I have successfully written a script to pull information from a json file and parse this in a way in which I will I can use but I at the moment I have to manually print each string. I would like to loop this if possible but stuck on where to start?
from __future__ import print_function
import json
import sys
from pprint import pprint
with open('screen.json') as data_file:
data = json.load(data_file)
# Print all json data
#screen_list = data['screen']
print ("Screens availble",len (data['screen']))
#How to loop this
print ("https://",data["screen"][0]["server"],"/test/test.php?=",data["screen"][0]["code"],sep='')
print ("https://",data["screen"][1]["server"],"/test/test.php?=",data["screen"][1]["code"],sep='')
print ("https://",data["screen"][2]["server"],"/test/test.php?=",data["screen"][2]["code"],sep='')
"screen": [
"id": "1",
"user": "user1#example.com",
"password": "letmein",
"code": "123456",
"server": "example.com"
"id": "2",
"user": "user2#example.com",
"password": "letmein",
"code": "123455",
"server": "example.com"
"id": "3",
"user": "user3#example.com",
"password": "letmein",
"code": "223456",
"server": "example.com"
You've already pulled data['screen'] out into a variable named screen_list. That variable is a list, so you can use it the same as any other list—call len on it, index it, or loop over it. So:
screen_list = data['screen']
print("Screens availble", len(screen_list))
for screen in screen_list:
And, down below, just loop again:
for screen in screen_list:
print("https://", screen["server"], "/test/test.php?=", screen["code"], sep='')
(I'm assuming you want to print out all the screens' info, then print out all the URLs. If you want to print each URL at the same time you print the info, just merge them into one loop.)
As a side note, this is a good time to learn about string formatting. If you want to use those URLs to, e.g., pass them to urllib2 or requests, you can't just print them out, you have to make them into strings. Even if you do just want to print them out, formatting is usually easier to read and harder to get wrong. So:
print("https://{}/test/test.php?={}".format(screen["server"], screen["code"]))
… or …
You can iterate over the list of dicts:
for d in data["screen"]:
print ("https://",d["server"],"/test/test.php?=",d["code"],sep='')
I've been experimenting with python for a while and just ran into an issue I can't find an answer to. Just started building a small 'banking' console app and it's "database" is in JSON file. Now I added a command called 'transfer' which should transfer 'funds' from one user_id to another.
JSON file looks like this:
"users": [
"user_id": "u111111111",
"pin": "2222",
"balance": "50800"
"user_id": "u123456789",
"pin": "1234",
"balance": "0"
Last thing I tried was something like this and got completely stuck.
user_database = 'accounts.json'
ujf = json.loads(open(user_database, 'r+').read())
for element in ujf['users']:
if (element['user_id'] == str(user_id_one)):
element['balance'] = str(user_one_new_balance)
How do I update the 'balance' value for user_id u111111111 and for user_id u123456789 and save the file, without creating a new file?
First import JSON module:
import json
Then load the JSON file as dictionary:
d = json.load(r'PATH')
Then inside the loop you can assign user['balance'] to whatever you like, e.g. 8 here:
for user in d['users']:
if user['user_id'] in ['u111111111','u123456789']:
user['balance'] = 8
Then dump back:
I have a response that I receive from foursquare in the form of json. I have tried to access the certain parts of the object but have had no success. How would I access say the address of the object? Here is my code that I have tried.
url = 'https://api.foursquare.com/v2/venues/explore'
params = dict(client_id=foursquare_client_id,
v='20170801', ll=''+lat+','+long+'',
query=mealType, limit=100)
resp = requests.get(url=url, params=params)
data = json.loads(resp.text)
msg = '{} {}'.format("Restaurant Address: ",
Here is an example of json response:
"items": [
"reasons": {
"count": 0,
"items": [
"summary": "This spot is popular",
"type": "general",
"reasonName": "globalInteractionReason"
"venue": {
"id": "412d2800f964a520df0c1fe3",
"name": "Central Park",
"contact": {
"phone": "2123106600",
"formattedPhone": "(212) 310-6600",
"twitter": "centralparknyc",
"instagram": "centralparknyc",
"facebook": "37965424481",
"facebookUsername": "centralparknyc",
"facebookName": "Central Park"
"location": {
"address": "59th St to 110th St",
"crossStreet": "5th Ave to Central Park West",
"lat": 40.78408342593807,
"lng": -73.96485328674316,
"labeledLatLngs": [
"label": "display",
"lat": 40.78408342593807,
"lng": -73.96485328674316
the full response can be found here
Like so
Your code (at least as far as loading and accessing the object) looks correct to me. I loaded the json from a file (since I don't have your foursquare id) and it worked fine. You are correctly using object/dictionary keys and array positions to navigate to what you want. However, you mispelled "address" in the line where you drill down to the data. Adding the missing 'a' made it work. I'm also correcting the typo in the URL you posted.
I answered this assuming that the example JSON you linked to is what is stored in data. If that isn't the case, a relatively easy way to see exact what python has stored in data is to import pprint and use it like so: pprint.pprint(data).
You could also start an interactive python shell by running the program with the -i switch and examine the variable yourself.
This will access the address for you.
You can go to any level of nesting by using integer index in case of an array and string index in case of a dict.
Like in your case items is an array
#items[int index]
Now items[0] is a dictionary so we access by string indexes
Now again its an object s we use string index
Okay, so I've been banging my head on this for the last 2 days, with no real progress. I am a beginner with python and coding in general, but this is the first issue I haven't been able to solve myself.
So I have this long file with JSON formatting with about 7000 entries from the youtubeapi.
right now I want to have a short script to print certain info ('videoId') for a certain dictionary key (refered to as 'key'):
My script:
import json
f = open ('path file.txt', 'r')
s = f.read()
trailers = json.loads(s)
# print(trailers['key']['videoId'] gives same response
TypeError: string indices must be integers
It does work when I want to print all the information for the dictionary key:
This script works
import json
f = open ('path file.txt', 'r')
s = f.read()
trailers = json.loads(s)
Also print(type(trailers)) results in class 'dict', as it's supposed to.
My JSON File is formatted like this and is from the youtube API, youtube#searchListResponse.
"kind": "youtube#searchListResponse",
"etag": "",
"nextPageToken": "",
"regionCode": "",
"pageInfo": {
"totalResults": 1000000,
"resultsPerPage": 1
"items": [
"kind": "youtube#searchResult",
"etag": "",
"id": {
"kind": "youtube#video",
"videoId": ""
"snippet": {
"publishedAt": "",
"channelId": "",
"title": "",
"description": "",
"thumbnails": {
"default": {
"url": "",
"width": 120,
"height": 90
"medium": {
"url": "",
"width": 320,
"height": 180
"high": {
"url": "",
"width": 480,
"height": 360
"channelTitle": "",
"liveBroadcastContent": "none"
What other information is needed to be given for you to understand the problem?
The following code gives me all the videoId's from the provided sample data (which is no id's at all in fact):
import json
with open('sampledata', 'r') as datafile:
data = json.loads(datafile.read())
print([item['id']['videoId'] for item in data['items']])
Perhaps you can try this with more data.
Hope this helps.
I didn't really look into the youtube api but looking at the code and the sample you gave it seems you missed out a [0]. Looking at the structure of json there's a list in key items.
import json
f = open ('json1.json', 'r')
s = f.read()
trailers = json.loads(s)
I've not used json before at all. But it's basically imported in the form of dicts with more dicts, lists etc. Where applicable. At least from my understanding.
So when you do type(trailers) you get type dict. Then you do dict with trailers['key']. If you do type of that, it should also be a dict, if things work correctly. Working through the items in each dict should in the end find your error.
Pythons error says you are trying find the index/indices of a string, which only accepts integers, while you are trying to use a dict. So you need to find out why you are getting a string and not dict when using each argument.
Edit to add an example. If your dict contains a string on key 'item', then you get a string in return, not a new dict which you further can get a dict from. item in the json for example, seem to be a list, with dicts in it. Not a dict itself.
I've got a json file that I've pulled from a web service and am trying to parse it. I see that this question has been asked a whole bunch, and I've read whatever I could find, but the json data in each example appears to be very simplistic in nature. Likewise, the json example data in the python docs is very simple and does not reflect what I'm trying to work with. Here is what the json looks like:
{"RecordResponse": {
"Id": blah
"Status": {
"state": "complete",
"datetime": "2016-01-01 01:00"
"Results": {
"resultNumber": "500",
"Summary": [
"Type": "blah",
"Size": "10000000000",
"OtherStuff": {
"valueOne": "first",
"valueTwo": "second"
"fieldIWant": "value i want is here"
The code block in question is:
jsonFile = r'C:\Temp\results.json'
with open(jsonFile, 'w') as dataFile:
json_obj = json.load(dataFile)
for i in json_obj["Summary"]:
Not only am I not getting into the field I want, but I'm also getting a key error on trying to suss out "Summary".
I don't know how the indices work within the array; once I even get into the "Summary" field, do I have to issue an index manually to return the value from the field I need?
The example you posted is not valid JSON (no commas after object fields), so it's hard to dig in much. If it's straight from the web service, something's messed up. If you did fix it with proper commas, the "Summary" key is within the "Results" object, so you'd need to change your loop to
with open(jsonFile, 'w') as dataFile:
json_obj = json.load(dataFile)
for i in json_obj["Results"]["Summary"]:
If you don't know the structure at all, you could look through the resulting object recursively:
def findfieldsiwant(obj, keyname="Summary", fieldname="fieldIWant"):
for key,val in obj.items():
if key == keyname:
return [ d[fieldname] for d in val ]
sub = findfieldsiwant(val)
if sub:
return sub
except AttributeError: #obj is not a dict
#keyname not found
return None
I'm in over my head, trying to parse JSON for my first time and dealing with a multi dimensional array.
"secret": "[Hidden]",
"minutes": 20,
"link": "http:\/\/www.1.com",
"bookmark_collection": {
"free_link": {
"name": "#free_link#",
"bookmarks": [
"name": "1",
"link": "http:\/\/www.1.com"
"name": "2",
"link": "http:\/\/2.dk"
"name": "3",
"link": "http:\/\/www.3.in"
"boarding_pass": {
"name": "Boarding Pass",
"bookmarks": [
"name": "1",
"link": "http:\/\/www.1.com\/"
"name": "2",
"link": "http:\/\/www.2.com\/"
"name": "3",
"link": "http:\/\/www.3.hk"
"sublinks": {
"name": "sublinks",
"link": [
This is divided into 3 parts, the static data on my first dimension (secret, minutes, link) Which i need to get as seperate strings.
Then I need a dictionary per "bookmark collection" which does not have fixed names, so I need the name of them and the links/names of each bookmark.
Then there is the seperate sublinks which is always the same, where I need all the links in a seperate dictionary.
I'm reading about parsing JSON but most of the stuff I find is a simple array put into 1 dictionary.
Does anyone have any good techniques to do this ?
After you parse the JSON, you will end up with a Python dict. So, suppose the above JSON is in a string named input_data:
import json
# This converts from JSON to a python dict
parsed_input = json.loads(input_data)
# Now, all of your static variables are referenceable as keys:
secret = parsed_input['secret']
minutes = parsed_input['minutes']
link = parsed_input['link']
# Plus, you can get your bookmark collection as:
bookmark_collection = parsed_input['bookmark_collection']
# Print a list of names of the bookmark collections...
print bookmark_collection.keys() # Note this contains sublinks, so remove it if needed
# Get the name of the Boarding Pass bookmark:
print bookmark_collection['boarding_pass']['name']
# Print out a list of all bookmark links as:
# Boarding Pass
# * 1: http://www.1.com/
# * 2: http://www.2.com/
# ...
for bookmark_definition in bookmark_collection.values():
# Skip sublinks...
if bookmark_definition['name'] == 'sublinks':
print bookmark_definition['name']
for bookmark in bookmark_definition['bookmarks']:
print " * %(name)s: %(link)s" % bookmark
# Get the sublink definition:
sublinks = parsed_input['bookmark_collection']['sublinks']
# .. and print them
print sublinks['name']
for link in sublinks['link']:
print ' *', link
Hmm, doesn't json.loads do the trick?
For example, if your data is in a file,
import json
text = open('/tmp/mydata.json').read()
d = json.loads(text)
# first level fields
print d['minutes'] # or 'secret' or 'link'
# the names of each of bookmark_collections's items
print d['bookmark_collection'].keys()
# the sublinks section, as a dict
print d['bookmark_collection']['sublinks']
The output of this code (given your sample input above) is:
[u'sublinks', u'free_link', u'boarding_pass']
{u'link': [u'http://www.1.com', u'http://www.2.com', u'http://www.3.com'], u'name': u'sublinks'}
Which, I think, gets you what you need?