I am trying to fit a decaying exponential function to real world data. I'm having a problem with aligning the function to the actual data.
Here's my code:
def test_func(x, a, b, c):
return a*np.exp(-b*x)*np.sin(c*x)
my_time = np.linspace(0,2.5e-6,25000)
p0 = [60000, 700000, 2841842]
params, params_covariance = curve_fit(test_func, my_time, my_amp,p0)
My signal and fitted function
My question: why doesn't the fitted function start where my data starts increasing in amplitude?
As I said in my comment, the problem is that your function does not take into account that the exponential curve can be shifted. If you include this shift as an additional parameter, the fit will probably converge.
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
def test_func(x, a, b, c, d):
return a*np.exp(-b*(x+d))*np.sin(c*(x+d))
my_time = np.linspace(0,2.5e-6,25000)
#generate fake data
testp0 = [66372, 765189, 2841842, -1.23e-7]
test_amp = test_func(my_time, *testp0)
my_amp = test_func(my_time, *testp0)
my_amp[:2222] = my_amp[2222]
p0 = [600, 700000, 2000, -2e-7]
params, params_covariance = curve_fit(test_func, my_time, test_amp, p0)
fit_amp = test_func(my_time, *params)
plt.plot(my_time, my_amp, label="data")
plt.plot(my_time, fit_amp, label="fit")
Sample output
Lets say i have a randomly distributed data which looks like:
I want to replace each data point y[x_i] with fixed width gaussian
and add them together. It should give me:
My code is very primitive and slow:
def gaussian(x, mu, sig):
return 1/(sig*np.sqrt(2*np.pi))*np.exp(-np.power(x - mu, 2.) / (
2 * np.power(sig, 2.)))
def gaussian_smoothing(x, y, sig=0.5, n=1000):
x_new = np.linspace(x.min()-10*sig, x.max()+10*sig, n)
y_new = np.zeros(x_new.shape)
for _x, _y in zip(x, y):
y_new += _y*gaussian(x_new, _x, sig)
return x_new, y_new
For large data-sets it takes a long time to perform such smoothing.
I was looking at np.convolve. However it seams that that it is only applicable to evenly distributed data and x step for data and gaussians should be the same. What would be the fastest way to perform such operation.
yon try to estimate it as a Guassian mixture with smaller number of components (like EM algorithm) using sklearn:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from numpy.random import choice
from sklearn import mixture
import scipy.stats
import numpy
# generate some data
x = numpy.array([1.,1.1,1.6,2.,2.1,2.2,2.9,3.,8.,62.,62.2,63.,63.4,64.5,65.,67.,69.])
# generate weights to it
y = numpy.random.rand(x.shape[0])
# normalize weigth to 1
y /= y.sum()
# resamlple to 5000 samples with equal weights according to original weights
x_rsmp = numpy.array([choice(x, p=y) for _ in range(5000)])
x_rsmp = x_rsmp.reshape(-1,1)
# define number of components - this must be user seelcted or estimated
n_comp = 2
# fit the mixture
gmm = mixture.GaussianMixture(n_components=n_comp, covariance_type='full')
# plot it
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
x_gauss = numpy.linspace(-10,100,1000)
for n_c in range(n_comp):
norm_pdf = scipy.stats.norm.pdf(x_gauss, gmm.means_[n_c,0], gmm.covariances_[n_c,0])
ax.plot(x_gauss, norm_pdf, label='gauss %d' % (n_c+1))
It yields n_c Gaussian components with means gmm.means_ and covariances gmm.covariances_.
I am trying to find a python package that would give an option to fit natural smoothing splines with user selectable smoothing factor. Is there an implementation for that? If not, how would you use what is available to implement it yourself?
By natural spline I mean that there should be a condition that the second derivative of the fitted function at the endpoints is zero (linear).
By smoothing spline I mean that the spline should not be 'interpolating' (passing through all the datapoints). I would like to decide the correct smoothing factor lambda (see the Wikipedia page for smoothing splines) myself.
What I have found
scipy.interpolate.CubicSpline [link]: Does natural (cubic) spline fitting. Does interpolation, and there is no way to smooth the data.
scipy.interpolate.UnivariateSpline [link]: Does spline fitting with user selectable smoothing factor. However, there is no option to make the splines natural.
After hours of investigation, I did not find any pip installable packages which could fit a natural cubic spline with user-controllable smoothness. However, after deciding to write one myself, while reading about the topic I stumbled upon a blog post by github user madrury. He has written python code capable of producing natural cubic spline models.
The model code is available here (NaturalCubicSpline) with a BSD-licence. He has also written some examples in an IPython notebook.
But since this is the Internet and links tend to die, I will copy the relevant parts of the source code here + a helper function (get_natural_cubic_spline_model) written by me, and show an example of how to use it. The smoothness of the fit can be controlled by using different number of knots. The position of the knots can be also specified by the user.
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
def func(x):
return 1/(1+25*x**2)
# make example data
x = np.linspace(-1,1,300)
y = func(x) + np.random.normal(0, 0.2, len(x))
# The number of knots can be used to control the amount of smoothness
model_6 = get_natural_cubic_spline_model(x, y, minval=min(x), maxval=max(x), n_knots=6)
model_15 = get_natural_cubic_spline_model(x, y, minval=min(x), maxval=max(x), n_knots=15)
y_est_6 = model_6.predict(x)
y_est_15 = model_15.predict(x)
plt.plot(x, y, ls='', marker='.', label='originals')
plt.plot(x, y_est_6, marker='.', label='n_knots = 6')
plt.plot(x, y_est_15, marker='.', label='n_knots = 15')
The source code for get_natural_cubic_spline_model
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
def get_natural_cubic_spline_model(x, y, minval=None, maxval=None, n_knots=None, knots=None):
Get a natural cubic spline model for the data.
For the knots, give (a) `knots` (as an array) or (b) minval, maxval and n_knots.
If the knots are not directly specified, the resulting knots are equally
space within the *interior* of (max, min). That is, the endpoints are
*not* included as knots.
x: np.array of float
The input data
y: np.array of float
The outpur data
minval: float
Minimum of interval containing the knots.
maxval: float
Maximum of the interval containing the knots.
n_knots: positive integer
The number of knots to create.
knots: array or list of floats
The knots.
model: a model object
The returned model will have following method:
- predict(x):
x is a numpy array. This will return the predicted y-values.
if knots:
spline = NaturalCubicSpline(knots=knots)
spline = NaturalCubicSpline(max=maxval, min=minval, n_knots=n_knots)
p = Pipeline([
('nat_cubic', spline),
('regression', LinearRegression(fit_intercept=True))
]), y)
return p
class AbstractSpline(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin):
"""Base class for all spline basis expansions."""
def __init__(self, max=None, min=None, n_knots=None, n_params=None, knots=None):
if knots is None:
if not n_knots:
n_knots = self._compute_n_knots(n_params)
knots = np.linspace(min, max, num=(n_knots + 2))[1:-1]
max, min = np.max(knots), np.min(knots)
self.knots = np.asarray(knots)
def n_knots(self):
return len(self.knots)
def fit(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self
class NaturalCubicSpline(AbstractSpline):
"""Apply a natural cubic basis expansion to an array.
The features created with this basis expansion can be used to fit a
piecewise cubic function under the constraint that the fitted curve is
linear *outside* the range of the knots.. The fitted curve is continuously
differentiable to the second order at all of the knots.
This transformer can be created in two ways:
- By specifying the maximum, minimum, and number of knots.
- By specifying the cutpoints directly.
If the knots are not directly specified, the resulting knots are equally
space within the *interior* of (max, min). That is, the endpoints are
*not* included as knots.
min: float
Minimum of interval containing the knots.
max: float
Maximum of the interval containing the knots.
n_knots: positive integer
The number of knots to create.
knots: array or list of floats
The knots.
def _compute_n_knots(self, n_params):
return n_params
def n_params(self):
return self.n_knots - 1
def transform(self, X, **transform_params):
X_spl = self._transform_array(X)
if isinstance(X, pd.Series):
col_names = self._make_names(X)
X_spl = pd.DataFrame(X_spl, columns=col_names, index=X.index)
return X_spl
def _make_names(self, X):
first_name = "{}_spline_linear".format(
rest_names = ["{}_spline_{}".format(, idx)
for idx in range(self.n_knots - 2)]
return [first_name] + rest_names
def _transform_array(self, X, **transform_params):
X = X.squeeze()
X_spl = np.zeros((X.shape[0], self.n_knots - 1))
except IndexError: # For arrays with only one element
X_spl = np.zeros((1, self.n_knots - 1))
X_spl[:, 0] = X.squeeze()
def d(knot_idx, x):
def ppart(t): return np.maximum(0, t)
def cube(t): return t*t*t
numerator = (cube(ppart(x - self.knots[knot_idx]))
- cube(ppart(x - self.knots[self.n_knots - 1])))
denominator = self.knots[self.n_knots - 1] - self.knots[knot_idx]
return numerator / denominator
for i in range(0, self.n_knots - 2):
X_spl[:, i+1] = (d(i, X) - d(self.n_knots - 2, X)).squeeze()
return X_spl
You could use this numpy/scipy implementation of natural cubic smoothing spline for univariate/multivariate data smoothing. Smoothing parameter should be in range [0.0, 1.0]. If we use smoothing parameter equal to 1.0 we get natural cubic spline interpolant without data smoothing. Also the implementation supports vectorization for univariate data.
Univariate example:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import csaps
x = np.linspace(-5., 5., 25)
y = np.exp(-(x/2.5)**2) + (np.random.rand(25) - 0.2) * 0.3
sp = csaps.UnivariateCubicSmoothingSpline(x, y, smooth=0.85)
xs = np.linspace(x[0], x[-1], 150)
ys = sp(xs)
plt.plot(x, y, 'o', xs, ys, '-')
Bivariate example:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import csaps
xdata = [np.linspace(-3, 3, 61), np.linspace(-3.5, 3.5, 51)]
i, j = np.meshgrid(*xdata, indexing='ij')
ydata = (3 * (1 - j)**2. * np.exp(-(j**2) - (i + 1)**2)
- 10 * (j / 5 - j**3 - i**5) * np.exp(-j**2 - i**2)
- 1 / 3 * np.exp(-(j + 1)**2 - i**2))
noisy = ydata + (np.random.randn(*ydata.shape) * 0.75)
sp = csaps.MultivariateCubicSmoothingSpline(xdata, noisy, smooth=0.988)
ysmth = sp(xdata)
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
ax.plot_wireframe(j, i, noisy, linewidths=0.5, color='r')
ax.scatter(j, i, noisy, s=5, c='r')
ax.plot_surface(j, i, ysmth, linewidth=0, alpha=1.0)
The python package patsy has functions for generating spline bases, including a natural cubic spline basis. Described in the documentation.
Any library can then be used for fitting a model, e.g. scikit-learn or statsmodels.
The df parameter for cr() can be used to control the "smoothness"
Note that too low df can result to underfit (see below).
A simple example using scikit-learn.
import numpy as np
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from patsy import cr
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
n_obs = 600
x = np.linspace(-3, 3, n_obs)
y = 1 / (x ** 2 + 1) * np.cos(np.pi * x) + np.random.normal(0, 0.2, size=n_obs)
def plot_smoothed(df=5):
# Generate spline basis with different degrees of freedom
x_basis = cr(x, df=df, constraints="center")
# Fit model to the data
model = LinearRegression().fit(x_basis, y)
# Get estimates
y_hat = model.predict(x_basis)
plt.plot(x, y_hat, label=f"df={df}")
plt.scatter(x, y, s=4, color="tab:blue")
for df in (5, 7, 10, 25):
plt.title(f"Natural cubic spline with varying degrees of freedom")
For a project of mine, I needed to create intervals for time-series modeling, and to make the procedure more efficient I created tsmoothie: A python library for time-series smoothing and outlier detection in a vectorized way.
It provides different smoothing algorithms together with the possibility to computes intervals.
In the case of SplineSmoother of natural cubic type:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from tsmoothie.smoother import *
def func(x):
return 1/(1+25*x**2)
# make example data
x = np.linspace(-1,1,300)
y = func(x) + np.random.normal(0, 0.2, len(x))
# operate smoothing
smoother = SplineSmoother(n_knots=10, spline_type='natural_cubic_spline')
# generate intervals
low, up = smoother.get_intervals('prediction_interval', confidence=0.05)
# plot the first smoothed timeseries with intervals
plt.plot(smoother.smooth_data[0], linewidth=3, color='blue')
plt.plot([0], '.k')
plt.fill_between(range(len([0])), low[0], up[0], alpha=0.3)
I point out also that tsmoothie can carry out the smoothing of multiple time-series in a vectorized way
The programming language R offers a very good implementation of natural cubic smoothing splines. You can use R functions in Python with rpy2:
import rpy2.robjects as robjects
r_y = robjects.FloatVector(y_train)
r_x = robjects.FloatVector(x_train)
r_smooth_spline = robjects.r['smooth.spline'] #extract R function# run smoothing function
spline1 = r_smooth_spline(x=r_x, y=r_y, spar=0.7)
If you want to directly set lambda: spline1 = r_smooth_spline(x=r_x, y=r_y, lambda=42) doesn't work, because lambda has already another meaning in Python, but there is a solution: How to use the lambda argument of smooth.spline in RPy WITHOUT Python interprating it as lambda.
To get the code running you first need to define the data x_train and y_train and you can define x_smooth=np.array(np.linspace(-3,5,1920)). if you want to plot it between -3 and 5 in Full-HD-resolution.
Note that this code is not fully compatible with Jupyter-notebooks for the latest versions of rpy2. You can fix this by using !pip install -Iv rpy2==3.4.2 as described in NotImplementedError: Conversion 'rpy2py' not defined for objects of type '<class 'rpy2.rinterface.SexpClosure'>' only after I run the code twice
I have datapoints that give information about the evolution of the temperature of an object over time. Following are these datapoints plotted
My goal is to fit a function as precise as possible to find the evolution of the temperature in the future (where i have no data) and find the "temperature limit" (the max temperature)
Now I tried to fit the function with a logarithm function,
def func_log(x, a, b, c, d):
return a * np.log(b * (x+c)) + d
# ...
expected_coefs_log = [1, 0.3, 1, 1]
popt, pcov = curve_fit(func_log, self.time, self.temp, expected_coefs_log)
but as you can see on the second image, the result is not precise enough.Is it possible to "rotate" the fitted curve to the right? Seems like this function could fit, if only I could rotate it a little bit...
If this is not possible, do you have an idea how I could solve this problem?
The correct approach obviously depends on your data and your model. However, one way to force a curve into a certain shape is to utilize weights during the fitting procedure:
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
#simulate the data
def func_exp(x, a, b, c, d):
return a * (1 - b* np.exp(-c*x)) + d
time_real = np.linspace(0, 5000, n)
temp_real = func_exp(time_real, 21, 0.7, 0.001, 63) + np.random.random(n)
n_measured = int(n*0.5)
time_measured = time_real[:n_measured]
temp_measured = temp_real[:n_measured]
#curve fitting a logarithmic function on the data
def func_log(x, a, b, c, d):
return a * np.log(b * (x+c)) + d
#without weights
expected_coefs_log = [3, 1, 1, 1]
popt_noweight, pcov = curve_fit(func_log, time_measured, temp_measured, expected_coefs_log)
#artificial weights emphasizing points at a later time point
sigma_coefs_log = np.linspace(5, 0.01, len(time_measured))
popt_weight, pcov = curve_fit(func_log, time_measured, temp_measured, p0=expected_coefs_log, sigma=sigma_coefs_log)
#graphic representation
plt.scatter(time_real, temp_real, c="orange", marker=".", label="expected data")
plt.scatter(time_measured, temp_measured, color="red", marker=".", label="measured data")
plt.plot(time_real, func_log(time_real, *popt_noweight), color="blue", label="fit, no weight")
plt.plot(time_real, func_log(time_real, *popt_weight), color="green", label="fit, weight")
Sample output:
However, if you expect a plateau (it is not explained in your question why you think the "wanted function" should be correct), a logarithmic model may just the wrong function type, as we can see by the tradeoff in the initial part that is now less adapted to the data.
The model possibly should be more like Tf*(1-e^(-at)), where Tf is the plateau. This fits if the object is changing temperature because of contact with another object at Tf that has large thermal capacity.
I am trying to recreate maximum likelihood distribution fitting, I can already do this in Matlab and R, but now I want to use scipy. In particular, I would like to estimate the Weibull distribution parameters for my data set.
I have tried this:
import scipy.stats as s
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def weib(x,n,a):
return (a / n) * (x / n)**(a - 1) * np.exp(-(x / n)**a)
data = np.loadtxt("stack_data.csv")
(loc, scale) = s.exponweib.fit_loc_scale(data, 1, 1)
print loc, scale
x = np.linspace(data.min(), data.max(), 1000)
plt.plot(x, weib(x, loc, scale))
plt.hist(data, data.max(), density=True)
And get this:
(2.5827280639441961, 3.4955032285727947)
And a distribution that looks like this:
I have been using the exponweib after reading this I have also tried the other Weibull functions in scipy (just in case!).
In Matlab (using the Distribution Fitting Tool - see screenshot) and in R (using both the MASS library function fitdistr and the GAMLSS package) I get a (loc) and b (scale) parameters more like 1.58463497 5.93030013. I believe all three methods use the maximum likelihood method for distribution fitting.
I have posted my data here if you would like to have a go! And for completeness I am using Python 2.7.5, Scipy 0.12.0, R 2.15.2 and Matlab 2012b.
Why am I getting a different result!?
My guess is that you want to estimate the shape parameter and the scale of the Weibull distribution while keeping the location fixed. Fixing loc assumes that the values of your data and of the distribution are positive with lower bound at zero.
floc=0 keeps the location fixed at zero, f0=1 keeps the first shape parameter of the exponential weibull fixed at one.
>>>, floc=0, f0=1)
[1, 1.8553346917584836, 0, 6.8820748596850905]
>>>, floc=0)
[1.8553346917584836, 0, 6.8820748596850549]
The fit compared to the histogram looks ok, but not very good. The parameter estimates are a bit higher than the ones you mention are from R and matlab.
The closest I can get to the plot that is now available is with unrestricted fit, but using starting values. The plot is still less peaked. Note values in fit that don't have an f in front are used as starting values.
>>> from scipy import stats
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> plt.plot(data, stats.exponweib.pdf(data, *, 1, 1, scale=02, loc=0)))
>>> _ = plt.hist(data, bins=np.linspace(0, 16, 33), normed=True, alpha=0.5);
It is easy to verify which result is the true MLE, just need a simple function to calculate log likelihood:
>>> def wb2LL(p, x): #log-likelihood
return sum(log(stats.weibull_min.pdf(x, p[1], 0., p[0])))
>>> adata=loadtxt('/home/user/stack_data.csv')
>>> wb2LL(array([6.8820748596850905, 1.8553346917584836]), adata)
>>> wb2LL(array([5.93030013, 1.57463497]), adata)
The result from fit method of exponweib and R fitdistr (#Warren) is better and has higher log likelihood. It is more likely to be the true MLE. It is not surprising that the result from GAMLSS is different. It is a complete different statistic model: Generalized Additive Model.
Still not convinced? We can draw a 2D confidence limit plot around MLE, see Meeker and Escobar's book for detail).
Again this verifies that array([6.8820748596850905, 1.8553346917584836]) is the right answer as loglikelihood is lower that any other point in the parameter space. Note:
>>> log(array([6.8820748596850905, 1.8553346917584836]))
array([ 1.92892018, 0.61806511])
BTW1, MLE fit may not appears to fit the distribution histogram tightly. An easy way to think about MLE is that MLE is the parameter estimate most probable given the observed data. It doesn't need to visually fit the histogram well, that will be something minimizing mean square error.
BTW2, your data appears to be leptokurtic and left-skewed, which means Weibull distribution may not fit your data well. Try, e.g. Gompertz-Logistic, which improves log-likelihood by another about 100.
I know it's an old post, but I just faced a similar problem and this thread helped me solve it. Thought my solution might be helpful for others like me:
# Fit Weibull function, some explanation below
params =, floc=0, f0=1)
shape = params[1]
scale = params[3]
print 'shape:',shape
print 'scale:',scale
#### Plotting
# Histogram first
values,bins,hist = plt.hist(data,bins=51,range=(0,25),normed=True)
center = (bins[:-1] + bins[1:]) / 2.
# Using all params and the stats function
# Using my own Weibull function as a check
def weibull(u,shape,scale):
'''Weibull distribution for wind speed u with shape parameter k and scale parameter A'''
return (shape / scale) * (u / scale)**(shape-1) * np.exp(-(u/scale)**shape)
plt.plot(center,weibull(center,shape,scale),label='Wind analysis',lw=2)
Some extra info that helped me understand:
Scipy Weibull function can take four input parameters: (a,c),loc and scale.
You want to fix the loc and the first shape parameter (a), this is done with floc=0,f0=1. Fitting will then give you params c and scale, where c corresponds to the shape parameter of the two-parameter Weibull distribution (often used in wind data analysis) and scale corresponds to its scale factor.
From docs:
exponweib.pdf(x, a, c) =
a * c * (1-exp(-x**c))**(a-1) * exp(-x**c)*x**(c-1)
If a is 1, then
exponweib.pdf(x, a, c) =
c * (1-exp(-x**c))**(0) * exp(-x**c)*x**(c-1)
= c * (1) * exp(-x**c)*x**(c-1)
= c * x **(c-1) * exp(-x**c)
From this, the relation to the 'wind analysis' Weibull function should be more clear
I was curious about your question and, despite this is not an answer, it compares the Matlab result with your result and with the result using leastsq, which showed the best correlation with the given data:
The code is as follows:
import scipy.stats as s
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy.random as mtrand
from scipy.integrate import quad
from scipy.optimize import leastsq
## my distribution (Inverse Normal with shape parameter mu=1.0)
def weib(x,n,a):
return (a / n) * (x / n)**(a-1) * np.exp(-(x/n)**a)
def residuals(p,x,y):
integral = quad( weib, 0, 16, args=(p[0],p[1]) )[0]
penalization = abs(1.-integral)*100000
return y - weib(x, p[0],p[1]) + penalization
data = np.loadtxt("stack_data.csv")
x = np.linspace(data.min(), data.max(), 100)
n, bins, patches = plt.hist(data,bins=x, normed=True)
binsm = (bins[1:]+bins[:-1])/2
popt, pcov = leastsq(func=residuals, x0=(1.,1.), args=(binsm,n))
loc, scale = 1.58463497, 5.93030013
plt.plot(x, weib(x, loc, scale),
label='weib matlab, loc=%1.3f, scale=%1.3f' % (loc, scale), lw=4.)
loc, scale = s.exponweib.fit_loc_scale(data, 1, 1)
plt.plot(x, weib(x, loc, scale),
label='weib stack, loc=%1.3f, scale=%1.3f' % (loc, scale), lw=4.)
plt.plot(x, weib(x,*popt),
label='weib leastsq, loc=%1.3f, scale=%1.3f' % tuple(popt), lw=4.)
plt.legend(loc='upper right')
I had the same problem, but found that setting loc=0 in primed the pump for the optimization. That was all that was needed from #user333700's answer. I couldn't load your data -- your data link points to an image, not data. So I ran a test on my data instead:
import scipy.stats as ss
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
counts, bins = np.histogram(x, bins=N)
bin_width = bins[1]-bins[0]
total_count = float(sum(counts))
f, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
f.suptitle(query_uri)[:-1]+bin_width/2., counts, align='center', width=.85*bin_width)
def fit_pdf(x, name='lognorm', color='r'):
dist = getattr(ss, name) # params = shape, loc, scale
# dist = ss.gamma # 3 params
params =, loc=0) # 1-day lag minimum for shipping
y = dist.pdf(bins, *params)*total_count*bin_width
sqerror_sum = np.log(sum(ci*(yi - ci)**2. for (ci, yi) in zip(counts, y)))
ax.plot(bins, y, color, lw=3, alpha=0.6, label='%s err=%3.2f' % (name, sqerror_sum))
return y
colors = ['r-', 'g-', 'r:', 'g:']
for name, color in zip(['exponweib', 't', 'gamma'], colors): # 'lognorm', 'erlang', 'chi2', 'weibull_min',
y = fit_pdf(x, name=name, color=color)
ax.legend(loc='best', frameon=False)
There have been a few answers to this already here and in other places. likt in Weibull distribution and the data in the same figure (with numpy and scipy)
It still took me a while to come up with a clean toy example so I though it would be useful to post.
from scipy import stats
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#input for pseudo data
N = 10000
Kappa_in = 1.8
Lambda_in = 10
a_in = 1
loc_in = 0
#Generate data from given input
data = stats.exponweib.rvs(a=a_in,c=Kappa_in, loc=loc_in, scale=Lambda_in, size = N)
#The a and loc are fixed in the fit since it is standard to assume they are known
a_out, Kappa_out, loc_out, Lambda_out =, f0=a_in,floc=loc_in)
bins = range(51)
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
ax.plot(bins, stats.exponweib.pdf(bins, a=a_out,c=Kappa_out,loc=loc_out,scale = Lambda_out))
ax.hist(data, bins = bins , density=True, alpha=0.5)
ax.annotate("Shape: $k = %.2f$ \n Scale: $\lambda = %.2f$"%(Kappa_out,Lambda_out), xy=(0.7, 0.85), xycoords=ax.transAxes)
In the meantime, there is really good package out there: reliability. Here is the documentation: reliability # readthedocs.
Your code simply becomes:
from reliability.Fitters import Fit_Weibull_2P
wb = Fit_Weibull_2P(failures=data)
Saves a lot of headaches and makes beautiful plots, too.
the order of loc and scale is messed up in the code:
plt.plot(x, weib(x, scale, loc))
the scale parameter should come first.