Here, this is value of my dictionary but I want to get only details like product and version of 443 and 80.
Is there any way or command with the help of which, we can gethis info?
Here is my dictionary value:
{'nmap': {'scanstats': {'timestr': 'Fri Apr 17 05:08:18 2015', 'uphosts': '1', 'downhosts': '0', 'totalhosts': '1', 'elapsed': '14.91'}, 'scaninfo': {'tcp': {'services': '80,443', 'method': 'connect'}}, 'command_line': 'nmap -oX - -p 80,443 -sV xxxx'}, 'scan': {'x.x.x.x': {'status': {'state': 'up', 'reason': 'syn-ack'}, 'hostname': 'xxxx', 'vendor': {}, 'addresses': {'ipv4': '0x.x.x'}, 'tcp': {'443': {'product': 'Apache Tomcat/Coyote JSP engine', 'name': 'http', 'extrainfo': '', 'reason': 'syn-ack', 'cpe': '', 'state': 'open', 'version': '1.1', 'conf': '10'}, '80': {'product': 'Apache Tomcat/Coyote JSP engine', 'name': 'http', 'extrainfo': '', 'reason': 'syn-ack', 'cpe': '', 'state': 'open', 'version': '1.1', 'conf': '0'}}}}}
So. I ran this command
scan=[v for k,v in x.iteritems() if 'scan' in k]
It gives me result below:
'x.x.x.x': {
'status': {
'state': 'up',
'reason': 'syn-ack'
'hostname': 'xxxx',
'vendor': {},
'addresses': {
'ipv4': 'x.x.x.x'
'tcp': {
'443': {
'product': 'Apache Tomcat/Coyote JSP engine',
'name': 'http',
'extrainfo': '',
'reason': 'syn-ack',
'cpe': '',
'state': 'open',
'version': '1.1',
'conf': '10'
'80': {
'product': '',
'name': 'http',
'extrainfo': '',
'reason': 'conn-refused',
'cpe': '',
'state': 'closed',
'version': '',
'conf': '3'
You can try the following:
>>> data = [{'x.x.x.x': {'status': {'state': 'up', 'reason': 'syn-ack'}, 'hostname': 'xxxx', 'vendor': {}, 'addresses': {'ipv4': 'x.x.x.x'}, 'tcp': {'443': {'product': 'Apache Tomcat/Coyote JSP engine', 'name': 'http', 'extrainfo': '', 'reason': 'syn-ack', 'cpe': '', 'state': 'open', 'version': '1.1', 'conf': '10'}, '80': {'product': '', 'name': 'http', 'extrainfo': '', 'reason': 'conn-refused', 'cpe': '', 'state': 'closed', 'version': '', 'conf': '3'}}}}]
>>> for i in data[0]['x.x.x.x']['tcp']:
... print i, data[0]['x.x.x.x']['tcp'][i]['product'], data[0]['x.x.x.x']['tcp'][i]['version']
443 Apache Tomcat/Coyote JSP engine 1.1
You could use method items (iteritems in Python 2) for extracting both port number and associated information:
In [4]: for port, info in data[0]['x.x.x.x']['tcp'].items():
...: print(port, info['product'], info['version'])
443 Apache Tomcat/Coyote JSP engine 1.1
You can always use d.keys() to see what is in the dictionary keys to traverse it.
d = your dictionary
Out[109]: 'Apache Tomcat/Coyote JSP engine'
Out[110]: '1.1'
Out[109]: ''
Out[110]: ''
Your data is basically a tree, so it can be traversed recursively with a function like this:
def parse_data(output, keys_wanted, values_wanted, data):
for key, val in data.iteritems():
if key in keys_wanted:
output.update({key: {k: val[k] for k in values_wanted}})
if isinstance(val, dict):
parse_data(output, keys_wanted, values_wanted, val)
data = <your dict>
keys = ['443', '80']
vals = ['product', 'version']
out = {}
parse_data(out, keys, vals, data)
>>> print out
{'443': {'product': 'Apache Tomcat/Coyote JSP engine', 'version': '1.1'}, '80': {'product': '', 'version': ''}}
A benefit to this function is that it's general purpose -- if you want different keys and values just pass different lists in the parameters.
BTW, in your sample input, the dict is inside a list, but there's just one item, so I stripped off the list brackets for simplicity's sake. If your actual data is in a list with many other items, you'd of course want to call this function in an iteration loop.
how to use nse in python? for example
nmap -p80 --script=http-enum
80/tcp open http
| http-enum:
|_ /partners/: Potentially interesting folder
nm.scan('', arguments=f'-p80 --script=http-enum')
{'': {'nmap': {'command_line': 'nmap -oX - -p80 --script=http-enum', 'scaninfo': {'tcp': {'method': 'connect', 'services': '80'}}, 'scanstats': {'timestr': 'Tue Jul 12 07:38:13 2022', 'elapsed': '11.03', 'uphosts': '1', 'downhosts': '0', 'totalhosts': '1'}}, 'scan': {'': {'hostnames': [{'name': '', 'type': 'PTR'}], 'addresses': {'ipv4': ''}, 'vendor': {}, 'status': {'state': 'up', 'reason': 'syn-ack'}, 'tcp': {80: {'state': 'open', 'reason': 'syn-ack', 'name': 'http', 'product': '', 'version': '', 'extrainfo': '', 'conf': '3', 'cpe': ''}}}}}}
When called in python, looks like it returns a dictionary with all the info. To get specific info you can access these attributes separately as shown in the docs. If instead, you want to run the same command on the command line from a python script you can use subprocess:
import subprocess
command = "nmap -p80 --script=http-enum"
subprocess.Popen(command.split(' '))
From a nested dictionary also containing lists I would like to return the values for specified keys whether the return value be another dictionary, list or singular value. Example dictionary shown below (OSINT API data of a random IP from Shodan).
From a specified list of keys e.g: ['domains', 'html', 'CN']
Example required output:
'domains': ['']
'CN': '*'
'html': ''
The specified keys may appear more than once, or not at all depending on the services on different IP's.
I have code for nested dictionaries but this has stumped me:
dataoutput = {'some': 'dictionary'}
filtered_list = ['list of required keys']
def seek_keys(d, key_list):
for k, v in d.items():
if k in key_list:
if isinstance(v, dict):
print(k + ": " + list(v.keys())[0])
print(k + ": " + str(v))
if isinstance(v, dict):
seek_keys(v, key_list)
seek_keys(dataoutput, filtered_list)
{'region_code': '40', 'ip': 520966673, 'postal_code': None, 'country_code': 'JP', 'city': 'Tokyo', 'dma_code': None, 'last_update': '2021-08-17T21:19:17.704800', 'latitude': 35.6895, 'tags': [], 'area_code': None, 'country_name': 'Japan', 'hostnames': [''], 'org': 'Facebook Ireland Ltd', 'data': [{'hash': 960245092, '_shodan': {'id': '35fbfc68-de4a-4433-8d4e-672ed558dc90', 'options': {}, 'ptr': True, 'module': 'http', 'crawler': 'f4bb88763d8ed3a0f3f91439c2c62b77fb9e06f3'}, 'http': {'robots_hash': None, 'redirects': [], 'securitytxt': None, 'title': None, 'sitemap_hash': None, 'robots': None, 'server': None, 'host': '', 'html': '', 'location': '/', 'html_hash': 0, 'sitemap': None, 'securitytxt_hash': None}, 'os': None, 'opts': {}, 'timestamp': '2021-08-17T21:19:17.704800', 'isp': 'Facebook, Inc.', 'port': 80, 'hostnames': [''], 'location': {'city': 'Tokyo', 'region_code': '40', 'area_code': None, 'longitude': 139.69171, 'country_code3': None, 'country_name': 'Japan', 'postal_code': None, 'dma_code': None, 'country_code': 'JP', 'latitude': 35.6895}, 'ip': 520966673, 'domains': [''], 'org': 'Facebook Ireland Ltd', 'data': 'HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently\r\nVary: Accept-Encoding\r\nLocation:\r\nContent-Type: text/html; charset="utf-8"\r\nX-FB-Debug: uH7oyeyXmCxXRUEDRNZW89jYu4Ncis+tsOcmWtF45ENW8qkGHHJOHpF/WMOclN/XJahPWteD9avoPOcGo4g+Iw==\r\nDate: Tue, 17 Aug 2021 21:19:11 GMT\r\nAlt-Svc: h3-29=":443"; ma=3600,h3-27=":443"; ma=3600\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\nContent-Length: 0\r\n\r\n', 'asn': 'AS32934', 'transport': 'tcp', 'ip_str': ''}, {'hash': 1932904474, '_shodan': {'id': '5e465672-0345-4d13-94b4-f4b5a68e06dd', 'options': {}, 'ptr': True, 'module': 'https', 'crawler': 'bf213bc419cc8491376c12af31e32623c1b6f467'}, 'http': {'robots_hash': None, 'redirects': [], 'securitytxt': None, 'title': None, 'sitemap_hash': None, 'robots': None, 'server': None, 'host': '', 'html': '', 'location': '/', 'html_hash': 0, 'sitemap': None, 'securitytxt_hash': None}, 'os': None, 'opts': {'vulns': [], 'heartbleed': '2021/08/15 19:43:47 - SAFE\n'}, 'timestamp': '2021-08-15T19:43:33.722160', 'isp': 'Facebook, Inc.', 'port': 443, 'ssl': {'chain_sha256': ['1e3839fdfad7b0a9098bfe4e2853391a6230357e50c6506e26caecdf85b95c9e', '19400be5b7a31fb733917700789d2f0a2471c0c9d506c0e504c06c16d7cb17c0', '7431e5f4c3c1ce4690774f0b61e05440883ba9a01ed00ba6abd7806ed3b118cf'], 'jarm': '29d29d00029d29d00041d43d00041d92bf66d3b7eed52dd4b99d709662a4a4', 'chain': ['-----BEGIN 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CERTIFICATE-----\n'], 'dhparams': None, 'versions': ['-TLSv1', '-SSLv2', '-SSLv3', '-TLSv1.1', 'TLSv1.2', 'TLSv1.3'], 'acceptable_cas': [], 'tlsext': [{'id': 65281, 'name': 'renegotiation_info'}, {'id': 11, 'name': 'ec_point_formats'}, {'id': 35, 'name': 'session_ticket'}], 'ja3s': 'ccc514751b175866924439bdbb5bba34', 'cert': {'sig_alg': 'sha256WithRSAEncryption', 'issued': '20210627000000Z', 'expires': '20210925235959Z', 'expired': False, 'version': 2, 'extensions': [{'data': '0\\x16\\x80\\x14Qh\\xff\\x90\\xaf\\x02\\x07u<\\xcc\\xd9edb\\xa2\\x12\\xb8Yr;', 'name': 'authorityKeyIdentifier'}, {'data': '\\x04\\x14A\\xdc\\xeaH-\\xcb\\xb2\\xf8J\\xca\\xf4v{C\\r\\x82\\x99\\xc6\\xfbq', 'name': 'subjectKeyIdentifier'}, {'data': '0,\\x82\\x15*\\x82\\', 'name': 'subjectAltName'}, {'critical': True, 'data': '\\x03\\x02\\x05\\xa0', 'name': 'keyUsage'}, {'data': '0\\x14\\x06\\x08+\\x06\\x01\\x05\\x05\\x07\\x03\\x01\\x06\\x08+\\x06\\x01\\x05\\x05\\x07\\x03\\x02', 'name': 'extendedKeyUsage'}, {'data': '0l04\\xa02\\xa00\\x86.\\xa02\\xa00\\x86.', 'name': 'crlDistributionPoints'}, {'data': "0503\\x06\\x06g\\x81\\x0c\\x01\\x02\\x020)0\\'\\x06\\x08+\\x06\\x01\\x05\\x05\\x07\\x02\\x01\\x16\\x1b", 'name': 'certificatePolicies'}, {'data': '0u0$\\x06\\x08+\\x06\\x01\\x05\\x05\\x070\\x01\\x86\\x18http://ocsp.digicert.com0M\\x06\\x08+\\x06\\x01\\x05\\x05\\x070\\x02\\x86A', 'name': 'authorityInfoAccess'}, {'critical': True, 'data': '0\\x00', 'name': 'basicConstraints'}, {'data': '\\x04\\x82\\x01i\\x01g\\x00u\\x00\\xf6\\\\\\x94/\\xd1w0"\\x14T\\x18\\x080\\x94V\\x8e\\xe3M\\x13\\x193\\xbf\\xdf\\x0c/ \\x0b\\xccN\\xf1d\\xe3\\x00\\x00\\x01zN\\x94\\x82>\\x00\\x00\\x04\\x03\\x00F0D\\x02 X\\x84h\\xb6\\xc8\\x10F\\xed\\xcc\\xe8x\\\\P\\xc9;\\xbc\\xcf\\x1cO\\x82\\xa5\\x08u\\xc9\\x96im\\xe1\\xc3a\\x10\\xf3\\x02 \\x02\\\'d\\xe4t2h\\xf9`\\xab\\x1d/\\xf6\\xf8\\x14\\x95\\xdfJ\\xf2\\xdf?\\xdc\\x9d\\xbd5\\xfcb\\xc8Z\\x07\\xb1\\xc2\\x00w\\x00\\\\\\xdcC\\x92\\xfe\\xe6\\xabED\\xb1^\\x9a\\xd4V\\xe6\\x107\\xfb\\xd5\\xfaG\\xdc\\xa1s\\x94\\xb2^\\xe6\\xf6\\xc7\\x0e\\xca\\x00\\x00\\x01zN\\x94\\x82P\\x00\\x00\\x04\\x03\\x00H0F\\x02!\\x00\\xd2\\xb52\\x13\\xdb\\x05\\x90=AT\\xee\\xca\\xfc\\xa0H.\\xa3+\\x9f\\x88h\\xfc\\xab\\x9c=EP^\\x1c\\x7f\\xc0^\\x02!\\x00\\xeb\\x16\\x13\\x7f\\x88\\xd3\\xa2\\xd0\\xc4E\\xc8\\x161<X\\x9c\\xff\\x85\\xd5i\\xcd\\x07E(\\x90Z\\xa7\\xfb=|6\\xd1\\x00u\\x00\\xee\\xc0\\x95\\xee\\x8drd\\x0f\\x92\\xe3\\xc3\\xb9\\x1b\\xc7\\x12\\xa3ij\\t{Kj\\x1a\\x148\\xe6G\\xb2\\xcb\\xed\\xc5\\xf9\\x00\\x00\\x01zN\\x94\\x82\\x83\\x00\\x00\\x04\\x03\\x00F0D\\x02 /\\x8a~\\xec\\xea\\xf8cjb\\xd4\\xb9\\x01y\\xa5\\x97\\x8b\\xa7J\\x94tO\\x05\\x11\\x1dX\\x1f\\xf5#v\\xd9$&\\x02 .t\\xdb\\xe3\\xe6\\x15\\xed\\x1c\\xf6\\x1c\\xba#Z]\\xb2\\xa3\\x88\\x8c\\xfb\\x0b\\x12\\xde\\x10\\xc7b)\\xaf{\\t\\xe7\\xe3\\xf9', 'name': 'ct_precert_scts'}], 'fingerprint': {'sha256': '1e3839fdfad7b0a9098bfe4e2853391a6230357e50c6506e26caecdf85b95c9e', 'sha1': '73f915b5c8218ff445be1de566b5c2d0a15d1f6d'}, 'serial': 17057963169357276840551436714988486922, 'subject': {'C': 'US', 'L': 'Menlo Park', 'CN': '*', 'O': 'Facebook, Inc.', 'ST': 'California'}, 'pubkey': {'type': 'rsa', 'bits': 2048}, 'issuer': {'C': 'US', 'OU': '', 'O': 'DigiCert Inc', 'CN': 'DigiCert SHA2 High Assurance Server CA'}}, 'cipher': {'version': 'TLSv1/SSLv3', 'bits': 128, 'name': 'ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256'}, 'trust': {'revoked': False, 'browser': {'mozilla': True, 'apple': True, 'microsoft': True}}, 'handshake_states': ['before/connect initialization', 'SSLv2/v3 write client hello', 'SSLv2/v3 read server hello', 'SSLv3/TLS read server hello', 'SSLv3/TLS read server certificate', 'SSLv3/TLS read server key exchange', 'SSLv3/TLS read server done', 'SSLv3/TLS write client key exchange', 'SSLv3/TLS write change cipher spec', 'SSLv3/TLS write finished', 'SSLv3/TLS flush data', 'SSLv3/TLS read server session ticket', 'SSLv3/TLS read finished', 'SSL negotiation finished successfully'], 'alpn': [], 'ocsp': {}}, 'hostnames': [''], 'location': {'city': 'Tokyo', 'region_code': '40', 'area_code': None, 'longitude': 139.69171, 'country_code3': None, 'country_name': 'Japan', 'postal_code': None, 'dma_code': None, 'country_code': 'JP', 'latitude': 35.6895}, 'ip': 520966673, 'domains': [''], 'org': 'Facebook Ireland Ltd', 'data': 'HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently\r\nVary: Accept-Encoding\r\nLocation:\r\nContent-Type: text/html; charset="utf-8"\r\nX-FB-Debug: ryMLheDS9Y/10RtChKHVKi5BNNNfF4bl3zitEBlNHsseV3TKNfq8YBdEVE64P9DFrlWUOl+KvZm7bi77IoJS6A==\r\nDate: Sun, 15 Aug 2021 19:43:33 GMT\r\nAlt-Svc: h3-29=":443"; ma=3600,h3-27=":443"; ma=3600\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\nContent-Length: 0\r\n\r\n', 'asn': 'AS32934', 'transport': 'tcp', 'ip_str': ''}], 'asn': 'AS32934', 'isp': 'Facebook, Inc.', 'longitude': 139.69171, 'country_code3': None, 'domains': [''], 'ip_str': '', 'os': None, 'ports': [80, 443]}
I use flower to monitoring celery functions but if the result string is long, flower doesn't display all of it.
When I send request with python to flower, the result is the same, result is still not complete.
{'Name': {21: {'state': 'open', 'reason': 'syn-ack', 'name': 'ftp', 'product': 'vsftpd', 'version': '2.3.4', 'extrainfo': '', 'conf': '10', 'cpe': 'cpe:/a:vsftpd:vsftpd:2.3.4'}, 22: {'state': 'open', 'reason': 'syn-ack', 'name': 'ssh', 'product': 'OpenSSH', 'version': '4.7p1 Debian 8ubuntu1', 'extrainfo': 'protocol 2.0', 'conf': '10', 'cpe': 'cpe:/o:linux:linux_kernel'}, 23: {'state': 'open', 'reason': 'syn-ack', 'name': 'telnet', 'product': 'Linux telnetd', 'version': '', 'extrainfo': '', 'conf': '10', 'cpe': 'cpe:/o:linux:linux_kernel'}, 25: {'state': 'open', 'reason': 'syn-ack', 'name': 'smtp', 'product': 'Postfix smtpd', 'version': '', 'extrainfo': '', 'conf': '10', 'cpe': 'cpe:/a:postfix:postfix'}, 53: {'state': 'open', 'reason': 'syn-ack', 'name': 'domain', 'product': 'ISC BIND', 'version': '9.4.2', 'extrainfo': '', 'conf': '10', 'cpe': 'cpe:/a:isc:bind:9.4.2', 'script': {...}}, 80: {'state': 'open', 'reason': 'syn-ack', 'name': 'http', 'product': 'Apache httpd', 'version': '2.2.8', 'extrainfo': '(Ubuntu...', ...}}}
I did what you said #sp1rs, I set resultrepr_maxsize very high number but json that I got still doesn't bring some parts such as 'script' . It still shows {...}. I can't copy-paste it here because too long but I can take a photo. You can see that 'script' key doesn't have the result. (3. line)
In addition to that, if I get the function result with get() function in the python shell, 'script' keys and values come safely but flower doesn't bring them. Any idea?
Flower is just the dashboard and will display what celery gives to it. For performance issue celery limit the length of task result.
by default resultrepr_maxsize = 1024.
Change the resultrepr_maxsize value to increase the length of your final result.
For some reason when I call hostname(), nothing happens and it returns nothing. Here is a snippet of the code where I used it:
print("save output as txt?")
m = input("y/n: ")
for c in m:
if m == "y":
write = True
elif m == "n":
write = False
nm = nmap.PortScanner(nmap_search_path=('nmap', '/usr/bin/nmap', '/usr/local/bin/nmap', '/sw/bin/nmap', '/opt/local/bin/nmap', 'C:/Program Files(x86)/Nmap'))
nm.scan(hosts='', arguments='-n -sP')
hosts_list = [(x, nm[x]['status']['state']) for x in nm.all_hosts()]
for host, status in hosts_list:
print(host + ' ' + status )
print(nm[host].hostname()) # < my problem
if write == True:
with open('log.txt', 'a') as f:
f. write('\n' + host + ' ' + status)
Everything works except for line 14, where I call hostname(). Could anyone explain what I'm doing wrong? Thank you.
It is because the IP address that you are trying to get the hostname doesn't have any name. I recommend you print the object and look if it has the parameter 'name'
I have checked it and It is working well.
>>> nm.scan('', '22')
{'nmap': {'command_line': 'nmap -oX - -p 22 -sV', 'scaninfo': {'tcp': {'method': 'connect', 'services': '22'}}, 'scanstats': {'downhosts': '0', 'uphosts': '1', 'timestr': 'Fri Feb 23 11:15:33 2018', 'elapsed': '0.51', 'totalhosts': '1'}}, 'scan': {'': {'vendor': {}, 'status': {'state': 'up', 'reason': 'syn-ack'}, 'addresses': {'ipv4': ''}, 'hostnames': [{'name': '', 'type': 'PTR'}], 'tcp': {22: {'extrainfo': '', 'state': 'filtered', 'reason': 'no-response', 'version': '', 'name': 'ssh', 'product': '', 'cpe': '', 'conf': '3'}}}}}
>>> nm[''].hostname()
>>> nm.scan('', '22')
{'nmap': {'command_line': 'nmap -oX - -p 22 -sV', 'scaninfo': {'tcp': {'method': 'connect', 'services': '22'}}, 'scanstats': {'downhosts': '0', 'uphosts': '1', 'timestr': 'Fri Feb 23 11:15:46 2018', 'elapsed': '0.39', 'totalhosts': '1'}}, 'scan': {'': {'vendor': {}, 'status': {'state': 'up', 'reason': 'syn-ack'}, 'addresses': {'ipv4': ''}, 'hostnames': [{'name': '', 'type': ''}], 'tcp': {22: {'extrainfo': 'protocol 2.0', 'state': 'open', 'reason': 'syn-ack', 'version': '7.6', 'name': 'ssh', 'product': 'OpenSSH', 'cpe': 'cpe:/a:openbsd:openssh:7.6', 'conf': '10'}}}}}
>>> nm[''].hostname()
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This question appears to be off-topic because it lacks sufficient information to diagnose the problem. Describe your problem in more detail or include a minimal example in the question itself.
Closed 8 years ago.
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Hi I'm reposting this question but providing more information about what I'm trying to achieve. Its been driving me crazy for the last few days and I can't seem to make a progress. Basically, I have this data structure:
data_in =\
{'map': {'command_line': u'command goes here',
'scaninfo': {u'tcp': {'method': u'syn', 'services': u'80,443'}},
'stats': {'downhosts': u'0',
'elapsed': u'1.71',
'timestr': u'Thu Mar 20 18:18:09 2014',
'totalhosts': u'3',
'uphosts': u'3'}},
'scan': {u'2a00:2384:0:208f::13': {'addresses': {u'ipv6': u'2a00:2384:0:f467::13',
u'mac': u'00:gf:88:9:56:D5'},
'hostname': u'',
'status': {'reason': u'nd-response',
'state': u'up'},
u'tcp': {80: {'conf': u'3',
'cpe': '',
'extrainfo': '',
'name': u'http',
'product': '',
'reason': u'syn-ack',
'state': u'open',
'version': ''},
443: {'conf': u'3',
'cpe': '',
'extrainfo': '',
'name': u'https',
'product': '',
'reason': u'syn-ack',
'script': {u'ssl-cert': u'place holder'},
'state': u'open',
'version': ''}},
'vendor': {u'00:0C:29:7C:13:D3': u'VMware'}},
u'2a00:2384:0:208f::15': {'addresses': {u'ipv6': u'a848:2384:0:3456::15',
u'mac': u'00:gf:29:99:6D:96'},
'hostname': u'',
'status': {'reason': u'nd-response',
'state': u'up'},
u'tcp': {80: {'conf': u'3',
'cpe': '',
'extrainfo': '',
'name': u'http',
'product': '',
'reason': u'syn-ack',
'state': u'open',
'version': ''},
443: {'conf': u'3',
'cpe': '',
'extrainfo': '',
'name': u'https',
'product': '',
'reason': u'syn-ack',
'script': {u'ssl-cert': u'place holder'},
'state': u'open',
'version': ''}},
'vendor': {u'00:0C:67:99:6f:96': u'VMware'}},
u'2a00:2384:0:208f::16': {'addresses': {u'ipv6': u'8938:8584:0:8685::16',
u'mac': u'00:54:29:fg:55:0F'},
'hostname': u'',
'status': {'reason': u'nd-response',
'state': u'up'},
u'tcp': {80: {'conf': u'3',
'cpe': '',
'extrainfo': '',
'name': u'http',
'product': '',
'reason': u'syn-ack',
'state': u'open',
'version': ''},
443: {'conf': u'3',
'cpe': '',
'extrainfo': '',
'name': u'https',
'product': '',
'reason': u'syn-ack',
'script': {u'ssl-cert': u'place holder'},
'state': u'open',
'version': ''}},
'vendor': {u'00:0C:55:AE:33:ff': u'VMware'}}}}
And need to create a simplified version of it that looks like this:
data_out =\
[{'address': u'2a00:2384:0:208f::13',
'hostname': u'',
'ports': [{80: {'reason': u'syn-ack', 'state': u'open'}},
{443: {'reason': u'syn-ack',
'ssl_cert': u'place holder',
'state': u'open'}}]}]
As per previous advice from #jonrsharpe I've created a helper function that enables me to find keys. This has proved helpful, but I still struggling to get the desired results.
def find_key(data, search_key, out=None):
"""Find all values from a nested dictionary for a given key."""
if out is None:
out = []
if isinstance(data, dict):
if search_key in data:
for key in data:
find_key(data[key], search_key, out)
return out
Any help would be really appreciated here!
This isn't all that hard; you just have to go through and look at the data structure that leads to what you want - which is made much harder by poor formatting, so I re-indented your input and marked the keys (<==) and fields (!!!) you are seeking:
data_in = {
'map': {
'stats': {
'uphosts': u'3',
'timestr': u'Thu Mar 20 18:18:09 2014',
'downhosts': u'0',
'totalhosts': u'3',
'elapsed': u'1.71'
'scaninfo': {
u'tcp': {
'services': u'80,443',
'method': u'syn'
'command_line': u'command goes here'
'scan': { # <==
u'2a00:2384:0:208f::13': { # <== !!!
'status': {
'state': u'up',
'reason': u'nd-response'
'hostname': u'', # !!!
'vendor': {
u'00:0C:29:7C:13:D3': u'VMware'
'addresses': {
u'mac': u'00:gf:88:9:56:D5',
u'ipv6': u'2a00:2384:0:f467::13'
u'tcp': { # <==
80: { # <== !!!
'product': '',
'state': u'open', # !!!
'version': '',
'name': u'http',
'conf': u'3',
'extrainfo': '',
'reason': u'syn-ack', # !!!
'cpe': ''
443: { # <== !!!
'product': '',
'state': u'open', # !!!
'version': '',
'name': u'https',
'conf': u'3',
'script': { # <==
u'ssl-cert': u'place holder' # !!!
'extrainfo': '',
'reason': u'syn-ack', # !!!
'cpe': ''
u'2a00:2384:0:208f::15': {
'status': {
'state': u'up',
'reason': u'nd-response'
'hostname': u'',
'vendor': {
u'00:0C:67:99:6f:96': u'VMware'
'addresses': {
u'mac': u'00:gf:29:99:6D:96',
u'ipv6': u'a848:2384:0:3456::15'
u'tcp': {
80: {
'product': '',
'state': u'open',
'version': '',
'name': u'http',
'conf': u'3',
'extrainfo': '',
'reason': u'syn-ack',
'cpe': ''
443: {
'product': '',
'state': u'open',
'version': '',
'name': u'https',
'conf': u'3',
'script': {
u'ssl-cert': u'place holder'
'extrainfo': '',
'reason': u'syn-ack',
'cpe': ''
u'2a00:2384:0:208f::16': {
'status': {
'state': u'up',
'reason': u'nd-response'
'hostname': u'',
'vendor': {
u'00:0C:55:AE:33:ff': u'VMware'
'addresses': {
u'mac': u'00:54:29:fg:55:0F',
u'ipv6': u'8938:8584:0:8685::16'
u'tcp': {
80: {
'product': '',
'state': u'open',
'version': '',
'name': u'http',
'conf': u'3',
'extrainfo': '',
'reason': u'syn-ack',
'cpe': ''
443: {
'product': '',
'state': u'open',
'version': '',
'name': u'https',
'conf': u'3',
'script': {
u'ssl-cert': u'place holder'
'extrainfo': '',
'reason': u'syn-ack',
'cpe': ''
and likewise for your desired output (with appropriate adjustments):
data_out = [
'address': u'2a00:2384:0:208f::13',
'hostname': u'',
'ports': {
80: {
'state': u'open',
'reason': u'syn-ack'
443: {
'ssl_cert': u'place holder',
'state': u'open',
'reason': u'syn-ack'
then the extraction becomes:
def remap_port(port, port_data):
result = {
"state": port_data["state"],
"reason": port_data["reason"]
result["ssl_cert"] = port_data["script"]["ssl-cert"]
except KeyError:
return port, result
def remap_scanned_address(address, address_data):
return {
"address": address,
"hostname": address_data["hostname"],
"ports": dict(remap_port(port, port_data) for port,port_data in address_data["tcp"].items())
def remap_scan_data(data_in):
return [remap_scanned_address(address, address_data) for address, address_data in data_in["scan"].items()]
data_out = remap_scan_data(data_in)
which results in the desired output,
[{'address': u'2a00:2384:0:208f::13',
'hostname': u'',
'ports': {80: {'reason': u'syn-ack', 'state': u'open'},
443: {'reason': u'syn-ack',
'ssl_cert': u'place holder',
'state': u'open'}}},
{'address': u'2a00:2384:0:208f::15',
'hostname': u'',
'ports': {80: {'reason': u'syn-ack', 'state': u'open'},
443: {'reason': u'syn-ack',
'ssl_cert': u'place holder',
'state': u'open'}}},
{'address': u'2a00:2384:0:208f::16',
'hostname': u'',
'ports': {80: {'reason': u'syn-ack', 'state': u'open'},
443: {'reason': u'syn-ack',
'ssl_cert': u'place holder',
'state': u'open'}}}]