Analytical solution for Linear Regression using Python vs. Julia - python

Using example from Andrew Ng's class (finding parameters for Linear Regression using normal equation):
With Python:
X = np.array([[1, 2104, 5, 1, 45], [1, 1416, 3, 2, 40], [1, 1534, 3, 2, 30], [1, 852, 2, 1, 36]])
y = np.array([[460], [232], [315], [178]])
θ = ((np.linalg.inv(
[[ 7.49398438e+02]
[ 1.65405273e-01]
[ -4.68750000e+00]
[ -4.79453125e+01]
[ -5.34570312e+00]]
With Julia:
X = [1 2104 5 1 45; 1 1416 3 2 40; 1 1534 3 2 30; 1 852 2 1 36]
y = [460; 232; 315; 178]
θ = ((X' * X)^-1) * X' * y
5-element Array{Float64,1}:
Furthermore, when I multiple X by Julia's — but not Python's — θ, I get numbers close to y.
I can't figure out what I am doing wrong. Thanks!

Using X^-1 vs the pseudo inverse
pinv(X) which corresponds to the pseudo inverse is more broadly applicable than inv(X), which X^-1 equates to. Neither Julia nor Python do well using inv, but in this case apparently Julia does better.
but if you change the expression to
julia> z=pinv(X'*X)*X'*y
5-element Array{Float64,1}:
you can verify that X*z = y
julia> X*z
4-element Array{Float64,1}:

A more numerically robust approach in Python, without having to do the matrix algebra yourself is to use numpy.linalg.lstsq to do the regression:
In [29]: np.linalg.lstsq(X, y)
(array([[ 188.40031942],
[ 0.3866255 ],
[ -56.13824955],
[ -92.9672536 ],
[ -3.73781915]]),
array([], dtype=float64),
array([ 3.08487554e+03, 1.88409728e+01, 1.37100414e+00,
(Compare the solution vector with #waTeim's answer in Julia).
You can see the source of the ill-conditioning by printing the matrix inverse you're calculating:
In [30]: np.linalg.inv(
array([[ -4.12181049e+13, 1.93633440e+11, -8.76643127e+13,
-3.06844458e+13, 2.28487459e+12],
[ 1.93633440e+11, -9.09646601e+08, 4.11827338e+11,
1.44148665e+11, -1.07338299e+10],
[ -8.76643127e+13, 4.11827338e+11, -1.86447963e+14,
-6.52609055e+13, 4.85956259e+12],
[ -3.06844458e+13, 1.44148665e+11, -6.52609055e+13,
-2.28427584e+13, 1.70095424e+12],
[ 2.28487459e+12, -1.07338299e+10, 4.85956259e+12,
1.70095424e+12, -1.26659193e+11]])
Taking the dot product of this with X.T leads to a catastrophic loss of precision.

Notice that X is a 4x5 matrix or in statistical terms that you have fewer observations than parameters to estimate. Therefore, the least squares problem has infinitely many solutions with the sum of the squared errors exactly equal to zero. In this case, the normal equations don't help you much because the matrix X'X is singular. Instead, you should just find a solution to X*b=y.
Most numerical linear algebra systems are based on the FORTRAN package LAPACK which uses the a pivoted QR factorization for solving the problem X*b=y. Since there are infinitely many solutions, LAPACK's picks the solution with the smallest norm. In Julia, you can get this solution, simply by writing
(Unfortunately, the float part is necessary right now, but that will change.)
In exact arithmetic, you should get the same solution as the one above with either of your proposed methods, but the floating point representation of you problem introduces small rounding errors and these errors will affect the calculated solution. The effect of the rounding errors on the solution is much larger when using the normal equations compared to using the QR factorization directly on X.
This holds true also in the usual case where X has more rows than columns so often it is recommended that you avoid the normal equations when solving least squares problems. However, when X has many more rows than columns, the matrix X'X is relatively small. In this case, it will be much faster to solve the problem with the normal equations instead of using the QR factorization. In many statistical problems, the extra numerical error is extremely small compared to the statical error so the loss of precision due to the normal equations can simply be ignored.


Sympy and Numpy unable to inverse matrix created using Sympy

I have an equation that has a symbolic variable named a by using Sympy package. using this variable I created a 6 * 6 matrix:
array([[1, exp(-0.04*a**2), exp(-0.16*a**2), exp(-0.36*a**2),
exp(-0.64*a**2), exp(-1.0*a**2)],
[exp(-0.04*a**2), 1, exp(-0.04*a**2), exp(-0.16*a**2),
exp(-0.36*a**2), exp(-0.64*a**2)],
[exp(-0.16*a**2), exp(-0.04*a**2), 1, exp(-0.04*a**2),
exp(-0.16*a**2), exp(-0.36*a**2)],
[exp(-0.36*a**2), exp(-0.16*a**2), exp(-0.04*a**2), 1,
exp(-0.04*a**2), exp(-0.16*a**2)],
[exp(-0.64*a**2), exp(-0.36*a**2), exp(-0.16*a**2),
exp(-0.04*a**2), 1, exp(-0.04*a**2)],
[exp(-1.0*a**2), exp(-0.64*a**2), exp(-0.36*a**2),
exp(-0.16*a**2), exp(-0.04*a**2), 1]], dtype=object)
the a variable above is a sympy symbol. Now I want to inverse this matrix. Using numpy I get the following error:
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-117-3c958037db81> in <module>()
----> 1 inv(np.array(final_result))
D:\datascience\lib\site-packages\numpy\linalg\ in inv(a)
526 signature = 'D->D' if isComplexType(t) else 'd->d'
527 extobj = get_linalg_error_extobj(_raise_linalgerror_singular)
--> 528 ainv = _umath_linalg.inv(a, signature=signature, extobj=extobj)
529 return wrap(ainv.astype(result_t, copy=False))
TypeError: No loop matching the specified signature and casting
was found for ufunc inv
and using the Sympy own syntax to inverse this matrix, which is M ** -1, takes too long and doesn't compute the results.
Is there a way to inverse this matrix, using numpy? or pure python syntax?
If you are looking for a symbolic inverse you will need to use SymPy. NumPy only computes numeric inverses, and the algorithms used by it will not work on symbolic matrices.
It looks like the default algorithm used by SymPy is slow with this matrix, but you can try alternate algorithms by passing the method keyword to the inv method of Matrix. The available options are 'GE' (the default), 'LU', and 'ADJ'.
It can also help to do M.subs(exp(-a**2/25), b) for the calculation. That way the resulting matrix is only powers of b (you will need to use rational numbers instead of floats for this to work). I was able to get an inverse with
a, b = symbols('a b')
M = Matrix([[1, exp(-a**2/25), exp(-4*a**2/25), exp(-9*a**2/25), exp(-16*a**2/25), exp(-a**2)], [exp(-a**2/25), 1, exp(-a**2/25), exp(-4*a**2/25), exp(-9*a**2/25), exp(-16*a**2/25)], [exp(-4*a**2/25), exp(-a**2/25), 1, exp(-a**2/25), exp(-4*a**2/25), exp(-9*a**2/25)], [exp(-9*a**2/25), exp(-4*a**2/25), exp(-a**2/25), 1, exp(-a**2/25), exp(-4*a**2/25)], [exp(-16*a**2/25), exp(-9*a**2/25), exp(-4*a**2/25), exp(-a**2/25), 1, exp(-a**2/25)], [exp(-a**2), exp(-16*a**2/25), exp(-9*a**2/25), exp(-4*a**2/25), exp(-a**2/25), 1]])
M2 = M.subs(exp(-a**2/25), b)
M2inv = simplify(M2.inv('ADJ')) # takes a little time to compute, about 1:30 on my machine
Minv = M2inv.subs(b, exp(-a**2/25))
At the end of the day, you may want to consider if you need the symbolic inverse of the matrix. Is it enough to substitute a numeric value for a then compute the numeric inverse with NumPy? Do you actually need the inverse at all? Usually computing the explicit inverse of a matrix is not a good idea for numeric calculations. It is generally better to use something like numpy.linalg.solve.
Symbolic inverses are in general very complicated expressions and inherently hard to compute. Numeric inverses are extremely numerically unstable and are almost never a good idea to compute to solve whatever problem you are trying to solve.
NumPy is a numerical package, and can not work with SymPy symbols.
If I understand correctly, you are using a as a SymPy symbol without assigning it a concrete value. This makes calculating an inverse very hard. For some assignments to a the matrix might even be not invertible. I am afraid SymPy's matrix inversion is not up to such task. Something that might help somewhat, is expressing the numbers as fractions, because reals are difficult to work with symbolically.
If you try out the same with smaller matrices, you'll notice that the result quickly becomes a complicated mess of symbols. It would probably be easier to numerically invert the matrix (with NumPy) for each of the values of a you need.
Another trick to try, is introducing an auxiliary symbol to obtain simpler expressions and afterwards substituting back. E.g. first something like M.subs({a**2:-log(b)}). The obtained inverse matrix might be easier to simplify. Afterwards M.subs({b: exp(-a**2)}) to investigate what happens with the original formulation. Just calculating the determinant of your original matrix with this substitution results in an expression of more than 1000 characters long, that doesn't look to be easy to simplify. There remains little hope that the complete inverse matrix would be a manageable expression.

numpy poly() and roots() aren't reversible?

I expected the poly() and roots() functions to be each other's inverse. However, this isn't quite true:
# Polys coeffs
pol_c = np.poly([-1, 1, 1, 10]) # Get Polynomial coeffs for eqt with stated roots
# Roots from the poly equation
root_val = np.roots(pol_c)
# Roots from the poly equation, manually entered as integers
roots_v2 = np.roots([1,-11,9,11,-10])
[1. -11. 9. 11. -10.]
[10.+0.0000000e+00j -1.+0.0000000e+00j 1.+9.6357437e-09j
[10.+0.0000000e+00j -1.+0.0000000e+00j 1.+9.6357437e-09j
ie. the 3rd & 4th roots are (slightly) imaginary instead of real
My first thought was floating point error, but given that roots() outputs the same answer for float and int inputs that seems not to be the case. Plus I would expect poly() to give non-integer answers if floating point accuracy was limiting the solves.
The functions are inverses of each other, within some computational errors (which may be complex), and up to reordering of roots.
pol_c = np.poly([-1, 1, 1, 10])
root_val = np.roots(pol_c)
print(np.real_if_close(np.around(root_val, 6)))
prints [10. -1. 1. 1.] which is the same as we started with, in another order.
Of course, the order need not be the same: the original order of roots is lost when pol_c was formed, and there is no canonical order for the roots of polynomials (which are generally complex) anyway.

Numpy linalg: linear system with unlikely results

Considering the following matrix equation:
matrix([[ 0.477, -0.277, -0.2 ],
[-0.277, 0.444, -0.167],
[-0.2 , -0.167, 0.367]])
In[2]: b
Out[2]: [0, 60, 40]
how come that when I use numpy.linalg() I get the following results?
import numpy as np
x = np.linalg.solve(A, b)
# res=[1.8014398509481981e+18, 1.801439850948198e+18, 1.8014398509481984e+18]
These numbers are huge! What's wrong here? I am suspecting A is in the wrong form, as it multiplies b in my equation, whereas numpy.linalg() considers A as if it multiplies x.
What you give as an equation (x=A b) is just a matrix multiplication rather than a set of linear equations to solve (A x=b) for which you would use np.linalg.solve. What you need to do to get x in your case is simply use (
Your matrix is singular, as can be seen by adding its columns which sum to zero. Mathematically, this system is only solvable for a very small set of b vectors.
The solution you're getting is most likely just numerical noise.

differentiating a polynomial interpolated set of data points

I'm aware that we can us numpy to differentiate polynomials with the following:
f = numpy.poly1d([1, 0, 1])
I've tried interpolating a set of data points and performing deriv() on the resulting polynomial.
from scipy import interpolate
x = [-2,-1,2]
y = [-2,1,-1]
f = interpolate.interp1d(x, y)
But the object f is of different type.
Basically, how might I convert f to a numpy polynomial object ready for differentiation?
Thanks a lot!
The issue you're facing here is the way the interpolation actually works. Interpolation can at most guess some local function that matches the given points the best, but it can't exactly, and probably never is, except for perhaps some extreme easy cases(?), be exactly correct as the actual function given.
That said, you can approximate a function in a given range as a Taylor polynomial to a good degree. This should for relatively narrow ranges and a good guess of the initial function work sufficiently well for you.(?)
import numpy as np
from scipy import interpolate
x = [-2, -1, 2]
y = [-2, 1, -1]
f = interpolate.interp1d(x, y)
h = interpolate.approximate_taylor_polynomial(f, -1, 2, 2)
>>>> poly1d([-0.61111111, 1.16666667, -0.22222222])
>>>> poly1d([-1.22222222, 1.16666667])
EDIT I Expanding the original answer for clarification:
I wanted to show that this approach works to a point. The above OP example used is really small MWE example and thus the results are less than convincing.
To show it's fairly close approximation I'll construct a polynomial. I'll get its values in range [-5, 5]. I'll use the range [-5, 5] and the returned values of polynomial in as interpolation arrays.
I'll approximate the interpolated function with the Taylor series expansion using the best "guesses" I have (since I constructed the original polynomial this is not really a guess tbh).
I'll compare the results in range [-5, 5] from the Taylor expansion with the original polynomial values in the range.
f = np.poly1d([1,0,1])
f([-5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
>>> array([26, 17, 10, 5, 2, 1, 2, 5, 10, 17, 26])
x = [-5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
y = [26, 17, 10, 5, 2, 1, 2, 5, 10, 17, 26]
f = interpolate.interp1d(x, y)
h = interpolate.approximate_taylor_polynomial(f, 0, 2, 5)
>>> [26., 17.12, 10.21333333, 5.28, 2.32, 1.33333333, 2.32, 5.28, 10.21333333, 17.12, 26.]
>>> [26., 17., 10., 5., 2., 1., 2., 5., 10., 17., 26.]
Here are some examples to show how the guesses get better and better the higher order of Taylor expansion you use. Careful as the manual says the expansion is unstable once it reaches order of 30.
h = interpolate.approximate_taylor_polynomial(f, 0, 15, 5)
>>> [ 25.41043927, 17.18570392, 10.19122784, 5.09107466,
2.02363911, 1. , 2.02664952, 5.07915194,
10.22646919, 17.13871545, 26. ])
h = interpolate.approximate_taylor_polynomial(f, 0, 20, 5)
>>> [ 26. , 17.13481942, 10.10070835, 5.21247548,
2.13174692, 1.23098041, 2.13174692, 5.21247548,
10.10070835, 17.13481942, 25.9999999 ])
EDIT II Answers for questions in comments:
It's not a stupid question. I can see that Taylor series is confusing you. In math they usually show the mathematical definition for the Taylor series based on nth order derivatives of the original function in the point of expansion but don't show others so it might be confusing as how to apply it in a broader sense.
In essence it's the same as with derivatives:
f' = lim d->0 [ ( f(x+d)-f(x) )/d ]
which in numerical programing we just approximate with:
f' = f(x+d)-f(x)/d (there are other approx of the derivative as well)
and that's an ok approximation as long as the d remains really small. Taylor series of a function goes something like this:
0th order: h ~ f(a)
1st order: h ~ f(a) + f'(a)(x-a)
2nd order: h ~ f(a) + f'(a)(x-a) + f''(a)/2 * (x-a)^2 ...
so if we now introduce our derivative approximation into the series expansion:
1st deriv 2nd deriv
h ~ f(a) + [ (f(a+d)-f(a))/d ] (x-a) + [ ( f(a+d) - 2f(a) + f(a-d) )/d^2 ) ] * (x-a)^2 ....
so now you see why the function needs the point in which it needs to be evaluated. Now, this helps us only to get rid of the derivation of the original function we had.
So you see, we don't need to know the original function at all. All we have to be able to do is provide approximated values the original function would have had in the point of expansion. And that is exactly what interpolation gives you.
Interpolation takes in a set of points presumably attributed to some original function and then based on the behavior of those points tries to guess which points in between the given points would most likely be in the graph of the original function as well. So in an essence, interpolation tries to guess the values of would-be function whose original points we know, within the range of those original points.
Ok. But what do we do about the fact that Taylor exp. goes into infinity?
We just round it of:
h ~ 0th + 1st + 2nd + 3rd + ... + nth + P
and we call P the remainder. There are ways of estimating this remainder, some given by Taylor himself iirc.
Ok, but now why do we need a range in our function call?
What we did here is what's called a finite difference method. In essence it is just about as simple as that, in reality things can get a bit more complicated because you have to show that indeed you can do these things and not break the convergence of Taylor series. It turns out that you don't break the Taylor series BUT only for bounded continuous functions, which means that you can only approx functions on a certain interval.
Think of it this way. You can approximate a straight line with a Taylor series. Think of it as compounding more and more and more polynomial orders until their "waviness" cancels each other out. Like doing sin^2 + cos^2 which is always 1.
But if you stop the series expansion at some order, then suddenly you don't have anything stopping the series from diverging again. Because Taylor series is just one big polynomial it will either start going up into infinity or down into infinity. Look at the image bellow, it shows Taylor series approximating the original quadratic function f in the point of expansion 0 on a range of 10 around it; but plotted from -50 to 50.
Special interest is the 1st series order, which is just a straight line as you can see from the formulas above (green). Notice how as soon as the series cross -10 or 10 they start diverging from the actual function by a lot. In some cases the functions were similar enough to continue being close in value with the original function (i.e. 2nd order Taylor series is also a quadratic equation which is why it traces the original function very well).
Unfortunately because we do not have any prior knowledge about the original function in your case it's impossible to determine that some Taylor expansion estimates it perfectly. As far as we know we only approximated the function around 0. It might as well contain sine or cosine members for all we know.
As far as your question about f is concerned:
f is just some dummy function I started from. It's supposed to look like np.poly1d([1,0,1]) which is supposed to be something like f(x) = x**2 +1. I don't know where you got 2.1667 + 0.25x - 0.9167x**2 from.
I used f just to create x and y arrays, so that I can be sure that indeed those numbers belong to a function. What would be the point otherwise. I only used it once more in the end by doing f(x) to show how similar the numbers turn out.
Remember x is an array, and f(x) means "calculate the value of function f for every member of array x". Nothing more. It's just the value of the function f(x) = x**2+1 in the points [-5, -4, .... 4, 5].
All other works was just based on how to approximate a function by Taylor expansion when all you have is some fixed data set and no knowledge of the original function. And I showed that if you interpolate between the points and approximate the unknown function with Taylor expansion you can reconstruct a function that has meaningfully similar results on a bounded range of numbers x.
That approximated function is called h in my snippets and it looks something like:
h = 2.28194274e-08 + 5.37467022e-17 x - 1.98652602e-06 x^2 - 3.65181145e-15 x^3 + 7.38646849e-05 x^4 + 1.02224219e-13 x^5 + ... till 25th order would be reached
and to get its derivative in python all you would need to do is
because its type is poly1d.

Matlab VS Python - eig(A,B) VS sc.linalg.eig(A,B)

I have the following matrices sigma and sigmad:
1.9958 0.7250
0.7250 1.3167
4.8889 1.1944
1.1944 4.2361
If I try to solve the generalized eigenvalue problem in python I obtain:
d,V = sc.linalg.eig(matrix(sigmad),matrix(sigma))
-1 -0.5614
-0.4352 1
If I try to solve the g. e. problem in matlab I obtain:
-0.5897 -0.5278
-0.2564 0.9400
But the d's do coincide.
Any (nonzero) scalar multiple of an eigenvector will also be an eigenvector; only the direction is meaningful, not the overall normalization. Different routines use different conventions -- often you'll see the magnitude set to 1, or the maximum value set to 1 or -1 -- and some routines don't even bother being internally consistent for performance reasons. Your two different results are multiples of each other:
In [227]: sc = array([[-1., -0.5614], [-0.4352, 1. ]])
In [228]: ml = array([[-.5897, -0.5278], [-0.2564, 0.94]])
In [229]: sc/ml
array([[ 1.69577751, 1.06366048],
[ 1.69734789, 1.06382979]])
and so they're actually the same eigenvectors. Think of the matrix as an operator which changes a vector: the eigenvectors are the special directions where a vector pointing that way won't be twisted by the matrix, and the eigenvalues are the factors measuring how much the matrix expands or contracts the vector.
