Widgets become invisible when i shrink my window - Tkinter - Python - python

I have been creating a GUI application for university using Tkinter and python.
I am however having a problem where when the application first loads, or when i make the window smaller, the only widget visible is the Plotter (extends canvas) widget. If i expand the window however, the others become visible.
This is my code:
from assign2_support import *
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import *
from tkinter.messagebox import *
import random
from tkinter.filedialog import askopenfilename
def get_station_name(filename):
temp1 = list(filename.split("/"))
temp = list((temp1[len(temp1) - 1]).split("."))
return temp[0]
def isInDict(value, dic):
if value in dic:
return True
return False
#TemperaturePlotApp class
class TemperaturePlotApp(tk.Frame):
def __init__(self, parent, *args, **kwargs):
tk.Frame.__init__(self, parent, *args, **kwargs)
self.stations = TemperatureData()
self.color = ['#f90909', '#ffa405', '#c0c203', '#1abd04', '#058096', '#042ee1',
self.selected = dict()
self.usedColors = dict()
self.master.title("Max Temperature")
self.button = tk.Button(self, text="File", command=self.load_file, width=10)
self.button.pack(side = 'top', anchor = tk.W)
self.plotter = Plotter(self,width=850, height=400, bg="white", highlightthickness=0)
self.plotter.pack(fill='both', expand=tk.YES)
self.plotter.bind("<B1-Motion>", self.onPlotClicked)
self.plotter.bind("<Button 1>", self.onPlotClicked)
# tag all of the drawn widgets TODO delete
self.df = DataFrame(self)
self.df.pack(fill = tk.X, anchor = tk.N, pady = 10)
self.sf = SelectionFrame(self)
self.sf.pack(fill = tk.X, anchor = tk.N)
self.pack(fill = 'both', side = 'left', expand = tk.YES)
def loadStation(self, stationName):
self.stations.load_data(stationName + ".txt")
def onPlotClicked(self, event):
x = event.x
year = self.ct.get_year(x)
self.l = self.plotter.create_line(x, 0, x, self.plotter.winfo_height(), fill = "black")
for s in self.stations.get_stations():
if self.selected[s] == True:
temp = self.stations.get_data()[s].get_temp(int(year))
self.df.setDatumText(s, temp)
def plotData(self):
minY, maxY, minT, maxT = self.stations.get_ranges()
self.ct = CoordinateTranslator(self.plotter.winfo_width(),self.plotter.winfo_height(), minY, maxY, minT, maxT)
self.i = 0
data = self.stations.get_data()
for s in self.stations.get_stations():
firstRun = True
if s in self.usedColors:
self.usedColors[s] = random.choice(self.color)
if self.sf.isCheckButton(s) == False:
self.sf.addCheckButton(s, self.usedColors[s], lambda: self.toggleCheckButton(s))
self.selected[s] = self.stations.is_selected(self.i)
if self.selected[s] == True:
if self.df.isInDataFrameLabels(s) == False:
self.df.addDatum("", self.usedColors[s], s)
if self.df.isHidden(s) == True:
for d in data[s].get_data_points():
if firstRun:
self.lastX, self.lastY = self.ct.temperature_coords(d[0], d[1])
firstRun = False
x, y = self.ct.temperature_coords(d[0], d[1])
self.plotter.create_line(self.lastX, self.lastY, x, y, fill = self.usedColors[s])
self.lastX = x
self.lastY = y
self.i = self.i + 1
def toggleCheckButton(self, stationName):
if self.selected[stationName] == True:
self.selected[stationName] = False
self.selected[stationName] = True
def load_file(self):
fname = askopenfilename(filetypes=([("Text files","*.txt")]))
if fname:
fn = get_station_name(fname)
print(fname) # TODO Delete
showinfo("Failed to read file", "failed to read file: " + fname)
# Start DataFrame class
class DataFrame(tk.Frame):
def __init__(self,parent, *args,**kwargs):
tk.Frame.__init__(self, parent,*args,**kwargs)
self.lb = dict()
self.l = tk.Label(self, text="Data for ")
self.l.pack(side = 'left')
self.year = tk.Label(self, text="")
self.year.pack(side = 'left')
self.hidden = dict()
def addDatum(self, txt, color, stationName):
l1 = tk.Label(self, text=txt, fg = color)
self.lb[stationName] = l1
l1.pack(side = 'left')
self.hidden[stationName] = False
def setDatumText(self, stationName, txt):
self.lb[stationName].configure(text = txt)
def hideDatum(self, stationName):
self.hidden[stationName] = True
def showDatum(self, stationName):
self.lb[stationName].pack(side = 'left')
self.hidden[stationName] = False
def isHidden(self, stationName):
return self.hidden[stationName]
def setYear(self, year):
self.year.configure(text = str(year) + ":")
def getDataFrameLabels(self):
return self.lb
def isInDataFrameLabels(self,stationName):
return isInDict(stationName, self.lb)
# Start SelectionFrame Class
class SelectionFrame(tk.Frame):
def __init__(self,parent,*args,**kwargs):
tk.Frame.__init__(self, parent,*args,**kwargs)
self.cb = dict()
self.l = tk.Label(self, text="Station Selection: ").pack(side = 'left')
def addCheckButton(self, text, color, com):
c = tk.Checkbutton(self, text = text, fg = color, activeforeground = color, command = com)
self.cb[text] = c
c.pack(side = 'left')
def getCheckButtons(self):
return self.cb
def isCheckButton(self, stationName):
if stationName in self.cb:
return True
return False
# Start Plotter Class
class Plotter(tk.Canvas):
def __init__(self, parent,*args,**kwargs):
self.bind("<Configure>", self.on_resize)
self.height = self.winfo_reqheight()
self.width = self.winfo_reqwidth()
def on_resize(self,event):
# determine the ratio of old width/height to new width/height
wscale = float(event.width)/self.width
hscale = float(event.height)/self.height
self.width = event.width
self.height = event.height
# resize the canvas
self.config(width=self.width, height=self.height)
# rescale all the objects tagged with the "all" tag
#Begin TemperatureData class
class TemperatureData:
def __init__(self):
self._data = dict()
self._stationNames = list()
self._stationsSelected = list()
def load_data(self, filename):
station_name = get_station_name(filename)
station = Station(filename)
self._data[station_name] = station
def get_data(self):
return self._data
def toggle_selected(self, i):
if self._stationsSelected[i] == True:
self._stationsSelected[i] = False
self._stationsSelected[i] = True
def is_selected(self, i):
return self._stationsSelected[i]
def get_stations(self):
return self._stationNames
def get_ranges(self):
min_year = None
max_year = None
min_temp = None
max_temp = None
for k, v in self._data.items():
if min_year == None or max_year == None or min_temp == None or max_temp == None:
min_year, max_year = v.get_year_range()
min_temp, max_temp = v.get_temp_range()
t_min_year, t_max_year = v.get_year_range()
t_min_temp, t_max_temp = v.get_temp_range()
min_year = min(min_year, t_min_year)
max_year = max(max_year, t_max_year)
min_temp = min(min_temp, t_min_temp)
max_temp = max(max_temp, t_max_temp)
return (min_year, max_year, min_temp, max_temp)
#End TemperatureData class
# My support
def load_stations(stations_file):
"""Return the list of station names
load_stations() -> list(str)
fd = open(stations_file, "r")
stations = []
for line in fd:
line = line.strip()
if not line:
return stations
# !!!!!! Do not change (or add to) the code below !!!!!
def main():
root = tk.Tk()
app = TemperaturePlotApp(root)
if __name__ == '__main__':
If someone wouldnt mind pointing out to me why this is happening, i would much appreciate it, as the assignment is due in 4 hours, and i have no idea what to do.
assign2_support.py file code:
# Support for assignment 2
# Imports for use in your assignment
import tkinter as tk
import os.path
from tkinter import filedialog
from tkinter import messagebox
# colours for drawing lines and text
COLOURS = ['#f90909', '#ffa405', '#c0c203', '#1abd04', '#058096', '#042ee1',
def load_data_points(filename):
"""Return the data contained in the given file.
load_data_points(str) -> dict(int:float)
fd = open(filename, 'r')
data = {}
for line in fd:
parts = line.split(',')
data[int(parts[0])] = float(parts[1])
return data
class FileExtensionException(Exception):
class Station(object):
"""A class for storing yearly average temperature data for a given station
def __init__(self, stationfile):
""" Constructor: Station(str)"""
self._data = load_data_points(stationfile)
keys = self._data.keys()
self._min_year = min(keys)
self._max_year = max(keys)
temps = self._data.values()
self._min_temp = min(temps)
self._max_temp = max(temps)
base = os.path.basename(stationfile)
if not base.endswith('.txt'):
self._name = base.replace(".txt", "")
def get_temp(self, year):
"""Return the temperature average for the given year.
get_temp(int) -> float
return self._data.get(year)
def get_data_points(self):
"""Return the data as a list of points in year order
get_data_points() -> list((int, float))
return [(year, self._data[year]) for year in sorted(self._data.keys())]
def get_year_range(self):
""" Return the range of years in the data
get_year_range() -> (int, int)
return (self._min_year, self._max_year)
def get_temp_range(self):
"""Return the range of temperatures in the data
get_temp_range() -> (float, float)
return (self._min_temp, self._max_temp)
def get_name(self):
return self._name
def __repr__(self):
return "Station({0})".format(self._name)
class CoordinateTranslator(object):
"""A class which manages translation of data values into (x, y) coordinates.
The application manages real-world data (year, temp), but the Canvas
drawings require (x, y) coordinates. This class
converts between the two.
def __init__(self, width, height, min_year, max_year, min_temp, max_temp):
Create a CoordinateTranslator with the given canvas width/height,
the smallest and largest years and
the smallest and largest temperatures
Constructor: CoordinateTranslator(int, int, int, int, float, float)
self._min_year = min_year
self._max_year = max_year
self._min_temp = min_temp
self._max_temp = max_temp
self.resize(width, height)
def resize(self, width, height):
"""Adjust the scaling factors to account for a new width/height.
After the Canvas resizes, call this method to fix the scaling.
self._xscale = (self._max_year - self._min_year) / width
self._yscale = (self._max_temp - self._min_temp) / height
self._width = width
self._height = height
def temperature_coords(self, year, temperature):
"""Given a year and a temperature,
return (x, y) coordinates to plot.
temperature_coords(int, float) -> (float, float)
return ((year - self._min_year)/ self._xscale,
self._height - (temperature - self._min_temp) / self._yscale)
def get_year(self, x):
"""Given an x coordinate on the Canvas, return the year that it
corresponds to.
get_year(float) -> int
return int(x * self._xscale + 0.5) + self._min_year
## CSSE7030
def best_fit(points):
"""Given points are a list of (x,y) points ordered by x
this function computes the best line fit over that range and
returns the coords of end points of the line.
best_fit(list((floatt, float)) -> ((float, float), (float, float))
count = len(points)
if count == 0:
# needed to avoid division by zero
# return something that will not appear on screen if drawn
return ((-1,-1), (-1, -1))
x_values = [x for x, _ in points]
y_values = [y for _, y in points]
sum_x = sum(x_values)
sum_y = sum(y_values)
sum_x2 = sum(x**2 for x in x_values)
sum_y2 = sum(y**2 for y in y_values)
sum_xy = sum(x*y for x,y in points)
x_mean = sum_x/count
y_mean = sum_y/count
slope = (sum_xy - sum_x * y_mean) / (sum_x2 - sum_x * x_mean)
y_inter = y_mean - slope * x_mean
return ((x_values[0], slope * x_values[0] + y_inter),
(x_values[-1], slope * x_values[-1] + y_inter))
Thanks heaps
Corey :)

You are creating a canvas with a requested size of 850x400. You are fixing the window size to be 800x400. Because there's not enough room in the window to fit everything in, Tkinter has to start reducing widgets, or removing widgets from view. It won't attempt to reduce a widget below its requested size, so it's not going to shrink your canvas. So, it's next option is to start hiding widgets from view.
When tkinter has to start hiding part or all of a widget from view, it starts with the widget last in the "packing list" -- the last widget to have called pack(...). Thus, if you pack the canvas last, before the bottom frame, it will be the one that starts getting shrunk below its requested size.
A simple fix is to remove the width and height attributes of the canvas, and also remove the binding on <Configure>. This lets tkinter decide the size of the canvas, which when set up properly, means that it will grow and shrink to fit the available space.
You can also save packing of the canvas to the very last, which makes it the first widget to start getting "chopped off" when there isn't enough room.
For the complete description of the packing algorithm see http://tcl.tk/man/tcl8.5/TkCmd/pack.htm#M26


Tkinter check if value of entry is lower than allowed and tell the user if it isn't

My question is based on this post: (Interactively validating Entry widget content in tkinter).
I want to check the input of my entry which is not allowed to be <= 500000. The following code works fine but doesn't give the user proper feedback. Is there a more elegant way to tell the user the entered value is not allowed?
import tkinter as tk
class MyEntry(tk.Frame):
"""frame for trigger settings of a Case tab"""
def __init__(self, parent):
tk.Frame.__init__(self, parent)
# for input checking
validate_5e4 = self.register(self.validate_int50k)
self.entry = tk.Entry(parent, textvariable=tk.StringVar(), validate="all",
validatecommand=(validate_5e4, "%d", "%P"))
self.entry.grid(row=0, column=0)
def validate_int50k(self, insert, string):
"""limits the entry field to only accept int <= 5e4 as input"""
if insert == "1":
if string.isdigit():
var = float(string)
if var <= 50000:
return True
return False
except ValueError:
return False
return False
return True
root = tk.Tk()
app = MyEntry(root)
To answer my own question for now:
I used a ToolTip (https://stackoverflow.com/a/56749167/18794189) to guide the user with their input. This is a good enough solution for me and I hope it will be for you too :)
import tkinter as tk
class ToolTip(object):
def __init__(self, widget):
self.text = None
self.widget = widget
self.tipwindow = None
self.id = None
self.x = self.y = 0
def showtip(self, text):
"""Display text in tooltip window"""
self.text = text
if self.tipwindow or not self.text:
x, y, cx, cy = self.widget.bbox("insert")
x = x + self.widget.winfo_rootx() + 57
y = y + cy + self.widget.winfo_rooty() + 27
self.tipwindow = tw = tk.Toplevel(self.widget)
tw.wm_geometry("+%d+%d" % (x, y))
label = tk.Label(tw, text=self.text, justify=tk.LEFT, background="#ffffe0", relief=tk.SOLID, borderwidth=1)
def hidetip(self):
tw = self.tipwindow
self.tipwindow = None
if tw:
def CreateToolTip(widget, text):
"""Create a tip which gets displayed upon hovering to help the user with inputs"""
toolTip = ToolTip(widget)
def enter(event):
def leave(event):
widget.bind('<Enter>', enter)
widget.bind('<Leave>', leave)
To create ToolTips:
entry = tk.Entry(root)
CreateToolTip(entry, text = "Your tip for the user")

How does one get tooltips working for notebook tabs in python tkinter?

I'm working with python 3.8 and tkinter to create a GUI that uses a ttk notebook (tabbed window). I want to have tooltips displayed for the individual tabs but I can't see how to add the tooltip for the tab. I have a class defined that takes an object and text and adds the tooltip and it works for buttons and other objects.
I have example code here:
At no time were Katz, Dawgs, Mice or Squirrels harmed in any way during the development of this application. But...
Well just lets say that skunk next door had it coming!
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import ttk
class CreateToolTip(object):
create a tooltip for a given widget
def __init__(self, widget, text='widget info'):
self.waittime = 250 #miliseconds
self.wraplength = 180 #pixels
self.widget = widget
self.text = text
self.widget.bind("<Enter>", self.enter)
self.widget.bind("<Leave>", self.leave)
self.widget.bind("<ButtonPress>", self.leave)
self.id = None
self.tw = None
def enter(self, event=None):
def leave(self, event=None):
def schedule(self):
self.id = self.widget.after(self.waittime, self.showtip)
def unschedule(self):
id = self.id
self.id = None
if id:
def showtip(self, event=None):
x = y = 0
x, y, cx, cy = self.widget.bbox("insert")
x += self.widget.winfo_rootx() + 25
y += self.widget.winfo_rooty() + 20
# creates a toplevel window
self.tw = tk.Toplevel(self.widget)
# Leaves only the label and removes the app window
self.tw.wm_geometry("+%d+%d" % (x, y))
label = tk.Label(self.tw, text=self.text, justify='left',
background="cornsilk", relief='solid', borderwidth=1,
wraplength = self.wraplength)
def hidetip(self):
tw = self.tw
self.tw= None
if tw:
class MyCanvas(tk.Tk):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.tabControl = ttk.Notebook(self)
self.title('An Indepth study of the Differences Between Katz and Dawgs!')
self.tab = {}
self.tab['dawg tab'] = ttk.Frame(self.tabControl)
self.tabControl.add(self.tab['dawg tab'], text='dawgs', state='normal')
self.tab['katz tab'] = ttk.Frame(self.tabControl)
self.tabControl.add(self.tab['katz tab'], text='katz', state='normal')
btn1 = tk.Button(self.tab['dawg tab'], text='Squirrel')
btn1.grid(row=1, column=0)
CreateToolTip(btn1, 'Despised by dawgs!!')
btn2 = tk.Button(self.tab['katz tab'], text='Mice')
btn2.grid(row=1, sticky='EW')
CreateToolTip(btn2, 'Katz find them a tasty treat.')
self.tabControl.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky="W")
# testing ...
if __name__ == '__main__':
root = MyCanvas()
Any advice or constructive comments would be greatly appreciated. And yes, the tooltip class was totally plagiarized from someone else here on stack overflow.
So after a few days and lots of help from a friend here is what I have that actually works:
At no time were Katz, Dawgs, Mice or Squirrels harmed in any way during the development of this application. But...
Well lets just say that skunk next door had it coming!
import tkinter as tk
import tkinter.ttk as ttk
import tkinter.scrolledtext as tkst
class MyCanvas(ttk.Notebook):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.tooltips = dict()
self.tab_list = dict()
self.current_tab = None
self.waittime = 250 #miliseconds
self.wraplength = 180 #pixels
self.id = None
self.tw = None
self.bind('<Motion>', self.motion)
self.bind('<ButtonPress>', self.leave)
self.line_number = 0
def leave(self, event=None):
def schedule(self):
self.id = self.after(self.waittime, self.show_tip)
def unschedule(self):
id = self.id
self.id = None
if id:
def show_tip(self):
if self.tw:
if self.current_tab in self.tooltips.keys():
x = y = 0
x, y, cx, cy = self.bbox('insert')
x += self.winfo_rootx() + 25
y += self.winfo_rooty() - 20
# creates a toplevel window
self.tw = tk.Toplevel(self)
# Leaves only the label and removes the app window
self.tw.wm_attributes('-topmost', True)
label = ttk.Label(self.tw, text=self.tooltips[self.current_tab], background='cornsilk')
def add(self, *args, **kwargs):
if 'tooltip' in kwargs.keys():
tooltip = kwargs['tooltip']
del kwargs['tooltip']
tooltip = None
self.tab_list[kwargs.get('text')] = args[0]
super().add(*args, **kwargs)
if tooltip and ('text' in kwargs.keys()):
self.set_tooltip(kwargs['text'], tooltip)
def set_tooltip(self, tab_text, tooltip):
for idx in range(self.index('end')):
if self.tab(idx, 'text') == tab_text:
self.tooltips[tab_text] = tooltip
return True
return False
def motion(self, event):
if self.identify(event.x, event.y) == 'label':
index = self.index(f'#{event.x},{event.y}')
if self.current_tab != self.tab(index, 'text'):
self.current_tab = self.tab(index, 'text')
self.current_tab = None
def hide_tip(self):
tw = self.tw
self.tw = None
if tw:
def insert_text_to_tab(self, **kwargs):
string_var = tk.StringVar()
if 'tab' in kwargs.keys():
the_tab = kwargs.get('tab')
the_label = tk.Label(self.tab_list[the_tab], textvariable=string_var, background='lightblue')
def get_scrolled_text_widget(parent):
st_widget = tkst.ScrolledText(parent)
return st_widget
if __name__ == '__main__':
root = tk.Tk()
root.title('An Indepth study of the Differences Between Katz and Dawgs!')
canvas = MyCanvas(root)
canvas.pack(fill='both', expand=1)
canvas.add(get_scrolled_text_widget(canvas), text='Dawgz', tooltip='A quadraped that doesn\'t look like a kat')
canvas.add(get_scrolled_text_widget(canvas), text='Katz', tooltip='A quadraped that doesn\'t look like a dawg')
canvas.insert_text_to_tab(data='Dawgz hate squirrels!!', tab='Dawgz')
canvas.insert_text_to_tab(data='Katz find mice a tasty treat.', tab='Katz')
So it would appear that I was thinking about it a bit wrong and I had only to think of each tabbed entry as an object instead of an attribute (I'm sure the python peanut gallery are going to be all over me for saying that) the solution is quit straight forward.

How to click through canvas tkinter

I am currently working on a chess program in python (Tkinter), I have got a board to generate with buttons so that I can click on pieces, I planned to use a canvas for each of the chess pieces and then move them around. Is there any way to make it so I can click through the canvas?
from Tkinter import *
from tkinter import *
class grid_piece():
def __init__(self, canvas, row, column, colour_boolean, size):
colour_1 = '#934904'
colour_2 = '#fce2c9'
self.row = row
self.column = column
grid_piece = Button(canvas, height = size // 100,
width = size // 50,
command=lambda: my_board.button_press([row, column]))
grid_piece.grid(row=row, column = column)
if colour_boolean:
grid_piece.configure(bg = colour_1, fg = colour_1)
grid_piece.configure(bg = colour_2, fg = colour_2)
class pawn():
def __init__(self, size, canvas, position):
self.pawn_canvas = Canvas(canvas, width = size // 8, height = size // 8
self.pawn_canvas.grid(row = position[0], column = position[1])
class Board():
def __init__(self, master, size):
self.canvas = Canvas(master, width=size, height=size)
self.size = size
def generate_board(self):
colour_boolean = True
self.board_array = []
for column in range(8):
column_pieces = []
colour_boolean = not colour_boolean
for row in range(8):
colour_boolean = not colour_boolean
piece = grid_piece(self.canvas, row, column, colour_boolean, self.size)
def display_pieces(self):
white_pieces = []
black_pieces = []
for x in range(8):
Pawn = pawn(self.size, self.canvas, [1, x])
def button_press(self, position):
def onclick(*args):
root = Tk()
my_board = Board(root, 600)
Here is an image of my board, the white squares are blank canvases that I will turn into objects once I create the pieces.

Pyqt Embedding Graphics object in Widget

So I have a main window. I use setCentralWidget to set it to a class I made called mainWindowWidget to handle the UI.
I am now trying to add a graphics view widget I made to that but cannot seem to get anything to display. If I set the graphics view as the central widget I can see it and all my behaviour is working.
Do I need to do anything to get the graphics view to display within another widget?
Below are the sections of code I think are relevant to the question followed by the entire application. I am really new to PyQt and any guidance would be appreciated.
class mainWindowWidget(QtGui.QWidget):
grid = None
scene = None
def __init__(self):
def initScene(self):
self.grid = QtGui.QGridLayout()
'''Node Interface'''
self.scene = Scene(0, 0, 1280, 720, self)
self.view = QtGui.QGraphicsView()
class MainWindowUi(QtGui.QMainWindow):
def __init__(self):
mainDataGraber = ind.dataGraber()
self.setWindowTitle('RIS RIB Generator')
mainwindowwidget = mainWindowWidget()
This is the main GUI file for the application
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This is the base py file for the GUI
Todo list
- Pop up menu for adding new Nodes
- node connectivity
- create data structure for storing
#import code mods
import sys
import uuid
import gtk, pygtk
from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore
from array import *
#import StyleMod
import RRG_NodeInterfaceGUIStyle as ns
import RRG_importNodeData as ind
Base class for a node. Contains all the inilization, drawing, and containing inputs and outputs
class node(QtGui.QGraphicsRectItem):
nid = 0
width = ns.nodeWidth
height = ns.nodeHeight
color = ns.nodeBackgroundColor
alpha = ns.nodeBackgroundAlpha
x = 90
y = 60
viewObj = None
isNode = True
scene = None
def __init__(self, n_x, n_y, n_width,n_height, n_scene):
QtGui.QGraphicsRectItem.__init__(self, n_x, n_y, n_width, n_height)
self.width = n_width
self.height = n_height
self.x = n_x
self.y = n_y
self.scene = n_scene
self.nid = uuid.uuid4()
self.setFlag(QtGui.QGraphicsItem.ItemIsMovable, True)
def mousePressEvent(self, e):
print("Square got mouse press event")
print("Event came to us accepted: %s"%(e.isAccepted(),))
a = []
self.scene.selectedNodes = a
self.scene.selectedNodeID = self.nid
QtGui.QGraphicsRectItem.mousePressEvent(self, e)
def mouseReleaseEvent(self, e):
#print("Square got mouse release event")
#print("Event came to us accepted: %s"%(e.isAccepted(),))
QtGui.QGraphicsRectItem.mouseReleaseEvent(self, e)
This is where inputs and outputs will be created based on node type
def iniNodeData(self):
print('making node data')
for j in range(5):
this = self
x = input(this,0, 0+(j*10),self.scene)
for k in range(5):
this = self
x = output(this, self.width-10, 0+(k*10),self.scene)
def mouseMoveEvent(self, event):
QtGui.QGraphicsRectItem.mouseMoveEvent(self, event)
def nid(self):
return self.nid
Nodes will evaluate from the last node to the first node, therefore inputs are evaluted
class input(QtGui.QGraphicsRectItem):
currentConnectedNode = None
currentConnectedOutput = None
parentNode = None
width = 10
height = 10
x = 1
y = 1
color = 1
drawItem = None
isOutput = False
isNode = False
scene = None
points = []
line = None
def __init__(self, pnode, posX, posY, n_scene):
self.parentNode = pnode
self.x = posX
self.y = posY
self.color = 1
self.scene = n_scene
QtGui.QGraphicsRectItem.__init__(self, self.x+self.parentNode.x, self.y+self.parentNode.y, self.width, self.height, self.parentNode)
self.setFlag(QtGui.QGraphicsItem.ItemIsSelectable, True)
This will handel connections. It determins if a connection is allowed aswell as creates them
def mousePressEvent(self, e):
#print("Square got mouse press event")
#print("Event came to us accepted: %s"%(e.isAccepted(),))
emptyArray = []
if len(self.scene.selectedNodes) > 0 or len(self.scene.selectedNodes) > 1:
a = self.scene.selectedNodes[0]
if a.isNode == False:
if a.parentNode != self.parentNode:
if a.isOutput == True and self.isOutput == False:
print('Output and Input! line test runnin....')
currentConnectedOutput = a
currentConnectedNode = a.parentNode
if self.line != None:
self.line = None
self.scene.addConnection(self, a)
elif a.isOutput == True and self.isOutput == True:
print('Output and Output')
elif a.isOutput == False and self.isOutput == False:
print('Input and Input')
self.scene.selectedNodes = emptyArray
self.scene.selectedNodes = emptyArray
self.scene.selectedNodes = emptyArray
QtGui.QGraphicsRectItem.mousePressEvent(self, e)
Output value from a node
class output(QtGui.QGraphicsRectItem):
parentNode = None
width = 10
height = 10
x = 0
y = 0
isOutput = True
isNode = False
scene = None
def __init__(self, pnode, posX, posY, n_scene):
self.parentNode = pnode
self.x = posX
self.y = posY
self.color = 1
self.scene = n_scene
QtGui.QGraphicsRectItem.__init__(self, self.x+self.parentNode.x, self.y+self.parentNode.y, self.width, self.height, self.parentNode)
self.setFlag(QtGui.QGraphicsItem.ItemIsSelectable, True)
This will handel connections. It determins if a connection is allowed aswell as creates them
def mousePressEvent(self, e):
#print("Square got mouse press event")
#print("Event came to us accepted: %s"%(e.isAccepted(),))
emptyArray = []
if len(self.scene.selectedNodes) > 0 or len(self.scene.selectedNodes) > 1:
a = self.scene.selectedNodes[0]
if a.isNode == False:
if a.parentNode != self.parentNode:
if a.isOutput == False and self.isOutput == True:
print('Input and Output!')
a.currentConnectedOutput = self
a.currentConnectedNode = self.parentNode
elif a.isOutput == True and self.isOutput == False:
print('Output and Input!')
elif a.isOutput == True and self.isOutput == True:
print('Output and Output')
elif a.isOutput == False and self.isOutput == False:
print('Input and Input')
self.scene.selectedNodes = emptyArray
self.scene.selectedNodes = emptyArray
self.scene.selectedNodes = emptyArray
QtGui.QGraphicsRectItem.mousePressEvent(self, e)
class connection(QtGui.QGraphicsLineItem):
usedNodeIDs = []
inputItem = None
outputItem = None
x1 = 0.0
y1 = 0.0
x2 = 0.0
y2 = 0.0
nid = None
scene = None
def __init__(self, n_inputItem, n_outputItemm, n_scene):
self.inputItem = n_inputItem
self.outputItem = n_outputItemm
QtGui.QGraphicsLineItem.__init__(self, self.x1, self.y1, self.x2, self.y2)
self.setFlag(QtGui.QGraphicsItem.ItemIsSelectable, True)
self.scene = n_scene
self.nid = uuid.uuid4()
def update(self):
self.setLine(self.x1, self.y1, self.x2, self.y2)
def updatePos(self):
scenePosInput = QtGui.QGraphicsItem.pos(self.inputItem)
scenePosOutput = QtGui.QGraphicsItem.pos(self.outputItem)
scenePosInputNode = QtGui.QGraphicsItem.pos(self.inputItem.parentNode)
scenePosOutputNode = QtGui.QGraphicsItem.pos(self.outputItem.parentNode)
self.x1 = (scenePosInputNode.x()+self.inputItem.parentNode.x)+(scenePosInput.x()+self.inputItem.x) + ns.inputWidth/2
self.y1 = (scenePosInputNode.y()+self.inputItem.parentNode.y)+(scenePosInput.y()+self.inputItem.y) + ns.inputHeight/2
self.x2 = (scenePosOutputNode.x()+self.outputItem.parentNode.x)+(scenePosOutput.x()+self.outputItem.x) + ns.outputWidth/2
self.y2 = (scenePosOutputNode.y()+self.outputItem.parentNode.y)+(scenePosOutput.y()+self.outputItem.y) + ns.outputHeight/2
def mousePressEvent(self, e):
self.scene.selectedNodeID = self.nid
QtGui.QGraphicsLineItem.mousePressEvent(self, e)
Check Click events on the scene Object
Also Stores the node data
class Scene(QtGui.QGraphicsScene):
nodes = []
connections = []
selectedNodeID = None
def __init__(self, x, y, w, h, p):
super(Scene, self).__init__()
self.width = w
self.height = h
def mousePressEvent(self, e):
#print("Scene got mouse press event")
#print("Event came to us accepted: %s"%(e.isAccepted(),))
QtGui.QGraphicsScene.mousePressEvent(self, e)
def mouseReleaseEvent(self, e):
#print("Scene got mouse release event")
#print("Event came to us accepted: %s"%(e.isAccepted(),))
QtGui.QGraphicsScene.mouseReleaseEvent(self, e)
def dragMoveEvent(self, e):
QtGui.QGraphicsScene.dragMoveEvent(self, e)
def updateConnections(self):
for connect in self.connections:
def addNode(self):
newNode = node(250,250,100,150, self)
def addPatternNode(self):
newNode = node(250,250,100,150, self)
def addConnection(self, n_inputItem, n_outputItem):
newConnection = connection(n_inputItem, n_outputItem, self)
def keyPressEvent(self, e):
#Delete a node after it have been clicked on
#Use the node ID as the unique ID of the node to delete
if e.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_Delete or e.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_Backspace:
#If nothing selected
if self.selectedNodeID != None:
isConnection = False
for j in range(len(self.connections)):
if self.connections[j].nid == self.selectedNodeID:
isConnection = True
if isConnection != True:
#first remove connections
rmItem = False
connectionsToRemove = []
for connect in self.connections:
rmItem = False
for nid in connect.usedNodeIDs:
if nid == self.selectedNodeID:
if rmItem == False:
rmItem = True
for removeThis in connectionsToRemove:
#now remove the nodes
for j in range(len(self.nodes)):
#figure out which node in our master node list must be deleted
if self.nodes[j].nid == self.selectedNodeID:
self.selectedNodeID = None
class mainWindowWidget(QtGui.QWidget):
grid = None
scene = None
def __init__(self):
def initScene(self):
self.grid = QtGui.QGridLayout()
'''Node Interface'''
self.scene = Scene(0, 0, 1280, 720, self)
self.view = QtGui.QGraphicsView()
class MainWindowUi(QtGui.QMainWindow):
def __init__(self):
mainDataGraber = ind.dataGraber()
self.setWindowTitle('RIS RIB Generator')
mainwindowwidget = mainWindowWidget()
exitAction = QtGui.QAction(QtGui.QIcon('exit24.png'), 'Exit', self)
exitAction.setStatusTip('Exit application')
newNodeAction = QtGui.QAction(QtGui.QIcon('exit24.png'), 'New Node', self)
newNodeAction.setStatusTip('Add a blank node')
nodeCreationActions = []
for nodeType in mainDataGraber.abstractNodeObjects:
nodeName = nodeType.nName
nodeType = nodeType.nType
#nodeStatusTip = nodeType.nhelp
newNodeAction = QtGui.QAction(QtGui.QIcon('exit24.png'), nodeName, self)
if nodeType == 'pattern':
newNodeAction = QtGui.QAction(QtGui.QIcon('exit24.png'), 'New Node', self)
newNodeAction.setStatusTip('Add a blank node')
menubar = self.menuBar()
fileMenu = menubar.addMenu('&File')
nodeMenu = menubar.addMenu('&Nodes')
for action in nodeCreationActions:
Start Point
if __name__ == '__main__':
app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
win = MainWindowUi()
Your issue is that you don't specify a parent for the QGridLayout (in the mainWindowWidget class), so it isn't attached to a widget. This results in the layout (and all widgets contained within it) not being visible. Adding a parent to the layout reveals a second problem in that you try and do things with the QWidget before calling __init__.
The corrected code is thus:
class mainWindowWidget(QtGui.QWidget):
grid = None
scene = None
def __init__(self):
def initScene(self):
self.grid = QtGui.QGridLayout(self)
'''Node Interface'''
self.scene = Scene(0, 0, 1280, 720, self)
self.view = QtGui.QGraphicsView()
Note: For future questions requiring debugging help, please make a minimilistic example that is runnable. Don't just dump 90% of your code in a stack overflow post. It's not fun trying to dig through random code trying to cut out the missing imports so that it still reproduces the problem (fortunately it wasn't too difficult in this case). See How to create a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example.
Note 2: Why are you importing pygtk into a qt app?

Python Tkinter keyboard using bind

I have a problem using the bind option so I can click a button in my keyboard,
and call a function once the key is pressed.
I tried taking other codes that have the similar purpose and I saw that I'm doing pretty much the same, though I still have some problem I must've missed.
I will be very thankful if you help me with this.
Here's my code:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from Tkinter import *
from PIL import ImageTk, Image
import time
import tkMessageBox
#Tkinter Class
class App(Frame):
def __init__(self, master=None):
Frame.__init__(self, master)
#Game Pieces Classes
class Board:
def __init__(self, rows = 7, columns = 6, picture_height = None, picture_width = None):
self.rows = rows
self.columns = columns
self.picture = ImageTk.PhotoImage(Image.open(r"C:\Users\Ariel\Desktop\Python\4inarow.gif"))
self.picture_height = self.picture.height()
self.picture_width = self.picture.width()
def create_and_pack(self, canvas):
board_item = canvas.create_image(700, 370, image = self.picture)
def __str__(self):
print "Rows:", self.rows, "Columns:", self.columns
class Disk:
def __init__(self, player_number = None):
self.picture = ImageTk.PhotoImage(Image.open(r"C:\Users\Ariel\Desktop\Python\me" + str(player_number) + ".gif"))
self.player_number = player_number
def create_and_pack(self, canvas, x, y):
disk_item = canvas.create_image(x, y, image = self.picture)
def get_x_parameter(self, number):
#X growing by 70~73 per number
x = 330
for i in range(7):
if number == i:
x = x + i * 72
return x
def get_y_parameter(self, number):
#Y lowered by 70~73 per number
y = 635
for i in range(6):
if number == i:
y = y - i * 72
return y
def place(self, canvas, x, y):
#First left down circle parameters
#480, 635
canvas.move(self.picture, x, y)
def __str__(self):
print "The disk's picture string:", self.picture, "The player disk's number:", self.player_number
#Game Class
class Game:
def __init__(self, board = None, disk1 = None, disk2 = None):
self.disk1 = disk1
self.disk2 = disk2
self.board = board
class Keyboard:
def __init__(self, key_number = None):
self.key_number = key_number
def press_and_place(self, canvas, number, function):
canvas.bind("<" + str(number) + ">", function)
myapp = App()
myapp.master.title("4 in a Row")
myapp.master.maxsize(2000, 1200)
GameBoard = Board(7, 6)
FirstPlayerDisk = Disk(1)
SecondPlayerDisk = Disk(2)
GameClass = Game(GameBoard, FirstPlayerDisk, SecondPlayerDisk)
#Creating Canvas and placing the disks and the board.
board_canvas = Canvas(width = GameBoard.picture_width, height = GameBoard.picture_height)
board_canvas.pack(expand=1, fill=BOTH)
FirstPlayerDisk.create_and_pack(board_canvas, 330, 635)
SecondPlayerDisk.create_and_pack(board_canvas, 260, 635)
#Creating Keyboard instance and placing the first disk in the last row in a column of choice
number_choice = 3
KeyboardClass = Keyboard(number_choice)
first_player_x = FirstPlayerDisk.get_x_parameter(number_choice)
first_player_y = FirstPlayerDisk.get_y_parameter(number_choice)
KeyboardClass.press_and_place(board_canvas, number_choice, FirstPlayerDisk.place(board_canvas, first_player_x, first_player_y))
Thanks a lot in advance.
I believe your problem lies in this line:
KeyboardClass.press_and_place(board_canvas, number_choice, FirstPlayerDisk.place(board_canvas, first_player_x, first_player_y))
the third argument FirstPlayerDisk.place(board_canvas, first_player_x, first_player_y) is actually a None type as
def place(self, canvas, x, y):
#First left down circle parameters
#480, 635
canvas.move(self.picture, x, y)
returns None
From How to bind a keypress to a button in Tkinter and this site, you need to pass the function, that is, simply FirstPlayerDisk.place (no parenthesis following it).
