I have a list of sublists each of which consists of one or more strings. I am comparing each string in one sublist to every other string in the other sublists. This consists of writing two for loops. However, my data set is ~5000 sublists, which means my program keeps running forever unless I run the code in increments of 500 sublists. How do I change the flow of this program so I can still look at all j values corresponding to each i, and yet be able to run the program for ~5000 sublists. (wn is Wordnet library)
Here's part of my code:
for i in range(len(somelist)):
if i == len(somelist)-1: #if the last sublist, do not compare
title_former = somelist[i]
for word in title_former:
singular = wn.morphy(word) #convert to singular
if singular == None:
elif singular != None:
newWordSyn = getNewWordSyn(word,singular)
if not newWordSyn:
for j in range(i+1,len(somelist)):
title_latter = somelist[j]
for word1 in title_latter:
singular1 = wn.morphy(word1)
if singular1 == None:
elif singular1 != None:
newWordSyn1 = getNewWordSyn(word1,singular1)
tempSimilarity = newWordSyn.wup_similarity(newWordSyn1)
Input = [['space', 'invaders'], ['draw']]
Output= {('space','draw'):0.5,('invaders','draw'):0.2}
The output is a dictionary with corresponding string pair tuple and their similarity value. The above code snippet is not complete.
How about doing a bit of preprocessing instead of doing a bunch of operations over and over? I did not test this, but you get the idea; you need to take anything you can out of the loop.
# Preprocessing:
unencountered_words = []
preprocessed_somelist = []
for sublist in somelist:
new_sublist = []
for word in sublist:
temp = wn.morphy(word)
if temp:
# Nested loops:
for i in range(len(preprocessed_somelist) - 1): #equivalent to your logic
for word in preprocessed_somelist[i]:
for j in range(i+1, len(preprocessed_somelist)):
for word1 in preprocessed_somelist[j]:
tempSimilarity = newWordSyn.wup_similarity(newWordSyn1)
you could try something like this but I doubt it will be faster (and you will probably need to change the distance function)
def dist(s1,s2):
return sum([i!=j for i,j in zip(s1,s2)]) + abs(len(s1)-len(s2))
dict([((k,v),dist(k,v)) for k,v in itertools.product(Input1,Input2)]
This is always going to have scaling issues, because you're doing n^2 string comparisons. Julius' optimization is certainly a good starting point.
The next thing you can do is store similarity results so you don't have to compare the same words repeatedly.
One other optimisation you can make is store comparisons of words and reuse them if the same words are encountered.
key = (newWordSyn, newWordSyn1)
if key in prevCompared:
tempSimilarity = prevCompared[(word, word1)]
tempSimilarity = newWordSyn.wup_similarity(newWordSyn1)
prevCompared[key] = tempSimilarity
prevCompared[(newWordSyn1, newWordSyn)] = tempSimilarity
This only helps if you will see a lot of the same word combination, but i think wup_similarity is quite expensive.
I am writing a function to grow a tree:
def collect_append(collect,split):
return collect
def tree(string,passwords,collect): #collect is a list and passwords is also a list
matching_list = []
match = 0
if len(string)==0:
return 0
for j in passwords:
for i in range(min(len(j),len(string))):
if string[i]!=j[i]:
else :
match = match + 1
if match == 0:
return 1
for split in matching_list:
x =tree(string.strip(split),passwords,collect_append(collect,split))
return x
My question is, for each split in matching_list(say two), I want to add different strings to the existing list at that point (i.e. I want two versions of list).
In this case the collect_append function I use is modifying the list in first iteration of the for loop and using the same for further iterations. What I want is to just modify the collect list just for the parameter and without permanently changing it. Is there a way to do this?
I see two serious errors in your code. First, this else clause is never executed:
for j in passwords:
for i in range(...):
if ...:
Since the break is in the inner for loop, the outer for loop is never exited via a break so the else is never taken. Second, this doesn't do what you want:
You're trying to remove split from the beginning of string but you're removing all the letters in split from both ends of string, bruising it badly. Here's one way to do it correctly:
I'm going to go out on a limb, and rewrite your code to do what I think you want it to do:
def tree(string, passwords, collect):
length = len(string)
if length == 0:
return False
matching_list = []
for j in passwords:
i = min(len(j), length)
if string[:i] == j[:i]:
if not matching_list:
return False
result = False
for split in matching_list:
local_collection = list([split])
if split == string or tree(string[len(split):], passwords, local_collection):
result = True
return result
collection = []
print(tree('dogcatcher', ['cat', 'catch', 'cher', 'dog', 'dogcat', 'dogcatcher', 'er'], collection))
% python3 test.py
[['dog', ['cat', ['cher']], ['catch', ['er']]], ['dogcat', ['cher']], ['dogcatcher']]
Giving you a tree of all the ways to assemble string from the words in passwords.
we've started doing Lists in our class and I'm a bit confused thus coming here since previous questions/answers have helped me in the past.
The first question was to sum up all negative numbers in a list, I think I got it right but just want to double check.
import random
def sumNegative(lst):
sum = 0
for e in lst:
if e < 0:
sum = sum + e
return sum
lst = []
for i in range(100):
lst.append(random.randrange(-1000, 1000))
For the 2nd question, I'm a bit stuck on how to write it. The question was:
Count how many words occur in a list up to and including the first occurrence of the word “sap”. I'm assuming it's a random list but wasn't given much info so just going off that.
I know the ending would be similar but no idea how the initial part would be since it's string opposed to numbers.
I wrote a code for a in-class problem which was to count how many odd numbers are on a list(It was random list here, so assuming it's random for that question as well) and got:
import random
def countOdd(lst):
odd = 0
for e in lst:
if e % 2 = 0:
odd = odd + 1
return odd
lst = []
for i in range(100):
lst.append(random.randint(0, 1000))
How exactly would I change this to fit the criteria for the 2nd question? I'm just confused on that part. Thanks.
The code to sum -ve numbers looks fine! I might suggest testing it on a list that you can manually check, such as:
print(sumNegative([1, -1, -2]))
The same logic would apply to your random list.
A note about your countOdd function, it appears that you are missing an = (== checks for equality, = is for assignment) and the code seems to count even numbers, not odd. The code should be:
def countOdd(lst):
odd = 0
for e in lst:
if e%2 == 1: # Odd%2 == 1
odd = odd + 1
return odd
As for your second question, you can use a very similar function:
def countWordsBeforeSap(inputList):
numWords = 0
for word in inputList:
if word.lower() != "sap":
numWords = numWords + 1
return numWords
inputList = ["trees", "produce", "sap"]
To explain the above, the countWordsBeforeSap function:
Starts iterating through the words.
If the word is anything other than "sap" it increments the counter and continues
If the word IS "sap" then it returns early from the function
The function could be more general by passing in the word that you wanted to check for:
def countWordsBefore(inputList, wordToCheckFor):
numWords = 0
for word in inputList:
if word.lower() != wordToCheckFor:
numWords = numWords + 1
return numWords
inputList = ["trees", "produce", "sap"]
print(countWordsBeforeSap(inputList, "sap"))
If the words that you are checking come from a single string then you would initially need to split the string into individual words like so:
inputString = "Trees produce sap"
inputList = inputString.split(" ")
Which splits the initial string into words that are separated by spaces.
Hope this helps!
def count_words(lst, end="sap"):
"""Note that I added an extra input parameter.
This input parameter has a default value of "sap" which is the actual question.
However you can change this input parameter to any other word if you want to by
just doing "count_words(lst, "another_word".
words = []
# First we need to loop through each item in the list.
for item in lst:
# We append the item to our "words" list first thing in this loop,
# as this will make sure we will count up to and INCLUDING.
# Now check if we have reached the 'end' word.
if item == end:
# Break out of the loop prematurely, as we have reached the end.
# Our 'words' list now has all the words up to and including the 'end' variable.
# 'len' will return how many items there are in the list.
return len(words)
lst = ["something", "another", "woo", "sap", "this_wont_be_counted"]
Hope this helps you understand lists better!
You can make effective use of list/generator comprehensions. Below are fast and memory efficient.
1. Sum of negatives:
print(sum( i<0 for i in lst))
2. Count of words before sap: Like you sample list, it assumes no numbers are there in list.
If it's a random list. Filter strings. Find Index for sap
l = ['a','b',1,2,'sap',3,'d']
l = filter(lambda x: type(x)==str, l)
3. Count of odd numbers:
print(sum(i%2 != 0 for i in lst))
I have "n" number of strings as input, which i separate into possible subsequences into a list like below
If the Input is : aa, b, aa
I create a list like the below(each list having the subsequences of the string):
aList = [['a', 'a', 'aa'], ['b'], ['a', 'a', 'aa']]
I would like to find the combinations of palindromes across the lists in aList.
For eg, the possible palindromes for this would be 5 - aba, aba, aba, aba, aabaa
This could be achieved by brute force algorithm using the below code:
d = []
def isPalindrome(x):
if x == x[::-1]: return True
else: return False
for I in itertools.product(*aList):
a = (''.join(I))
if isPalindrome(a):
if a not in d:
count += 1
But this approach is resulting in a timeout when the number of strings and the length of the string are bigger.
Is there a better approach to the problem ?
Second version
This version uses a set called seen, to avoid testing combinations more than once.
Note that your function isPalindrome() can simplified to single expression, so I removed it and just did the test in-line to avoid the overhead of an unnecessary function call.
import itertools
aList = [['a', 'a', 'aa'], ['b'], ['a', 'a', 'aa']]
d = []
seen = set()
for I in itertools.product(*aList):
if I not in seen:
a = ''.join(I)
if a == a[::-1]:
print('d: {}'.format(d))
Current approach has disadvantage and that most of generated solutions are finally thrown away when checked that solution is/isn't palindrome.
One Idea is that once you pick solution from one side, you can immediate check if there is corresponding solution in last group.
For example lets say that your space is this
[["a","b","c"], ... , ["b","c","d"]]
We can see that if you pick "a" as first pick, there is no "a" in last group and this exclude all possible solutions that would be tried other way.
For larger input you could probably get some time gain by grabbing words from the first array, and compare them with the words of the last array to check that these pairs still allow for a palindrome to be formed, or that such a combination can never lead to one by inserting arrays from the remaining words in between.
This way you probably cancel out a lot of possibilities, and this method can be repeated recursively, once you have decided that a pair is still in the running. You would then save the common part of the two words (when the second word is reversed of course), and keep the remaining letters separate for use in the recursive part.
Depending on which of the two words was longer, you would compare the remaining letters with words from the array that is next from the left or from the right.
This should bring a lot of early pruning in the search tree. You would thus not perform the full Cartesian product of combinations.
I have also written the function to get all substrings from a given word, which you probably already had:
def allsubstr(str):
return [str[i:j+1] for i in range(len(str)) for j in range(i, len(str))]
def getpalindromes_trincot(aList):
def collectLeft(common, needle, i, j):
if i > j:
return [common + needle + common[::-1]] if needle == needle[::-1] else []
results = []
for seq in aRevList[j]:
if seq.startswith(needle):
results += collectRight(common+needle, seq[len(needle):], i, j-1)
elif needle.startswith(seq):
results += collectLeft(common+seq, needle[len(seq):], i, j-1)
return results
def collectRight(common, needle, i, j):
if i > j:
return [common + needle + common[::-1]] if needle == needle[::-1] else []
results = []
for seq in aList[i]:
if seq.startswith(needle):
results += collectLeft(common+needle, seq[len(needle):], i+1, j)
elif needle.startswith(seq):
results += collectRight(common+seq, needle[len(seq):], i+1, j)
return results
aRevList = [[seq[::-1] for seq in seqs] for seqs in aList]
return collectRight('', '', 0, len(aList)-1)
# sample input and call:
input = ['already', 'days', 'every', 'year', 'later'];
aList = [allsubstr(word) for word in input]
result = getpalindromes_trincot(aList)
I did a timing comparison with the solution that martineau posted. For the sample data I have used, this solution is about 100 times faster:
See it run on repl.it
Another Optimisation
Some gain could also be found in not repeating the search when the first array has several entries with the same string, like the 'a' in your example data. The results that include the second 'a' will obviously be the same as for the first. I did not code this optimisation, but it might be an idea to improve the performance even more.
I'm fairly new to Python, and am trying to put together a Markov chain generator. The bit that's giving me problems is focused on adding each word in a list to a dictionary, associated with the word immediately following.
def trainMarkovChain():
"""Trains the Markov chain on the list of words, returning a dictionary."""
words = wordList()
Markov_dict = dict()
for i in words:
if i in Markov_dict:
Markov_dict[i] = [words.index(i+1)]
print Markov_dict
wordList() is a previous function that turns a text file into a list of words. Just what it sounds like. I'm getting an error saying that I can't concatenate strings and integers, referring to words.index(i+1), but if that's not how to refer to the next item then how is it done?
You can also do it as:
for a,b in zip(words, words[1:]):
This will assign a as an element in the list and b as the next element.
The following code, simplified a bit, should produce what you require. I'll elaborate more if something needs explaining.
words = 'Trains the Markov chain on the list of words, returning a dictionary'.split()
chain = {}
for i, word in enumerate(words):
# ensure there's a record
next_words = chain.setdefault(word, [])
# break on the last word
if i + 1 == len(words):
# append the next word
next_words.append(words[i + 1])
assert len(chain) == 11
assert chain['the'] == ['Markov', 'list']
assert chain['dictionary'] == []
def markov_chain(list):
markov = {}
for index, i in enumerate(list):
if index<len(list)-1:
return (markov)
The code above takes a list as an input and returns the corresponding markov chain as a dictionary.
You can use loops to get that, but it's actually a waste to have to put the rest of your code in a loop when you only need the next element.
There are two nice options to avoid this:
Option 1 - if you know the next index, just call it:
Although most of the times you won't know the index, but still you might want to avoid the for loop.
Option 2 - use iterators
& check this tutorial
my_iterator = iter(my_list)
next(my_iterator) # no loop required
I have been struggling with managing some data. I have data that I have turned into a list of lists each basic sublist has a structure like the following
some indeterminate number of other values
<1y>next observation begins
some indeterminate number of other values
this continues for an indeterminate number of times in each sublist
EDIT I need to get all the occurrences of <2,<3 & <4 separated out and grouped together I am creating a new list of lists [[<2x>value-1,<3x>value-2, <4x>value-3], [<2y>value-1, <3y>value-2, <4y>value-3]]
EDIT all of the lines that follow <4x> and <4y> (and for that matter <4anyalpha> have the same type of coding and I don't know a-priori how high the numbers can go-just think of these as sgml tags that are not closed I used numbers because my fingers were hurting from all the coding I have been doing today.
The solution I have come up with finally is not very pretty
for sublist in biglist:
for line in sublist:
if '<2' in line:
if '<3' in line:
if '<4' in line:
I have looked at ways to try to clean this up but have not been successful. This works fine I just saw this as another opportunity to learn more about python because I would think that this should be processable by a one line function.
itertools.groupby() can get you by.
itertools.groupby(biglist, operator.itemgetter(2))
If you want to pick out the second, third, and fourth elements of each sublist, this should work:
listINeed = [sublist[1:4] for sublist in biglist]
You're off to a good start by noticing that your original solution may work but lacks elegance.
You should parse the string in a loop, creating a new variable for each line.
Here's some sample code:
import re
s = """<1x>begins
some indeterminate number of other values
<1y>next observation begins
firstMatch = re.compile('^\<1x')
numMatch = re.compile('^\<(\d+)')
listIneed = []
templist = None
for line in s.split():
if firstMatch.match(line):
if templist is not None:
templist = [line]
elif numMatch.match(line):
#print 'The matching number is %s' % numMatch.match(line).groups(1)
if templist is not None: listIneed.append(templist)
print listIneed
If I've understood your question correctly:
import re
def getlines(ori):
matches = re.finditer(r'(<([1-4])[a-zA-Z]>.*)', ori)
mainlist = []
sublist = []
for sr in matches:
if int(sr.groups()[1]) == 1:
if sublist != []:
sublist = []
return mainlist
...would do the job for you, if you felt like using regular expressions.
The version below would break all of the data down into sublists (not just the first four in each grouping) which might be more useful depending what else you need to do to the data. Use David's listINeed = [sublist[1:4] for sublist in biglist] to get the first four results from each list for the specific task above.
import re
def getlines(ori):
matches = re.finditer(r'(<(\d*)[a-zA-Z]>.*)', ori)
mainlist = []
sublist = []
for sr in matches:
if int(sr.groups()[1]) == 1:
print "1 found!"
if sublist != []:
sublist = []
return mainlist