I have a temporal signal and I calculate its Fourier Transform to get the frequencial signal. According to Parseval's theorem, the two signals have the same energy. I successfully demonstrate it with Python. However, when I calculate the inverse Fourier Transform of the frequencial signal, the energy is no longer conserved. Here is my code:
import numpy as np
import numpy.fft as nf
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#create a gaussian as a temporal signal
x = np.linspace(-10.0,10.0,num=1000)
dx = x[1]-x[0]
sigma = 0.4
gx = (1.0/(2.0*np.pi*sigma**2.0)**0.5)*np.exp(-0.5*(x/sigma)**2.0)
#calculate the spacing of the frequencial signal
kk = f*(2.0*np.pi)
dk = kk[1]-kk[0]
#calculate the frequencial signal (FT)
#the convention used here allows to find the same energy
gkk = nf.fftshift(nf.fft(nf.fftshift(gx)))*(dx/(2.0*np.pi)**0.5)
#inverse FT
gx_ = nf.ifft(nf.ifftshift(gkk))*dk/(2 * np.pi)**0.5
#Parseval's theorem
print("Total energy in time domain = "+str(sum(abs(gx)**2.0)*dx))
print("Total energy in freq domain = "+str(sum(abs(gkk)**2.0)*dk))
print("Total energy after iFT = "+str(sum(abs(gx_)**2.0)*dx))
After executing this code, you can see that the two first energies are the same, whereas the third is orders magnitude less than the two first, although I am supposed to find the same energy. What happened here?
The numpy FFT procedures actually and in contrast to other software do adjust for the sequence length, so that you get
nf.ifft(nf.fft(gx)) == gx
up to some floating point error. If your dx and dk are computed the usual way, then dk*dx=(2*pi)/N which only works for unadjusted FFT routines.
You can test the behavior of numpy.fft using
In [20]: sum(abs(gx)**2.0)
Out[20]: 35.226587122763036
In [21]: gk = nf.fft(gx)
In [22]: sum(abs(gk)**2.0)
Out[22]: 35226.587122763049
In [23]: sum(abs(nf.ifft(gk))**2.0)
Out[23]: 35.226587122763014
which tells us that the fft is the usual unadjusted transform and ifft divides the result by sequence length N=num. The typical ifft can be emulated by
gxx = (nf.fft(gk.conj())).conj()
then you get that
gx == gxx/1000
up to floating point errors. Or you can reverse the adjustment using
#inverse FT
gx_ = nf.ifft(nf.ifftshift(gkk))*(num*dk)/(2 * np.pi)**0.5
I am interested in integrating in Fourier space after using scipy to take an fft of some data. I have been following along with this stack exchange post numerical integration in Fourier space with numpy.fft but it does not properly integrate a few test cases I have been working with. I have added a few lines to address this issue but still am not recovering the correct integrals. Below is the code I have been using to integrate my test cases. At the top of the code are the 3 test cases I have been using.
import numpy as np
import scipy.special as sp
from scipy.fft import fft, ifft, fftfreq
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#set number of points in array
Ns = 2**16
#create array in space
x = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, Ns)
#test case 1 from stack exchange post
# y = np.exp(-x**2) # function f(x)
# ys = np.exp(-x**2) * (-2 *x) # derivative f'(x)
#test case 2
# y = np.exp(-x**2) * x - 1/2 *np.sqrt(np.pi)*sp.erf(x)
# ys = np.exp(-x**2) * -2*x**2
#test case 3
y = np.sin(x**2) + (1/4)*np.exp(x)
ys = 1/4*(np.exp(x) + 8*x*np.cos(x**2))
#find spacing in space array
ss = x[1]-x[0]
#definte fft integration function
def fft_int(N,s,dydt):
#create frequency array
f = fftfreq(N,s)
# integration step ignoring divide by 0 errors
Fys = fft(dydt)
with np.errstate(divide="ignore", invalid="ignore"):
modFys = Fys / (2*np.pi*1j*f)
#set DC term to 0, was a nan since we divided by 0
modFys[0] = 0
#take inverse fft and subtract by integration constant
fourier = ifft(modFys)
fourier = fourier-fourier[0]
#tilt correction if function doesn't approach 0 at its ends
tilt = np.sum(dydt)*s*(np.arange(0,N)/(N-1) - 1/2)
fourier = fourier + tilt
return fourier
Test case 1 was from the stack exchange post from above. If you copy paste the code from the top answer and plot you'll get something like this:
with the solid blue line being the fft integration method and the dashed orange as the analytic solution. I account for this offset with the following line of code:
fourier = fourier-fourier[0]
since I don't believe the code was setting the constant of integration.
Next for test case 2 I get a plot like this:
again with the solid blue line being the fft integration method and the dashed orange as the analytic solution. I account for this tilt in the solution using the following lines of code
tilt = np.sum(dydt)*s*(np.arange(0,N)/(N-1) - 1/2)
fourier = fourier + tilt
Finally we arrive at test case 3. Which results in the following plot:
again with the solid blue line being the fft integration method and the dashed orange as the analytic solution. This is where I'm stuck, this offset has appeared again and I'm not sure why.
TLDR: How do I correctly integrate a function in fourier space using scipy.fft?
The tilt component makes no sense. It fixes one function, but it's not a generic solution of the problem.
The problem is that the FFT induces periodicity in the signal, meaning you compute the integral of a different function. Multiplying the FFT of the signal by 1/(2*np.pi*1j*f) is equivalent to a circular convolution of the signal with ifft(1/(2*np.pi*1j*f)). "Circular" is the key here. This is just a boundary problem.
Padding the function with zeros is one way to attempt to fix this:
import numpy as np
import scipy.special as sp
from scipy.fft import fft, ifft, fftfreq
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def fft_int(s, dydt, N=0):
dydt_padded = np.pad(dydt, (0, N))
f = fftfreq(dydt_padded.shape[0], s)
F = fft(dydt_padded)
with np.errstate(divide="ignore", invalid="ignore"):
F = F / (2*np.pi*1j*f)
F[0] = 0
y_padded = np.real(ifft(F))
y = y_padded[0:dydt.shape[0]]
return y - np.mean(y)
N = 2**16
x = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, N)
s = x[1] - x[0]
# Test case 3
y = np.sin(x**2) + (1/4)*np.exp(x)
dy = 1/4*(np.exp(x) + 8*x*np.cos(x**2))
plt.plot(y - np.mean(y))
plt.plot(fft_int(s, dy))
plt.plot(fft_int(s, dy, N))
plt.plot(fft_int(s, dy, 10*N))
(Blue is expected output, computed solution without padding is orange, and with increasing amount of padding, green and red.)
Here I've solved the "offset" problem by plotting all functions with their mean removed. Setting the DC component to 0 is equal to subtracting the mean. But after cropping off the padding the mean changes, so fft_int subtracts the mean again after cropping.
Anyway, note how we get an increasingly better approximation as the padding increases. To get the exact result, one would need an infinite amount of padding, which of course is unrealistic.
Test case #1 doesn't need padding, the function reaches zero at the edges of the sampled domain. We can impose such a behavior on the other cases too. In Discrete Fourier analysis this is called windowing. This would look something like this:
def fft_int(s, dydt):
dydt_windowed = dydt * np.hanning(dydt.shape[0])
f = fftfreq(dydt.shape[0], s)
F = fft(dydt_windowed)
with np.errstate(divide="ignore", invalid="ignore"):
F = F / (2*np.pi*1j*f)
F[0] = 0
y = np.real(ifft(F))
return y
However, here we get correct integration results only in the middle of the domain, with increasingly suppressed values towards to ends. So this is not a practical solution either.
My conclusion is that no, this is not possible to do. It is much easier to compute the integral with np.cumsum:
yp = np.cumsum(dy) * s
plt.plot(y - np.mean(y))
plt.plot(yp - np.mean(yp))
(not showing output: the two plots overlap perfectly.)
I am trying to determine the total energy recorded by a detector in time domain by means of it's spectrum.
The first step after performing the Fast Fourier Transformation with Numpy's FFT library was to confirm Parseval's theorem.
According to the theorem, the total energy in time domain and in frequency domain must be the same. I have two problems that I am not able to solve.
I can confirm the theorem when I don't use the proper units for the x-Axis during the np.trapz() integration. As soon as I use my the actual sample points/frequencies, the result is off. I do not understand why this is the case and am wondering if I can apply a normalization to solve this error.
I cannot confirm the theorem when I apply a DC offset to the signal (uncomment the f = np.sin(np.pi**t)* line).
Below is my code with an examplatory Sine function.
# Python code
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
# Create a Sine function
dt = 0.001 # Time steps
t = np.arange(0,10,dt) # Time array
f = np.sin(np.pi*t) # Sine function
# f = np.sin(np.pi*t)+1 # Sine function with DC offset
N = len(t) # Number of samples
# Energy of function in time domain
energy_t = np.trapz(abs(f)**2)
# Energy of function in frequency domain
FFT = np.sqrt(2) * np.fft.rfft(f) # only positive frequencies; correct magnitude due to discarding of negative frequencies
FFT[0] /= np.sqrt(2) # DC magnitude does not have to be corrected
FFT[-1] /= np.sqrt(2) # Nyquist frequency does not have to be corrected
frq = np.fft.rfftfreq(N,d=dt) # FFT frequenices
# Energy of function in frequency domain
energy_f = np.trapz(abs(FFT)**2) / N
print('Parsevals theorem fulfilled: ' + str(energy_t - energy_f))
# Parsevals theorem with proper sample points
energy_t = np.trapz(abs(f)**2, x=t)
energy_f = np.trapz(abs(FFT)**2, x=frq) / N
print('Parsevals theorem NOT fulfilled: ' + str(energy_t - energy_f))
The FFT computes the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT), which is not the same as the (continuous-domain) Fourier Transform.
For the DFT, Parseval’s theorem states that the sum of the square magnitude of the discrete signal equals the sum of the square magnitude of the DFT of the signal. There is no integration involved, and therefore you should not use trapz. Just use sum.
Note that a discrete signal is a set of samples x[n] at n=0..N-1. Fourier analysis in the discrete domain, and all related operations, only consider n, not t. The sampling frequency and the actual times those samples were recorded is irrelevant in these analyses. Likewise, the DFT produces a set of samples X[k] at k=0..N-1, not at any specific f or ω related to any sampling frequency.
Now it is possible to relate n to t because we know the sampling frequency, and it is possible to relate k to f because we know the sampling frequency. But these conversions should not make us think that X[k] is a sampling of the continuous-domain Fourier transform of the original continuous-domain signal. And they should especially not make us think that we can interpolate X[k].
Reconstructing the samples x[n] is accomplished by adding N sinusoids with parameters given by X[k]. “In between” those DFT components should not be anything. Interpolating them would mean we add sinusoids that do not exist in the samples x[n].
trapz uses linear interpolation to obtain an estimate of the integral, and therefore is inappropriate to use in discrete Fourier analysis.
The power spectral density St of a signal u may be computed as the product of the FFT of the signal, u_fft with its complex conjugate u_fft_c. In Python, this would be written as:
import numpy as np
u = # Some numpy array containing signal
u_fft = np.fft.rfft(u-np.nanmean(u))
St = np.multiply(u_fft, np.conj(u_fft))
However, the FFT definition in Numpy requires the multiplication of the result with a factor of 1/N, where N=u.size in order to have an energetically consistent transformation between u and its FFT. This leads to the corrected definition of the PSD using numpy's fft:
St = np.multiply(u_fft, np.conj(u_fft))
St = np.divide(St, u.size)
On the other hand, Scipy's function signal.welch computes the PSD directly from input u:
from spicy.signal import welch
freqs_st, St_welch = welch(u-np.nanmean(u),
return_onesided=True, nperseg=seg_size, axis=0)
The resulting PSD, St_welch, is obtained by performing several FFTs in segments of the array u with size seg_size. Thus, my question is:
Should St_welch be multiplied by a factor of 1/seg_size to give an energetically consistent PSD? Should it be multiplied by 1/N? Should it not be multiplied at all?
PD: Comparison by performing both operations on a signal is not straightforward, since the Welch method also introduces smoothing of the signal and changes the display in the frequency domain.
Information on the necessity of the prefactor when using numpy.fft :
Journal article on the matter
The definition of the paramater scale of scipy.signal.welch suggests that the appropriate scaling is performed by the function:
scaling : { ‘density’, ‘spectrum’ }, optional
Selects between computing the power spectral density (‘density’) where Pxx has units of V^2/Hz and computing the power spectrum (‘spectrum’) where Pxx has units of V^2, if x is measured in V and fs is measured in Hz. Defaults to ‘density’
The correct sampling frequency is to be provided as argumentfs to retreive the correct frequencies and an accurate power spectral density.
To recover a power spectrum similar to that computed using np.multiply(u_fft, np.conj(u_fft)), the length of the fft frame and the applied window must respectively be provided as the length of the frame and boxcar (equivalent to no window at all). The fact that scipy.signal.welch applies the correct scaling can be checked by testing a sine wave:
import numpy as np
import scipy.signal
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def abs2(x):
return x.real**2 + x.imag**2
if __name__ == '__main__':
#power spectrum, after real2complex transfrom (factor )
freq=np.fft.fftfreq(len(y) , framelength/len(y) )
# power spectrum, via scipy welch. 'boxcar' means no window, nperseg=len(y) so that fft computed on the whole signal.
freq2,power2=scipy.signal.welch(y, fs=len(y)/framelength,window='boxcar',nperseg=len(y),scaling='spectrum', axis=-1, average='mean')
for i in range(len(freq2)):
print i, freq2[i], power2[i], freq[i], power[i]
print np.sum(power2)
For a real to complex transform, the correct scaling of np.multiply(u_fft, np.conj(u_fft)) is 2./(u.size*u.size). Indeed, the scaling of u_fft is 1./u.size. Furthermore, real to complex transforms only report half of the frequencies, because the magnitude of the bin N-k would be the complex conjugate of that of the bin k. The energy of that bin is therefore equal to that of bin k and it is to be summed to that of bin k. Hence the factor 2. For the tested sine wave signal of amplitude 1, the energy is reported as 0.5: it is indeed, the average of a squared sine wave of amplitude 1.
Windowing is useful if the length of the frame is not a multiple of the period of the signal or if the signal is not periodic. Using smaller fft frames is useful if the signal is made of damped waves: the signal could be considered as periodic on a characteristic time: choosing a fft frame smaller than that characteristic time but larger than the period of the waves seems judicious.
I can compute the autocorrelation using numpy's built in functionality:
However the resulting correlation is naturally noisy. I can partition my data, and compute the correlation on each resulting window, then average them all together to compute cleaner autocorrelation, similar to what signal.welch does. Is there a handy function in either numpy or scipy that does this, possibly faster than I would get if I were to compute partition and loop through the data myself?
This is motivated by #kazemakase answer. I have tried to show what I mean with some code used to generate the figure below.
One can see that #kazemakase is correct with the fact that the AC function naturally averages out the noise. However the averaging of the AC has the advantage that it is much faster! np.correlate seems to scale as the slow O(n^2) rather than O(nlogn) that I would expect if the correlation was calculated using circular convolution via the FFT...
from statsmodels.tsa.arima_model import ARIMA
import statsmodels as sm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
arparams = np.array([.75, -.25, 0.2, -0.15])
maparams = np.array([.65, .35])
ar = np.r_[1, -arparams] # add zero-lag and negate
ma = np.r_[1, maparams] # add zero-lag
x = sm.tsa.arima_process.arma_generate_sample(ar, ma, 10000)
def calc_rxx(x):
x = x-x.mean()
N = len(x)
Rxx = np.correlate(x,x,mode="same")[N/2::]/N
#Rxx = np.correlate(x,x,mode="same")[N/2::]/np.arange(N,N/2,-1)
return Rxx/x.var()
def avg_rxx(x,nperseg=1024):
rxx_windows = []
Nw = int(np.floor(len(x)/nperseg))
print Nw
first = True
for i in range(Nw-1):
xw = x[i*nperseg:nperseg*(i+1)]
y = calc_rxx(xw)
if i%1 == 0:
if first:
plt.semilogx(y,"k",alpha=0.2,label="Short AC")
first = False
print np.shape(rxx_windows)
return np.mean(rxx_windows,axis=0)
r_avg = avg_rxx(x,nperseg=300)
r = calc_rxx(x)
plt.semilogx(r_avg,label="Average AC")
plt.semilogx(r,label="Long AC")
TL-DR: To decrease noise in the autocorrelation function increase the length of your signal x.
Partitioning the data and averaging like in spectral estimation is an interesting idea. I wish it would work...
The autocorrelation is defined as
Let's say we partition the data into two windows. Their autocorrelations become
Note how they are only different in the limits of the sumations. Basically, we split the summation of the autocorrelation into two parts. When we add these back together we are back to the original autocorrelation! So we did not gain anything.
The conclusion is, there is no such thing implemented in numpy/scipy because there is no point in doing so.
I hope it's easy to see that this extends to any number of partitions.
to keep it simple I left the normalization out. If you divide Rxx by n and the partial Rxx by n/2 you get Rxx / n == (Rxx1 * 2/n + Rxx2 * 2/n) / 2. I.e. The mean of the normalized partial autocorrelation is equal to the complete normalized autocorrelation.
to keep it even simpler I assumed the signal x could be indexed beyond the limits of 0 and n-1. In practice, if the signal is stored in an array this is often not possible. In this case there is a small difference between the full and the partialized autocorrelations that increases with the lag l. Unfortunately, this is merely a loss of precision and does not reduce noise.
Code heretic! I don't belive your evil math!
Of course we can try things out and see:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
n = 2**16
n_segments = 8
x = np.random.randn(n) # data
rx = np.correlate(x, x, mode='same') / n # ACF
l1 = np.arange(-n//2, n//2) # Lags
segments = x.reshape(n_segments, -1)
m = segments.shape[1]
rs = []
for y in segments:
ry = np.correlate(y, y, mode='same') / m # partial ACF
l2 = np.arange(-m//2, m//2) # lags of partial ACFs
plt.plot(l1, rx, label='full ACF')
plt.plot(l2, np.mean(rs, axis=0), label='partial ACF')
plt.xlim(-m, m)
Although we used 8 segments to average the ACF, the noise level visually stays the same.
Okay, so that's why it does not work but what is the solution?
Here are the good news: Autocorrelation is already a noise reduction technique! Well, in some way at least: An application of the ACF is to find periodic signals hidden by noise.
Since noise (ideally) has zero mean, its influence diminishes the more elements we sum up. In other words, you can reduce noise in the autocorrelation by using longer signals. (I guess this is probably not true for every type of noise, but should hold for the usual Gaussian white noise and its relatives.)
Behold the noise getting lower with more data samples:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
for n in [2**6, 2**8, 2**12]:
x = np.random.randn(n)
rx = np.correlate(x, x, mode='same') / n # ACF
l1 = np.arange(-n//2, n//2) # Lags
plt.plot(l1, rx, label='n={}'.format(n))
plt.xlim(-20, 20)
After taking the Discrete Fourier Transform of some samples with scipy.fftpack.fft() and plotting the magnitude of these I notice that it doesn't equal the amplitude of the original signal. Is there a relationship between the two?
Is there a way to compute the amplitude of the original signal from the Fourier coefficients without reversing the transform?
Here's an example of sin wave with amplitude 7.0 and fft amplitude 3.5
from numpy import sin, linspace, pi
from pylab import plot, show, title, xlabel, ylabel, subplot
from scipy import fft, arange
def plotSpectrum(y,Fs):
Plots a Single-Sided Amplitude Spectrum of y(t)
n = len(y) # length of the signal
k = arange(n)
T = n/Fs
frq = k/T # two sides frequency range
frq = frq[range(n/2)] # one side frequency range
Y = fft(y)/n # fft computing and normalization
Y = Y[range(n/2)]
plot(frq,abs(Y),'r') # plotting the spectrum
xlabel('Freq (Hz)')
Fs = 150.0; # sampling rate
Ts = 1.0/Fs; # sampling interval
t = arange(0,1,Ts) # time vector
ff = 5; # frequency of the signal
y = 7.0 * sin(2*pi*ff*t)
Yes, Parseval's Theorem tells us that the total power in the frequency domain is equal to the total power in the time domain.
What you may be seeing though is the result of a scaling factor in the forward FFT. The size of this scaling factor is a matter of convention, but most commonly it's a factor of N, where N is the number of data points. However it can also be equal to 1 or sqrt(N). Check your FFT documentation for this.
Also note that if you only take the power from half of the frequency domain bins (commonly done when the time domain signal is purely real and you have complex conjugate symmetry in the frequency domain) then there will be a factor of 2 to take care of.