I'm working on a 2-player board game (e.g. connect 4), with parametric board size h, w. I want to check for winning condition using hw-sized bitboards.
In game like chess, where board size is fixed, bitboards are usually represented with some sort of 64-bit integer. When h and w are not constant and maybe very big (let's suppose 30*30) are bitboards a good idea? If so, are the any data types in C/C++ to deal with big bitboards keeping their performances?
Since I'm currently working on python a solution in this language is appreciated too! :)
Thanks in advance
I wrote this code while ago just to play around with the game concept. There is no intelligence behaviour involve. just random moves to demonstrate the game. I guess this is not important for you since you are only looking for a fast check of winning conditions. This implementation is fast since I did my best to avoid for loops and use only built-in python/numpy functions (with some tricks).
import numpy as np
row_size = 6
col_size = 7
symbols = {1:'A', -1:'B', 0:' '}
def was_winning_move(S, P, current_row_idx,current_col_idx):
#****** Column Win ******
current_col = S[:,current_col_idx]
P_idx= np.where(current_col== P)[0]
#if the difference between indexes are one, that means they are consecutive.
#we need at least 4 consecutive index. So 3 Ture value
is_idx_consecutive = sum(np.diff(P_idx)==1)>=3
if is_idx_consecutive:
return True
#****** Column Win ******
current_row = S[current_row_idx,:]
P_idx= np.where(current_row== P)[0]
is_idx_consecutive = sum(np.diff(P_idx)==1)>=3
if is_idx_consecutive:
return True
#****** Diag Win ******
offeset_from_diag = current_col_idx - current_row_idx
current_diag = S.diagonal(offeset_from_diag)
P_idx= np.where(current_diag== P)[0]
is_idx_consecutive = sum(np.diff(P_idx)==1)>=3
if is_idx_consecutive:
return True
#****** off-Diag Win ******
#here 1) reverse rows, 2)find new index, 3)find offest and proceed as diag
reversed_rows = S[::-1,:] #1
new_row_idx = row_size - 1 - current_row_idx #2
offeset_from_diag = current_col_idx - new_row_idx #3
current_off_diag = reversed_rows.diagonal(offeset_from_diag)
P_idx= np.where(current_off_diag== P)[0]
is_idx_consecutive = sum(np.diff(P_idx)==1)>=3
if is_idx_consecutive:
return True
return False
def move_at_random(S,P):
selected_col_idx = np.random.permutation(range(col_size))[0]
#print selected_col_idx
#we should fill in matrix from bottom to top. So find the last filled row in col and fill the upper row
last_filled_row = np.where(S[:,selected_col_idx] != 0)[0]
#it is possible that there is no filled array. like the begining of the game
#in this case we start with last row e.g row : -1
if last_filled_row.size != 0:
current_row_idx = last_filled_row[0] - 1
current_row_idx = -1
#print 'col[{0}], row[{1}]'.format(selected_col,current_row)
S[current_row_idx, selected_col_idx] = P
return (S,current_row_idx,selected_col_idx)
def move_still_possible(S):
return not (S[S==0].size == 0)
def print_game_state(S):
B = np.copy(S).astype(object)
for n in [-1, 0, 1]:
B[B==n] = symbols[n]
print B
def play_game():
#initiate game state
game_state = np.zeros((6,7),dtype=int)
player = 1
mvcntr = 1
no_winner_yet = True
while no_winner_yet and move_still_possible(game_state):
#get player symbol
name = symbols[player]
game_state, current_row, current_col = move_at_random(game_state, player)
#print '******',player,(current_row, current_col)
#print current game state
#check if the move was a winning move
if was_winning_move(game_state,player,current_row, current_col):
print 'player %s wins after %d moves' % (name, mvcntr)
no_winner_yet = False
# switch player and increase move counter
player *= -1
mvcntr += 1
if no_winner_yet:
print 'game ended in a draw'
player = 0
return game_state,player,mvcntr
if __name__ == '__main__':
S, P, mvcntr = play_game()
let me know if you have any question
UPDATE: Explanation:
At each move, look at column, row, diagonal and secondary diagonal that goes through the current cell and find consecutive cells with the current symbol. avoid scanning the whole board.
extracting cells in each direction:
current_col = S[:,current_col_idx]
current_row = S[current_row_idx,:]
Find the offset of the desired diagonal from the
main diagonal:
diag_offset = current_col_idx - current_row_idx
current_diag = S.diagonal(offset)
Reverse the rows of matrix:
S_reversed_rows = S[::-1,:]
Find the row index in the new matrix
new_row_idx = row_size - 1 - current_row_idx
current_offdiag = S.diagonal(offset)
For some Time, I've written a Needleman Wunsch algorithm for listening to NCBI data streams, but as I've been done with it i knew it could be done better but i by far to stupid to do so. If some of you know what I've done stupid overcomplicated, I would really like to know how to do it better.
At first I want to show you the full code to let you know about the context.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import pandas as pd #to create data frames
from numpy import full #to build the arrays
import subprocess
import os
from itertools import groupby
def needlemanWunsch(lista, listb, rowLen, colLen): #o(n*m)
levensteinTable = full([rowLen, colLen],0)
for j in range(0,colLen): #Fill out the first row
levensteinTable[0, j] = j
for i in range(0,rowLen): #Fill out the first column
levensteinTable[i, 0] = i
for i in range(1,rowLen): #Fill out the rest of the Board in dependency of several cases
for j in range (1,colLen): #traversing with a nested loop
levensteinTable[i,j]=min( #every Levenstein Score has to be the Minimum of three cases
(levensteinTable[i-1, j-1]+(0 if listb[j-1] == lista[i-1] else 1)), #in this part, the Delta of the two strings will be detected
(levensteinTable[i, j-1] +1), #The score of the left cell
(levensteinTable[i-1, j] +1) #The Score of the upper cell
return levensteinTable #the finished levenstein Table will be returned
upArrow = "\u2191"
right_arrow = "\u2192"
down_arrow = "\u2193"
leftArrow = "\u2190"
down_right_arrow = "\u2198"
upLeftArrow = "\u2196"
def needlemanWunschTraceBack(listx,listy,rows,columns, gapPenalty = -1, matchBonus = 1, mismatchPenalty = -1): #o(n*m)
#This algorithm will fill out the Penalty Scoreboard and the Arrow Score board
penaltyArray = full([rows, columns],0) #build up the penalty score Array
tracerArray = full([rows, columns],"-") #build up the Array for the traceback arrows
for row in range(rows): #filling the two arrays
for col in range(columns):
if row==0 and col==0: #the first cell
score = 0 #the first Cell doesn't have any alignment
arrow = "-" #no Alignment, no arrow
elif row==0 and col!=0: #the first Row
score = penaltyArray[row, col -1]+gapPenalty #every Cell in this row need his score
arrow = leftArrow #every Arrow in this row has to look up to the start of the array
elif row!=0 and col == 0: #the first column
score = penaltyArray[row-1, col]+gapPenalty #every Cell in this column need his score
arrow = upArrow #every Arrow in this row has to look up to the start of the array
else: #in this case, every other cell will be processed
fromLeftScore = penaltyArray[row,col-1] + gapPenalty #The score of the former left cell + gapPenalty
fromAboveScore = penaltyArray[row-1,col] + gapPenalty #The score of the former Above cell
diagonalLeftCellScore = penaltyArray[row-1,col-1] +(
matchBonus if(listx[row -1]==listy[col-1])else mismatchPenalty
) #if the alighment matches with the former diagonal left cell, it gets a match bonus, else a mismatchPenalty
score = max([fromLeftScore, fromAboveScore, diagonalLeftCellScore]) #The score of our Cell has to be the maximum of the three given scores
arrow =(leftArrow if score==fromLeftScore else upArrow if score==fromAboveScore else\
upLeftArrow if score==diagonalLeftCellScore else 0)
#the right arrow of every cell will be seperately detected
tracerArray[row, col]=arrow #the tracerArray gets the arrows
penaltyArray[row, col]=score #the penaltyArray gets the scores
return tracerArray, penaltyArray
def traceback_alignment(traceback_array,listC,listD,up_arrow = upArrow ,\
left_arrow=leftArrow,up_left_arrow=upLeftArrow,stop="-"): #o(n)
row = len(listC) #The Traceback Algo needs the sequences anyway
col = len(listD)
arrow = traceback_array[row,col] #to get the right arrow for the current position
alignedSeq1 = "" #to initiate the produced alignment upper line
alignedSeq2 = "" #to initiate the produced alignment under line
alignmentIndicator = "" #to indicate the alighment
while arrow != "-": #No Arrow, no interes
arrow = traceback_array[row,col] #the current position in the array inside the loop
print(f"Currently on row: {row} and col: {col}; Arrow: {arrow}") #Because you could get bored without visual process indication
if arrow == up_arrow: #up_arrow shows a gap in under sequence
alignedSeq2 = "-"+alignedSeq2
alignedSeq1 = listC[row-1] + alignedSeq1
alignmentIndicator = " "+alignmentIndicator #to show that here is no alignment
row -=1
elif arrow == up_left_arrow: #up_left_arrow shows that here is accordance between the sequences
alignedSeq1 = listC[row-1] + alignedSeq1
alignedSeq2 = listD[col-1] + alignedSeq2
if listC[row-1] == listD[col-1]:
alignmentIndicator = "|"+alignmentIndicator #visual indicator for accordance
alignmentIndicator = " "+alignmentIndicator #visual indicator for no accordance
row -=1
col -=1
elif arrow == left_arrow:
alignedSeq1 = "-"+alignedSeq1
alignedSeq2 = listD[col-1] + alignedSeq2
alignmentIndicator = " "+alignmentIndicator #visual indicator for no accordance
col -=1
elif arrow == stop:
raise ValueError(
f"Traceback array entry at {row},{col}: {arrow}" \
f"is not recognized as an up arrow ({up_arrow}),left_arrow ({left_arrow}), "\
f"up_left_arrow ({up_left_arrow}), or a stop ({stop})."
return f"{alignedSeq1}\n{alignmentIndicator}\n{alignedSeq2}"
def seqHandle(seq1, seq2): #to handle a two given Sequences o(n*m)
columnLabels = [label for label in "-"+seq1] #for the later buildet Dataframes
rowLabels = [label for label in "-"+seq2] ##for the later buildet Dataframes
nRows = len("-"+seq1) #Count of all rows
nColumns = len("-"+seq2) #Count of all columns
levensteinBoard = needlemanWunsch(seq1, seq2,nRows,nColumns) #to build the Board with the levensteinDistances
arrowArray, zuchtArray, = needlemanWunschTraceBack(seq1, seq2,nRows, nColumns) #Important for the traceback
levensteinDistance = levensteinBoard[len(seq1)][len(seq2)] #I'll explain the Levenstein Distance in the Readme
return (
f"This is our ScoreBoard with all the important distances\n"\
f"{pd.DataFrame(levensteinBoard, index=columnLabels, columns= rowLabels)}\n"\
f"The Levenstein Distance of{seq1} and {seq2} is {levensteinDistance}.\n"\
f"The trace back arrow board:\n{pd.DataFrame(arrowArray, index=columnLabels, columns= rowLabels)}\n"\
f"The Penalty Score Board:\n{pd.DataFrame(zuchtArray, index=columnLabels, columns= rowLabels)}\n"\
f"{traceback_alignment(arrowArray,seq1,seq2)}"), levensteinDistance
def fileProcessGenerator(fileE): #to iterate over a SequenceSummaryFile o(n)
with open(f'{os.getcwd()}/{fileE}', 'r') as fh: #to savely work with the given file
faiter = (x[1] for x in groupby(fh, lambda line: line[0] ==">")) #to group the single sequences to their related header Line
for header in faiter:
headerStr = header.__next__()[1:].strip() #to fetch the header line from the group
yield (
headerStr.strip().replace('>', '').split()[0], #name of the sequence
''.join(s.strip() for s in faiter.__next__())) #sequence
def FileOfSequencesAnalisis(fileName, OutputPath): #to analyse a SequenceSummaryFile o(n*m*a*b)
print(f"\n\n Warning: I'll proceed really a lot of Sequence combinations Sequences.\n\n This will take Time! Please stay patient")
processnumber = 1 #We want to know, in which process we are
levensteinDistanceCounter= 0 #To count all Levenstein distances so far
LevensteinDistancesAverage = 0 #to calculate the average of all levenstein distances so far
try: #because someone could try shit
for ff in fileProcessGenerator(fileName): #the main loop devines the sequence in the line
for fo in fileProcessGenerator(fileName): #the main loop devines the sequence in the column
if ff != fo: #nobody wants to know the levenstein Distance of two identical sequences
name, seqOne, = ff #to get the important stuff from the generator
namel, seqTwo, = fo
f"processing for {name} and {namel} -Process Nr.{processnumber}\n"\
f"current average Levenstein Distances is {LevensteinDistancesAverage}") #to show, that the process works well
seqHandling, currentLevensteinDistance = seqHandle(seqOne, seqTwo) #to get the struff from seqHandle
with open(f"{OutputPath}/For_{name}_and_{namel}.txt", 'w') as bitch: #to savely save our Output to a file
bitch.write(f"Analysis for {name} and {namel}: \n{seqHandling}")
levensteinDistanceCounter += currentLevensteinDistance
LevensteinDistancesAverage = levensteinDistanceCounter/processnumber
processnumber += 1
except RuntimeError:
print("invalid File. Use a File with inherited fasta Sequences with a Header Line and Sequences")
print(f"I'm done. Here is the average Levenstein Distance of the analysed File:\n{LevensteinDistancesAverage}")
Now I'll show you, what I've been unsatisfied with
def needlemanWunsch(lista, listb, rowLen, colLen): #o(n*m)
levensteinTable = full([rowLen, colLen],0)
for j in range(0,colLen): #Fill out the first row
levensteinTable[0, j] = j
for i in range(0,rowLen): #Fill out the first column
levensteinTable[i, 0] = i
for i in range(1,rowLen): #Fill out the rest of the Board in dependency of several cases
for j in range (1,colLen): #traversing with a nested loop
levensteinTable[i,j]=min( #every Levenstein Score has to be the Minimum of three cases
(levensteinTable[i-1, j-1]+(0 if listb[j-1] == lista[i-1] else 1)), #in this part, the Delta of the two strings will be detected
(levensteinTable[i, j-1] +1), #The score of the left cell
(levensteinTable[i-1, j] +1) #The Score of the upper cell
return levensteinTable #the finished levenstein Table will be returned
I've tried to turn every for loop into a comprehension, but somehow there are things I don't know and even don't know for what kind of comprehension I need to search for.
II've tried to turn every for loop into a comprehension, but somehow there are things I don't know and even don't know for what kind of comprehension I need to search for.
from numpy import full #to build the arrays
def needlemanWunsch(lista, listb, rowLen, colLen): #o(n*m)
levensteinTable = full([rowLen, colLen],0)
#for j in range(0,colLen): #Fill out the first row
# levensteinTable[0, j] = j
levensteinTable[0, [j for j in range(0, colLen)]]
#for i in range(0,rowLen): #Fill out the first column
# levensteinTable[i, 0] = i
levensteinTable[[i for i in range(0, rowLen)], 0]
for i in range(1,rowLen): #Fill out the rest of the Board in dependency of several cases
for j in range (1,colLen): #traversing with a nested loop
levensteinTable[i,j]=min( #every Levenstein Score has to be the Minimum of three cases
(levensteinTable[i-1, j-1]+(0 if listb[j-1] == lista[i-1] else 1)), #in this part, the Delta of the two strings will be detected
(levensteinTable[i, j-1] +1), #The score of the left cell
(levensteinTable[i-1, j] +1) #The Score of the upper cell
return levensteinTable #the finished levenstein Table will be returned
seq1, seq2= "ATTACA","ATGCT"
nRows, nColumns = len("-"+seq1), len("-"+seq2)
print(needlemanWunsch(seq1, seq2, nRows, nColumns))
but Output of this is like:
[[0 0 0 0 0 0]
[0 0 1 1 1 1]
[0 1 0 1 2 1]
[0 1 1 1 2 2]
[0 0 1 2 2 3]
[0 1 1 2 2 3]
[0 0 1 2 3 3]]
I've trying to implement transition from an amount of space to another which is similar to acceleration and deceleration, except i failed and the only thing that i got from this was this infinite stack of mess, here is a screenshot showing this in action:
you can see a very black circle here, which are in reality something like 100 or 200 circles stacked on top of each other
and i reached this result using this piece of code:
def Place_circles(curve, circle_space, cs, draw=True, screen=None):
curve_acceleration = []
if type(curve) == tuple:
curve_acceleration = curve[1][0]
curve_intensity = curve[1][1]
curve = curve[0]
Circle_list = []
idx = [0,0]
for c in reversed(range(0,len(curve))):
for p in reversed(range(0,len(curve[c]))):
user_dist = circle_space[curve_intensity[c]] + curve_acceleration[c] * p
dist = math.sqrt(math.pow(curve[c][p][0] - curve[idx[0]][idx[1]][0],2)+math.pow(curve [c][p][1] - curve[idx[0]][idx[1]][1],2))
if dist > user_dist:
idx = [c,p]
Circle_list.append(circles.circles(round(curve[c][p][0]), round(curve[c][p][1]), cs, draw, screen))
This place circles depending on the intensity (a number between 0 and 2, random) of the current curve, which equal to an amount of space (let's say between 20 and 30 here, 20 being index 0, 30 being index 2 and a number between these 2 being index 1).
This create the stack you see above and isn't what i want, i also came to the conclusion that i cannot use acceleration since the amount of time to move between 2 points depend on the amount of circles i need to click on, knowing that there are multiple circles between each points, but not being able to determine how many lead to me being unable to the the classic acceleration formula.
So I'm running out of options here and ideas on how to transition from an amount of space to another.
any idea?
PS: i scrapped the idea above and switched back to my master branch but the code for this is still available in the branch i created here https://github.com/Mrcubix/Osu-StreamGenerator/tree/acceleration .
So now I'm back with my normal code that don't possess acceleration or deceleration.
TL:DR i can't use acceleration since i don't know the amount of circles that are going to be placed between the 2 points and make the time of travel vary (i need for exemple to click circles at 180 bpm of one circle every 0.333s) so I'm looking for another way to generate gradually changing space.
First, i took my function that was generating the intensity for each curves in [0 ; 2]
Then i scrapped the acceleration formula as it's unusable.
Now i'm using a basic algorithm to determine the maximum amount of circles i can place on a curve.
Now the way my script work is the following:
i first generate a stream (multiple circles that need to be clicked at high bpm)
this way i obtain the length of each curves (or segments) of the polyline.
i generate an intensity for each curve using the following function:
def generate_intensity(Circle_list: list = None, circle_space: int = None, Args: list = None):
curve_intensity = []
if not Args or Args[0] == "NewProfile":
prompt = True
while prompt:
max_duration_intensity = input("Choose the maximum amount of curve the change in intensity will occur for: ")
if max_duration_intensity.isdigit():
max_duration_intensity = int(max_duration_intensity)
prompt = False
prompt = True
while prompt:
intensity_change_odds = input("Choose the odds of occurence for changes in intensity (1-100): ")
if intensity_change_odds.isdigit():
intensity_change_odds = int(intensity_change_odds)
if 0 < intensity_change_odds <= 100:
prompt = False
prompt = True
while prompt:
min_intensity = input("Choose the lowest amount of spacing a circle will have: ")
if min_intensity.isdigit():
min_intensity = float(min_intensity)
if min_intensity < circle_space:
prompt = False
prompt = True
while prompt:
max_intensity = input("Choose the highest amount of spacing a circle will have: ")
if max_intensity.isdigit():
max_intensity = float(max_intensity)
if max_intensity > circle_space:
prompt = False
prompt = True
if Args:
if Args[0] == "NewProfile":
return [max_duration_intensity, intensity_change_odds, min_intensity, max_intensity]
elif Args[0] == "GenMap":
max_duration_intensity = Args[1]
intensity_change_odds = Args[2]
min_intensity = Args[3]
max_intensity = Args[4]
circle_space = ([min_intensity, circle_space, max_intensity] if not Args else [Args[0][3],circle_space,Args[0][4]])
count = 0
for idx, i in enumerate(Circle_list):
if idx == len(Circle_list) - 1:
if random.randint(0,100) < intensity_change_odds:
if random.randint(0,100) > 50:
if random.randint(0,100) < intensity_change_odds:
if random.randint(0,100) > 50:
count += 1
count += 1
if curve_intensity:
if curve_intensity[-1] == 2 and not count+1 > max_duration_intensity:
count += 1
elif curve_intensity[-1] == 0 and not count+1 > max_duration_intensity:
count += 1
elif count+1 > 2:
count = 0
if curve_intensity.count(curve_intensity[0]) == len(curve_intensity):
print("Intensity didn't change")
return circle_space[1]
return [circle_space, curve_intensity]
with this, i obtain 2 list, one with the spacing i specified, and the second one is the list of randomly generated intensity.
from there i call another function taking into argument the polyline, the previously specified spacings and the generated intensity:
def acceleration_algorithm(polyline, circle_space, curve_intensity):
new_circle_spacing = []
for idx in range(len(polyline)): #repeat 4 times
spacing = []
Length = 0
best_spacing = 0
for p_idx in range(len(polyline[idx])-1): #repeat 1000 times / p_idx in [0 ; 1000]
# Create multiple list containing spacing going from circle_space[curve_intensity[idx-1]] to circle_space[curve_intensity[idx]]
spacing.append(np.linspace(circle_space[curve_intensity[idx]],circle_space[curve_intensity[idx+1]], p_idx).tolist())
# Sum distance to find length of curve
Length += abs(math.sqrt((polyline[idx][p_idx+1][0] - polyline[idx][p_idx][0]) ** 2 + (polyline [idx][p_idx+1][1] - polyline[idx][p_idx][1]) ** 2))
for s in range(len(spacing)): # probably has 1000 list in 1 list
length_left = Length # Make sure to reset length for each iteration
for dist in spacing[s]: # substract the specified int in spacing[s]
length_left -= dist
if length_left > 0:
best_spacing = s
else: # Since length < 0, use previous working index (best_spacing), could also jsut do `s-1`
if spacing[best_spacing] == []:
return new_circle_spacing
with this, i obtain a list with the space between each circles that are going to be placed,
from there, i can Call Place_circles() again, and obtain the new stream:
def Place_circles(polyline, circle_space, cs, DoDrawCircle=True, surface=None):
Circle_list = []
curve = []
next_circle_space = None
dist = 0
for c in reversed(range(0, len(polyline))):
curve = []
if type(circle_space) == list:
iter_circle_space = iter(circle_space[c])
next_circle_space = next(iter_circle_space, circle_space[c][-1])
for p in reversed(range(len(polyline[c])-1)):
dist += math.sqrt((polyline[c][p+1][0] - polyline[c][p][0]) ** 2 + (polyline [c][p+1][1] - polyline[c][p][1]) ** 2)
if dist > (circle_space if type(circle_space) == int else next_circle_space):
dist = 0
curve.append(circles.circles(round(polyline[c][p][0]), round(polyline[c][p][1]), cs, DoDrawCircle, surface))
if type(circle_space) == list:
next_circle_space = next(iter_circle_space, circle_space[c][-1])
return Circle_list
the result is a stream with varying space between circles (so accelerating or decelerating), the only issue left to be fixed is pygame not updating the screen with the new set of circle after i call Place_circles(), but that's an issue i'm either going to try to fix myself or ask in another post
the final code for this feature can be found on my repo : https://github.com/Mrcubix/Osu-StreamGenerator/tree/Acceleration_v02
I have about as simple of a negamax algorithm as possible, for evaluating positions in Tic Tac Toe. The state of the game is stored as an array in numpy, with X's pieces represented by 1, and O's pieces represented by four.
I was testing this just now, and found:
a = np.zeros(9).reshape(3,3)
negaMax(a, 6, 1) # Returned zero as it should
negaMax(a, 7, 1) # Returns 100
Meaning that my algorithm thinks it has found a way for X to win in seven plies in a game of Tic Tac Toe, which is obviously impossible against decent play. I can't work out how to have it print the best moves it has found, so am having real trouble debugging this. What am I doing wrong?
def winCheck(state):
"""Takes a position, and returns the outcome of that game"""
# Sums which correspond to a line across a column
winNums = list(state.sum(axis=0))
# Sums which correspond to a line across a row
# Sums which correspond to a line across the main diagonal
# Sums which correspond to a line across the off diagonal
if Square.m in winNums:
return 'X'
elif (Square.m**2 + Square.m) in winNums:
return 'O'
elif np.count_nonzero(state) == Square.m**2:
return 'D'
return None
def moveFind(state):
"""Takes a position as an nparray and determines the legal moves"""
moveChoices = []
# Iterate over state, to determine which squares are empty
it = np.nditer(state, flags=['multi_index'])
while not it.finished:
if it[0] == 0:
return moveChoices
def moveSim(state, move, player):
"""Create the state of the player having moved without interfering with the board"""
simState = state.copy()
if player == 1:
simState[move] = 1
simState[move] = gamecfg.n + 1
return simState
def positionScore(state):
"""The game is either won or lost"""
if winCheck(state) == 'X':
return 100
elif winCheck(state) == 'O':
return -100
return 0
def negaMax(state, depth, colour):
"""Recursively find the best move via a negamax search"""
if depth == 0:
return positionScore(state) * colour
highScore = -100
moveList = moveFind(state)
for move in moveList:
score = -negaMax(moveSim(state, move, colour), depth -1, colour * -1)
highScore = max(score, highScore)
return highScore
Your code does not consider the game to stop when a line of 3 symbols is made.
This means that it is playing a variant of tic-tac-toe where X wins if he makes a line of 3 even after O has made a line of 3.
For this variant, the program has correctly found that it is possible for X to always win!
(I came across the same situation with a chess program I made where the computer was happy to sacrifice its king if it would reach checkmate a little later...)
I'm currently doing a project, and in the code I have, I'm trying to get trees .*. and mountains .^. to spawn in groups around the first tree or mountain which is spawned randomly, however, I can't figure out how to get the trees and mountains to spawn in groups around a single randomly generated point. Any help?
grid = []
def draw_board():
row = 0
for i in range(0,625):
if grid[i] == 1:
elif grid[i] == 2:
elif grid[i] == 3:
elif grid[i] == 4:
elif grid[i] == 5:
row = row + 1
if row == 25:
print ("\n")
row = 0
There's a number of ways you can do it.
Firstly, you can just simulate the groups directly, i.e. pick a range on the grid and fill it with a specific figure.
def generate_grid(size):
grid = [0] * size
right = 0
while right < size:
left = right
repeat = min(random.randint(1, 5), size - right) # *
right = left + repeat
grid[left:right] = [random.choice(figures)] * repeat
return grid
Note that the group size need not to be uniformly distributed, you can use any convenient distribution, e.g. Poisson.
Secondly, you can use a Markov Chain. In this case group lengths will implicitly follow a Geometric distribution. Here's the code:
def transition_matrix(A):
"""Ensures that each row of transition matrix sums to 1."""
copy = []
for i, row in enumerate(A):
total = sum(row)
copy.append([item / total for item in row])
return copy
def generate_grid(size):
# Transition matrix ``A`` defines the probability of
# changing from figure i to figure j for each pair
# of figures i and j. The grouping effect can be
# obtained by setting diagonal entries A[i][i] to
# larger values.
# You need to specify this manually.
A = transition_matrix([[5, 1],
[1, 5]]) # Assuming 2 figures.
grid = [random.choice(figures)]
for i in range(1, size):
current = grid[-1]
next = choice(figures, A[current])
return grid
Where the choice function is explained in this StackOverflow answer.
I developed my own program in Python for solving 8-puzzle. Initially I used "blind" or uninformed search (basically brute-forcing) generating and exploring all possible successors and using breadth-first search. When it finds the "goal" state, it basically back-tracks to the initial state and delivers (what I believe) is the most optimized steps to solve it. Of course, there were initial states where the search would take a lot of time and generate over 100,000 states before finding the goal.
Then I added the heuristic - Manhattan Distance. The solutions started coming exponentially quickly and with lot less explored states. But my confusion is that some of the times, the optimized sequence generated was longer than the one reached using blind or uninformed search.
What I am doing is basically this:
For each state, look for all possible moves (up, down, left and right), and generate the successor states.
Check if state is repeat. If yes, then ignore it.
Calculate Manhattan for the state.
Pick out the successor(s) with lowest Manhattan and add at the end of the list.
Check if goal state. If yes, break the loop.
I am not sure whether this would qualify as greedy-first, or A*.
My question is, is this an inherent flaw in the Manhattan Distance Heuristic that sometimes it would not give the most optimal solution or am i doing something wrong.
Below is the code. I apologize that it is not a very clean code but being mostly sequential it should be simple to understand. I also apologize for a long code - I know I need to optimize it. Would also appreciate any suggestions/guidance for cleaning up the code. Here is what it is:
import numpy as np
from copy import deepcopy
import sys
# calculate Manhattan distance for each digit as per goal
def mhd(s, g):
m = abs(s // 3 - g // 3) + abs(s % 3 - g % 3)
return sum(m[1:])
# assign each digit the coordinate to calculate Manhattan distance
def coor(s):
c = np.array(range(9))
for x, y in enumerate(s):
c[y] = x
return c
def main():
goal = np.array( [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 0] )
rel = np.array([-1])
mov = np.array([' '])
string = '102468735'
inf = 'B'
pos = 0
yes = 0
goalc = coor(goal)
puzzle = np.array([int(k) for k in string]).reshape(1, 9)
rnk = np.array([mhd(coor(puzzle[0]), goalc)])
while True:
loc = np.where(puzzle[pos] == 0) # locate '0' (blank) on the board
loc = int(loc[0])
child = np.array([], int).reshape(-1, 9)
cmove = []
crank = []
# generate successors on possible moves - new states no repeats
if loc > 2: # if 'up' move is possible
succ = deepcopy(puzzle[pos])
succ[loc], succ[loc - 3] = succ[loc - 3], succ[loc]
if ~(np.all(puzzle == succ, 1)).any(): # repeat state?
child = np.append(child, [succ], 0)
crank.append(mhd(coor(succ), goalc)) # manhattan distance
if loc < 6: # if 'down' move is possible
succ = deepcopy(puzzle[pos])
succ[loc], succ[loc + 3] = succ[loc + 3], succ[loc]
if ~(np.all(puzzle == succ, 1)).any(): # repeat state?
child = np.append(child, [succ], 0)
crank.append(mhd(coor(succ), goalc))
if loc % 3 != 0: # if 'left' move is possible
succ = deepcopy(puzzle[pos])
succ[loc], succ[loc - 1] = succ[loc - 1], succ[loc]
if ~(np.all(puzzle == succ, 1)).any(): # repeat state?
child = np.append(child, [succ], 0)
crank.append(mhd(coor(succ), goalc))
if loc % 3 != 2: # if 'right' move is possible
succ = deepcopy(puzzle[pos])
succ[loc], succ[loc + 1] = succ[loc + 1], succ[loc]
if ~(np.all(puzzle == succ, 1)).any(): # repeat state?
child = np.append(child, [succ], 0)
crank.append(mhd(coor(succ), goalc))
for s in range(len(child)):
if (inf in 'Ii' and crank[s] == min(crank)) \
or (inf in 'Bb'):
puzzle = np.append(puzzle, [child[s]], 0)
rel = np.append(rel, pos)
mov = np.append(mov, cmove[s])
rnk = np.append(rnk, crank[s])
if np.array_equal(child[s], goal):
print('Goal achieved!. Successors generated:', len(puzzle) - 1)
yes = 1
if yes == 1:
pos += 1
# generate optimized steps by back-tracking the steps to the initial state
optimal = np.array([], int).reshape(-1, 9)
last = len(puzzle) - 1
optmov = []
rank = []
while last != -1:
optimal = np.insert(optimal, 0, puzzle[last], 0)
optmov.insert(0, mov[last])
rank.insert(0, rnk[last])
last = int(rel[last])
# show optimized steps
optimal = optimal.reshape(-1, 3, 3)
print('Total optimized steps:', len(optimal) - 1)
for s in range(len(optimal)):
print('Move:', optmov[s])
print('Manhattan Distance:', rank[s])
# Main Program
if __name__ == '__main__':
Here are some of the initial states and the optimized steps calculated if you would like to check (above code would give this option to choose between blind vs Informed search)
Initial states
- 283164507 Blind: 19 Manhattan: 21
- 243780615 Blind: 15 Manhattan: 21
- 102468735 Blind: 11 Manhattan: 17
- 481520763 Blind: 13 Manhattan: 23
- 723156480 Blind: 16 Manhattan: 20
I have deliberately chosen examples where results would be quick (within seconds or few minutes).
Your help and guidance would be much appreciated.
Edit: I have made some quick changes and managed to reduce some 30+ lines. Unfortunately can't do much at this time.
Note: I have hardcoded the initial state and the blind vs informed choice. Please change the value of variable "string" for initial state and the variable "inf" [I/B] for Informed/Blind. Thanks!