r):
"""Decorator that repeats function 'r' number of times"""
def repetition(f):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
for x in range(r):
rv = f(*args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
return repetition
def output(msg):
def addition(*args, result=0):
for arg in args:
result += arg
return result
addition(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
Is it possible for me to have an if statement that checks if the function returns None and operates off of that? I would like to add a condition to the decorator so if a function returns nothing it wont print it, therefore stopping it from printing "None" every time it's used on a function that returns nothing.
For Example:
if function() == None:
do something
Just Check the rv result:
def repeat(r):
"""Decorator that repeats function 'r' number of times"""
def repetition(f):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
for x in range(r):
rv = f(*args, **kwargs)
if rv is not None:
## Do domething if the function returns None
return wrapper
return repetition
Instead of your
if rv is not None:
The None value is a singleton, so instead of comparing its value with common operators ==, != (which is possible, but not recommended), compare it with is or is not operators.
In Python 3.8+ you may use the walrus operator (:=) for assigning a value and compare immediately using it in just one expression:
if (rv := f(*args, **kwargs)) is not None:

How to include identical if block in multiple functions?

I'm sorry to ask such a basic question, but what's the Pythonic way to include the same if block that can conditionally return in multiple functions? Here's my setup:
def a():
if bool:
return 'yeehaw'
return 'a'
def b():
if bool:
return 'yeehaw'
return 'b'
I'd like to factor the common conditional out of the two functions, but I'm not sure how to do so.
Use a decorator or closure
def my_yeehaw(result):
def yeehaw():
if some_bool:
return 'yeehaw'
return result
return yeehaw
a = my_yeehaw('a')
b = my_yeehaw('b')
You could use a lambda that takes in a. bool and a default value to return if the condition is false:
check = lambda condition, default: 'yeehaw' if condition else default
def a():
return check(condition, 'a')
def b():
return check(condition, 'b')
I am new to python but I think you can use a default argument to send a or b based on what is passed to the function.
def a(x='a'):
if condition: #where condition can be True or False
return 'yeehaw'
return x
(note: my naming wasn't the best, consider that same_bool function might be better called identical_if_block(...) to follow your example
And I am also assuming bool_ is a parameter, though it could work as a global. But not as bool which, like any function object, is always Truthy
>>> bool(bool)
Use a function, as long as it doesn't need to return falsies.
def same_bool(bool_):
" works for any result except a Falsy"
return "yeehaw" if bool_ else None
def a(bool_):
res = same_bool(bool_)
if res:
return res
return 'a'
def b(bool_, same_bool_func):
#you can pass in your boolean chunk function
res = same_bool_func(bool_)
if res:
return res
return 'b'
print ("a(True):", a(True))
print ("a(False):", a(False))
print ("b(True, same_bool):", b(True,same_bool))
print ("b(False, same_bool):", b(False,same_bool))
a(True): yeehaw
a(False): a
b(True, same_bool): yeehaw
b(False, same_bool): b
If you do need falsies, use a special guard value
def same_bool(bool_):
" works for any result"
return False if bool_ else NotImplemented
def a(bool_):
res = same_bool(bool_)
if res is not NotImplemented:
return res
return 'a'
You could also feed in "a" and "b" since they are constant results, but I assume that's only in your simplified example.
def same_bool(bool_, val):
return "yeehaw" if bool_ else val
def a(bool_):
return same_bool(bool_, "a")
I ended up liking the decorator syntax, as the functions that include the duplicative conditional logic have a good deal else going on in them:
# `function` is the decorated function
# `args` & `kwargs` are the inputs to `function`
def yeehaw(function):
def decorated(*args, **kwargs):
if args[0] == 7: return 99 # boolean check
return function(*args, **kwargs)
return decorated
def shark(x):
return str(x)

Is it possible to check if a function is decorated inside another function?

Is there any way to check inside function f1 in my example if calling a function (here decorated or not_decorated) has a specific decorator (in code #out)? Is such information passed to a function?
def out(fun):
def inner(*args, **kwargs):
fun(*args, **kwargs)
return inner
def decorated():
def not_decorated():
def f1():
if is_decorated_by_out: # here I want to check it
print('I am')
print('I am not')
Expected output:
I am
I am not
To be clear, this is egregious hackery, so I don't recommend it, but since you've ruled out additional parameters, and f1 will be the same whether wrapped or not, you've left hacks as your only option. The solution is to add a local variable to the wrapper function for the sole purpose of being found by means of stack inspection:
import inspect
def out(fun):
def inner(*args, **kwargs):
__wrapped_by__ = out
fun(*args, **kwargs)
return inner
def is_wrapped_by(func):
return inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_back.f_back.f_locals.get('__wrapped_by__') is func
except AttributeError:
return False
def decorated():
def not_decorated():
def f1():
if is_wrapped_by(out):
print('I am')
print('I am not')
Try it online!
This assumes a specific degree of nesting (the manual back-tracking via f_back to account for is_wrapped_by itself, f1, decorated and finally to inner (from out). If you want to determine if out was involved anywhere in the call stack, make is_wrapped_by loop until the stack is exhausted:
def is_wrapped_by(func):
frame = None
# Skip is_wrapped_by and caller
frame = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_back
while True:
if frame.f_locals.get('__wrapped_by__') is func:
return True
frame = frame.f_back
except AttributeError:
# Leaving frame on the call stack can cause cycle involving locals
# which delays cleanup until cycle collector runs;
# explicitly break cycle to save yourself the headache
del frame
return False
If you are open to creating an additional parameter in f1 (you could also use a default parameter), you can use functools.wraps and check for the existence of the __wrapped__ attribute. To do so, pass the wrapper function to f:
import functools
def out(fun):
def inner(*args, **kwargs):
fun(*args, **kwargs)
return inner
def decorated():
def not_decorated():
def f1(_func):
if getattr(_func, '__wrapped__', False):
print('I am')
print('I am not')
I am
I am not
Suppose you have a function decoration like this one
def double_arg(fun):
def inner(x):
return fun(x*2)
return inner
however you can't access it (it's inside a 3rd party lib or something). In this case you can wrap it into another function that adds the name of the decoration to the resulting function
def keep_decoration(decoration):
def f(g):
h = decoration(g)
h.decorated_by = decoration.__name__
return h
return f
and replace the old decoration by the wrapper.
double_arg = keep_decoration(double_arg)
You can even write a helper function that checks whether a function is decorated or not.
def is_decorated_by(f, decoration_name):
return f.decorated_by == decoration_name
except AttributeError:
return False
Example of use...
def inc_v1(x):
return x + 1
def inc_v2(x):
return x + 1
print(is_decorated_by(inc_v1, 'double_arg'))
print(is_decorated_by(inc_v2, 'double_arg'))

Python Decorator for printing every line executed by a function

I want to, for debugging purposes, print out something pertaining to each and every line executed in a python method.
For example if there was some assignment in the line, i want to print what value was assigned for that variable, and if there was a function call, i want to print out the value returned by the function, etc.
So, for example if i were to use a decorator, applied on function/method such as :
def testing() :
a = 10
b = 20
c = a + b
e = test_function()
the function testing when called, should print the following :
a = 10
b = 20
c = 30
e = some_value
Is there some way to achieve this? More fundamentally, i want to know whether i can write a code that can go through some other code line by line, check what type of an instruction it is, etc. Or maybe like we can get a dictionary for finding out all the variables in a class, can i get a dictionary like datastructure for getting every instruction in a function, which is as good a metaprogram can get.
Hence, I am particularly looking a solution using decorators, as I am curious if one can have a decorator that can go through an entire function line by line, and decorate it line by line,
but any and all solutions are welcome.
Thanks in advance.
How about something like this? Would this work for you?
Debug Context:
import sys
class debug_context():
""" Debug context to trace any function calls inside the context """
def __init__(self, name): = name
def __enter__(self):
print('Entering Debug Decorated func')
# Set the trace function to the trace_calls function
# So all events are now traced
def __exit__(self, *args, **kwargs):
# Stop tracing all events
sys.settrace = None
def trace_calls(self, frame, event, arg):
# We want to only trace our call to the decorated function
if event != 'call':
elif frame.f_code.co_name !=
# return the trace function to use when you go into that
# function call
return self.trace_lines
def trace_lines(self, frame, event, arg):
# If you want to print local variables each line
# keep the check for the event 'line'
# If you want to print local variables only on return
# check only for the 'return' event
if event not in ['line', 'return']:
co = frame.f_code
func_name = co.co_name
line_no = frame.f_lineno
filename = co.co_filename
local_vars = frame.f_locals
print (' {0} {1} {2} locals: {3}'.format(func_name,
Debug Decorator:
def debug_decorator(func):
""" Debug decorator to call the function within the debug context """
def decorated_func(*args, **kwargs):
with debug_context(func.__name__):
return_value = func(*args, **kwargs)
return return_value
return decorated_func
def testing() :
a = 10
b = 20
c = a + b
# Entering Debug Decorated func
# testing line 44 locals: {}
# testing line 45 locals: {'a': 10}
# testing line 46 locals: {'a': 10, 'b': 20}
# testing return 46 locals: {'a': 10, 'b': 20, 'c': 30}

Convert a while loop to something reusable

I often find myself using a pattern like this:
num_repeats = 123
interval = 12
for _ in xrange(num_repeats):
result = ...
if result meets condition:
raise Failed despite multiple attempts
Basically, it repeats code until the correct result is returned, or the counter expires.
Although this works, it looks too verbose to me. Is it possible to "parametrize" this loop to a reusable function or context manager, like for example
with repeat(num_repeats, interval):
Or maybe there's something in the standard library that would do the trick?
You can use a generator which sleeps before returning repeated results.
The advantage is that your caller is still a genuine for loop, with
all the break, continue, else semantics still in tact.
def trickle_range(num_repeats, interval):
yield 0
for k in xrange(1, num_repeats):
yield k
for k in trickle_range(num_repeats, interval):
... do stuff, iterate or break as you like ...
You definately won't be able to use the with statement, as python only supplies hooks before and after the code has run, but not one for invoking it, ie. You can't hide a loop within a with statement.
A nice approach is to use a lambda function:
def repeat(repeats, interval, func):
for i in xrange(repeats):
if func(i):
Which you can then use quite easily:
repeat(123, 12, lambda i: condition(i))
Or something similar
One approach would be to decorate the functions you want to repeat:
def repeats_until(num_repeats, interval, condition):
def deco(f):
def func(*args, **kwargs):
for _ in xrange(num_repeats):
result = f(*args, **kwargs)
if condition(result):
return result
return func
return deco
And then use it like:
#repeats_until(3, 5, lambda s: s == "hello")
def take_input():
return raw_input("Say hello: ")
Example (although I can't show the wait!)
>>> take_input()
Say hello: foo
Say hello: bar
Say hello: baz
>>> take_input()
Say hello: hello
Alternatively, to keep the condition with the called function, something like:
def repeats(num_repeats, interval):
def deco(f):
def func(*args, **kwargs):
for _ in xrange(num_repeats):
result = f(*args, **kwargs)
if result is not None: # or e.g. False if None is valid return
return result
return func
return deco
#repeats(3, 5)
def take_input(condition):
s = raw_input("Say hello: ")
if condition(s):
return s
ui = take_input(lambda s: s == "hello")
This relies on the decorated function returning a value (in this case the implicit None) that tells the decorator it isn't finished yet.
